What services are there at the hotel? Basic and additional services in hotels


Currently, the hotel business is a highly profitable sector of the economy of any country in the world. A hotel company is an ideal accommodation option for those going on vacation and for those awaiting business meetings.

Depending on the category, the hotel enterprise is required to provide a number of additional services. However, in reality, modern hotels are enterprises that produce and sell a wide variety of services. A hotel achieves its main advantage when it effectively uses the number of rooms and offers a set of additional services that takes into account both the needs of residential clients and clients from the street.

GOAL: to identify the segment of additional services and determine the target audience using additional services

identify the most important services for hotels;

Compile a list of additional services being introduced;

Analyze services in four and five star hotels;

Identify the requirements of the target segment for the development of additional services;

Make arrangements for organizing additional services.

SUBJECT OF RESEARCH: identifying the requirements of the target segment for the development of additional services.

THE OBJECT OF THE RESEARCH is hotels, using the example of which a comparative analysis was carried out.

The RELEVANCE in this topic is due to the fact that additional services make up the third part of the hotel’s profitability, after income from the room stock and food service, and are competitive for hotels.

Expanding the range of additional services develops, complements and adjusts promising directions for the development of a hotel enterprise, taking into account the specific situation. Development of new services is a necessary condition progressive development of any hotel enterprise.

The most significant factor for hotels today is the expansion of the existing range of additional services, the presence of which demonstrates the progressive nature of the development of the hotel enterprise.

The relevance of the research topic is due to the fact that one of the main conditions for the successful development of enterprises in the hospitality industry is the availability of a wide range of additional services. That is why, firstly, there is a need to expand the existing range, and secondly, to adapt it to the consumer segment that the enterprise is focused on. Thus, increasing efficiency and creating favorable conditions for the development of the hotel business is possible only if there is a well-established technology for creating and introducing additional services.


In addition to mandatory and free services, hotels provide a whole range of various additional services that are paid additionally.

The list of additional services can be supplemented, modified and differentiated depending on the size of the hotel, its location and purpose, level of comfort and other reasons. Most often, hotels offer their guests the services of catering establishments (bar, restaurant, cafe, buffet, cocktail bar, herbal bar), grocery and souvenir shops, and vending machines.

You can spend your free time and relax in a disco, casino, nightclub, slot machine hall, video game hall, billiard room and bowling alley. For lovers of active recreation, hotels offer the services of a sauna, steam bath, massage room, and swimming pool (outdoor, indoor and children's).

Similar services also include: gyms, playgrounds, mini golf, gym, golf, basketball, volleyball, table tennis, tennis, stables, beaches on the sea, lake, river coasts, as well as equipment for water and underwater sports.

You can also visit a beauty salon, hairdresser, and also use the services of a first-aid post, a storage room, a safe in the administration and a safe in the room, a currency exchange office, a ticket booking office (airplane, train, bus, taxi, etc.), and a travel agency. and excursions, car rental, parking and parking, garage, shoe shine. At our service business people provided: meeting room, concert hall, business centers, copy machine, fax, local and international telephone. In the rooms, guests are offered additional dishes in the room, iron, TVs, refrigerators, etc.

The list and quality of paid additional services must meet the requirements of the category assigned to the hotel.

Medium and large tourist complexes (tourist hotels, full-service hotels, etc.) with an average and high level of comfort are characterized by the presence of a huge list of additional services:

Catering services (bar, restaurant, cafe, buffet, beer bar);

Shops (souvenir, grocery), vending machines;

Entertainment infrastructure (disco, casino, night club, slot machine hall, billiard room);

Excursion services, guide-translator services;

Organizing the sale of tickets to theaters, circuses, concerts, etc.;

Transport services (booking tickets for all types of transport, ordering vehicles at the request of guests, calling a taxi, car rental);

Purchase and delivery of flowers;

Sale of souvenirs, postcards and other printed materials;

Household services (shoe repair and cleaning; clothing repair and ironing; dry cleaning and laundry services; storage of things and valuables; unloading, loading and delivery of luggage to the room; rental of cultural and household items - televisions, dishes, sports equipment, etc.; watch repair, household appliances, radio equipment; hairdressing salon, manicure and massage parlors and other household services);

Beauty salon services;

Sauna, bathhouse, swimming pools, gym;

Rent of meeting rooms, conference halls;

Business center services;

Other services.

System of measures ensuring high level comfort that satisfies the various household and economic needs of guests is called service in the hotel industry.

The service must be built not only on the principle of demand (what the guest wants), but also on the principle of supply (the hotel offers new services that it can provide, and the guest chooses). But you cannot force services. In accordance with the “Rules for the provision of hotel services in the Russian Federation,” the contractor does not have the right to provide additional services provided for a fee without the consent of the consumer. The consumer has the right to refuse to pay for services not provided for in the contract. It is also prohibited to condition the performance of some services on the mandatory provision of other services.

The list of services depends on the hotel category. Not all hotels have the opportunity to organize personal services for guests and provide them with a full range of services. However, everywhere they should strive to ensure that the range of services fully meets the needs of guests.

Businesses providing services must be located in accessible location(most often on the first floor). There should be information in the lobby, on the floors, in the rooms about how and where to get services, and the opening hours should be convenient for guests.

When providing any services, staff must show tact and correctness. When providing services, not only their quantity is important, but also their quality. Therefore, in many hotels, upon departure, residents are asked to fill out small questionnaires, which are handed in along with the keys to the reception service, and then they are studied by the advertising and marketing service.

Booking services

Hotel booking services are widespread all over the world and provide all the necessary hotel services for a comfortable stay for tourists and businessmen in another city. Hotel booking is a fairly popular service today. By booking a hotel through a booking organization, the client solves several problems at once. Firstly, you don’t need to look for available hotel rooms on your own. The reservation service operators will do this work for you. Secondly, hotel reservations are guaranteed, and the client can be sure that the room will be prepared for his arrival. Thirdly, in addition to booking a hotel, you can also order a number of related services.

Registration, applications and hotel reservations are made by phone or on the reservation service website. You can also send your Application by email. An application for booking hotels does not oblige the client to anything, since by ordering a room in advance, you can pay for it a few days before departure or cancel the reservation. In order to book a hotel room, the client needs to decide in which category of hotels he would like to stay. In addition, the reservation application indicates the customer's last name, first name and patronymic, and his contact information. If the customer has wishes for additional services, comments on the choice of hotel, etc., then this must also be indicated. Also, when booking a hotel, be sure to clarify whether the price of the room offered to you is indicated including breakfast and other meals or whether it is paid separately.

According to existing rules, confirmation of a hotel room reservation by the service or reservation center occurs on the day the application is received from the client, but no later than 24 hours later. The booking confirmation must include the reservation number. If it is impossible to confirm a hotel reservation that meets the conditions of the client’s order, he is offered other accommodation options. When booking a hotel, you need to know that the estimated time for the start of service in each hotel is set independently and must be clarified when booking a room. The estimated end time for service in hotels is 12 noon. Departure later than checkout time is usually paid additionally.

There are cancellation policies for hotel booking services. These may vary depending on the requirements of the hotels. According to existing rules, in order to change a reservation or cancel it, you must inform the reservation service no later than three days before the date of expected arrival. In case of no-show or late cancellation (less than 24 hours before arrival), the client will be charged a fine (according to global hotel booking practices) in the amount of the cost of one night's stay at the hotel. Reservations can be made either in cash or by bank transfer. Clients of booking services are also provided with information about discounts, special offers and various promotions taking place in hotels.

For example, many reservation services provide their clients with discounts of 1 to 5 percent when booking a hotel online on the reservation service's website.

It is also common practice for reservation services to provide for sale offers for so-called “last minute” rooms in hotels of various price categories, and also offer rooms during periods of high hotel occupancy, when there is the greatest likelihood of unavailability.

Disputes may arise between the client and the hotel reservation service. Such issues are regulated by law Russian Federation.

For example, the client may not use the provided service in full if he terminates the use of the services early. That is, in the case when the client has booked a certain number of days and paid for his hotel accommodation, but for some reason is forced to interrupt his stay at the hotel ahead of schedule. In this case, upon a written request from the client, the hotel reservation service may refund the cost of accommodation and meals at the hotel for the unused number of days. All client claims against the hotel reservation service must be submitted in writing no later than 20 days after termination of use of the hotel services. Before using the services of hotel reservation services and centers, you must carefully read the information on the websites of these companies.

Before making a hotel reservation, the client must read the information on the conditions of booking and cancellation of the order.

Contacting services and centers that professionally deal with hotel booking will help save not only the client’s time and money, but will also eliminate unnecessary fuss and uncertainty.

Booking conditions vary from hotel to hotel. To avoid misunderstandings, these conditions should be explained in detail to clients when contacting the hotel.

The process of processing an accommodation request letter and issuing a booking confirmation is as follows:

Upon receipt of an accommodation request letter, a reservations department employee fills out the appropriate form or enters the most important data from the accommodation request letter into the room reservation log. Next, he registers the request in the hotel’s electronic reservation system and assigns a serial number to it. All bookings must be entered in computer system within 1-2 hours. Based on the entered information, a long-term hotel occupancy schedule is generated.

When registering a reservation request, special attention should be paid to the type of reservation and form of payment. For a guaranteed reservation, the application must indicate payment document details that guarantee receipt of payment for the room in the event of a guest’s no-show or late cancellation of the reservation by the client. How more information will be entered into the electronic booking system, the better and faster the process of check-in and check-out of clients will be.

A reservations department employee prepares a reservation confirmation, which includes all the necessary data. The confirmation number will be the same number under which the application for placement was registered. As a rule, hotels already have booking confirmation forms. They can be forms already included in the electronic booking system, or printed forms. Reservation confirmation must be made in the same language in which the accommodation request was made. The text of the booking confirmation largely depends on the type of booking.

For a guaranteed reservation, the guest's waiting period is indicated, after which penalties apply in the event of late cancellation of the accommodation order or non-arrival at the hotel. For non-guaranteed reservations, the time until which the guest can expect to receive the room he has reserved is indicated. As a rule, the booking confirmation text begins with a thank you for choosing this hotel.


1.Rules for the provision of hotel services in the Russian Federation

1.1 Hotel classification

1.1.1 International classification of hotels

1.1.2 Classification of hotels in the Russian Federation

1.2 Hotel services

Administrative Service;

Commercial service;

Technical Services;

2. Basic and additional hotel services

2.2 Catering




In conditions of market relations and especially in the transition period to the market, tourism is one of the dynamic sectors of the economy. The high pace of its development and large volumes of foreign exchange earnings actively influence various sectors of the economy, which contributes to the formation of its own tourism industry. The tourism sector accounts for 6% of the world's gross national product, 7% of global investment, and every 16th job. The tourism business is developing in Russia at a fast pace. And now, during the transition to a market economy, it is very important to apply modern management methods.

At the moment, there is a lot of literature on this topic by foreign authors, and Western countries have accumulated vast, many years of experience in managing hotel enterprises. But due to the fact that the hospitality industry in Russia operates in specific conditions, today there are not very many monographs by domestic authors on the research problem, in which one could find proposals for creating a Russian system that meets our Russian realities. Studying foreign experience The work of hospitality industry enterprises certainly plays a big role in improving the quality of guest service. It is very difficult to demand high quality customer service from service personnel if they have a vague idea of ​​what requirements visitors have for the level of modern service.

The purpose of writing this course work is to consider and study the problems of service quality in the management of a hotel enterprise. Relevance this study is determined by the need in the current conditions of transition to market relations to find better management solutions and improve management in the hospitality industry. Consideration of factors influencing the quality of hotel services is aimed at increasing the level of service and efficiency of production of hotel services. The development of market relations causes the emergence of new tasks, which necessitates improved management. It is important for hotel managers to understand the need to constantly improve service quality management, pay attention to its expansion, reconstruction of premises, introduction of the latest technologies, etc.

In accordance with the stated goal, the following tasks are solved in this work:

definition of the concept of quality in the hospitality industry;

detailed consideration of factors influencing the quality of hotel services;

The subject of the study is……..

1.Rules for the provision of hotel services in the Russian Federation

Approved by decree of the Government of the Russian Federation

I. General provisions

1. These Rules have been developed in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation “On the Protection of Consumer Rights” (Gazette of the Congress of People's Deputies of the Russian Federation and the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation, 1992, No. 15, Art. 766; Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1996, No. 3, Art. . 140) and regulate relations in the field of providing hotel services (hereinafter referred to as services).

2. The basic concepts used in these Rules mean:

"hotel" - a property complex (building, part of a building, equipment and other property) intended for the provision of services;

“consumer” is a citizen who intends to order or orders and uses services exclusively for personal (household) needs;

“performer” is an organization, regardless of its form of ownership, as well as an individual entrepreneur providing services to consumers under a paid contract.

II. Information about services, procedures for registering a hotel stay and paying for services

3. The Contractor is obliged to bring to the attention of the consumer his company name (title), location (legal address) and operating hours. The contractor places the specified information on the sign.

The contractor - an individual entrepreneur must provide the consumer with information about his state registration and the name of the body that registered him.

4. The Contractor is obliged to promptly provide the consumer with the necessary and reliable information about the services, ensuring the possibility of their correct choice.

The information is placed in the room intended for registration of residence, in a place convenient for viewing and must include:

these Rules;

information about the performer and his contact phone number;

certificate of assignment to the hotel of the appropriate category, if the category was assigned;

information about the certification of services subject to mandatory certification (certificate number, its validity period, information about the body that issued it);

information about the license number, its validity period, the authority that issued the license, if this type of activity is subject to licensing;

extracts from the state standard establishing requirements in the field of service provision;

price of rooms (places in the room);

list of services included in the price of the room (places in the room);

list and price of additional services provided for an additional fee;

information about the form and procedure for payment for services;

maximum period of stay in a hotel, if it is established by the contractor;

procedure for staying at the hotel;

information about the operation of public catering, trade, communications, consumer services, etc. enterprises located in the hotel;

information about the consumer rights protection body at the local administration, if such a body exists;

information about the parent organization.

The Contractor is obliged to ensure that each room contains information about the rules of accommodation in the hotel, fire safety rules and rules for the use of electrical appliances.

This information must be brought to the attention of consumers in Russian and additionally, at the discretion of the contractor, in the state languages ​​of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and the native languages ​​of the peoples of the Russian Federation.

5. The Contractor is obliged to ensure the provision of benefits when providing services to those categories of citizens for whom such benefits are provided for by laws and other regulatory legal acts.

6. The Contractor has the right to enter into an agreement for the reservation of places in a hotel by drawing up a document signed by both parties, as well as by accepting an application for reservation through postal, telephone and other communications that make it possible to reliably establish that the application comes from the consumer.

If the consumer is late, he will be charged, in addition to the reservation fee, also a fee for the actual downtime of the room (space in the room), but not more than one day. If you are late by more than a day, the reservation will be cancelled. If the consumer refuses to pay for the reservation, his/her accommodation at the hotel is made on a first-come, first-served basis.

7. The contractor - a commercial organization is obliged to conclude an agreement with the consumer for the provision of services, except in cases where there is no possibility of providing services, including if the constituent documents of the contractor or a civil contract concluded with him provide for the obligation of the contractor in a certain order to provide services to the relevant categories of persons.

8. An agreement for the provision of services is concluded upon presentation by the consumer of a passport or military ID, identity card, or other document drawn up in the prescribed manner and confirming the identity of the consumer.

When registering a stay in a hotel, the contractor issues a receipt (coupon) or other document confirming the conclusion of an agreement for the provision of services, which must contain:

performer's name (for individual entrepreneurs- last name, first name, patronymic, information about state registration);

last name, first name, patronymic of the consumer;

information about the room provided (place in the room);

price of the room (places in the room);

other necessary data at the discretion of the contractor.

9. The Contractor has the right to set a maximum period of stay in a hotel, the same for all consumers.

10. The Contractor must provide round-the-clock registration of consumers arriving at and departing from the hotel.

11. The Contractor does not have the right to provide additional services provided for a fee without the consent of the consumer. The consumer has the right to refuse to pay for services not provided for in the contract.

It is prohibited to condition the performance of some services on the mandatory provision of other services.

12. The price of the room (place in the room), as well as the procedure and form of payment are established by the contractor.

The contractor may set a daily or hourly rate for accommodation.

The Contractor determines the list of services that are included in the price of the room (place in the room).

13. Payment for hotel accommodation is charged in accordance with a single checkout time - from 12 noon of the current day, local time.

When placing before check-out time (from 0 to 12 o'clock) no payment for accommodation will be charged.

In case of delay in the consumer's departure, the accommodation fee will be charged in the following order:

no more than 6 hours after checkout time - hourly payment;

from 6 to 12 hours after checkout time - payment for half a day;

from 12 to 24 hours after checkout time - payment for a full day (if there is no hourly payment).

When staying no more than a day (24 hours), the fee is charged per day, regardless of the check-out time.

The Contractor, taking into account local conditions, has the right to change the single checkout hour.

III. Procedure for providing services

14. The quality of the services provided must comply with the terms of the contract, and in the absence or incompleteness of the terms of the contract, the requirements usually imposed on these services.

If regulatory legal acts provide for mandatory requirements for services, the quality of the services provided must meet these requirements.

The material and technical support of the hotel, the list and quality of services provided must meet the requirements of the category assigned to it.

15. The Contractor is obliged to provide the consumer without additional payment with the following types of services:

calling an ambulance;

using a first aid kit;

delivery to the correspondence number upon receipt;

wake-up call at a certain time;

provision of boiling water, needles, threads, one set of dishes and cutlery.

16. The procedure for staying at the hotel is established by the contractor.

17. The contractor, in accordance with Article 925 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, is responsible for the safety of the consumer’s belongings.

If forgotten items are discovered, the contractor is obliged to immediately notify the owner of the items. If the person who has the right to demand the forgotten item or his place of stay is not known, the executor is obliged to report the find to the police or local government body.

18. In catering, communications and consumer services organizations located in a hotel, persons staying in the hotel are served out of turn.

19. The consumer is obliged to comply with the rules of residence and fire safety rules established by the contractor.

20. The consumer has the right to refuse to fulfill the contract for the provision of services, as well as additional services, subject to payment to the contractor for the expenses actually incurred by him.

IV. Responsibility of the contractor and the consumer for the provision of services

21. When discovering deficiencies in the service provided, the consumer has the right, at his own discretion, to demand:

free elimination of deficiencies;

a corresponding reduction in the price for the service provided.

The consumer has the right to terminate the contract for the provision of services and demand full compensation for losses if the contractor does not eliminate these shortcomings within the prescribed period.

The consumer also has the right to terminate the contract if he discovers significant deficiencies in the service provided or other deviations from the terms of the contract.

The Contractor must eliminate the shortcomings of the service provided within an hour from the moment the consumer submits the corresponding demand.

Consumer demands for a reduction in the price of the service provided, as well as for compensation for losses caused by termination of the contract for the provision of services, must be satisfied within 10 days from the date of presentation of the corresponding demand.

The consumer also has the right to demand full compensation for losses caused to him in connection with the lack of services provided. Losses are compensated within the time limits established to satisfy the relevant consumer requirements.

22. For violation of the deadlines for satisfying individual consumer requirements, the contractor pays the consumer for each hour (day, if the period is defined in days) of delay a penalty (penalty) in the amount of 3% of the daily price of the room (place in the room) or the price of an individual service, if it can be determined .

23. For violation of the deadline for the start of the provision of services under an agreement for the reservation of hotel rooms, the contractor pays the consumer a penalty (penalty) in the amount of 3% of the daily price of the reserved rooms for each day of delay.

24. The Contractor, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, is responsible for damage caused to the life, health or property of the consumer due to deficiencies in the provision of services, and also compensates for moral damage caused to the consumer by violation of consumer rights.

25. In the event of a violation by the contractor of these Rules, the protection of consumer rights provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation is carried out in the manner established by the Law of the Russian Federation “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”.

26. The consumer, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, compensates for damage in the event of payment or damage to hotel property, and is also responsible for other violations.

27. Control over compliance with these Rules is carried out by the State Antimonopoly Committee of the Russian Federation (its territorial bodies), other federal executive authorities (their territorial bodies) and sanitary and epidemiological supervision bodies within their competence.

1.1 Hotel classification

1.1.1 International classification of hotels

In addition to the hotel classifications listed above, other classification systems are also used, of which there are more than thirty today.

The most common classifications are: the star system, used in France, Austria, Hungary, Egypt, China and a number of other countries; letter system used in Greece; the “crown” system characteristic of Great Britain; discharge system and others.

Currently, the most common classification system in the world is the French National System. It establishes six categories for tourist hotels, among which five are assigned a certain number of stars (1*, 2*, 3*, 4*L, 5*). Minimum requirements for assignment to one of the categories:

Number of rooms;

Common areas;

Hotel equipment;

Comfort of housing;


Accessibility for people with disabilities and limited mobility.

According to the type of French classification in European countries, the German classification is distinguished, according to which hotel enterprises are divided into 5 classes. Tourist class – 1*; standard class - 2**; comfort class - 3***; first class – 4****; luxury – 5*****.

In addition to traditional stars, there are systems of “letters” and “crowns”. In Greece, the letter classification system is popular, although familiar stars can also be seen on hotel facades. All Greek hotels are divided into four categories: A, B, C, D. Hotels in category A correspond to a four-star level, B to a three-star level, C to a two-star level. Hotels of the highest category in Greece are often awarded the “de Luxe” category.

The classification of English hotels is quite complex. As a rule, the facades of hotels depict crowns rather than stars. To transfer a hotel category from the “language of crowns” to “star”, you need to subtract one from the total number of crowns.

But the classification proposed by the Association of British Travel Agencies is considered the most correct:

Budget hotels (1 star) are located in the central part of the city and have a minimum of amenities;

Tourist class hotels (2 stars) have a bar and restaurant;

Middle class hotels (3 stars) have a fairly high level of service;

First class hotels (4 stars) offer a very high quality of accommodation and an excellent level of service;

The classification of Italian hotels is quite confusing; there is no official “star” scale in the country. According to the standards adopted in Italy, hotels are classified into three categories: the first category can be conditionally classified as four-star; the second category - to three-star, the third category - to two-star.

In Spain there is also a gradation of accommodation facilities by category:

Hotel-type houses, bungalows, apartments, etc. - from 1 to 4 stars;

Inns – from 1 to 3 stars;

In addition, in Spain there are state-owned enterprises for receiving tourists, subordinate to the State Ministry of Tourism. These include old fortresses, castles, palaces, which are equipped as luxury hotels.

Thus, each country has its own classification of hotels and hotels belonging to the same category, but located in different countries, have significant differences.

Due to the fact that the practical part of our study is devoted to Russian hotels, we considered it necessary to consider in more detail the features of the classification of hotels in the Russian Federation.

1.1.2 Classification of hotels in the Russian Federation

In Russia, until 1994, the classification of hotels was carried out in accordance with the “Regulations on the classification of hotels into categories and hotel rooms into categories.” This “Regulation” applied to all hotels and motels, regardless of their departmental subordination, and assumed the division of hotels into seven categories: “Lux”, “Higher A”, “Higher B”, 1, 2, 3, 4; motels - into five categories: “Higher A”, “Higher B”, 1, 2, 3. There were five categories for rooms: highest, 1, 2, 3, 4.

In 1994, the Russian Federation developed “Regulations on criteria for the classification of hotels”, “Criteria for classification requirements for hotels (motels) of the Russian Federation”, and also adopted GOST R 50645-94 “Tourist and excursion services. Classification of Hotels”, according to which all hotels are divided into five categories, assigned from 1 to 5 stars, motels into four categories, assigned from 1 to 4 stars.

Minimum requirements for hotels (motels) of various categories: building and surrounding area; technical equipment; number of rooms; technical equipment; equipping with furniture and equipment; inventory and sanitary and hygienic equipment for the room; sanitary facilities public use; public areas; premises for providing food services; various services and food services; requirements for personnel and their training.

According to forms of ownership and management organization, hotel enterprises of the Russian Federation are divided into the following classification groups: municipal enterprises, which are the property of the city; joint stock companies; joint ventures with foreign capital; departmental hotels; private hotels; hotels owned by public organizations.

Despite the different classifications, service throughout the world must comply with the declared category. Journalists from an online periodical reveal their star service as follows:

One star hotel . Travel companies Almost no such hotels offer accommodation; mostly independent travelers stay in them. Such hotels are usually located on the outskirts, or near the center, but in an unattractive place. As a rule, this is a very small hotel, with 6-10 rooms, served by one family. Meals are not provided here; entry after 1 am is prohibited. The small room has two beds, a bedside table and a chair.

Two star hotel. Such hotels have more amenities. Travel agencies offer accommodation in such hotels most often on excursion routes, when tourists only need bed and breakfast. The furnishings in the room are a bed, a table, a chair, possibly a sink. Sometimes the two-star level implies the presence of amenities in the form of a shower and a TV, for which you have to pay for the remote control. There are no restrictions on entry at night. Breakfast is usually provided.

Three star hotel. Hotels close to the three-star category are the best choice for most regular travelers. This is the most common type of hotel all over the world. The room of such a hotel should have all the amenities: telephone, TV, possibly a minibar. The rooms are single and double, both with one large bed and with separate beds. There are triple rooms for parents with a child: usually a double room with an extra bed or a folding sofa. Hotel service various countries the world can differ significantly from each other. For example, in Europe, a three-star hotel has fewer services than Greek three-star hotels. They have certain patterns: usually, the higher the comfort and the more additional services provided, the farther the hotel is located from the center.

Four star hotel. These are hotels with a high level of service, designed for people whose earnings are average or above average by European standards. The four-star hotel is distinguished by increased level comfort and good location, it can be located in the city center or on the first line of the beach. There must be a guarded parking lot. Large hotels have their own taxis and minibuses. This category includes many additional free services, the opportunity to use gyms, courts and swimming pools and various hotel shows, such as discos. In a four-star hotel, the room is furnished like a regular living room, with standard appliances. Color TV with remote control, refrigerator, minibar, air conditioning, security system, mini-safe, and a telephone with intercity access is required. Some hotels provide a heat press for ironing and have a remote light control system. In such hotels you can book both a standard single or double room, as well as rooms with an improved layout, which includes not only a bedroom, but also a living room or kitchen.

Five star hotel is a city with all the infrastructure necessary for life. The hotels have several restaurants (with European and national cuisine), bars, a nightclub and shops. As well as hairdressers and laundries, fitness and business centers, swimming pools and beauty salons. The rooms are very different: from single rooms with one bed to multi-room apartments. The most modest room in a five-star hotel is a single room with one double bed. Next come the doubles, they come in two varieties: with two beds or with one large bed. Higher in rank is the double room, which can be two floors, usually with a bedroom or bedrooms above. There are bunk rooms, including 2-3 bedrooms, a couple of living rooms and offices, and rooms for servants or security. These are already royal. For business people, some five-star hotels have business rooms - with multi-line telephone, computer, fax and meeting room. Any room in a five-star hotel should have a full set of necessary cosmetics in the bathroom, slippers in front of the bed, a minibar, telephone, color TV, air conditioning and other luxuries that make life easier.

Regardless of how many “stars” this or that hotel has, it provides guests with both basic and additional services, which in one way or another also determine its “star rating”.

1.2 Hotel services

To carry out the process of serving tourists, the hotel must provide a minimum set of the following basic services to ensure the provision of basic hotel services:

Room management service;

Administrative Service;

Catering service;

Commercial service;

Technical Services;

Auxiliary and additional services.

Room management service

The room management service deals with issues related to booking rooms, receiving tourists arriving at the hotel, registering them and placing them in rooms, as well as sending them home or to next point the travel route after the end of the tour, provides room service to tourists, maintains the necessary sanitary and hygienic condition of the rooms and the level of comfort in the living quarters, and provides household services to guests.

The service includes a director or manager for the operation of rooms, a reception service, a maid service, a joint service service (doormen, bellhops, cloakroom attendants, garage attendants), a receptionist service, a concierge service, a bell service, a housekeeping inspector, and a security service. .

The first impression a guest receives from a hotel complex depends on the reception service. The task of the head of this service is to control the entire process of receiving and accommodating guests, skillfully resolving conflicts that may affect the prestige of the hotel.

This service deals with issues related to the reception of guests arriving at the hotel, their registration and placement in rooms, the provision of various services, sending them home, and of course, booking rooms. Hotel management is always faced with the problem of taking the risk of double booking or being left with underutilized rooms. Therefore, the role of the reservation service cannot be underestimated.

The reservations department must constantly monitor the market, collecting reservations and recording any increase in demand that the hotel could use, increasing the cost of accommodation and giving the business more income. Rooms that are not pre-booked are transferred for direct sale to the accommodation service, which must place guests in these rooms at a higher price.

The receptionist service exercises control over the hotel's room stock, maintaining a card index of room occupancy and availability, and performs the functions of an information center. Information through the receptionist service moves in two directions: to guests (if we're talking about about informing about the types of services provided by the hotel, about local attractions, about the work of public transport, etc.) and to various departments of the hotel enterprise (about the needs of the client).

The maid service in most cases is the most functionally significant department when it comes to receiving hotel accommodation services, since this department is responsible for cleaning rooms, halls, corridors, etc. internal premises in which reception and customer service are carried out.

The person in charge of the maid service is responsible for the work of the staff to maintain cleanliness and order in the residential and office premises of the hotel. The senior maid receives the task and distributes its implementation among subordinates, while simultaneously performing administrative functions assigned to her by the executive director.

The security service performs the functions of maintaining order and security in the hotel complex, since the hotel is responsible for providing reasonable security to its customers. In this case, the enterprise can entrust the performance of these duties either to its own service or to involve a third-party organization.

Administrative service

The administrative service is responsible for organizing the management of all services of the hotel complex, decides financial matters, staffing issues, is engaged in creating and maintaining the necessary working conditions for hotel staff, monitors compliance with established norms and rules on labor protection, safety, fire and environmental safety.

The service includes a secretariat, a financial service, a personnel service, an ecologist, and fire and safety inspectors.

The financial service resolves issues of financial support for the enterprise, receives reports from the cashiers of each outlet of the enterprise, including the food service, the receptionist service, souvenir kiosks and sports complexes, if any. The financial service maintains unified financial accounting for the enterprise (that is, income from retail outlets, accounting for expenses and income, conducting operations to record paid working hours, bonuses paid, as well as tips received by individual employees).

The personnel service resolves issues of selection, placement and advanced training of personnel. The responsibilities of this unit include maintaining the personal affairs of all hotel employees.

The secretariat deals with issues of documentation and information support for the activities of the hotel complex.

Catering service

The catering service provides service to guests of the enterprise in restaurants, cafes or hotel bars, resolves issues regarding the organization and servicing of banquets, presentations, etc.

Catering units, including restaurant(s), bars, cafes, banqueting services, as well as a catering unit (kitchen), provide guests with food services.

The head of the catering service draws up a menu, ensures the delivery of the necessary raw materials, distributes service personnel to areas, controls the quality of finished products and service, while maintaining a reasonable economy regime.

Each department in the service has its own head, including a room service manager.

A restaurant as a catering division serves guests according to a menu, which is the basis of any restaurant concept, regardless of what type of food establishment it is. The professionalism of head waiters and waiters who are in direct contact with clients plays a big role in this.

Buffet or bar service consists mainly of providing clients with alcoholic beverages. Bars may also prepare drinks for consumption in the restaurant. This type of bar is called a service bar.

The kitchen is the production center. Orders for the production of specific products come from the restaurant from the waiters (based on the menu compiled and offered to customers), as well as from the banquet hall, which operates on a pre-order basis. Cooks prepare the necessary dishes, and the main responsibility of management in this sector is only to control the price and quality of the final product.

Commercial service

The commercial service deals with operational and strategic planning. Analyzes the results of economic and financial activities.

The commercial service is headed by a commercial director, who oversees the work of this department and the organization of banquet services. In the case of a commercial personal service service, each employee has the right to control certain geographical zones, of interest to the enterprise.

Representatives of the commercial department (marketing department) are largely engaged in establishing contacts with the organizers of congress events, negotiating the future use of hotel rooms, discussing the use of premises for meetings, ascertaining the needs of certain groups of clients, maintaining contacts with the relevant service departments .

Technical Services

Engineering services create conditions for the operation of air conditioning systems, heat supply, sanitary equipment, electrical devices, repair and construction services, television and communication systems.

The service includes chief engineer, maintenance service, landscaping service, communication service.

The maintenance service carries out preventive and current repairs not only of the hotel room stock and the equipment installed in it, but also of the entire hotel enterprise.

Auxiliary and additional services

Support services ensure the operation of the hotel complex, offering laundry, tailoring, linen services, cleaning services, printing services, warehouse services, etc.

Additional services provide paid services. They include a hairdresser, swimming pool, sauna, solarium, sports facilities and other units.

2.2 Basic and additional hotel services

Services provided in hotels are divided into basic and additional. They can be free or paid.

The main services include: accommodation and food in accordance with the “Rules for the provision of hotel services”.

The following services can be provided to guests at no additional charge: calling an ambulance; using a first aid kit; delivery to the correspondence number upon receipt; wake-up at a certain time; provision of boiling water, needles, threads, one set of dishes and cutlery.

The list and quality of paid additional services must meet the requirements of the category assigned to the hotel.

The most common: excursion services; ordering the services of guide-translators; organizing the sale of tickets for all types of transport; organizing the sale of tickets to theaters, circuses, concerts, etc.; ordering vehicles at the request of guests; calling a taxi; car rental; ordering seats in city restaurants; purchase and delivery of flowers; sale of souvenirs, postcards and other printed materials; shoe repair; repair and ironing of clothes; washing and dry cleaning of clothes; use of the sauna; hairdressing services; services of buffets, bars and restaurants; rent of a conference room, meeting rooms; business center services.

When providing services, not only their quantity is important, but also their quality. Therefore, in many hotels, residents are asked to fill out small questionnaires upon departure.

Completed forms are usually handed in along with the keys to the reception service, and then they are examined by the marketing and advertising service.

The hotel administration analyzes the shortcomings identified in the work of individual services and takes measures to eliminate them.

Household services are aimed at meeting the needs of guests that arise during their stay at the hotel.

A system of measures that ensure a high level of comfort and satisfy the various household and economic needs of guests is called service in the hotel industry.

The service can be very different - from fast and professional registration by the reception service to the flawless operation of plumbing equipment. Each link in the service chain is important.

When providing any services, staff must show tact and correctness. The service must be built not only on the principle of demand (what the guest wants), but also on the principle of supply (the hotel offers more and more new services that it can provide, and the guest chooses whether he needs it or not). But you cannot force services (maybe the guest does not need what is being imposed on him, and therefore does not want to pay more).

The list of services depends on the hotel category. Not all hotels have the opportunity to organize personal services for guests and provide them with a full range of services. But everywhere they should strive to ensure that the range of services fully meets the needs of guests.

All work on organizing services must be well thought out and organized. Businesses providing services must be located in an accessible location (usually on the ground floor). There should be information in the lobby, on the floors, in the rooms about how and where to get services, and the opening hours should be convenient for guests.

Household services include the following:

Urgent laundry and dry cleaning, repairs and ironing of personal items (in the room, in the folder with advertising, there are order forms for washing and cleaning clothes. There are also instructions on how to hand over clothes for washing: if a guest wants to hand over clothes for washing or cleaning, he must put it in a bag and hang a special sign on the door handle of the room or tell the floor attendant about it). This service can be provided in a hotel that has a laundry service. In hotels of a lower category, you can rent an iron. The guest irons himself in his room or in a special room where there is an ironing board. Many hotels have shoe repair shops. In the lobbies of upscale hotels there are shoe shine machines. The rooms have brushes for cleaning shoes and clothes. To store things and valuables, hotels provide storage rooms and safes in the rooms or at the reception desk. The hotel organizes unloading, loading and delivery of luggage to the room by bellhops, who are paid for in tips. Tips also pay for food delivery to your room. For a rental fee, the hotel can provide the guest with a TV, dishes, sports equipment, etc., make minor repairs to watches, electric shavers, radio, film, and photographic equipment; photographic works.

2.1 Catering

Food is one of the main services in tourism service technology. Three main forms of service can be distinguished: food paid for by the guest; meals not included in the room rate; meals provided for an additional fee.

In our opinion, it is paid meals that require a more detailed explanation, since, in turn, this form of providing food services to hotel clients is divided into unique subtypes. Namely: full board, half board and breakfast only.

If meals are not included in the room rate, you must pay extra for it. With this form of nutrition, customers choose dishes from the menu at will. There are different types of menus so that the client always has a choice when receiving a service such as food.

Depending on the number of guests served, categories and equipment, catering establishments use different types of service. The most common:

1. French service - this type of service is common in fine dining restaurants, where it emphasizes a high level of comfort. A large dish with food laid out on it is shown to the guest. Approaching from the left side, the waiter serves the food.

Such maintenance requires a whole team of service personnel.

2. English service – (service from a side table). In this method of serving, the waiter places the guest's plate on a side table, then serves it to the guest from the right side.

3. American service - food is prepared and plated directly in the kitchen. The waiters serve and place plates to the guests.

4. German service - food is laid out on a large dish and placed on the table at an accessible distance from the guest. Then the guest serves himself.

5. Russian service - food is served on a serving platter. For all types of service, service is carried out by waiters.

The tourism industry is characterized by such types of food establishments as restaurants, cafes, and bars.

When organizing meals for tourists, various service methods are used: “a la carte”, “a desk”, “table d’hote”, buffet.

When using the “a la carte” method, guests choose what they like best from the food and drink menu. The order is transferred to the kitchen and cooking begins immediately.

“A part.” With this method of service, guests, having previously made an order, are served within a set period of time. Very common in holiday homes and resort hotels.

"Table d'hote." Guests are served at the same time and according to the same menu.

The buffet presents a wide selection of dishes with free access: you can take whatever you want in the desired quantity from what is offered and displayed.

Catering establishments offer tourists a variety of additional services: organizing celebrations, meals in the room, service on the floor, mini-bars in the room, etc.

Tourists are provided with meals not only at their destinations, but also during travel by air, water, and rail.


Structural changes in the tourism accommodation market, stagnation of production in the hotel industry throughout the 90s. have necessitated the search for a new market strategy for enterprises in this sector.

Based on this study, we can conclude that the following trends have emerged in the marketing strategy of hotel industry enterprises:

specialization of supply, search for “free niches” of the market;

diversification of services offered;

service conceptualization;

individualization of service;

The factors that determine the trend of specialization of the hotel industry offer include: expansion social base tourism demand, strengthening the individualization of tourists' needs. The hotel of the future is a specialized hotel. In relation to the sector of additional accommodation facilities as a whole, the hotel industry is developing in the direction of increasing the standard of quality of service, while non-traditional facilities remain the most suitable for family holidays and family tourism. Thus, additional accommodation facilities are likely to displace and replace hotels of lower service categories.

Along with the specialization of the offer in the hotel industry, the tendency towards its diversification stands out clearly. It is due to the individualization of demand, the increasing importance of active recreation, and the growing consumer demands for the quality of services.

Specialization and diversification of offers in the hotel industry are inextricably linked and complement each other. The search for “market niches” and the concentration of offers on a separate segment of tourism demand, expanding the range of services, including those previously considered non-traditional in the hotel industry, should be carried out within the framework of a single concept for this particular enterprise, and all components should be subordinate to the main idea his life activity.


1. Rules for the provision of hotel services in the Russian Federation

3. Gulyaev V.G. "Organization of tourism activities." Textbook., M., "Knowledge", 1996.

4. Tourism: evolution, structure, marketing. M.: “Axis - 89”, 1997.

5. Economics of modern tourism. – St. Petersburg: “Gerda”, 1998.

6. Hotel business: a textbook for university students studying in service specialties (230000) / S. Medlik, H. Ingram (translated from English - A.V. Pavl) - M.: Yuni-dana, 2005 (series "Foreign textbook")

7. Organization of services in hotels and tourist complexes: Textbook-M: Alpha-M; INFRA-M, 2006. - (service series)

8. Senin V.S. Denisenko A.V.

9. Hotel business: classification of hotels and other accommodation facilities: textbook. Benefit. - M.: finance and statistics, 2004.

10. Hotel associations: dynamics of their development. Hospitality industry. Tourism: No. 1, 1998, Practice, problems, prospects.

12.Hotel www.ufontana.com

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assortment sales consumer hotel

Currently, the hotel business is a highly profitable sector of the economy of any country in the world. A hotel company is an ideal accommodation option for those going on vacation and for those awaiting business meetings.

Depending on the category, the hotel enterprise is required to provide a number of additional services. However, in reality, modern hotels are enterprises that produce and sell a wide variety of services. If the hotel company continues to receive income only through accommodation, the hotel may face a crisis. A hotel achieves its main advantage when it effectively uses its room capacity and offers a range of additional services that takes into account both the needs of its guests and clients.

Expanding the range of additional services develops, complements and adjusts promising directions for the development of a hotel enterprise, taking into account the specific situation. The development of new services is a necessary condition for the progressive development of any hotel enterprise. In modern conditions, when the hotel services market has developed and is functioning, which is divided into segments and there is fierce competition within each segment, in order to maintain competitiveness it is necessary to continuously develop. Continuous development involves the introduction of new services, the closure of old ones, and the modernization of existing services.

The most significant factor for hotels today is the expansion of the existing range of additional services, the presence of which demonstrates the progressive nature of the development of the hotel enterprise. Practice shows that expanding the range of services is a process that involves the analysis of a huge number of factors and requires certain funds for its implementation, which excludes the spontaneous nature of this process and presupposes the presence in the hotel of a management mechanism for the continuous development of the enterprise.

Purpose of the work: development of additional and related services in accommodation facilities to attract customers.

The object of this work is the Polet Hotel.

The subject of the work is a complex of additional services in the hotel.

Coursework objectives:

1) analyze the services provided by hotels

2) conduct an analysis of the organization of additional and related services to attract customers at the Polet Hotel.

The relevance of the research topic is due to the fact that one of the main conditions for the successful development of enterprises in the hospitality industry is the availability of a wide range of additional services.

1. The role and importance of the range of services in accommodation facilities

1.1 Characteristics and classification of services provided to clients in accommodation facilities

A hotel is a commercial enterprise that produces and offers its “product” on the market, a product in the form of a set of services, among which the main ones are accommodation services and food services.

When considering hotel services as a product, Sorokina A.V. proposes to distinguish three levels of services

Individual services and groups of services;

Product “hotel” as a set of services;

The “hotel” product as a set of services plus additional services.

The hospitality industry is complex and complex. professional activity people whose efforts are aimed at meeting the diverse needs of both visiting clients and guests, as well as local residents

The hotel includes a range of services: reception and accommodation, meals, laundry, ticket booking, health services, conference organization, etc.

In this regard, it can be argued that the system-forming category in the work activities of hotel business workers is the concept of “service”.

A hotel is not only a room with a bedroom and a bathroom, it is, first of all, a service, the whole experience of staying in a hotel.

Hotel services are an extraordinary product. You actually have to deal with real estate. The hotel room cannot be moved from place to place during the sale. After all, in reality, it is not the room itself that is sold, but the right to occupy it for a certain time. In most situations typical of the hospitality industry, offering a service requires the presence of both the one providing it and the one to whom it is being provided.

Another aspect of hotel activity is that not only employees, but also clients must know the mandatory conditions under which the service can be provided. Managers organizing hotel services must manage not only employees, but also clients. This specificity of services in the hospitality industry is expressed in the inseparability of the source and object of the service.

The peculiarity of a hotel service is that it cannot be stored and accumulated in order to be offered later (for example, a single room unused today cannot be offered for two overnight stays the next night). Without the ability to store and accumulate the results of operational activities, hotels in their work depend on current demand, which determines the constant work to provide services regardless of time, that is, they must work continuously.

Thus, a service is the result of direct interaction between the performer and the consumer, as well as the performer’s own activities to satisfy the consumer’s needs.

The concept of “service” has a universal meaning, it is intangible and cannot be stored, a service cannot be measured, it can only be assessed.

Hotel rooms are the main element of the accommodation service - multifunctional premises designed for relaxation, sleep, and work of staying guests.

Since hotel rooms are used by guests mainly in the evening and at night, their most important function is to provide the opportunity to sleep. The significance of other functions primarily depends on the purpose of the hotel and the needs of the guests. For example, in business hotels, the function of rooms is very important, such as providing the guest with the opportunity to work, i.e. a desk, telephone, fax, computer, etc. are needed here.

According to requirements regulatory documents(GOST R 51185-2008, Rules for the provision of hotel services) hotels have various categories of rooms, differing in area, furniture, equipment, equipment, etc. Regardless of category, each hotel room must have the following furniture and equipment.


Chair or armchair for one seat;

Night table or nightstand for one bed;


General lighting;

Recycle bin.

Each room should have hotel information and an evacuation plan in case of fire.

Guest catering services consist of a combination of the following processes:

Production (cooking in the kitchen);

Trading (sale of ready-to-eat products, alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks);

Service (serving guests by waiters in a restaurant, bar, cafe, hotel rooms).

Additional or other services include the offer of a swimming pool, gym, conference room, meeting rooms, car rental, dry cleaning services, needle thread, laundry, hairdresser, massage room, etc. Currently, additional services are becoming increasingly important in the formation market attractiveness of the hotel enterprise.

Thus, to summarize, we can say that a hotel service does not have a ready-made, complete form; it is formed during the service with close interaction between the performer and the consumer.

1.2 The influence of additional and related services on the occupancy of rooms in accommodation facilities

Additional services are an indispensable component of the activities of any hotel. The determining factor for increasing the quantity and improving the quality of additional services is the orientation of the hotel enterprise towards a particular category of guests. In other words, their quantity and quality are directly related to the degree of demand and can be completely different. Thus, the key concepts within which any additional services exist can be considered justification and expediency.

Favorable development of this area of ​​the hotel’s activities is impossible without a successful combination of external and internal conditions, available resources that have a direct impact on the daily operation of the hotel, and competent management of this area of ​​work.

It is noteworthy that financial issues are not always in the foreground when organizing and developing additional services. In the system of additional services, like in no other part of the hotel business, non-standard approaches to solving many issues are in demand. This gives the hotel, albeit a small, but real opportunity to stand out from its competitors.

However, the hotel is a commercial organization. Accordingly, the main purpose of its existence is to make a profit. Hotel profit primarily depends on hotel occupancy. Let's consider how additional services can affect this indicator.

A standard set of services, limited to accommodation and meals, does not give the hotel company any special competitive advantages. Therefore, in pursuit of profit, hotels are coming up with more and more new ways to satisfy their customers.

Income is the main motivating factor in organizing additional services.

For example, it probably doesn’t make sense for the Kazan Volga Hotel to build a helipad near its building, since it doesn’t have to count on guests who can afford to travel by helicopter. But the famous Dubai hotel Burj Al Arab uses this type of air transport to transport VIPs.

The next important factor influencing the availability of certain hotel services is the functional purpose of the hotel.

According to experts, as a rule, the ratio of an accommodation facility’s income from basic and additional services is 60/40%.

However, in resort hotels the situation is the opposite: the hotel receives 40% of its income from the sale of rooms and 60% earns from additional services.

In this regard, to increase occupancy, the infrastructure of a number of resort hotels may include swimming pools, water slides, bowling alleys, tennis courts, sports grounds, stadiums, spa complexes, etc. In addition, when creating services, the needs of guests of all ages are taken into account. Resort hotels can have a large number of interest clubs: master classes from a chef or spa specialists, a paintball club, a cigar club, an art school, etc.

The entertainment infrastructure of resort hotels is designed primarily for residents. As a rule, there are few “outside” guests on hotel premises.

The nature and breadth of additional services is closely related to the average number of nights a guest spends at the hotel. Business hotels are designed for business tourists and business travelers who usually stay for 2-3 days (or even less). For this reason, the range of services in such hotels is limited. As the experience of international business hotels shows, the following are becoming the most popular:

Free parking;

Access to Wi-Fi throughout the entire hotel;

Small fitness center;

Conference rooms and meeting rooms.

The length of stay in resort or sports hotels (as well as sanatoriums) is associated with a long summer vacation or treatment (prevention). This significantly increases the length of stay (more than 10 days). Hence, the list of additional services becomes more diverse.

Moreover, the availability of additional services allows resort hotels to compensate for the difference between high and low seasons by attracting local residents. This is also true for city hotels, which today are turning into multifunctional complexes (MFC): the hotel is combined with a business center, a water park, shopping center, casino, etc. Thus, the level of income is leveled out throughout the year.

An important factor determining the availability of certain additional services is the season. So, the hotel is working all year round, is trying to even out the profit margin during low tourist flows relative to the peak season. In this case, they resort to organizing various entertainment programs and holidays included in the price of stay. And the Renaissance Hotel in Samara organizes trips to the beach for its guests in the summer.

Under certain initial conditions and proper organization process, additional services are a serious help in the work of a hotel enterprise.

The development of additional services allows not only to expand the list of offers for hotel clients, but also to attract city residents to visit the hotel complex.

Nowadays, it is no longer enough for a hotel to provide the client with a regular room with breakfast. Guest demands are becoming ever higher, and to satisfy them, hotel companies have to come up with a lot of additional services. The key factor influencing the increase in hotel occupancy due to additional services is, of course, the quality of service. In this regard, the key role in organizing additional services is given to the employees who provide them. These are, first of all, instructors, animators, coaches, etc. A number of hotels provide such a service as a “sports companion”: if a guest comes to play tennis, billiards, or bowling, he will definitely be offered a companion. With this approach, the number one question is the professionalism of the team that organizes the leisure of guests. Therefore, it is necessary to train employees involved in providing additional services and attract training companies.

Thus, additional services allow the hotel to attract and retain customers. The range of additional services is most widely represented in resort, health, and spa hotels, where vacations are associated with long vacations: here guests need to be provided with the most varied vacation possible.

1.3 Review of foreign and domestic experience of hotel business enterprises in the development of additional and related services

International and Russian hotels offer a wide range of additional services, the list of which is determined by many factors, most of which were presented above. This is functional purpose, category, location, seasonality, etc.

Considering Russian practice, we will rely on the requirements of GOSTs, the Rules for the Provision of Hotel Services (RPGU), as well as the latest edition of the Classification System for Hotels and Other Accommodation Facilities (hereinafter referred to as the Classification System).

So, in accordance with the requirements of GOST R 51185-2008 “Tourist services. Accommodation facilities. General requirements» collective accommodation facilities, regardless of category, must provide guests with the following services

Change bed linen at least once every five days; change of towels at least once every three days;

Thus, GOST defines the minimum mandatory requirements for additional services in a hotel of any type, of any category.

Small hotels deserve special attention. Due to their specificity (small area), they cannot provide a wide range of additional ones. However, St. Petersburg mini-hotels, which are leaders in this segment in Russia, offer various options for solving this problem without harming guests.

The main way out of this situation is to conclude agreements with partner companies. Musakin A. notes that it is possible to organize a business hotel in furnished rooms and classify it at least 3 stars.

Finally, another trend that requires close attention is the expansion of the list of additional services in holidays. On peak dates, especially around the New Year, competition between hotels intensifies and, above all, in the field of additional services. The most common are the following:

Organization of special winter excursion routes;

Inviting guests to participate in the performance of fairy tales;

Lotteries, prize draws, etc.

Given the fact that the holidays last for several days, many hotels offer packages that include accommodation, meals and a holiday program.

Moving on to international experience in organizing additional services, we note that we will rely on the experience of international hotel chains. In general, classification systems European countries similar to the Russian Classification System. This fact is due to the fact that both the domestic System and the pan-European HotelStars system, which united most countries at the end of 2011 European Union, took the French classification system as a basis.

The experience of international hotel chains is interesting, first of all, because large hotel corporations, including several brands various categories, offer their own classification systems. Individual hotel brands are included in the coordinate system: the Y-axis indicates the price category of the hotel, and the X-axis indicates the breadth of the range of additional services. Thus, such an understanding is broader than simple categorization by stars and, in many ways, more understandable to the consumer. Let's take a look at a number of brands represented:

1. Pullman: represents the upper price category (upscale). In our practice, it corresponds to 4 stars. Pullman brand hotels are luxury business hotels. For example, the Pullman Paris Montparnasse offers its guests the most extensive conference services of any Paris hotel with free parking and wi-fi internet.

2. MGallery: also a high-end brand. It represents a group of so-called “boutique hotels” that offer exclusive service, location, and furnishings (as a rule, hotels of such chains are not bound by strict standards in design and range of services). MGallery hotels offer specialized packages for business travelers, gourmet restaurants, a city pass or a private city tour. The brand is focused on the most personalized, exclusive service.

3. Novotel: midscale brand. Offers a limited range of services with special packages for families, businessmen, weekends, and holidays.

4. Mercure: also a mid-price brand, aimed at business tourists (and, above all, group business events). Hence, all offers are related to conference services.

5. Ibis: the brand's hotels represent economy class hotels. Due to the diversity of their locations (airports, city centers, resorts), hotels offer different programs: for athletes, spas, conference services.

6. Motel 6: a brand of budget-class motels aimed primarily at motor tourists. Hotels offer a minimum range of services and special programs for students and retirees.

A similar distribution of brands exists in other international chains. For example, in Rezidor Hotel Group.

Thus, the Moscow hotels “Marriott Royal Aurora” and “Marriott Grand” in order to increase profitability and mitigate negative impact During the low season, we introduced an additional food service - catering. It is in great demand in large cities and is minimal in cost. In these hotels, this service is actually an independent type of business and brings 15-20% of the income from the volume of all events.

At the same time, it is worth noting that the Park Inn by Radisson brand is the largest (by number of rooms) in Europe in the mid-price segment.

Concluding the review of foreign experience, we note that international hotel chains are actively penetrating the Russian market, introducing, in addition to standards, new types of additional services.

Summarizing the results of the first chapter, we note that the services of accommodation facilities are divided into basic and additional. Basic, in accordance with regulatory requirements for accommodation facilities, means accommodation and food services (included in the room price). Additional services include a wide range of services, the range of which is determined by a variety of factors (seasonality, hotel category, its functionality, location). The main motivating factor for the introduction of additional ones is the increase in the income of the accommodation facility. Additional services have a significant impact on both increasing the hotel’s occupancy percentage and increasing its total income (since additional services allow not only to retain guests for a longer period, but also to attract other groups of customers who will not stay at the hotel (local residents, corporate clients, etc.)).

Domestic practice shows that the range of additional services of Russian hotels, first of all, depends on the requirements of national legislation (GOSTs, Classification System for Hotels and Other Accommodation Facilities, Rules for the Provision of Hotel Services). These documents define both the requirements for a minimum set of free services, regardless of the hotel category, and the necessary list of additional services in accordance with the star rating of the hotel. Foreign practice of providing additional services has largely developed under the influence of international hotel chains, which have developed their own classification system for their hotels depending on price and range of services, which, in our opinion, allows for more objective segmentation in the hotel market, which ultimately makes the market more transparent for clients.

2. Analysis and assessment of the organization of additional and related services in accommodation facilities at the Polet Hotel

2.1 General characteristics of the hotel's activities

In 2009, a new hotel opened - “Polet”, it is located in close proximity to the international airport of the third capital. The hotel is located at the address: Kazan, Aeroportovskaya street, 3.

The mission of the Kazan Hotel Group company is formulated as follows: “We strive to become the best hotel company in Kazan, establishing and day after day improving high standards of national hospitality.” The company sets itself the following goals:

1. Approval of national hospitality standards within the Kazan Hotel Group.

2. Constantly increasing guest satisfaction and the number of regular customers.

3. Taking a leading position and obtaining the maximum possible share in the Kazan hotel services market.

4. Constant increase in the rate of revenue growth per room with priority to increase due to load.

5. Expanding market presence by increasing the number of market niches occupied.

The organizational form of the hotel is a limited liability company.

The main type (subject) of activity of “Flight” is the provision of services. The Company also has the right to carry out any other types of activities not prohibited by current legislation. The Company sells services at prices and tariffs established independently or on a contractual basis. Settlements with budgets and payment of other obligatory payments are made by the Company in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

The main objectives of the Polet Hotel:

1. Providing residents with hotel services of appropriate quality, creating the necessary social, cultural and living conditions for them;

2. Ensuring the safety of life, health and property of consumers of hotel services, as well as environmental protection;

3. Rational use of the hotel’s material and technical base;

The main activities of the hotel include:

1. Providing rooms (places in rooms) at the Polet hotel for temporary residence of citizens, as well as additional services in the form of catering services, communications, consumer services and other services that can be provided to residents.

2. Informing about the list of services, the price list for services, providing information about the form and procedure for payment for services, as well as information about confirming the compliance of services with the requirements of technical regulatory legal acts.

3. Organization of registration of documents necessary for check-in at the hotel.

4. Exercising systematic control over the correct collection of payment for hotel accommodation.

5. Timely consideration in the prescribed manner of proposals, complaints and applications of living citizens related to their household services, and taking the necessary measures to satisfy their requirements.

6. Ensuring timely and lawful raising of the issue of assigning a hotel to categories and hotel rooms to categories.

The Polet Hotel fully corresponds to its category of a four-star hotel. The room capacity is 60 equipped rooms of varying comfort - these are single, double, triple, quadruple rooms, suites, junior suites. Each room has a bathroom, shower, telephone, refrigerator, TV, in short, when you live here, you will not need anything and will not have to use common household items. A wide range of additional services is another important advantage of the hotel. So, on the territory of the hotel there is a pharmacy kiosk, a medical office, shops, a hairdresser, and paid guarded parking for vehicles. If you urgently need to get to the city center, the hotel's attentive staff will call a taxi.

For a comfortable have an interesting holiday Guests of the Polet Hotel have access to national television. You can relax peacefully in a cozy cafe or restaurant, designed for 200 visitors, where guests are offered a good menu with a variety of dishes and drinks.

Numerous delegations, both domestic and foreign, often stay at the Polet Hotel. If necessary, for holding conferences or seminars, the hotel administration is pleased to offer a comfortable conference room with 400 seats. It is equipped with the latest technological advances and is therefore an ideal place for business events. Finally, for the convenience of foreign guests, the Polet Hotel has a bank branch and a currency exchange office.

Perhaps the location of the hotel near Kazan International Airport may not seem the best option, since you may assume that it is always noisy there. However, this is absolutely not true. The hotel is located next to a forest belt and thanks to this, your holiday here becomes much more pleasant and relaxing.

Like all hotels, Polet offers a wide range of services: basic and additional, paid and free. Table 2.1.1 presents data on the cost of the main service - the cost of hotel accommodation.

Table 2.1.1

2.2 Analysis and evaluation of additional and related services at the Polet Hotel

Having analyzed the range of services offered at the Polet Hotel, I found out that they are divided into basic and additional, paid and free.

In particular, the hotel provides free of charge:

Handing correspondence to guests;

Morning wake-up (upon request);

Daily maid cleaning of the room, including making the beds;

Change of bed linen at least once every five days;

Change of towels at least once every three days;

Providing an iron and ironing board;

Storing valuables in individual safes in rooms and/or in safe deposit boxes in the reception service.

Let's take a closer look at the additional services that Polet provides:

1. Services of the Business Center (located on the 3rd floor of the hotel). The hotel's business services include telephone communications with cities in Russia and around the world, fax, Internet access, copier, printer, scanning, laminating, typing in Russian and English and other services. Materials for work are provided - floppy disks, paper, stationery;

2. Fitness center services (located on the 5th floor of the hotel). The fitness center offers Finnish and Turkish baths, a jacuzzi, a gym and instructor services;

3. Organization of excursions;

4. Order and delivery of air and train tickets, as well as ordering tickets for all cultural and entertainment events in the city of Kazan, calling a taxi, flower delivery and much more;

5. Laundry and dry cleaning;

6. Executive limousine;

7. First aid station.

Guests can rent the following equipment:



Fax machine,



Screen, flip chart,

Sound reinforcement systems,

Microphones, etc.

The hotel is equipped with multi-level free parking, which helps turn moving around the city center into a pleasant walk.

The hotel complex also has a helipad.

Please note that accommodation and food services are considered essential services. At the same time, the share of food services in the overall structure of sales of hotel services is decreasing, while accommodation services are increasing. This is largely due to the weak promotion of food services among local residents. This is typical for Russian city hotels.

Thus, Polet LLC has prospects for successful progressive development, including the development and implementation of new additional services. It is important to constantly maintain the condition of the room stock modern level, guaranteeing the provision of amenities no less than in modern hotels of the same class.

It is important for the Polet Hotel not to miss the emergence of new leading technologies on the market. Undoubtedly, new technology attracts additional attention to the hotel from businessmen, tourists, as well as organizers of high-budget IT conferences.

A stable financial position and the availability of free funds allows the Polet Hotel to invest in the development of additional services.

Thus, the Polet Hotel has financial, organizational and technical reserves to expand the list of additional services.


As a result of the work done, I understood in detail the various types additional services and also ways of providing them, I learned that at the moment the hotel business is just developing; the process of providing hotel services is a rather complex, but well-organized and consistent set of actions. A system of measures that ensures a high level of comfort, satisfying the various household and economic needs of guests is called service in the hotel business. A hotel is an enterprise designed to provide people away from home with accommodation, food and various additional services.

The list of additional services can be supplemented, modified and differentiated depending on the size of the hotel, their location and purpose, level of comfort and other reasons. Additional services are an indispensable component of the activities of any hotel.

She also analyzed the organization of additional and related services at the Polet Hotel. And I found out that the Polet Hotel independently plans its economic activity. Providing residents with hotel services of appropriate quality, creating the necessary social, cultural and living conditions for them.

Drawing conclusions from the course work, I would like to note that currently additional services are becoming increasingly important in shaping the market attractiveness of a hotel enterprise. While remaining basic, the accommodation service is taken for granted by guests. The services that make this hotel stand out from others are of increased interest. In most cases, these services are additional.

Posted on Allbest.ru


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Hotel rooms are filled with free amenities just waiting for adventurous travelers to take advantage of them.

Since many of these items are not included in the rooms, guests often don't even realize they are available, and available for free!

Business Insider spoke with Hilton Worldwide and Starwood Hotels and Resorts to put together a list of free hotel extras you should know about for your next trip.

(Photo: Justin in SD via Foter.com / CC BY-NC-SA)

It turns out that you can get a lot of things for free at the hotel - from renting a GoPro camera to curling irons delivered directly to your room:

  • Better pillows
  • Car rental
  • Yoga mats
  • E-books
  • Ziploc bags
  • Night lights
  • Entertainment for children
  • GoPro rental
  • Board games
  • Sports supplies
  • Special offers

Additional services in hotels in more detail

Phone chargers and adapters

If you forgot your charger at home or simply don't have a suitable adapter, go to the reception desk - they have spares.

Hotels offering free charging include Kimpton, Hyatt and Sheraton Puerto Rico, which recently introduced chargers for a wide range of phone models.

Better pillows

Some hotels offer a "menu" of pillows that allow guests to choose a pillow of their choice based on firmness, shape and sleeping habits.

Some pillows help reduce snoring, while others are ideal for those peaceful mornings when you want to snuggle up in bed. The Conrad hotel chain allows guests to choose the right pillow or even reserve their favorite pillows through the mobile concierge app. Acqualina Resort & Spa also offers this service free of charge.

For those ladies who forgot to put curling or straightening irons in their suitcase, some hotels are ready to help out. In hotels of the Hyatt, Kimpton and W Paris-Opéra chains, a similar service is included in the list of free services upon request.

Car rental

Free rental of a high-quality car. Thompson Chicago has an agreement with Lexus that allows guests to test cars such as the LS 460 executive sedan and an 8-passenger crossover for 4 hours. upper class or IS 350 convertible.

Rancho Valencia Resort & Spa offers 3 Porsche models: 911 Convertible, Panamera Hybrid and Cayenne GTS, which can be used for up to 4 hours a day after pre-booking with a hotel employee.

Guests of the Beverly Wilshire Hotel have access to a chauffeured Rolls-Royce Phantom on a first-come, first-served basis from 8:30 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. The driver will take you anywhere within a 5 km radius.

Yoga mats

For those who like to exercise and when traveling, hotels have prepared yoga mats that you can rent for free and use in your room.

Hyatt hotels and Affinia hotels in New York and Washington, and W Retreat & Spa on Vieques Island, Puerto Rico, are just a few of the hotels that offer free mats.

A sewing kit is a lifesaver in cases where a hole appears on your clothes or a button suddenly comes off. Fortunately, many hotels will always have such a set if someone suddenly needs it.

Here are some hotels that provide sewing kits as gifts to guests: W South Beach, W Retreat & Spa on the island of Vieques (Puerto Rico), Hilton Hawaiian Village Waikiki Beach Resort, Casa Marina.


Trump Soho, Revere Hotel Boston Common, and The James New York are just a few of the many hotels where you can relax by the pool with your e-reader rental in the summer.

Toothpaste and mouthwash

Basic personal hygiene items such as mouthwash or toothpaste are often provided at hotels. Conrad Hotels, Waldorf Astoria, Best Western and many others offer them as company gifts.

Guests also often find shaving cream and dental floss in their rooms.

Perhaps your nail polish chipped off during your trip, or you didn't have time to remove it before leaving. In any case, nail polish remover wipes will help solve the problem - and for free.

If necessary, they are provided at Affinia hotels, Omni hotels and Wyndham hotels.

Ziploc bags

Ziploc plastic bags are good for packing before departure. Some companies, including Oil Nut Bay and Kimpton, offer them at no additional cost.

Night lights

For those traveling with children or who want to make their room brighter, some hotels, such as the Kimpton and Aqualina Resort & Spa, may offer a night light.

Entertainment for children

Instead of packing all of your child's toys on the road, try asking for new ones when you check into your hotel. Many hotel chains offer baby treats, from crayons and geographic scratch maps (which you can use to mark the places you've been) to bath toys.

AlSol Hotels & Resorts, Hilton Waikoloa Village, and Casa Marina, A Waldorf Astoria Resort will keep your kids entertained. And besides, it's completely free.

GoPro rental

When additional outlets are needed, the best solution is an extension cord. Don't take too much with you, just ask at the front desk the next time you're at the hotel. Some hotels definitely have them.

The Hilton West Palm Beach and Kimpton hotels are just a few.

Board games

Whether for children or adults, most hotels have prepared board games for their guests. If someone suddenly wants to play, the game will be brought directly to the room by employees of the Dorchester Collection and Corinthia Hotel. Or you can take part in a board game competition, such as at the Los Suenos Marriott Ocean & Golf Resort.

Sports supplies

In addition to yoga mats, there are many other sports equipment that you can rent. For example, Westin hotels have an agreement with New Balance, a sportswear manufacturer, that the hotel chain can sell their brand of shoes and clothing to guests for as little as $5. Just indicate the size of your clothes and shoes, and the order will be delivered to your room.

Hyatt hotels offers its guests free dumbbells, and Hilton Garden Inn offers its Stay Fit Kit as a gift - it includes elastic bands for Pilates, a yoga mat, wrist straps, large elastic balls (fitballs), 1.5 kg dumbbells , expanders.

Special offers

Some hotels organize special events and even organize courses. So when checking into a hotel, be sure to ask the hotel staff about the opportunities you can take advantage of during your stay.

A few examples of such offers: free Spanish courses at the Los Suenos Marriott Ocean & Golf Resort, a game with glowing bocce balls and other equipment for outdoor games at fresh air at the Hilton West Palm Beach.

Based on materials from Business Insider.

Organization of additional services in hotels - effective way fight against competition. This is another source of profit and an opportunity to improve the quality of service. An up-to-date offer of additional services will benefit the image of the entire business.

In this article we will look at the most current ways to increase the income of hotels and other accommodation facilities by organizing additional services. This is a general list from which every entrepreneur can compile a list of ideas suitable for implementation.

Additional service #1 ➨ Rental of space for business and events

If there is free space and your own restaurant, it is possible to hold various banquets and animated events. This service will significantly expand the target audience of the hotel or other accommodation facility. So, for example, having rented a restaurant for a banquet, it is highly likely that city residents will then become its regular visitors.

It is possible to install vending machines and shops in the hall souvenir products and tourism departments. The guest will thus be able to find all the necessary information immediately within the hotel walls, which will have a positive effect on reviews and the level of service.

Large hotels practice opening their own beauty salons and spas, swimming pools and gyms, or rent out space for them.

Additional service #2 will increase profits ➨ Cooperation with third parties

The most popular cooperation is with taxi services and excursion companies. Food delivery to your room is popular, especially in mini-hotels and hostels where meals are not provided. Cooperation with travel agencies will provide an additional flow of tourists and tour groups to fully fill the hotel during the season.

An advantage will be agreements with the information service, which will allow guests to be aware of all events and activities planned in the capital. It is possible to create your own information service. To fill and update it, one employee is enough; the coordination of tourists will be carried out by hotel administrators.

Additional income will also be provided by service #3 ➨ Ticket booking

We are talking about organizing a transfer, booking plane and train tickets, and booking cultural events. Booking services are closely related to the advertising of certain events. Advertising can be carried out on the following favorable terms: mutual offset, advertising of the accommodation facility as a partner of the event, or advertising on a paid basis.

Popular service to increase profits #4 ➨ Development of entertainment infrastructure

The creation of a bar, restaurant, billiard club, night club and holding animated events on their basis will provide an additional flow of visitors at the expense of city residents. An important condition is good sound insulation, or the placement of halls separately from the hotel or hotel rooms.

It is also possible to organize master classes and performances here. All this will diversify the leisure time of vacationers, attract local residents and increase profits.

Modern way to earn extra money #5 ➨ Cooperation with corporate clients

Recently, this service has become quite popular in Moscow. Corporate clients use a whole range of additional services that will significantly increase profits.

Corporate clients ensure the hotel's occupancy during low seasons. Their main requirement is the placement within one hotel of everything necessary for corporate events: halls for trainings and conferences, a minimum of office equipment for work, powerful Wi-Fi, a banquet hall, transfer.

Service #6 will provide advertising and profit ➨ Organization of forums and trainings

This can range from simply renting a conference room to accommodating event guests and additionally organizing their leisure time. As part of such events, participants from different cities are expected to be accommodated. This work is in many ways similar to cooperation with corporate clients. However, the target audience is wider; if the event is covered in the media, business advertising is provided. Cooperation with forum organizers is possible on a partnership basis.

Additional earnings will be affected by service #7 ➨ Exclusive offer

In modern realities, the choice of additional services is practically unlimited. Moreover, it makes sense to focus not only on guests, but also on city residents. Providing exclusive services can become business card hotel or other accommodation facility. If you decide not to open a new business, but