Fortune telling about the king by name and surname. What's in your name? Fortune telling by name

Kan Victoria Vladimirovna

Specialist in fortune telling and spiritual practices. For 2 years she traveled in Tibet and India. Conducts free fortune telling sessions for readers of our resource.

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The magical power of birth data names has already been proven by both our ancestors and modern people. Therefore, fortune telling by name is the most reliable and correct. We will not take into account horoscopes or decoding of names. They only contain general characteristics people who wear the same codes. Why codes?

So after all, the first name, last name and patronymic contain a certain number of characters, symbols and numbers. With their help, fortune telling by name became possible.

How can a personal code help?

Knowing our purpose in this world is a necessity for each of us. And if you carry out fortune telling on cards or by other method by name, then the secret young man or girls immediately reveal themselves. What are these secrets you ask? Literally, everything. When you meet a person and even long time meet, you won’t always know:

  • does he (she) have another (another);
  • what kind of relationship he wants;
  • what traits are present in the character;
  • real feelings, not ostentatious.

Fortune telling by name is convenient because you don’t need to know exact date birth or surname. Although fortune tellers have some in their arsenal that require your full name. Best magical rituals are carried out when the fortuneteller knows two names: given at birth and at baptism.

In ancient times, the Slavs and Christians specifically gave two codes in order to deceive otherworldly forces and prevent them from taking over the life and soul of the baby. Often even the partner did not know the middle name.

In addition to card layouts, you can use. This type of fortune telling for the future or for love by name is the most accurate. At the same time, it does not contradict the requirements of any of the churches.

There are hundreds of ways to guess by first name, patronymic and last name, and it is simply unrealistic to know them all. In any case you can get confused in decoding. As for practitioners of magical art, they also choose the most suitable and convenient way. Most often, these are layouts using playing cards, tarot or other decks. As a last resort, a horoscope and calculation using numbers are added. But if you turn to specialists, it will cost the fortuneteller quite a bit of money. Therefore, the most convenient and economical way to find out his character and your future is online fortune telling.

What can you do in one go?

Online fortune telling is beneficial not only in terms of going through all possible layouts and calculations. They are completely free. There are more than a dozen options for the name. During one session you can go through:

  • fortune telling for love by first and last name;
  • fortune telling about a guy (girl) and his relationship to the girl;
  • name compatibility - fortune telling is not new at all, but effective;
  • obtain information about a person's character and the most suitable name for living together;
  • than the heart will calm down in a given situation.

It’s easier to guess your loved one’s name on cards online. Because no one will know to whom your heart is inflamed. And the interpretation of cards does not need to be studied. The entire transcript will appear as soon as the fortune-telling for a relationship or for a loved one is completed. If you know the year of birth, then this plus several fortune-telling methods.

By first and last name you can not only guess about love or relationships. Advice is encouraged. For example, what is the best way to name a child based on the expected date of birth, so that only positive traits. Thus, parents will already know what needs to be developed and strengthened in their baby.

Each name has its own color and melody. Want to know what's in store for your relationship? Combine two shades: yours and your favorite one. And you’ll find out how they can end: a wedding or it’s better to break up right away.


More popular card layouts per person - fortune telling on cards. In order to carry out fortune telling for your loved one, count the number of letters in his name and click on the option you need. There are more specific options: you will need to count the characters of your full name or entrust it to online calculator. Fortune telling for a man or a woman (there is no difference) will provide the meanings of all the cards drawn. This will include his feelings, and whether he should expect infidelity.

The most simple option online fortune telling consider the display “?” The only thing worth remembering is that you can only use it once a week. Or in cases where disagreements arise.

Multiple decks are used. You can choose yourself. Offered: Toro, playing decks (three different decks), Lenormand and even Celtic signs. After the final selection, enter your first and last name. We begin to shuffle the deck (just hold the card stack with the left button). The answer won't take long.

Don't know your last name or are you afraid of spelling it wrong? Then we guess differently. Enter your name and your loved one. We shuffle the cards again and choose either ourselves, or give the opportunity to make the layout automatically.

Man loves to look into the future. We want to be confident in the future, for this we make wishes, buy talismans, amulets and tell fortunes. Let's talk about fortune telling by names for the future.

By giving a person a name, relatives determine his fate. Today the meaning of names is forgotten, but in ancient times babies were given a name, predicting life path. Often the names, for example, among South American Indians, sounded complex: “fast deer” is the name of a boy, “beautiful dawn” is the name of a girl. The Slavs could call a girl Zabava, a boy Dobrynya (kind, good).

With the adoption of Christianity, biblical names appeared: Mary (bitter, sad), Michael ( equal to God). Many years in Soviet era Children were given names because of their beautiful pronunciation, because of their favorite artists, movie characters, and relatives. Contrived names also appeared, such as Marten, Hammer, Diamar (dialectical materialism). Meanwhile, the name has an impact on life and character, so by guessing the name, you can determine what kind of person he is and what kind of life awaits him.

The magic begins

They tell fortunes in a certain state of mind, tuning in with higher powers, which help open the veil of the future. Even if you don’t believe in fortune telling and perceive it as a game or fun, understand that this is a ritual that requires attention and concentration. Be prepared to take the information you receive seriously. Calm your thoughts and don't think about anything other than the question.

In addition to the internal mood for the result, prepare items that contribute to fortune telling. Candles help you tune in to learning the secrets of the name.

Names and the future are guessed on cards, using numbers and letters, and books. Let's look at the most truthful ways.

Option one and decoding the result

Start by numbering all the letters of the alphabet. Write the first and last name of the person you are interested in and above each letter put the number that corresponds to that letter.

Divide the entire number series into pairs. Add all pairs of numbers together. Fold the resulting number series again in pairs and so on until you get simple digit. This is the first digit of a person's personal code.

This is how all the vowels and consonants of the first and last name are determined and added in pairs to a simple number. As a result, we will receive three digits of the personal code of the person whose name we are guessing at.

The last digit of the code is obtained from a similar paired addition of the person’s date of birth, which in the end should also be simple. The four digits received can be deciphered. Numerology in this case says the following:

  • 1 – means career growth;
  • 2 – nepotism, desire to create a family;
  • 3 – dissatisfaction with oneself, internal conflict;
  • 4 – financial difficulties and possible material losses;
  • 5 – deepening into oneself, detachment from the outside world;
  • 6 – softness and compliance, which can lead to problems in relationships with others;
  • 7 – energy and careerism;
  • 8 – increased conflict, but financial well-being;
  • 9 – inner peace, contentment with life.

Option two and interpretation of meanings

Also associated with numerology. Write the first and last name of the person you are guessing about and assign a number to each letter:

  • A, I, J, Y, b – number 1.
  • I, R, B, K – number 2.
  • L, G, H, S, W – number 3.
  • D, T, M – number 4.
  • N, E, X – number 5.
  • V, U – 6.
  • Z, Yu, C, Sh – number 7.
  • F, F, P – 8.
  • Ш – number 9.

Having numbered the first and last names, we get a series of numbers that need to be added until we get one number. This number speaks about the character of a person.

The second digit is obtained by adding the vowels in the first and last names. She will tell you about inner world and experiences.

The third number speaks about a person’s relationship with the outside world, with others, and is obtained by adding numbers that symbolize consonant letters.

The interpretation of numbers in this fortune telling is different from the first option.

  • 1 – a successful, inventive person who thinks outside the box;
  • 2 – flexible and loving, gets along well with people;
  • 3 – hardworking, caring, a bit of a dreamer;
  • 4 – excellent organizer and leader;
  • 5 – a person who loves adventure and has a wide range of interests;
  • 6 – kind dreamer;
  • 7 – easily copes with any task, hardy and calculating;
  • 8 – persistent and hardworking;
  • 9 – a dreamer, divorced from reality.

Fortune telling on cards by name

The cards tell fortunes about a future relationship with a person, so you need to focus on his image and use a new deck that has not been used in games.

  1. Count how many letters are in the name of the person you are telling fortunes about.
  2. Shuffle the deck and begin placing cards in piles from left to right, one face down at a time.
  3. There should be as many stacks as there are letters in the name.
  4. The final stack is dealt across the remaining stacks from left to right, one card at a time, until two stacks remain.
  5. Place the last pile on top of the previous one and lay it out, without shuffling the decks, one at a time, face down.

As a result, cards will come out in a row: two jacks or two sixes. Put these pairs aside. Future relationships are determined by them.

Decoding pairs

  • Two aces - strong feeling, Love.
  • Two kings - common interests, pleasant communication.
  • Two ladies - the object you are fortune-telling about is infatuated with someone else.
  • Two Jacks - a person often thinks about you.
  • Two dozen - a person is interested in you, this relationship can be developed.
  • Two nines - sympathy that has arisen.
  • Two eights - predict a conversation, a possible showdown.
  • Two sevens - future meeting.
  • Two sixes promise a road, possibly shared with the object of fortune telling.

There is an easier way - shuffle the deck, thinking about who you are telling fortunes for, and take a card corresponding to the number of letters in the name. For example, if the name is Ivan, take the fourth card. Depending on the suit of the card, you can predict the future.

Table with transcript

Map♡ Worms♢ Diamonds♧ Cross♤ Spades
SixA joyful meeting awaitsLong roadA pleasant trip is expectedPossible separation
SevenGood changesMinor troubles expectedI'll have to take care of someoneBad news
EightCareer growth possibleGood newsCould be troubleI'll have to cry
Ninelove will comeCould be a love affairFailure awaits in loveCould be the loss of a loved one
TenMore money awaitsThere will be financial problemsExpenses to comeNothing will change
JackA friend will appearPleasant newsPossible illnessPlans are about to collapse
LadyA patron will arisePossibly help from a friendMother will influence fateBad news will come
KingA mentor will be nearbyFriends will helpPossibly enmity with someoneProsperity expected
AceA quiet life aheadAn influx of money is expectedPossibility of visiting a state houseThere's some kind of blow coming

Fortune telling by last name and first name for compatibility

Everyone wants to know how compatible the names of partners are, and not necessarily partners in their personal lives. There are many sites where you can check compatibility online, but you can do it yourself at home.

  1. Match the letters in the names. The more matches there are, the more likely you are to match.
  2. The second option is related to numerology. By calculating the code of your first and last name and the code of the second person, you will determine how great the coincidence is, how many numbers you have in common.

If you work on relationships, you can always come to harmony, even if only two numbers or two letters match.

To get an accurate answer to the question, take the fortune telling process seriously. Even if you don’t believe in magic, try for a few minutes (during the ritual) to pretend that you believe, become children who believe in miracles. Mentally ask a question to a higher power and believe that you will receive an answer. When you read or calculate a prediction, think that knowing the future, you can influence it. Bad things won’t necessarily come true, you were warned that they could happen, and you have the power to make sure nothing bad happens. This is the essence of fortune telling - to find out the options for the development of events, prepare for them and change something in your favor.

Be prepared for the fact that not all predictions come true. This happens due to errors in the ritual, non-compliance with the rules, changes in the situation by your actions or higher powers.

Remember, fortune telling is a sacrament and treat it with respect.

Why guess?

What does fortune telling give, why do we turn to magic and try to spy on the future? We are afraid of the unknown, and divination helps get rid of fear.

If a good future is predicted, we look forward with confidence and take on new things with special enthusiasm, and we perceive failures with less tragedy because we were warned. Fortune telling gives strength and faith in good things.

Through fortune telling, you will find out the reasons for what is happening now and somehow change yourself or the situation, this supports and inspires. A ritual can show the way how to proceed, which is very important when something not very pleasant happens.

Understanding what is happening to us or loved ones helps us to properly tune in to a certain event and accept it, be it good or bad, without strong excitement. This is important because strong emotions are destructive, even if they are positive.

The ability to accept any situation helps to cope with it without damaging your health, and a timely change in attitude towards ongoing events will help prevent negative consequences and keep your spirits up. you can easily control your destiny.

– shows the prospects for the development of relations in the union, who your loved one is in the union and who you are. How successful will your union be in the future and what difficulties await you in this union. 4 cards

Alignment for a loved one - if you are interested in a certain person, then this alignment will help you find out what he thinks about you and what feelings he has for you, as well as what influences his personality is exposed to. 8 cards

The seven chakras of a loved one are a layout that can be used both to analyze the personality of a loved one, and simply when you want to know in detail the attitude of a loved one towards you. 15 cards

The choice of a fan is a layout that helps you see how each of the two fans treats you, and who is better to choose. Men can also use the layout. 7 cards

Breakup - this alignment is used to understand whether you need to break off relations with your loved one. What led to a dead end in the relationship, and what or who can help you make peace with your loved one. What will you end up with if you make peace, and what will you end up with if you break off the relationship? And who or what will help make peace. 6 cards

Romantic tarot:

Trigon of air - the alignment describes the emotional life of a loved one, the presence or absence of love in his life. 4 cards

Layout for your loved one

Seven chakras of the beloved

The person for whom the fortune-telling is being done should be chosen as the Significator.

Fan's Choice

You should choose yourself as the Significator.


Choose yourself as a signifier if you are breaking up with someone.

Layouts for love and loved one Osho Zen tarot:

Trigon of air - the alignment describes the emotional life of a loved one. 3 cards

Alignment for your loved one - a alignment showing the attitude of your loved one towards you. 7 cards

As a Significator, you should choose a loved one - your beloved.

The seven chakras of a loved one are a layout that can be used both to analyze the personality of a loved one and for a situation where a fortuneteller wants to know the attitude of a loved one towards himself. 14 cards

The choice of a fan is a layout that helps you see how each of the two fans treats you, and what you will achieve by connecting your life with each of them. 6 cards

Breakup - this alignment is used to understand whether you need to break off relations with your loved one. What led to a dead end in the relationship, and what or who can help you make peace with your loved one. What will you end up with if you make peace, and what will you end up with if you break off the relationship? 5 cards

Choose yourself as a signifier if you are breaking up with someone.

Layouts for love and loved one Fairytale tarot:

Lovers - a layout that shows who you are in this relationship and who your chosen one is in it. Forecast of your relationship in the future. 4 cards

Alignment for your loved one - the alignment will help you find out what your loved one thinks about you and what feelings your loved one has for you. 8 cards

Seven chakras of a loved one - the layout describes emotional state and the problems of your loved one, his relationships with a wide range of people or individual relationships with you. 15 cards

The person for whom the fortune-telling is being done should be chosen as the Significator.

The choice of a fan is a layout that helps you see how each of the two fans treats you. The result of your relationship with each of them. 7 cards

You should choose yourself as the Significator.

Breakup - this alignment is used to understand whether you need to break off relations with your loved one. What led to a dead end in the relationship, and what or who can help you make peace with your loved one. What will you end up with if you make peace, and what will you end up with if you break off the relationship? 6 cards - the layout describes the emotional state and problems of a loved one, his relationships with a wide range of people or individual relationships with you. 15 cards

The person for whom the fortune-telling is being done should be chosen as the Significator.

The choice of a fan is a layout that helps you see how each of the two fans treats you. The result of your relationship with each of them. 7 cards

You should choose yourself as the Significator.

Breakup - this alignment is used to understand whether you need to break off relations with your loved one. What led to a dead end in the relationship, and what or who can help you make peace with your loved one. What will you end up with if you make peace, and what will you end up with if you break off the relationship? 6 cards

Choose yourself as a signifier if you are breaking up with someone.

A pen and paper is all you need to find out how your life will change, whether you will meet your soulmate and whether you will be happy.

If you want fortune telling to give the most accurate predictions, ask only those questions that really concern you (and no more than once!). And remember: no matter what you guess, last word still remains yours.

Fortune telling on paper for the date

To find out what to expect from a specific day of the month, write on paper in one line your last name, first name and patronymic, the day of the week for which you are guessing, and the time of day (morning, afternoon, evening, night). If you come across a letter that you have already written, put it under the one you wrote first. Now pay attention to the columns: cross out the pairs of repeating letters. Then count the number of not crossed out. If the number turns out to be greater than 10 or equal to 10, add the numbers to make one (for example, 11: 1+1=2).

Interpretation of the obtained values;

  • 0 - neutral day, does not prepare any surprises;
  • 1 - promises news that will cheer you up;
  • 2 - the day will be unfavorable. Disappointments and disappointments are possible;
  • 3 - there is a road ahead or even a short trip;
  • 4 - the day is preparing unexpected news that will change your plans;
  • 5 - flirting, romantic walks;
  • 6 - a meeting that will leave a pleasant impression;
  • 7 - you will be overcome by melancholy. Do something useful;
  • 8 - romantic meeting;
  • 9 - an unfavorable time that will bring with it only frustration.

Fortune telling on paper for compatibility

This fortune telling is similar to the previous one. Write the data (last name, first name, patronymic) - yours and your chosen one's - on one line, and place repeating letters one below the other. Now count the number of identical letters in each column and sign the corresponding number below: even number- 1, odd - 0. Add the zeros and ones. If the resulting total is 10 or more, continue adding until you get a single digit number. This will tell you how happy you will be with the man you are interested in.

  • 1 - nothing good should be expected from this union;
  • 2 - most likely, your chosen one will disappoint you, and the breakup will be painful for both of you;
  • 3 - even if he is a good person, it is unlikely that mutual understanding will reign in your union. Eat big risk quarrels out of nowhere;
  • 4 - you are hardly suitable for each other: your life attitudes, principles and goals do not coincide;
  • 5 - an alliance can either be reliable and strong, or turn into drama for both. It all depends on how much each of you is ready to make concessions;
  • 6 - your chosen one is more suitable for the role of a friend and adviser;
  • 7 - you will encounter some difficulties, but you will easily overcome them if you support each other;
  • 8 - mutual understanding will be the basis of your relationship;
  • 9 - you will be happy together for a long time.

Fortune telling on paper for a wish

To find out if your plans are destined to come true, concentrate on them and imagine yourself turning your ideas into reality. At the same time, draw vertical sticks parallel to each other on a sheet of paper - as many as you want! Then cross out each pair of sticks with a horizontal line. If in the end everyone is crossed out, the plan will come true. If one stick remains, it means that the plan will not be implemented in the near future. But don’t be discouraged - if you make an effort, then after some time luck will definitely smile on you!

Fortune telling on paper about his attitude

For fortune telling you will need a squared piece of notebook paper and a pen. Think about the person you want to find out about, imagine him as accurately as possible. Take in left hand pen (if you are left-handed, then to the right) and draw a circle. Circle all the whole cells included in the figure. Cross out the cells four at a time (you can cross out cells located either in a line or in a column or square). Now count how many “lonely” cells are left, and see the interpretation:

  • 1 cell- this person shows respect to you and listens to your opinion;
  • 2 cells- communication with this person can turn into a strong friendship. And its influence on your destiny will be significant. The mysterious person will lend you a shoulder more than once;
  • 3 cells- the mystery person may seem like a friend, but is he really one? Be careful: you may be being used;
  • 4 cells- even if communication with this person did not work out at first, in the future he will play a certain role in your life. Which one depends on you;
  • 5 cells- do not become attached to this person: you risk dissolving in him and losing yourself;
  • 6 cells- the object of fortune telling is indifferent to you. You shouldn’t fight for his attention and prove your importance.
  • If there is not a single cell left- no matter how you feel about the mystery person, it is mutual.

Fortune telling on paper is one of the most popular among young people modern girls, and among experienced women. After all, such fortune-telling with paper and pen does not require special preparation, and their answers are no less accurate and truthful than those of complex card fortune-telling.

Fortune telling for compatibility by first and last name

Using this method of fortune telling on paper, you can find out whether you and your boyfriend have a chance of being together in the future, and whether you need to start dating him at all. For this simple but truthful fortune telling you will only need a piece of paper, a pencil or pen, as well as knowledge of your last name, first name, patronymic and the person you are going to guess about.

First, write your last name, first name, patronymic on a line, and write down each letter that repeats in it under the same one. Having completed these steps with your last name, take his full name and write down the same letters that appear under the one that already existed.

Everyone wants to know if they are compatible with their soul mate

When you're done, count how many letters you have in each column. If the number is odd, then under this column put the number 1, if it’s even – 0. Count the sum of the 2 numbers that are next to each other and write it down.

After this, count the sum of 3 (from the previously received sum) of nearby numbers. Then you add together again the two numbers that are nearby. Repeat this operation until the amount is unambiguous.

Having received a number from 1 to 9 as a result, you can judge how compatible you and your lover are on a ten-point scale.

Fortune telling “Love graph”

Another simple fortune telling for which you only need a pen and paper. With the help of this fortune telling, you can find out whether you have a future together with the person you are interested in. This fascinating fortune telling on paper is suitable for both girls and all women who want to know their future. It must be said that young people can also tell fortunes using this fortune telling.

Write your first and last name and his first and last name on a piece of paper. In surnames and first names, cross out the repeated letters first in your first names and then in your surnames. Now you need to make a graph for these lovers, you will get two lines that should start from the same point and, for convenience, be drawn in different colors.

Each letter that is not crossed out allows you to draw a line to the right horizontally, and each letter that is crossed out allows you to draw a line diagonally upward. And now, using the resulting drawing, you can predict how successful your relationship will be and whether your couple has prospects in the future.

If on your love graph the lines diverge in different sides– then your future together is unlikely. If the lines on the graph run parallel and far from each other, then you can only be friends. Well, if both lines have merged into one and go together, then you have reason to rejoice - this person will become your husband.

Fortune telling for the day

Finding out what awaits you today or tomorrow is as easy as shelling pears. To do this, you will only need a pen and a piece of notebook paper. Write yours on a piece of paper full last name, first name, patronymic, number you want to tell fortunes for, and time of day.

For example:

Petrova Irina Pavlovna tenth evening

This all needs to be written in one line, but if there is a letter that was there earlier, write it below the first letter in a column.

After you have created columns of letters, cross out identical pairs in each of them, and from those that remain uncrossed out you can predict what awaits you. If the remaining letters are more than 10, you need to add the numbers to a single digit number. Next, see the interpretation of the fortune telling result:

  • 0 – If not a single letter is left, then your future is not yet decided.
  • 1 – One letter in the remainder prophesies joy.
  • 2 – Minor troubles and disappointments.
  • 3 – You will be on the road at this time.
  • 4 – At the time for which you are fortune-telling, you will learn important news.
  • 5 – Everything you have in mind will succeed.
  • 6 – You will meet an interesting person.
  • 7 – You will be sad.
  • 8 – Favorable time for love.
  • 9 – Failure and disappointment.

To find out whether your wish will come true or not, you just need to write it down on paper and do a simple mathematical operation.

Fortune telling by numbers will help you find out whether your expectations are destined to come true

For example, you want to find out if a guy will ask you out on a date. So write down: “Will he invite me<имя парня>on a date?” Now all you have to do is count the letters in each word and add them together. Let's say the guy's name is Maxim, then you should get the following:

9 + 2 + 4 + 6 + 2 + 8 = 31

Since the number is two-digit, we add its numbers together 3 + 1 = 4. Then look below at the interpretation of fortune telling.

  • 1 – Why are you asking? You already know the answer.
  • 2 – Yes, everything will be as you want.
  • 3 – No, and I don’t hope so.
  • 4 – Everything will work out.
  • 5 – There is no certainty, but anything is possible.
  • 6 – There is something or someone who interferes with the fulfillment of your desires.
  • 7 – You can only hope.
  • 8 – Be confident in yourself and everything will work out.
  • 9 – Don’t even hope.