What does a sunflower mean in a dream? Rotten or wormy seeds

Your love will be mutual. If you saw yourself among the blooming sunflowers, you will find yourself in a society where main role money plays, not intelligence and human dignity, which is why you will feel out of place and strive to leave him as soon as possible.

Sunflower - seen in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

To freedom from worries, to calm days.

Husking a grain from an ear or a seed from a sunflower - seen in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

To minor quarrels in the family.


Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing a sunflower in a dream promises pleasant bright events, long-awaited success, happiness, luck. Sunflower is the flower of the sun. The joy that awaits you has matured (like this flower) for more than one day, and maybe more than one week or even more than one month. Don't worry...

Dreaming of "Sunflower" in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing a sunflower in a dream is a sign of joy.

Seeing a Sunflower in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing him in a dream is a sign of mutual love, deep and sincere affection. Plant, flowers. Collecting sunflower seeds in a dream is a sign that you will start a profitable business. But selling them in a dream is a sign that in some business you...

The meaning of a dream about a sunflower

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Unpleasant society. Success in a difficult task.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about sunflower seeds?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

A positive symbol indicates the presence of great opportunities. If you dreamed of sunflower seeds, all that is required of you is to decide on an “investment”. Where and to whom to offer your resource. The rest will happen by itself, like the sunrise. Are you close to...

Sunflower (Seen in a dream)

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing a sunflower in a dream is a favorable sign. It’s especially good if you dream of a sunflower in the rays bright sun, because in this case luck will certainly become your companion for a long time. For a young woman, a dream in which she gnaws sunflower seeds and spits the cores on...

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Life constantly leads forward, moving according to the sun.

Interpretation of the dream Sunflower

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Your ardent love will be reciprocated.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream of a Sunflower?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Portends joy, warmth and friendship. This dream is a sign of simple but strong happiness.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream of a Sunflower?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

You see a large sunflower in a dream - you will be forced to kill time in an unpleasant society; the atmosphere of mean jokes and malicious chuckles is not the atmosphere of a holiday; you are in this society only as an extra; it is possible that someone is you...

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream of a Sunflower?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

It is especially good if you dream of a sunflower in the rays of the bright sun, since in this case luck will be your companion for a long time. For a young woman, a dream in which she gnaws sunflower seeds and spits the cores on the floor means that her disdain for conventions...

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream of a Sunflower?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

You will have confessions. Sparrows are pecking - be careful.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream of a Sunflower?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

A person worthy of imitation will soon appear in your environment.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Sunflowers?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

They mean worship, reckless passion in continuous pursuit of the sun. Symbolizes an insecure position, constant changes.

Sunflowers are an unusual symbol that evokes various associations. Since ancient times, people have compared it to the sun. This flower also brings seeds that are loved by many. He appears in dreams for a reason. He always has his own symbolic meaning, and some dreams with it are direct predictions of future events. To understand why sunflowers dream, you should open the dream book and compare the details of the dream with it.

A dream in which a sleeping person sees large yellow sunflowers personifies the correctness of his chosen path. Most of the problems and troubles awaiting the dreamer on this road have long been successfully overcome by him.

Large sunflowers in a dream with a bright yellow color are an extremely favorable omen. It portends the fulfillment of dreams, happiness and success in all endeavors and areas of life.

Interpretation according to the state of the plant:

  • Beautiful sunflowers with a powerful and thick stem - good sign, which foreshadows a quick acquaintance with an interesting and cheerful person who will significantly brighten up the dreamer’s life.
  • An even and smooth stem of a plant indicates that a new acquaintance in the future will become a reliable assistant for a sleeping person or perfect example for imitation.
  • A dream in which sick plants of a repulsive appearance appeared warns the dreamer that he should be on guard and show less trust in the people around him, and not open his soul to everyone.
  • If in a night vision a sleeping person observes many small sunflowers, the dream promises a quick meeting with old friends. According to another version, such a dream portends good luck in all areas of life.

Interpretation of dreams with sunflower harvest

Dreams in which you not only saw sunflowers, but also planted or harvested them, also have their own meanings that can be interpreted.

The dream in which you happened to plant these plants should be interpreted, taking into account the condition of the soil. If the soil in which you were going to plant sunflowers was dry and cracked, your idea is to real life doomed to fail. It is worth abandoning some project so that the funds are not invested in vain.

If this soil was saturated and fertile black soil, your idea will not only come true, but will also become a source of high income. In addition, you will do your chosen business with sincere pleasure.

A dream in which you not only sowed a field with sunflowers, but also looked around with satisfaction at the results of your work, suggests that in real life you will quit some dead-end occupation and open your own business, which will subsequently bring tangible material profit.

A favorable sign is a night vision in which you collect sunflower seeds. It symbolizes that the time has come to reap the benefits from the business that you started many years ago. Most often, this interpretation speaks of the students or children of a sleeping person. In the near future, he would feel proud of their achievements, thanks to his lessons and instructions.

Interpretation of dreams with a field of sunflowers

A favorable sign is a dream in which a sleeping person sees himself in an endless field of sunflowers. It says that in life he will be brought great joy by simple but very important things that not everyone truly gets - reliable friends, the warmth of love, pleasant interlocutors.

However, there is another, almost opposite version of the interpretation of such a dream. According to it, a sleeping person who finds himself in a sunflower field in a dream will in real life find himself in a society in which people are accustomed to being measured by the amount of money they have, and not by their personal qualities and merits. The dreamer will want to leave such a company as soon as possible and will act very correctly if he does not delay this.

Interpretation of dreams with seeds

A night vision in which the dreamer watches birds pecking sunflower seeds suggests that in real life some person is preventing him from achieving his goals. The situation becomes especially acute due to the fact that this ill-wisher may have wormed his way into the circle of friends. It's worth checking your immediate surroundings.

Sunflowers with large and bright seeds are a favorable sign that portends improvement financial situation, since all financial difficulties will soon end and things will go smoothly. However, this will not happen on its own; you will have to put in a lot of effort.

If you dreamed large sunflower, in which you saw large and ripe seeds, a bright streak awaits you in real life. Existing problems will be resolved quickly and easily, which may even bring you additional benefits. Family affairs will also go smoothly, and advancement at work is possible. career ladder or receiving an impressive bonus.

According to another interpretation, such an image symbolizes a stable and reliable future, confidence in the future.

Miller's Dream Book

According to the interpretation offered by this dream book, sunflowers foretell whirlwind romances and dizzying feelings for young people, which will eventually develop into a serious and long-term relationship.

If one of the newlyweds had a dream in which he (s) was picking sunflowers, the marriage will be strong and happy.

For people whose activities are related to creativity or are directly involved in it, sunflowers in dreams foreshadow new ideas, impulses of inspiration and opportunities for the implementation of bold ideas.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

If a sleeping person sees sunflowers in his dream, in real life he will have to make contact and become close friends with people he finds unpleasant. This will be necessary for the sake of bringing some idea to life. If you overcome hostility, it will end successfully.

Dream Interpretation Kananita

According to the interpretation given in this dream book, sunflowers are a harbinger of success with the opposite sex. However, you shouldn’t expect it to come on its own - you’ll have to put your own efforts into it, perhaps work on something.

All the time people are surrounded by signs that want to say something. Some of them warn against dangers, while others push for achievements. One of the powerful signs is a dream. With the help of the opinions of the authors of dream books, you can find out what sunflowers mean in dreams. For accuracy, you need to remember the details in the dream and find out the nature of the day on which the vision occurred. Through such analysis, a person learns the influence of sleep on life.

Such a beautiful and useful flower as a sunflower has been growing on Earth for centuries. Therefore, many people associate it with something already for a long time. There is a widespread belief that it is very similar to the Sun, that is, a plant seen in a dream can be ascribed meanings such as success, social activities, material wealth and opportunities.

If in the vision there was a whole field of sunflowers, then this means endless possibilities that can lead to success. But many people may associate a lonely flower with hermitism. Such a vision signifies independence and independence, which a person must use for good. After all, he has developed these qualities and can achieve every goal himself.

Where the sunflowers were located plays a big role. If the plant is associated with the Sun, then the weather should be clear in the dream, because then it will mean favorable events and opportunities. His presence in the house cannot mean anything good, because in this case he is locked up. This may mean that a person is not able to express himself in society, he is hampered by constraint, or his family is too restrictive.

In general, a sunny flower speaks of new opportunities through which one can achieve social success or material wealth. Whether and how this dream will come true in life will be determined by the nature of the day on which the person dreamed it.

Influence of the day of the week on interpretation

Each day is ruled by a certain planet, star or satellite, so events bear the characteristics of the ruler of the day. Five days are ruled by planets that are located closer to the main star. The Sun and Moon took over the rule of the other two. Moreover big star carries the full reality of the dream, and the satellite usually symbolizes fables that will never come true. And so what does it mean to see a sunflower in a dream on a certain day:

  • Tuesday is ruled by the planet of energetic actions, Mars., therefore, dreams on this day lead a person to active action. Considering the difficulty of Monday, on Tuesday people begin work activities and show entrepreneurship. This means that the sunflower present in the vision can tell about the opportunities that a person will actively use. In particular, such a dream is favorable for athletes, military personnel and heads of enterprises, because they perform a huge amount of work and their activities are associated with physical and mental stress that not everyone can withstand. It is important to note that such visions do not occur every day, that is, the chances that a person will have in the near future should definitely be taken advantage of. In general, dreams for this day come true with a higher than average probability; the main thing is to be active after them, because Mars sets us up for exactly this.
  • The ruler of the environment is the planet of thoughts, obtaining information and knowledge, communication, as well as short trips Mercury. The dreams of this day carry auspicious meaning in the information sphere. A dream with a sunflower can indicate opportunities in intellectual activity. A person will begin to actively express himself in the workplace and will be able to do a huge amount of work in the field of information. For example, the dreamer may be entrusted with new projects or may be sent to negotiate with important partners. For students, such a vision is also favorable; the person will show enviable academic performance. Also, the dreamer may be sent on a short-term business trip, although previously the authorities did not do this at all. In any case, visions for the environment come true with a high degree of probability and a person should tune in to be active in learning. The knowledge gained will definitely be needed in the future.
  • Jupiter rules Thursday and symbolizes authority in society and good luck. Being the most big planet, he gives the events of the day generosity and actions unfolding on a grand scale. At this time, a long-awaited promotion may occur or something that will have a beneficial effect on a person’s well-being in the future. A vision with a sunflower goes well with the atmosphere of the day; its meaning can encourage a person to new achievements in society and professional activities. Thanks to good deeds and by doing a large amount of work, he can raise his public profile and earn a promotion in the workplace. He can also try himself in the lottery; there is a high probability that he will win a substantial amount or other prizes.
  • Friday for most is the final working day, when you should have a good rest and spend money. It is ruled by the material and sensual Venus. Dreams on this day of the week often come true. For greater accuracy, you should remember the emotions shown. If a person saw a sunflower in a dream and his condition was good, then this may indicate a new source of income or a beginning serious relationship. He will have the opportunity to open his own enterprise or meet a worthy partner with whom marriage is possible. The dreamer can also invest his savings in a profitable project, which he has been thinking about for a long time, but could not do it due to uncertainty.
  • Saturday is a difficult day emotionally. For some it is difficult time after working week and evening rest on Friday, while others also have to work six days a week. As a result, for these two categories of people such a day is very difficult. And therefore, the karmic and complex Saturn took over the management of the day, which sets a person up for difficulties. This means that a sunflower seen in a dream indicates the emergence of new opportunities that should be approached responsibly. A person must set a long-term goal and gradually strive for it; he will have all the trump cards in his hands, and only laziness can prevent him from implementing his plans. In addition, Saturn does not tolerate the manifestation of weaknesses, that is, if the dreamer is unable to use the chances as intended, then difficulties await him in the future. But bringing plans to completion will be generously rewarded, because the planet is also responsible for justice. In general, they come true over several years and carry great meaning.
  • The sun, which gives warmth to everyone on earth, rules Sunday. For most this day of the week is considered a holiday, so you can carry out planned activities and actively relax. The dreams of these days will undoubtedly come true in the next week, and more often on the same day. And the sunflowers present in the dream speak of an idea that will illuminate a person. He will begin to look at life in a completely different way and will take advantage of all the chances that are given to him. This could also mean a bright event at which the dreamer will be able to show his good side. Due to this, he may develop good friends and acquaintances. It is also possible to have a relationship that will develop quickly and ultimately bring happiness to both partners.
  • Monday is a really difficult day, when many cannot get into the rhythm, so at this time conflicts are possible against the background of emotional instability. The Earth's satellite, the Moon, took over the management of these days. It personifies an inadequate perception of events and sudden mood swings. Dreams seen on this day of the week do not come true and reflect the internal state of a person. This means that sunflowers in a dream on Monday can indicate missed opportunities. A person cannot let go of these thoughts, and he constantly thinks about what would happen if they were used. These torments make the dreamer feel even worse. Instead, he should look to the future, as there will be many more opportunities for him.

After analyzing the influence of the days of the week, you should turn to the interpretation of the vision in different dream books. The most accurate interpretations can be found in popular dream interpreters:

Correct addition of interpretations

When deciphering a dream, 3 factors should be taken into account: the day of the week when it was dreamed, the meaning according to the dream book and the specific case. To find out the most accurate description of a dream, you need to remember what happened in it, and then choose to trust the desired opinion of one of the authors of the dream book and connect it with the nature of the day. After a simple analysis, you can get truly practical information.

Attention, TODAY only!

The sunflower is also called the “sunny flower”. These flowers give good mood, feeling of warmth and light. Fields of blooming sunflowers truly represent beautiful picture. Looking at them, you experience positive emotions. Do the sunflowers you dreamed about have this meaning? Let's take a closer look at the meaning of dreams with sunflowers.

Why do you dream about sunflowers?

A sunflower in a dream symbolizes luck, prosperity, joy, the realization of what you want, continuous movement, and cyclicality. This is a sign that you are doing everything right in life. Seeing a flower with a beautiful, even stem in a dream promises you an acquaintance with a pleasant person. In the future, you will turn to him for practical advice. He will become your support, support and role model.

If you see that the stem of the flower is crooked, you better be careful with new acquaintances. Seeing a small sunflower is a joyful period in your life. If you are given sunflowers, you will soon have romantic relationship.

Seeing a lot of sunflowers speaks of a company of arrogant people with whom you would like to get rid of.

Trample sunflowers - be careful: you can become the cause of your own misfortunes. It is worth analyzing your actions in order to further understand what you are doing wrong.

Why do you dream about sunflower seeds?

I dreamed of a sunflower that was full of seeds - good times in personal and financial life. If in a dream birds pecked seeds from a flower, it warns you of danger. Perhaps more attention should be paid to children.

If a girl sees in a dream how she cracks seeds and spits the husks on the floor, in real life she has a bad attitude towards conventions. Thus, she provokes bad relationships with the people around her.

In a dream you like to gnaw seeds - means quick entertainment in pleasant company for you.

I dreamed of sunflower seeds - the time for happy changes will come. Another meaning of such a dream is - don’t waste your time, in real life it will be very difficult for you to catch up. Counts good sign if the patient sees such a dream. For him it means recovery.

Seeing sunflower husks in a dream indicates approaching troubles. But fortunately for the dreamer, they will go away very quickly.

Sparrows peck at sunflower caps - expect losses in the family.

Why do you dream of fields of sunflowers?

I dreamed of a whole field of sunflowers and you are among them - it means that you will find yourself in a society that is only interested in money and around only self-interest, where the intelligence and dignity of people are not valued. And you will be surrounded by only boastful and stupid people. The dream book recommends restraining your emotions so as not to provoke a conflict. Leaving such a society as soon as possible will be the right decision for you.

Seeing a large number of sunflowers means pleasant meetings, positive emotions, happy moments.

Harvesting on fertile soil in a dream means your success in new endeavors. If you see dry soil, this promises you the futility of your venture.

Collecting seeds in a dream means that the time has come to collect the fruits of the business you have started.

The golden color has always symbolized gold, joy, success, warmth of the sun, good luck and prosperity. The brighter the flower in a dream, the luckier and happier you will be in reality. A sunflower can symbolize ardent love that will be mutual. Giving it to someone is a very good sign.

In most cases, sunflowers represent longevity, prosperity, good deeds, a bright future and beautiful love! Now you know what sunflower seeds mean in dreams, and may these dreams bring you good luck!

Video on the topic of the article

Sunflowers are also called flowers of the sun. They give a good mood and a feeling of warmth. In reality, sunflowers are associated with positive emotions. Now you need to find out what meaning the dreams carry in which this flower was seen.

Why do you dream about sunflowers?

Sunflower is a symbol of good luck, happiness and the realization of what you want. A dream in which a flower has a thick and even stem promises meeting a person who will become a role model for you. This is the person you will contact for good advice. If the stem of a flower is crooked, the dream book does not recommend trusting new acquaintances. A small sunflower is a symbol of a joyful period in life, for example, you can meet old friends. If you dreamed of a sunflower that you receive as a gift, it means that soon a person will appear in your life and you will begin a romantic relationship with him. The flower has a large hat - a symbol of prosperity.

Why do you dream about sunflower seeds?

If you see birds pecking at seeds, this is a sign that in real life some person is interfering with your happiness. If a young girl has a dream in which she cracks sunflower seeds and spits the husks on the floor, it means that in reality she disdains conventions, which in turn provokes serious problems with the people around you. One of the dream books says that if you dreamed of sunflower seeds, it means you should expect happy changes in life, and this can affect any area of ​​life.

Why do you dream about a field of sunflowers?

In this case, the dream is deciphered as falling into a circle of people who are only interested in self-interest. At this time, the dream book recommends restraining your emotions so as not to provoke a conflict. Large quantity sunflowers are a symbol of pleasant meetings, happy times and positive emotions.


As mentioned in Felomena’s dream book, a sunflower is most often a symbol of happiness, a long-awaited joyful event. In addition, this plant promises the dreamer a quick release from painful responsibilities.

A lot of sunflower seeds, as a rule, are an omen of improved health or even complete recovery. For a woman, the plot can also portend pregnancy, which the dreamer has long dreamed of.

How many sunflowers did you dream about?

Field of sunflowers

What kind of sunflowers did you dream about?

Why do you dream of blooming sunflowers?

When you dream about walking among blooming sunflowers, this expresses the discomfort experienced in the current team. You probably lack human warmth in your relationships with colleagues; they seem materialistic.



Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Sunflower in a dream- portends joy, warmth and friendship. This dream is a sign of simple but strong happiness.

Children's dream book

Sunflower- a person worthy of imitation will soon appear in your environment.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Seeing a ripe sunflower with a large hat in a dream- to prosperity.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, December

Seeing a sunflower in a dream- to joy.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Seeing a pecked sunflower in a dream- to the loss of children.

Sunflower- to freedom from worries, to calm days.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Sunflower- your ardent love will be reciprocated

Dream book of the 21st century

Seeing yourself among blooming sunflowers in a dream- means in reality to find yourself in a society where the main role is played by money, and not by intelligence and human dignity, which is why you will feel out of place and strive to leave it as soon as possible.

Sunflower seen in a dream- indicates that your love will be mutual.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Sunflower- unpleasant society; success in a difficult task.

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

Sunflower- ardent love, there will be reciprocity.

Ukrainian dream book

Sunflower- you will have confessions.

Sparrows are pecking- be careful.

Collection of dream books

It’s especially good if you dream of a sunflower in the rays of bright sun- because in this case luck will be your companion for a long time.

For a young woman, a dream in which she gnaws sunflower seeds and spits the cores on the floor- means that her disdain for conventions brings her a lot of problems in communicating with others.


What does it mean to click or see seeds in a dream?

In real life, we carry out most actions simply, mechanically and almost unconsciously, and we don’t even pay attention to most phenomena - they are so familiar and ordinary.

But everything changes when we see these same simple things and phenomena in dreams. Because everyone knows that in dreams rarely anything appears just like that - ordinary actions and objects acquire a secret and voluminous meaning. And everyday things become codes and signs.

Dream books help us determine what the dream is about - and draw conclusions about what to do in reality, where to go, in which direction to take a step.

Seeds - what could be simpler? Many people like to chew pumpkin or sunflower seeds, but in a dream such an ordinary and simple action can take on serious meaning.

Let's figure out why we dream about seeds, and what such dreams promise us. For example, the seeds could appear in one of the following options:

  • You just saw black sunflower seeds in a dream.
  • You dreamed of a ripe sunflower.
  • You saw watermelon seeds in a dream.
  • I dreamed about seed husks.
  • You saw a lot of seeds.
  • You happened to gnaw seeds in a dream.
  • You started cracking pumpkin seeds in your sleep.
  • You bought seeds.
  • They distributed them to people.
  • Collected.
  • You sowed seeds in a dream.
  • They fed the birds with them.
  • We counted the seeds in a sunflower hat.

There are many options, despite the simplicity and simplicity of such a symbol. Each dream with seeds is unique.

To interpret what seeds mean in dreams, first remember the details - what they were like, what you did. And then you will find out what the dream book says.

Why could this have happened?

As the dream book says, seeds can symbolize profit, conversations, joy - a lot of pleasant things.

1. Seeing sunflower seeds in your dreams promises joy and a pleasant pastime, albeit without much benefit. Do what you like - have fun and enjoy pleasant moments.

2. If you dream of a sunflower hat full of seeds, expect pleasant changes in your personal life and mutual love. If you like someone, you can safely count on reciprocity. So be brave, don’t miss out on happiness!

3. A sick person always dreams of sunflower seeds as a sign of recovery. If you are now sick, experiencing ailments and being attacked by illnesses, rest assured that soon you will get better, have good health and feel great. Take care of yourself!

4. Young people dream of this to symbolize joy, love, and even marriage. A girl or guy who dreams of seeds should hope for a happy turn in love, a long-awaited meeting, romance and everything that one dreams of.

5. And if you dreamed of watermelon seeds, this is a serious dream. It indicates that you are aware of the root causes of some important, big events, you will have a valuable and deep understanding of things, hidden meanings, secrets.

You will be able to deeply understand the situation. You will receive wisdom - use it correctly and wisely, for good.

6. If you dream of seed husks, this foreshadows some return to the past, to past events. You will probably meet someone from past life, and relive the feelings that have passed away. Try to evaluate this meeting wisely, do not dive into the past.

7. A lot of seeds is a good sign. Such a dream, in which they lie in whole heaps, promises profit. You will have to harvest the harvest, reap the fruits - your work will receive a generous reward, you will have recognition and money.

Click, buy or sow in a dream

Why do you dream about sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds or any other seeds that you happen to click, buy, collect, or do anything else? Depends, as always, on the details and actions of the dreamer.

1. Such a dream, in which you happened to crack seeds, foreshadows you pleasant days, entertainment, idleness. Enjoy relaxation and joy, communication with friends and pleasant moments.

2. And if you happen to gnaw pumpkin seeds, the dream book foretells the birth of a new one. Moreover, both a child and a brilliant idea, project, new love. Whatever it is, it will be born and change the course of your life, bring new hopes, colors and joy.

3. If you bought seeds in a dream, you will have a pleasant holiday, vacation or a very memorable weekend. After this, you will have a surge of new, fresh strength that should be used actively and constructively!

4. Collecting seeds in a dream means showing concern for people in reality. This is what you need now, take care of relatives, friends or those who need it - this will have a beneficial effect on your destiny and will make you happier.

5. If you counted the seeds on a sunflower hat, this is a sign that you are practical, know how to save and manage finances wisely. Thanks to this, you will not be in danger of poverty. But don't be too tight-fisted!

6. As the dream book says, the seeds that you sow in a dream foretell you reasonable investments, which will later bring very good dividends.

7. But if you handed them out to someone in a dream, this is advice - be more honest, kinder and simpler with people.

8. As every dream book testifies, the seeds that you feed the birds in a dream may indicate that you will have expenses, a lot of purchases or investments. Be smart, don't throw money around.

What did the interpreter tell you? Remember this, analyze it and use it wisely. Without fail, thanks to this knowledge, your life will be easier and more joyful.


Why photograph sunflowers?


Isabella Marie

Sunflower - a person worthy of imitation will soon appear in your environment.
Dream book of the 21st century

To see yourself among blooming sunflowers in a dream means that in reality you will find yourself in a society where the main role is played by money, and not by intelligence and human dignity, which will make you feel out of place and strive to leave it as soon as possible.

A sunflower seen in a dream means that your love will be mutual.
Dream Interpretation of Grishina

Sunflower - ardent love, there will be reciprocity.
Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

A sunflower in a dream portends joy, warmth and friendship. This dream is a sign of simple but strong happiness.
Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, December

Seeing a sunflower in a dream is a sign of joy.
Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Seeing a ripe sunflower with a large hat in a dream means prosperity.
Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Seeing a pecked sunflower in a dream means the loss of children.

Sunflower - to liberation from worries, to calm days.
Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Sunflower - your ardent love will be reciprocated
Dream Book of the Wanderer

Sunflower is an unpleasant society; success in a difficult task.
Ukrainian dream book

Sunflower - you will have recognition.

Sparrows are pecking - be careful.

Lyudmila Filippova

They will treat you to sunflower seeds.


there is such a miracle book called DREAMY BOARD you need to look and read there
and find out what's what




Flowers dream of minor troubles, such as a small quarrel or a cold or flu. But they are so beautiful....


A sign of mutual love, deep and sincere affection.

Svetlana Slipukha

Sunflower is you. No matter how trite it sounds: now you need parental warmth and affection.


You see a large sunflower in a dream - you will be forced to kill time in an unpleasant society. The atmosphere of petty jokes and malicious chuckles is not the atmosphere of a holiday; you are in this society only as an extra. It is possible that someone will hide behind you, justifying their vice.

Oksana Gracheva

A sunflower in a dream portends joy, warmth and friendship. This dream is a sign of simple but strong happiness.

Why do you dream about sunflowers? A whole field.


Veronica Cernucci

Reciprocity in love.

The navel of the Earth, our mother.

fortunately a hundred pounds


Finding yourself on the field means getting into society unpleasant people, narcissistic and limited.


Seeing a sunflower in a dream is a favorable sign.

It is especially good if you dream of a sunflower in the rays of the bright sun, since in this case luck will certainly become your companion for a long time.

For a young woman, a dream in which she gnaws sunflower seeds and spits the cores on the floor means that her disdain for conventions brings her a lot of problems in communicating with others.


Yes, you have a happy streak in your life___joy and love

Olga Vladimirovna

Your soul is yearning for freedom, but in life you constantly have to obey people, circumstances, bosses and maneuver, maneuver...
or so - you are always waiting for someone's praise, encouragement, attention, warmth, understanding - this is if you are a housewife


Sunflowers mean worship of some object (authority), reckless passion. And since there is a whole field of them in your dream, most likely you are very, very much in love and don’t see or notice anything around you. Look at things more realistically. Good luck!!

Why do you dream about sunflowers?!


Lilac fairy

Seeing a sunflower in a dream is a sign of joy.
The sunflower is also called the “sunny flower”. These flowers give a good mood, a feeling of warmth and light.

Olya Panina

Towards marriage


a lot of male attention.... spring is coming - new acquaintances, new crushes....

Tatyana TYPE

To the beginning of a happy streak in your life!..

Red Kaza 1945™

This is clearly for something bright and kind - it doesn’t matter what, but apparently for something happy