Military ranks of Cossacks in the tsarist army. A Cossack without faith is not a Cossack

Esaul is a rank in the Cossack army. At first, this was the name given to the military commander’s assistant, later the captain began to be equated with a captain or captain. What does this word mean?

Etymology of the word

According to one version, “esaul” is a word of Turkic origin. In some chronicles it is called “eke yasaul”, which means “second yasaul”.

According to another version, the word has Iranian roots. It came from two early Iranian words “asa” - “free” and “ul” - “son”. The phrase meant “son of the free.”

Over time, the Iranian-language word entered the Turkic language, and later into Old Russian. In the Ukrainian and Russian languages, the word has several forms: “esaul”, “osavul” and others.

Cossack rank

The position of captain among the Cossacks first appeared in 1578. She is mentioned in the Registered Army, which was in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth during the reign of

The Cossack esaul was divided into the following ranks:

  • General Yesaul - this was the highest position after the hetman; he commanded regiments, and sometimes the entire army. IN peacetime dealt with inspection issues. The rank was characteristic of the Zaporozhye Cossacks.
  • Military - in charge administrative matters, in the nineteenth century he was an adjutant, carrying out the instructions of the ataman.
  • Regimental - was the main assistant to the regiment commander, performing the duties of a staff officer. The Don Cossacks had village esauls, they were considered assistants to the village ataman.
  • Marching - appointed before the start of the campaign, served as an assistant to the marching chieftain. If he was absent, the esaul could command the army himself. This was allowed in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.
  • An artillery captain is a person who carries out orders from the chief of artillery.

In the sequence of military rank, esaul stood above podesaul, but below military foreman.

The position of general captain, who kept the hetman's mace, lasted until 1764. She disappeared as a result of the lands.

The most famous esaul

Ivan Mazepa began his career under Hetman Doroshenko in Right Bank Ukraine. At first he was a captain, later he became a general clerk. In 1674, by order of Hetman Mazepa went to Crimean Khanate as an envoy. When his delegation was heading to Constantinople, he was captured by the Kosh chieftain Ivan Sirko.

The Zaporozhye Cossacks decided to execute Mazepa, but as a result they sent him to Samoilovich. The hetman made him a military comrade, and a few years later granted him the rank of general captain. So Mazepa approached the Cossack elder. After the fall of Samoilovich, Mazepa took his place, becoming one of the controversial figures of his time.

Rank after 1775

By order of Prince Potemkin, the rank of esaul (regimental) was equal to the rank of officer. At the end of the eighteenth century, this position granted its holder hereditary nobility.

At the end of the nineteenth century, the rank of esaul corresponded to that of captain. In modern times, it is equivalent to the rank of major. The position disappeared after 1917 with the arrival of the Bolsheviks.

Ataman of the Volga Military
Cossack society
Cossack General I. Mironov
"17" December 2012

on the procedure for assigning Cossack ranks to Cossacks
Volga Military Cossack Society.

I. General provisions

1. The assignment of Cossack ranks is carried out in accordance with the Regulations on the procedure for assigning ranks to members of Cossack societies included in state register Cossack societies in the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of February 9, 2010 No. 169.

2. To streamline the rank production, Cossacks’ submissions for the assignment of a regular or extraordinary rank are constantly considered by the existing certification commissions, which should be in all military Cossack societies.

3. About the assignment of a Cossack rank to a member of the Cossack society, a corresponding entry is made in the Cossack certificate.

4. It is prohibited to assign Cossack ranks, bypassing the previous ones.
As an exception, early assignment of Cossack ranks, bypassing the previous ones, is allowed to members of Cossack societies elected to the positions of district (departmental) ataman - up to esaul and Military Ataman - up to military foreman. Subsequently, this category of persons is allowed to assign the next Cossack ranks ahead of schedule, if they have the appropriate education and undergo additional training for their position, but not earlier than after 6 months.

5. Submission for assignment (deprivation) of a Cossack rank is carried out according to the form developed by the Office of the President Russian Federation on Cossack issues. Documents for the assignment of Cossack ranks should be submitted to the headquarters of the All-Russian Military District for registration and consideration by the certification commission of the All-VVKO. After the decision is made by the VVKO certification commission, the documents are presented to the Military Ataman for signature.

6. Cossack ranks can be assigned to persons in service (reserve, retired) in the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation, the FSB of the Russian Federation, the justice authorities and the prosecutor's office of the Russian Federation, in accordance with their military or special ranks and positions held by them in Cossack society.

II. Procedure for promotion to Cossack rank

1. A citizen of the Russian Federation who is enrolled in one of the Cossack societies of the All-Russian Military District is promoted to the rank of Cossack.

2. A Cossack, a clerk, filling a position for which the state provides for the rank of junior constable and higher, is promoted to the rank of junior constable - upon expiration of his term of service in the previous rank.

3. A junior constable is promoted to the rank of constable, filling a position for which the state provides for the rank of constable and above - upon expiration of his term of service in the previous rank.

4. A non-commissioned officer filling a position for which the state provides for the rank of senior non-commissioned officer and higher is promoted to the rank of senior non-commissioned officer - upon expiration of his term of service in the previous rank.

5. A senior officer is promoted to the rank of junior sergeant, filling a position for which the state provides for the rank of junior sergeant and higher - upon expiration of his term of service in the previous rank.

6. A junior sergeant is promoted to the rank of sergeant, filling a position for which the state provides for the rank of sergeant and higher - upon expiration of his term of service in the previous rank.

7. A sergeant who fills a position for which the state provides for the rank of senior sergeant and higher is promoted to the rank of senior sergeant - upon expiration of his term of service in the previous rank.

8. A Cossack who has the military or special rank of junior lieutenant, awarded in the public service (military or otherwise), in accordance with the position held for which the rank of sub-sergeant is provided, as well as a senior sergeant who has a secondary specialized education and special training, in accordance with the position held, for which the rank of sub-soror and higher is provided - after the expiration of service in the previous rank.

9. A Cossack who has the military or special rank of lieutenant, awarded in the public service (military or otherwise), in accordance with the position held for which the rank of cornet is provided, is promoted to the rank of cornet, as well as a sub-horunzhi who has higher education and special training, in accordance with the position held, for which the rank of cornet and higher is provided - after the expiration of service in the previous rank.

10. The rank of centurion is promoted to a Cossack who has the military or special rank of senior lieutenant, awarded in the public service (military or otherwise), subject to the position held for which the rank of centurion is provided, as well as a cornet with higher education and special training, subject to compliance position held, for which the rank of cornet and higher is provided - after the expiration of service in the previous rank.

11. A Cossack who has the military or special rank of captain, awarded in the public service (military or otherwise), in accordance with the position held for which the rank of captain is provided, as well as a centurion who has higher education and special training, in accordance with the position held, is promoted to the rank of captain. positions for which the rank of podesaul and higher is provided - after the expiration of service in the previous rank.

12. A Cossack who has the military or special rank of major, awarded in the public service (military or otherwise), in accordance with the position held for which the rank of esaul is provided, is promoted to the rank of esaul, as well as a podesaul who has higher education and special training, in accordance with the position held positions for which the rank of esaul and higher is provided - after the expiration of service in the previous rank.

13. The rank of military foreman is promoted to a Cossack who has a military or special rank of lieutenant colonel, awarded in the public service (military or otherwise), in accordance with the position held for which the rank of military foreman is provided, as well as an esaul who has higher education and special training, with in accordance with the position held, for which the rank of military sergeant is provided and above - upon expiration of the period of service in the previous rank.

14. A Cossack who has a military or special rank of colonel, awarded in the public service (military or otherwise), in accordance with the position held for which the rank of Cossack colonel is provided, as well as a military sergeant major who has higher education and special training, is promoted to the rank of Cossack colonel. in accordance with the position held, for which the rank of Cossack colonel and higher is provided - after the expiration of the period of service in the previous rank.

III. The procedure for submitting documents for the assignment of Cossack ranks
1. Submissions for the assignment of Cossack ranks to district (departmental) atamans of the All-Russian Military District (esul, military foreman, Cossack colonel), after considering the official by the certification commission of the All-VVKO, are drawn up by the headquarters of the All-VVKO, the section “Bases for the submission” is signed by the Military Ataman, who is also in the section “Conclusion” officials" petitions for the assignment of the Cossack rank.
2. Submissions for the assignment of Cossack ranks to officials of the Military Board of the All-Russian Military District are drawn up by the headquarters of the All-VVKO after consideration by the attestation commission of the Air Force, the section “Bases for the submission” is signed by the immediate superior of the official, in the section “Conclusion of officials” they apply for the assignment of a Cossack rank: when assigning the main ranks - the immediate superior of the official and the Troop Ataman, when representing junior and senior ranks - the immediate superior.

3. Submissions for the assignment of Cossack ranks to atamans of farm, village, city, district, yurt Cossack societies, after consideration by the certification commissions of the relevant Cossack societies, are drawn up by the headquarters of the district (departmental) Cossack society, the section “Bases for the submission” is signed by the district (departmental) ataman, aka in the section “Conclusion of Officials” he petitions for the assignment of the Cossack rank.

4. Submissions for the assignment of Cossack ranks to members of the boards of district (departmental) Cossack societies, after consideration by the certification commission of the corresponding district (department) Cossack society, are drawn up by the headquarters of the district (departmental) Cossack society, the section “Bases for the submission” is signed by the immediate superior, in the section “Conclusion of officials persons" apply for the assignment of Cossack: main ranks - the immediate superior of the official, the district (departmental) ataman and the Military Ataman, junior and senior ranks - the immediate superior of the district (departmental) ataman.

5. Submissions for the assignment of Cossack ranks to officials of the farm, stanitsa, city, district, yurt Cossack society are drawn up and petition for the assignment of Cossack ranks by the ataman of the corresponding farm, stanitsa, city, district, yurt Cossack society. The section “Grounds for assignment” is signed by the ataman (KhKO, SKO, GKO, SKO), in the section “Conclusion of officials” they apply for the assignment of a Cossack rank: main ranks - ataman (KhKO, SKO, GKO, RKO, SKO), district (department ) ataman and Troop Ataman, junior and senior ranks - ataman (KhKO, SKO, GKO, RKO, SKO), district (department) ataman, lower ranks - ataman (KhKO, SKO, GKO, RKO, SKO).

IV. The right to sign orders on assigning Cossack ranks to members of the All-Russian Military District.
1. The highest rank - Cossack general - President of the Russian Federation.

2. The main ranks are esaul, military foreman, Cossack colonel - Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Volga Federal District.

3. Junior and senior ranks - junior sergeant, sergeant, senior sergeant, sub-horunzhiy, cornet, centurion, podesaul - Ataman of the Volga military Cossack society.

4. Lower ranks - Cossack, clerk, junior constable, constable, senior constable - Ataman of the district (department) Cossack society.

Chief of Staff
Volga Military Cossack Society
Cossack Colonel B. Kumaneev

First ranks or speaking modern language- positions among the Cossacks; the hetman, ataman, clerk, centurion, and foreman were elected. The later appearance of ranks in the Cossack troops dates back to the 15th-16th centuries, which was associated primarily with the transformation of the Cossacks into a military organization, as an integral part of the country's armed forces. In the Russian army, ranks were first introduced in the middle of the 16th century. Streltsy army. The last Russian Tsar and the first All-Russian Emperor Peter I Alekseevich “The Great” established a unified system of military, civil and court ranks, which was finally consolidated in 1722 in the “Table of Ranks”. The ranks were assigned to a specific class, the senior of which was the first class. At the end of the 18th century, the Table of Ranks included officer ranks Cossack troops. In 1828, under Emperor Nicholas I, the Cossack troops were introduced unified system all military ranks (ranks). By that time, the Cossacks had the following ranks:

staff officers(senior officers) - colonel, lieutenant colonel and military sergeant major;

chief officers(junior officers) - esaul, centurion, cornet;

lower ranks- sergeant, constable, clerk and Cossack (private). In the future, this system of military ranks (ranks) in the Cossack troops did not tolerate any more changes. In 1880, the rank of sub-soror was introduced. In 1884, the rank of lieutenant colonel was replaced by the rank of military foreman, which previously corresponded to an army major, and the rank of captain was introduced, equal to a staff captain in the army cavalry.


At the lowest rung of the Cossack army's service ladder stood an ordinary Cossack, corresponding to an infantry private.


The clerk had one stripe and corresponded to a corporal in the infantry.


The ranks of junior sergeant and senior sergeant corresponded to junior non-commissioned officer, non-commissioned officer and senior non-commissioned officer, respectively, the number of badges is typical for modern non-commissioned officers.


Sergeant is the next rank, which was not only in the Cossacks, but also in the non-commissioned officers of the cavalry and horse artillery. In the Russian army and gendarmerie, the sergeant was the closest assistant to the commander of a hundred, squadron, battery for drill training, internal order and economic affairs. The rank of sergeant corresponded to the rank of sergeant major in the infantry.


According to the regulations of 1884, introduced by Alexander III, the next rank in the Cossack troops, but only for wartime, was sub-horunzhy, an intermediate rank between ensign and ensign in the infantry, also introduced in wartime. In peacetime, besides the Cossack troops, these ranks existed only for reserve officers.


Cornet is the next grade in the chief officer ranks, corresponding to second lieutenant in the infantry and cornet in the regular cavalry. According to his official position, he corresponded to a lieutenant in modern army, but wore shoulder straps with a blue gap on a silver field with two stars. In the army of time Russian Empire, compared to the Soviet one, the number of stars was one more.


Sotnik is a chief officer rank in the Cossack troops, corresponding to a lieutenant in regular army. The centurion wore shoulder straps of the same design, but with three stars, corresponding in his position to a modern senior lieutenant.


Podesaul was the assistant or deputy of the captain and in his absence commanded the Cossack hundred. The shoulder straps had the same design as the centurion, but with four stars. His official position corresponds to that of a modern captain. This rank was introduced in 1884. In the regular troops it corresponded to the rank of staff captain and staff captain.


Yesauls (Turkic - chief) were general, military, regimental, hundred, village, marching and artillery. General Captain (two per Army) - highest rank after the hetman. In peacetime, general esauls performed inspector functions; in war they commanded several regiments, and in the absence of the hetman, the entire Army. But this is typical only for the Zaporozhye Cossacks.

Military esauls were elected at the Military Circle (in Donskoy and most others - two per Army, in Volzhsky and Orenburg - one each). We were engaged in administrative matters. Since 1835, they were appointed as adjutants to the military ataman.

Regimental esauls(initially two per regiment) performed the duties of staff officers and were the closest assistants to the regiment commander. Hundred esauls (one per hundred) commanded hundreds. This link did not take root in the Don Army after the first centuries of the existence of the Cossacks. The village esauls were characteristic only of the Don Army. They were elected at village assemblies and served as assistants to the village atamans.

Marching esauls (usually two per Army) were selected when setting out on a campaign. They served as assistants to the marching chieftain, in the 16th-17th centuries they commanded the army in his absence, and later they were executors of the marching chieftain’s orders. The artillery captain (one per Army) was subordinate to the chief of artillery and carried out his instructions.

General, regimental, village and other esauls were gradually abolished. Only the military esaul was preserved under the military ataman of the Cossack army. In 1798 - 1800 The rank of esaul was equal to the rank of captain in the cavalry. Esaul, as a rule, commanded a Cossack hundred. His official position corresponded to that of a modern captain. He wore shoulder straps with a blue gap on a silver field without stars.

Next come the staff officer ranks. In fact, after the reform Alexandra III in 1884, the rank of esaul entered this rank, and therefore the rank of major was removed from the staff officer ranks, as a result of which a serviceman immediately became a lieutenant colonel from captains.

Military foreman. The name military foreman comes from old name executive body of power among the Cossacks. In the second half of the 18th century this name was modified form extended to individuals who commanded individual branches of the Cossack army. Since 1754, a military foreman was equivalent to a major, and with the abolition of this rank in 1884, to a lieutenant colonel. He wore shoulder straps with two blue gaps on a silver field and three stars.


Colonel - shoulder straps are the same as those of a military sergeant major, but without stars. Starting from this rank, the service ladder is unified with the general army one, since the purely Cossack names of ranks disappear. The official position of a Cossack general fully corresponds to the general ranks of the Russian Army.


Relevant military rank V Armed Forces RF - "private".

Cossack shoulder straps rectangular in shape, the upper edge is triangular. At the top there is a silver coat of arms button. The color of the main cloth is cornflower blue (the field version is green). There are no stripes (badges) on the Cossack's shoulder straps.

2. ORDER (SkR)

The corresponding military rank in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is “corporal.”

Clerk's shoulder straps rectangular in shape, the upper edge is triangular. At the top there is a silver coat of arms button. The color of the main cloth is cornflower blue (the field version is green). At the top of the shoulder strap there is one narrow transverse stripe (strap).


The corresponding military rank in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is “junior sergeant”.

Junior officer's shoulder straps rectangular in shape, the upper edge is triangular. At the top there is a silver coat of arms button. The color of the main cloth is cornflower blue (the field version is green). At the top of the shoulder strap there are two narrow transverse stripes (straps).


The corresponding military rank in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is “sergeant”.

Senior officer's shoulder straps rectangular in shape, the upper edge is triangular. At the top there is a silver coat of arms button. The color of the main cloth is cornflower blue (the field version is green). At the top of the shoulder strap there is one wide transverse stripe (strap).


The corresponding military rank in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is “senior sergeant.”

The sergeant's shoulder straps are rectangular in shape, the upper edge is triangular. At the top there is a silver coat of arms button. The color of the main cloth is cornflower blue (the field version is green). At the top of the shoulder strap there is one wide transverse stripe (strap).


The corresponding military rank in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is “junior lieutenant”.

Shoulder straps rectangular in shape, the upper edge is in the shape of a trapezoid. At the top there is a silver coat of arms button. The main field is made of galun of a special weave in silver or dark green with one cornflower blue lumen. Along the edges there are wide cornflower blue edgings. In the center of the shoulder strap, on the longitudinal center line, there is one small silver star.


The corresponding military rank in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is “lieutenant”.

Cornet shoulder straps rectangular in shape, the upper edge is in the shape of a trapezoid. At the top there is a silver coat of arms button. The main field is made of galun of a special weave of silver or dark green color with one cornflower blue gap. Along the edges there are wide cornflower blue edgings. On both sides of the longitudinal center line of the shoulder strap there are two small silver stars.

11. SOTNIK (SkR)

The corresponding military rank in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is “senior lieutenant.”

Centurion's shoulder straps rectangular in shape, the upper edge is in the shape of a trapezoid. At the top there is a silver coat of arms button. The main field is made of galun of a special weave of silver or dark green color with one cornflower blue gap. Along the edges there are wide cornflower blue edgings. On both sides of the longitudinal center line of the shoulder strap there are two small silver stars and a third, above the first two, on the longitudinal center line of the shoulder strap.


The corresponding military rank in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is “captain”.

Shoulder straps of the captain rectangular in shape, the upper edge is in the shape of a trapezoid. At the top there is a silver coat of arms button. The main field is made of galun of a special weave of silver or dark green color with one cornflower blue gap. Along the edges there are wide cornflower blue edgings. On both sides of the longitudinal center line of the shoulder strap there are two small silver stars, as well as the third and fourth, above the first two, on the longitudinal center line of the shoulder strap.

13. ESAUL (SkR)

The corresponding military rank in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is “major”.

Epaulets of captain rectangular in shape, the upper edge is in the shape of a trapezoid. At the top there is a silver coat of arms button. The main field is made of galun of a special weave of silver or dark green color with one cornflower blue gap. Along the edges there are wide cornflower blue edgings. There are no stars on the captain's uniform.

14. MILITARY Sergeant Major (SKR)

The corresponding military rank in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is “lieutenant colonel.”

Shoulder straps of a military sergeant major rectangular in shape, the upper edge is in the shape of a trapezoid. At the top there is a silver coat of arms button. The main field is made of galun of a special weave of silver or dark green color with two cornflower blue gaps. Along the edges there are wide cornflower blue edgings. On both sides of the longitudinal center line of the shoulder strap there are two small golden stars and a third, above the first two, on the longitudinal center line of the shoulder strap.


The corresponding military rank in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is “colonel”.

Shoulder straps of a Cossack colonel rectangular in shape, the upper edge is in the shape of a trapezoid. At the top there is a silver coat of arms button. The main field is made of galun of a special weave of silver or dark green color with two cornflower blue gaps. Along the edges there are wide cornflower blue edgings. There are no stars on the uniform of a Cossack colonel.

On the shoulder straps of Cossacks and officers of the Cossack troops of the Union of Cossacks of Russia, it is customary to wear the letter “SKR” - as a sign of belonging to this organization. More detailed requirements for wearing shoulder straps are defined by the Rules for Wearing Uniforms of the SKR in the section “Wearing shoulder straps, buttonholes and sleeve chevrons.”

The assignment of Cossack ranks to the Union of Cossacks of Russia is carried out on the basis

At the lowest rung of the service ladder stood an ordinary Cossack, corresponding to an infantry private. Next came the clerk, who had one stripe and corresponded to a corporal in the infantry.
The next level of the career ladder: junior sergeant, sergeant and senior sergeant, corresponding to junior non-commissioned officer, non-commissioned officer and senior non-commissioned officer, with the corresponding number of badges for modern non-commissioned officers.
This was followed by the rank of sergeant, characteristic not only of the Cossacks, but also of the non-commissioned officers of the cavalry and horse artillery of the Russian army and gendarmerie. The sergeant is the closest assistant to the commander of a hundred, squadron, battery for drill training, internal order and economic affairs. The rank of sergeant corresponded to the rank of sergeant major in the infantry.
According to the Regulations of 1884, introduced by Alexander III, the next rank in the Cossack troops, but only for wartime, was sub-sergeant, corresponding to an intermediate position between ensign and warrant officer in the infantry, which was also introduced in wartime. In peacetime, besides the Cossack troops, these ranks existed only for reserve officers.
The next grade in the chief officer ranks is cornet, corresponding to second lieutenant in the infantry and cornet in the regular cavalry. According to his official position, he corresponded to a lieutenant in the modern army, but wore a shoulder strap with a blue gap on a silver field (the applied color of the Don Army) with two stars. In the old army, compared to the Soviet army, the number of stars was one more.
Next came the centurion, a chief officer rank in the Cossack troops, corresponding to a lieutenant in the regular troops. The centurion wore shoulder straps of the same design, but with three stars, corresponding in his position to a modern senior lieutenant.
A higher level is podesaul. This rank was introduced in 1884. In the regular troops he corresponded to the rank of staff captain and staff captain. The podesauls were assistants or deputies of the esauls and, in their absence, commanded hundreds of Cossacks. Shoulder straps of the same design, but with four stars. His official position corresponds to that of a modern captain.
And most high rank chief officer rank - esaul. It is worth talking about this rank in particular, since the people who wore it held positions in both civil and military administration. In various Cossack troops, this position included various service prerogatives.
The word comes from the Turkic “yasaul” - chief. It was first mentioned in the Cossack troops in 1576, as introduced into the Ukrainian Cossack army. Yesauls were general, military, regimental, hundred, village, marching and artillery. General Yesaul (two per Army) is the highest rank after the hetman. In peacetime, general esauls performed inspector functions; in war they commanded several regiments, and in the absence of the hetman, the entire Army. But this is typical only for Ukrainian Cossacks.
Military esauls were elected at the Military Circle (in Donskoy and most others - two per Army, in Volzhsky and Orenburg - one each). We were engaged in administrative matters. Since 1835, they were appointed as adjutants to the military ataman.
Regimental esauls (initially two per regiment) performed the duties of headquarters officers and were the closest assistants to the regiment commander. Hundred esauls (one per hundred) commanded hundreds. This link did not take root in the Don Army.
The village esauls were characteristic only of the Don Army. They were elected at village assemblies and served as assistants to the village atamans.
Marching esauls (usually two per Army) were selected when setting out on a campaign. They served as assistants to the marching chieftain, in the 16th-17th centuries they commanded the army in his absence, and later they were executors of the marching chieftain’s orders. For the Don Army they are typical only for the specified period.
The artillery captain (one per Army) was subordinate to the chief of artillery and carried out his instructions.
General, regimental, village and other esauls were gradually abolished. Only the military esaul was preserved under the military ataman of the Don Cossack army.
In 1798-1800, the rank of esaul was equal to the rank of captain in the cavalry. Esaul, as a rule, commanded a Cossack hundred. His official position corresponded to that of a modern major. He wore an epaulette with a blue gap on a silver field, empty, without stars.
Next come the staff officer ranks. In fact, after the reform of Alexander III in 1884, the rank of esaul was included in this rank, and therefore the rank of major was removed from the staff officer ranks, as a result of which a serviceman immediately became a lieutenant colonel from captains.
Next comes the military sergeant major. The name of this rank comes from the ancient name of the executive body of power among the Cossacks (the so-called military foreman). In the second half of the 18th century, this name, in a modified form, extended to individuals who commanded individual branches of the Cossack army. Since 1754, a military foreman was equivalent to a major, and with the abolition of this rank in 1884, to a lieutenant colonel. Wore shoulder straps with two blue gaps on a silver field and three big stars.
Next comes the colonel. The shoulder strap is the same as that of a military sergeant major, but without stars. Starting from this rank, the service ladder is unified with the general army, since the purely Cossack names of ranks disappear and the general level, characteristic of the entire Russian army, appears. His official position fully corresponds to the general ranks of the Russian Army.
Correspondence of Cossack ranks and ranks Russian army
Cossack - soldier, clerk - corporal, junior sergeant - junior sergeant, sergeant - sergeant, senior sergeant - senior sergeant, junior sergeant - sergeant major, sergeant - warrant officer, senior sergeant - senior warrant officer, subhorunzhiy - junior lieutenant, cornet - lieutenant, centurion - senior lieutenant, podesaul - captain, esaul - major, military foreman - lieutenant colonel, Cossack colonel - colonel, Cossack general - general.