Calculated pregnancy calendar. Calculate due date using a calculator

The long-awaited pregnancy has arrived, and you really want to know when you will see your baby? To calculate the gestational age and the expected day of birth, it is enough to know just one date: the day the last menstruation began. It is from this that the gynecologist will calculate the gestational age when you come to the clinic to register.

Calculate gestational age online

Only a few women can accurately name the date of conception of a child in order to accurately calculate the real gestational age. And even in this case, the birth of a new life may occur on another day, when the future parents do not know about it. At the same time, almost every woman remembers the date of her last period, which is why obstetricians take it as a starting point. Theoretically, ovulation—the period when an egg ready for fertilization is released—occurs in the middle menstrual cycle. Therefore, between the actual age of the fetus and the obstetric gestational age (which begins on the first day of the last menstruation) there is a difference of approximately two weeks.

So, to calculate your gestational age online, you need to remember when your last period started. Two weeks are added to this day: it is during this period that the egg fully matures and fertilization can occur. Then you can calculate the expected date of birth in two ways: the first is when forty weeks are added to the date of the first day of the last menstruation. The second is that three months are subtracted from the day when conception could have occurred and seven days are added to it.

But if you don't like fiddling with calculations, the interactive pregnancy calculator will do it for you. Enter your data (the date of the first day of your last menstrual period) and within a second you will receive the result of your pregnancy in weeks and days.

Calculate gestational age by date of conception

This calculator can also be used to calculate the gestational age based on the day the child was conceived, if you are confident in the accuracy of this date. In this case, you will find out the actual (gestational) gestational age, which will correspond to the age of the fetus. The obstetric date that your doctor will give you on the first day of your last menstruation will differ from it by approximately two weeks (that is, it will be longer than the gestational age).

By using our calculator to calculate the gestational age by week, you can also find out the approximate due date and begin to prepare for it in advance: find a comfortable maternity hospital and good doctor, study breathing techniques during childbirth, choose a comfortable position for childbirth, think about partner childbirth, arrange a nursery and stock up on everything necessary to care for a newborn.

Calculating the gestational age with an accuracy of one day is very difficult and is possible, perhaps, only if ovulation is specifically monitored using ultrasound. But these procedures are carried out only for the treatment of infertility. Therefore, the day of conception often remains a secret even for the couple themselves, not to mention the doctors.

And yet, are there any calendar methods for calculating conception? Is it possible to calculate the gestational age based on the menstrual cycle and the day of delay? What procedures and tests help in diagnosis and calculations? You will read about all this in the article.

Calendar methods

If sexual intercourse does not occur too often, then it is quite possible that a woman will remember exactly on what day that same nimble sperm entered her body, which subsequently fertilized the egg. This is also possible if a woman scrupulously measures basal temperature and knows how to use the resulting graphs with temperature values. She tells the doctor this calculated day after her pregnancy is confirmed. However, the doctor, having found out when the patient’s last period was, calls the period 2 weeks longer. How can this be and what to believe?

The fact is that doctors calculate the obstetric period, and it depends only on the first day of the last menstruation. It turns out that pregnancy begins on the first day of menstruation, although this is not true, of course. But this calculation method turns out to be quite accurate. And using the same method, the expected date of birth is calculated: 280 days are added to the first day of the last menstruation, or 3 months are subtracted and 7 days are added (according to Naegele’s formula).

If the day of ovulation is known exactly, then we can add not 280 days to the first day of the menstrual cycle, but 264. And in this way we will also find out the estimated due date. Well, you can start counting pregnancy from the day of ovulation. But again, doctors do not conduct such calculations, and these values ​​are not taken into account.

Ultrasound examination

Ultrasound has been actively used for many years to diagnose fetal development. And with the help of ultrasound, the gestational age is determined. Particularly accurate in this regard are studies conducted in the first weeks of pregnancy (up to 8 weeks). During this period, all healthy embryos develop equally, and the gestational age according to the size of the fetus is determined exactly down to the day. The longer the term, the more mistakes there are, since children begin to show individuality in a sense - one may have a slightly larger head than it should be at a certain period, while another baby is slightly shorter than his own. age limits. If the deviations are minor - a week or less - then doctors, as a rule, do not take them into account, and nothing needs to be treated. The estimated period is set based on measurement data of the coccygeal-parietal size. The result is obtained using a table.

If there is a developmental delay of 2 weeks or more, despite all this, there is confidence that there is no error in setting the gestational age, the doctor makes a diagnosis of “intrauterine growth retardation.” It is impossible to “cure” her. Everything that is done in the hospital has only a preventive, and not too pronounced, effect. Good food, healthy image life, walks, quiet leisure - that’s what’s much more important.

Gynecological examination

Many women go to the gynecologist on the first day of the delay, or even earlier, in the hope that the doctor will be able to tell for sure whether they are pregnant or not. But this is impossible, unfortunately. The uterus may be slightly enlarged before menstruation. The growth of the uterus, due to the development of the fetus in it, begins noticeably from the end of the first trimester. At 5-6 weeks (that is, in the second or third week of delayed menstruation), the uterus slightly exceeds its normal size, the volume can be compared with chicken egg. At 8 weeks the uterus is already the size of a goose egg, and at 10 weeks it is the size of a woman’s fist. Again, gynecological examinations are more accurate in determining the duration of pregnancy, the shorter it is.

Date of first movement

All gynecologists inspire their patients, expectant mothers, that they must remember the day when they first felt the baby inside them, that is, they felt his movements. It is believed that in pregnant women for the first time this occurs at exactly 20 weeks of pregnancy, and in pregnant women again - at exactly 18 weeks. This date must be included in the pregnant woman’s dispensary card and taken into account when determining the expected date of birth. Although, if you believe the statements of many expectant mothers, the timing of the first movements does not always coincide with the “book” ones. I would also like to reassure a little hyper-responsible expectant mothers who are afraid that they will not notice the first movements, thereby confusing the doctor when setting the date of birth, which can lead to post-term pregnancy. Firstly, postmaturity is diagnosed based on the results of Doppler ultrasound and some ultrasound indicators (maturity of the placenta, volume of amniotic fluid, etc.). And secondly, the first movements are indeed very light, but quite noticeable. It is impossible not to notice movement if you are in a horizontal position, especially on your back.

Uterus length

From approximately the second trimester of pregnancy, and sometimes earlier, gynecologists evaluate fetal development based on the length of the uterus. It is measured with a measuring tape, expectant mother lies on the couch. Every week it adds about 1 centimeter. There is another measurement method; many doctors use the corresponding tablets, and they can also be found in manuals on obstetrics and gynecology.

12 weeks - uterus at the upper edge of the womb

14 weeks - the uterus is two fingers higher than the womb

16 weeks - the fundus of the uterus is felt between the navel and womb

20 weeks - the fundus of the uterus is two fingers below the navel

24 weeks - uterus at navel level

28 weeks - the fundus of the uterus is 2 fingers above the navel

32 weeks - between the navel and the xiphoid process (the shortest part of the sternum), length 28-30 cm

36 weeks - the fundus of the uterus is at the level of the xiphoid process, “supports” the ribs, length 32-34 cm

40 weeks - before birth, the uterus drops to the level of 32 weeks, as the baby’s head (or other presenting part of the fetus) moves lower into the pelvis and prepares for release.

In addition to the length of the uterus, the volume of the abdomen is also taken into account, but these dimensions are more variable, do not always show the true state of affairs and help to calculate the gestational age by week. Abdominal volume is measured at the level of the navel. So, in a woman with normal weight before and during pregnancy, the abdominal volume at 32 weeks will be approximately 85 centimeters, and by the end of pregnancy it will reach 90-100 cm. This increase is associated with the rapid weight gain of the child.

The length of the uterus not only helps to verify the normal development of the fetus and the gestational age, but also to detect in time such pathologies as polyhydramnios or oligohydramnios and others.

Heart sounds

The baby’s heart begins to beat already at 4.5 weeks, that is, 2-3 weeks after the start of a woman’s delayed menstruation. Heartbeats are visible on ultrasound, and this is the main sign that the embryo is alive and developing. Later, the doctor begins to hear the heartbeat through the outer wall of the uterus. But you can only hear heart sounds not at 10-12 weeks, but later - at about the same time as you feel the first movements. The heartbeat is heard using an obstetric stethoscope - a special tube that the doctor places on the patient’s stomach. The heartbeat can be heard poorly for several reasons. The most “harmless” of them are the placenta, which is located on the front wall of the uterus, and thereby muffles the sound, and significant deposits of fat on the abdominal wall. More serious - polyhydramnios, chronic hypoxia. The longer the period, the more clearly the heart rhythms can be heard.

Human chorionic gonadotropin level

This method of determining the duration of pregnancy is used, as a rule, in the first weeks. But it does not always give an accurate result. A blood test is taken from a vein.

Approximate hCG values ​​for the first weeks of pregnancy:

  • 2 - 25-300 honey/ml
  • 3- 1500-5000 mU/ml
  • 4 - 10000 - 30000 mU/ml
  • 5 - 20000 - 100000 mU/ml

As you can see, the values ​​can vary greatly, so errors in the calculations are possible. This analysis ideally used not for calculating timing, but for early diagnosis of pregnancy and its possible pathologies.

We have given the main ways to correctly calculate the duration of pregnancy. Some of them you can try on your own, others require medical intervention and some procedures.

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Knowing how pregnancy progresses week by week is not only interesting, but also very useful! The pregnancy calendar will help you with this. It is designed to keep the mother informed of all events in intrauterine development, help adjust nutrition and lifestyle in different periods pregnancy. In addition, the pregnancy calendar allows you to calculate the expected date of birth.

Pregnancy calendar by week

The pregnancy calendar by week is very convenient. It will facilitate medical supervision of the expectant mother and her baby, and will also give answers to the most important issues that will certainly confront you: when the belly begins to grow, why you feel sick during pregnancy, how to recognize the first movement of the fetus.

Thanks to this calendar, you will not forget that the time has come to undergo screening, take tests, or go for a routine ultrasound. And as your due date approaches, this weekly calendar will help you the most. in the best possible way prepare for the long-awaited event.

By month

The monthly pregnancy calendar will become your guide to all 40 weeks of pregnancy. Every expectant mother will be able to leave her reviews, observations, share experiences and useful information. Together we will watch how quickly our babies grow and develop! And give advice on the right image life, way of eating and safe treatment of all sorts of ailments.

Each month of pregnancy is characterized by serious changes in the development of the child: he achieves everything great success in physical and mental development, the baby’s brain grows rapidly, becomes stronger muscle mass, vital organs and systems and even the first natural skills are formed! The pregnancy calendar by month will familiarize you in detail with these events at each stage.

Personal pregnancy calendar

Every woman can keep a personal pregnancy calendar. Moreover, it is welcomed and recommended. After all, now you are in a very special state. Many sensations are new to you, and can even cause worries and fears - the body of a pregnant woman undergoes enormous changes, both in the physiological sense and in the psychological sense.

The pregnancy calendar by week and month is compiled with an attempt and purpose to explain each of them.

You can keep a personal pregnancy calendar in a separate notebook, which you decorate in accordance with your mood, tastes, experiences, as well as whether you are expecting a boy or a girl. Such an album will be an excellent start to a family chronicle or a chronicle of the life of your heir.

Interactive pregnancy calendar

But in addition, modern expectant mothers resort to the Internet and choose an interactive pregnancy calendar for observations. It is convenient, easy to use, accurate, practical, informative and completely free!

You can resort to its help when you need to quickly determine the due date or accurately determine the current stage of pregnancy (using a special calculator for this), divide your pregnancy into trimesters, months or weeks.

Online pregnancy calendar is becoming increasingly popular. Women want to know more about this special period: what are the first signs of pregnancy, how to avoid miscarriage, what to do if increased tone uterus, how to find out the first harbingers of labor, how to determine the sex of the child. The calendar will contain articles, tips, explanations, as well as a calculator for determining the duration of pregnancy and the expected date of birth.

You can conduct personal observation own pregnancy, your and your child’s condition and carry out the calculations you are interested in.

Online pregnancy calendar - at your service! Keep your finger on the pulse of the most important events in your life!

Almost every pregnant woman is very interested in when her baby will be born. There is no exact method for determining the day of birth. But there are quite a lot of methods that allow you to calculate the estimated date of birth (EDD). How to use these methods, and which one is the most accurate? More on this later!

Determining the date of birth based on the date of conception

Based on the date of conception, you can determine the approximate birthday of the baby. It is known that conception of a child can only occur during the period of ovulation, i.e. at the time when the finished egg leaves the follicle and goes to meet the sperm.

As a rule, ovulation occurs on the 14th day of the menstrual cycle. The menstrual cycle should be understood as the period of time from 1 day of menstruation to 1 day of the next. The duration of this cycle is individual for each woman. On average it is 27-29 days, but can stretch up to 35 days or even more.

Women who carefully monitor their menstrual cycle and plan a pregnancy are usually able to determine their ovulation day.

Knowing the date of ovulation, you need to add 280 days to it(namely, this is how long pregnancy lasts on average for women). You can find out the expected date of birth of a child using this method only if you have a regular menstrual cycle.

At the same time, you need to understand that the day of sexual intercourse is not always the day of conception, because The lifespan of sperm can reach 3 days.

Calculation of due date based on last menstruation

The approximate birthday of the baby can be calculated based on the last menstruation. You need to know the day it starts. To determine the approximate date of birth of a child count forward 280 days from the first day of your last period(average duration of pregnancy).

According to statistics, no more than 5% of children are born on the “calculated” day. About 85% of babies are born with a deviation of 5-7 days from the calculated MPD, and the remaining babies are “in a hurry” or “late” for another week. According to medical standards, the normal duration of pregnancy is 38-42 weeks, and not strictly 40 weeks, as many people mistakenly believe for some reason.

At the same time, the duration of pregnancy can be influenced by a variety of factors, including the individual speed of development of the child and the duration of the menstrual cycle of the expectant mother.

For example, if the cycle lasts up to 24 days, the baby may be born at 1-2 weeks ahead of schedule, calculated using the formula mentioned above. If the duration of the menstrual cycle exceeds 32 days, the child may be “late” for the same 1-2 weeks, but such a “delay” will not be considered postmaturity.

How to calculate the due date using ultrasound

Currently, the method of calculating the date of birth using ultrasound is the most reliable. You just need to pay attention to the period of pregnancy during which the study is performed.

For example, if an ultrasound is performed at 11-14 weeks of pregnancy, the expected date of birth can be determined with an error of 1-3 days.

In the first trimester of pregnancy, embryos practically do not differ in size. During the second trimester, differences in the weight and height of the fetus can be quite significant, and in the third trimester they become even more pronounced. Therefore, during the 2nd and 3rd trimester, it is unlikely that it will be possible to find out at least the expected date of birth using ultrasound.

At the first move

At a time when medicine did not yet have the means to conduct ultrasound examinations, the most reliable way to determine the expected date of birth was the method of determining the baby’s first movement.

Doctors today ask pregnant patients about the date of the baby’s first movement and note this information on the exchange card, but such importance is no longer attached to this day. But no one is stopping you from trying.

According to this method, women who are pregnant for the first time most often feel fetal movement at the 20th week of pregnancy. Hence, to the day of the first movement you need to add the same number of weeks. This will determine the expected date of birth.

In the second and subsequent pregnancies, the first movements may appear as early as the 18th week. To determine the expected date of birth in such a situation, you need to add 22 weeks to the day of the first movement.

This method can hardly be called the most accurate. In view of individual characteristics physiology, some pregnant women feel fetal movement earlier specified deadlines. In addition, many modern mothers lead an active lifestyle, against the background of which the moment of the first movement may simply not be noticed.

If a woman is forced to adhere to bed rest for medical reasons, she will probably feel the fetus moving. Moreover, the first movements can be noticed by such women even before the 18th or 20th week.

Based on the results of a gynecological examination

During a gynecological examination, the specialist notes the degree of enlargement of the uterus. In accordance with this indicator, you can quite accurately determine the approximate day of birth. The uterus increases in size along with the fetus, which is why an experienced specialist in most situations can calculate the approximate date of birth without any problems.

Based on the size of the uterus during the first trimester of pregnancy, the doctor can find out the duration of pregnancy and thereby calculate the approximate date of birth, using the approximate day of the last menstrual period in the calculations.

In the 2nd and 3rd trimesters, it is very difficult to establish the date of birth based on the results of a gynecological examination, because at different women the size of the uterus changes with different intensity. In view of this this method considered ineffective later pregnancy and therefore not used.

According to the results of obstetric examination

In the second half of pregnancy (usually starting from the 20-21st week) during each gynecological examination doctor measures pregnant woman and the height of the fundus of her uterus. Thanks to these measurements, the specialist has the opportunity to monitor the progress of pregnancy and timely determine the presence of any kind of deviations from the norm. Also, thanks to this information, the doctor can approximately calculate the due date.

However, you cannot completely trust this method either, because... the accuracy of the readings obtained as a result of an obstetric examination may depend both on the individual characteristics of the pregnant woman’s body and on the accuracy of the doctor.

Which method is the most effective?

Most effective method Determining the expected date of birth is done using ultrasound. Also, the method of counting from the date of the last menstruation shows relatively high accuracy. It is very good if the results of calculations using these two methods coincide - then the chances of the baby being born on the expected day will also increase.

But if the dates do not coincide, there is no need to be upset. Carefully monitor the course of your pregnancy and undergo regular examinations. Remember: each of the methods discussed allows you to determine only the approximate date of birth.

Why are the results for determining the due date only approximate?

In reality, it is almost impossible to determine the exact birthday of a child. Only a few women manage to give birth exactly on the day specified by the doctor or on their own. Most often, pregnancy lasts 280 days (40 weeks), but often mothers give birth at 38 weeks or even earlier, and in many situations this is considered normal. Moreover, if a woman is pregnant with more than one child at once, then, in most cases, she will begin giving birth earlier than the date set by the gynecologist.

It is important to understand that a baby can be born 1-2 weeks later than the due date - in most situations this is not considered a deviation.

That is, a deviation from the “standard” 40 weeks by 1-2 weeks forward or backward is not considered something abnormal.

It is also important to understand that the duration of pregnancy and the approximate day of birth can be influenced by a variety of factors. For example, various diseases and complications can lead to premature birth.

Thus, in the absence of complications, the child is born only fully mature and ready for life outside the mother's womb. It is almost impossible to accurately calculate the due date. But the above methods, as well as our online birth date calculator, will help you determine the expected or approximate date of birth.

Health to you and your baby!

The need to calculate the duration of pregnancy by week occurs in almost every pregnant woman and more than once during pregnancy. And this is necessary not only to simply know your due date or to correctly track the pregnancy calendar. I also want to calculate the duration of pregnancy and childbirth so as not to doubt the correctness of the doctor’s actions; if there is a mistake in the consultation, this can also affect the date of maternity leave, I don’t want to work an extra couple weeks, right?

First, some general information.

Our calculator will help you calculate the obstetric gestational age; it slightly does not correspond to the real life span of the fetus. Gynecologists base all their calculations on the date of the first day of the last menstruation, and do not count from fertilization, this is due to the ease of error in the date of conception.

A woman’s ovulation can shift significantly in time, especially if she does not have a regular cycle, and of course, not everyone can know the exact date of fertilization; it is difficult to calculate the gestational age based on ovulation. And the date of the start of the last menstruation is usually known.

We have a special calculator that allows you to independently calculate the gestational age online. He will give you information not only about the obstetric gestational age, but also the date of conception, the age of the fetus, and the date of birth.

The problem may arise if you do not have it regularly. How to correctly calculate the gestational age based on menstruation without regular cycle? You need to add up the length of the last 6 cycles and divide by 6, so you get average duration, this is the number of days and must be entered into the calculator field.

All received data can be easily controlled using other calculation systems.

You can accurately calculate the gestational age (or relatively accurately, as gynecologists believe) using the Naegele formula. It does not take into account the length of your cycle and therefore the result may differ from the period that our calculator gives, but this will certainly coincide with the calculations of the gynecologist: from the first day of the missed period we subtract 3 months and add 7 days to the resulting date. This is your due date. It will not be possible to calculate the gestational age by months, weeks and days, as with our calculator.

If you had an ultrasound, the doctor measured the baby's development indicators. Its weight and the length of the bones make it possible to calculate the gestational age using ultrasound, but this calculation is accurate only in the first trimester; the longer the period, the more more difference V physical development in different children, and there is a higher risk of error in determining the timing of pregnancy.

Almost all calculation methods carry a certain risk of error, which is why only 4% of children are born at the PDA (preliminary due date).

It is better to evaluate the results of calculations in combination (ultrasound, date of last menstruation, first movement and other dates and signs). Still, the due date may fall between 37 and 42 weeks of pregnancy.