Consequences of the dragon's injection. Sea dragons

That it prefers to track its prey at a depth of about 15-20 meters; there are cases where people suffered from its poison on the coast itself. Small and unnoticed sea ​​dragon has powerful weapon- poisonous needles, so it’s worth knowing what it looks like to avoid unpleasant injury.

Appearance of a predator

The fish has an elongated body, its length reaches 40-50 cm. It weighs quite a bit - in the range of 200-300 g. Surely you are familiar with the ordinary goby. The predator in question is very similar to it. His body is slightly flattened laterally. The lower jaw protrudes beyond the upper jaw, the eyes are located high on the head - this allows it to hunt effectively. The mouth is filled with small teeth that are razor sharp. The color of the fish may differ depending on the halo of its habitat (from brown to gray), the abdomen has a lighter shade. The predator's body is dotted with striped spots. Two sharp dorsal fins and several ventral fins are located on the throat and directly on the gill covers - this is what a sea dragon looks like. The Black Sea, which we consider safe, has become home to this


Because the fish prefers to hide in the depths of the sea, it very often hunts and breeds in shallow waters. Sea dragons prefer to choose shallow bays or bays where they can bury themselves in mud or sand. Hiding in the ground, they look out for prey and lead a rather passive lifestyle. But such slowness is deceptive - as soon as the fish sees the victim, it can instantly jump out and grab it or plunge its poisoned thorn into the poor fellow. There are known cases when the predator was conveniently located in low tide areas, so that people simply stepped on it. And its similarity to an ordinary goby can be confusing - this is how a sea dragon camouflages itself.

Dangerous attack

Although the fish prefers to lead a calm and measured lifestyle, if necessary, it attacks with lightning speed. The person does not have time to do anything, although the fish warns of danger: the “little dragon” straightens the dark fan of its fin, which is located on its back. All beams of this weapon are equipped with needles that are saturated with poison. An additional poisonous spine grows on the predator's gill cover. When attacking, the fish tries to grab its prey with its teeth, and if this is impossible, it stings with poisoned thorns and waits until the prey loses control over its body. On the sharp protrusions of the fins there are grooves that are generously equipped with poisonous glands.

Surprisingly, even dead fish can poison their prey - the poison is active for another 2-3 hours. The sea dragon does not specifically attack people - everything happens by chance. You can step on it or grab it; fishermen are especially at risk if they pick it up, not knowing that the poison is very toxic. Therefore, you need to know what a sea dragon looks like. The photos presented in our article will give you an idea of ​​its main differences from other predators.

Consequences of an unpleasant meeting

The sea dragon is a dangerous fish, and the consequences of contact with it can be very unpleasant. Even death is possible. When the thorn pierces the skin, the predator releases toxic poison into the blood. The injection is very painful, the wound becomes bluish in color. The person experiences very severe pain that spreads throughout the injured limb. There are cases where paralysis of an arm or leg occurred. The temperature rises sharply, difficulty breathing, dizziness, nausea and vomiting may occur. A person often suffers from pain for several days. You need to see a doctor urgently! There is a serum that neutralizes the poison. If it is not administered, the patient may even die. It all depends on whether the victim met an adult fish or a small one.

How to behave when injected with a “little dragon”

If you are unlucky enough to be the target of a fish attack, you must follow a few simple steps:

If you do not follow these steps, you risk getting complications from such an injury - there are cases where ulcers appeared at the puncture site that did not go away for up to 3 months. This is such an insidious predator - the sea dragon. Fish has a perfect defense mechanism against enemies.


Relaxing on our favorite beaches of the Black Sea, we don’t even think about such close proximity to poisonous fish. But you need to be very careful and careful with marine life:

  • Never try to catch unfamiliar fish with your hands.
  • Don't search with your feet.
  • If you see a crevice in rocks or underwater rocks, do not put your hands in there. “Dragons” love to relax in such places.
  • During low tide, when walking along the shore, watch your step.

Dear travelers and tourists, remember that you must always be vigilant, because we are invading the domain of the sea inhabitants, so we must be careful. Take care of your health and study fish that can cause serious harm to you.

Instead of a preface. The fish of the Black Sea have changed in their qualitative composition over several millennia, because the sea was fresh. Later it connected with the World Ocean, and fish that came from it began to be found in the Black Sea.

This process continues today, which has many surprises in store for sea fishing lovers. You can find out what kind of fish is caught in the Black Sea from local fishermen, who can easily be found along the entire coast in large quantities. Most often, fishermen catch representatives of:

  • Mullet.
  • Horse mackerel.
  • Mackerel.
  • Flounders.
  • Pelamid.
  • Bluefish.

There is no fisherman who does not have a history of fishing for gobies. The best places considered for fishing Krasnodar region, outskirts of Odessa, Kerch. Black Sea fish has no less than 20 thousand varieties. Mention should be made of those who can become a fisherman's catch.

  • Cat shark. Its average size is 60 cm. It is interesting because the eggs of this shark have horns, with their help the eggs are fixed to the bottom.
    Cat shark meat is suitable for consumption in processed form.
    Red mullet. A small fish, up to 30 cm, the red mullet is a catchable item for sea fishing enthusiasts. She spends all her time at the very bottom.
  • Beluga. One of the largest inhabitants of the Black Sea. True, individuals weighing 2 centners are rarely seen in our time.
  • Black Sea salmon or trout. Rare in at the moment a species whose continued life depends entirely on humans.
  • Goby. There are different types these fish, but the sculpin goby and sandpiper goby are of interest to the fisherman.
  • Flounder glossa. This predator grows up to 25 cm. The fish leads an ambush life, waiting for its prey in a shelter in the sand. In addition to this species, you can also find other representatives of flounder; there are up to 500 species of them in nature. There are individuals of impressive size, growing up to 4 meters and weighing up to 3 centners.
  • Kalkan. This is also a flounder, but larger than the glossa. Kalkan grows up to 80 cm and weighs 15 kg.
  • Mullet. Three species of this fish are of interest to the amateur fisherman.
  • Loban. 70 cm mullet weighing 7 kg.
  • Singil or larich is a variety of Black Sea mullet. striped fish 55 cm long.
  • Sharp Nose. A nimble mullet that allows itself to jump out of the water. This fish reaches 40 cm.
  • Sea crucian carp or weasel. Average height – 18 cm, weight – 200 g.
  • Horse mackerel is divided into 2 groups according to its size: regular (20 cm) and southern (50 cm). This fish lives in a group, that is, it is a school fish.
  • Lichia. Small flocks of up to 10 individuals are a subject of interest to anglers.
  • Bluefish are a schooling representative of aquatic inhabitants. This is a meter-long bloodthirsty predator. It is caught not only by amateurs, but also mined on an industrial scale.
  • Mackerel. Body size varies. Individuals of 30 cm with a weight of 300 g, as well as 60 cm, are caught.
  • Tuna. A beautiful predator measuring 3 m and weighing several centners. When fishing, it can pull the fisherman into the water.
  • Pelamida. Quite large, 85 cm, the fish sometimes weighs 7 kg.
    Ram. The most big fish This species can grow up to half a meter in length. Its weight is 2 kg.
  • Chekhon. This schooling fish 30 cm long and 300 g weight.
  • Gurnard. Appearance Quite unusual. Fish lives in the depths. She is a valuable prize.
  • Garfish. Because of its taste, it is caught quite actively. Sargan also sticks to the team.
  • Sea fox. This is a meter-long stingray with a weight of 15 kg.
  • Smarida or sea ​​bass. He is interesting because he changes his gender throughout his life. It is not of particular interest to fishermen due to its small height and weight.
  • Brown trout. This salmon is an anadromous fish. Other salmon also live in the Black Sea.

The Black Sea and its poisonous inhabitants

  1. Poisonous fish of the Black Sea are also subject to fishing because they have high-quality meat. taste quality. The following are dangerous for swimmers and fishermen: sea ​​creatures: katran ( spiny shark). It is the only species that is hunted on an industrial and recreational scale. This shark grows up to 2 m and weighs 14 kg. It is believed that it does not attack people, but swimmers evening time must beware of it.
    Katrans swim up to the rocks near the shore. Because the fins on their backs are poisonous and their bodies are lined with spines, they can cause harm to humans.
    Fishermen do not touch this fish with their bare hands, only with gloves.
  2. A formidable torpedo, a sword - a fish. It can turn on speeds of up to 130 km per hour. The swordfish is famous for its ferocious character, because it attacks everything that moves, regardless of size.
  3. Ruff - scorpionfish. Despite the fact that a prick from a thorn can bring a person sufficient pain and great trouble, it is a desirable component of fish soup, and its meat is a delicacy.
  4. Sea cat. Poisonous fish that grows up to 2.5 m.
  5. Sea dragon. In terms of its toxicity, this sea ​​fish surpasses many.
  6. Astrologer. In addition to poisonous thorns, it has poisonous mucus, which causes a strong chemical burn to a person.

Features of fishing at sea

Fishing can be organized all year round, but most favorable time– calm weather without precipitation, slight winds and tolerable temperatures are allowed.
Tackle for fishing on the Black Sea. A fisherman can try:

  1. Spinning.
  2. Donkey.
  3. Petty tyrant.
  4. Path.
  5. And in winter there is sheer sparkle.

Tackle for sea fishing is different in that the fishing line needs to be stronger (0.3-0.60 mm), and the hooks are tinned, resistant to sea salt water.

Types of nozzles

  • Crab. Almost all fish love its meat.
  • Shrimp. It is used on a fishing rod with a float, donkeys and casting tackle.
  • Mussels. Their meat can attract many fish, but not mullet.
  • Tilitrids (sea fleas). Red mullets, gobies and greenfinches will certainly come to feast on them.
  • Sea worms. Can be used on any gear for all types of fish.
  • Pieces of fish meat. Almost all marine fish are predators, so this bait is suitable for all fish.
  • Spleen of animal origin. This nozzle is considered universal. It is used not only fresh, but also canned.
  • Snail. This is a bait for small fish. They impale the meat, freeing it from the house.

There are very few creatures dangerous to people in the Black Sea, but they still exist! It would be a good idea for everyone going on vacation to read this article, and not only to the Black Sea.

There is such a fish, they call it differently: Sea dragon or baby dragon, snake. Latin name Trachinus draco. It's predatory bottom fish up to 45 centimeters long, very, very similar to the well-known bulls. The sea dragon differs from the goby in having a more spotted color. The fish lives all over the world, found in all seas and oceans without exception, except for the Arctic and Antarctic regions.

Sea dragons live in places with soft soil, so with its beautiful sandy beaches it’s just a paradise for them. Sea dragons are found in both shallow and deep waters. IN recent years The media published information that, according to biologists, the population of sea dragons in the Black Sea has increased several times. Bulgarian fishermen say that encounters with the dragon have become more frequent. Not several times, but noticeably more often in recent years.

Sea dragons spend their lives in constant ambush, buried in the sand. Only large bulging eyes and poisonous spines stick out on the surface.

On the head of the sea dragon there is a poisonous black crown with spikes, also on each side of the head next to the gills - poisonous thorns smaller.

After being pricked by thorns, a person feels severe pain that spreads to the entire limb, causing paralysis in some cases. There will be cyanosis and swelling at the injection site. Symptoms increase over 6-8 hours. Described deaths which were caused by developed heart failure. Those who have experienced the effects of sea dragon venom say that they have never experienced such severe pain again. Painful shock can cause convulsions, delirium and nausea.

Fishermen most often suffer from sea dragon injections. Dragons get caught in nets, as well as when fishing with a fishing rod. They are equally caught with “tyrant” and with bait; small fish, up to 20 centimeters long, are more often caught.

It is a complete myth that sea dragons are extremely rare. Among my acquaintances in the Bulgarian resort, it seems, there is not a single fisherman who has not experienced the venom of a sea dragon at least once in his life. There are victims among fishing enthusiasts, including my father twice already.

From time to time I personally go fishing with fishermen in the sea; I don’t remember a single case where at least one dragon was not caught. IN last time I took my camera with me and, due to numerous requests, photographed the dragon in all its forms. We caught about 200 mackerel fish, a couple of sardines and 5 dragons, judge for yourself how often they are found. Every fisherman on his boat always has either medical forceps-clamps, or just a board with nails packed, or a solid hammer at the ready. But the fish fights hard and sometimes injures people by jumping to the side or falling off the hook and falling on someone.

Often, visiting tourists go fishing without knowing about the danger. Alas, every year, among tourists there are always those who completely ruined their vacation after fishing.

The cunning of the sea dragon is that when caught on a bait, it can temporarily lay down its poisonous crown, masquerading as a harmless goby.

Is it possible for ordinary vacationers to suffer from the thorns of a sea dragon? Yes, I have. To do this, you need to walk barefoot on the sandy bottom, not in public swimming areas, and try to stay close to the rocks. Then it is quite possible to step on a dragon sitting waiting for prey. One thing to keep in mind is that a dead sea dragon retains the potency of the poison for several days.

What to do if a meeting with a sea dragon does take place? The first thing is to immediately suck out the poison from the wound, continuously spitting. This should not be done if there is even the slightest doubt about the absolute health of the mucous membranes of the lips and mouth. Fishermen often grab the first cutting object they come across and make a cut to cause severe bleeding from the finger. It is advisable to treat the injection site with a solution of potassium permanganate or hydrogen peroxide and apply a sterile bandage. You need to see a doctor, although medical care for those affected by sea dragon venom boils down to the administration of painkillers and antihistamines. Special attention required by people with heart problems and small children. Sea dragon venom is destroyed by high temperature, therefore, if possible, the affected limb should be kept as much as possible hot water. “Experienced” fishermen usually do not go to doctors.

Bulgarian doctors note approximately 100 requests for medical help annually. Such a claim is considered an insured event by most insurance companies. When taking out insurance before a trip to the sea, you should always check whether it will cover the costs of animal bites if necessary.

Everyone have a good rest by the sea, but be careful! There is no heaven in this world, and every rose has thorns...

P.S. For extreme people, as well as those who want to take revenge on the nasty fish, I inform you that the sea dragon has very tasty white meat. Having caught it, you should carefully cut off its head along with the gills, and then treat it like an ordinary fish.

sea ​​dragon– predatory bottom sea ​​fish, the only representative of the dragon family of the perciformes order, inhabiting coastal waters Black Sea. You can meet him at sandy shallows, and far from the coastline, at depths of up to 70 meters. The sea dragon has an elongated snake-like body than in general outline resembles a Black Sea goby. But the sea dragon, unlike the goby, has a more variegated color, somewhat similar to a pike...

Amateur fishermen do not purposefully catch this fish - they are caught only from time to time. It has no commercial significance, although the meat has a very pleasant taste. The body length of the sea dragon ranges from 10 to 45 centimeters. He gains weight up to 300 grams. Among fishermen, due to its unique body and ability to deliver “deadly blows,” this fish goes by several dissonant names: “snake” and “scorpion.”

When and where to catch a sea dragon

Sea dragons can be found in bycatch from spring to winter cold. Specimens pleasing to the eye of fishermen with their abundance and size can be caught at any time during this period. IN this year great activity of this dangerous fish was observed at the end of July, we caught it with whole families of 5-6 pieces in one cast, and the capture of a giant dragon measuring 45 centimeters in size occurred in mid-November.

If some thrill-seeking fisherman really wants to flirt with danger, then you can find a sea dragon in areas with a sandy or muddy bottom. Usually it buries itself in such places in silt or sand and waits for small bottom fish and crustaceans darting back and forth.

Tackle for catching sea dragon

A sea dragon is almost never caught with a float rod, except when a careless fisherman, having set the wrong depth on the float, literally drags his hooks along the bottom.

Donka is the tackle that the sea dragon most often ends up using. You can catch smarid, weasel, scorpionfish or red mullet, but if you have a fresh shrimp on your hook, you have a good chance of catching a sea dragon. He is not interested in the quality of the gear. This fish clings even to large size hooks No. 4-6. He is also not bothered by the thickness of the fishing line with a diameter of 0.16-0.22 millimeters, intended for fishing bluefish.

Sea Dragon Bait

The sea dragon doesn’t particularly pick at bait. The favorite delicacy for this fish is shrimp, but it rarely refuses freshly caught fish and raw squid, cut into small slices.

Bait and bait are optional. In addition to the sea dragon’s weakness for baits of animal origin, it is just as easily seduced by artificial baits located on hooks: beads, sequins or edible rubber. The sea dragon is not very picky and therefore is enough even for completely empty hooks.

Safety precautions when catching sea dragon

Since the sea dragon is an exclusively random fish in catches, there is no need to talk about any specific nuances of fishing, biting and fishing for it, but I will dwell in more detail on removing it from the water and safety precautions before sending it to the bucket.

Among the Black Sea fishermen there is a saying in this regard: “It is not the one who found, hooked and pulled out the dragon who is good, but the one who correctly removed it and prepared it for consumption.”

When a sea dragon rises from the depths, when about half a meter remains to the surface of the water, it begins to vigorously try to get off the hook. Having swallowed a little air, it calms down slightly, but at the same time it threateningly spreads all its fins. This is where you need to concentrate as much as possible and concentrate all your attention on the fish.

To remove a sea dragon from a hook, any more or less experienced fisherman will always have a surgical clamp, pliers, a knife and scissors in his fishing box.

The process of unhooking itself is not difficult, but it requires, I repeat once again, attention so that the fluttering fish does not accidentally prick you in unprotected areas of the body. I usually press the sea dragon with my foot through a rag to the side of the boat and force a clamp into its mouth. Squeezing the clamp as far as it will go, thereby firmly fixing the fish in your left hand, right hand Using scissors, I cut off all the spines of the first dorsal fin and two spines on the gill covers, one on each side. I always throw the removed thorns and thorns overboard, since the poison in the parts of the fish’s body amputated in this way retains its strength for several days.

That's all the action. Fish in this form is ready for further safe transportation and immediate cutting before consumption.

By the way, despite the fact that the sea dragon has poisonous glands, its meat is edible and very tasty in any form: fried, boiled, and especially if it is dried.

How to avoid sad consequences
A lot of passions surround this stunningly beautiful fish, which occupies one of the first places in the ranking of poisonous fish of the Black Sea. In various sources and from the words of local fishermen, I have heard quite a lot about sad stories with sea dragons. Unfortunately, meetings with him, albeit fleeting, due to the failure to provide timely qualified medical care can lead to unpleasant consequences: tumors, vomiting, general ailments and weakness, and there have also been cases of death.

To your favorite hobby does not turn into a complete nightmare, you only need to follow a few elementary rules and precautions: firstly, before going to places unknown to you, first familiarize yourself with their inhabitants; secondly, avoid any contact not only with the caught, but also with the dead sea dragon; thirdly, if you accidentally prick yourself with its needles, then try to suck out the poison with your mouth along with the blood from the wound for ten minutes, not forgetting to quickly spit it out, and immediately take all measures to deliver the victim to the nearest medical facility.

The dragon scares everyone!
And finally, so as not to completely discourage you from sea fishing, I’ll tell you a funny sign associated with catching a sea dragon. The fact is that when this evil predator is caught, all fishermen immediately try to leave the fishing spot. Apparently, this is due to the fact that not only humans, but also other inhabitants of the sea are afraid of the sea dragon, and therefore, in order not to once again risk their health and senseless waste of time in a place where there are no fish, they make their legs.

News and society

Why is sea scorpion venom dangerous? Secure your holiday on the Black Sea

August 25, 2018

The biggest danger of the sea dragon is its camouflage. This cunning fish loves to bury itself in the sand, which means accidentally stepping on it is easier than ever. But even if you don’t fumble along the sandy bottom with your feet, the danger still remains. The sea scorpion is very similar to the ordinary Black Sea goby. It has much in common with its relative, with one exception: the goby does not have poisonous needles throughout its body. A prick with such a thorn will cause severe pain, and special cases and death.

Dragon in sheep's clothing

The average size of a sea scorpion is from 20 to 40 centimeters. Weight within 300 grams. The fish looks inconspicuous; calling it a “dragon” sounds more like a mockery. The body is flattened from the sides, the eyes are high on the head, as if she is always in a light thought, or is simply dissatisfied with something. The color may vary, but there are always stripes on the body. In general, the sea scorpion is a fish like a fish. Its main feature is its similarity to the ordinary Black Sea goby, so it is very easy to confuse them. Take a close look at the photo of the sea scorpion and remember the “enemy in the face.”

Where does the poisonous twin brother of the Black Sea goby live?

The sea scorpion lives, among other places, in the Black Sea. food chain the predator is located at a depth of 20 meters. This, however, does not stop him from enjoying the views of the coast. This fish breeds and lives mainly in the depths, but sometimes it also wants to go out in public, swim in shallow water, “talk” with interesting people.


The sea scorpion's love for sand is quite justified - this is its refuge. Having buried itself in the ground, the predator patiently waits for its prey. As soon as the unlucky fish swims idly by, the dragon flies out of the mound of mud and, with a lightning-fast movement, ends its period of hunger strike.

Sea Dragon Attack

Tourists and vacationers rarely come into view poisonous fish. The Black Sea sea scorpion is not at all aggressive, but if you force it or frighten it, it will not seem like much. Having grabbed the offender with its teeth, the fish sharply stings him with its poisonous needle. If grasping with its teeth does not help, the sea dragon straightens the spines located along its body. Catching a fish at such a moment is a surefire way to regret your boat trip.

Sea Dragon Victims

The vast majority of cases of sea scorpion poisoning are purely accidental. It is difficult to notice in the sand, and therefore easy to accidentally step on. It is also easy to confuse him with a harmless bull and behave too boldly.

The effect of poison on the body

Toxic poison, entering the body through a sharp thorn, will cause an immediate reaction - severe pain at the injection site. The wound will begin to turn blue. The muscles will begin to go numb under the influence of the poison. Partial muscle paralysis or numbness will spread the pain to the entire limb.

The most striking symptoms of intoxication:

  • nausea and/or vomiting;
  • increased body temperature;
  • headache and/or dizziness;
  • partial muscle paralysis around the injection site.

What to do if you get pricked by a sea dragon

For starters, don't panic. In the vast majority of cases, such poisoning is not fatal. It is advisable to do next steps:

  • Suck the poison out of the wound. Once in the oral cavity, the toxin ceases its negative effects due to the bactericidal properties of saliva.
  • The injection site must be disinfected with any means available in the first aid kit (hydrogen peroxide, for example).
  • To prevent further infection, the wound should be covered with a bandage.
  • Urgently walk quickly (you can’t panic) to the nearest medical aid station.

The best defense is... caution

Of course, you shouldn’t stand all the time with binoculars around your neck and a bandage on your shoulder, waiting for danger. Of all sea ​​creatures The sea scorpion is not the most terrible, but meeting one is usually unexpected. To prevent unpleasant consequences, it is enough to follow a few simple rules reasonable care:

  • If you see an unfamiliar fish (especially if it is so similar to the Black Sea goby), you should not run to “hug”. If there is no need, then it is better not to interfere with her doing her important fish business.
  • You should not explore various potholes and crevices in rocks and stones. The spirit of adventure, of course, says the opposite, but even if you are lucky enough not to touch the dragon, then many other equally interesting and much more dangerous surprises may be hidden in the dark unknown.
  • Oh, these walks along the coast! The tide gently envelops your feet, the sun is just about to fall asleep. It's hard to imagine something more romantic. However, sea ​​scorpion no stranger to the feeling of beauty. It would be a crime to discourage such walks, but the advice to always look under your feet will never be superfluous.

To summarize all of the above, this wonderful fish can cause a lot of unwanted problems. Fortunately, she is not at all aggressive and following basic safety rules and common sense will keep you out of trouble.


