Sea dragon, a tasty but dangerous fish. Why is sea scorpion venom dangerous? Secure your holiday on the Black Sea Dragon fish

In the picture you see a fish very similar to the Black Sea goby. But this is a completely different resident of the Black Sea, and it differs from the goby in its more variegated color. This beauty is one of the most dangerous inhabitants of the Black Sea and is called - Sea dragon. There are also such names for this fish: “sea dragon”, “sea scorpion”, “snake”, “dragon fish”. To avoid unpleasant consequences from interacting with this fish, you need to know a little about it.

sea ​​dragon(lat. Trachinus draco) is a predatory bottom fish With big head and slightly compressed on the sides, with an elongated body about 25-35 cm. The back of the dragon is yellow-brown with dark stripes, and the belly is light. The lower jaw is longer than the upper, the mouth has small sharp teeth. Convex eyes are located on the upper side of the head. The body is covered with small scales. There are several large oblique spines on the gills. Dorsal fin with large spines.

Sea dragons live like on sandy shallows, and in deeper places. They prefer soft soils into which they burrow so that only their high-set eyes remain above the bottom surface. In ambush they wait for their prey - small fish and crustaceans.

The dragon fish leads a secretive lifestyle and is quite aggressive, so it is very dangerous for people who swim near the shore, dive or simply walk barefoot in shallow water. If you grab a fish with your bare hand or step on it with your bare foot, it, in defense, plunges sharp spines into the body of the one who, voluntarily or unwittingly, harmed it. A dead dragon should also be handled very carefully so as not to be pricked by its thorn, since the poison retains its potency for several days.

The sea dragon's spines, located on the dorsal fin and gills, are equipped with poisonous glands. Man at the moment of injection poisonous thorns, feels a burning pain that quickly spreads from the injection site throughout the entire limb. At the site of the lesion, cyanosis and swelling develop; in severe cases, even paralysis of the lower limb, heart failure and convulsions are possible. Symptoms will gradually increase over the course of several hours after the injection.

When receiving an injection poisonous fish dragon, it is necessary to immediately provide assistance to the victim. Immediately, for about 10 minutes, suck the poison out of the wound with your mouth along with the blood. The sucked liquid should be quickly spit out. After this, the injection site should be washed with a solution of potassium permanganate or hydrogen peroxide and a sterile bandage should be applied. Call for medical help.

News and society

Why is poison dangerous? sea ​​scorpion? Secure your holiday on the Black Sea

August 25, 2018

The biggest danger sea ​​dragon- his disguise. This cunning fish loves to bury itself in the sand, which means accidentally stepping on it is easier than ever. But even if you don’t fumble along the sandy bottom with your feet, the danger still remains. The sea scorpion is very similar to the ordinary Black Sea goby. It has much in common with its relative, with one exception: the goby does not have poisonous needles throughout its body. A prick with such a thorn will cause severe pain, and special cases and death.

Dragon in sheep's clothing

The average size of a sea scorpion is from 20 to 40 centimeters. Weight within 300 grams. The fish looks inconspicuous; calling it a “dragon” sounds more like a mockery. The body is flattened from the sides, the eyes are high on the head, as if she is always in a light thought, or is simply dissatisfied with something. The color may vary, but there are always stripes on the body. In general, the sea scorpion is a fish like a fish. Its main feature is its similarity to the ordinary Black Sea goby, so it is very easy to confuse them. Take a close look at the photo of the sea scorpion and remember the “enemy in the face.”

Where does the poisonous twin brother of the Black Sea goby live?

The sea scorpion lives, among other places, in the Black Sea. food chain the predator is located at a depth of 20 meters. This, however, does not stop him from enjoying the views of the coast. This fish breeds and lives mainly in the depths, but sometimes it also wants to go out in public, swim in shallow water, “talk” with interesting people.


The sea scorpion's love for sand is quite justified - this is its refuge. Having buried itself in the ground, the predator patiently waits for its prey. As soon as the unlucky fish swims idly by, the dragon flies out of the mound of mud and, with a lightning-fast movement, ends its period of hunger strike.

Sea Dragon Attack

Tourists and vacationers rarely come into view of poisonous fish. The Black Sea sea scorpion is not at all aggressive, but if you force it or frighten it, it will not seem like much. Having grabbed the offender with its teeth, the fish sharply stings him with its poisonous needle. If grabbing with its teeth does not help, the sea dragon straightens the spines located along its body. Catching a fish at such a moment is a surefire way to regret your boat trip.

Sea Dragon Victims

The vast majority of cases of sea scorpion poisoning are purely accidental. It is difficult to notice in the sand, and therefore easy to accidentally step on. It is also easy to confuse him with a harmless bull and behave too boldly.

The effect of poison on the body

Toxic poison, entering the body through a sharp thorn, will cause an immediate reaction - severe pain at the injection site. The wound will begin to turn blue. The muscles will begin to go numb under the influence of the poison. Partial muscle paralysis or numbness will spread the pain to the entire limb.

The most striking symptoms of intoxication:

  • nausea and/or vomiting;
  • increased body temperature;
  • headache and/or dizziness;
  • partial muscle paralysis around the injection site.

What to do if you get pricked by a sea dragon

For starters, don't panic. In the vast majority of cases, such poisoning is not fatal. It is advisable to do next steps:

  • Suck the poison out of the wound. Once in the oral cavity, the toxin ceases its negative effects due to the bactericidal properties of saliva.
  • The injection site must be disinfected with any means available in the first aid kit (hydrogen peroxide, for example).
  • To prevent further infection, the wound should be covered with a bandage.
  • Urgently walk quickly (you can’t panic) to the nearest medical aid station.

The best defense is... caution

Of course, you shouldn’t stand all the time with binoculars around your neck and a bandage on your shoulder, waiting for danger. Of all sea ​​creatures The sea scorpion is not the most terrible, but meeting one is usually unexpected. To prevent unpleasant consequences, it is enough to follow a few simple rules reasonable care:

  • If you see an unfamiliar fish (especially if it is so similar to the Black Sea goby), you should not run to “hug”. If there is no need, then it is better not to interfere with her doing her important fish business.
  • You should not explore various potholes and crevices in rocks and stones. The spirit of adventure, of course, says the opposite, but even if you are lucky enough not to touch the dragon, then many other equally interesting and much more dangerous surprises may be hidden in the dark unknown.
  • Oh, these walks along the coast! The tide gently envelops your feet, the sun is just about to fall asleep. It's hard to imagine something more romantic. However, the sea scorpion is not alien to the sense of beauty. It would be a crime to discourage such walks, but the advice to always look under your feet will never be superfluous.

To summarize all of the above, this wonderful fish can cause a lot of unwanted problems. Fortunately, she is not at all aggressive and following basic safety rules and common sense will keep you out of trouble.




The amazing and unique world of the underwater kingdom has always aroused interest and excited the imagination of eager researchers. Indeed, what forms and manifestations of life can you not see in the thickness of the

Bottom fish - a dangerous marine life

One of the most interesting specimens of the inhabitants of the seas washing the shores of the European, African, and South American continents is the sea dragon, snake fish or scorpion. Poisonous fish average size and weighing about 300 grams, has an elongated body shape flattened from the sides, an elongated lower jaw equipped with small but quite sharp teeth, a bright brown-yellow back with dark intermittent spots and stripes, and a light milky abdomen.

Sea dragons are in the first row with the most dangerous fish temperate latitudes. Their name absolutely matches their appearance. The dragon-like appearance and very high danger of the fish are given by the presence of characteristic fins with spines that have deep grooves, at the base of which there are glands containing poison. Spines located on the gill covers and in the first dorsal fin - formidable weapon, which the sea dragon uses in any danger or when hunting. The venom of this fish is extremely dangerous and acts like a snake’s, as its second name reminds us - snake fish.

Features of behavior

Sea dragons prefer quiet backwaters in shallow bays with a muddy or sandy bottom. Burying itself up to its eyes in soft soil, the fish lies calmly, but jumps out with lightning speed as soon as it sees the approaching prey. The dragonet is most active at dusk; it is not visible during the day, and given that it loves the same places as bathers, the danger of meeting it only increases. Even just walking in shallow water, a person risks getting a portion of poison from the fins if he accidentally steps on a sea dragon.


IN summer period sea ​​dragons stay within up to 20 m from sea level, and spend the winter in the depths, feeding there on fry, small crustaceans, shrimp and crabs. The fish reaches sexual maturity at the age of three. Spawning continues throughout the summer - from June to October. During this time, female dragonets are capable of laying up to 73 thousand eggs. On average, its size ranges from 15 to 20 cm, but there are also giants in its family: specimens with a length of 35 - 45 cm are known.

The sea dragon, the photo of which is presented, has no industrial significance, but amateur fishermen often catch this fish, the meat of which is very tasty. When catching a dragon, you need to be very careful. Even a dead snake can sting.


The poisonous sea dragon can cause serious harm, and so that your vacation does not turn into troubles and health problems, scuba diving enthusiasts, swimmers and tourists should get acquainted with appearance these fish and take the necessary precautions:

  • you should not try to grab the fish with unprotected hands;
  • You should not search underwater caves; a sea dragon may be hiding in them, a photo of which should be studied first in order to get acquainted with the potential danger;
  • when walking on the coast at low tide, you need to watch your step, as these fish do not always have time to leave with the water, they often remain in the wet sand and can be easily stepped on;
  • Having found a dead dragon, you should not touch it with your hands - the poison persists for some time;
  • If a fisherman catches a dragon, the poisonous spines should be cut off immediately.

First aid for injection

If you still fail to protect yourself from an attack by a snake fish, you must, without wasting time, provide the necessary assistance to the victim. The prick of a thorn causes quite painful sensations: the sharp stabbing pains that arise are very painful, a febrile state accompanied by a rise in temperature can last from a day to a week. There is an opinion that the poison is destroyed if, immediately after the bite, a 5% solution of potassium permanganate is injected into the wound with a syringe. This measure reduces or prevents inflammation and eases pain, but a first aid kit is not always at hand.

Experienced fishermen who encounter fin stings immediately apply a tourniquet above the affected area and suck out the poison, spitting it out. It is advisable to put ice on the injection site and go to the nearest medical facility. Unfortunately, in this case it is impossible to do without hospitalization. There is no specific antidote for the poison that affects sea dragons. Severe pain cannot be relieved even by morphine, so first aid is very important.

Depending on the depth of the wound and the degree of assistance provided, you will need different times to restore health: sometimes it takes several days, sometimes more than one month.

Black Sea dragon

An analogue of the famous one in Russia - one of the eight species that have long and successfully mastered the open spaces, sometimes appearing in

Kerch Strait. It has a low, flattened body, with small, tightly fitting scales. The head is decorated with spines, the most dangerous of which are located on the gills. The dragon's two dorsal fins, like a magnificent comb, beautiful and dangerous, are at the same time a serious weapon and a calling card.

Non-industrial, but incredibly tasty, sea dragon is caught by amateur fishermen. The Black Sea stores large reserves of this amazing - small owner of a formidable weapon.

The large sea dragon (sometimes called “snake”, “sea scorpion”) deserves to be considered the most dangerous fish in the Black Sea. It is easy to accidentally step on it in shallow water or confuse it with an ordinary Black Sea goby, and get pricked by a sharp and very poisonous thorn. By getting to know the baby dragon better, you can insure yourself against dangerous confusion and learn to minimize the consequences of painful poisoned injections.


Sea dragons include nine species of fish that live mainly in the Eastern Atlantic, off the coast of Chile and West Africa. In the Black (and Azov) Sea, a large sea dragon is found everywhere, non-aggressive, but poisonously dangerous to humans. His favorite places are shallow waters and small bays. Rarely found in flocks, preferring solitude.

By the nature of their diet, sea dragons are predators and lead a bottom-dwelling lifestyle, being most active at night. They love shallow waters and shallow bays. Their “menu” includes small fish and various crustaceans, which are hunted from “ambush”. To do this, they bury themselves in soft soil, leaving only their eyes on the surface. The “snake” attacks carelessly approaching prey sharply and swiftly. If required, an injection of poisonous thorns follows, paralyzing the victim.

The sea dragon spawns in batches, from June to October. Females are fertile and can lay about 250 thousand eggs, which develop in the water column. The fry soon acquire the bottom habits of adults, reaching the ability to reproduce after 3 years.

Appearance of a sea dragon

U Trachinus draco(official Latin name Black Sea representative) has an elongated body with a large head, on which bulging eyes and a slanting mouth stand out, with many small sharp teeth. There are two separate fins on the back of the fish. The first is black and small, with 5-6 hard rays, the second is long, with 20-24 soft rays. The anal fin is also soft and begins almost behind the gills, running along the entire body.

The tail is straight and spade-shaped, the scales are small, and the belly area is white. The upper part of the dragon is painted with lines-spots of yellow-brown color on a grayish background. Depending on their habitat, their tone can vary from light to dark. On average, they grow to 30-40 centimeters in length and 250-350 grams in weight.

Appearance of the Black Sea sea dragon

Why is the sea dragon dangerous?

It is the sea dragon's venom that makes it one of the most deadly dangerous fish not only Black Sea, but also throughout the Eastern Atlantic. The spines of the first dorsal fin and the spines-outgrowths on the gill covers only with thin points peek out from the “leather cover”. Inside there are grooves along which, like a syringe, powerful neuro- and hemotoxins are introduced into the victim’s body. The poison causes severe intoxication, similar to the consequences snake bite, requiring immediate medical attention.

The danger to humans is posed by some similarities between the sea dragon and the goby and its method of hunting. In the first case, inexperienced fishermen suffer, but most often a person encounters a fish by chance, without noticing it, buried in the sand and waiting for prey. A sign of danger should be the black fin, which often sticks out above the “ambush” and attracts the attention of a potential victim.

It is worth noting that the thorns remain toxic even for 2-3 hours after the death of the fish, and the power of the poison increases with its age. Large representatives of the “sea scorpions” are especially dangerous.

How to deal with the consequences

The consequences of the sea dragon's poison occur immediately. The injection site becomes bluish and swells. The pain is sharp and spreads rapidly. Symptoms may include a sharp increase in body temperature, general weakness and dizziness, nausea and difficulty breathing. In particular difficult cases paralysis of the “stung” limb or death may follow.

Important! No need to panic. The first correct actions will minimize the consequences of a sea dragon prick and provide an opportunity medical drugs deal with the poison faster. The pain may remain slight and aching for some time, but there will be no danger to the body.

If you are pricked by a sea dragon thorn, you should definitely go to the nearest medical center, having completed a number of steps before doing so. First of all, before receiving qualified medical assistance, you need to do the following:

  • squeeze or suck out the poison from the wound so that as little as possible enters the body;
  • if potassium permanganate is available, treat the wound with it, it has a neutralizing effect;
  • apply a sterile bandage.

Sea dragon

Sea dragon- not at all a fairy-tale, sweet creature. This is the most dangerous poisonous bottom fish. She lives in the waters temperate zone, lives off the western and northern African coast, off the European coast, the coast of Chile. The dragon also has other names: snake fish, scorpion. There are 5 species of these fish.

The appearance is not particularly attractive: the body is flat on the sides, the eyes are on the top of the head, the belly is light, and the back is yellow-brown with torn stripes. The dragon's mouth has small sharp teeth, the lower jaw is much longer than the upper jaw, the body reaches 40 cm, and the weight is 300 grams. There are several ventral fins and two dorsal fins on the throat.

They live in bays in shallow water, burrowing into the sand or soil so that only the head, eyes, mouth, and dorsal fin with spines are visible. With visible passivity, the fish can jump out of cover with lightning speed and plunge a poisoned spike into the victim. This is what makes this fish so dangerous for those who walk barefoot in shallow water, dive, or go diving.

The dragons' weapons are dorsal fin spines with deep grooves. At their base are poisonous glands. The injection of this fish causes excruciating pain, and the injection site becomes very swollen and inflamed, sometimes necrosis of the tissue around the injection occurs. The victim begins to have a severe headache, fever, sweating, difficulty breathing, and heart pain. If the poisoning is severe, which depends on the size and depth of the injection, then this can lead to paralysis and even death. Therefore, it is mandatory to consult a doctor. Before this, the poison must be sucked out by washing the affected area with a manganese solution.

If you do basic rules precautions, bites from these fish can be avoided:

Do not even touch a dead sea dragon;
- do not search underwater caves with your hands;
- When walking along the shore at low tide, you need to look at your feet.