Sea dragon, a tasty but dangerous fish. Poisonous fish of our seas

Everyone knows the famous Japanese delicacy - Fugu fish. This can be said to be a prototype of Russian roulette, because fish contains lethal dose tetrodotoxin. The outcome of a dinner with this fish dish depends entirely on the skill of the cook. Many Japanese and fans Japanese cuisine They order Fugu to “tickle their nerves”; in addition, small traces of poison in the dish give the human body a slight euphoric effect. Few people know that the Black Sea also has its own “Fugu fish” - the Black Sea dragon. This fish with poisonous spines has a very delicious meat, especially when dried. But first of all, it is necessary to get rid of the poisonous thorns and spines in the dorsal fins and on the gills. After removal of dangerous organs, fish can be cooked in any form, but in Ukraine sea ​​dragon not included in the list commercial fish, so you can only try it by catching it yourself, or ordering it from local fishermen. The sea dragon (Trachinidae), although dangerous, is beautiful fish- This is the only representative of draconians in the Black Sea. There are five species of such fish in the world's oceans; they live mainly in the Mediterranean Sea and in the eastern part Atlantic Ocean. The Black Sea dragon has a low, elongated body, with small, dense scales. There are spines on the head, the largest are located on the gill covers. The dragon has two dorsal fins, the first is a short one of 6-7 rays. The body of the fish itself is colored gray or beige with oblique stripes on the sides. The length of the sea dragon is most often up to 20 centimeters, but individual individuals up to 40-45 centimeters long have been caught. Dragons are sedentary fish; they spend most of their time hunting for prey, while they hunt hiding in the sand and simply waiting for a suitable fish or crustacean. You can meet the sea dragon everywhere in the Black Sea; there were cases when it was met even in Kerch Strait. Dangerous fish move closer to the shore during the breeding season - from May to November, but do not rise from a depth of more than 20 meters. Main danger Black Sea dragon located in its poisonous glands, which are located at the base of the spines dorsal fin and spines on the gill covers. You can be exposed to a poisonous injection by accidentally stepping on a fish or if you accidentally catch it on a hook while fishing. Fishermen are the main risk group, especially amateurs; they often don’t know what they look like dangerous representatives marine fauna and without fear with bare hands any fish that is hooked. You should not touch sea dragons with your hands at all; fishermen advise carefully subduing the fish with some object, and then throwing it into the sea, or immediately cutting off part of the fishing line with a hook. At the moment of being injected with poisonous thorns, a person will feel a burning pain, which will quickly spread from the injection site throughout the entire limb. At the injection site, cyanosis and swelling develop, and in severe cases, even paralysis is possible. lower limb, heart failure, seizures. Symptoms will gradually increase over several hours after the injection. How can you help? You need to apply a tourniquet above the wound (no longer than 15 minutes), rinse the wound, remove any remaining thorns or thorns, and call for medical help. The injection site can be disinfected hot water With magnesium sulfate, which will destroy the poison, doctors relieve pain with novocaine blockade. If medical assistance is not provided to the victim in time, the consequences can be very serious; in the literature there are even descriptions of deaths after injections from sea dragons. μ@

The underwater kingdom never ceases to amaze people with the appearance and habits of its inhabitants. The rag picker is of genuine interest to divers and scientists. Behind the unsightly name is hidden a sea fish that is part of the needle family (Syngnathidae). The only little-known representative of the genus Phycodurus is the closest relative of seahorses (Hippocampus). However, the rag picker also has more intricate names. Most often it is called the Sea Pegasus or the Leafy Sea Dragon (lat. Phycodurus eques). The latter nickname was given for its striking resemblance to the one revered in China fairy-tale character, images of which have survived to this day.

(9 photos)

photo: Jeff Kraus

A gentle and vulnerable creature needs stable temperature conditions, absence of predators nearby and large quantities suitable food. The habitat of the sea pegasus is limited to the waters washing the southern coast of Australia. In a day, the miniature creature can absorb up to 3,000 small crustaceans and shrimp. Achieving impressive results is not hampered by its small size (body length reaches 20-45 cm) or lack of teeth. As it turned out, the aquatic vertebrate simply sucks up the food. When there is no fish, it switches to algae and various marine debris.

photo: David Schultz

Leafy sea dragon - skillful. Nature has endowed him with perfect camouflage. There are growths on the body of the fish that resemble leaves. In addition, the sea pegasus has color changing skills. Its color depends on the conditions environment, type of food consumed and even stress. The aquatic “chameleon” has taken a fancy to the thickets seaweed(kelp) and sea grass growing in shallow waters. The most suitable temperature for it is moderate.

photo: Graham Short

The speed of movement of the miracle animal does not exceed 150 m/h. Slowness sea ​​fish explained by the possibility of using two pectoral and one dorsal fins, which are quite problematic to see due to their transparency. They sway no more than once a minute, which provides the effect of swaying on the waves. That is why sea pegasi from afar look like torn off sprigs of algae. Pectoral fins located on the crest of the neck. With their help, leafy sea dragons perform graceful somersaults. There was a place for the dorsal one near the tip of the tail.


On the face of a sea pegasus you can find light spots, the combination of which forms a pattern unique for each individual (akin to human fingerprints). The habitat of this unique fish does not exceed 10 m2. Severe storms can move fragile creatures outside their chosen area, thereby making them more vulnerable.

photo:anna pang

Those with fantastic “plumage” have a strange feature. Bearing offspring is entrusted to the shoulders of males. The “fathers” of seahorses, who carry their fry in a special brood pouch, are a little luckier in this regard. Male sea pegasus have to be content with a soft, porous tissue covering the tail area and having a spongy structure. It is in this place that the female lays reddish-ruby eggs, the number of which exceeds a hundred. Each fertilized egg ends up in a kind of pocket of the father. Subsequently, it hardens, thereby saving future offspring from negative factors external environment.

photo:anna pang

After 4-8 weeks, tiny dragonets are born. During this period, every morning couples take part in a ritual called the “dance of love.” The action is accompanied by a change in skin color (it turns into brighter shades). None of the divers who saw such a spectacle could remain indifferent.


Parents do not show any concern for the young. The body of transparent “newborns” has a bluish tint. You can distinguish white and black stripes on it. They will acquire the color characteristic of rag pickers much later. Only 5% of born babies are destined to reach 2 years of age and acquire the status of an adult. The immature fry feed on plankton. TO self-feeding they are ready 2 hours after entering the aquatic environment.


Virtuosos of underwater camouflage do not know how to cling to algae with their tails, as a result of which they quite often die during storms, being thrown ashore. Currently, the sea pegasus population is facing extinction. IN wildlife The lifespan of unique fish often does not exceed 6 years. Only occasionally there are lucky ones who live to the respectable age of 9 years.


Leafy sea dragons are protected by the Australian government. Their numbers are unknown. The situation is complicated by industrial emissions and the behavior of divers trying to get rag pickers into their collections. Image close relative seahorse became the emblem of South Australia.

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There are very few creatures dangerous to people in the Black Sea, but they still exist! It would be a good idea for everyone going on vacation to read this article, and not only to the Black Sea.

There is such a fish, they call it differently: Sea dragon or baby dragon, snake. Latin name Trachinus draco. It's predatory bottom fish up to 45 centimeters long, very, very similar to the well-known bulls. The sea dragon differs from the goby in having a more spotted color. The fish lives all over the world, found in all seas and oceans without exception, except for the Arctic and Antarctic regions.

Sea dragons live in places with soft soil, so with its beautiful sandy beaches it’s just a paradise for them. Sea dragons are found in both shallow and deep waters. IN recent years The media published information that, according to biologists, the population of sea dragons in the Black Sea has increased several times. Bulgarian fishermen say that encounters with the dragon have become more frequent. Not several times, but noticeably more often in recent years.

Sea dragons spend their lives in constant ambush, buried in the sand. Only large bulging eyes and poisonous spines stick out on the surface.

On the head of the sea dragon there is a poisonous black crown with spikes, and on each side of the head next to the gills there are smaller poisonous spikes.

After being pricked by thorns, a person feels severe pain that spreads to the entire limb, causing paralysis in some cases. There will be cyanosis and swelling at the injection site. Symptoms increase over 6-8 hours. Described deaths which were caused by developed heart failure. Those who have experienced the effects of sea dragon venom say that they have never experienced such severe pain again. Painful shock can cause convulsions, delirium and nausea.

Fishermen most often suffer from sea dragon injections. Dragons get caught in nets, as well as when fishing with a fishing rod. They are equally caught with “tyrant” and with bait; small fish, up to 20 centimeters long, are more often caught.

It is a complete myth that sea dragons are extremely rare. Among my acquaintances in the Bulgarian resort, it seems, there is not a single fisherman who has not experienced the venom of a sea dragon at least once in his life. There are victims among fishing enthusiasts, including my father twice already.

From time to time I personally go fishing with fishermen in the sea; I don’t remember a single case where at least one dragon was not caught. IN last time I took my camera with me and, due to numerous requests, photographed the dragon in all its forms. We caught about 200 mackerel fish, a couple of sardines and 5 dragons, judge for yourself how often they are found. Every fisherman on his boat always has either medical forceps-clamps, or just a board full of nails, or a solid hammer at the ready. But the fish fights hard and sometimes injures people by jumping to the side or falling off the hook and falling on someone.

Tourists often go fishing without knowing about the danger. Alas, every year, among tourists there are always those who completely ruined their vacation after fishing.

The cunning of the sea dragon is that when caught on a bait, it can temporarily lay down its poisonous crown, masquerading as a harmless goby.

Is it possible for ordinary vacationers to suffer from the thorns of a sea dragon? Yes, I have. To do this, you need to walk barefoot on the sandy bottom, not in public swimming areas, and try to stay close to the rocks. Then it is quite possible to step on a dragon sitting waiting for prey. Keep in mind that a dead sea dragon retains the potency of the poison for several days.

What to do if a meeting with a sea dragon does take place? The first thing is to immediately suck out the poison from the wound, continuously spitting. This should not be done if there is even the slightest doubt about the absolute health of the mucous membranes of the lips and mouth. Fishermen often grab the first cutting object they come across and make a cut to cause severe bleeding from the finger. It is advisable to treat the injection site with a solution of potassium permanganate or hydrogen peroxide and apply a sterile bandage. You need to see a doctor, though medical care when affected by sea dragon venom, it comes down to the administration of painkillers and antihistamines. Special attention required by people with heart problems and small children. Sea dragon venom is destroyed by high temperature, therefore, if possible, the affected limb should be kept as much as possible hot water. “Experienced” fishermen usually do not go to doctors.

Bulgarian doctors note approximately 100 requests for medical help annually. Such a claim is considered an insured event by most insurance companies. When taking out insurance before a trip to the sea, you should always check whether it will cover the costs of animal bites if necessary.

Everyone have a good rest by the sea, but be careful! There is no heaven in this world, and every rose has thorns...

P.S. For extreme people, as well as those who want to take revenge on the nasty fish, I inform you that the sea dragon has very tasty white meat. Having caught it, you should carefully cut off its head along with the gills, and then treat it like an ordinary fish.

The amazing and unique world of the underwater kingdom has always aroused interest and excited the imagination of eager researchers. Indeed, what forms and manifestations of life can you not see in the thickness of the

Bottom fish - a dangerous marine life

One of the most interesting specimens of the inhabitants of the seas washing the shores of the European, African, and South American continents is the sea dragon, snake fish or scorpion. Poisonous fish average size and weighing about 300 grams, has a laterally flattened elongated body shape, an elongated lower jaw, equipped with small, but quite sharp teeth, bright brown-yellow with dark intermittent spots and stripes on the back and light milky belly.

Sea dragons stand in the first row with the most dangerous fish temperate latitudes. Their name absolutely matches their appearance. The dragon-like appearance and very high danger of the fish is given by the presence of characteristic fins with spines that have deep grooves, at the base of which there are glands containing poison. Spines located on the gill covers and in the first dorsal fin - formidable weapon, which the sea dragon uses in any danger or when hunting. The venom of this fish is extremely dangerous and acts like a snake, as its second name - snake fish - reminds.

Features of behavior

Sea dragons prefer quiet backwaters in shallow bays with a muddy or sandy bottom. Burying itself up to its eyes in soft soil, the fish lies calmly, but jumps out with lightning speed as soon as it sees the approaching prey. The dragonet is most active at dusk; it is not visible during the day, and given that it loves the same places as bathers, the danger of meeting it only increases. Even just walking in shallow water, a person risks getting a portion of poison from the fins if he accidentally steps on a sea dragon.


IN summer period sea ​​dragons stay within up to 20 m from sea level, and spend the winter in the depths, feeding there on fry, small crustaceans, shrimp and crabs. The fish reaches sexual maturity at the age of three. Spawning continues throughout the summer - from June to October. During this time, female dragonets are capable of laying up to 73 thousand eggs. On average, its size ranges from 15 to 20 cm, but there are also giants in its family: specimens with a length of 35 - 45 cm are known.

The sea dragon, the photo of which is presented, has no industrial significance, but amateur fishermen often catch this fish, the meat of which is very tasty. When catching a dragon, you need to be very careful. Even a dead snake can sting.


The poisonous sea dragon can cause serious harm, and so that your vacation does not turn into troubles and health problems, scuba diving enthusiasts, swimmers and tourists should get acquainted with appearance these fish and take the necessary precautions:

  • you should not try to grab the fish with unprotected hands;
  • You should not search underwater caves; a sea dragon may be hiding in them, a photo of which should be studied first in order to get acquainted with the potential danger;
  • when walking on the coast at low tide, you need to watch your step, as these fish do not always have time to leave with the water, they often remain in the wet sand and can be easily stepped on;
  • Having found a dead dragon, you should not touch it with your hands - the poison persists for some time;
  • If a fisherman catches a dragon, the poisonous spines should be cut off immediately.

First aid for injection

If you still fail to protect yourself from an attack by a snake fish, you must, without wasting time, provide the necessary assistance to the victim. The prick of a thorn causes quite painful sensations: the sharp stabbing pains that arise are very painful, a febrile state accompanied by a rise in temperature can last from a day to a week. There is an opinion that the poison is destroyed if, immediately after the bite, a 5% solution of potassium permanganate is injected into the wound with a syringe. This measure reduces or prevents inflammation and eases pain, but a first aid kit is not always at hand.

Experienced fishermen who encounter fin stings immediately apply a tourniquet above the affected area and suck out the poison, spitting it out. It is advisable to put ice on the injection site and go to the nearest medical facility. Unfortunately, in this case it is impossible to do without hospitalization. There is no specific antidote for the poison that affects sea dragons. Severe pain cannot be relieved even by morphine, so first aid is very important.

Depending on the depth of the wound and the degree of assistance provided, you will need different times to restore health: sometimes it takes several days, sometimes more than one month.

Black Sea dragon

An analogue of the famous one in Russia - one of eight species that have long and successfully mastered the expanses of the Black Sea, sometimes appearing in

Kerch Strait. It has a low, flattened body, with small, tightly fitting scales. The head is decorated with spines, the most dangerous of which are located on the gills. The dragon's two dorsal fins, like a magnificent crest, beautiful and dangerous, are at the same time a serious weapon and a calling card.

Non-industrial, but incredibly tasty, sea dragon is caught by amateur fishermen. The Black Sea stores large reserves of this amazing - small owner of a formidable weapon.

The Black Sea is home to the only representative of the species of Drakonidae (Trachinidae) fish -. You can recognize it by its low, elongated body, covered with dense small scales. The head of this fish is “decorated” with several spines, and the largest of them, directed backwards, is located on the gill cover. On one of the two dorsal fins there is black spot. The sea dragon has a gray or yellow (with oblique stripes on the sides) body coloration, greenish fins, and a tail almost black along the rear edge. In the Black Sea waters, this fish is found everywhere, sometimes even in the Kerch Strait. Off the coast of Crimea, the sea dragon can be found from May to November, when it lives at a depth of up to 20 m. winter time goes to greater depths.

The usual length of a sea dragon does not exceed 15-20 cm, but single specimens reach more than 40 cm. It leads a sedentary and secretive lifestyle, waiting for prey, burrowing into the sand and sticking out only its head with spikes. It feeds mainly on crustaceans and small fish.

Puberty in this fish occurs after three years. The sea dragon spawns between June and October.

This fish has no industrial significance in the Black Sea fishery, although sea dragon meat has good taste qualities, especially in the ear or dried. Before using sea dragon in cooking, it is necessary to get rid of the spines on the dorsal fin and the spines of the gill covers. After this, you can safely start cutting the fish.

Like a trophy for amateur fishermen sea ​​dragon fish comes across quite rarely. If he succumbs to the temptation to take the bait and gets hooked, then he must be extremely careful when releasing this fish. Better yet, don’t spare the hook and leash and just cut the tackle.

Such precautions are not at all superfluous, because the sea dragon has a formidable means of defense and attack - poisonous glands located near the spines of the gill covers and the base of the spines of the dorsal fin, and it itself belongs to the most dangerous Black Sea fish for humans. Contact with them can occur when releasing a fish from a hook or when stepping on a sea dragon lurking in ambush. The injection is usually accompanied by severe burning pain, which spreads over a large area of ​​the body and lasts for several hours. Severe swelling and necrosis of the affected area are also possible. In some cases, paralysis, heart failure, and seizures may occur, accompanied by a state of delirium and nausea. These symptoms increase over 6-8 hours after contact with fish.

Having received an injection from a sea dragon thorn, you must immediately apply a tourniquet above the damaged area, but as close to the wound as possible, but for no more than 15 minutes. After removing the thorn fragments from the wound, you need to rinse it with sea water.

To completely destroy the poison, the injection site must be treated with hot water and magnesium sulfate. The pain can be relieved with novocaine blockade of the affected area. Qualified and timely medical assistance will allow you to avoid serious consequences from an encounter with a sea dragon (with which you should not joke at all, because even fatal outcomes are known after injections from this fish).

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