Small national parks and reserves in Africa. National parks and reserves of Africa Tropical reserves of Africa

The continent of Africa - 54 countries. On the continent (as of 2014) there are 335 environmental protection zones - sanctuaries, nature reserves, and natural parks.

All of them, in addition to marine reserves, are included in the list of nature reserves and national parks Africa. You can view this list as a whole and for each country separately. This list does not include private parks and private natural areas African continent.

TOP 10: the most famous oldest reserves and national parks in Africa

  1. Garamba, Uganda
    Area: 4,900 km 2 National Park and 7,527 km 2 Domaines de Chasse - 2005 African Parks Project. Managed by the African Parks organization DRC in partnership with the Institute for Conservation of Nature (ICCN)
  2. Akajera, Rwanda
    Area: 1122 km 2 - in Africa, the 2010 “Parks” project. Akagera is run by a joint venture between African Parks and the Rwanda Development Board.
  3. Bangweulu, Zambia
    Area: 6000 km 2 - in Africa, the 2008 “Parks” project
    Bangweulu Wetlands is managed through a partnership between African Parks, the Wildlife Institute Authority (Zawa) and the six Chiefdoms of Zambia where the park areas are located.
  4. Leuwa National Park Zambia
    Area: 3660 km 2 - “Parks” project 2003
    Liuwa African Park is governed by a partnership between African Parks and Borotse Royal - traditionally owned by the Lozi people.
  5. Mazhet, Malawi Game Reserve
    Area: 700 km 2 - Parks project in Africa 2003
    Managed by the Malawi Department of National Parks and Wildlife Society (DNPW)
  6. Odzala-Kokua, Congo
    Area: 13,500 km 2 - in Africa park project 2010
    Odzala-Kokoua National Park is managed by the African Parks Foundation and the Congolese government.
  7. Serengeti, Tanzania
    Endless Plains - 14,750 km 2 of the Eastern Mara of northwestern Tanzania - bordered on the north by the Kenyan border, continuous with National Nature Reserve Maasai. The Serengeti lies to the southeast of Ngorongoro Park, to the west are the Ikorongo Game Reserves and the Grumeti Game Reserves - together, these areas form a large single ecosystem.
  8. Zakouma, Chad
    Area: 3054 km 2 - in Africa the Parks project since 2010
    Zakouma is a partnership between African Parks and the Government of Chad
  9. Bwindi, Uganda
    Impenetrable forest
  10. Kruger National Park, South Africa.
    One of the most famous parks on the African continent is a nature reserve and a national park at the same time.

Welcome to the world of African reserves and national parks!

1. Garamba in Africa is one of the last true wildernesses. An impressive savannah with a large section of forest, with exceptionally high biodiversity. Open, rolling grasslands provide the stage for spectacular encounters with large herds of elephants, buffalo, the Ugandan Kob antelope (the country's symbol), and the less common species of giraffe and equine antelope.

2. Akazhera
Akagera National Park is located in northeastern Rwanda along the border with Tanzania. It is named after the Akazhera River, which flows along its eastern border and feeds a labyrinth of lakes, of which Lake Ihema is the largest. Acacia groves, wetland brachystegia, combined with scattered meadows and a fringe of lakes along the meandering Akagera, connected by watercourses, create a park of breathtaking beauty.

3. Bangweulu
Adjacent to the upper reaches of the Congo River Basin in northeastern Zambia is one of Africa's largest wetland systems, the Bangweulu. Bangweulu is a local word meaning "where the water matches the sky" - seasonally flooded areas of untouched wilderness. The wide system of Bangweulu includes lakes, floodplains, swamps, termitaria forests, vast areas of virgin miombo, and pastures. The Chambeshi and Luapula rivers are the main southern tributaries of the Congo River in this area. Bangweulu is home to a significant number of endemic plants and animals. For example, black lychee. The current estimate is over 75,000 animals. The Shoebill bird lives here, one of Africa's enigmatic ornithological assets.

4. Liuwa
Liuwa Plain lies on the upper floodplains of the Zambezi River in western Zambia and is bounded by the Luambimba and Luanginga rivers. Liuwa is a seasonally flooded grassy plain dotted with forested islands. Liuwa has been a national park since 1972 and is the oldest preserved park in African history. Originally proclaimed by the King of Barotseland in the early 1880s, it was historically used as a royal hunting ground and protected by the Lozi people. Liuwa is home to the second largest wildebeest in Africa and is home to a thousand fascinating animals. Herds of zebras, lyre-horned hares tsessebe graze, and on the plains they are pursued by predators - wild dogs, hyenas, cheetahs, lions. Liuwa supports bird populations globally - more than 330 species.

5. Smears
Majete Nature Reserve - declared in 1955, the Majete Nature Reserve is located in the Lower Shire Valley, in the Great Rift Valley of Africa, with an area of ​​700 km². The vegetation is varied, ranging from rain forests miombo, in the western hills, ending with the dry savannah in the east with prominent thickets along the rivers. Malawi launches wildlife reintroduction program

6. Odzala
The world's second largest rainforest, second only to Amazon ( Amazonian forests), Odzala-Kokoua - extensive protected forests. They are located in the northwestern part of the Republic of Congo. This is 13,546 km2 of untouched wilderness - incredible biological diversity extraordinary complex ecosystem.

7. Serengeti
Serengeti National Park, Tanzania - famous for the annual migration of zebras, wildebeest, gazelles and raptors - is considered one of the most undisturbed ecological areas in the world. The neighboring Maasai Mara Reserve is located in one of the districts of Kenya. In general, the reserve is a continuation of the Sarengeti National Park. It is famous for the lions that live here in large numbers.

8. Zakuma
Zakouma is located in Salamat in south-eastern Chad, west of the town of Am-Timan, approximately 800 km by road south-east of N'Djamena. It is described as one of the last wilderness strongholds for Central Africa and is considered a major wildlife conservation success.

9. Bwindi
Bwindi National Park is located in the jungle and can only be explored on foot. This park is located in the Albertine Valley - here greatest number the most diverse trees in Africa. Bwindi Park is home to exotic, stunningly beautiful butterflies.

10. Kruger Park
The oldest national park in South Africa, National Park Kruger is the flagship park of South Africa - a huge number of wild animals for the size of a small country. Kruger National Park has the most large number mammals. The park is divided into 17 ecological zones, home to larger animals than any other biome in the world - elephant, white rhinoceros, buffalo During the rainy season, there is a great population of birds. Big cats: leopard, cheetah, lion - the subject of interest of the tourist Safari.

Nature of the African continent It is distinguished by an amazing diversity of animal species and the large size of their populations.

Where else can you watch prides of lions, peacefully grazing elephants, swift cheetahs or huge herds of zebras and antelopes crossing the terrain in search of water and food, if not in the reserves and national parks of Africa.

Protected areas of Africa on the map

The most visited national parks and reserves of the continent are located in the zone African savannah, which is distinguished not only by the diversity of flora and fauna, but also by the ease of observing animals.

In the vastness of the savannah, any animals are visible from afar, which distinguishes this space from the African jungle.

The African savannah is distinguished by its extraordinary picturesqueness terrain and beauty of the landscape: this is where the Great African Lakes and mountain systems are located, in particular the majestic. To see all this splendor, you can visit one of the national parks or reserves located on this amazing continent.


The overwhelming number of national parks and reserves in Africa are located south of the equator in the African savanna zone - an ecosystem characterized by amazing diversity and large populations of wild animals.

A significant part of the national parks are in the East African countries: Kenya, Tanzania and Botswana, where the area of ​​savannah is largest. Other countries with notable parks and reserves include border countries:

  • Uganda;
  • Malawi;
  • Congo;
  • Rwanda;
  • Namibia;
  • Mozambique;
  • Zimbabwe;
  • South Africa.

How to get there?

There are different ways to get to African reserves, since some of them, such as Nairobi Park, are located in close proximity to large cities, while others may be located in inaccessible areas.

On the territory of some national parks, operating airports, so you can fly to them from capitals or large cities using local airlines.

But in order to visit most of the parks, you will have to rent a car and drive tens, or even hundreds of kilometers along African roads. To make it easier for you to visit African reserves, you can use the services travel companies who will provide transportation to the park or even check-in at local hotels located right on the territory of the reserves.

List of national parks in Kenya

This East African state is home to about 60 different national parks and reserves, most of which are dedicated to the flora and fauna of the African savannah.


Tsavo Park is divided into 2 large parts: East Tsavo And West Tsavo. The total area of ​​the two parts is about 20 thousand km², it is the largest park in Kenya. The park was founded in 1948, and a railway runs through its territory, connecting the capital of Kenya, Nairobi, with the eastern part of the country.

One of the features of Tsavo is the opportunity to observe the night watering places of animals: elephants and other wild animals come to the ponds located right outside the hotel walls at night.

Another highlight of the park is located on its territory black rhino sanctuary, in which 50 individuals of this rare species animals.

The fauna of Tsavo is typical of African savannas; many species of animals live here, including the so-called "African Big Five", which consists of the most valuable trophies of an African safari:

  1. Leo;
  2. Rhinoceros;
  3. buffalo;
  4. Elephant;
  5. Leopard.


Aberdare Park (Aberdare, Aberdare) is located in central Kenya, 150 kilometers from Nairobi in the Aberdare mountain range. The park was organized in 1950, its area is about 750 km².

Aberdare is distinguished landscape diversity- from high peaks to deep valleys, climate humidity and, as a result, rather dense vegetation, including bamboo thickets. The park is home to elephants, lions, leopards, as well as other animal species and a huge variety of bird species.

Most tourists come to the park for night safari, during which you can watch animals directly from the hotel windows.


Amboseli National Park is located on southeast of the country 250 kilometers from Nairobi. Amboseli is considered the most visited park in Kenya. main reason This is because the peak of Kilimanjaro is visible from its territory.

Amboseli was singled out as reservation territory for the Maasai tribe at the beginning of the 20th century, but in 1974, in order to preserve the unique ecosystem, it was converted into a national park. Amboseli is considered the best place for observing wildlife, especially elephants, due to the sparse vegetation due to long periods of drought.

The highlight of Amboseli National Park is the opportunity to get up close and personal with grazing elephants.


Nairobi Park - first of those that appeared in Kenya. This reserve is interesting because it is located on the territory of the country's capital, Nairobi; its opening occurred in 1946. The size of the park's fauna increases significantly during the dry season (mid-March), when water resources dry up in the surrounding area.

Nairobi Park is home to typical savannah animals: lions, antelopes, cheetahs, leopards and others. Nairobi Park is considered the best place in Africa to observe black rhinoceroses.

In the park there is Burnt Ivory Monument, located at the site of the destruction of this valuable material obtained by poachers.

Masai Mara

Masai Mara National Park is located in southwestern Kenya and is part of the Serengeti region - oldest ecoregion continent.

The area of ​​the reserve is 1500 km², the park is home to animal species typical of the African savannah. The most famous and observed species of the Maasai Mara are lions, cheetahs and wildebeest, of which there are millions of individuals.

Antelope migration During the dry season, it is the main highlight of the park - the huge herds of wildebeest covering the savannah impress any tourist. The reserve is also considered a major center for the research and conservation of black rhinoceroses, hippos and spotted hyenas.

The largest natural areas in Tanzania

National parks Tanzania is considered one of the best places For ecological tourism all over the world. It is on the territory of this country that most of the Serengeti region is located - a unique and oldest ecosystem in the world.


Selous - largest natural park in Africa and one of largest reserves in the world. Its area is 55 thousand km², which is 5% of the territory of Tanzania. Selous was founded in 1905 as a game reserve and was later named after the famous British hunter and naturalist Frederick Selous. The fauna of Selous is represented by animal species typical of the savannah:

  • Elephants;
  • Lions;
  • Leopards;
  • Antelope;
  • Hippos and other animals.


Serengeti National Park is located in the north of the country and is part of the Serengeti region - one of the oldest ecosystems in the world.

The Serengeti Wildlife Sanctuary was formed at the beginning of the 20th century, and in 1951 its territory was expanded and it was converted into a national park.

In total, there are more than 3 million individuals large animals, of which 3 thousand are lions. The Serengeti is considered the best place to observe lions and cheetahs. The park is famous for its migrations, when during drought periods almost 1 million antelopes and about 200 thousand zebras cross its territory in search of water.


Ngorongoro Park was created in 1959 when the area around the Ngorongoro Crater was carved out of the Serengeti and made into a separate biosphere reserve. The area of ​​the park is 9 thousand km², of which 265 km² is occupied by the grandiose Ngorongoro crater.

The inhabitants of the crater territory are 25 thousand animals, and here it is observed highest density of predators throughout the continent (primarily lions and leopards). The park's big problem is local residents: there are more than 60 thousand shepherds and 350 thousand domestic animals, which threatens the richness and diversity of the local fauna.


Kilimanjaro National Park is located in northern Tanzania. It got its name from the famous highest peak in Africa - Mount Kilimanjaro. The peculiarity of this national park is that its entire territory is located at an altitude of more than 2700 meters.

Despite the small size of the park (just over 1500 km²), the flora here unusually rich: It is home to many lions, elephants, black rhinos and other species of animals. The park is divided into 7 zones, the greatest interest for tourists is the wildlife zone and areas of walking routes of varying intensity. Every year, more than 10 thousand tourists climb Mount Kilimanjaro here.


Rungwa (Ruaha) National Park is located in the central part of Tanzania, its area is more than 10 thousand km². The park is located on the banks Ruaha River, because of which it received its second name.

The fauna of Rungwa is typical of the African savanna and is rich and diverse. Also growing in the park is more than 1600 species plants and trees, a significant part of which are endemic and grow only here.

A special feature of Rungwa is the possibility of a walking safari accompanied by a guide, which is not often found in African reserves.

What nature reserves are there in Botswana?

Together with Kenya and Tanzania, Botswana is among the countries best suited for eco-tourism on the African continent.


Chobe National Park is the oldest reserve Botswana, located in the north-west of the country in the border areas with Namibia. The area of ​​Chobe is more than 10 thousand km². A protected zone here was established in the early 1930s, and park status was obtained in 1967.

The reserve is home to one of the world's largest populations African elephant - In total, more than 50 thousand individuals of this animal live here.

Central Kalahari

Central Kalahari - huge (53 thousand km²) hunting reserve in the central part of the country, located on the border with the Kalahari Desert. A significant part of the reserve is covered with sand dunes; the rest of the territory is covered with rare shrubs and grass.

The fauna of the Central Kalahari is typical of African savannas: lions, giraffes, leopards, antelopes and other animals. One of the oldest rivers in the world flows through the park - it is drying up. River "Valley of Deception", the formation of which began more than 16 thousand years ago. The river got its name because of the mirages that appear on its banks.

Nature of other countries of the African continent

In addition to the countries listed, amazing nature reserves can be found in almost any African country located in the subequatorial belt south of the equator.


Nyasa is located in the north of Mozambique on the border with Tanzania and has the status of a hunting reserve. As in other African reserves, the fauna of Nyassa is distinguished by its extraordinary diversity- lives here:

  • More than 16 thousand elephants;
  • 800 Lviv;
  • Many types antelope;
  • Leopards;
  • Hippos;
  • Zebras;
  • Buffaloes and other types of animals.

Causes great damage to the reserve poaching local residents, because more than 35 thousand people still live on its territory.


The Nechisar Nature Reserve is located in southwest Ethiopia and covers an area of ​​500 km². The reserve is located near two large lakes: Blue Lake Chamo and brown Abaya.

First of all, Nechisar is famous for its crocodiles, local individuals of which reach a length of 6 meters and are considered the largest in Africa. These reptiles live on the coast of Lake Chamo. Other representatives of the local fauna include typical African species animals and birds: hippos, hyenas, zebras, gazelles, jackals, pelicans and flamingos.

Volcanic nat. park

National Park Birunga volcanoes in Rwanda is located in the heart of Africa at an altitude of 2 to 4.6 kilometers above sea level. There are 6 extinct volcanoes in the park, which is why it received its name.

The territory of the reserve is overgrown tropical forest , which especially highlights the many different species of primates.

The pride of the park is the mountain gorillas, of which there are 7 large families.

Bwindi Impenetrable Forest

Impenetrable Park (Impenetrable) Bwindi Forest is located in the southwestern part of Uganda. Its area is about 300 km². Despite the small size of the park, its fauna is unusually rich; more than 120 species of animals and about 350 species of birds live here.

The Bwindi Forest is home to more than 300 mountain gorillas - half the world's population of this species.


Kruger National Park in South Africa is the oldest nature reserve in this country, located in Transvaal Province between the Crocodile River and the Limpopo River, famous in Russian children's literature.

Its area is more than 300 km². The reserve received its name in honor of former president Republic of Transvaal Paul Kruger, V late XIX century, who proposed organizing a conservation zone in this area.

It is believed that there is a sighting in the Kruger Park highest density of animals in the world: there are more than 12 thousand elephants, 5 thousand rhinoceroses, 1500 lions, 1 thousand leopards, 17 species of antelope and many other species of animals.


Etosha National Park is located in northern Namibia on the edge Kalahari Desert in close proximity to the Etosha salt marsh. Despite the harsh terrain and poor saline soil, the park is home to many different animals fighting for survival on the edge of two ecosystems: the savannah and the Kalahari Desert.

You can see the local inhabitants at watering hole: Every day more than 100 species of mammals and 350 species of birds gather on the shores of never-ending lakes.

The article talks about the most popular parks and reserves of the continent. Contains information about the first National Park in the history of the mainland.

National parks of Africa

Almost 4% of all African lands were taken under protection by 1990.

Pongola is the first national reserve created in Africa. It was founded in 1894 in South Africa.

Rice. 1. Pongola Park.

862,940 sq. km. The territory of the continent is now under the protection of the states of the continent and the world community. Any mining or forestry activities are prohibited here.

These territories contain national parks, natural monuments, nature reserves and other attractions.

TOP 1 articlewho are reading along with this

Throughout the continent there is a mass protected areas, but the most picturesque and extensive nature reserves are concentrated in the southern and eastern regions of the continent. UNESCO classified some of them as world natural and cultural heritage.

The most famous of them:

  • Serengeti National Park;
  • Bwindi National Park;
  • Kruger Park National Site.

Rice. 2. Serengeti National Park.

There are many places on the continent that have the status of objects of national and world significance, but these parks are the most famous and popular among tourists and travelers.

Serengeti National Park is located in the Great African Rift region. These are hilly valleys with low grassy vegetation. Its area is 30,000 square kilometers. The park unites the territories of Tanzania and Kenya. It is included in the list of the most popular national parks in the world.

In the north, the Serengeti Park borders the Maasai Mara Nature Reserve located in Kenya, which is a continuation of the park. Ngorongoro.

Rice. 3. Masai Mara Reserve.

"Serenegeti" means "endless plains" in the Maasai language. In 1951, the territory was granted the status of a national park.

The park received international status only thirty years later.

Reserves of Africa

Africa is a unique place on earth. The whole of it can be considered a large nature reserve. A significant variation in climatic zones has affected the living conditions for an impressive number of species of flora and fauna.

All this splendor and diversity can be seen in the national parks and reserves of the continent.

The Central Kalahari National Wildlife Refuge is located in the vast expanses of the Kalahari Desert. It ranks second among the world's reserves in size.

The Black Continent has become the owner of the largest nature reserve in the world. The Kavango Zambezi complex borders five countries at once. The main area of ​​the reserve is over 44 million hectares. The territory concentrates about 40 nature reserves, as well as lands that adjoin them. The reserve houses almost half of all African elephants. There are over half a million species of flora of the continent and about three hundred species of feathered representatives of the animal world.

What have we learned?

We found out which place became the first park on the territory of the hottest continent on the planet. We got an idea of ​​the richness and diversity of the flora and fauna of African parks and reserves.

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(T) Countries Malawi, Mozambique, Tanzania Altitude 474 m Length 560 km Width 75 km Square 29,600 km² Volume 8400 km³ Coastline length 1245 km Greatest depth 706 m Average depth 292 m Transparency 13-23 m Catchment area 6593 km² Flowing rivers Ruhuhu Flowing river Wider Nyasa at Wikimedia Commons

"Nyasa" is a Yao word that means "lake".


The lake fills the crack in earth's crust at the southern end of the Great Rift Valley, as a result of which it is elongated in the meridional direction and has a length of 584 km, its width varies from 16 to 80 km. The surface of the lake lies at an altitude of 472 m above sea level, its area is 29,604 km², the average depth is 292 m, the maximum is 706 m, that is, the deepest places of the lake are below sea level. The total volume of the lake is 8,400 km³. The depths gradually increase from south to north, where the steep slopes of the mountains surrounding the lake suddenly burst straight into the water. Elsewhere on the coast, the mountains and peaks that rise along the edges of the rift valley are separated from the lake by a wide coastal plain; where large rivers flow into the lake, the coastal plain expands and connects with the river plain, going deeper into the mountain ranges. As a result, the coastline topography varies from rocky cliffs to extensive beaches. The coastal plains are especially wide in the northwest, where the Songwe River flows into the lake, as well as in the southern part of the coast.

The bottom of the lake is covered with a thick layer of sedimentary rocks, in some places up to 4 km thick, which indicates the great age of the lake, which is estimated at least several million years.

The main part of the lake basin is occupied by highlands and mountains, which are the boundaries of the rift valley. The highest of them are the Livingstone Mountains in the northeast (up to 2000 m) and the Nyika Plateau and the Vipya and Chimaliro Mountains in the northwest and the Dowa Upland in the west; in the south the terrain gradually decreases. The lake basin is much wider to the west of the lake. In the east, the mountains come close to the water, and the basin narrows, expanding only in the northeast thanks to the Ruhuhu River, which cuts through the Livingston Mountains.


The lake is fed by 14 year-round rivers, including the most important Ruhuhu, Songwe, North and South Rukuru, Dwangwa, Bua and Lilongwe. The lake's only external drainage is the Shire River, which emerges from the lake in the south and flows towards the Zambezi. Despite large volume lake, the volume of its flow is small: of the approximately 63 km³ of water entering the lake annually, only 16% flows through the Shire River, the rest evaporates from the surface. Because of this, the lake has a very long water renewal period: it is estimated that all the water in the lake is renewed within 114 years. Another consequence of the fact that the main losses of water occur due to evaporation, and not runoff, is the increased mineralization of lake water compared to the waters of the rivers flowing into it - the water in the lake is hard and brackish.

Any chemicals that enter the lake can only leave it by accumulation in bottom sediments, evaporation into the atmosphere (if they can pass into the gas phase), or by extremely slow runoff through the Shire River. Substances dissolved in water that do not evaporate or fall to the bottom once in the lake will be removed from it by runoff only after about 650 years. This makes the lake highly vulnerable to pollution.

This feature of the hydrological regime also makes the lake very sensitive to changes in climate and precipitation levels. Even a slight increase in the ratio of precipitation to evaporation leads to flooding, as was the case in the -1980s; a slight decrease in this factor leads to a drop in the lake level and the cessation of flow through the Shire River, as happened from 1937 to 1937, when there was practically no flow. In recent years the lake level has also been quite low, and in 1997 the flow almost ceased at the end of the dry season.

Political distribution

The lake is shared by three countries: Malawi, Mozambique and Tanzania. In the north of the lake, there is a dispute over the distribution of its waters between Malawi and Tanzania. Tanzania believes that the border should follow the surface of the lake according to the boundaries that existed between former German East Africa and Nyasaland before 1914. Malawi claims that it should own the entire lake up to the Tanzanian shore on the basis that this was the post-World War I administrative boundary between British Nyasaland and the Mandatory Territory of Tanganyika: the Tanzanian coasts were sparsely populated, and the British considered it inconvenient to establish a separate administration for the north. -eastern sector of the lake. In the past, this conflict led to clashes, but since then, for many decades, Malawi has not tried to restore its claims, although it does not officially recognize that this part of the lake belongs to Tanzania.

Most of the lake and its basin (68%) are within Malawi; The western border of the country practically coincides with the western watershed. 25% of the basin is occupied by Tanzania, 7% by Mozambique. The Tanzanian sector of the basin has disproportionately great value for the hydrological balance of the lake, since the bulk of precipitation falls here, the lake receives more than 20% of its annual water inflow only from the Ruhuhu River in Tanzania.

The islands of Likoma and Chizumulu are located in the eastern part of the lake within the Mozambican sector off the coast, but belong to Malawi, forming the Malawian exclave, surrounded on all sides by Mozambican territorial waters.


View of the lake from Likoma Island

The waters of the lake are vertically distributed into three layers, which differ in the density of the water, determined by its temperature. Top layer thickness warm water (epilimnion) varies from 40 to 100 m, reaching a maximum in the cool, windy season (May to September). It is in this layer that the growth of algae occurs, which is the basic element of the entire food pyramid of the lake. Middle layer metalimnion, several degrees colder than the upper one and extends from its lower edge 220 m deep. In the thickness of this layer, vertical movements of biological substances and oxygen dissolved in water occur. The space from the lower level of the metalimnon to the bottom of the lake occupies hypolimnon. The water here is even colder (has the highest density) and has a high concentration of dissolved nitrogen, phosphorus and silicon - decomposition products organic matter. This area is almost completely free of dissolved oxygen, and therefore deeper than 220 m the lake is practically devoid of life.

Although these water layers are never completely mixed, a slow exchange of water between adjacent layers does occur. The volume and speed of this exchange depends on the place and time of year. The greatest influx of nutrient-rich water from the metalimnon and hypolimnon to the surface occurs during the cool windy season from May to September, when the westerly wind blows continuously, which locals call mvera. This wind disturbs the surface of the lake, sometimes causing strong storms, and mixes the water to a considerable depth. In addition to simple mixing, in some places of the lake during this time of year there is a constant transport of deep water to the surface, the so-called upwelling. Due to the peculiarities of the bottom morphology, upwelling is especially powerful in the southeastern bay of the lake. As a result, during the windy season and for a short time after its end, the highest concentration of plankton is observed here.

Pelagic (far from the coast) waters are clear most of the year due to the low concentration of dissolved organic components and soil particles. However, large areas of the lake can become cloudy during the rainy season, when rivers begin to carry large amounts of solids washed from the land into the lake.


Phytoplankton is the basis of all aquatic life in the lake. The composition of phytoplankton masses varies depending on the time of year. During the windy season (and in the southeast of the lake - all year), diatoms are most abundant; at its end, from September to November, an increase in the relative abundance of blue-green algae is observed; Surface blooms of fibrous blue-green algae (Anabaena) are often observed. From December to April, plankton consists primarily of a mixture of diatoms, blue-green, and green algae.

On the trophic scale of productivity, the lake is classified as intermediate between oligotrophic and mesotrophic.

Lake Nyasa has the most diverse ecosystem of any freshwater body in the world; According to various estimates, from 500 to 1000 species of fish live in it. Eleven families are represented in the lake, but one of them - cichlids (Cichlidae) - covers 90% of the lake's fish species, most of which are endemic. Cichlids occupy most of the lake's ecological niches. Lake cichlids are divided into two large groups: pelagic, predominantly predatory species, living in the water column far from the shores, and coastal ones, among which there is a rich diversity of shapes, sizes, feeding methods and behavior. Although species diversity of pelagic cichlids is also high by any standard, it is in coastal societies that it reaches its absolute maximum. Near the rocky shores of the lake, in an area of ​​50 m², up to 500 fish of 22 different species can be counted. There are species and varieties endemic to certain parts of the lake or even to certain bays or areas of the coast. Cichlids are the basis of lake fisheries and provide food for a large part of the population of Malawi, some species are presented as ornamental aquarium fish that are sold abroad.

In addition to fish, the lake ecosystem is characterized by a large number of crocodiles, as well as African whooper eagles, which hunt fish. Every year there is a massive emergence of lake flies, the larvae of which live on the bottom in shallow parts of the lake; Clouds of flies these days obscure the sun and cover the horizon.

Population and economic activity

Shore of a lake near the town of Monkey Bay

The Nyasa basin is not as densely populated as the surrounding area of ​​Lake Victoria, but is much denser than the shores of Tanganyika. The bulk of the population is concentrated in the south of the Malawian sector of the lake basin. The Northern and Central provinces of Malawi, which lie predominantly within the lake basin, account for 12% and 41% respectively of the country's total population, which was 9,900,000 in 1998. The country's average annual population growth is 2.0%, but in the north it is higher and reaches 2.8%. 14% of the population live in cities, urban population growing by 4.7% per year. The economically active population is 68%, of which 78% live from subsistence agriculture and only 13% are wage earners. Agriculture is the backbone of Malawi's economy, with its products accounting for half of the country's gross domestic product and almost all of its exports.

In contrast to the Malawian sector, the western and northern parts of the basin, which lie within Mozambique and Tanzania respectively, have relatively sparse populations and little economic activity; In these places, primary vegetation, untouched by agriculture, is predominantly preserved.

The hydroelectric dam on the Shire River, which flows from the lake, is Malawi's main source of electricity. The country's energy sector suffers from fluctuations in lake levels and the associated instability of the Shire's flow. In 1997, when the lake level dropped and the flow almost stopped, the country's economy suffered significant losses due to a lack of electricity.


Drying small fish on the lake shore

Fisheries contribute 2-4% of Malawi's GDP and employ up to 300,000 people directly or indirectly. Up to 80% of the fish are caught by independent fishermen and small crews, but in the southern part of the lake there is a commercial fishing company called MALDECO, which can fish in areas remote from the shore where individual fishermen cannot reach. For the people of Malawi, fish is the main source of animal protein (up to 70% of the diet), and the majority of fish comes from Lake Nyasa. The most important commercial species are Copadichromis spp. (local name Utaka), (Bagrus spp. and Bathyclarias spp.) (chisawasawa). Fishing for catfish (Bagrus spp. and Bathyclarias spp.) and chambo (Oreochromis spp.), significant in the past, lately is decreasing and accounts for less than 20% of the total catch.

Recently, there has been a decrease in fish production due to overfishing in previous years, which the lake ecosystem was not able to compensate for. In 1987, the commercial catch was 88,586 tons, of which 101 tons were exported. In 1991, commercial catches had fallen to an estimated 63,000 tonnes, of which only 3 tonnes were exported; in 1992, 69,500 tons were caught, and there were no fish exports at all that year. These figures show a decrease in the available fish resources of the lake, as a result of which catch volumes, which had been constantly growing until 1987, are falling.

In addition to fishing, export trade in ornamental fish species is of commercial importance. Some species are simply caught in the lake, others are bred in special nurseries.


Regular freight and passenger transportation on the lake is carried out by the Malawi State Transport Company Malawi Lake Service. Cargo ships are primarily engaged in the transportation of products agriculture- cotton, natural rubber, rice, tung oil, peanuts, etc. - from lake ports to Chipoka on the southern shore, from where it is exported by rail to the Mozambican ocean ports of Beira and Columbus. Passenger ships sail between lakeside towns, as well as to the islands of Likom and Chizumulu. The islands do not have any harbor, so ships anchor close to the shore, and cargo and passengers reach the islands by boat.

The main ports on the lake are Monkey Bay, Chipoka, Nkhotakota, Nkata Bay and Karonga in Malawi, Manda in Tanzania and Kobwe in Mozambique. The Malawian port town of Mangochi is located on the Shire River a few kilometers below its source from Lake Nyasa.

Environmental threats


Lake Nyasa is relatively safe in ecological terms, but in the future it is expected serious problems. The main threat is overfishing, a problem fueled by the population explosion Malawi has seen in recent decades. Malawi's population is growing at 2% per year, and almost half of the country's population are children under 15 years of age. Fish provides up to 70% of the animal protein in the Malawian consumer diet, and demand for it is constantly growing. The annual fish catch in the lake is decreasing slowly, but this is a consequence of increasing fishing activity and the use of prohibited fishing gear to catch smaller fish. In addition, most of the annual catch comes from independent artisanal fishermen, whose boats only access the coastal areas of the lake. However, it is in the coastal areas that the fish spawn, and therefore it is the artisanal fishermen who put the greatest pressure on the lake's ecology, catching juvenile fish and causing losses to the lake's fish population that it cannot compensate for.

The problem of overfishing is currently limited to Malawi; The coastal areas of Mozambique and Tanzania are sparsely populated, and pressure on the lake's fish stocks from local fishermen is minimal. The existing territorial dispute between Malawi and Tanzania in the north-eastern sector of the lake is purely political in nature and does not lead to conflicts over fish resources: boats of artisanal fishermen can cross the lake to reach fishing spots off the coast of Tanzania, and large commercial fishing companies fish in the southern, most fish-rich part of Nyasa. However, with the start of exploitation by large vessels of shoals of pelagic fish, large reserves of which in areas far from the shores of the lake became known relatively recently, disputes over fish resources will not be avoided.

Land use

Another problem of the lake is the increase in agricultural activity within its basin, again mainly in its Malawian parts, which is also associated with rapid growth population of the country. The majority of Malawians (up to 80%) live on a subsistence, not very productive economy; this type of land use requires more land to feed one person, as a result of which people are forced to use land unsuitable for agriculture; There is already a land famine in the country. This, as well as overexploitation of pastures, leads to increased soil erosion, which is washed into the lake by rain and rivers. In turn, this contributes to the turbidity of lake water, a decrease in the amount of sunlight reaching the bottom, the decline of lake vegetation and a reduction in the volume of phytoplankton - the food base of all lake life.

Due to land hunger, forest areas are also decreasing. This leads to an increase in runoff into the lake (due to reduced evaporation of water from tree leaves), but makes the flow more unstable and also increases soil erosion.

In addition, due to the overwhelming poverty of the Malawian population and the use of unproductive agricultural methods, the lake as a whole is free from the problem of pollution from mineral fertilizers and pesticides. Their use is limited to commercial crop farming areas, mainly large cotton and sugarcane plantations. However, with the intensification of agriculture in the region, this can become a significant problem, because the lake has a very long flushing period (the ratio of the lake volume to the annual runoff), which contributes to the accumulation of harmful substances in it.

Introduced species

The introduction of foreign fish species did not have such a great impact on the ecology of Nyasa as, for example, on Lake Victoria, where the acclimatization of the Nile perch led to a radical change in the entire lake ecosystem. However, water hyacinth (Eichornia crassipes), which first came to the lake. Nyasa in the 1960s, now found throughout the lake and its tributaries. In the mineralized and nutrient-poor lake water it does not grow very well, and plants carried by rivers into the lake die, but in rivers hyacinth feels very good and grows rapidly, even causing problems for hydroelectric power plants built on the Shira River. If the amount of dissolved nutrients in the lake begins to increase due to, for example, intensification of agriculture and the introduction of fertilizers in the lake basin, water hyacinth will turn into a real environmental problem. The concentration of nutrients and, accordingly, the number of water hyacinths will be maximum near the shores of river mouths, and this is where the spawning grounds of most species of lake fish are located. The government of Malawi initiated a program to control hyacinth through the weevils Neochetina spp., but this program was not ultimately successful.

History of the study

Rumors of existence in Central Africa big inland sea reached Europeans for centuries. On medieval maps of the 17th-18th centuries, the outline of the lake was already depicted quite accurately, probably according to the testimony of Arab traders who penetrated here starting from the 10th century. In 1860, David Livingstone, a Scottish missionary and famous explorer of Africa, after unsuccessful attempt climbed up the Zambezi on a ship, on the way of which the Kebrabassa rapids stood, began exploring the Shire River and reached the southern outskirts of Lake Nyasa along it. Livingston was hardly the first European to see Nyasa, but it was he who introduced the world to his discovery and declared his priority as a discoverer. Livingstone described Nyasa as a "lake of stars" due to the glare of the sun on its surface.

In the reports about this expedition, which were published in England in

“In Africa there are sharks, in Africa there are gorillas, in Africa there are big angry crocodiles...” - it is difficult to forget that mixture of childhood curiosity and fear associated with this mysterious, and therefore alluring, distant land. Even as adults, we experience an interest that has remained in our minds since childhood: what kind of continent is this with its outlandish exotic beauties?

Unfortunately, African evergreens tropical forests, silent deserts, arrogant mountains, thundering waterfalls, grassy savannas and their inhabitants began to need protection. This is understood not only by African governments, but also by many people who come from all over the world to volunteer, which African reserves and national parks gratefully accept. Their enthusiasm and selfless work made it possible to preserve many species of plants and animals.

First in Africa government structure Nature Conservation was established in Tunisia in 1884, and only 40 years later the first national park, Taza, was founded here. Currently, there are more than 600 national parks, natural monuments and reserves protected by states on the continent, and 26 of them are included in the UNESCO World Cultural and Natural Heritage List. It is prohibited not only to hunt there, but also to carry out any work related to changing the landscape. The remaining areas are partially protected; resort and tourism activities are allowed on them. Basically, protected areas lie in the eastern and southern parts of the continent. Largest number The reserves are located in Kenya, a country in eastern Africa.

On a huge territory of more than 20 thousand square meters. km, occupying 4% of the total area of ​​Kenya, one of the largest national parks in Africa, Tsavo, was founded in 1948. A railway line runs through its territory, connecting the capital Nairobi with the popular seaside resort of Mombasa.

The road divides the park into two zones - western and eastern.

The western part is more suitable for civilized recreation. There are luxury hotels here, many of which have their own runway. The eastern part, although drier, is no less interesting for tourists.

Visitors around the park are accompanied by rangers who are happy and proud to introduce vacationers to the Yatta Highlands, Mzima Springs, Ngulia Mountains, the Tsavo and Galana Rivers, the Idawe Hills and other natural attractions.

Particularly impressive is the Yatta Highlands, which was formed during the eruption of the Ol Doinio Sabuk volcano and is a 300-kilometer flow of solidified lava.

Another place that is definitely worth a visit is the Mzima springs, which release more than 500 million liters of water from the bowels of the earth every day.

This area is famous for its dense vegetation and exotic animals, whose life can be observed through the huge transparent wall of the underwater observatory that hosts tourists.

The flora of this vast territory is diverse. Thorn bushes grow in the savannas, and palm trees, baobabs, tamarind trees, acacias, reeds and many other plants grow along the river banks. The park is famous for its fauna. More than 60 species of animals live here: elephants, buffalos, antelopes, giraffes, rhinoceroses, lions and cheetahs. Along the banks of the rivers there are hippos and crocodiles.

Tsavo National Park is very popular among tourists; more than 250 thousand people visit it annually.

Another Kenyan national park, also very popular among tourists, is Aberdare, located on the territory of the mountain range with the same name.

Aberdare is proud of its picturesque landscapes: forests of giant trees, crystal clear waterfalls on icy rivers, heathland, bamboo jungle - all this can be admired forever. This park is listed by UNESCO.

The significant altitude above sea level (about 3000 meters) affected plant and fauna Aberdare. The impenetrable forests are home to elephants, monkeys, rhinoceroses, buffalos, leopards and many other animals. Visiting the park is limited to a small lowland on which two hotels are located.

From their observation platforms, curious tourists can observe the life of animals and enjoy the beauty of wild nature in all its splendor.

The highest single peak in the world that tourists can walk along is Mount Kilimanjaro; one of its three peaks, Kibo, rises 5895 m above sea level.

The other two are called Shira and Mawenzi. The foot of the mountain is also located quite high - at an altitude of 1830 meters. This is a dormant but not extinct volcano, which sometimes makes threatening sounds and ejects a cloud of gases through the crater.

Beauty surrounding nature Kilimanjaro National Park is complemented by a wealth of wildlife. Here you can find: elephants, rhinoceroses, leopards, lions, as well as several species of monkeys. The world of birds and insects is so diverse that it has always attracted researchers and biologists here.

The small Central African country of Rwanda is famous for its natural attraction, the Volcanic National Park, which occupies a relatively small area of ​​130 square meters. km. It was here that the Hollywood film “Gorillas in the Mist”, released in 1988, was filmed.

The park is located at an altitude of 2400-4500 m above sea level, it is a unique place where very rare species live apes– mountain black gorillas.

There are only about 650 individuals throughout globe, half of them live here.

The territory of the park borders the country of Zaire, with which a guerrilla war has been waged for several years. Mines are occasionally found in the park, which do not particularly frighten tourists, but cause irreparable harm monkeys.

Tourism here is organized quite well, there are hotels, and excursions are organized. For example, during the dry season, vacationers are offered a hike to the extinct volcanoes of a sprawling mountain range, from where they can admire all the splendor of the surrounding nature.

In the southwestern part of the country of Uganda, on an area of ​​330 square meters. km stretches the Bwindi Impenetrable Forest, declared a national park in 1991. Tourist visits are very strict here; monkeys can only be observed if accompanied by a guide in groups of up to 6 people.

Despite the strict boundaries, the reserve is highly popular, because this is a real African wild jungle, which not only looks mysterious and impenetrable, but actually is so.

An excursion through the jungle can give you a unique experience. Traveling along barely noticeable paths amid the silence of tall trees and under the supervision of hidden animals is not for the faint of heart.

An excellent example of excellent wildlife management is the Kruger National Park, located in South Africa. Looking at the magnificent nature, it is difficult to imagine how many hardships this land has endured. The Anglo-Boer Wars, plague epidemics, poaching that exterminated all living things - in addition to these misfortunes, the territory of the park was chosen as a refuge by escaped convicts, prisoners and criminals hiding from the law.

In 1900, President Paul Kruger convinced the Tranvaal Parliament to declare this territory protected by the state, hunting was banned here, and a few years later, all residents were evicted from here. The park is a living memorial to Kruger and his associates.

All this is already in the past, and today protected area almost 20 thousand sq. km annually receives more than a million tourists, who are attracted not only rich nature, but also history. Many traces of ancient settlements have been found on the territory of the Kruger Park; there are unique rock paintings dating back to the Stone Age.

The Kruger National Park includes as many as six unique ecosystems. This:

  • Lebombo acacia bushveld;

  • sandy baobab veld;

  • mapane bush;
  • mixed acacia forest;
  • red willow forests;
  • forests of river valleys.

At first glance, Kruger National Park can be considered a lost world.

This illusion is violated only by comfortable guest houses equipped with all the amenities of civilization, which are called lodges here. Accommodation in them, as well as the services of rangers and safari guides, are quite expensive. How could it be otherwise in a national park that generates the largest income among all the reserves in the world?