Name jean. Jean

Each nation has reinterpreted names borrowed from ancient sources in its own way. This happened, for example, with the biblical name John: in Russia he became Ivan, and in France - Jean.

What does the name Jean mean to its owner and how much does he differ from his “namesakes” in other countries? The Hebrew "John" means "mercied by God", the literal meaning of the name Jean is the same, however it has its own subtleties.

After all, the spelling and sound of a French name is somewhat different, which means it also carries a slightly different energy. Some researchers interpret the meaning of the name Jean as “brave” or “mighty.”

The origin of a name and the literal meaning conveyed by its translation often have little to do with what the particular person so named represents. What should you know before naming your child this name, so common in France, but still exotic for Russia?

Firstly, it needs to go well with the surname and patronymic. It is desirable that this combination be euphonious and not cause rejection or outright bewilderment among others, otherwise the child may have a very difficult time psychologically in his environment.

Well, in addition, it will be useful to know the following points:

  • How will little Jean differ from his peers?
  • What are the character traits of an adult man?
  • Which professional activity will he like it most?
  • Which woman will Jean most likely choose as his life partner and will he be happy with her?

Ambition and aristocracy

Little Jean can be described as a very sociable, lively and active child. It is pleasant for both peers and adults to talk with him, since the boy grows up erudite beyond his years. Studying at school is also easy for him - mainly due not to diligence, but to his lively mind, but Jean's grades are at a good level.

The adult owner of the name Jean becomes a bright, but not extravagant personality, who is well accepted in society. He has developed intellect, knows how to carry on a conversation on almost any topic. A lively mind is also supported by a fair amount of sense of humor.

Jean is a supporter of an active lifestyle, loves sports, especially cycling or roller skating. Among musical genres he prefers jazz, and among literary genres - detective stories, adventure novels and popular historical essays. Always ready to talk with a person if he needs a conversation, he especially likes to have long telephone conversations.

But all this does not mean at all that Jean is a kind of shirtless guy: he can be very reserved and even aristocratic when circumstances require it of him. He intuitively feels when he can behave freely and when it is necessary to follow all the conventions accepted in society. This allows him to communicate with the most different people, acquire a large number both pleasant and useful acquaintances.

The possibility of realizing his ambitious plans is of great importance to Jean. Availability large number the necessary connections and natural talents of the owner of the name, coupled with high intuition, allow Jean to achieve a good social and financial position.

It’s quite difficult to get a man out of his state peace of mind, nevertheless, he gets used to being guided by the opinions of other people and their positive assessments of him. Because of this, he may agree to some deeds and actions that in his heart he will consider not very correct, but for which there is an opportunity to receive another “plus” in the eyes of society.

Hospitality and flirting

As for the talents of the owner of the name Jean, they can be quite diverse. Often these are technical and design abilities that allow men to work in the fields of architecture, engineering design, and all kinds of repairs of various equipment.

In addition, good intuition and knowledge of human psychology open doors for Jean to many “social” professions - doctor, lawyer, psychologist. The bearer of the name can even make a great circus acrobat or clothing designer, artist or writer.

Material problems are mostly unfamiliar to Jean: he has a good sense of what is worth taking on in order to earn decent money. This may be why men with this name often have collecting as their main hobby, mostly valuable things. In addition, Jean loves to furnish his home and act as a hospitable host in it.

A man’s appearance is usually very attractive, which, together with his brilliant manner of communication, makes him very attractive to the fair sex.

At the same time, flirting for Jean is one of the indispensable components of communication, and numerous hobbies with different girls are an integral part of his lifestyle. Hobby without sex for Jean is nonsense, but such a hot temperament does not negate the fact that most men with this name remain in love with the same person all their lives.

Jean, as a rule, marries late - about 30 years old, and if there is an opportunity not to marry at all, he prefers to remain single. His wife must be a bright person with a “zest” in order to be able to constantly stir up her husband’s interest in her person. Author: Olga Inozemtseva

- (gr. rusһe dem, rukh, jan, omir, lat. anima, animus esu, lep, өmirlik kush, tershilik, aqyldy jan, rukh) din men philosophy: adamn daraligyn zane onyn ozіne adamy kassietterdi beretіn adamnyn materialdyk emes aspects (nemes mani); live (often)… … Philosophy terminerdin sozdigi

- (Jean) French Gender: husband. Patronymic: Zhanovich Zhanovna Manufacturer. forms: Zhannot, Zhanik, Zhannik Foreign analogues: English. Jan whale Chan ... Wikipedia

Jean I: Jean I (Duke of Brabant) Duke of Brabant from 1267, Duke of Limburg from 1288, Minnesinger, son of Henry III the Good, Duke of Brabant, and Alice of Burgundy, daughter of Hugh IV, Duke of Burgundy. Jean I (Duke of Brittany) Duke ... ... Wikipedia

Jean de Meung (actually Jean Clopinel, “The Lame” Jean Clopinel) (c. 1240 or 1250 1305) French poet, satirist, philologist, knew Latin well and was familiar with the works prominent figures medieval culture, representative... ... Wikipedia

jean- * Jean. Gallicized Russian male name Ivan. This Jean is a huge man who speaks in a hoarse bass voice. Chekhov Business cards. The second groom was Bykov, Ivan Fedorovich Jean, as his name was the secretary of the newly opened court in the city. B...

Jean Quipleur- * Jean qui pleure. Jean who is crying. The pseudonym was probably formed by analogy with the title of Victor Hugo's novel The Man Who Laughs (L homme qui rit). Presentation of the title of Columbus to Week. Ms. Efimenko is not the only one doing this either. WITH… … Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

jean ki ri- * Jean qui rit. Jean who laughs. See previous article. And this amusing metamorphosis occurs with the chief administrative representative of the railway inspection! Jean qui rit, before he even has time to unpack his suitcases, is already turning into Jean qui... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

- (Jean) (b. 1921), Grand Duke of Luxembourg since 1964 ... Encyclopedic Dictionary

Zhanikh- men who don’t know what a slave is with their freedom... Slounik Skeptyka

Jean- name of the human family, origin... Spelling dictionary of Ukrainian language


  • Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Treatises, Jean-Jacques Rousseau. This edition includes all the chapters of Rousseau's socio-political works that are of greatest theoretical interest. Since the volume of the book did not allow us to include them all in full, then...
  • Jean Racine. Works (set of 2 books), Jean Racine. Jean Racine (1639 - 1699) - famous French playwright of the 17th century, “the most exemplary poet of classicism,” as his contemporary, a famous theorist of the classicist movement, defined it...
Jean Reno is one of the most popular and sought-after French actors in Hollywood. At first, because of his brutal appearance, the actor had to play mainly various undistinguished muscular villains. Only acting talent and the ability to endow a character with internal drama and psychologism helped Jean Reno rise to the very heights of his skill.

Childhood years

Jean Reno (real name Juan Moreno y Herrera Jimenez), although he is a star primarily of French cinema, few know that he has famous actor Spanish origin. And Jean was born in the Moroccan city of Casablanca, where his parents fled from Spanish Andalusia, fleeing the totalitarian regime of Franco.

When Jean was 12, the family returned to Europe again, but this time to France. The boy's father worked all his life in a printing house, and his mother worked as a dressmaker. When Jean turned 17 years old, his mother died - then, for the sake of French citizenship, he went to serve in the French army.

At the same time, from a young age, Jean dreamed of acting. He didn’t even think whether such a profession would support him. In Paris, the young man attended drama school, where he different years French film stars Didier Flamand and Claude Brasseur studied there. Jean (then Juan) tried to work in whatever way he could to supplement the family budget - as a customs officer, as a driver, and as an accountant.

As soon as he finally dared to embark on the acting path, he immediately changed his name. Perhaps this date can be considered his second birthday, because then Jean Reno was born - the one who is known and loved by millions of fans around the world.

Acting career

Passionate about theater, Jean decided to take lessons at Rene Simon's acting studio and already in 1974 he first appeared in television productions, and later made his debut on the theatrical stage of “Ecce Homo”. His screen debut was the television series “One Mystery a Day” and the detective story “The Stolen Painting Hypothesis.”

For the next five years, Reno starred exclusively in episodic roles in unnoticeable films. Because of his height and simply impressive build, Reno most often had to play all sorts of big men and bouncers. Naturally, such work did not suit him - he understood that he was marking time.

In many ways, what matters in acting is luck and meeting the “right” director. Jean Reno was lucky - he met Luc Besson. In 1981, Besson directed Reno in his first film - the short film “The Penultimate”, and two years later - in “The Last Battle” and unexpectedly by that time he found a friend and like-minded person in the actor. In 1985, the role of the drummer in Luke's film Subway, which also starred Isabelle Adjani and Christopher Lambert, slightly propelled Reno up the career ladder.

Then Reno began to act more actively with other directors, starring in the films “I Love You” and “Red Zone” in 1986. Finally, he got the chance main role- in the drama by Luc Besson “Abyss Blue”. Jean managed to delicately play a diver who put his own life on the line for the sake of the championship title and victory over his friend. For this work, Jean Reno was nominated for the main French film award “Cesar”.

In 1990, the world was literally blown up by Besson’s action movie about a killer girl, “Her Name was Nikita” - this had never been seen in cinema before. The lead actress, Anne Parillaud, instantly became a world star, and Jean Reno also proved himself well - it was in this legendary film that he first tried on the role of a professional killer. Since then, many began to call him “the best killer of the silver screen.”

So it is not surprising that after this successful work, Jean was inundated with invitations to play the role of murderers. But the actor did not agree, because he believed that playing villains was a trap and some kind of conveyor belt that would deprive him of development. However, the image of the psychopathic cleaner created by the actor in Nikita impressed Besson so much that he decided to dedicate an entire film to him. Reno's character died in such a way that audiences left theaters in tears.

Sting - Shape of My Heart (Soundtrack to the film "Leon" with Jean Reno)

It was this ambiguous and complex hero who found his continuation in Besson’s famous crime drama “Leon” (1994). This role of an illiterate, unshaven and lonely killer brought 45-year-old Jean worldwide fame and remained one of the best and certainly the most heartfelt in his career. In addition to the fact that the film and Reno himself received Cesar nominations (for some reason without receiving a single award), this English-language work opened the way to Hollywood for Luc Besson and Jean Reno. Then everyone was surprised by both Gary Oldman in the role of a charismatic psychopathic villain, and a very young Natalie Portman in the image of a girl who was mature beyond her years.

Before this film, Jean managed to become a star in his homeland - in 1993, Reno, together with Christian Clavier, played in the fantasy comedy "Aliens" about the adventures of medieval knight and his servants in modern France, for which he received another Cesar nomination. A few years later, the film had two sequel films, in one of which the funny characters came to America. By that time (1998), the States happily accepted Jean Reno in other roles.

Jean Reno in Hollywood

The first work in Hollywood was the famous spy action movie “Mission: Impossible” with Tom Cruise. It appeared on screens in 1996, and viewers enjoy watching it today. Fame fell upon the actor instantly, and became a big and pleasant surprise for him. After this, sentences rained down on the French one after another. Luc Besson wrote the script for The Fifth Element specifically for Jean Reno, but the producers insisted that Bruce Willis be cast in the lead role.

But fate has prepared other opportunities for the actor to realize himself. A year later, the blockbuster “Godzilla” appeared on the screens with Reno in the title role, for which Reno even refused to play Agent Smith in “The Matrix.” Roland Emmerich's apocalyptic film about saving New York did not cause enthusiasm among critics, but Jean Reno needed big-budget projects to gain a foothold in Dreamland.

Jean Reno in the film "Ronin" (trailer)

The most serious work of this time for the actor was the role of Vincent in the 1998 film “Ronin”, where Robert De Niro became his partner. The audience simply could not take their eyes off the character of Jean, who, as always, was a silent professional on the verge of death.

In 2000, viewers saw the new French thriller with Jean Reno, “Crimson Rivers,” which chilled the blood of many. The actor played an experienced police officer who, with his partner, investigates the brutal murders of girls in the mountains near Grenoble.

Reno later admitted that filming was very exhausting and stressful for him, since the film crew had to work at high altitudes in glaciers. When the film was released, the actor was already 52 years old and, in his opinion, all the sacrifices were worth it - the film came out impeccable in its genre.

The success of the thriller prompted director Matthieu Kassovitz to create a sequel to the film.

At the beginning of the new century, Jean got the main role in the action comedy film Wasabi. Despite good script and the idea, the film failed at the box office. Reno played a French policeman who went on assignment to distant Japan. This was followed by work in the films “Unlucky” with Gerard Depardieu, another work with Christian Clavier - “The Corsican”.

Reno made a spectacular return to Hollywood in 2006, starring in the historical adventure drama Lafayette Escadrille with James Franco, the comedy The Pink Panther with Stephen Martin and the acclaimed thriller The Da Vinci Code with Tom Hanks and Audrey Tautou. Reno gladly accepted the offer to star in the film adaptation of Dan Brown's novel, even though this book, and later the film, was criticized by the Vatican.

Jean Reno in the movie "22 Bullets: Immortal"

A worldwide hit with the participation of the French actor was the action movie “22 Bullets: Immortal” (2010), where the actor played a French godfather who decided to take revenge on his offenders. In 2016, Reno starred in the historical melodrama “The Promise” with


Meaning of the name Jean

See Ivan. As a child, he was a lively, talkative boy and was friends with children. He studies well. Adult Jean is in good standing at work. IN free time constantly looking for entertainment. He loves sports, plays football, swimming, ice skating and skiing. Likes to ride a bicycle and listen to music (mostly jazz). Talks on the phone for a long time. Favorite genres are adventure and historical novels, sports stories. He prefers illustrated magazines to books. Collects coins. He lives without problems, is popular with girls, and generally has a good time playing chess and cards. Loves to tell jokes. “December” Jean has a habit of interrupting his interlocutor, imposing his own topic of conversation. Professions: architect, doctor, programmer, designer, outerwear cutter, shoemaker, director, cameraman, electronics engineer, tape recorder repairman, electrician, circus acrobat, artist lawyer. They don’t get married for a long time, until they are thirty; The "summer" ones are born boys, the "winter" ones are girls. They love to drive a car, but do not repair it themselves. Wherever Jean goes, he is looking for new friends. Often lives with his parents. Intelligence allows him to form his own opinion about everything and have a broad outlook. Jean is gifted, ambitious, a pleasant companion, modest, reserved, refined, virtuous. He knows everything, speaks well, knows his price, but among many of these advantages there is one drawback, although not big, but no less important: Jean is a superficial person; he loves society, and society loves him. He loves to receive guests at home, his evenings are distinguished by refined taste. Jean can study certain subjects in depth for the sole purpose of shining. Meanwhile, Jean has no idea about other more important things. “Summer” Jean is difficult to unbalance; he is always calm and unperturbed. Financially, he will always be happy, he is a subtle psychologist, his intuition tells him with whom to make a profitable deal. Jean is affectionate, helpful with those he loves; he does not tolerate ill-wishers near him.

Numerology of the name Jean

Soul Number: 6.
Holders of the name number 6 are distinguished by calmness and sanity. Sixes value stability, customs and traditions. For them, honesty and good name more expensive than immediate benefits. They never resort to radical methods of solving problems, preferring the liberal path. Sixes are no different leadership qualities, however, they are capable and diligent workers. There are arrogant and self-satisfied “sixes”, but for most of them the main guideline in life is family and a small circle of loyal and devoted friends.

Hidden Spirit Number: 1

Body number: 5


Planet: Mars.
Element: Fire, warm-dry.
Zodiac: Aries, Scorpio.
Color: Fiery red, bloody, ferruginous.
Day: Tuesday.
Metal: Iron.
Mineral: Magnetite, jasper, amethyst, Lapp blood.
Plants: Garlic, onion, tobacco, radish, mustard, nettle, asparagus, heather, bean, hot pepper.
Animals: Wolf, rooster, raven, vulture, horse, dog.

The name Jean as a phrase

F Live
A Az (I, Me, Myself, Myself)
N Our (Ours, Yours)

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name Jean

F - meaningful, not open to everyone inner world, desire as an impulse to action.
A is a symbol of the beginning and the desire to start and implement something, a thirst for physical and spiritual comfort.
N - a sign of protest, inner strength not to accept everything indiscriminately, a sharp critical mind, interest in health. He is a hard worker, but cannot stand “monkey work.” The desire to look fashionable and stylish is one of your main life priorities. Your clothes are always unconventional and correspond to the “latest trends.” However, one should not completely ignore the well-known truth that says: “It is better to be half a step behind fashion than one step ahead.” Clothing should first of all correspond to the moment and emphasize your advantages, and not create them. Again, they are guided by the mind, and a flashy appearance does not in any way indicate its presence.

Compatibility of the name Jean, manifestation in love

Jean, you know how to love sincerely, deeply and reverently. With your characteristic maximalism, you attach paramount importance to your feelings. And if the partner is ready to reciprocate your feelings and at the same time meets all your requirements - as if he were his own appearance, and internal content - love can take over your entire being for a long time, become the meaning of life. At the same time, your desire to dominate, coupled with the inability or unwillingness to demonstrate the depth of your feelings, can greatly complicate the relationship for your partner: you are passionately in love, but cold and withdrawn; You are ready to idolize, but at the same time you are constantly being put in your place.


The basis of your motivation is the desire for an independent position. That is why you always choose the path that no one has taken before. If the direction has not been mastered, it means there are no “authorities”, and no one will be able to correct your actions, indicate how and where you need to move.

As a result, you do not recognize anyone’s right to claim that your opinion is wrong and your choice is not sufficiently justified. It is almost impossible to turn you off the path, to make you doubt your abilities. On the contrary, any criticism spurs you on, provoking you to take even more decisive steps.

What definitely speaks in your favor is the fact that you never try to “shift” the responsibility for your actions onto someone else. If you want to achieve success in singles, you are prepared for the fact that if you fail, you will be blamed for it.

However, a clear mind and courage, which, as you know, “takes cities,” make such an outcome unlikely. Therefore, they believe in you and willingly follow you.