Products in contact how to sell individual page. How to independently create and promote an online store on VK - proven methods and useful tips

E-commerce is quite normal nowadays. People are gradually getting used to online shopping. And entrepreneurs are becoming more and more willing to explore the global network to find clients and sell their products.

If you decide to start trading, then you will need your own store. And it can be done within social network VKontakte. This will significantly save your budget. Taking into account the fact that you will not need to hire expensive programmers and pay for promotion.

In this instruction you will find a plan for creating your own VKontakte online store.

What do we need

First of all, we... This is what we will link our store to.

After this, we will install and start using a special application, which will provide us with all the necessary tools to create a store, add products, connect payment methods, etc.

Go to VKontakte and go to the “My Groups” section. Here we press the button "Create a community".

A form will open where you need to enter a name and select the type “Group”. Then press the button "Create a community".

Using the application to create a store

Thanks to the developers of the Ecwid application. With its help, you can create a fully functional store on VK. This is what we will do now.

Follow it. You will see the start page.

Press the button "Install application".

On next step we need to select from the list of groups that we manage exactly the one that we created for the new store. Simply click on its name in the list.

In the next step we will create an e-mail address for our store. In the “Create a new Ecwid store” block, we fill in all the necessary fields:

  • Email address
  • Password
  • Password confirmation

And don’t forget to check the box confirming our agreement with the rules. After this, press the button "Create a store".

Next we need to do the following. A special link will be provided - we need to copy it. And then insert into the list of links of the group that we prepared in the previous step. There will be a link in the description, when you click on it, you will immediately go to the desired tool.

Setting up our store

In the next step, we must configure the basic parameters of the store, including those that are responsible for its visual appearance.

In the first section, we indicate the conditions for accepting payment and delivery of goods.

In the last section, you need to set the parameters for the visual display of the store.

When finished, click the "Save" button.

Then we go back a little higher and press the button "Store Management".

Filling the online store

Once you go to the control section, you will be taken to the main Ecwid website where you need to log in to the control panel. It is here that the entire process of filling and setting up the store takes place. It is difficult to fit such functionality within a contact, and therefore the developers have moved it into a separate service.

There are so many functions and settings that it will be difficult to fit it into this manual. That's why I prepared a video lesson for you.


After all these manipulations, you will receive a completely ready-made store running on the VKontakte platform. All you have to do is work out the process of attracting potential clients.

If you sell things, equipment or something else, then previously, in order to become known about you on the Internet, you had to open your own online store. Naturally, this entails costs, but if you do it yourself, it will take a lot of time.

Now, an excellent alternative to an online store would be to create a VKontakte group in which you will display products for sale. Well, if you just need to sell a couple of personal items, maybe flowers or, for example, a kitten, then you don’t have to create a group, just post the items for sale on your VK profile.

The advantages of such trading: You do not spend money on creating a website, your friends will know about you, you can always find out when someone is interested in what you are selling. Considering how many people are registered on this social network, we can say with confidence that there will definitely be those who want to buy your things.

Now let's figure out how to add a new product to your profile or VKontakte group, and what to do if you need to remove some items from the list.

Adding products to your VKontakte page

If you want to add items for sale directly to your profile, then go to your page and select “Products” in the menu on the left.

If there is no such item, move the mouse cursor over any other menu item and click on the gear on the left.

In the “Item Settings” window, on the “Basic” tab, check the box next to “Products” and click “Save”.

The page will immediately open a list of what your friends are selling. We need to place your item, so click on the “Submit an ad” button.

Now you need to select a photo that will be displayed in the catalog (as in the screenshot above) - this is the cover. To do this, click “Select Image”.

Through Explorer, find the photo you need, select it and click “Open”.

If the image is the right size, then use the markers to select the area of ​​the thumbnail that will be used in the list and click “Save Changes.”

If the uploaded image dimensions are not suitable, a warning message will appear telling you what the minimum photo size should be. Also, one side should not be much larger than the other. Rework your photo, for example in Photoshop, and upload again.

In addition to the cover, you can add 4 more product images. To do this, click on the button with the image of the camera and the inscription “Add”.

To view the list of advertisements added to your page, go to the corresponding menu item on the left, and on the right go to the “My Products” tab. What we just added will appear in the list.

When another user is viewing a catalog of things for sale and clicks on yours, it will open in a separate window. Here, in addition to the cover, you can see other photos that you added; a description will be displayed below. If a person is interested in your ad, he can add it to his favorites, or “Write to the seller,” that is, to you.

By selecting “Write to seller”, the user will see a window with a message in which standard text will be written, which can be changed. He sends it to you, and then you can negotiate the sale.

This is the letter you will receive when someone is interested in your item. Here the text is standard, I just clicked “Write to seller” and sent the suggested message.

How to make products in a VK group

If you want to create your own online store on VKontakte, then you need to open your own group, gain subscribers to it and add products.

I have already written about that. So let's learn how to add sales ads to it.

Open your page and select “Groups” in the left menu. Find your group and join it. Next you need to make sure that the products are displayed on the group page. To do this, under the avatar or cover, click on the three horizontal dots and select “Community Management” from the drop-down list.

In the menu on the right, go to the “Sections” tab and opposite the “Products” field, click on the word “Disabled”. Then select Enabled.

When you turn on the goods, fields will appear in which you need to specify the following information: the country and city where you can deliver the items; the ability to comment; currency for payment; a person with whom you can contact, it is he who will receive messages if the buyer clicks “Write to seller”. You can also write in detail about the store.

We return to the main page of the group. Now under the area with photos there is a button “Add product”. Click on it.

On the page for adding an ad, indicate its name and come up with a description that might be of interest to a potential buyer. Next, click on the “Select Image” button to select a photo that will be the main one.

Using File Explorer, find the photo on your computer, select it, and click “Send.”

Then you need to indicate, using markers in the corners, which part of the photo will be displayed in the thumbnail. Click "Save Changes".

In addition to the main photo, you can add 4 additional ones. They will be visible when the user opens the lot for viewing. To do this, click “Add Photo” in the appropriate section and select the desired image on your computer.

All products added to the group will be displayed on the main page of the group.

By clicking on the desired lot, the user will be able to view it in a separate window. Enlarge it, view additional images, read the description. The “Write to the seller” button is needed so that the person who wants to buy clicks on it and sends a message to the person you specified in the settings as “Contact for communication”.

If you click on the “More” button, an additional menu will open. If you added a product, or are the owner or administrator of a group, then you can “Edit” or “Delete” from the list. For other people, only the “Complain” option will be displayed.

In order to add more new items to the group, click on the word “Products” on the main page of the group.

The last three items you added will be displayed in the group on the main page. To view them all, you need to click either on the word “Products” at the top of the block, or on the “Show all products” button.

Removing products

If you want to remove unnecessary products from the list on your page, then go to the corresponding menu item and go to the “My Products” tab on the right. They can be displayed either as tiles or as a list. I'll show the example of tiles, so make sure that the button at the top with the image of four squares is selected.

To remove an unnecessary product from your VKontakte page, move your mouse cursor over it and click on the cross in the upper right corner. There will be a pencil next to the cross; by clicking on it, you can edit it.

The item will disappear from the list.

If you decide to stop selling and are wondering how to remove all products, then you can do the following. Go to “Community Management” and go to the “Sections” tab on the right. Then, next to the “Products” field, select “Disabled” and click “Save”.

The block in which advertisements were displayed on the group's main page will disappear.

But keep in mind that if you plan to delete all items and add new ones to the group, but, for example, belonging to a different category, then this will not work. After you include products, everything that you added earlier will appear again on the group page in the corresponding block. Therefore, in this case, you will have to delete everything one by one.

We have learned how to add products to VKontakte, so happy trading: successful sales and more grateful customers.

I offer a detailed manual on how to create a VKontakte group to sell goods on the Internet. Now it is enough to create a community in contact and directly attract customers through social networks with thousands of visitors.

Hello, my dear blog readers. Today there will be a useful article for many users of social networks. Business on the Internet is taking on more and more new forms, creating communication channels with potential buyers. Business is looking for an audience. Social networks have a huge human resource, and the business wants to connect with it.

The VKontakte social network is the largest and most popular Internet platform, with an audience of more than 81 million daily visitors. Companies, both large and small, in search of common ground with this mass, create, pursuing two goals (feedback and sales) with one idea - to gain customers. The social network was especially actively used by small companies and individuals to conduct business.

Until September 2015, the Vkontakte platform did not specifically have technology oriented for the presentation of goods, except for advertising tools. The product offering was limited to photographs and product descriptions, plus advertising posts. To purchase or obtain information, the buyer needs to make contact on his own, so the likelihood of a transaction is reduced.

In the fall, an opportunity was presented that significantly expands the possibility of doing business on a social network. The “Products” service is integrated into communities and public pages, expanding functionality to the level of a simple online store.

Entrepreneurs are striving to master a trading tool for business through a social network. To avoid mistakes, it’s worth figuring out how to create a VKontakte group to sell products correctly and fill it with attractive products with excellent graphics.

How to create a community in contact and its main types

Interaction with a social network begins with a simple registration to create a personal page that provides access to the capabilities of the service. It is impossible to work in contact without your own page. The menu on the left reflects the sections; to go to the communities section you need to select “My groups”

The tab displays a list of groups of which you are a member, if any. To create a group, you need to click the “Create Community” button. From a mobile device, such as a phone, a group can only be created through a browser. The official application is slightly limited in functionality compared to the full browser version.

In the window that opens, you need to decide on the name and type of group.

It’s worth taking a closer look at the community types and examining the differences and advantages between them.

  • The group, by design, was created to unite people with general idea or interests, primarily for communication. Groups are much more widespread, first of all, because they appeared along with the social network itself. The tool has become familiar to users. The group may be closed or open type, but everyone can join the open one, and the closed one with the approval of the group administrator.
  • A public page is created to officially represent a company, personality or brand. The main purpose is information and promotion of the subject of the page. A public page is a narrower communication tool, a way to talk about yourself or a company, but by design it is less intended for commerce. A public page cannot be closed; its information is open for viewing by anyone, even users without their own page.

When creating a public page, there is a choice of 4 types, with slight differences between each other.

A group is created in one click. When creating any type of community, a menu opens with settings, selection of blocks to use and other parameters. In the future, to change the parameters, you need to follow the link under the main image (avatar) of the community - “Community Management”

Functional difference between a group and a public page

It is necessary to understand the significant differences in order to understand how to create a group in a contact to sell goods. A group and a public page have differences in design:

Differences are visible in the arrangement of blocks, for example, a block of photographs. For more detailed settings, you need to go to “Community Management”.

One of the main differences between a public page and a group is the “Latest News” section, or rather, its absence on the public page. In the “Latest News” section you can create a menu group with easy navigation and a unique design. Often used to sell goods.

No less important is the difference in the work of the central element of the community - the wall. Posts are available only to the page administration; users can be allowed or disabled to comment on posts.

Other differences include:

  • Users of a group are participants, and users of a public page are subscribers. The name of the entry button is similarly different.
  • The group can be linked to a location; you just need to indicate the location in the appropriate field.
  • A public page can have a birthday, for this you need to indicate the creation date; the group does not have this option.
  • The public page does not have an “Invite Friends” button; instead, there is a “Tell Friends” option, which is very effective way promotion. Thus, the user simply receives information about the work of the public page, as opposed to a forced invitation from the group.
  • Only the public page has an events block for organizing meetings or celebrations.

In the process of working and understanding how to create a community in contact, you should pay attention to the interesting and unique content of the group in order to promote it. There is, from paid advertising to the exchange of publications between groups with similar topics.

How to create a group in contact to sell goods

Returning to the creation process, after defining the group type, enter a name. For example, the name is “Shop”.

The “Community Description” field provides information about the company, its goals and activities. It is better to make the description interesting and concise.

Indicate the topic of the community, in accordance with the company's activities and age restrictions, if any.

Creating a product showcase in a group

The service is available absolutely free, but is disabled by default. To connect, follow the “Management” link. In the “Information” tab, indicate “Enable” at the bottom.

The service offers the functionality of a small online store; indicate the city where the store is located and the currency used. In the contact field for communication, indicate a person, for example a manager, responsible for communicating with customers. By clicking “Write to the seller” a dialogue will open with him.

“Store Description” opens a window for editing the company description

As a result, a new block “Products” will appear.

The next stage is the catalog, for which we figure out how to create a community in contact. To add a position to the catalog - “Add”, or click on the block name to go to the catalog.

Here you can create a selection, in other words, by category.

Each collection has a name, preferably in accordance with the category, and a main image (Cover). Size no less than 1280x720 pixels.

Filling out the selection is done by adding and filling out an individual card.

Give each product a unique name and description, listing its benefits. Like a selection, each copy has a main image. When uploading, a miniature image must be marked for display in the general catalog.

You can also add additional photos, up to 5 pieces. In the “Category” field, select the appropriate one in the list and enter the price. If it is not yet in stock or you are not ready to offer it to customers, check the “Product not available” checkbox.

The result of all the work will be a convenient and visual catalog, with information, prices and attractive photographs.

If the offer is of interest, the client can contact the seller - “Write to seller”. The “Recipient” field automatically specifies the person you selected earlier, for example, a store manager. The selected item is attached to the message template; you can additionally add your own questions or comments.

Without a doubt, the “Products” service is a convenient tool that simplifies the interaction between buyer and seller on a social network. It is enough to figure it out once and understand how to create a contact group to sell your products today in order to effectively use and develop this communication channel with a huge audience of potential clients.

Here's an example of an existing sports nutrition store:

For a more complete understanding of what you read, I advise you to watch my video instructions

I hope the material will be useful for many aspiring Internet entrepreneurs. Please like and repost this article if you liked it.

In 2016, the Products section appeared among the main menu items. Let's take a closer look at what it is. Now you can sell various things, accessories, services from your page, simply by describing your product and indicating its cost. Your ads will be available primarily to your friends and all those who search for the item you are going to sell.

How to sell goods through VKontakte

We look for the Products item in the menu on the right; if it is not there, enable it through Settings.

Your friends' ads are immediately displayed, you can add a product to your favorites to buy later and post your products using the button Post an ad. The list of created products can be viewed in the tab My products.

First you need to select a category. A huge number of groups are represented, also divided into subgroups. From the wardrobe to the list of services, I am sure you will easily select the right item. In the title of the product, it is advisable to briefly and accurately write what you are selling, because users search for products by name. Add in the description brief description and details associated with that product or service. Be sure to attach an image, since the buyer’s first glance usually falls on the picture, and then on the text. Indicate the cost of your product, you can search for similar products in advance to find out approximate price. And, as an option, for a faster and more successful sale, you can make the cost of your product lower than that of competitors.

To purchase, you can contact the seller via private messages. You can pay for goods via VKontakte using money transfers, and during a personal meeting with the seller - as agreed. I also want to add that in the section Goods products are located not only with personal pages users, but also communities. That is, now all products are located in one place, which is quite convenient. There are restrictions on the number of goods, judging by the VKontakte API, but there is no specific figure, apparently no one has encountered this yet. Therefore, if you have reached the limit, write in the comments how many products you were able to download to VKontakte.

Social networks do not remain unchanged, constantly being updated with new features and capabilities. Therefore, it is not surprising that one of the most current issues What interests users now is how to create a VKontakte group to sell goods.

The mentioned issue acquired such great importance relatively recently, after the introduction by the network administration new feature. It lies in the ability to offer products to visitors and community members. At the same time, potential customers will have the opportunity to instantly evaluate the merits of a future purchase and decide whether it is worth spending the money.

One more the positive side the emerging service is the emergence of a convenient feedback, allowing you to immediately understand what item is being discussed and immediately serve the client.

It is worth adding that in the near future, trading on the social network will become even easier, since the administration and developers of VK are actively implementing an internal payment system.

There is no universal answer to what is best for selling services and network business. Each type of community has its own positive aspects and weaknesses that need to be taken into account. So, a public page stands out because:

  1. intended for dissemination of information;
  2. available for viewing even by unregistered users;
  3. there is the ability to create “events”;
  4. allows you to send newsletters using the “tell friends” button.

The advantage of the last point is that such mailings are a softer, non-intrusive form of attracting subscribers.

The most important positive features groups are:

    • the opportunity to gather a community of interests;
    • the administration has the right to independently select participants (in closed communities);
    • presence of a link to a specific geolocation;
    • wider functionality.

The last advantage is especially important. It allows you to customize the page to suit the existing needs and the intentions of its owners.

Creating a group on VK for business - step-by-step instructions

The procedure for creating a VKontakte group for business is no different from registering a community of another type. The first steps are extremely similar in all existing cases, regardless of the focus of the page. To create a public page for selling things, you will need:

Particular attention is required to the description. It should clearly indicate the main purpose of the public space so that visitors do not leave it after the first opening.

The creation of a unique VK address will increase user convenience. It must be memorable and strongly associated with the store.

Adding a list of products

The function of adding products, which appeared relatively recently, should improve the quality of store management and simplify interaction with customers. That is why group administrators must understand how to replenish the range of available products and fill out offer cards. To add a new item you will need:

  • look in the management section and enable the “products” function;
  • indicate the parameters of the service, including the delivery region, the currency used in the price, contacts for feedback and a description of the online store;
  • in the store description, users will be asked to indicate how delivery and payment are made;
  • The last step is to save the changes made, after which home page A line will appear with a list of available products.

Particular close attention should be paid to the contacts mentioned above, where you need to enter a link to the account of the person accepting applications for the purchase of goods. The same person is responsible for consulting visitors.

Filling out the catalog

After the product list line appears, all that remains is to fill out the catalog. Without these steps, users will not be able to understand how to correctly create a VKontakte group for selling goods. To add a product list you will need:

  • click “add product” and wait for a new tab with a special service to load;
  • if necessary, add a separate selection (category), for example, “clothing”;
  • upload an image reflecting the content of the collection (resolution – at least 1280 x 720);
  • press the button prompting you to add new items;
  • after opening the window with a description of the item, you will have to enter its name and information;
  • add the main image and, if required, additional ones (maximum 4);
  • select a category, selection and fill in the “cost” field;
  • complete the process by clicking the button prompting you to add an item.

A similar procedure will have to be done for other items being sold.

Management and configuration

To make changes to already saved information and quickly manage the community, its owners can go to the settings menu. It is located under the main avatar and opens by clicking on 3 dots. After clicking, a drop-down menu opens consisting of:

  1. management;
  2. advertising;
  3. statistics;
  4. functions for changing public status;
  5. and some other acceptable actions.

Using each point mentioned will not cause difficulties for both experienced administrators and novice entrepreneurs. It should be noted that the management section allows you to:

  • add sections and blocks;
  • allow and disallow comments;
  • add and remove links to third-party resources and portals;
  • indicate managers;
  • manage the black list;
  • manage messages and connect bots for communication;
  • make applications.

That is, with the help of the settings section, page owners are able to quickly manage it, giving the public an optimal appearance and customizing it to meet current business needs.

What should you pay attention to?

Having understood the procedure described above and understood how to create a selling group on VKontakte, you need to take a closer look at some important nuances and recommendations to attract the attention of subscribers and participants. Owners of online stores in VK should take into account that:

  1. information about services and sales must remain relevant and be updated regularly;
  2. the description of the products must correspond to their content;
  3. fresh news should be added to the community regularly;
  4. It’s more effective to contribute a smaller amount of news, but constantly, than to post large number posts simultaneously, but rarely (reasonable advice would be to create a kind of unspoken schedule for creating posts);
  5. previously created rules must be followed;
  6. Concise, but relevant and informative entries are most attractive.

If you adhere to the above conditions, the development of the public will be quite rapid. But it's important to remember that working with the community requires creativity to help you get the attention of others. But at the same time, you need to show honesty so that customers always know that the store can be trusted.