Kaia Gerber: what you need to know about the young model and daughter of Cindy Crawford. Kaia Gerber - biography and personal life of Kaia Gerber

Cindy Crawford's 16-year-old daughter Kaia Gerber, finally established itself as the main model of the year. At the Chanel show, which took place in Hamburg, Karl Lagerfeld's young muse was the main star. But will Kaya be able to become as much of a legend as Cindy?

Kaia Gerber looks a lot like her mother. Crawford admits that he sees a younger reflection of himself in his daughter:

“You have the same skin that I used to have. You have my legs and hair. I want it all back! Come back!”

To this Kaya grins and says:

"Now it's my turn!"

Which of them is more beautiful? And does Kaya have a chance to outshine her legendary mother?

Height and figure

Cindy Crawford's height is 177 cm. Judging by the joint photographs, Kaia has almost caught up with her (most recently she was noticeably shorter). As for her figure, her mother’s parameters are as follows: chest volume 86 cm, waist – 67 cm, hips – 89 cm. Kaya’s volumes are a little “moderate”: chest – 76 cm, waist – 60, hips – 84.

We don’t know the girl’s exact weight, but visually she looks very thin – Cindy has never been like that. Fans even suspected the young model of anorexia.


The facial features of mother and daughter are incredibly similar. Both are bright brown eyes, high cheekbones and plump lips. True, Kaya's eyes are set quite close, and many consider this a disadvantage. Although with proper makeup everything can be fixed!


Photogenicity and the ability to behave in front of the lens are one of the most important components of a model’s success. With this, both mother and daughter are all in in perfect order! According to Donatella Versace, the camera simply adores them both.

Path to glory

Cindy Crawford was born into a very simple family and got into the modeling business by accident, after one photographer took several photographs of the girl in the field where she was picking corn and published them in the local newspaper. Modeling agencies drew attention to the photographs, and Cindy began her path to fame. She quickly reached the top of the modeling Olympus and, moreover, became a sex symbol of the era of the 80s and 90s. According to Karl Lagerfeld, the young model combined classical beauty with the American idea of ​​the dream girl. That is why it has become so popular and in demand.

If Cindy's story is similar to the fairy tale of Cinderella, then her daughter was already born a princess. Since childhood, Kaia has been followed by paparazzi, and she quickly got used to everyone's attention. Already in early years the girl decided that she would become a model, like her mother. At the age of 10 she starred in her first advertising company, and two years later signed a contract with the IMG modeling agency. There is no doubt that the famous mother greatly helped her daughter in developing her career, because who, if not Cindy Crawford, knows about modeling business All! Casting director James Scully says:

“Kaya is very beautiful. But our business today does not accept such beauty. If she weren’t Cindy’s daughter, the same Raf Simons wouldn’t even notice her (because Kaia’s beauty is not the Calvin Klein type), and many other designers too... But I believe that she will still have time to shake the earth!”


Cindy Crawford is now more popular than her daughter. Her Instagram following has reached 2.7 million, while Kaia has 2.4 million. However, the young model still has a long way to go.


Cindy's highlight was her famous mole above upper lip. By the way, this mole was inherited by Presley, Crawford’s eldest son, who is also trying his hand at modeling.

As for Kaia, what is most discussed on the networks is her incredibly long legs, which, however, are lately they look very thin.

In general, it is almost impossible to answer which of them is more beautiful and successful! Apparently this is a matter of personal preference.

Kaia Gerber (Kaia Gerber) – American model, daughter of a famous supermodel Cindy Crawford.

Biography of Kaia Gerber / Kaia Gerber

Kaia Gerber born September 3, 2001. Mother Kayi- famous supermodel Cindy Crawford, and father Rande Gerber is a former fashion model, restaurateur and nightclub owner in New York and Los Angeles. Since childhood Kaya and her brother Presley were subjects of the paparazzi, but the mother always told her daughter that she did not want her to follow in her footsteps.

Kaya After all, she became a model. But besides modeling, the girl has many other passions. For example, she really likes acting and actively participates in school musicals. The girl also loves to dance and always attends hip-hop classes three times a week. Like most Californians, Kaya enjoys surfing.

In 2006, Kaia took part in a photo shoot for the swimsuit manufacturer Melissa Odabash. This caused a slight response from the audience - some of the photos seemed frank to ordinary people, and traces of transfer tattoos were visible on the girl’s body. After this, Cindy Crawford stated that until Kaia turns 18, she will not work as a model. However, in 2012, Kaia began to conquer the modeling business, becoming the face of Donatella Versace's children's line, Young Versace.

In 2014 Kaya signed a contract with the IMG Models modeling agency and first appeared on the pages of Vogue magazine. Later it became known that young model got a role in a movie called "Sister Cities"- about four sisters who experience the death of their mother together. Together with Kayei will also star in the film Jacki Weaver, Michelle Trachtenberg, Stana Katic And Troien Bellisario.

Donatella Versace, designer: “Kaya, like her mother, has a special gift. The camera loves her. I still remember with trepidation the times when Cindy and I worked together on film set. Now we are witnessing Kaia following in her mother's footsteps."

Cindy Crawford's daughter turned 17 this year. All the girl’s achievements are in the new material.

Kaya and her brother Presley (he turned 18 this year) spent their childhood away from the paparazzi in family home in Malibu. In an interview with Teen Vogue magazine, the girl said: “I only began to understand something when I was eight. We were at Disneyland, I wanted to take a picture with the princesses, and everyone else around me wanted to get a picture with my mom."

“My parents always taught me to be myself and follow my desires.”

In this photo, Kaya is 10 years old. She signed her first contract in her life and is starring in advertising campaign brand Young Versace.

At the age of 13, Kaya signed a contract with the IMG Models agency.

And in the same year she posed for Steven Meisel for Italian Vogue.

In 2015, Kaia and Presley starred for CR Fashion Book. The guys were photographed by Bruce Weber.

In April 2016, together with famous mother posed for the cover of French Vogue. The photographer for the shoot was Mario Testino.

And in the summer of the same year, 15-year-old Kaia appeared on the cover of Love magazine. The photographer and stylist for the shoot was Kendall Jenner.

Now Kaia is 16, and among her famous friends is not only Kendall. She's friends with Taylor Swift and calls Karlie Kloss "Big Sister."

In 2017, Kaia became the face of the legendary Daisy Marc Jacobs fragrance. “When we were looking for a model for an advertising campaign, Katie Grand (chief editor of Love magazine - editor's note) suggested Kaya. She sent me a photo and I immediately agreed. The photographer for the shoot was David Sims and Kaya did a fantastic job. Her beauty, charm and professionalism only confirm the truth that the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree,” Mark himself said.

“As we get older, my brother and I get busier. Therefore, we really value time spent with family. Every summer we go to our home in Canada for 4-5 weeks. It’s located on a lake, there’s no wi-fi, so I’m offline all this time.”

Kaia during Milan Fashion Week in September 2017. The season was the debut for the girl. But she managed to open shows for Fendi and Moschino and take part in shows for Versace, Prada, and Bottega Veneta.

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In his at a young age Kaia Gerber has managed to build a solid portfolio. The daughter of Cindy Crawford burst onto the fashion Olympus at the beginning of 2016, and since then has managed to work with the most famous brands. Versace, Alexander Wang, Miu Miu, Marc Jacobs were the first to recognize the potential of Cindy Crawford's daughter and hastened to offer highly paid contracts.

Family and childhood

Kaia was born in 2001 in the family of supermodel Cindy Crawford and businessman and restaurateur Rande Gerber. The brunette inherited her bright appearance from both parents: Kaya’s father was a fairly successful fashion model in his youth, although Randy’s wife was far from being popular.

In 1999, the couple had their first child, and two years later Kaia Gerber was born. The girl grew up in a luxurious mansion in Malibu, a prestigious area of ​​Los Angeles.

Photo: Randy and Cindy took part in the America: Tribute to Heroes charity event after the 2001 terrorist attack.

With his mother and older brother Presley in 2003.

Despite being very busy, raising children has always been a priority for Cindy Crawford and her husband. Presley and Kaia grew up wealthy and surrounded by celebrities, but their parents managed to raise kind-hearted, polite and purposeful people. Brother and sister are very friendly and often spend time together. Their social media accounts are full of photos and videos of them together.

Neither Kaya nor her parents comment on this issue, and fans ask Cindy to monitor her daughter’s diet.

Personal life

Despite her busy work schedule, Kaya finds time for her friends, family and, of course, social networks. The girl loves to spend time with her parents and brother, and is friends with Bella Hadid and Kendall Jenner.

Fans can follow the model’s life on Instagram – Kaya already has several million subscribers there.

Not long ago, information appeared that Kaia was dating 17-year-old fashion model Fenton Markelle, but the couple has not yet appeared together.

Kaya is active social life, appearing at all significant events in Hollywood and the fashion world:

More recently, it would seem that the young and beautiful supermodel Cindy Crawford was at the peak of popularity. Before we knew it, she became the mother of two children, the youngest of whom turned out to be a charming daughter. Nowadays, the world's catwalks are already being conquered by the heir to the most important beauty of the 90s - Kaia Gerber. Height, parameters, long legs and even facial features - the girl inherited all this to a colossal extent from her star mother. Despite her incredibly young age, she has already managed to present to the world new collections from the most famous fashion houses.

Biographical sketch

In 2001, on September 3, the now incredibly popular Kaia Gerber was born in the sunny state of California. The growth of the girl’s popularity began, one might say, from the cradle, since the children of the famous supermodel were always under the gun of journalists’ cameras.

Initially, Cindy did not want to send her daughter to the modeling business. However, over time, everyone began to notice that the girl was becoming so charming that it was simply impossible to imagine her outside the catwalk and magazine covers. Therefore, at a very young age, she began representing children's clothing from famous brands, took part in the production of famous musicals and often appeared in women's magazines as the heiress of the main beauty of the 90s. It is also worth noting that Kaya is seriously interested in dancing. She has been attending hip-hop classes since infancy, and currently cannot imagine herself without this hobby.

First steps in the modeling business

Several years ago the first professional photo shoot named Kaia Gerber. The girl’s height did not yet allow her to go on the catwalk, and the designers preferred to start with the photographs that would be included in the catalogue, and in their opinion, Kaia should have become the face of the new lingerie collection. The photo shoot took place, but the popular mother did not like this idea, as she considered it too revealing for her still very young child.

Crawford decided to put her daughter on hold until she turned 18. However, after the girl received an offer from herself, no one could resist him. In 2012, a collection called Versace Young was born, the face of which, of course, was Gerber.

Some time later, the world-famous modeling company IMG Models signed a fateful contract with the heiress Crawford, and new star- Kaia Gerber. The girl’s height, volume and age already allowed her to walk the catwalk. However, at the request of her mother, she was dressed exclusively in discreet outfits, without a hint of frankness or pronounced sexuality.

Kaia Gerber. Height, weight, parameters

The volumes of models, their figures, leg length, and weight are the most discussed aspects by the public. The very young Kaya was no exception, who, despite her years, already looks like real woman. She is tall, stately, her facial features bear a striking resemblance to her mother's. That is why its popularity is so great these days, and now we move directly to discussing its parameters.

So, Kaia Gerber’s height and weight are 173 cm and 54 kg. The bust is 81 cm, the waist is 61 cm, and the hips are 84 cm. The girl wears size 32 (EU) clothes and size 39 shoes. Many believe that the model weighs too little for such a tall height. However, it is worth noting that no matter what, Kaia is still a teenager. Therefore, it is quite normal to have tall, but have not yet acquired muscle mass.

External data

Almost every facial feature young beauty inherited from her star mother. She has a perfect oval shape, pronounced cheekbones, dark brown eyes and soft, thick dark eyebrows. Kaia Gerber has natural light brown hair. Her skin always has light shade tanning, and it's not just about genes. She was born a girl and raised in Los Angeles, so tanning is a common thing for her skin.