Electrical insulating tubes, heat-shrinkable and modified. Symbol structure

What is a hoist (from the Dutch talie) - it is a suspended load-lifting device with a manual or electric drive, consisting of movable and fixed blocks. Based on the number of pulleys in both blocks, two-, three-, four-, six-eight-, ten- and twelve pulley hoists are distinguished. Each pulley in the pull-up unit provides 2x the force.

Rope electric hoists are reliable, easy to maintain and highly durable. A wide range of hoist load capacity, lifting height, lifting speed and movement, designs, as well as the ability to operate in different modes, make it possible to effectively use hoists of this type in various areas of economic life, while offering more comfort during operation and less worries during maintenance.


Modern production equipment guarantees the quality of parts, assemblies and machines. Chain electric hoist have compact dimensions, light weight and wide application possibilities.

The latest electric hoists include special mechanism protection, which protects the device from exceeding the permitted weight of the lifted load. Such a mechanism will protect the chains of the chain hoist and the cables of the cable hoist from breaking, and the electric motor from overload, due to which a breakdown may occur in the device. If the load exceeds the maximum permissible norm, the lifting mechanism simply does not work.

Typically, electric hoists operate at temperatures from -20°C to +40°C, and in special models from -40°C to +45°C. The electric motors of the hoists are designed for voltages of 220V and 360V (directly depends on the power). According to switching speeds, electric hoists are divided into single-speed and two-speed. Modern electric hoists are equipped with a micro-speed mode, which is used in cases where smooth movement and loading is necessary.

The basic equipment of the electric hoist includes a brake for the lifting mechanism. The lifting mechanism of the electric hoist is designed in such a way that when the hook reaches the maximum upper or maximum lower limit, the limit switches are activated, which limit the stroke of the hoist itself.

Relatively small own weight, low noise, easy maintenance and the ability to choose the lifting height - all these are the advantages of the electric hoist. Relatively low cost and a huge variety of areas where it can be used, as well as ease of operation, are factors in the growing demand for electric hoists in the Russian Federation.

What is the difference between a hoist and a telpher?

Hoists are a group of devices that are used in industrial areas and on construction sites for lifting and moving loads. At the same time, the weight of the cargo is not higher than 10-12 tons. The required height to which the load is lifted rarely exceeds 24 meters. This is an indispensable solution in the industrial sector, for warehouses and when performing construction tasks. Hoist drives are manual and electric. An electrically driven device is also called a hoist.

Hoists lift loads faster than manual MTM modifications. In addition, the hoists are characterized by a long service life and ease of use.

But the disadvantage of lifting devices equipped with an electric drive is their weight and dimensions. Those. When it is necessary to safely and quickly perform work in a confined space, some problems and difficulties arise. When using an electric hoist, it is necessary to organize the appropriate conditions for the installation of such units, and energy consumption cannot be called economical.

Manual hoists are convenient for installation and subsequent use. These options can handle loads that exceed their own weight. It is natural that the higher the mass of the load, the slower the lifting and moving.

Let's touch on the issue of cost. Electric hoists are much more expensive than manual hoists. But the difference in price pays off in terms of efficiency and efficiency in completing assigned tasks after the first times of using the MTM of the presented group.

Types of hoists

  • Wormworm - they got this name due to design features transmission mechanism. Popular in the lifting market. They are fixed on a trolley or other object by means of a hook, which is responsible for capturing the load. Load braking technology is used to hold the load.
  • Lever - universal devices with low weight and size, which are used even in confined spaces. Also advantages are the simple installation principle and the small amplitude of the lever. But when choosing a hoist, keep in mind that lever hoists are characterized by a lower lifting speed and load capacity in relation to other types of hoists.
  • Electric hoists are leaders among others in terms of load capacity, lifting speed and threshold height. Electric hoists are suspended on special transport trolleys. The unit is also called an electric hoist. When choosing this or that type of electrical equipment, remember that the main criterion is the specifics of the work to be done.

What to choose: hoist or manual hoist?

At first glance, the advantages of an electric hoist are obvious, but there are conditions under which it is more rational to use a manual device. When the speed of moving a load to a great height is important, electric traction is indispensable. But when working with a load of up to 10 tons, it is more reasonable to use a manual hoist, which is low in cost, does not require special skills to use, and is economical in operation.

Let's not forget about climatic conditions: when working with electric hoists outdoors, it is important to organize protection from precipitation.

Email waist El. hoist 1t TE1M-541 24m El. hoist 1t TE1M-551 30m El. hoist 1t TE1M-561 36m El. tal.2t TE2M-511 6m El. hoist 2t TE2M-521 12m El. hoist 2t TE2M-531 18m El. hoist 2t TE2M-541 24m El. hoist 2t TE2M-551 30m El. hoist 2t TE2M-561 36m El. hoist 3.2t TE320-56132 36m El. hoist 025t TE 025-311 6 m El. hoist 025t TE 025-511 6 m El. hoist 05t TE 05 - 511 6 m El. hoist 05t TE 05 - 521 12 m El. hoist 05t TE 05 - 531 18 m El. hoist 1t TE 1M - 511 6 m El. hoist 1t TE 1M - 521 12 m El. hoist 1t TE 1M - 531 18 m El. hoist 2t TE 200P-511 6 m El. hoist 2t TE 200P-521 12 m El. hoist 2t TE 200P-531 18 m El. hoist 3.2t TE 320-51132 6 m El. hoist 3.2t TE 320-52132 12 m El. hoist 3.2t TE 320-53132 18 m El. hoist 3.2t TE 320-54132 24 m El. hoist 3.2t TE 320-55132 30m El. hoist 5t TES5000-6 6 m El. hoist 5t TES5000-12 12 m El. hoist 5t TES5000-18 18 m El. hoist 5t TES5000-20 20m El. hoist 6.3t TES6300-9 9 m El. tal5t TES5000-24 24m El. hoist 5t TES5000-30 30m El. hoist 6.3t TES6300-12 12 m El. hoist 10t 2TE10000-12 12 m El. hoist 10t 2TE10000-24 24 m El. hoist 10t 2TE10000-9 9m

General information

Heat-shrinkable electrical insulating tubes of the TTE-S, TTE-T brands and modified TE-S, TE-T brands are tubes made from various polyethylene compositions, and the heat-shrinkable tubes change their diameter during the heating process.
Tubes are used in cable fittings with plastic insulation, for insulating junctions of wires of electrical products, in electronic and radio equipment circuits, and for encapsulating circuit elements.

Symbol structure

TTE - heat-shrinkable electrical insulating tube;
X - C - polyethylene grade 153-01K, or 153-02K, or 107-02K;
Х/Х - internal diameter of the tube before (numerator) and after
(denominator) shrinkage, mm;
W - green, F - yellow, H - black. TE-H-H-H:
TE - electrical insulating tube;
X - C - polyethylene grade 153-01K, or 153-02K, or 107202K;
T - thermostabilized polyethylene grade 102-57;
X is the inner diameter of the tube, mm;
X - tube color: K - red, N - natural, C - blue,
W - green, F - yellow, H - black.

terms of Use

Depending on the brand, the tubes are operational in temperature ranges from minus 60 to 105°C and from minus 60 to 130°C, as well as at voltages up to 660 V AC with a frequency of up to 1000 Hz and up to 750 V DC.
Tubes based on heat resistance are divided into classes in accordance with GOST 8865-93:
TTE-S, TE-S - heat resistance class A, TTE-T, TE-T - heat resistance class B.
The tubes comply with TU 16-503.229-82.

Regulatory and technical document

TU 16.503.229-82aThe main dimensions of electrically insulating heat-shrinkable tubes, maximum deviations and the estimated weight of 1 m of tube are given in table. 1.

Table 1

Tube wall thickness, mm Estimated weight
1 m tube, g
before shrinkage after shrinkage
V free state
before shrinkage,
no less
after shrinkage
in a free state
2±0.5 1±0.5 0,41 0.8±0.1 4,16
4±0.5 2±0.5 0,50 1.0±0.1 8,67
5±0.5 2±0.5 0,39 1.0±0.1 8,67
6±0.5 3±0.5 0,46 1.0±0.1 11,56
6±0.5 4±0.5 0,59 1.0±0.1 14,44
8±0.5 4±0.5 0,43 1.0±0.1 14,44
8±0.5 5±0.5 0,54 1.0±0.1 17,33
10±0.5 5±0.5 0,42 1.0±0.1 17,33
12±0.5 6±0.5 0,41 1.0±0.1 20,22
14±0.5 7±0.5 0,40 1.0±0.1 23,11
16±0.5 8±0.5 0,39 1.0±0.1 26,00
18±0.5 9±0.5 0,39 1.0±0.1 28,89
20±1.0 10±0.5 0,34 1.0±0.1 31,78
24±1.0 12±0.5 0,33 1.0±0.1 37,55
32±1.0 16±1.0 0,60 1.0±0.1 75,83

The main dimensions of electrically insulating modified tubes, maximum deviations and the estimated weight of 1 m of tubes are given in table. 2.

Table 2

Internal diameter of the tube, mm Tube wall thickness, mm Estimated weight
1 m tube, g
1±0.1 0.8±0.1 4,16
2±0.1 1.0±0.1 8,67
3±0.1 1.0±0.1 11,56
4±0.1 1.0±0.1 14,44
5±0.1 1.0±0.1 17,33
6±0.1 1.0±0.1 20,22
7±0.1 1.0±0.1 23,11
8±0.1 1.0±0.1 26,00
9±0.1 1.0±0.1 28,89
10±0.1 1.0±0.1 31,78
12±0.1 1.0±0.1 37,55
16±0.2 1.5±0.2 75,83

Note. p 1. The calculated mass of 1 m of tube is given as

reference value. 2. It is allowed to manufacture tubes with other

diameters and wall thicknesses, subject to prior

agreement with the developer of technical specifications.

When using TTE-S and TTE-T tubes for insulating wire connection points in electronic equipment circuits, repairing the insulation of damaged wires high values electrical resistance, electrical strength and tightness of the junction of the tube with the surface of the insulated object on which it is seated are achieved the right choice the initial diameter of the tube and the length of the section where it reaches the wire insulation, as well as the corresponding adhesive.
To ensure sufficient compression density of the product, tubes with a diameter after shrinkage that is 10 - 20% smaller than the diameter of the insulated object should be used.
The optimal length of the tube reaching the wire insulation is determined by the formula:
l = (4-6)d,
where d is the diameter of the wire along the insulation, mm;
l - optimal length penetration of the shrink tube onto the insulation, mm.
The length of the tube must be at least 15 mm.
Shrinkage of the tube to a diameter that ensures tight compression of the insulated object occurs as a result of its heating to a temperature of 130-180°C for 1-10 minutes. It is recommended to heat and shrink the tube in an oxygen-free environment (nitrogen, inert gases), as well as in air, using thermostats or directed flows of hot gases for this purpose.
The shrinked tube should not be subjected to external mechanical influences before it cools, as this can lead to plastic deformation and destruction.
To ensure high electrical insulating properties, the junctions of the contacting surfaces of the tubes and wires must be thoroughly cleaned of dirt, burrs and sharp edges.
Tubes are supplied in pieces of arbitrary length, but not less than 100 mm.
The tubes must have a smooth surface without pores or cracks visible to the naked eye. The surface of tubes of the TTE-S, TTE-T brands is allowed to have a texture due to the manufacturing technology.
Shrinkage of tubes along the length should not exceed 10%.
Data on the shrinkage coefficient by diameter of heat-shrinkable tubes are given in table. 3.

Table 3

Specific volume electrical resistance tubes - not less than 10 1 5 Ohm m.
The breaking stress when stretching the tubes is not less than 10.5 MPa.
The tubes are resistant to temperatures down to minus 60°C.
Tubes of the TTE-S and TTE-T brands do not crack when shrinking on a mandrel at a temperature of (180+2)°C.
Heat resistance of tubes for brands: TTE-S, TE-S - 110°C; TTE-T, TE-T - 150°C.
The tubes are resistant to punching at temperatures (120+2)°C. Transportation and storage of tubes in accordance with GOST 17675-87.
Tubes should be stored in a dry, closed area.
The tubes must be accepted by the technical control of the manufacturer.
The manufacturer guarantees that the tubes comply with the requirements of the technical specifications provided that the consumer complies with the storage rules established by the technical specifications.
The guaranteed shelf life of the tubes is 1 year from the date of manufacture.
If the tubes are not used during the warranty period, then their use is permitted after tests have established that the tubes comply with the requirements of the technical specifications.

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Manufacturer TM "Infrakar" is a manufacturer of multifunctional devices such as a gas analyzer and a smoke meter.

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LLC "Zapadpribor" is a supplier of ammeters, voltmeters, wattmeters, frequency meters, phase meters, shunts and other instruments from such measuring equipment manufacturers as: PA "Electrotochpribor" (M2044, M2051), Omsk; OJSC Instrument-Making Plant Vibrator (M1611, Ts1611), St. Petersburg; OJSC Krasnodar ZIP (E365, E377, E378), LLC ZIP-Partner (Ts301, Ts302, Ts300) and LLC ZIP Yurimov (M381, Ts33), Krasnodar; JSC “VZEP” (“Vitebsk Plant of Electrical Measuring Instruments”) (E8030, E8021), Vitebsk; JSC "Electropribor" (M42300, M42301, M42303, M42304, M42305, M42306), Cheboksary; JSC "Electroizmeritel" (Ts4342, Ts4352, Ts4353) Zhitomir; PJSC "Uman plant "Megommeter" (F4102, F4103, F4104, M4100), Uman.