Why Tatyana Navka left Zhulin. Famous husbands of Tatyana Navka Alexander Zhulin Tatyana Navka

Sports and show business stars have learned to trade love

It’s not for nothing that they say: everything secret someday becomes clear. No matter how hard Tatyana NAVKA and Marat BASHAROV tried to hide their love affair, nothing worked out for them. I handed over a couple, and I handed over them with giblets, ex-wife famous actor Elizaveta KRUTSKO.

For almost two years, Lisa lied to everyone. She said that everything was great with Marat, there were no problems in the family. And then suddenly she opened up. Lisa admitted that she began to suspect her husband of cheating in the fall of 2006, during the filming of the first ice show, where Basharov skated in tandem with Tatiana Navka, Olympic champion in figure skating. Krutsko saw that something was happening to her adored husband, he was gradually moving away. Once Marat left his mobile phone at home, his wife could not stand it and looked at the menu: who does he call most often, from whom does he receive text messages. One unfamiliar number seemed very suspicious to her. And then, some time later, when Lisa was sitting in a cafe, she received a call from... Navka. Basharov’s wife could not stand it and said:

Tanya, I know that my husband has another woman, and imagine, you are calling from her number. After such words, the figure skater, taken aback by surprise, immediately hung up.

That's what backfired

Let's not burn bridges, let's wait. And you decide for yourself with whom it is better for you to live.

Basharov was torn on two fronts. I came home and thought about the beautiful Navka. And in the end the wife could not stand it. Last time Basharov and Krutsko appeared in public in the summer of 2008, at the Kinotavr festival in Sochi. After some time they separated.

However, Marat and Lisa lived together for eight years without signing. She wanted to get married, for the sake of her beloved man she even converted to Islam and gave birth to his daughter, who was named Amelie. She wanted to, but he didn’t want to go to the registry office. It’s curious that at one time (Krutsko kept silent about this) Basharov stole Lisa from the poet Georges Rumyantsev, who, by the way, also acted in films. Marat and Georges knew each other, some even considered them friends. But it so happened that one day some thugs attacked Rumyantsev, stabbed him in the throat with a knife, and the guy miraculously survived. By that time, he had already been officially married to Lisa, who worked in an advertising agency, for three years. His mother-in-law, a doctor by profession, advised Georges to undergo treatment in Orenburg, saying that they had the best neurosurgeons in the country. As a result, the naive poet left Moscow - and became disabled. It took away from him right hand. Alas, there were no good neurosurgeons in Orenburg. When Georges returned to Moscow, his wife was already having an affair with Basharov.

And in fact, why did she need a disabled person with a pension of 2.5 thousand rubles? After all, such prospects opened up for the young and talented Basharov!

Maybe God has now punished Mrs. Krutsko for that action?

Boomerang for Zhulin

The second injured party in the current story is Navka’s husband Alexander Zhulin. A famous figure skater in the past, and now a successful coach. For those who are not in the know, let me remind you: it was Zhulin who brought the dancing couple Tatiana Navka - Roman Kostomarov to gold medals at the Winter Olympics in Turin. It is curious that, according to Alexander himself, he once tried to ride together with his wife. It didn't work out. Zhulin is only five centimeters taller than Navka, and for a dancing couple this is too little - they looked somewhat strange on the ice. Yes, and they quarreled during training. And then Alexander realized that Tatyana needed another partner, younger and taller. The choice fell on Kostomarov, who at that moment was skating with Anna Semenovich. The choice turned out to be correct.

However, we are not talking about Roma now, but about Sasha. He's such a good guy, he'll be worse than Basharov. (Before his affair with Navka, Marat tried to woo another famous figure skater - Maria Butyrskaya, but their relationship did not last long, about three months.) During his stormy youth, Alexander Zhulin could be in love with two girls at the same time. And being married! He married a real beauty - a figure skater Maya Usova, who was his dance duet partner. Maya came to Moscow from another city, and a compassionate partner invited her to rent a corner in his apartment. She agreed. Because I fell in love. Unfortunately for her, Maya loved Zhulin much more than he loved her. When a man quickly wins over a woman, then, as a rule, he quickly loses interest in her.

Already married to Usova, he secretly gave wedding ring 20-year-old girl Oksana Grischuk. The same one who would later become a two-time Olympic champion in ice dancing (paired with Evgeny Platov). He gave a ring with the condition that Oksana give up figure skating for the sake of their passionate love! Zhulin saw that Grischuk was a very talented athlete, and, keeping the Olympics in Lillehammer in mind, he simply wanted to take her out of the game (more precisely, the Grischuk-Platov pair).

Naive young girl She was already about to hang up her skates, when suddenly in the middle of the night she received a call from America... Maya Usova. And, sobbing into the phone, she said that her legal husband Alexander Zhulin had his eye on Tatyana Navka. Yes, he put it that way that she, Usova, has no doubts: they are already sleeping together! Can you imagine what poor Grischuk experienced after that?! She took real revenge on Zhulin. She turned him away, returned to the sport and, contrary to all forecasts, beat her former lover-deceiver in Lillehammer. The duet Usov - Zhulin, considered the main favorite, ended up only second at the Olympics.

I’ll add that before this whole story, Navka was an unknown aspiring athlete (she is 12 years younger than Zhulin). And Maya Usova, a sweet, trusting figure skater, sometimes confided her women's secrets. I found someone to trust! When Navka took her husband away from her, the losing rival asked: - Tanya, how could you? - What? “Everyone fights for their own happiness,” Navka answered calmly.

Having already become Tatyana Navka’s husband, Zhulin suddenly remembered Grischuk. They began an affair again. Tatyana had to use all her feminine charms, resourcefulness and intelligence so that Zhulin would stay with her. She even named her daughter after him - Sasha.

By the way, according to Oksana Grischuk, the famous champion also went on dates with young Zhulin Katya Gordeeva, who at that time was already married to Sergei Grinkov.

« Black period»

Everyone says that the projects “Stars on Ice” and “ Ice age" - very successful. That's probably true. Viewers are watching, Channel One's rating is growing. But thanks to these wonderful projects in many star families dramatic changes took place. Chief producer and program director Ilya Averbukh broke up with Irina Lobacheva. The wife of another coach, Zhulina, cheated on him with Basharov. Navka has not yet officially divorced her husband, but she is already living with someone else.

Winner of "Ice Age" 2007 Roman Kostomarov divorced Yulia Lautova and switched to another skater - Oksana Domnina. Olympic champion Evgeni Plushenko(he was the host of “Stars on Ice”) broke up with his wife with a scandal Maria Ermak and now calls himself the producer's fiance Yana Rudkovskaya. She, in turn, created an even bigger scandal when she left Victor Baturin. Anastasia Zavorotnyuk abandoned her husband and, in transit through Sergei Zhigunov, fell into the arms of a figure skater with an American passport - Petra Chernysheva. And how many fleeting romances there were between the ice show participants over these three years! For example, in lovers Alexey Yagudin visited first "manufacturer" Vika Daineko and then her colleague Sasha Savelyeva. And Lesha abandoned both of them! It is no coincidence that one famous figure skating specialist once said on the sidelines of the Sports Palace, where the program was being filmed:

Yes, this is not the “Ice Age, but the Bleak Age!”

They lie for free. But the truth is for money

Anyway, that's enough. After all, even a no brainer that to promote a television project, some love stories they were simply sucked out of thin air and thrown into the press. The product must be sold. And our respected stars of show business and sports have already learned to sell not only their talent, but also their intimate revelations. They say that Irina Lobacheva told juicy details parting with Averbukh (they were published in the same illustrated magazine) for a very tidy sum.

Do you think Lisa Krutsko gave her interview for free? No matter how it is! She's an advertising agent, she's used to selling everything. By the way, even now Lisa remains Basharov’s agent. And without any hesitation she suggested to the journalist:

If you want Marat himself to tell you about the divorce and about Navka, then please. It will cost 20 thousand euros. Basharova’s agent, who is also his abandoned wife, did not agree to 15 thousand. What should we call all this? By the way, even after the scandalous revelations of Liza Krutsko, Tatyana Navka took a strong defense. On the air of one of the radio stations, in response to a direct question: “Is it true that Marat Basharov left his wife for you?” - the eminent sportswoman replied: - No, that’s not true. Meanwhile, it is known that New Year she met Marat, and then flew away with him and her daughter to ski in Switzerland.

Last summer, Navka, according to her, vacationed in Italy. But then - with my daughter and my husband. Apparently, this was the last attempt on the part of Tanya and Sasha to save the family. It didn't work out. Even on the set of Ice Age, they tried to pretend that everything was still fine with them. But Zhulin’s eyes were too sad. Even when his charges received “sixes.” Agent Lisa Krutsko lied for almost two years. I wonder when Navka will split? Is it really only when she is paid 20 thousand euros for the truth?

By the way

According to unofficial data, one glossy magazine paid more than 200 thousand USD for an interview and an exclusive photo shoot with Nastya Zavorotnyuk and Peter Chernyshev.

The phrase that was heard in the famous film about the beautiful athlete can be completely attributed to the figure skater Tatyana Navka. This girl amazed me with her tenacity and hard work from childhood. It was thanks to these qualities that she was able to become a multiple European and world champion in figure skating and reach the top - becoming an Olympic champion.

The girl is also full of charm. Surprisingly, as a schoolgirl she was not popular with boys. But as Tatyana grew up, she had no shortage of admirers, but she chose as her husband a man with whom she had been in love for many years.

Youthful love

Tatyana decided on her future occupation very early. Already at the age of five, the girl began to engage in figure skating and continues to do so to this day. She took her first steps at the skating rink in Dnepropetrovsk. It was there that the famous figure skater Alexander Zhulin came to give several lessons to beginning athletes.

He was Tatyana’s idol and she wanted to get his autograph in every possible way. As a result, she accumulated more than ten of them. But Zhulin left, and Navka remained to train in Dnepropetrovsk.

A few years later, the girl was offered to improve her skills in Moscow. It was there that fate brought her together again with Alexander Zhulin. He became her coach. When the girl turned 18, she had to go to a training camp in France. She really hoped that Zhulin would accompany the team. And so it happened.

Already in France, a conversation took place between them. It turned out that the man had liked the young figure skater for a long time, but at that time he was married. But his marriage could not be called ideal and, despite the fact that he was not yet divorced, he invited Tatyana to live together.

Wedding, birth of a child and divorce

The couple began to live together, but were in no hurry to legitimize their relationship. This happened only five years later in one of the notary offices in America. The relationship between Alexander and Tatyana was like a fairy tale, despite the fact that Tatyana was 12 years younger than her husband.

Alexander really dreamed of a child. After all, in his first marriage to Maya Usova, he did not have children. And his dream became a reality. The couple had a wonderful daughter, whom they named Alexandra. It is noteworthy that the birth of her daughter did not force Tatyana to stop her sports activities. Just two weeks after giving birth, she returned to the ice.

But the marriage of Alexander and Tatiana was not destined to last forever. After 14 years of marriage, news of the athletes’ divorce appeared.

The reason for the breakup was another woman. This time Alexander fell in love with a girl who was 23 years younger than him and was also his student. Zhulin divorced Navka. The coach’s third wife was Natalya Mikhailova, she gave birth to her husband’s daughter Katya. Zhulin himself says that he is absolutely happy with his third wife and hopes that this is his last marriage.

Skater novels

After the girl’s divorce from Alexander Zhulin, the press attributed numerous affairs to her. The most high-profile of them were novels with her partners in the Ice Age project and. Tatyana did not give any comments on this matter, which further fueled interest in her person.

It was rumored that romantic relationship and Basharov were approaching their wedding. Marat wanted Tatyana to accept his religion - Islam. And perhaps this would have happened, but the mother of her future husband did not like the girl. Basharov’s mother saw a submissive wife next to her son, and not a public figure. But be that as it may, the relationship did not work out.

Tatyana's second affair happened with Alexei Vorobyov. But whether it was PR or the truth, the young people do not disclose.

Interesting notes:

Journalists were never able to find facts that would confirm the romantic relationship between them. The couple just hugged and nothing more. Alexey even said in an interview that there was no romance between him and Tatyana, but for some reason no one believed him. Because of this, he even quarreled with his girlfriend.

Second try at luck

The second husband of Tatyana Navka was the press secretary of the Russian President Dmitry Peskov. Fate brought them together at a mutual friend's birthday party. That evening the man did not leave the athlete’s side. The courtship continued further. Dmitry courted beautifully and persistently until Tatyana gave up.

Tatyana realized that she had fallen in love and that she saw only this man next to her. She was not stopped by the fact that Dmitry was married and had four children. The couple began dating secretly. Their relationship became obvious when the skater became pregnant.

In 2014, she gave birth to Dmitry’s daughter Nadezhda. Even then there was no point in continuing to hide the relationship. Dmitry Peskov divorced his wife and proposed to Tatyana Navka.

The wedding took place on August 1, 2015 in Sochi. It was a magnificent celebration to which politicians, pop and sports stars were invited. Now Tatyana Navka enjoys family happiness with her husband, but at the same time does not forget about her favorite job. She dreams of giving birth to another child for her beloved husband.

Many people think that Dmitry Peskov and Tatyana Navka are quite different people from different areas of life. However, few people have doubts about the sincerity of their feelings. I would like to believe that this relationship will once again confirm the thesis that opposites attract.

Tatyana Aleksandrovna Navka was born in the Ukrainian Dnepropetrovsk on April 13, 1975 in the very ordinary family. Mom was an economist, and dad worked as an engineer. Her parents played sports in their youth and, therefore, instilled in Tatyana a love for it. The girl chose what kind of sport to do herself. At the age of five, Navka started skating; her parents were able to get them even in conditions of shortage. However, before that I was roller skating. On the ice, the girl didn’t even feel much difference between skates and rollers.

By the way, little Tanya was bought skates after the girl watched and was delighted with the television broadcast of Lena Vodorezova’s performance. Soon figure skating took one of the leading places in Tatiana’s life. Before her hobby, Tatyana Navka brought only A's from school, but after the start of figure skating classes, the first B's appeared in her diary.

As a child, Tatiana Navka really didn’t like her own last name. Classmates constantly teased: “Navka is an astronaut,” “Navka is a ditch.” However, now that the surname has become known throughout the world, journalists have found out that in Ukrainian mythology “Navka, Nyavka, Mavka” mean “mermaid-like forest creatures, the souls of dead children.”

Figure skating became a part of Tatiana Navka's life in 1980. The capable, hardworking and patient girl was noticed by coach Natalya Dubova. At the age of 14 (in 1988), Navka was invited to Moscow. The teenager's life has become even more difficult. Every day Tanya had to get up in the dark and get to the capital from Mytishchi. Mom constantly told her daughter: “You are the best! You can handle anything!” As a result, Tatyana truly became the best.

Sports career of Tatyana Navka

In 1993, Tatyana Navka began to storm sports competitions. The girl's first appearance on the big ice was playing for the national team. Soviet Union. Then the skater performed in pairs with Samvel Gezalyan. After the collapse of the USSR, athletes represented Belarus. On Olympic Games in 1994 the pair received 11th place.

Interview with Tatyana Navka (“No comment”, 2012)

The partnership between Navka and Gezalyan eventually fell apart, after which Tatyana began to go on the ice with Nikolai Morozov. Together with the figure skater, the girl performed at the 1998 Winter Olympics, again from Belarus. Then the couple received only 16th place.

Since 1998, Tatyana Navka began playing for the Russian national team. By this time, the girl had already broken up with her ice partner Nikolai Morozov. Roman Kostomarov became the new couple for Tatyana. The famous coach Natalya Linnichuk bet on the duo and invited her to train with her in the United States. However, a year later she changed her mind - in her opinion, the couple Roman Kostomarov and Anna Semenovich turned out to be more promising. Linnichuk told Roman about her decision and asked to notify Tatyana about it. At the same time, the coach herself feigned great surprise in front of Navka.

The couple reunited in 2002. Alexander Zhulin began to train the duo, and Elena Tchaikovskaya advised the athletes. Tatiana Navka's collection includes 9th place at the 19th Winter Olympics and the 2000 World Championships, two silver and a bronze medal from the Russian Championships, bronze from the 2003 European Championships, two victories and a silver in the finals of the Grand Prix series competitions. Navka is three times Russian Champion, twice European and World Champion.

Navka-Kostomarov. I dream about your eyes

Personal life of Tatyana Navka

Throughout her conscious childhood, Tatyana Navka was in love with the famous figure skater Alexander Zhulin. The athlete, together with his wife Maya Usova, once came to Tatyana’s native Dnepropetrovsk. Young Tanya and her friend went to the couple’s training every day, and every time they asked for autographs. There were about twenty of them. However, the skater himself did not pay any attention to the girl. While already studying in Moscow, Navka saw that Zhulin and Usova were also skating at the stadium where she trained. The teenager's happiness knew no bounds!

Tatyana Navka saw how the relationship between famous athletes. And at this time, on the contrary, the young figure skater began to have more and more in common with Zhulin. 18-year-old Navka flew to training camp in France and dreamed that Zhulin would be there. It turns out that the skater himself wanted this no less. From that time on, the couple began living together.

After five years of marriage, on February 17, 2000, Tatyana Navka and Alexander Zhulin registered their relationship. This happened in one of the notary offices in the USA. A few months later, on May 2, the couple had a daughter, Alexandra. At this time, the couple lived in the USA and trained in Montclair, New Jersey (USA). Immediately after giving birth, just 12 days later, Tatyana Navka returned to the ice.

Tatiana Navka and Alexey Yagudin

Ice passions

The name of Tatyana Navka began to appear on the pages of newspapers and magazines more often than usual since 2007. The girl returns from the USA to Russia and takes part in television show projects. It all started with the first season of the “Stars on Ice” competition, where Tatyana Navka performed in tandem with actor Marat Basharov.

The couple took first place. This was followed by the projects “Ice Age” and “Ice Age – 2”, where the girl skated with actors Ville Haapasalo (2007) and Vadim Kolganov (2009), respectively. In both the first and second seasons, Tatyana Navka became second.
In 2008, Tatyana Navka, paired with professional dancer Alexander Litvinenko, danced ballroom dances at the Eurovision Dance show. The couple also takes only second place.

In the fall of 2009, Tatyana Navka and Marat Basharov took to the ice as participants in the show “Ice Age. The best". This duet was a favorite of the program. The audience idolized the couple, who, by the way, won. After this, a blemish appeared in Tatyana Navka’s ideal biography: rumors spread that the beautiful and exemplary wife Navka was dating married womanizer Marat Basharov. The media actively discussed the celebrity romance, but the athletes themselves denied everything. Meanwhile, Tatyana Navka becomes first on the list of “Most sexy women Russia." By the way, her husband, Alexander Zhulin, by that time had been rightfully considered the country’s sex symbol for several years.

Gradually, rumors about upcoming wedding Tatiana and Marat. And while she was away, journalists increasingly talked about the impending divorce of Zhulin and Navka. Adding fuel to the fire was the information that Alexander had a young mistress - his ward Natalya.

In 2010, the couple officially announced their separation. However, the relationship between Navka and Basharov did not work out, and Alexander Zhulin, meanwhile, does not part with the young figure skater.

Tatiana Navka and Alexey Vorobyov

In the fall of 2010, Navka reappeared on television screens. This time in the project

A celebrity divorce is never easy. The procedure itself, which is not easy, both legally and psychologically, becomes even more tedious under the close attention of the public. Perhaps this is why the decision to divorce among famous couples is especially difficult to make, and reporting it general public the spouses are in no hurry.

This is exactly how the divorce of Zhulin and Navka took place. Rumors about a crack in their relationship and a possible separation appeared back in 2007. The first sign was gossip about the relationship between Tatyana Navka and Marat Basharov and their vacation together in Los Angeles. Alexander Zhulin probably did not initially plan a divorce. Or perhaps he simply did not want to remain in the role of an abandoned husband and, according to numerous sources, entered into a new relationship with his talented student, the young and charming Natalya Mikhailova.

Surprisingly, the couple, who went through fire and water together, could not resist copper pipes. In the life of Alexander and Tatyana there were many difficulties and obstacles that they overcame with honor, and their marriage could no longer withstand the last test. The famous trainer Alexander Zhulin could not or simply did not want to prevent divorce and division of property.

Note that this is the second marriage for Alexander, his first wife Maya Usova was also a figure skater and performed in pairs with her husband. However, after Maya found out about Alexander’s new relationship, the divorce of Zhulin and Maya was inevitable. Accordingly, their collaboration came into question. But Alexander made a choice in favor of love and in 2000 married Tatyana. And after some time, in America, where the happy couple lived, a child appeared - their charming daughter Sasha.

Returning to their homeland in 2006, the couple took part in the popular show “Ice Age,” where the first chill slipped into their relationship, which then smoothly flowed into the divorce of Zhulin and Navka.

Despite the success of the show as well new apartment right in the center of Moscow, which married couple presented by then-President Vladimir Putin, the couple did not find happiness together in Russia. Heavy work schedule, constant employment, lack of attention to each other - not best ways strengthen family ties. This is known not only to famous couples, but, unfortunately, to mere mortals. Zhulin's divorce was inevitable.

Alexander acted as a coach, and Tatyana went on the ice with Marat Basharov. Did they interfere? family happiness rumors about the relationship between Tatiana and Marat, or whether the romance was not just an invention of journalists is unknown. Tatyana Navka and Alexander Zhulin could not foresee the divorce. As often happens in life ordinary people, well-wishers did not help save star relationships, but rather became the last straw.

After the spouses had already separated and settled in separate apartments, the rumors did not subside for a long time, not contributing to family reconciliation, but rather the opposite. The talented coach Alexander Zhulin may not have planned the divorce, but life is impossible to predict...

No matter what vicissitudes follow famous couple, the result was a separation after all. In 2009, Alexander Zhulin and Tatyana Navka officially separated. Ex-couple Now they are connected exclusively by a child, 10-year-old Sashenka, with whom both parents are on excellent terms. Let's hope that the wonderful mother Tatyana Navka and caring father Alexander Zhulin, who survived the divorce, will maintain a decent relationship for the sake of his beloved daughter.

Unfortunately, even the most beautiful stories love does not stand the test of time and ends. An example of this is a relationship that lasted more than 15 years and led to the divorce of Zhulin and Tatyana Navka. One can only hope that their new novels will be exactly that true love for life and will give them unique sensations for creative flight and stable family comfort.