What specialists need to be examined in 1 month. Which doctors should a newborn undergo (routine medical examination)

Children's health requires close attention of parents and specialists - medical examinations of the baby should not be neglected. Which doctors are important to visit in the 1st year of a baby’s life?

After discharge from the maternity hospital, the first meeting of the newborn with the doctor takes place at home: the baby is visited by a pediatrician and a visiting nurse. They open the child’s medical record, in which they enter the baby’s main indicators: weight, head and chest circumference, and note the method of feeding.

The pediatrician introduces parents to the schedule of planned visits to the clinic, recommends coming on “days healthy child» to avoid the risk of contracting any infection.

When visiting a doctor, you must take a diaper with you,
a change of diaper, drinks and food for the baby, toys and a pacifier.

Approximate visit schedule

1 month
The child is examined by a pediatrician, ophthalmologist, surgeon, orthopedist and cardiologist. To ensure the baby’s health, absence of diseases and deviations from normal development, an ultrasound is recommended hip joints, neurosonography and echocardiography of the heart. If the baby is not sick, he is vaccinated: a second hepatitis B vaccine.

2 months
Scheduled appointment with the pediatrician.

3 months
Routine visit to a pediatrician, neurologist and otolaryngologist. The child is also vaccinated - the first DTP vaccination.

4 months
Visit to the pediatrician.

4.5 months
A second DPT vaccination is given.

5 months
Scheduled appointment with the pediatrician.

6 months
At this age, the baby is shown to a neurologist, ophthalmologist, surgeon, orthopedist and pediatrician. The child receives 2 vaccinations: the third DPT and the third against hepatitis B, and is also prescribed blood and urine tests.

7 months

8 months
Scheduled appointment with the pediatrician.

9 months
Visiting the pediatrician and dentist.

10 months
Scheduled appointment with the pediatrician.

11 months
Routine visit to the pediatrician.

12 months
The child visits a neurologist, surgeon, orthopedist and pediatrician. The baby will also have a Mantoux test and vaccination against measles, rubella and mumps (mumps), and also mandatory blood, urine and stool tests for worm eggs.

If a neurologist detects developmental disorders in a child, he may
recommend massage, physiotherapy or medication as treatment.

What do specialists check during appointments?

Visit to the pediatrician
It includes weighing the child, measuring his height, chest and head circumference. The doctor examines the baby's throat, ears and nose for inflammation and redness, listens to the heart, and checks the child's stomach. The pediatrician also evaluates the overall development of the baby and advises on the introduction of complementary foods.

Visit to a neurologist
A neurologist assesses the degree of development of the child’s neurological functions, the state of muscle tone, motor and mental development, and identifies possible signs violations. The doctor also examines the baby’s fontanelle and measures the circumference of the head and chest.

In assessing the development of the baby, the neurologist is interested in the course of pregnancy and childbirth. Before visiting this specialist, parents need to pay attention to the baby’s habits, his sleep, whether the chin is trembling, and how the child holds his arms and legs. For a neurologist, any detail characterizing the baby’s condition is important.

Visit to an ophthalmologist
A child’s vision develops in the first 3 months, so visiting an ophthalmologist should not be neglected. The procedure includes checking the reaction of the pupils to light, examining the fundus and its veins, assessing the child’s ability to fix his gaze and follow moving objects. The doctor can identify or exclude blindness and malformations of the tear ducts. The specialist is also required to give recommendations on how to care for the child’s eyes.

Visit to the surgeon
The surgeon’s task is to promptly identify problems with the navel and umbilical ring, malformations of the chest and abdominal organs, hernias, and in boys, hydrocele and undescended testicles.

Visit to an orthopedist
The orthopedist monitors the development musculoskeletal system child, identifies and treats problems associated with the development of the skeleton, hip joint, foot deformities and poor posture.

Visit to an otolaryngologist
The doctor identifies problems related to the health of the child’s ears, nose and throat, examines the ENT organs for inflammatory processes, and also identifies malformations.

Visiting the dentist
The dentist assesses the condition of the oral cavity, gives recommendations on caring for the first teeth and preventing caries.

The child's clothes should be comfortable and simple, so that in the office
The doctor could quickly dress and undress the baby.

The “golden rule” of visiting pediatric doctors

When planning visits to doctors, you should not try to see several specialists at once. Kids get tired quickly, and the fear of strangers. A child's nervousness may cause doctors to misunderstand the child's condition. Therefore, to prevent your baby from being given a false diagnosis, it is advisable to plan visits to one, maximum, two doctors per day.

Olesya Butuzova, pediatrician:“Immediately after discharge from the maternity hospital, the newborn is examined daily by a pediatrician at home until the 10th day of life. Then he comes on the 14th and 21st days, and at 1 month the baby and his mother go to the clinic for the first time. Until the age of one year, the baby should be shown to the pediatrician once a month.”

Expert: Olesya Butuzova, pediatrician
Elena Nersesyan-Brytkova

Photos used in this material belong to shutterstock.com

Many parents are interested in which doctors they go to each year. Today in Russia, medicine is often viewed with skepticism. Especially if small children are involved in medical examinations. Some cite the fact that there are long queues at clinics; others are dissatisfied with the work of specialists. But even these shortcomings do not exempt from medical examination in the first year of the baby’s life. What doctors will you need to see? Where to go through the relevant commission?

Is it necessary to visit doctors?

Below we will provide a list of which doctors pass each year. First, let's try to figure out whether parents are really required to undergo a medical examination with their children.

In Russia, all medical interventions and examinations are carried out voluntarily. Still, some parents are scared negative consequences failure to appear for medical examination of the child. Therefore, some citizens believe that a child will have to undergo a commission every year. Actually this is not true. The Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation only gives recommendations on medical examination. Parents may not go through it or “stretch out” the visit to specialists for one period or another.

The importance of the process

However, it is recommended not to leave the issue under study unattended. Clinical examination is a comprehensive check of the body. For kids it is extremely important. After examination by specialists, it will be possible to identify certain diseases and prescribe treatment in a timely manner. There is nothing scary or dangerous about a child passing a commission every year. It is needed more by parents than by doctors.

Where to go

It would absolutely not hurt for a child to undergo a medical examination by one or another specialist every year. The first question parents face is where to undergo medical examination.

It is not possible to answer this unequivocally. After all, it all depends on the wishes of the child’s parents and their financial capabilities. Ideally, annual medical examinations are carried out in local children's clinics. But today in Russia many people prefer private clinics. They can also be used by a child at 12 months old. This scenario saves time and effort, but significantly lightens the wallet.


Scheduled visits to the children's clinic in the first year of the baby's life are carried out monthly. Next, as we have already said, is medical examination.

It consists of two stages.

1. Taking tests.

2. Passage of certain specialists.

Let's start with the first component.

Most often among the mandatory tests prescribed:

This is something you definitely can’t do without. In any clinic, these studies are considered mandatory. They help judge the child's health status.

Additional Research

Depending on the child’s condition and medical indications, the list of tests may vary. What research are parents faced with?

For example, with a variety of ultrasounds. Some experts suggest checking the kidneys, heart and other internal organs. An orthopedist may suggest an ultrasound of the knee joints before your appointment.

A more accurate list of tests will be prescribed by the local pediatrician in the children's clinic, as well as by the specialized specialists necessary for medical examination.

Mandatory list of doctors

Now let's get down to the most important thing - the list of doctors that modern parents will encounter after the child reaches 12 months. As you might guess, their list for each specific baby may also be different.

The list of doctors per year must include:

  • pediatrician;
  • neurologist;
  • orthopedist;
  • surgeon;
  • ophthalmologist;
  • Laura;
  • dentist

This is the minimum that allows for the most accurate diagnosis of the baby’s body. But, as a rule, the listed specialists do not receive a commission per year.

Additional doctors

What kind of doctors do they undergo per year? In addition to the specialists mentioned above, even healthy children often have to visit other medical professionals. As we have already said, their list may vary.

Most often, the list of doctors per year additionally includes:

  • gynecologist (for girls);
  • cardiologist;
  • psychiatrist.

You can always refuse an examination by the last specialist. It is preferable to do this during a visit to a therapist. With this specialist, as a rule, parents write refusals from certain examinations.


Now let’s take a closer look at what this or that doctor will do during a medical examination during the baby’s year. Let's start with neurologists.

These specialists help evaluate the child's physical and psychological development. Mental skills are also tested by this doctor.

As a rule, at the appointment, the specialist offers the baby several toys, and then asks the parents questions about the child’s life. At this time, the neurologist observes how the little patient behaves. Often this is enough to identify psycho-emotional diseases.


An orthopedic traumatologist in a children's clinic (and in a private clinic as well) assesses the degree of development musculoskeletal system. By 12 months, babies are already walking well or have mastered this skill a little. Usually, if the child is healthy, the podiatrist will give recommendations on the selection of shoes to prevent flat feet, and also indicate how to prevent scoliosis.

If the baby has any abnormalities, the specialist will prescribe comprehensive treatment. For example, massage, electrophoresis, mandatory wearing of orthopedic shoes, and so on.


Some parents are afraid to take their child to see a surgeon. But in reality there is no reason to panic.

In a children's clinic, a surgeon's appointment comes down to studying internal organs child, collecting anamnesis of previous injuries, as well as examining the genital organs of boys for cryptorchidism.


The next important specialist is an ophthalmologist. He studies eye diseases.

Today, more and more often, children before one year of age are diagnosed with various diseases - from strabismus to retinal damage. Therefore, it is extremely important to take your baby to an ophthalmologist on time.

The examination is carried out by placing special drops in the baby’s eyes. After this, the ophthalmologist examines the fundus. For some parents and doctors, such an examination is a whole ordeal, but it is very important.


As a rule, a visit to the Laura is formal character. Especially if the child is not prone to diseases and has good immunity.

Usually the otolaryngologist looks at the child's ears, nose, and throat. He studies the tonsils and adenoids. The baby is unlikely to like the majority of such manipulations, but this does not mean that it is necessary to postpone the visit.


A child may be examined by a cardiologist every year. There is no need to be afraid of this. This doctor is studying cardiovascular system baby.

Parents need to prepare for the fact that their child will need an ECG. This is the most accurate diagnostic method.


What kind of doctors do they undergo per year? The main list of specialists has been presented to your attention. Among them is a dentist.

As a rule, by the age of one year, babies already have their first milk teeth. And even if the child has only 2 teeth, he will have to visit the dentist.

This doctor will examine the baby's teeth and gums and give recommendations on oral care. In addition, the length of the frenulum and the condition of the jaw as a whole are assessed. Some children may require treatment for tooth decay as early as 12 months. Therefore, the dentist per year is an important doctor.


Usually parents find out if there are people with disabilities among their relatives. mental illness, and then questioned about the baby’s behavior. At the same time, the doctor observes the child’s behavior. This will be enough. Many parents simply refuse to see a psychiatrist every year.


Gynecologists usually perform only an external examination of the genital organs. For example, the fusion of the labia, which appears due to improper hygiene. In addition, there are a number gynecological diseases, inherent even in children. For their timely treatment, you will have to take the baby to a gynecologist.


An examination of a child at 1 year of age includes, as you might guess, a scheduled visit to the pediatrician. In practice, such a technique is no different from all previous ones - the child will be measured, weighed, examined by the throat and tongue, and body.

The local pediatrician will also interview the parents - he will collect an anamnesis of behavior and complaints. It is this specialist who issues referrals for medical examinations and tests. He is recommended to resolve issues related to vaccination, as well as visiting a psychiatrist. Every parent has the right to refuse any medical intervention, including vaccinations.

Testing for tuberculosis

We found out which doctors pass through each year. We also got acquainted with the main list of tests. According to established rules, it is customary to check for tuberculosis once a year. This recommendation also applies to children.

Today, to diagnose tuberculosis, children undergo the Mantoux test or Diaskintest. Such interventions often do not inspire confidence among modern parents. Therefore, they can go to any private clinic and take a blood test for tuberculosis - PCR or TB-Spot.

The first year of life is the most important and difficult period for a baby. At this time, intense physiological and neuropsychological development. In the first month, the newborn must be shown to the pediatrician 3 times. Then, in order to understand that the baby is developing normally, you will need to consult other specialists.

What kind of doctors do a 1 month old baby undergo?

If the baby has not yet reached the age of one month, he should be examined by a pediatrician at home. When he turns 1 month old, he needs to visit a children's clinic. The first doctor to examine the baby should be a pediatrician.

Your pediatrician will tell you what kind of doctors you undergo at 1 month

At this visit, the doctor measures the baby's weight, height, head and chest circumference. Depending on the data obtained, one can judge the development of the baby. If there are no problems, then it is not necessary to be examined by other specialists.

To identify possible congenital diseases, a one-month-old baby should be examined by the following doctors:

  • Neurologist or neuropathologist. The doctor checks innate reflexes and evaluates muscle tone, it can be increased or decreased. It is at 1 month that lesions of the central nervous system that arose in the fetus in the womb.
  • ENT The doctor evaluates hearing and nasal breathing.
  • Ophthalmologist. A specialist checks your vision.
  • Surgeon. The doctor identifies hernias, hemangiomas, phimosis in boys.
  • Orthopedist. The specialist checks for torticollis or congenital dysplasia and assesses the symmetry of the gluteal folds.

Treatment of perinatal disorders that arose during pregnancy is most effective in the first months of the baby’s life, since during this period the maturation of many body systems continues.

Is hardware examination necessary for newborns?

If health problems are detected, the pediatrician may prescribe additional examination of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys and other organs. If the baby has a heart murmur, then an ECG is indispensable.

In the first month of life, an ultrasound of the hip joints should be done to exclude the possibility of dysplasia.

In case of difficult labor, fetal hypoxia, hypertonicity in the baby, as well as for premature babies, it is advisable to do neurosonography. This is an ultrasound of the brain. While the baby's fontanel has not yet closed, this method of examination is possible. With the help of ultrasound, abnormalities can be easily identified and treated at an early stage, before serious problems occur.

The list of doctors who need to see the child differs depending on the age of the baby and the presence of congenital health problems. Do not neglect examinations in the first year of life.

The waiting period for a child is very long for parents and close relatives. But once the baby is born, other concerns arise. First of all, you need to go through many doctors, monitor the child’s weight, height, and development.

Who should monitor the health of newborns?

From the first days of life, doctors monitor the baby’s health, and as soon as the child turns 1 month old, parents need to go with the newborn to the children’s clinic at their place of residence. When you first visit the clinic, you need to see several doctors, a list of whom will be posted in the lobby of the medical institution. This visit is mandatory for all newborns who are over 1 month old, so you should prepare for it carefully.

What to consider when preparing

As soon as the newborn turns 1 month old, parents need to find out what day the children's hospital is scheduled to receive babies. This day is called “infant day”. Thanks to this, in order to go through the mandatory doctors, you will not have to stand in a huge queue, since doctors will only see babies who are under 1 year old. There is no need to go to an appointment if the newborn is not healthy; in this case, you should reschedule the visit, and if necessary, call medical workers by phone to your home.

Clothes for the baby should be chosen that can be easily removed or unbuttoned. Therefore, you should not wear sweaters or sweatshirts that will have to be taken off over your head. A breastfeeding mother should also choose comfortable clothing so that she can easily breastfeed her baby if necessary. You need to feed a newborn not only at the appointed time, but also if the child is afraid of the doctors or simply begins to be capricious.

If you have a sling, it is better to use it to transport the baby instead of a stroller. After all, the stroller will be left unattended for some time, and no one is responsible for its safety. When visiting the clinic, it is advisable for the mother to take with her a so-called support group, which can be:

  1. Spouse.
  2. Sister or friend.
  3. Grandmother of a newborn.

After all, the list of doctors is quite large, so mom may need to go away for good reason, and at this time his relatives will remain with the baby so that he feels completely safe.

What things will be useful for a child in the clinic in 2018-2019

You definitely need to take some things with you to the clinic, but you shouldn’t pack large bags for visiting doctors. The following things should be on hand:

  • 2-3 diapers;
  • 2-3 small baby diapers;
  • moistened wipes;
  • favorite toy;
  • 2 baby bottles: 1 with water, and 2 with baby food, if the newborn is not fed breast milk at 1 month;
  • We should not forget about the pacifier if the baby feels more relaxed with it.

Of course, these things may not be useful, but parents will still be able to feel much calmer if everything they need is at hand.

Which doctors should you see on your first visit to a medical institution?

If the baby is completely healthy, all the necessary things for him have been collected, and he is 1 month old, you can safely go to a children's medical institution. But it’s better to know in advance which doctors you should see in the hospital. The list of doctors is as follows:

  1. Pediatrician who works in the neonatal area.
  2. A neuropathologist who monitors the development of the nervous system of infants.
  3. Pediatric surgeon.
  4. Orthopedist, ENT and ophthalmologist.

It may happen that at 1 month the baby will be scheduled to visit a urologist if, during examination, undescended testicles are noticed in boys.

Children's therapist

First of all, you need to go to the pediatrician’s office, who treats all children in the area where the child is registered. During the examination, the pediatrician will do the following:

  • weigh the baby and measure its height;
  • measure the circumference of the chest and head;
  • assess the overall development of the baby at 1 month, while comparing the obtained indicators with those that were at discharge from the maternity hospital.

In addition, the doctor will listen to the newborn’s heartbeat and lungs, massage the abdominal area and examine the oral cavity. During the examination, parents can ask the doctor any questions about their child's health. After all the planned examinations that the doctor needs to conduct, the doctor will give an opinion on the condition and determine a certain health group for the 1-month-old child.

Examination by a neurologist

If you are wondering which doctors should see a newborn, then a neurologist is definitely included. During the examination, the doctor will evaluate the following:

  • development of the nervous system of a 1 month old baby;
  • how his muscle tone in his limbs works;
  • what is the condition of the children's fontanel?

Parents need to be told how the baby behaves, how long he sleeps and stays awake, how he eats and what skills he already has.

What should the surgeon examine?

When visiting a pediatric surgeon, the doctor will examine the entire body of the newborn, carefully palpating the abdominal area, as well as the rings around the baby’s navel.

Visit to an orthopedist

When you visit your orthopedist, you will be examined to see how your muscles and skeletal system at 1 month of the baby's life. The doctor will evaluate how much the newborn can spread his legs, whether the folds on the limbs are symmetrical, and how the hip part of the body develops.

Visit to an ENT and ophthalmologist

Visits to these doctors are required for infants 1 month old if they were born prematurely. But in any case, an examination by these doctors will not be superfluous for any child.

In this article:

From the first moments of life, a newborn is faced with many medical manipulations. Even a healthy baby is not spared this fate - from birth he is constantly monitored, body parameters are measured, and the development of organs and systems is studied. Doctors try to identify all pathologies in the child’s body in 1 month of a child’s life: birth defects development and incipient diseases. Many problems diagnosed at an early stage are easier to treat.

After leaving the walls of the maternity hospital, the newborn comes under the close attention of a pediatrician and a local nurse at home. The first examination of the child at 1 month will take place in the children's clinic. The pediatrician will not only examine the little patient, but will also tell the young parents which doctors their newborns need to see at 1 month.

Medical examination of a newborn in the first month of life

The newborn's first visit to the doctor occurs the day after discharge from the hospital. The pediatrician will come without a special call: the medical staff of the maternity hospital will report the arrival of the newborn at the place of residence at the clinic. In the first month of life, a specialist will visit the baby once a week. If the child’s condition raises any concerns (for example, the baby has a cold or has trouble latching), visits will be more frequent. Also, the newborn will be visited by a local nurse - also up to 4 times during the month.

You need to prepare in advance for the pediatrician’s arrival, write down all the questions that interest the young mother. at the moment so as not to forget anything. The doctor should be comfortable examining the child. As a rule, during the examination the baby should be completely undressed, since the specialist needs to assess his condition. skin and mucous membranes, heart rate and breathing, muscle tone and reflexes.

During the visit, the doctor advises the young mother on nutrition and baby care. Later, the specialist will invite the parents and the baby to the clinic for a routine examination of the child at 1 month.

The first examination by a pediatrician in a clinic is most interesting for young parents. During it, the doctor will not only examine the baby, but will also carry out control measurements and weigh the child. Most often, in the first month of life, babies gain 500-700 grams and add 2-3 cm in length. After the examination, the local nurse writes out referrals for consultations with specialists, tests and additional examinations, as well as to the vaccination office.

What doctors should I see?

The list of doctors that a newborn needs to see at 1 month is not small.


The main task of a neurologist is to monitor the neuropsychic and mental development of the child, as well as control over his motor activity. At 1 month, a neurologist checks the presence of congenital reflexes and their gradual extinction. The baby may have increased or, conversely, decreased muscle tone, which will be the basis for prescribing a baby massage.

If in doubt, the doctor will write a referral for an ultrasound scan of the brain. You need to undergo an examination immediately, while the child’s fontanelle remains open. In the future, the doctor will evaluate the baby’s development of new skills, for example: the ability to smile, roll over, sit, get up on all fours, and much more.


For the first time, an ophthalmologist will examine a newborn in the maternity hospital for congenital eye pathologies. A routine examination of a child at 1 month will allow a specialist to examine the baby’s fundus, the condition of his lacrimal glands and assess the tendency to strabismus and other visual impairments. The doctor will check whether the baby can focus his gaze on a separate object. During the examination, the eyelid and obstruction of the tear ducts are most often diagnosed.

Often the diagnosis of a neurologist depends on the diagnosis of an ophthalmologist - in recent years Many children in the first year of life have certain problems with the vessels of the brain and fundus of the eye.


A child's medical examination at 1 month necessarily includes a visit to an otolaryngologist. A child at this age will undergo otoacoustic testing for the first time. It is not painful at all and is safe for the baby. A specialist will use a special device to check the child’s hearing and also examine the tonsils and nasal passages.

During an examination, an ENT doctor can identify the following problems in a baby::

  • hearing impairment, complete absence any reaction to sound stimuli;
  • sulfur plugs;
  • difficulty or absence of nasal breathing;
  • ear pain, otitis media;
  • foreign bodies in the ENT organs.

A specialist can also advise a young mother about why her baby is having trouble or refusing to suckle from a bottle: it may be due to ear pain. If everything is in order, then the next examination by an ENT doctor will not be coming soon for the baby - at 12 months.


The surgeon evaluates the child’s reflex development, the presence of hypo- or hypertonicity of the muscles, and diagnoses umbilical and inguinal hernias. In male infants, the external genitalia are carefully examined to exclude pathological conditions such as cryptorchidism, dropsy, failure of the testicles to descend into the scrotum, and hypospadias.

The surgeon may also note abnormalities in the structure of the newborn’s body. Most often, anomalies such as lymphangioma, damage to blood vessels and internal organs are detected. If necessary, the specialist gives a referral for children's massage or explains how to work with the child at home, which muscle groups are important to pay attention to.


An orthopedist examines a 1-month-old child in the clinic, assessing the development of his musculoskeletal system. The doctor may detect diseases such as clubfoot, congenital dislocation of the hip joint, dysplasia or underdevelopment of the hip joints. Dysplasia needs to be identified as early as possible, before the baby learns to stand on his feet. To exclude this diagnosis, almost all children are prescribed additional ultrasound of the hip joints.

During the examination, the orthopedist will carefully examine the newborn, actively bending and spreading his legs to the sides and performing other manipulations. The baby may not like this approach, but this is important, since the doctor can detect a variety of pathologies in the development of the musculoskeletal system. For example, torticollis, in which the child can only turn his head in one direction. The specialist will also give recommendations on home exercises and the treatment of dysplasia, which must be followed.

Vaccination room

If a newborn has received all the necessary vaccinations in the maternity hospital, then at 1 month he needs to receive another one - against hepatitis. The vaccine is injected into the baby's large muscle - the buttock or lower leg. Before visiting the vaccination office, you must show your child to your local doctor. The pediatrician will assess the body’s readiness for vaccination and rule out the presence of infections. Vaccination can only be carried out if the newborn is in absolute health.

Additional examinations

Newborns must undergo tests at 1 month of age. As a rule, this is a general blood and urine test. To carry out tests for a newborn at 1 month, you need to collect any portion of urine, preferably the first morning.

Unfortunately, this is not always possible with such young children, since newborns urinate more often than adults. Therefore, it’s okay that the portion of urine for testing in newborns at 1 month will not be the first, no. The most important thing is to wash your baby well before collecting urine. For convenience, you can use a special urinal bag. Blood for analysis of a 1-month-old newborn can also be donated at any time, regardless of food intake.

As an additional examination of a newborn at 1 month, the doctor prescribes an ECG (electrocardiogram), the purpose of which is to diagnose diseases of the heart and blood vessels, in particular, to exclude heart defects, cardiopathy and much more.

Screening of a child at 1 month necessarily includes an ultrasound examination of the brain and hip joints.

Prescribed to all children over 1 month of age to identify abnormalities in the functioning of the nervous system. The first ultrasound examination is mandatory; in the future, they can be prescribed by a neurologist at his own discretion.

Ultrasound of the brain is most relevant in patients after complicated pregnancy and childbirth, with low results, with neuropsychic and physical developmental delays, with hypo- or hypertonicity of the muscular system.

Ultrasound examination of the hip joints is also mandatory for all newborns. The study helps to diagnose congenital hip dislocation and hip dysplasia in a timely manner. Treatment of these pathological conditions is effective only in the first year of life, while the baby has not yet begun to stand up and walk independently.

Of course, observing a newborn in the first month of life and his first visit to the clinic to a pediatrician and specialists is very important point in the life of the baby and his parents. The latter may once again make sure their child is growing and developing appropriately for their age.

If any deviations are detected, there is no need to panic or sound the alarm. Most pathological conditions can be successfully treated in the first year of life; the main thing is not to delay the prescribed treatment and follow all the doctor’s recommendations.

Useful video about examining a baby by a pediatrician