Can thrush interfere with the conception and birth of a healthy child? Is it possible to get pregnant if you have gynecological and other diseases? Can biochemistry interfere with conception?

The health of their unborn child directly depends on the health of parents. At the same time, factors such as lifestyle and eating habits that both parents followed before conception have a huge influence.

Therefore, when planning a pregnancy, not only the woman, but also the man should be very careful about their health in order to eliminate all that what can interfere with conception , make adjustments to your lifestyle and diet.

So, ?

Take a medical test

The expectant mother needs to visit a gynecologist before pregnancy. Examination, consultation, ultrasound of the reproductive organs, examination of the cervix - these simple measures will help identify whether or not it can cause complications during the period of bearing a child. At first glance, harmless diseases, such as cervical dysplasia, can result in dangerous complications during pregnancy.

Don't forget to visit your dentist and have any bad teeth treated. During pregnancy, eliminating this problem will be much more difficult. Firstly, almost all types of anesthesia are contraindicated for pregnant women; they should not have x-rays and it is better to avoid any contact with chemicals. Secondly, a diseased tooth is a potential source of infection, which can negatively affect the condition of the fetus and lead to the development of late toxicosis or even cause premature birth.

To get rid of possible foci of infection, also visit an otolaryngologist. It is more effective and safer to treat “ear, nose and throat” before pregnancy.

Have your fundus and retina checked by an ophthalmologist. If the retina turns out to be weak, the doctor will prescribe measures to strengthen it so that it does not detach during childbirth.

Sometimes, before pregnancy, consultations with specialized specialists are essential. Pregnancy can be difficult for women who suffer from severe forms of diabetes, heart disease, bronchial asthma, and cardiovascular diseases. In these cases, you need to undergo examination by a primary specialist and, if pregnancy is not contraindicated, obtain an appropriate conclusion from him. For women with chronic diseases, the doctor will recommend how to prevent exacerbations during pregnancy.

If the future mother or father had cases of congenital pathologies, mental disorders or hemophilia in their family, consultation with a geneticist is required. The doctor will determine the risk of inheriting the disease and give recommendations on how to reduce it.

It is advisable for future fathers to visit a urologist.

Get tested

Both expectant parents should be tested:

    For chlamydia, mycoplasma, ureaplasma, trichominade.

    For HIV and hepatitis.

The expectant mother should definitely undergo additional tests:

    Extended smear test for STDs.

    Cytological examination for cancer cells.

    Blood test for TORCH infections (toxoplasmosis, rubella, herpes, cytomegallovirus).

    Check for the presence of antibodies to diseases that may be dangerous to the fetus. For example, if antibodies to rubella are not detected, then it is necessary to get vaccinated to eliminate the risk of infection during pregnancy. At least three months must pass from the moment of vaccination to pregnancy.

Give up bad habits

Pregnancy is the most serious reason to quit smoking. Moreover, not only the mother, but also the future father should give up cigarettes. In men who smoke, the quality of sperm and the condition of the genetic material deteriorate. In women, nicotine impairs the production of sex hormones, disrupts the ovulation process, .

Women need to give up coffee or at least reduce its consumption. Another unwanted guest in the diet of an expectant mother is table salt. Eat it as little as possible.

Men should refrain from going to the sauna and bathhouse, because elevated temperatures lead to a deterioration in the quality of sperm.

Adjust your diet

2-3 months before conception, it is better to remove foods containing preservatives, dyes and flavor enhancers from the table. These are usually semi-finished products, fast food, smoked meats. Minimize your consumption of fried foods and foods with trans fats. Consumption of these products leads to disturbances in cellular metabolism, preventing adequate nutrition of cells. This, in turn, is fraught with disruptions in the functioning of various organs and systems, including the reproductive system, and negatively affects the menstrual cycle, what prevents pregnancy .

You should also completely abstain from alcohol.

Include in your diet more vegetables and fruits, foods rich in fiber (lentils, legumes, wholemeal bread, whole rice), fish, especially sea fish containing Omega 3 fatty acids, dairy products and foods rich in iron (dried fruits, liver, lean red meat, oatmeal).

Take your vitamins

We are used to hearing the word “vitaminosis” and are no longer afraid of it, but in vain. It is the lack of vitamins and minerals that often becomes the very factor what can prevent you from getting pregnant . So, sometimes a lack of folic acid (vitamin B 9) does not allow the egg to attach to the wall of the uterus.

Unfortunately, the quality of food is steadily declining, and today even the most optimal diet cannot provide the body with the full range of nutrients necessary for the proper functioning of the reproductive system, ensuring the processes of conception, cell division and fetal development.

Therefore, if you take a responsible approach to pregnancy planning and are wondering “ what you need to conceive a healthy baby ", then you cannot do without including additional vitamins and minerals in your diet. Moreover, the vitamin complex necessary for the expectant mother will be radically different from that required by the expectant father.

A vitamin preparation has been developed especially for expectant mothers “ Pregnoton" It contains folic acid, vitamins B6, E, C, arginine, selenium, magnesium, zinc, chasteberry extract. Taking Pregnoton should start 3 months before planned conception. In most cases, this period is enough to normalize the functioning of the female reproductive system.

Pregnoton does not contain hormones, but it contains substances that eliminate hormonal imbalances in the body of the expectant mother. In particular, Pregnoton helps to cope with the increased production of prolactin, a hormone that interferes with pregnancy.

The future father at the stage of preparation for conception will benefit from a combined drug "Spematon". "Spematon" contains components necessary for the maturation of high-quality sperm: L-carnitine, vitamin E, zinc. The amino acid L-carnitine increases sperm motility and concentration, stimulates spermatogenesis, and improves the morphological structure of sperm cells. Zinc is necessary for the production of the hormone testosterone and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), which are responsible for sperm production. Vitamin E increases sperm motility and improves their viability. Spematon should be taken 3 months before the expected conception.

Lead an active lifestyle

As practice shows, regular physical activity before conception significantly facilitates the course of pregnancy, promotes easy childbirth and shortens the postpartum recovery period. Just don't overdo it! Now is not the time for weightlifting or running marathons. It is better to pay attention to sports such as swimming, yoga, Pilates, bodyflex, and belly dancing.

Remember: Preparing for pregnancy is a great reason to change your habits. Brush up on the rules of healthy eating, give up alcohol and smoking, take vitamins, lead an active lifestyle and avoid stress.

The onset of pregnancy is the most joyful and desirable moment in the life of spouses. And if both are ready to take this serious step and can’t wait to see the coveted two stripes, then of course the question arises of how to bring this long-awaited moment closer. In this case, many begin to recognize what are the ways to get pregnant quickly?.

Of course, there are no such methods of conception that guarantee instant, 100% results. But still, there is a way that maximizes the chances of conceiving a child. This method of rapid pregnancy is associated with calculating the onset of ovulation. After all, as you know, a woman can become pregnant only when the egg leaves the follicle and is ready for fertilization. It is worth noting that a cell that is mature and ready for fertilization lives in the female body for about a day, after which it dies; this nuance is also very important for future parents. So, there are several ways to correctly calculate the time of ovulation.

The simplest one is using a special test. As a rule, ovulation occurs on the 14th day from the first day of the cycle, and therefore five days before the expected date, you need to do this test every day (you can buy it at any pharmacy). When a positive result is obtained, within 24 hours the egg should leave the follicle and be ready for fertilization.

The next method involves measuring the temperature in the rectum or vagina. This should be done every morning without getting out of bed. During the first phase of the menstrual cycle, the temperature will be stable, and during the period of ovulation, it will sharply decrease by about 0.4-0.6 degrees.

In addition, the list of requirements to get pregnant faster should include a healthy diet and lifestyle. After all, these factors greatly influence the possibility of conception. And this applies to both parents.

It is very important to avoid stress and be as nervous as possible. Massages and relaxing treatments will not be superfluous. Healthy sleep and proper rest are also very important.

Giving up bad habits, especially alcohol and smoking, will bring you much closer to your dream. Not only are these bad habits harmful to health, but they also contribute to the liver producing a hormone that prevents ovulation.

Proper nutrition will not only increase your chances of conceiving, but also ensure that your pregnancy progresses smoothly. Therefore, it is important to include in your diet as many vegetables, fruits, porridge, and dairy products as possible, but at the same time exclude fatty, smoked, fried foods, as well as sweets and foods with dyes and dubious additives.

And lastly: you need to stop taking medications, especially antibiotics, analgesics and antihistamines.

The main factors preventing you from getting pregnant

The ability to conceive is influenced by many factors: the environment, health, and stress. Even the choice of profession is one of these factors. For example, in men who work with paints and varnishes, the quality of sperm deteriorates, and the same applies to dentists who inhale substances administered to patients.

But among the main factors preventing pregnancy, doctors identify the following.

Age after 35 years

According to doctors, the most optimal age for a woman to give birth to a child is from 25 to 35 years. After all, after 35, the risk of developing pathology in a child increases, in addition, a woman accumulates chronic diseases, and the condition of her eggs worsens. As for men, the chances of becoming a father decrease significantly after 40 years of age, as testosterone synthesis decreases.

Having a sexually transmitted disease

In medical practice, there are more than forty varieties of such diseases. Among the most dangerous: syphilis, HIV, gonorrhea, chlamydia. Such diseases lead to inflammation of the genital organs, which can result in infertility.

Weight problems

A weight deviation of 10-15% from the norm (overweight, excessive thinness) can also affect reproductive functions. Since weight problems usually indicate disorders and can cause irregular menstrual cycles.

Use of contraceptives

This statement does not apply to all contraceptives, but only to long-term effects, such as injections, subcutaneous implants. Depending on their varieties, conception after the end of their influence can occur from 3 months to a year and a half. Therefore, their choice must be approached very responsibly and only with medical advice.

Taking antibiotics

Factors that prevent you from getting pregnant also include taking antibiotics. All because the antibiotic disrupts the vaginal microflora.

Environment, bad habits, specific working conditions, stress

All of the above can significantly reduce your chances of getting pregnant. It is for this reason that doctors never tire of repeating the importance of leading a healthy lifestyle, giving up smoking and alcohol, and protecting yourself from stress as much as possible. After all, our health and the health of future children depends to a greater extent on ourselves.

Take the test

Is your child afraid of dogs?

Excess weight does not just cause discomfort and aesthetic inconvenience. It often causes problems with conception.

Many people wonder how excess weight affects the conception of a child in women. Every unnecessary kilogram negatively affects your overall health and is a prerequisite for serious diseases. Extra pounds hinder conception, negatively affecting the menstrual cycle.

Excess weight prevents a woman from becoming pregnant because adipose tissue is hormonally active. It produces estrogens (sex hormones).

As the amount of fat increases, hormone levels increase, and “a lot” becomes the exact opposite of “good.” In 25% of cases of infertility in a family, the cause is obesity in the man.

In men

Additional kilos have a detrimental effect on the ability to produce offspring in men. Excess weight and conception are two related concepts in the field of male fertility. Unnecessary kilograms lead to a decrease in the normal number of sperm and impair their motility, because adipose tissue is an endocrine organ that produces estrogens. An excess of these hormones contributes to the formation of a small number of male germ cells. Medicine has found that excess weight in men reduces the chances of conceiving a child.

In women

Increased body weight prevents a woman from becoming pregnant. In a plump woman, pregnancy occurs 30% less often than in a girl with normal weight.

Such representatives of the fair half of humanity often risk termination of pregnancy - spontaneous miscarriage occurs in the first trimester.

Overweight girls who are in an interesting position are often susceptible to the following diseases:

  • diabetes mellitus;
  • hypertension;
  • impaired renal function.

With increased body weight, the contractile activity of the uterus is impaired and it is much more difficult to give birth naturally. For obese patients, cesarean section is preferably recommended. To diagnose the condition, a woman needs to consult a fertility specialist and nutritionist.

The effect of adipose tissue on hormones

Fat cells play a significant role in the hormonal regulation of the menstrual cycle. In obese girls, the level of male hormones is almost three times higher than normal. As a result, women are often unable to conceive, their menstrual cycle is disrupted, and male-pattern hair growth is observed.

The first menstruation in girls occurs when the mass of fat cells reaches the required level. This occurs during puberty.

The early onset of menstruation in a girl is a “bell” about extra pounds in the future.

Favorable weight before pregnancy

Excess fat deposits, as well as insufficient ones, can cause failure to conceive. Therefore, childbearing is just one of the problems caused by extra pounds. There is such a thing as a favorable weight, at which men and women can “make” a child without any problems (if there are no other violations).

Male weight

We will pay due attention to how excess weight affects conception in representatives of the stronger half of humanity. It is a mistake to believe that unnecessary kilograms of a man’s body do not in any way affect the ability to fertilize.

Excess body weight is a significant obstacle to childbearing: sperm count and sperm motility decrease. Extra pounds negatively affect hormonal levels. Fat deposited on the abdomen overheats the scrotum area, which is detrimental to sperm. Overweight men experience erectile dysfunction in 95% of cases.

According to statistics, in half of infertile couples the man has an extra 10-15 kilograms.

Women's weight

It is impossible to say what the ideal weight for girls should be, since each has a different body mass index (BMI - the ratio of body weight and height of a person). It is this that is the determining factor in the question: how to get pregnant while overweight?

Gynecologists advise girls to stick to a BMI between 19 and 25. You should think about this in advance - establish proper nutrition, resume sports, and, if necessary, consult a nutritionist.

How to get pregnant with fullness

If you have unnecessary pounds, how to successfully get pregnant with excess weight? First of all, contact a specialist who will determine your BMI and make some recommendations. To conceive a baby, you need to normalize your weight, since excess weight has a negative effect on conception.

When you and your partner decide it's time to have a baby, you feel happy and scared at the same time. Many women can get pregnant right away, but more than 10% (US data) have difficulty conceiving. Before you try to get pregnant, find out what can prevent a woman from conceiving and carrying a child, and when it is important to consult a doctor as soon as possible. The faster you resolve all issues related to the problem, the greater your chances of getting pregnant safely and giving birth to a healthy baby.

What factors prevent a woman from getting pregnant?

1. General health

General health is the most important factor affecting a woman's fertility.

Excess weight. Although many women with excess body weight give birth to children, a large number of studies show that it greatly affects fertility and prevents pregnancy. The most interesting results, for example: the majority of women who seek medical help for difficulties conceiving are obese; their risk of infertility is three times higher; the chance of pregnancy decreases by 5% for every unit greater than 29.

Underweight. A BMI below 18.5 is considered underweight, making pregnancy difficult. Being underweight can also cause your periods to become irregular or disappear. This may be a sign that you are not ovulating (the release of an egg from the ovary every month), which is necessary for conception. If you don't have your period, gain weight to achieve a healthy BMI.

Poor nutrition. You may not be getting enough vitamins and nutrients, which is also not conducive to a normal pregnancy. It is also important to reduce your alcohol consumption and quit smoking.

Hormonal disorders. If you have irregular menstrual cycles due to hormonal disorders, ovulation also occurs irregularly.

Autoimmune diseases. Thyroid disease, lupus, diabetes and arthritis can reduce fertility.

Other information you should tell your doctor: have you had (when, how much, why, etc.), premenstrual syndrome or painful menstruation, nipple discharge. You should also report all cases that required surgical intervention (abortion, abdominal surgery, removal of the appendix, etc.). Your doctor will help you improve your fertility by considering the factors above.

2. Gynecological diseases

a) Endometriosis

This pathology is caused by the growth of the endometrium (inner uterine lining) outside the walls of the uterus and occurs in 6-10% of women. In 30-50% of them it is the cause of infertility. Endometriosis can occur in the bladder, ovaries, fallopian tubes and intestines. This can lead to the formation of scars and cysts on the ovaries, which prevents the implantation of the egg in the uterus.

It can and should be treated. To do this, you should tell your doctor if you have a family history of endometriosis, how painful your periods are, if you experience pain during intercourse, or if you have heavy bleeding or bowel tenderness during your period. And even if you don't have pain, your doctor will do everything possible to look for endometriosis.

b) Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)

d) Other problems

3. Obstruction of the fallopian tubes

One 2013 study found that tubal obstruction was responsible for 19% of primary and 29% of secondary infertility cases. The pathology consists in the presence of scars, adhesions and, as a result, obstruction of the egg. The condition can be a consequence of untreated sexually transmitted diseases, abortions and genitourinary tract infections. If you have had any of these problems, you should tell your doctor:

  • Surgical interventions in the genitourinary area (appendix, fallopian tubes or ovaries)
  • Sexually transmitted diseases (chlamydia, syphilis or gonorrhea)
  • History of pain and fever due to problems in the genitourinary system

Early intervention in treating this problem means your doctor can take advantage of opportunities to check and clear your tubes, increasing your chances of having a normal pregnancy

4. Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)

According to WHO, every year there are 357 million new cases of infection with one of four STDs: chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis and trichomoniasis. This does not include the 500 million people with completely incurable genital herpes and the 290 million women with human papillomavirus. The diseases may not cause obvious symptoms, which occurs more often in women than in men. This means that a woman may have a sexually transmitted disease without treatment, causing scarring. To avoid future problems, use the following precautions:

  • If you are intimate with more than one partner, use a condom every time you have sex.
  • Remember that sexual intercourse with more than one partner increases the risk of sexually transmitted diseases
  • If you suspect you have an STD, see your doctor immediately and make sure your partner gets treatment as well.

5. Unhealthy lifestyle

Pay attention to lifestyle factors that may interfere with conception and disrupt pregnancy. These include:

Smoking. Smoking is not only harmful to the growing fetus. It may reduce your chances of conceiving because it reduces estrogen levels and increases testosterone. Quit smoking before you decide to get pregnant to increase your chances.

Alcohol. Drinking alcohol increases the risk of infertility and, during pregnancy, miscarriage. Additionally, if you become pregnant, alcohol in the early weeks can cause serious damage to the fetus before you even know you are pregnant. That's why you need to forget about alcohol before planning to conceive.

Caffeine. Reduce your intake or better yet, avoid it altogether. Caffeine has been shown to increase the risk of miscarriage and possibly reduce fertility.

6. Other factors that prevent pregnancy

Medicines. Painkillers, antidepressants, antibiotics and other drugs can affect your ability to conceive. Check with your doctor to find out what you can take.

Mature age. Women over 35 have a harder time conceiving. With age, according to statistics, a woman’s ability to conceive decreases, and the risk of miscarriage and the birth of a child with genetic disorders increases. A woman's ovaries become less active and produce fewer eggs.

Herbal remedies. For example, echinacea and St. John's wort in high concentrations can negatively affect sperm. Since the topic of herbs has not been fully studied, both men and women need to be careful with them.

Anorexia and bulimia. Both of these eating disorders disrupt normal eating and can lead to infertility.

How is infertility determined and treated?

If your doctor, after reviewing your medical history, diagnoses you as likely to be infertile, you may be ordered the following tests:

  • Urine and blood tests to study hormones, thyroid, ovarian and pituitary function.
  • Examination of the pelvic area.
  • Breast examination.
  • A sample of cervical mucus and other tissue samples to check for ovulation.
  • Laparoscopy to look for obstructions, scars, fallopian tube adhesions and ovarian diseases.
  • Hysterosalpingography to check the patency of the fallopian tubes
  • Hysteroscopy to examine the uterine cavity.
  • Ultrasound to check the condition of the ovaries and the presence of cysts.
  • Sonohysterography for ultrasound examination during the introduction of saline solution into the uterine cavity.

Your doctor may tell you to measure daily

Well, why does it turn out this way: some couples manage to become parents without much effort, while others achieve their cherished goal with incredible difficulty, and they try so hard and make such incredible efforts that they often harm themselves and slow down the onset of pregnancy. When, after a month, two or three, pregnancy does not occur, many spouses are seized by real panic, and they make a lot of mistakes. Which ones exactly? Natalya Aleksiychuk, head of the consultative and diagnostic unit of the Zhytomyr Regional Perinatal Center, spoke about this.

Don't know anything about your health

The main mistake of many married couples who are determined to become parents is that they know nothing about their own health. After all, if nothing hurts or bothers you, this does not mean that everything is in order in the body. You must first go to a regular family doctor and undergo basic tests in order to know how healthy the spouses are. For example, recently a woman in her 20s came to the perinatal center. She said that she got married, soon became pregnant, and at 20 weeks of pregnancy she went to register. During the examinations, it unexpectedly turned out that she only has one kidney! The woman had never been sick, never consulted a doctor, and had no idea about such a serious defect in her own body. The fact is that during pregnancy, the load on the only kidney increases greatly; the kidney works almost to the limit of its capabilities and may not cope. Therefore, the doctors were very afraid for the life of the baby and the pregnant woman herself. The woman spent almost the entire period in the department of pathology of pregnant women under the scrupulous supervision of doctors. Fortunately, everything ended with the successful birth of the baby by caesarean section, although earlier than expected. There are a lot of similar cases. People may not even be aware of the problems in their body, and when pregnancy has already occurred, it can be quite difficult to deal with illnesses.

But, even if the doctor does not reveal any serious abnormalities in health, he will probably advise the woman to take folic acid - a drug that prevents malformations of the nervous system in the unborn baby. This is also very important for the upcoming pregnancy and will not be superfluous at all.

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Living in constant stress

If pregnancy does not occur within several months, then many spouses (especially the woman) begin to worry greatly, and stress can become the reason that prevents them from conceiving a baby. With constant stress, a large amount of the hormone cortisol is produced, which reduces the chances of getting pregnant. The production of stress hormones has a bad effect on all hormonal regulation and especially on the ovaries. The hormone prolactin is also associated with stress, which suppresses ovulation, the egg does not develop normally, does not mature, and as a result, infertility occurs.

If pregnancy does not occur within several months, this does not mean anything! You need to worry when you cannot get pregnant within a year. Then you should consult a doctor and look for the cause. And if the year is still far away, you need to relax and calm down. You can start meditating, doing yoga, loading yourself up with your favorite work so that your thoughts are occupied with other things. You can’t plan your pregnancy too much – fate doesn’t like that. Live calmly and remember: everything has its time. And if you are tormented, then so-called psychogenic infertility may occur due to constant stress.

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Don't follow your man

Many women are so focused on themselves that they forget about the man who strives to become the father of a child. The fact is that, according to statistics, in 65% of cases the man is to blame for the absence of children. A sedentary lifestyle, excess weight, bad habits and a love of beer reduce a man's chances of becoming a father. Not everyone knows that beer contains female sex hormones - phytoestrogens, which suppress male sex hormones. In male beer lovers, even the figure becomes effeminate over time. In addition, female sex hormones enter the male body through plastic dishes, since the molecule that makes up the plastic is similar in its chemical structure to the molecule of estrogen (the female sex hormone). And if you consider that men eat a lot of foods with all sorts of chemical additives, which are also close in structure to estrogens, then the quality of their sperm deteriorates greatly. Research shows that 70% of men have negative changes in their sperm count.

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Making love too often

Women who cannot get pregnant often admit that they and their husbands make love every day, and even several times. They believe that in this way they increase a woman's chances of becoming pregnant. However, in fact, the opposite is true: they themselves prevent themselves from conceiving a child! Too frequent intimate relationships, as well as too rare ones, lead to the fact that the sperm either does not have time to mature or grows old. Full-fledged sperm matures from 2 to 5 days and therefore the most optimal mode of lovemaking is 2-3 times a week. Thus, the spouses enable the sperm to be full and ready to fertilize the egg.

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Make mistakes in calculations

Many women do not know when they ovulate - the most favorable period for conception. For most, it occurs approximately in the middle of the cycle (if the cycle is 28-32 days), but this does not happen for everyone, since for some the cycle is noticeably longer, and there are women whose cycle is not regular. Therefore, it is better to use a test to determine ovulation, or you can determine the moment of ovulation using a regular thermometer. In the morning, without getting out of bed, you need to measure the basal temperature in the rectum with a thermometer. Measurements should be taken every day and recorded. When the temperature rises to 37 and 2, this is the middle of the cycle, the moment of ovulation. That is, the moment the ovary ruptures and the follicle exits into the abdominal cavity. During this period, the chances of conceiving a child are maximum. If you know exactly when you ovulate, then 5 days before it it is advisable to take a break from intimate relationships so that the sperm is sufficiently mature and conception takes place. By the way, if sexual intercourse occurs closer to ovulation, then the likelihood of conceiving a girl is higher than a boy.

Use questionable techniques

Women who are unable to get pregnant often resort to various folk methods, in particular, douching with decoctions of various herbs on the advice of traditional healers. Or use a weak soda solution for douching to make the environment alkaline and create favorable conditions for conception. However, doctors believe that active douching with anything most often causes harm, since the liquid washes out the normal microflora. And soda can aggravate inflammatory processes, erosion and other diseases that a woman may not even be aware of.

In addition, some believe that in order to conceive a child you should go and take a steam bath. There, they say, people relax, which has a beneficial effect on the entire body and on the mental state of both spouses. However, high temperatures slow down sperm movement, reducing a couple's chances of conceiving.