Very tasty winter tomatoes with parsley. Salad with red tomatoes, onions and parsley

Parsley in a marinade shares its spicy, aromatic bitterness with vegetables, making tomatoes more appetizing. French chefs adore this spice so much that they even make a separate dish from parsley! Well, pickled tomatoes with parsley are... universal recipe. Such delicacies are suitable not only as a snack. The aromatic pulp can be used in sauces and gravies.

To prepare pickled tomatoes with parsley you will need:

  • Tomatoes are approximately the same size.
  • Onions - several rings in each jar.
  • Garlic - approximately 1 clove for every liter.
  • Parsley - depending on the variety (5-6 sprigs per liter, but more is possible).
  • The proportions for the marinade are strict.
  • For 1 liter of water you will need 2 tbsp. l. unrefined oil, 2 tbsp. sugar and salt.
  • Table vinegar 1 table spoon (pour under the lid).

Since tomatoes will have to be cut, choose firm varieties with dense flesh and minimum quantity juice It is better not to use overripe vegetables. Leave them for lecho or sauces.

Here's how to prepare pickled tomatoes with parsley:

For the preparation, prepare jars with a small capacity (1 l)

Place onion rings and pieces of garlic cloves on the bottom.

Cut the tomatoes strictly into 4 parts. No need to grind. Otherwise it will turn out to be a mess.

Chop the parsley coarsely and carefully mix with the tomatoes, being careful not to overdo it so that the juice does not leak out. Let it remain in the marinade while rolling.

Which is the best parsley to choose? For pickling, it is better to use greens with tender, non-hardened cuttings. Leafy or curly - it doesn't matter.

Place the tomato-parsley mixture into jars. It looks very elegant. For greater effect, you can use multi-colored tomatoes.

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Place more onion rings on top.

Cook the marinade and pour into filled jars. Sterilize for 10 to 15 minutes. Don’t forget to pour vinegar under the lid of each jar (1 tbsp for 1 liter). Twist it.

Delicious ideas

Fragrant delicious tomatoes marinated with parsley can easily be called a salad. Pickled onions are also very tasty. The spicy garlic flavor makes the appetizer very appetizing. You can even use the marinade from this preparation, it’s so delicious! Want more original blanks? Try the recipe “Marinated hedgehog tomatoes.”

Pre-wash and sterilize the jar in a convenient way. Place the rings at the bottom of a clean, dry container. onions, chopped garlic, sweet slices bell pepper. Tomatoes will be more fragrant if you additionally add cumin, coriander, hot pepper chili, dry mustard powder. Be sure to wash the pepper, remove the stalk and clean the inside of the seed box.

We will select ripe whole tomatoes, wash them, and remove the stem. Cut into quarters and place on top of the spice layer. The denser the tomatoes, the better the snack will be preserved and will not turn into mush. Don’t forget to carefully mix the tomatoes with the herbs, this way the fruits will be better saturated with juice.

Place the next layer of coarsely chopped parsley, then again tomato slices. Instead of parsley, you can put dill in the jar.

We will repeat this until we run out of ingredients.

Prepare the marinade: pour cold water into a saucepan and bring to a boil. Pour into boiling water vegetable oil, add table salt and granulated sugar. Cook for a few minutes and turn off the heat. Immediately fill the jar of tomatoes with hot brine to the level of the top side and add table vinegar essence. Cover the jars with lids and set to sterilize for 15 minutes over moderate heat. It is important to maintain the amount of vinegar and spices so that the pickles do not spoil.

Carefully twist the jars, turn them upside down, wrap them in a cotton blanket, and leave to cool for a day.

Marinade is a key component of preparing tomatoes. The taste of the finished tomatoes will depend on it. And even if you find a recipe that suits your taste, the record with it may be lost until the next season.

This recipe for tomatoes with parsley for the winter is distinguished by its simplicity - it is very easy to remember, and step by step photos will help you prepare the marinade for the first time.

It also differs in that in addition to the traditional garlic, pepper and herbs, we also add parsley root to the jars. The marinade will be rich, with a pleasant aroma and slightly spicy - just to lick your fingers. Choose medium-sized tomatoes, yellow and red if possible, with thick skin.

From this number of components a liter jar of the product is obtained.


  • medium-sized tomatoes – 600-650 gr.,
  • parsley root – 4-5 cm,
  • parsley - 3-4 sprigs,
  • peppercorns (allspice and black) – 5-6 peas,
  • garlic – 2 cloves,
  • hot chilli pepper – 2 rings,
  • bay leaf– 1 pc.,
  • table salt – 0.5 tbsp. l.,
  • sugar – 0.5 tbsp. l.,
  • vinegar - 0.5 tbsp. l. (9% strength).,
  • water - approximately 0.5 liters.

How to seal tomatoes and parsley for the winter

Long, small tomatoes of the “cream” variety are best suited for pickling in liter jars - they have soft but dense skin and sweetish fleshy pulp. When soaked in marinade, they become very tasty! We wash the selected fruits and tear off the branches.

Throw the parsley sprigs rolled into a ring into the jar, add hot peppers, peppercorns, garlic, laurel leaves and parsley root cut into thin rounds.

Place tomatoes up to half the jar. To leave less empty space, shake the jars. Layer the tomatoes with parsley; you can add onion rings or carrot slices for taste.

Alternating yellow and red tomatoes, fill the jars to the top. We fill the voids with herbs or onions. Boil water and pour boiling water into the jars. Cover with a boiled lid and leave to warm up for ten minutes.

Then we pour the water back into the ladle - it will be useful as a base for the marinade. Add salt and sugar.

Let's pour vinegar. Heat the marinade, but not to a boil. Let's pour it into jars.

Pour into the pan hot water, put a towel. Place the jar with a lid to prevent boiling water from getting inside. Since our tomatoes have already warmed up and the marinade is hot, there is no need to sterilize the jars for a long time. For liter bottles, 8-10 minutes are enough, the time needs to be measured from the moment the water boils.

We take it out, holding it under the bottom. We tightly screw or seal the jars with a seaming machine. Cover, leave to cool slowly, and then put away for storage. Good luck with your preparations!

You can can tomatoes in different ways, they differ from each other not only in the additional vegetables included in the composition, but also in the recipe for preparing the brine. In this recipe, the brine absorbs the taste and aroma of onions and fresh parsley and transfers it to the main product. It differs from, already in that it does not include spices such as horseradish, hot pepper (although you can add it if you wish), and bay leaf. Onions and parsley from a jar serve not only as a flavor enhancer, they are also used as food. Moreover, pickled onions and parsley turn out crispy and very tasty. I suggest the quantity of products based on 1 three-liter cylinder.

What you will need:

  • ripe tomatoes -2 kg
  • onion - 2 pcs (large)
  • parsley - 10 sprigs
  • garlic - 4 cloves (not small)
  • salt - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. heaped spoon
  • hot pepper - optional
  • 1 dessert spoon of vinegar essence or 1 teaspoon of citric acid
  • as much water as will fit in a jar filled to the brim

As in the previous recipe, first of all, you should sort out the tomatoes and soak them in clean, cold water for 1 hour, change the water and leave them for another hour. It is very convenient when all the necessary ingredients are prepared in advance. In this recipe, I mean cut the onion into rings, wash the parsley and dry a little, peel the garlic and place it on the bottom of a sterilized jar. As I said, you can add hot pepper if you wish.

Now we lay the tomatoes, layering them with onions and parsley. Pour boiling water over the jars and leave for 30 minutes. Then, drain the water, put salt and sugar directly into the jar, at the rate of 1 tablespoon of salt and 1 tablespoon of sugar per three-liter bottle. Then add 1 dessert spoon vinegar essence and pour new boiling water.

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not specified

- fresh tomatoes,
- a bunch of parsley.

- 1 l. clean water,
- 150 gr. granulated sugar (6 tablespoons),
- 50 gr. salt (2 tablespoons),
- 90 gr. vinegar 9% (5 tablespoons),
- 5 black peppercorns.

Recipe with photos step by step:

How many tomatoes are needed for a certain volume can be concluded only by their size. I have in liter jar fits on average 600-700 g. tomatoes, therefore, marinade from 300-400 ml. When canning in a quart jar, you will need about one bunch of parsley.
We are taught from childhood that fruits and vegetables need to be washed before eating. In this case, our tomatoes are no exception; wash the vegetables thoroughly under running water. It is important that the tomatoes are free of cracks and tears; discard samples that are too soft, as well as samples irregular shape. Our ideal candidate is a tomato that is round in shape and slightly smaller than average. Cut the tomatoes into two halves and cut out the core to which the stalk is attached.
We also wash the parsley thoroughly and let it dry a little; extraneous moisture is an obstacle to preservation.

Place the tomatoes in jars treated with steam or boiled water, or possibly any other sterilization method, so that there is a “layer” of parsley between each piece.

At this time, our marinade is “puffing” on the stove. Add peppercorns, granulated sugar and salt to water brought to a boil, stir until they are completely dissolved in the water.

Add vinegar to jars already filled with vegetables: 2 tbsp per liter jar. spoons of vinegar. After our marinade has boiled again, fill the jars with it to the very neck.

Then we wrap them in a blanket, having previously placed them with the lid down. We also recommend using our preparation recipe, it is also very tasty.

Using slightly green fruits is good because they will hold their shape better, but the taste of ripe tomatoes is distinguished by its richness. Vinegar in the same proportion can be added to the marinade before directly bottling it into jars.
Bon appetit.
Starinskaya Lesya