Stone forest. Gebedzhin Ruins - Stone Forest

There are many unique places on our planet, imbued with mysticism and special energy. Scientists have been arguing about the origin of natural phenomena, fraught with many mysteries, for many years, but have not come to a common point of view.

Amazing places make people think about a lot, and this is exactly the miracle that Stone forest in Bulgaria, which grew up 50 million years ago near Varna and is an unusual ensemble of pillars of the most incredible shapes. For a long time, the huge massif had the glory of a sacred place, but the first mention of it appeared in the 19th century. But it was declared a natural monument under state protection relatively recently.

The first mention of a mysterious place

It is curious that the first journalist to describe the Stone Forest in Bulgaria was the Russian war correspondent V. Teplyakov. From his pen came a fascinating story about cylindrical giants driven into the ground, which aroused the interest of everyone world scientists, who set out to find out the true origin of the corner that had become popular.

Popular tourist attraction

Residents call this place, located on sandy hills, “Driven Stones.” Tourists note the justice of the name: it seems as if a certain giant, with ease, like nails, hammered massive columns, hollow inside, into the ground. Perhaps the most unusual valley appears before the eyes of the amazed guests. (Bulgaria) is a special sight that evokes strange feelings.

An area of ​​more than 50 square kilometers is completely filled with huge columns made of calcareous sandstone, riddled with centuries-old cracks. Of course, reason refuses to recognize these formations as the work of nature alone.

Scientists are trying to shed light on the origin of the valley

There are more than two dozen hypotheses about the origin of the frozen sculptures. The most popular version says that several million years ago there was a sea in this place, and at its bottom there was various breeds Rock layers were formed, firmly connected to each other. Over time, the climate changed, the reservoir dried up, the sandy growths turned into frozen tall columns, reminiscent of stalactites in caves, and rain and wind hewed the figured statues.

Some scientists are inclined to think that the methane rising from the sea is main reason appearance of such a popular attraction as the Stone Forest. Thin streams of gas rushed upward, touching the organisms that lived in the sea, which for a long time as if they were welded with sand into a single whole. It is believed that it was in those places where the gas was released that empty cavities appeared inside the colossi.

There is another hypothesis that is supported by experts. It says that the stone pillars are ordinary corals, and all the voids inside them were previously filled with plants that rotted over time.

Versions about alien origin

There were also theories related to alien civilizations. Some researchers believe that on the territory of the stone valley there was an ancient temple or observatory, and lighthouses-pillars with a diameter of two or more meters received important

Local residents are convinced that the Stone Forest in Bulgaria cannot possibly have a natural origin. In fairness, it should be noted that so far no version is correct, no one has solved the mystery of the origin of the valley.

Dividing stone pillars into groups

Natural formations located on the territory are conventionally divided into four groups.

The first is those that lined up perpendicular to the road in several rows. The second is interesting due to the fact that powerful pillars are placed on top of each other by some incredible force. The third group includes giants with a height of more than six meters.

But the Stone Forest in Bulgaria is of greatest interest because of the rocks that form a ring, in the center of which a high pillar rises. There are ancient legends about the fourth group, telling that the one who goes around all the figures and touches the main one in the circle will catch luck by the tail, and the wish will certainly come true.

quiet corner

Near the stone columns, video cameras and cameras often break down, the batteries are discharged, but as soon as you move away a little, the equipment starts working again. The fact that a powerful energy zone lies in the valley of stone sculptures is a generally accepted fact. Tourists openly declare the impact of certain forces on the body that relieve fatigue and give positive emotions.

Stones that help fulfill your deepest desires

All stone sculptures described in a special catalog were assigned numbers, and thanks to the light hand of visitors to the reserve, the colossi, reminiscent of ancient ruins, received names: “Guardian”, “Waterfall”, “Elephant”, “Altar”.

With each pillar you need to perform a certain ritual or simply touch it. The “Stork” figure growing from the ground arouses the interest of those couples who dream of a child. The symbol of fertility really helps childless families.

The “eye of a needle” removes sins: those who need cleansing try to overcome the narrow hole. But the “Stone of Love” with an unusual hole in the shape of a heart attracts tourists who have not found their other half. It is believed that loneliness will bypass the one who puts his hands on the ancient figure. And if lovers look through the doorway, they will always be inseparable.

Stone Forest (Bulgaria): reviews

As a person approaches the mysterious giants, he becomes lost in real time and begins to feel like he is in some other place. The mysterious landscape, evoking thoughts of touching something unreal, is mesmerizing. Tourists admit that they are overcome by a variety of emotions, but the main thought that visits the sacred place is the awareness of the insignificance of man before the Universe. Problems, exciting people, retreat, and the natural phenomenon gives strength to fight and live on.

It seems to many that fate itself brought them to a mystical corner in order to understand the priorities in life. Thousands of tourists come to feel the unusual energy and surge of strength, declaring that they have felt in their hearts some of the magic of this fabulous valley. Few people believe in natural origin stone columns located in a geopathogenic zone.

Stone forest in Bulgaria: how to get there?

There are no shuttle buses to the popular tourist attraction, located 18 kilometers from Varna, so visitors to the country choose a guided tour. Many travelers travel by rented vehicles, developing routes in advance, among which there is always the Stone Forest (Bulgaria).

How to get to this corner imbued with a magical atmosphere? You can get here by taking a taxi towards ancient Shumen. Near the village of Slynchevo there is an equipped area with giant sculptures, in addition, the territory of the natural monument is so large that you can make stops near the villages of Strashimirovo, Aksakovo, Banovo and the city of Devnya to get to the sites with stone figures.

The entrance fee to the fenced area of ​​the reserve is 1.5 euros. True, some tourists prefer to get inside, bypassing the fence, in order to independently study the stone ensemble and recharge with positive energy.

18 km. from the Bulgarian city of Varna there is a valley bearing the poetic name “Stone Forest”. On an area of ​​70 square kilometers there are many stone columns with diameters of up to three and a height of up to seven meters. Composed of calcareous sandstone, these stones have a porous structure and are covered in grooves and cracks; They are hollow inside and filled with sand. The Bulgarians themselves call them “driven stones” (“Pobiti kamani”), because when you look at them, you get the feeling that this unique “forest” cannot have natural nature and its creation is the work of intelligent beings.

The origin of this miracle is a mystery that has not been solved to this day, but there are many versions of the origin of the columns. According to one of them, stones are gigantic size stalagmites with a history of more than 50 million years. According to another, lime deposits that remained here after low tide, and bizarre forms are only a consequence of prolonged exposure to wind and air. According to the third version, these are stumps left over from ancient trees. However, none of the versions have been confirmed so far.

Conventionally, several groups of stones are distinguished. The first is four rows of columns that are located perpendicular to the road. The next one is a group of tall (about 6 meters) “trees”. The third is stones, as if placed on top of each other by someone’s giant hand. But the fourth group is most interesting for tourists - a circle of relatively small stones, in the center of which stands a tall column. The Bulgarians themselves have a belief that if you walk around the entire “Stone Forest” and then go inside this circle, luck will never turn away from you.

The Stone Forest is a valley in which there are numerous stone columns. The age of these columns is dated back to 50 million years. The Stone Forest is an incredible natural phenomenon in Bulgaria that attracts crowds of tourists every year and is considered one of the most popular attractions in Bulgaria.

Stone forest Bulgaria

The Stone Forest Valley is located 18 kilometers from the resort. You can get to it by motorway in the direction of the village of Shumen. The area of ​​this natural monument is 50 square kilometers and the length is 700 meters. The true origin of the Stone Forest is still unknown, but there are several versions.

According to one version, there used to be a sea on the site of the Stone Forest. Due to natural climate change and the development of the Earth, the water left, and at the bottom of the former sea there remained calcareous deposits on the leaves of algae, which formed this Stone Forest. Another version suggests that these are fossilized stumps of ancient huge trees, since the columns are hollow inside.

The columns of the Stone Forest reach a height of up to 6 meters, and some have a diameter of 2.5 meters. All of them have bizarre shapes and sizes, and each has its own name: “Elephant”, “Soldier”, “Devil”, “Watchman”, “Waterfall” and there is even a symbol of fertility. There are also small complexes of columns that form entire compositions, which also have names, for example, “Altar” or “Magic Circle”. The magic circle is a composition of small columns in the shape of a circle, in the middle of which stands a large column. Many people believe that inside this circle you can recharge with positive energy. They also say that within a meter radius of this circle neither a telephone, nor a camera, nor a camera works, but in fact this is not so and was invented only for the interest of tourists.

People first started talking about this place in the 19th century. Today, the Stone Forest represents the oldest columns in modern Europe. The most interesting and original examples of these columns are located in the depths of the rocky sandy desert, and which can only be reached on foot.

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Gebedzhin ruins - Stone forest. Bulgaria.

“Gebedzhin ruins”, a place now known as “beat kamani - driven stones”. The second name is “Stone Forest”, in the area of ​​Aksakovo, near the city of Varna, in the north-eastern part of Bulgaria.

18 km from Varna in the area settlements Slanchevo, Banovo, Strashimirovo and Devnya are located amazing place, among the Bulgarians it was called “Beat the Stones”, and among Russian tourists it was known as the “Stone Forest”. Here, stone columns rise above the ground, reaching 7 meters in height. It's hard to believe that their architect is nature itself, and not some disappeared ancient people. They were formed as a result of centuries of erosion and weathering of marine limestone deposits. In the distant past, the sea splashed here, at the bottom of which hot springs bubbled up. The bottom sediment around their outlets was reliably held together by minerals dissolved in the water. Millions of years have passed. The sea has gone. Water and wind destroyed softer rocks, leaving only these “pipes” untouched, going into the depths of the earth.

Now few people know that this miracle of nature was first described by our compatriot, archaeologist Viktor Grigorievich Teplyakov, seconded to the headquarters of Ivan Dibich-Zabalkansky, commander-in-chief of the Russian army. In “Letters from Bulgaria,” written by Viktor Grigorievich during the Balkan campaign of 1829, this place appears under the name of Gebedzhi ruins (Gebedzhi is the old name of the village of Beloslav).

rice. 1 Engraving from Viktor Teplyakov’s book “Letters from Bulgaria” (St. Petersburg, 1833 ).




rice. 3 It's hard to believe that this is a play of nature and not ruins ancient temple .


rice. 4 Viktor Grigorievich Teplyakov (1804 - 1842) .

Teplyakov V. G. Letters from Bulgaria. Letter four. G. A. Rimsky-Korsakov. Gebedzhi, April 22ѣ la 1829.

“It’s difficult to convey to you in one minuteѣ a swarm of thoughts, guesses, impressedѣ ney, excited in the heartsѣ these colossal remnants of the long past...
A vast area unfolds in front of you as youѣ buildingѣ from the depths surrounding her from allѣ x side lѣ sa. In this square, perezѣ what in nѣ how many mѣ surrounded by tall bushes, the masses of these gigantic columns stretch, or better said, are scattered throughout the spaceѣ e three versts.

I say scattered, because there is no difference in their locationѣ There is no order, no ordinary architectural sequenceѣ validity. Cѣ Thousands of these wonderful columns amaze you with the strangest shapes. In other placesѣ stakh - heѣ rise in perfectly regular cylinders; in others - they represent the view of a tower, a collapsed pyramid,ѣ chennago cone; other dѣ They are thicker at the bottom and seem to be surrounded by wide cornices.

There are elevations on whichѣ ѣ ancient portico. Inside nѣ which of them is empty and filled withѣ digging with sand mass. I put a small piece of this mass in my pocket; but not being able to enrich themselves with one of these huge fragments, which were part ofѣ the most columns, I provide our Bronnyars with theѣ to cast, if possible, according to my sketches, a kind of wild spongy stone forming it.

At this end, by the way, I am deputyѣ I hear that this stone seemed to meѣ no softer than the hardest marble: it barely yields to the blows of a hammer, butѣ how many times repeated. Colonel L. (A.N. Leaders - colonel, commander of the 37th Jaeger Regiment - approx.) ordered at my requestѣ tear off one of the smaller cylindrical columnsѣ ra.

Some of our escort soldiers, includingѣ nѣ how many pioneers with spades and spades set to work. Loud exclamations: “Let’s find the treasure! Let’s find an urn with gold medals!” - were heard every minute around the excavated column. Through nѣ how long it had been open for too many fathoms; but, going deeper into the ground like a regular cylinder, it forced us to completelyѣ There are signs that we can conclude that it was still too far away from its underground foundation...

That's why I was sorryѣ This is all I can say about these extraordinary ruins. The complete absence of capitals, regular cornices and various other decorations of architecture destroys, at least mѣ rѣ for me, every opportunity to talk about the architectural orderѣ , by which one could guess about the beginningsѣ these gigantic ruins.

I call them gigantic, because the diameter of the thinnest one isѣ the columns I found, containsѣ about 4 1/2 feet... Is this really big?ѣ Are the stumpy masses nothing more than masses of simple balsatic fragments? - Is this striking correctness of forms and proportions really just a whim of nature that deceives people?ѣ with such a perfect imitation of art, in the countriesѣ , populated by ancient monuments, and swarms of glorious historical memories?

Viktor Grigoryevich Teplyakov’s impressions of visiting the Gebedzhin ruins remained with him for the rest of his life. In 1836, he published a poetry collection “Thracian Elegies”, which included his poem “GEBEDZHI RUINS” - ​​1829.


Are these fragments of an ancient world in front of me?
Are these antediluvian ghosts flickering here?
Are these hands threatening with a mysterious scythe?
Do insignificances sparkle in the darkness?
Death is everywhere! There's ashes everywhere!
Pillars with drooping gray heads,
Stolbov, at the sullen Mortality on the clock
Standing cloudily above the fallen pillars, -
The gloomy Daedalus is everywhere in my eyes!
... 1829


rice. 5 "..n ѣ how many similar pillars are so densely arranged that they force you to involuntarily think about the remainder ѣ ancient portico." .


rice. 6 On this throne, as if, sat the ruler of an ancient people .


rice. 7 Almost certainly, in the past this place was considered sacred .


rice. 8 “Aren’t there fragments of an ancient world before me? » .


rice. 9 “Look: this pillar, a petrified giant, Like an overripe ear in a field, It bowed its ancient head to the earth...” .


rice. 10 Pillar-column .

“Gebedzhinsky ruins. Bulgaria".

The Russian traveler Teplyakov believed that some of the megaliths were man-made. ( Teplyakov V. G. “Report on various ancient monuments discovered and acquired in some places in Bulgaria and Rumelia” Odessa, 1829.) Teplyakov’s brief archaeological report, reprinted in several European magazines, aroused interest among the enlightened public. The author was asked to write about the scientific trip in more detail. This is how “Letters from Bulgaria” (1833), composed in the epistolary genre, appeared.

The ancient coins and inscriptions collected by Teplyakov made it possible for the first time to prove that the city of Varna was built on the site of the ancient port of Odessos (Odēssus, Οδησσός), founded in the 6th century BC. Like the Baltic Hanse, it was the center of the Black Sea Union of cities through which the route from Asia Minor to Europe ran. That is why our traveler called the capture of Varna by the Russian army “an important, huge step towards Byzantium.”

Another discovery of the traveler related to the “Gebedzhin ruins”, which, however. were known to Russian topographers since the time of the previous military campaign. But it was Teplyakov who published the world’s first description of the “Gebedzhin ruins”, placing in the book a sketch of them from life, made on his personal instructions during the expedition. And he suggested that although this “Stone Forest” has natural origin, some of the megaliths were the object of worship of ancient people. It is no coincidence that some of them have a regular cylindrical shape, and some are driven deep into the soil, like columns or cult pillars.

Later, many hypotheses and legends appeared about this mysterious “Stone Forest” located to the west of Lake Varna. Modern scientists believe that the formation of the Balkan megaliths began approximately 50 million years ago, when the current Valley of Truth was the bottom of the “Lutetsky Sea” (geological concept). Then the ancient stones repeatedly changed their appearance and structure, like sea ​​corals and cave stalagmites.

Our traveler believed that the megaliths were mastered by ancient man, who already had tools and altars. Forty years after Teplyakov, archaeologist Boucher de Pert began to prove this, putting on public display the Paleolithic finds he had collected.

Today, thanks to the discoveries of professional archaeologist Jaroslav Petrbok, it is known for certain that next to the mysterious megaliths there were Paleolithic sites 30-25 thousand years ago, as evidenced by flint tools found near the “Gebedzhin ruins”. In subsequent eras, as research has shown, in the area of ​​the “Stone Forest” an entire “flint industry” was established, from which more than 10 thousand have survived to this day. stone tools labor.

Some researchers believe that the “Stone Forest” are megaliths, like the English or Maltese dolmens, and that once there was something like an ancient temple or sanctuary located here. That the “Stone Forest” of Bulgaria is the ruins of ancient shrines


A long-standing legend, widespread among local residents, says that many years ago, near this place on the seashore there was a small village in which a young man lived. God revealed his name to him, and the man vowed to keep this secret forever. And God granted him immortality. Warning him that if he reveals the secret, he will become mortal again.

One day, while walking along the beach, he met a beautiful girl and fell in love with her. But he soon learned that his beloved was destined for the king of the sea titans. Love gave man courage, and he came to the king of the titans. The sea lord refused the girl and demanded in return the name of God.

The young man decided to sacrifice his immortality for the sake of love. Before sunrise, he called the sea king and said: bring your titans ashore and I will arrange them so that you will read the name of God.God watched everything from above, was shocked and decided to punish the titans. With the first rays of the sun they turned to stone.

And the young man found his beloved. Legend has it that when they met, a wonderful spring came.

Bulgarians call this place: “ beat kamani" or "p robite kamyni" - what does it mean - driven stones. And indeed, these formations of the “Stone Forest” do not have a foundation; they are, as it were, “driven into the ground.” It is believed that the “Stone Forest” is the only phenomenon of its kind in Europe.

The Bulgarians themselves have a belief that if you walk around the entire “Stone Forest” and then go inside the circle, luck will never turn away from you.


rice. 11 “Gebedzhinsky ruins” .


rice. 12 "Stone Forest" .


rice. 13 "The stones are driven in" .


rice. 14 Looks like the ruins of an ancient temple .


rice. 15 Stone circle .


rice. 16 Petrified Titans from Legend .


rice. 17 Columns of the “Stone Forest” .


rice. 18 Columns in the “Stone Forest” .


rice. 19 Line of columns .


rice. 20 Two rows of columns .


rice. 21 Group of columns .


rice. 22 Many columns are hollow inside .


rice. 23 "Old Man" .


rice. 24 "Stone Forest" - "throne" .


rice. 25 You need to climb through this move in order to avoid joint disease .


rice. 26 "Eye of the Needle" .


rice. 27 A stone with a very narrow crevice, if you climb onto it, then this is a lucky sign .


rice. 28 Stone pillar with round hole .


rice. 29 Stone with a “heart” hole .




rice. 31 Many stones have round holes through them .


rice. 32 Round holes on the stone .


rice. 33 Round hole on a flat stone .





You only need to drive 20 kilometers from Varna along the highway leading from the sea inland to Sofia, and you are guaranteed to lose your sense of reality.

It is difficult to resist the temptation to pinch yourself, and at the same time your companion, to make sure that you are not dreaming! You haven't been transported to another dimension, you haven't ended up in ruins ancient city or a temple, did not turn into an ant and did not become a Lilliputian.

I just found myself in a forest where instead of trees there were gigantic stone columns of the most bizarre shapes and sizes. They grow directly from the purest sand, which replaces grass here. That’s why the Bulgarians themselves call this place “Pobiti Kameni”, which means "Driven Stones".

And indeed, it seems that the 10-12-meter columns, three meters in diameter, seemed to have been driven into the ground with a gigantic hammer. But where, in fact, this stone forest came from here, no one knows. This is a unique natural (although there are doubts about this) phenomenon that has no analogues in the world!

There are a dozen and a half official hypotheses explaining the origin of the Stone Forest. Even more are unofficial. And which one to adhere to, everyone decides for himself. One, however, is liked by everyone without exception - like any legend about love.


A long time ago, when gods lived in the sky and titans lived on earth, the sea extended much further into the continent than it does now. And where the Stone Forest is now located, there used to be a coast, and next to it there was a fishing village. A certain righteous young man lived there. With his deeds and actions, he pleased God so much that one day he came down from heaven and appeared to a young fisherman with an offer that could not be refused.

He revealed his name to the young man and at the same time gave eternal life, but in return demanded an oath to keep this secret forever. God threatened: the price for talkativeness will be the loss of immortality. The young man, of course, agreed. And he would certainly have kept his word if he had not met the girl he fell in love with at first sight.

She reciprocated his feelings. But the lovers could not be together: the girl was promised as a wife to the main titan. The young man decided to talk directly to her intended groom. He listened and said that he was ready to let the bride go if the fisherman told them, the titans, what the name of God was, and thereby immortalize them too. The fisherman asked for a day to think. And for good reason: during this time he figured out how to keep his oath and at the same time appease the Titans.

The next morning he asked his rival's men to line up in a certain way and everyone took the place indicated to him. Thus, he laid out the name of the god on the coast with the bodies of the titans. God, who observed this picture from heaven, became angry and turned the titans to stone.

This is how the Stone Forest appeared. And in the place where the young fisherman first embraced his beloved, today there is a healing spring. Its water is considered especially useful for kidney diseases.


You won’t believe it, but the first person to describe the Stone Forest, now one of the top 10 main attractions in Bulgaria and under state protection as nature reserve, there was a Russian journalist!

In 1829 during Russian-Turkish War war correspondent Viktor Teplyakov was seconded to the headquarters of Ivan Dibich, commander-in-chief of the Russian army. Returning home, he published “Letters from Bulgaria,” where he described in detail the Stone Forest under the name of the Gebedzhi ruins (named after the village of Gebedzhi, located nearby).

They are still interesting to read: “Colonel L. ordered, at my request, to tear off one of the smaller cylindrical columns. Some of our escort soldiers got to work. Loud exclamations: “Let's find the treasure!” Let’s find an urn with gold medals!” - were heard every minute around the excavated column. After a while it was open by more than a fathom; but, going deeper into the ground with an equally regular cylinder, she made us, by all indications, conclude that it was still too far to its underground foundation...”

These records aroused curiosity in the scientific world - researchers flocked to Bulgaria one after another, and, looking ahead, let’s say: even now there are plenty of them there.

Speculation about the nature of the origin of the Stone Forest poured out like a cornucopia. They didn't say anything. Driven stones - remnants ancient civilization! No, this is the result of alien intervention!

But two prosaic versions triumphed. According to the first, the gigantic “trees” are nothing more than the petrified remains of coral reefs. For the sea did indeed once splash in these latitudes.

Another hypothesis states that the stone blocks appeared as a result of movement earth's crust and land uplift. The sea receded, the relief bottom was exposed, and wind, rain, alternating heat and cold, and most importantly, time all together acted as the architects of this bizarre ensemble.


Regardless of which version falls on your heart, know: it is generally accepted that a powerful bioenergy zone lies in the Stone Forest. They say that Vanga herself came to this place in order to recharge her energy. That’s why you need to come here, even if you feel decrepit and broken: under the shade of stone “trees” you will definitely feel better. They also recommend walking barefoot - this way you will quickly part with the accumulated negative energy and charge yourself positively.

Well, the epicenter of this place of Power is the “Magic Circle”: this is the name of a stone composition in the shape of a circle, in the center of which a giant column rises. Most likely, this is partly a man-made work: noticing the schematic outlines of a circle, local residents once completed the work begun by nature by laying out a circle of small stones.

But be that as it may, it is believed that it is inside “ Magic circle“You can recharge your batteries and synchronize your bioenergetic rhythms with the rhythms of the Universe. They also say that the energy of the “Magic Circle” is so strong that within a radius of 10 meters from it, phones, cameras and other equipment often break down.

But don’t be upset, they will definitely start working a little later. In return you will gain much more. After all, the Bulgarians themselves have a belief: if you go around the entire Stone Forest, and then enter inside the circle, then luck will never turn away from you again.


Almost every stone on the territory of the reserve has its own name or nickname: Elephant, Soldier, Devil, Watchman, Waterfall, Throne. Each one is assigned its own special properties, and sometimes a ritual that must certainly be performed next to it.

For example, the stone known as the Stork attracts women who are having trouble getting pregnant and having a baby. The stork became famous as a symbol of fertility. To be honest, people simply call it the Phallus - because its shape is most similar to this organ. It is believed that a lady who touches it will definitely become pregnant within a year. It is even safer if the married couple embraces the “statue”.

People go to the stone of absolution, in the center of which there is a narrow gap, you know why. It is also called the Eye of the Needle. Anyone who manages to slip through the hole will have all their sins removed.

The stone with a heart-shaped hole has become a Mecca for lovers. That's what they call it - the Stone of Love. According to local legend, if lovers look at each other through this “heart,” they will be inseparable for the rest of their lives. Well, for those who have not yet found their happiness in life, it will be enough to simply put their hand on this stone, and they will definitely meet their love.

Faith HOPE