Hitchhiking in Bulgaria or how to get to the Stone Forest. Stone forest in Bulgaria: description, history and interesting facts

Landmark of Bulgaria - Stone Forest

Travelers who choose Bulgarian resorts for their holidays often do not limit themselves to beaches and water activities. In the country they will meet many interesting places. Bulgarian travel companies offer. One such unique attraction is the natural phenomenon Stone forest, another name Driven stones.

Stone forest is located 18 kilometers from Varna and is a unique natural phenomenon. It lies on sandy hills, between which the Stara Planina highway runs. Fantastic columns six, eight, twelve meters high, empty inside, look very impressive and unforgettable. But this height is only the visible part of the columns; in fact, they are buried deep in the ground, sometimes up to 100 meters. Locals call this place Stone forest or Driven stones.

The stone columns are arranged in rows and look as if they are connected to each other by two cones, barely touching the columns with their sharp tops. The length of the central group of columns is 850 meters, and the width is up to 120 meters. It consists of about three hundred different columns. A group of stones that resemble fossilized animals or a frozen fountain looks very unusual. If you drive around within a radius of about 50 kilometers, you can find about 15 more such groups of columns, only much smaller in size and number. Therefore, it is the central group that attracts thousands of tourists.

Occurrence of driven stones

There are a lot of hypotheses about how this forest appeared, only the most basic ones number up to 20. The most popular hypothesis is that more than fifty million years ago there was a sea in this place. Over the centuries, various layers of water formed on the seabed. various breeds. Atmospheric phenomena, influencing these layers, soldered them to each other and formed these high pillars, which are very similar to stalactites in caves. Gradually, the influence of water and air hewed the columns, giving them various shapes, so similar to fantastic trees.

According to another version, the columns were formed from giant corals that grew at the bottom ancient sea. And the voids in the columns appeared due to the fact that petrified growths formed around plants growing at that time, such as, for example, tropical mangrove trees. Over time, the trunks of these trees rotted, but the shell remained, and so hollow columns appeared.

The newest hypothesis was that these stones were formed under the influence of methane flowing from the bottom of the sea. The gas rose to the surface in a stream, and dead sea animals gradually formed around it, which were soldered together with quartz sand. And so gradually the columns grew upward from the seabed, and inside, where the gas flowed, voids remained.

According to another version, the columns were a colony of corals. And there are also quite unusual versions. Groups of people believe that these columns were megaliths. They believe that in this area in ancient times there was a temple or observatory. And the columns were like lighthouses, capable of receiving signals from deep space from aliens.

Now many stones are named different names. There are such as: Throne, Family, Monk, Soldier, Devil and others. These names were invented by people living nearby. And on the border with the forest, next to three small columns, the locals laid out a circle of stones on the ground. There is a belief that you need to go around all the columns in turn, reach this circle and stand in its center, stand frozen for a while, and after that the person will be helped by good luck in all his affairs.In general, the older generation in Bulgaria considers this place to be enchanted, where unusual things happen to different people.

How to get to the Stone Forest

The attraction is located about 18 kilometers from Varna, next to the old highway from Varna to Sofia. If you like to get to know the country on your own, you can get there by rented car, which takes about 25 minutes from Varna. You can get there more inexpensively by public transport, which does not go directly there, only to the village of Aksakovo, then hitchhike, but this is more difficult. Taking a taxi is a rather expensive option for visiting. Well, the last option is to go on an excursion; in any resort town in Bulgaria there are ones that offer excursions to this amazing place. An example of such an excursion “Stone Forest and Turtle River”, in addition to Stone forest You will be shown other sights of Bulgaria.

Stone forest in Varna (Varna, Bulgaria) - detailed description, location, reviews, photos and videos.

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The nature of Bulgaria does not need any special introduction; there is plenty of beautiful beaches, and crystal clear lakes, and dizzying mountain peaks. But the so-called “stone forests” occupy a “special position”, and one of the largest is located just near Varna. Only 18 km separate the sea capital of the country from this bizarre valley, stretching for 700 m, which is occupied by strange, sometimes frightening, but extremely photogenic “stone trees”.

Touch a place of power, make a secret wish, try to unravel the riddle of nature or guess human cunning, and also do a dozen unique photos and just enjoy an unusual trip outside the city - that’s why tourists come to the Varna Stone Forest.

In short, the local Stone Forest is 70 square meters. km, on which many stone columns are spread out in a bizarre pattern. Their height sometimes reaches 7 m, and their diameter is an impressive three. All of them consist of calcareous sandstone, covered with an unusual pattern of grooves and cracks, and filled with sand inside. Locals call them “driven stones” and do not believe in natural character, they say, this is the work of intelligent beings, but this fact has not yet been proven by science. How could they not be guessed? natural phenomenon: This is a miracle, a mystery that has several theories and hypotheses. One of them says that these unique trees - gigantic size stalagmites about 50 million years old. Other scientists claim that the stones are calcareous deposits that remained after the sea moved away from this mark and became shallow. And their sophisticated forms are only a consequence of exposure to wind and air over millions of years. Finally, others claim that these are stumps of prehistoric trees. Be that as it may, no one knows the exact version.

Conventionally, the Stone Forest can be divided into several groups of stones. The most intriguing are the stones placed by the hand of some giant in an even circle, the center of which is a high column.

Conventionally, the Stone Forest can be divided into several groups of stones. The most picturesque and intriguing are the stones, as if placed by the hand of some giant in an even circle, the center of which is a high column. The first group is immediately visible from the road - these are trees in 4 rows, located perpendicular to the road. The second is a group of tall 6-meter trees. And the last group is stones placed on top of each other. Of course, many of them have funny names - “Throne”, “Single” or “Family”.

Bulgarians believe that if you walk around the entire Stone Forest and then go inside the magic circle, then luck will always accompany you.


How to get there: you can get to the Stone Forest by taxi, private car or during an excursion, but traveling by public transport will be extremely difficult. You need to go along the street. Vladislav Varnenchik, which will then turn into regional road 2 (not to be confused with the A2 highway), drive past the airport and literally after 10 km along left hand it will be the Stone Forest.

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There are many unique places on our planet, imbued with mysticism and special energy. Scientists have been arguing about the origin of natural phenomena, fraught with many mysteries, for many years, but have not come to a common point of view.

Amazing corners make people think about many things, and just such a miracle is the Stone Forest in Bulgaria, which grew 50 million years ago near Varna and is an unusual ensemble of pillars of the most incredible shapes. The huge massif has long been known as a sacred place, but the first mention of it appeared in the 19th century. But it was declared a natural monument under state protection relatively recently.

The first mention of a mysterious place

It is curious that the first journalist to describe the Stone Forest in Bulgaria was the Russian war correspondent V. Teplyakov. From his pen came a fascinating story about cylindrical giants driven into the ground, which aroused the interest of everyone world scientists, who set out to find out the true origin of the corner that had become popular.

Popular tourist attraction

Residents call this place, located on sandy hills, “Driven Stones.” Tourists note the justice of the name: it seems as if a certain giant, with ease, like nails, hammered massive columns, hollow inside, into the ground. Perhaps the most unusual valley appears before the eyes of the amazed guests. (Bulgaria) is a special sight that evokes strange feelings.

An area of ​​more than 50 square kilometers is completely filled with huge columns made of calcareous sandstone, riddled with centuries-old cracks. Of course, reason refuses to recognize these formations as the work of nature alone.

Scientists are trying to shed light on the origin of the valley

There are more than two dozen hypotheses about the origin of the frozen sculptures. The most popular version says that several million years ago there was a sea in this place, and at its bottom, rock layers formed from various rocks, firmly connected to each other. Over time, the climate changed, the reservoir dried up, the sandy growths turned into frozen tall columns, reminiscent of stalactites in caves, and rain and wind hewn the figured statues.

Some scientists are inclined to think that the methane rising from the sea is main reason appearance of such a popular attraction as the Stone Forest. Thin streams of gas rushed upward, touching the organisms that lived in the sea, which for a long time as if they were welded with sand into a single whole. It is believed that it was in those places where the gas was released that empty cavities appeared inside the colossi.

There is another hypothesis that is supported by experts. It says that the stone pillars are ordinary corals, and all the voids inside them were previously filled with plants that rotted over time.

Versions about alien origin

There were also theories related to alien civilizations. Some researchers believe that on the territory of the stone valley there was ancient temple or an observatory, and beacons-pillars with a diameter of two or more meters received important

Local residents are convinced that the Stone Forest in Bulgaria cannot possibly have a natural origin. In fairness, it should be noted that so far no version is correct, no one has solved the mystery of the origin of the valley.

Dividing stone pillars into groups

Natural formations located on the territory are conventionally divided into four groups.

The first is those that lined up perpendicular to the road in several rows. The second is interesting due to the fact that powerful pillars are placed on top of each other by some incredible force. The third group includes giants with a height of more than six meters.

But the Stone Forest in Bulgaria is of greatest interest because of the rocks that form a ring, in the center of which a high pillar rises. There are ancient legends about the fourth group, telling that the one who goes around all the figures and touches the main one in the circle will catch luck by the tail, and the wish will certainly come true.

quiet corner

Near the stone columns, video cameras and cameras often break down, the batteries are discharged, but as soon as you move away a little, the equipment starts working again. The fact that a powerful energy zone lies in the valley of stone sculptures is a generally accepted fact. Tourists openly declare the impact of certain forces on the body that relieve fatigue and give positive emotions.

Stones that help fulfill your deepest desires

All stone sculptures described in a special catalog were assigned numbers, and thanks to the light hand of visitors to the reserve, the colossi, reminiscent of ancient ruins, received names: “Guardian”, “Waterfall”, “Elephant”, “Altar”.

With each pillar you need to perform a certain ritual or simply touch it. The “Stork” figure growing from the ground arouses the interest of those couples who dream of a child. The symbol of fertility really helps childless families.

The “eye of a needle” removes sins: those who need cleansing try to overcome the narrow hole. But the “Stone of Love” with an unusual hole in the shape of a heart attracts tourists who have not found their other half. It is believed that loneliness will bypass the one who puts his hands on the ancient figure. And if lovers look through the doorway, they will always be inseparable.

Stone Forest (Bulgaria): reviews

As a person approaches the mysterious giants, he becomes lost in real time and begins to feel himself in some other place. The mysterious landscape, evoking thoughts of touching something unreal, is mesmerizing. Tourists admit that they are overcome by a variety of emotions, but the main thought that visits the sacred place is the awareness of the insignificance of man before the Universe. Problems, exciting people, retreat, and the natural phenomenon gives strength to fight and live on.

It seems to many that fate itself brought them to a mystical corner in order to understand the priorities in life. Thousands of tourists come to feel the unusual energy and surge of strength, declaring that they have felt in their hearts some of the magic of this fabulous valley. Few people believe in natural origin stone columns located in a geopathogenic zone.

Stone forest in Bulgaria: how to get there?

There are no shuttle buses to the popular tourist attraction, located 18 kilometers from Varna, so visitors to the country choose a guided tour. Many travelers travel by rented vehicles, developing routes in advance, among which there is always the Stone Forest (Bulgaria).

How to get to a corner saturated with a magical atmosphere? You can get here by taking a taxi towards ancient Shumen. Near the village of Slynchevo there is an equipped area with giant sculptures, in addition, the territory of the natural monument is so large that you can make stops near the villages of Strashimirovo, Aksakovo, Banovo and the city of Devnya to get to the sites with stone figures.

The entrance fee to the fenced area of ​​the reserve is 1.5 euros. True, some tourists prefer to get inside, bypassing the fence, in order to independently study the stone ensemble and recharge with positive energy.

The Stone Forest is a valley in which there are numerous stone columns. The age of these columns is dated back to 50 million years. The Stone Forest is an incredible natural phenomenon in Bulgaria that attracts crowds of tourists every year and is considered one of the most popular attractions in Bulgaria.

Stone forest Bulgaria

The Stone Forest Valley is located 18 kilometers from the resort. You can reach it by motorway in the direction settlement Shumen. The area of ​​this natural monument is 50 square kilometers and the length is 700 meters. The true origin of the Stone Forest is still unknown, but there are several versions.

According to one version, there used to be a sea on the site of the Stone Forest. Due to natural climate change and the development of the Earth, the water left, and at the bottom of the former sea there remained calcareous deposits on the leaves of algae, which formed this Stone Forest. Another version suggests that these are fossilized stumps of ancient huge trees, since the columns are hollow inside.

The columns of the Stone Forest reach a height of up to 6 meters, and some have a diameter of 2.5 meters. All of them have bizarre shapes and sizes, and each has its own name: “Elephant”, “Soldier”, “Devil”, “Watchman”, “Waterfall” and there is even a symbol of fertility. There are also small complexes of columns that form entire compositions, which also have names, for example, “Altar” or “ Magic circle" The magic circle is a composition of small columns in the shape of a circle, in the middle of which stands a large column. Many people believe that inside this circle you can recharge with positive energy. They also say that within a meter radius of this circle neither a telephone, nor a camera, nor a camera works, but in fact this is not so and was invented only for the interest of tourists.

People first started talking about this place in the 19th century. Today, the Stone Forest represents the oldest columns in modern Europe. The most interesting and original examples of these columns are located in the depths of the rocky sandy desert, and which can only be reached on foot.

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IN nature reserve I had been going to “Broken Stones” for a long time and therefore managed to read a lot on the Internet about the anomalies happening there. The reviews were different - both negative and positive. But, definitely, everyone agreed that this place had an unusual energy. Other famous name reserve - (Stone forest).

What happened in “Broken Stones” happened to me, or rather, to my digital camera, will replenish the treasury of the unknown...

Broken stones are a natural phenomenon that has no analogues in the world. Geologists have put forward many hypotheses about the origin of hollow stone pillars, but none of them is 100% confirmed.

There is also a beautiful legend about love and healing water, which in its own way explains the appearance of the Broken Stones:

Many centuries ago, the sea splashed in these places, protected by God. There was a small village on the seashore where a young man lived. One fine day, God revealed his name to him, which the young man promised to keep as a great secret. God gave him immortality, but warned him that if he breaks the secret, he will become mortal.

One day on the seashore a young man saw an incredibly beautiful local girl. They fell in love at first sight. But this girl was destined to marry the leader sea ​​giants. The young man was in love and went to the titans for negotiations.

The Titans, without thinking twice, agreed to give him the girl if he told them the name of God. The young man thought all night until sunrise and decided in the name of love to break the secret. In the morning, he met with the Titans and placed them on the seashore, writing the name of God on their bodies. The young man’s act amazed God and he decided to punish the titans by turning them into stone columns. The young man walked through the stone forest and met his beloved. At that moment, when they hugged, a spring of healing water began to flow from under their feet.

The Povitye Stones Nature Reserve is located approximately 20 kilometers from the sea capital of Bulgaria. Getting there by car is not difficult at all. You need to leave the city in the direction of the airport, then no more than 7 kilometers.

We went to the Stone Forest at the end of December, choosing a fine day.

From the first minutes of being in the reserve, my friends and I had the feeling that there was once something here, and then it was destroyed, and deliberately destroyed - leaving no stone unturned.

It all looked like ruins ancient city, which was probably fine. Let geologists argue with me, but I will not join those who believe so much in the talents of Mother Nature!

At first the walk seemed fun, the sight of the columns was very reminiscent of... (I ask commentators to refrain...)

Some stones had very unusual shapes, they were fun to take pictures in. The height of the stones in the Stone Forest reaches 7 meters.

A few minutes later, I noticed that the camera battery, which was 100% charged, began to rapidly lose energy. Usually, during continuous reportage shooting, my battery lasts for about 4 hours. After an hour of walking and not at all continuous shooting, but with individual frames, about 20% of the energy left in the battery...

The reserve was quiet and deserted. Therefore, or maybe for other reasons, there was some feeling of anxiety and discomfort. I wanted to leave here...

My sister had a severe headache. I felt fine, but I wanted to leave quickly.

In the very center of the reserve, the rate of decrease in energy in the camera increased noticeably...

Some columns turned out to be hollow inside...

On the outskirts of the Stone Forest, tracks of wild boars were discovered, which, it seemed, did not feel the desire to climb into the middle of the ruins and only passed from the edge.

I believed it about the sea. There was natural sea sand underfoot...

Coming out of the reserve, we noticed that the column at the entrance resembled a sitting dog.

If you stretch your imagination, each column in the Stone Forest resembles something. And here, it seems, anyone’s imagination can run wild. Most of the stones in the Stone Forest have names. There are columns “Mother and Daughter”, “Soldier”, “Throne”, “Monk”, “Altar”, “Family”, “Mushroom”, “Watchman”, “Waterfall” and even “Devil”. One of the stones (strangely, only one...) is called a symbol of fertility. And this dog at the entrance is possibly a “Poodle”. All stones in the reserve are numbered and described in a special catalogue.

After leaving the area of ​​the columns, everyone felt some kind of relief. My companions nervously lit cigarettes. We left in silence and did not share our impressions. I just wanted to leave here.

The miracles continued at home. After inserting the memory card from the camera into the laptop, I saw the following:

Folders with alien names that appeared from nowhere turned out to be empty when opened. Folder properties reported modification dates between 2014 and 2097... There were not a single photograph from the reserve...

After several reboots, photographs of the Broken Stones appeared, but the computer refused to open some of them, citing an unknown format. File recovery process by all possible ways took several hours, but, fortunately, ended successfully.