What class do fish belong to? Distinctive features, structure, reproduction of fish. See what “fish” is in other dictionaries External structure of fish

Beluga, crucian carp, herring, trout, carp, silver carp, carp are well-known fish. This list can be continued endlessly. And their commercial importance is difficult to overestimate. And indeed, very diverse. Modern taxonomy includes more than 20 thousand species of these aquatic animals. Thanks to what structural features did they manage to master this habitat and occupy a dominant position in it? What class do fish that differ in their structure belong to? You will find the answer to these and other questions in our article.

Signs of fish

It’s not for nothing that they say about self-confident people: “They feel like a fish in water.” Scientists know that the first fish lived in the Silurian period. Outwardly, they were similar to modern sharks with movable jaws on which they were located sharp teeth. Millions of years have passed, and in the process they have changed and acquired a number of new adaptive characteristics.

As aquatic animals, they all have a streamlined body shape, fully or partially covered with scales, various types of fins located on the body, and gills as respiratory organs. These are common characteristics for all representatives of a given systematic unit. But what class fish belong to can be answered by considering their significant differences. IN at the moment There are two of them: Bone and Cartilaginous.

Features of the external structure

The body of absolutely all fish is covered with scales. It protects the skin of aquatic inhabitants from excessive water friction. After all, most of them spend most of their lives on the move. An additional protection against friction is the large amount of mucus that the skin is rich in. This helps many species survive in unfavorable conditions temporary drought. Not all fish species have a completely covered body with scales. For example, in sharks it is located in one row along the surface of the body, along appearance resembling their teeth. The same can be said about numerous representatives of the Sturgeon order. Most bony fish are protected by scales, like a durable shell. She performs and additional features: camouflage from predators, warning coloring in predatory and poisonous species, designation of a sexual characteristic, in water.

Fin structure

Next characteristic feature fish is the presence of fins. These formations serve as limbs for movement in water, and some ancient species are even able to crawl with their help. The fins are divided into two groups. The first are the paired ones: abdominal and thoracic. They help maintain the balance of fish in the water column. The caudal, anal and dorsal are unpaired. They work like a rudder, guiding the body of aquatic animals in the desired direction. As a result of evolution, the limbs of reptiles were formed from the fins of fish.

You can easily see the lateral line on the body of the fish. This is a unique organ of balance and touch, characteristic only of fish.

Internal structure of fish

The organ systems of these animals also have their own characteristics associated with the aquatic habitat. The musculoskeletal system is represented by the skeleton. Depending on the class, it is formed by cartilage or bone tissue. All bones of the head skeleton are connected motionlessly, except for the lower jaw. This allows fish to easily capture prey. This section of the skeleton also includes gill covers and arches, the latter of which are attached to the respiratory organs of fish - gills. consists of individual vertebrae connected to each other and to the skull motionlessly. The ribs are attached to the trunk of the spine. The skeleton of the fins is represented by rays. They are also formed by bone tissue. But the paired fins also have belts. Muscles are attached to them, causing them to move.

Through type. It begins with the oropharyngeal cavity. Most fish have sharp teeth on their jaws, which are used to capture and tear food. Enzymes from the liver and pancreas also take part in the digestion process. In the processes of excretion and salt metabolism, the main role in the fish body is played by paired kidneys. They open to the outside with the help of the ureters.

Fish are cold-blooded animals. This means that their body temperature depends on changes occurring in environment. This sign is determined by the circulatory system. It is represented by a two-chambered heart and a closed structure of blood vessels. During its movement, venous and arterial blood mix.

The nervous system is represented by the brain and spinal cord and nerves. And its peripheral part is made up of nerve fibers. In the brain, the cerebellum reaches special development. This part determines the fast and coordinated movements of fish. The sense organs are capable of perceiving any irritation possible in aquatic environment. Since the lens of fish eyes does not change its shape and position, animals see well only at a short distance. But at the same time they are able to distinguish both the shape and color of various objects. The organ of sound perception is represented by the inner ear and is associated with the structure responsible for balance.

Fish reproduction also has its own characteristics. These animals are dioecious, with external fertilization.

What is spawning

The process of fish reproduction is also called spawning. It happens in water. The female lays eggs, and the male waters her with seminal fluid. As a result, a fertilized egg is formed. As a result of successive mitotic divisions, an adult individual develops from it.

Sometimes fish reproduction is associated with spawning migrations and significant changes in the behavior and structure of fish during this period. For example, pink salmon form large herds, in which they move from the seas to the upper reaches of rivers. During this journey, they have to overcome many obstacles, moving against the current. These fish develop a hump on their backs, and their jaws become twisted and twisted. Having lost a lot of strength, after the fertilization process, adult individuals die. Surprisingly, the young fry return independently to the same habitat.

Groups of fish

The enormous diversity of species has necessitated the classification of this species. Currently, scientists have precisely identified the characteristics by which the class of Fish can be classified. Systematic affiliation is determined by the presence of gill slits or covers and the type of scales. This way you can distinguish between bone and cartilaginous fish. There are other characteristics by which these animals are grouped. For example, fish that move to other habitats to spawn are called migratory. But, taking into account the scope of application, a distinction is made between commercial and ornamental representatives of these aquatic animals.

Cartilaginous fish

What class do fish that have a cartilaginous skeleton and gill slits that open outward belong to? It's not hard to guess. These are cartilaginous fish. They lack a swim bladder, so they either live on the bottom or are constantly on the move. Sawfish, white, giant, whale sharks, stingrays... You know such fish. List dangerous predators we can continue sea ​​devil, electric ramp and these sea ​​creatures pose a great danger to animal and human life. Although there are quite innocent specimens among cartilaginous fish. Thus, it feeds on fish and crustaceans. Apart from its terrifying appearance, it does not pose any danger to humans.

Bony fish

Perhaps every schoolchild will answer the question of which class the fish that are most numerous belong to. Their skeleton consists entirely of bone tissue. The swim bladder, located in the body cavity, allows its owners to stay in the water column. The gills are covered with gill covers, and do not open outward with separate openings. Bony fish have these characteristics.

The meaning of fish

Representatives of this superclass of vertebrate animals are primarily of commercial importance. Man eats their nutritious meat and rich in proteins caviar And the number of cooking recipes various types doesn't know the score. Fish oil has long been used as a treatment for bacterial and viral respiratory diseases. Man annually catches a huge number of individuals and breeds them on his own. Flour is also obtained from meat and bones. It is used as fertilizer and feed for many domestic animals.

Recently, sport fishing has become increasingly popular, attracting participants from different countries. And to catch goldfish The one that fulfills all desires is exactly what each of us dreams of!

Thus, which class fish belong to can be determined by the characteristics of their structure, organization and way of life.

Fish They are common in all types of reservoirs, from marine waters to the smallest ponds, eriks and rivulets. Tropics and eternal ice are also rich in unusual varieties of fish. In the reservoirs of Russia, aquatic inhabitants are very diverse and distinguished by their beauty. On the territory Russian Federation there are more than 120 thousand rivers, about 2,000,000 lakes, 12 seas, 3 oceans, and all of them are habitats fish. Even in fresh Russian reservoirs, over 450 animals have adapted to live. fish species, and many live permanently, and some arrive temporarily until a certain period.

General information

Based on the presence and nature of rays in the fins of most bony fishes, a fin formula is compiled, which is widely used in their description and definition. In this formula in Latin letters the abbreviated designation of the fin is given: A - anal fin (from the Latin pinna analis), P - pectoral fin (pinna pectoralis), V - ventral fin (pinna ventralis) and D1, D2 - dorsal fins (pinna dorsalis). Roman numerals indicate the numbers of prickly rays, and Arabic numerals indicate the numbers of soft rays.

The gills absorb oxygen from the water and release carbon dioxide, ammonia, urea and other waste products into the water. Bony fish have four gill arches on each side.

Gill rakers are thinnest, longest and most numerous in fish that feed on plankton. In predators, the gill rakers are sparse and sharp. The number of rakers is counted on the first arch, located immediately under the gill cover.

The pharyngeal teeth are located on the pharyngeal bones, behind the fourth branchial arch.

Rice. 1. Structure of fish ()

Fish have a head, body, tail and fins. Mostly body shape elongated, streamlined(Fig. 1). The body of the fish is without protrusions and covered with mucus, which facilitates movement in the water. The pointed head is tightly covered with gill covers; it helps well to move in the water and cut through the water. The tail and fins determine the direction of movement of the fish in the water.

Fish body in most cases covered with scales, which sits in the folds of the skin like fingernails. The free ends of the scales overlap each other, reminiscent of roof tiles. It grows along with the fish itself. Fish scales happen different shapes. But there are species that have a smooth body, like a catfish.

Another feature is the structure of the eyes of fish. They do not have eyelids, the eyes are on both sides of the head, but in the flounder they are shifted to one side. Pisces can't cry, the eyes become wet naturally. They see at a distance of one meter. Fish do not tolerate bright lighting; some species can distinguish colors.

Fish have gills Basically, they all breathe like this: the fish swallows water with its mouth, it passes through the gills and pours out through a special hole. The water contains oxygen, and through the gills it enters the fish's blood. But in nature there is lungfish. They use both gills and lungs to breathe. This is Horntooth (Fig. 2).

In most cases, fish lay eggs from which future offspring emerge. In water they lay eggs in a variety of places: special nests, stones, sand, plants. But fish can also be viviparous. An example of this is the guppy fish (Fig. 3).

These fish give birth to fry immediately.

One of the most curious differences between fish and other vertebrates is their special sense. You are interested to know why the school first swims together in one direction, and then suddenly, as if on someone’s command, all at once turns in the other direction. It helps to do lateral line on the fish's body. It consists of sensitive cells that detect the slightest fluctuations in water flow.

Fish also have a unique adaptation - swim bladder. It serves as a life preserver that prevents you from falling to the bottom. By filling with oxygen or blowing it away, fish change the depth of their immersion in the water.

It is worth saying that fish feel pain, they have an organ of hearing - inner ear. They have a subtle sense of touch - they feel everything through their skin. Animals have nostrils, distinguish odors. Fish themselves can smell; they have special glands.

The body shape of fish is very diverse. The serpentine body shape, like that of an eel, makes the fish elusive (Fig. 4).

A spherical shape with needles, like those of a hedgehog fish, - invulnerable (Fig. 5).

The wide and flat shape, like a stingray, allows you to spread out along the bottom (Fig. 6).

The seahorse does not look much like a fish; it blends well with algae (Fig. 7).

Rice. 7. Seahorse ()

The pipefish is so thin that you won't notice it right away (Fig. 8).

Rice. 8. Needlefish ()

There are absolutely fish found in nature different sizes. The smallest of famous fish- dwarf goby. It can be up to 1 cm long (Fig. 9).

Rice. 9. Dwarf goby ()

And the largest is the whale shark - up to 18 m (Fig. 10).

Rice. 10. Whale shark ()

Some types fish emit cold light. Basically it's deep sea fish. It is very dark at the bottom and it is necessary to attract prey. Glow is provided by special glands; they are found in angler fish (Fig. 11) and midshipman fish (Fig. 12).

Rice. 11. Anglerfish ()

Rice. 12. Midshipman fish ()

Nature has done a great job of making sure that the fish are comfortable and comfortable living in their habitat. In this case, the habitat can be located in different places. Fish can be found where it is very warm and where it is very cold. They are found at high altitudes and also where they are very low. Of course, they had to adapt well to all these conditions, therefore, along with common features they have many differences.

Rice. 13. Drummer ()

Rice. 14. Triggerfish ()

Some thus attract attention during the breeding season.

Many fish have adopted electricity and poison for their safety and to catch prey. Send electrical discharge Nile elephant, European stargazer, marbled stingray can (Fig. 15-17).

Rice. 15. Nile elephant ()

Rice. 16. European astrologer ()

Rice. 17. Marble slope ()

Some fish sting no less dangerous than snakes. This sea ​​dragon, scorpionfish, lionfish (Fig. 18-20).

Rice. 18. Sea dragon ()

Rice. 19. Scorpionfish ()

Rice. 20. Lionfish ()

Fish coloring is amazing. The color palette is varied. A bright color either attracts the attention of the victim, or, on the contrary, is needed to scare away. Appropriate coloring is also needed for camouflage. The angel fish, mandarin fish, and clown fish have a very colorful appearance (Fig. 21-23).

Rice. 21. Angelfish ()

Rice. 22. Mandarin duck ()

Rice. 23. Clown fish ()

Some fish need to be able to fly and have sharp teeth. Some fish can crawl and bury themselves in the sand. There are fish that have special suckers in order to stick to another animal. There are completely blind fish; other senses help them in life. There are many devices, each fish requires its own.

The role of fish in human life simply invaluable. Since ancient times, people have eaten fish. In our diet this is the supplier useful substances, minerals: proteins, fats, vitamins. Back in ancient world people began to breed fish for beauty. In any modern house you can see an aquarium with beautiful and amazing fish. Fish is also used in industry and medicine. Man copied the streamlined shape of fish when building ships and submarines. Unfortunately, industrial fishing has recently become more frequent, there are cases of poaching, so some species of fish simply disappear. In this regard, many civilized countries have entered into an agreement that strictly states where fishing can be done and how much.

Every person on Earth should think about preserving this class of animals.


  1. Samkova V.A., Romanova N.I. The world around us 1. - M.: Russian word.
  2. Pleshakov A.A., Novitskaya M.Yu. The world around us 1. - M.: Enlightenment.
  3. Gin A.A., Faer S.A., Andrzheevskaya I.Yu. The world around us 1. - M.: VITA-PRESS.
  1. Festival pedagogical ideas"Open lesson" ()
  2. Pro-ryb.ru ()
  3. kindergenii.ru ()


  1. Who are the fish?
  2. Tell us about the structure of fish.
  3. What is the role of fish in human life?
  4. * Draw the fish that you remember most and tell us about it.

Everyone has heard the expression “roars like a beluga,” but not everyone has a clear idea of ​​what this animal looks like. What kind of beluga is this and what else besides its roar could it be famous for? Let's try to figure this out. Well, first of all, let’s say right away that the beluga cannot roar at all. If only because it belongs to the class of fish, and fish, as you know, are silent.

Description of beluga

Beluga is the largest freshwater fish living in the waters of our country.. It has lived on Earth for almost 200 million years and, like all other sturgeons, has learned to adapt to the most different conditions habitat. These fish do not have a spine, and instead of a skeleton there is a flexible chord.


Beluga is distinguished by its large size: its weight can be equal to one and a half tons, and its length can be more than four meters. Some eyewitnesses even saw belugas reaching a length of nine meters. If all this anecdotal evidence is true, then the beluga could be considered the largest freshwater fish in the world. She has a thick and massive body.

With its head and the shape of its muzzle, the beluga resembles a pig: its snout, somewhat like a snout, is short and blunt, and its huge, toothless mouth, which occupies almost the entire lower part of the head, surrounded by thick lips, has a sickle shape. Only beluga fry have teeth, and even those disappear after a short time. Antennae hanging down from upper lip and reaching the mouth, slightly flattened downward. The eyes of this fish are small and blind, so it navigates mainly with the help of a well-developed sense of smell.

This is interesting! The name beluga (Huso huso) is translated from Latin as “pig”. And, if you take a closer look, you can really notice that these two creatures are similar in some ways, both in appearance and in their omnivorousness.

Male and female belugas differ little in appearance and their bodies are both covered with equally large scales. The scales look like diamonds and do not overlap each other anywhere. This type of scale is called ganoid. The back of the beluga is gray-brownish, the belly is lighter.

Behavior and lifestyle

Beluga is a migratory fish; it mainly leads a bottom-dwelling lifestyle. The very appearance of it amazing creature, reminiscent of the appearance of ancient armored fish, indicates that the beluga rarely appears on the surface: after all, with such a massive body, it is more convenient to swim in deep water than in the shallows.

It constantly changes its habitat in the reservoir and often goes deeper: the current is faster there, which allows the beluga to find food, and there are deep holes, which this fish uses as resting places. In spring, when the upper layers of water begin to warm up, it can also be seen in shallow water. With the onset of autumn, the beluga again goes into the depths of the sea or river, where it changes its usual diet, eating mollusks and crustaceans.

Important! Beluga is very big fish, she can only find enough food for herself in the seas. And the very presence of belugas in a reservoir is evidence of a healthy ecosystem.

Beluga travels vast distances in search of food and spawning grounds. Almost all beluga whales tolerate both salt and fresh water equally well, although some species can live exclusively in fresh water bodies.

How long does a beluga live?

Beluga is a real long-liver. Like all other sturgeon, it matures slowly: up to 10-15 years, but lives for a very long time. The age of this fish, if it lives in good conditions, can reach a hundred years, although now belugas live forty years.

Range, habitats

The beluga lives in the Black Sea, the Azov Sea and the Caspian Sea. Although less common, it is also found in the Adriatic. It goes to spawn in the Volga, Don, Danube, Dnieper and Dniester. Not often, but you can find it in the Urals, Kura or Terek. There is also a very small chance of seeing beluga in the Upper Bug and near the coast of Crimea.

There was a time when the beluga walked along the Volga to Tver, along the Dnieper to Kyiv, along the Ural River to Orenburg, and along the Kura to Tbilisi itself. But for some time now this fish has not climbed so far upstream in rivers. This is primarily due to the fact that the beluga cannot rise upstream due to hydroelectric power stations blocking its path. Previously, it also appeared in rivers such as the Oka, Sheksna, Kama and Sura.

Beluga diet

Newly born fry, weighing no more than seven grams, feed on river plankton, as well as larvae of mayflies, caddis flies, eggs and fry of other fish, including related sturgeon species. Grown-up beluga whales eat juvenile stellate sturgeon and sturgeon. Young belugas are generally characterized by cannibalism. As the young beluga grows, its diet also changes.

After the young of the year move from rivers to the sea, they feed on crustaceans, mollusks and small fish such as gobies or sprat, as well as fry of herring and cyprinids until they are two years old. Upon reaching two years of age, beluga whales become predators. Now approximately 98% of their total diet is fish. Beluga's food preferences vary depending on the season and feeding areas. In the sea, this fish feeds all year round, although with the onset of the cold season it eats less. Having remained in the rivers for the winter, it also continues to feed.

This is interesting! The food of many adult sturgeons is various small creatures that live on the bottom, and only the largest of them - beluga and kaluga - feed on fish. In addition to small fish, their victims may include other sturgeon and even small seal pups.

In the belly of one of the caught belugas there was found a fairly large sturgeon, several roach and bream. And another female of this species had a catch of two large carp, more than a dozen roach and three bream. Also, a large pike perch had become her prey even earlier: its bones were found in the stomach of the same beluga.

Reproduction and offspring

Beluga begins to breed late. Thus, males are ready to breed at the age of at least 12 years, and females do not breed until they are 16-18 years old.

Females of the Caspian beluga are ready to continue their race at the age of 27: only by this age do they become fit for reproduction and accumulate sufficient weight for this. Most fish die after spawning ends. But the beluga spawns repeatedly, albeit with intervals of two to four years.

In total for her long life 8-9 spawnings occur. She spawns on a sandy or pebble bottom, where fast current, which is necessary for a constant flow of oxygen. After fertilization, the eggs become sticky and stick to the bottom.

This is interesting! A female beluga can lay several million eggs, while total mass caviar can reach up to a quarter of the weight of the fish itself.

In 1922, a five-meter beluga weighing more than 1200 kg was caught in the Volga. It contained approximately 240 kg of caviar. The hatched larvae, which later turn into fry, set off on a difficult journey - in search of the sea. “Spring” female belugas, entering the river from mid-winter until the end of spring, spawn in the same year. “Winter” beluga, in order to find and occupy a place convenient for spawning, comes to the rivers in August and remains there to winter. It spawns only the next year, and before that it lies in a kind of hibernation, sinking to the bottom and becoming covered with mucus.

In May or June, the “winter” beluga comes out of hibernation and spawns. Fertilization in these fish is external, like in all sturgeons. The eggs attached to the bottom of the reservoir mostly become prey for other fish, so the survival rate among juvenile beluga is very low. Beluga cubs live on warm sun rays shallow. And after they grow up enough, they leave their native rivers and go to sea. They quickly increase in size and by the age of one year their length becomes approximately equal to a meter.

Natural enemies

Adult belugas have practically no natural enemies. But their eggs, as well as larvae and fry that live in rivers, are eaten by freshwater predatory fish.

This is interesting! Paradoxical as it may seem, one of the main natural enemies beluga is the fish itself. The fact is that beluga calves, which have grown to 5-8 cm, happily eat the eggs of their relatives on the spawning grounds.

Population and species status

TO beginning of XXI century, the beluga population decreased significantly, and this species itself began to be considered endangered and was listed in Russia and in the International Red Book.

IN natural environment Due to the small population of its species, beluga can interbreed with other related sturgeon fish. And in 1952, through the efforts of scientists, an artificial hybrid of beluga and sterlet was bred, which was called bester. It is bred, as a rule, in artificial reservoirs, as in natural ones, where others are found. sturgeon fish, Bester is not released in order to keep natural populations of other species clean.

Salmon fish species are among the most abundant inhabitants of the Pacific and Atlantic oceans, as well as reservoirs with fresh water located in the northern hemisphere. The most famous and constantly occurring representatives of this family are fish such as trout, salmon, pink salmon, chum salmon, salmon, coho salmon, seal, whitefish, sockeye salmon and others. These fish are characterized by remarkable taste characteristics. In this regard, their meat is used in cooking for the preparation of both typical, everyday dishes, and for cooking gourmet dishes haute cuisine, as a serving on holiday tables. Do not forget that salmon are the source of such a delicacy as red caviar.

This article will talk about the peculiarities of salmon life, their way of life, beneficial properties and about fishing for this fish.

It should be noted that salmon, in turn, are divided into several subspecies, such as salmon, grayling and whitefish.

According to researchers, similar look fish originated in the Cretaceous period Mesozoic era. Currently, salmonids, in their appearance, resemble herrings. Salmon, depending on the type, are capable of growing in length from several tens of cm to 2 m, or even 2.5 m. One of the longest representatives of this genus are whitefish. At the same time, their weight can be several tens of kg.

Individual specimens of chinook salmon, taimen or salmon reach a weight of 60 to 100 kg. Salmon do not live long, about 10 years on average, although you can also find long-livers, for example, taimen live up to almost 50 years.

The salmon family is distinguished by a slanted and, at the same time, laterally compressed body, on which there are round scales. The fins are located in the middle of the belly. They can be easily distinguished from other types of fish by the presence of an adipose fin large size. In these types of fish, the air bladder is connected to the esophagus, and the skeleton is not as bony as in other types of fish. For example, the skull is not made of solid bone, but of cartilage.

Representatives of the salmon genus inhabit both salt and fresh water bodies. Salty bodies of water are seas and oceans, while fresh water bodies include rivers. They inhabit the fresh water bodies of the North African continent in huge numbers, as well as the North American continent.

At the same time, attention should be paid to the fact that salmon prefer conditions characteristic of the cold hemisphere. As for the warm hemisphere, salmon can only be found in conditions artificial breeding. In Russia, salmonids are found in the Far East, Kamchatka, near the Kuril Islands and Sakhalin. It is in these areas that commercial fishing of these types of fish is carried out.

Representatives of this genus of fish, which naturally inhabit seas and oceans, move to freshwater rivers before spawning. While in rivers, at this moment salmon receive the status of migratory fish. Some of these species can initially live in fresh water bodies, namely lakes. What’s most interesting is that they go to spawn in the places where they were previously born. Salmon spawn in the second or third year of their life. Another very interesting fact from their life: they go to the spawning grounds first and last time in your life. After the fish spawn, it all dies, becoming a food source for many animals living in the spawning areas. Such life path salmon living in the Pacific Ocean, such as pink salmon, chum salmon, sockeye salmon, etc., pass through. As for salmonids living in Atlantic Ocean, then after spawning not all individuals die. At the same time, individual individuals lay eggs at least 4-5 times during their life.

Before and during the spawning process, salmon undergo major changes, especially in terms of coloration. Individuals become brighter, decorated with spots of red or black, and males develop a hump. Pink salmon received its name based on this fact. Despite this, some species quite often change their colors, depending on the conditions of the surrounding living environment.

Types of salmon fish and their names

There are quite a lot of species, so it will not be possible to talk about them all, but it makes sense to talk about the most interesting and most popular ones, which have specific differences.

Salmon is also called “northern” or “noble” salmon. Salmon is one of the most valuable fish of this family. It stands out for its tasty and tender meat, which contains a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals. Its most widespread population is in the White Sea.

Its body, from 1 to 1.5 meters long, is covered with silver-colored scales, without the characteristic salmon species fish, on the sides of the spots. The salmon diet consists of small fish. During the period of active reproduction, he practically refuses to eat. When salmon leaves for spawning grounds, it can be identified by the prominent red or orange spots that appear on the body of the fish.

It is quite easy to distinguish pink salmon from other representatives of this genus by their very small scales of a silver hue, as well as the presence large quantity spots in the tail area. During the spawning period, pink salmon greatly transforms its appearance, as well as its coloring. Females become almost black, especially the head and fins, while males grow teeth and a hump forms on their back.

Pink salmon grows to 65-70 cm in length, no more. Habitat: Pacific Ocean and Atlantic. During the spawning period, pink salmon move to rivers both on the North American continent and in Russian Siberia. At the same time, it does not rise far against the current.

Pink salmon have fairly large caviar, ranging in size from 5 to 8 mm. After spawning, all the fish die. Pink salmon begin to spawn at the age of three or four years. The diet of pink salmon includes small fish, mollusks and crustaceans. According to many scientists, pink salmon is a relatively heat-loving fish, as it enters wintering areas where the water does not cool below +5 degrees. Pink salmon is a valuable variety of commercial fish and is considered a globally recognized seafood product. They tried to breed pink salmon in other reservoirs, but it did not take root.

Ketu can also be considered one of the most known species fish It is characterized by a silver color without any extraneous stripes or spots. During the spawning period, it becomes almost black in color. It can be found in the Pacific Ocean, and for spawning it comes to its places, which are located in the upper reaches of such Siberian rivers as the Kolyma, Lena, Yana, Amur and others.

There are two forms of this fish:

  • autumn, as the largest, about 1 m long.
  • summer, no more than 70-80 cm in length.

Chum salmon has fairly large eggs (7-8 mm) and is a valuable commercial species.

Sockeye salmon is especially common in the Pacific Ocean, but is not very well known in Russia, as it is usually caught off the Asian coast or off the coast of Alaska. Sockeye salmon is distinguished by the presence of a large number of gill rakers, as well as the bright red color of the meat, compared to the meat of other salmon. They have a soft pink hue.

She has rather small caviar (4-5 mm), compared to other types salmon fish. Grows up to 70-80 cm in length. Sockeye salmon feeds on small crustaceans. There are two types of sockeye salmon. This is due to the fact that these subspecies spawn in different periods:

  • in spring;
  • summer or autumn.

The main habitat of this fish is the Pacific Ocean, and coho salmon spawn in the waters of the North American continent and Asia. Coho salmon has silvery scales of a bright shade, which is why it is also called “silver salmon.” Basically, coho salmon grow up to 60 cm in length, although there are individuals up to 80 cm in size. Coho salmon spawn from September to March, which can be characterized by the presence of ice on the surface of the reservoir. During this period, females and males change their color to a bright crimson color.

At the same time, coho salmon is considered a rather heat-loving fish, since it winters in places where the water does not cool below +5°C, and in some places even +9°C.

She is considered the most valuable fish salmon family. In addition, she is considered their largest representative. It can gain weight up to 50 kg, with a length of 80-90 cm. It can be distinguished by its characteristic gill rays, of which it can count at least fifteen.

It can be found near the North American continent, and can spawn in the rivers of the Far East. Chinook salmon spawn throughout the summer. Moreover, the fish makes depressions in the bottom with its tail and lays eggs. Chinook salmon live for at least seven years, and average duration her life is 4-5 years. Chinook salmon feed on small fish. Chinook salmon has nutritious red meat, which is why it is caught in large quantities.

This fish, which is found in the Russian Baltic, Black, White and Aral Seas, is also called salmon - taimen. It is considered a migratory fish and goes to spawning grounds located in European rivers. They grow up to 47 cm in length, reaching from two to five kilograms of weight. Despite this, you can find individual specimens weighing up to 15 kg. Trout are also caught commercially due to their tasty and healthy meat. Brown trout prefer to lead interesting way life: goes to spawn in the upper reaches of rivers, does not migrate over vast distances, prefers fresh water bodies, in which it spends most of its existence.

Trout, which is found in the Azov and Black Seas, is called “Black Sea salmon.”

It is a small representative of the salmon genus, which can be found in both salt and fresh water. On average, the lifespan of a whitefish is 7-10 years. Although there are individuals that live up to twenty years and grow up to 50 cm in length.

The fish has a silver tint and dark fins. As a rule, there are several subspecies of whitefish, which practically do not differ from one another. At the same time, one feature of whitefish should be mentioned: they have meat white, compared to other representatives of salmon.

Nelma belongs to the whitefish subfamily, but, unlike other relatives of this subfamily, it is capable of growing up to 1.3 meters in length, with a weight of about 30 kg.

This fish does not like salty waters and is found mainly in rivers of the cold hemisphere. When going out to sea, it tries to stick to desalinated areas of the water area. It has commercial interest, as it is characterized by tasty and nutritious meat.

This fish is divided into ordinary, Sakhalin, Korean and Danube taimen. These types differ appearance due to specific living conditions. Common taimen are usually found on the Amur River and large lakes. It differs from its Danube relative in the smaller number of stamens on the gills.

Sakhalin taimen is an anadromous fish. It can grow up to one meter in length, while gaining weight from 20 to 30 kilograms. Taimen is valuable commercial fish. He feeds on small fish.

Lenok has a dark color with a golden tint. It spawns with fairly small eggs, and in appearance resembles whitefish.

This type fish is found in rivers of the Far East, as well as Siberia. Its diet includes larvae of various insects. Like most salmon species, lenok is one of the commercial fish.


Who hasn't heard of trout? This representative of the salmon genus inhabits big lakes, such as Onega and Ladoshskoye. Trout can be found in Karelia and in the White Sea and Baltic basins.

Depending on their habitat, brook (ordinary) and lake trout are distinguished. This fish prefers freshwater bodies of water with crystal clear and cold water. At the same time, it may have a unique color. Trout spawn in autumn-winter period. Trout feeds on a variety of foods, ranging from insect larvae to small fish.

There are several varieties of trout:

  • alpine;
  • Scottish;
  • European;
  • American, etc.

Trout stands out very much delicious meat Therefore, it is caught commercially. Along with industrial fishing, trout are also bred in artificial reservoirs industrial scale. This type of fish is an object of fishing for both amateur fishermen and sports fishermen.

This fish is found in Lake Sevan and translated means “prince.” Ishkhan spawning occurs at a certain period of the year. Their usual color is silver, but during the spawning period, the fish changes its color to dark, with bright red spots that appear on the body of individuals. Ishkhan spawns at the bottom of the lake. Some individuals gain weight of 15 kg, but the average size of this fish is within 30 cm, with a weight of about half a kilogram. Ishkhan contains very appetizing meat, from which you can prepare true delicacies.

The salmon family includes a large number of fish species that are valued for their excellent taste qualities. Some of the species are anadromous, while others are freshwater, but all of them are of great commercial importance.