Why do you dream about a lot of hamsters? White hamster

Hamsters are known to everyone as cute little rodents, constantly trying to stuff something tasty into their cheeks in reserve. What if we saw this cheeky baby while we were sleeping? Should this be regarded as a need to start stocking up or something else? We suggest looking for the answer to the question “why do you dream about a hamster” in the most complete and popular dream books modernity.

Eastern dream book: hamster in a dream

If you dreamed that you got a hamster, then perhaps in the near future you will be overcome by attacks of greed that will not please your family and friends. A dream in which you are trying to catch a fleeing rodent predicts troubles due to the fault of unscrupulous people.

Morozova's dream book: why do you dream about a hamster

This dream book interprets a dreamed hamster in a cage or in freedom as a symbol of impending changes for the better. Moreover, changes will occur either by luck, or due to the intervention of some influential person.

Newest dream book: hamsters in a dream

This source, answering the question “why do you dream about a hamster,” claims that such a dream warns of the need to be patient in business and under no circumstances fuss, rush, or panic.

Aesop's Dream Interpretation: a hamster in a dream

This dream book considers a dreamed hamster as the personification of a person who is a zealous owner, thrifty, prone to hoarding, and sometimes stingy. Why do you dream about a hamster that you buy at the market? Such a dream prophesies that you will meet and communicate with a rich man who, despite friendly relations with you, will never reveal to you the secret of success and easy enrichment. If you find a hamster in your house that no one brought in, then in the foreseeable future you may have to change your place of residence. Very good sleep counts if you watch a hamster eat. Such a dream promises you prosperity and profit, and you don’t have to try very hard to achieve them. If you are trying in vain to catch a fleeing rodent, then you will face unplanned expenses and expenses, the cause of which will be your close relatives, most likely children.

Big magical dream book: why do hamsters dream?

This dream book considers a dream in which hamsters appear as the personification of such bad qualities inherent in the dreamer as hoarding and money-grubbing. If a rodent in your dream is stuffing its cheek pouches, then your thriftiness is already turning into an obsession and mania, and you cannot stop dragging into the house everything that you think might be useful in the future. A hamster in a cage means that the dreamer is aware of his shortcomings, but he does not have the spirit or willpower to fight them. If the hamster runs away from you and you try to catch it, then your feelings may get out of control, which can cause irreparable mistakes. If you manage to catch a rodent and put it in a cage, then very soon you will be able to cope with your emotions and take control of the situation.


If you dream that you have a hamster, this is a warning. Soon you will be overcome by an attack of greed.

Catching a hamster in a dream means there is an opportunity to suffer because of unscrupulous acquaintances.

Dreaming of a hamster - in real life You should under no circumstances fuss now, otherwise you can only ruin everything.

Also, a hamster seen in a dream can signify the achievement of prosperity, and without any particular difficulties.

A hamster in a dream can symbolize your desire in reality to stock up, carry out thorough preparation to anything. And if this hamster also stuffs his cheek pouches with food, then your thriftiness is on the verge of mania. Remember that money-grubbing and hoarding are by no means positive qualities personality.

If you dream of a hamster in a cage, in reality you yourself realize your stinginess and are making attempts to change. With difficulty, but you still succeed. And who says that you can easily get rid of vices?

In a dream, catching a hamster means that soon you will be able to finally learn to control your feelings, especially those that prevent you from enjoying life (stinginess, greed). Well, if you caught a hamster in a dream, but in the end you didn’t catch it, then your attempts to cope with yourself in reality will not achieve success.

A hamster seen in a dream can also be an “adviser” - communicate more with people, which will allow you to achieve success in your work and advance in your career.

A hamster in a dream symbolizes a possible thief who is in your immediate environment.

A hamster can also be a warning about possible diseases internal organs.

A small (dwarf) hamster in a cage or in a field, seen in a dream, is a symbol of future changes in your life that will happen by chance or with someone else’s intervention.

If you dream that you have turned into a hamster, you will become the owner of a rich inheritance.

Sell/buy a hamster - know that it depends only on your decision whether life will become more prosperous or everything will remain as before.

If in a dream you are presented with a hamster as a gift, in the near future and in reality expect some valuable gift that will greatly change your life.

If in your dream you killed a hamster, be careful, there is a high risk that in reality you with my own hands destroy what would make you very happy.

Seeing a lot of hamsters in a dream means that in real life you will have to communicate with bank employees, employees of a store, warehouse, wholesale warehouse, etc.

In a dream, buying a hamster at the market - soon in reality you will make acquaintance with a person whose income is very substantial, but he will not tell you his secret to achieving well-being.

If in reality you don’t have a hamster in your house, and you dream that a hamster suddenly appeared, but no one brought it to your house, soon in reality you may be expected to move to another apartment, and someone will live in your house stranger(due to, for example, exchange of living space, sale/purchase of an apartment).

Watching a hamster eat in your dream means profit, prosperity, and this will not depend on you.

In a dream, a hamster runs away from you, and you are trying to catch up with it - to unforeseen expenses due to the fault of relatives (most likely children).


Rodents in life are distinguished by their ability to store food for a rainy day, so this image in dreams often speaks of hoarding, the dreamer’s ability to save money for the future. This symbol is necessarily closely related to money. How to properly manage real finances depends on the details of the dream.

If hamsters, mice appear in dreams day after day, you need to think about your future and present. Worrying too much about tomorrow, denying yourself all the pleasures of today, is harmful. This is negative for personal growth and relationships with others.

Contents [Show]

Why does a woman dream about hamsters?

These small animals promise the dreamer in reality a choice of men who are preparing to propose marriage. But you need to be more restrained and direct so as not to mislead any of the potential husbands. The future with the chosen one is promised to be comfortable.

An animal given to girls in a dream also promises wealth to girls. Sometimes such a dream warns: you will meet an influential person ahead, but you will have to make a little effort to get this person to help.

Why do you dream about a lot of hamsters?

A large number of these rodents report: in reality it is possible fun party or important event, where there will be countless guests. Another option is that you will have to make a choice, but the dreamer may make the wrong decision.

One or more hamsters bites - to ill-wishers, someone is weaving a network around the dreamer in order to achieve material benefits, growth in career ladder or simple benefit. Sometimes this dream means the embodiment of one’s own greed, which is also not good.

Why do you dream of a hamster in your hands?

Holding a rodent in the hands indicates a person’s foresight and organizational skills, because not everyone can catch a resourceful animal.

  • A caught hamster is a symbol of maintaining power, defending one’s positions, and making a profit.
  • Also, a dream sometimes prepares the dreamer for a gift in reality, and someone will present it spontaneously. Big wins are possible.
  • If in a dream an animal died or the dreamer took its life, it is time to wait for changes in business or in other material areas, but they will bring losses.
  • The dreamer is trying to correct his shortcomings; sometimes the advice of more experienced people will not be superfluous.

The animal itself, which moves peacefully without destroying everything around it, means an opportunity to earn money, but it is important that it be used for noble purposes. Otherwise, rodents personify the torment of conscience, which literally “gnaws” from the inside.

Why do you dream about a hamster in a cage?

A hamster imprisoned in a cage or an aquarium, a jar, indicates that in the dreamer, in reality, everything is thought out and distributed. But is a person too stingy? Will people close to him turn away from him because of greed?

  • A rodent chewing something is sitting in a cage - the dreamer can live for a long time on the income from investments. Similar meaning Breeding hamsters also have dreams.
  • If you see a rodent in a cage, quick changes in life are possible, they are programmed by fate, but the end result will please the dreamer. Patience and frugality will help to cope with the situation, but there is no need to refuse help to those in need.
  • A dead animal in a cage does not bode well for changes. It is better not to implement your plans into reality - the dream promises only losses.

Animals escaping from a cage or from the dreamer’s care signal possible losses or failure of a financial transaction.

Much in dreams is dictated by the attitude towards the animal. Thus, a peaceful mood regarding a hamster is a sign of positive development in matters related to the material side of life. If they try to offend rodents in every possible way, you will actually have to be thrifty.

Why do you dream about a white hamster?

The color of a small animal speaks volumes. The white animal will tell you about an imminent meeting with an extraordinary person who will open his eyes to what is happening or radically change the dreamer’s life with his worldview.

  • Also white sometimes warns of an authoritative, tough person who will try to persuade him to accept his point of view. You need to be more careful.

If you dreamed that a person turns into a white animal, then in reality wealth awaits him, which will fall out of the blue. And the fleeing white rodent will tell you that you need to be thrifty.

  • A black or gray hamster is the embodiment of temporary minor troubles. If an animal bites, beware of evil greedy people.
  • The red rodent will definitely bring with it unforeseen expenses that can leave the whole family without a penny. Sometimes an animal of this color hints at future romantic relationship, not devoid of passion and exciting adventures.

The red animal is also a good sign for talented individuals who are waiting for their finest hour. You must not miss the opportunity, this chance will dramatically change your life.


Why do you dream about a hamster according to Magini’s dream book? To accumulation, manifestation of greed and self-interest. Many hamsters are a sign that you are too tight-fisted and materialistic; it’s time to think at least a little about your neighbor.

Seeing a hamster in a cage in a dream is a reflection of your efforts not to show stinginess to others, attempts to hide greed, and the dream may also indicate secret savings that you don’t want to talk about. At home Houses– funds set aside for a rainy day, bargain purchases, smart investment. In your hands- accuracy and thrift in business.

White dreamed of a hamster - the interpretation of the dream according to the dream book will be rosy, this is an opportunity to save up for a desired item, an addition to a deposit account, and profitable investments. Black- stinginess can backfire, forcing you to pay double the price, inventories will depreciate, and the bank with the deposit will go bankrupt. Ginger- to a tight-fisted boyfriend.

Big animal - significant reserves and investments. Small- savings on little things.

See dead hamster - to wastefulness and senseless generosity.

Dreaming of rats together with hamsters is not the best best time lend, they won’t pay back. Also, do not give in to persuasion to invest money in a new business or financial enterprise- you will be deceived. With mice- to minor unpleasant losses.

If there is a hamster in a dream bites you - someone’s stinginess will greatly hurt you, morally or financially. A rodent bit someone - we're talking about specifically about your not too generous behavior. Hamsters bite each other - to become involved in the struggle for monetary success.

Gives birth hamster - this is a very promising time for any investments and savings, which will certainly bring good income in the future.

Catch a hamster according to the dream book - attempts to save at least on something. Feed– systematically save funds.

Women I dream of hamsters as a symbol of frugality and family investments. For men the dream indicates business qualities and financial acumen.

Natalya Rodnaya
© site Magenya.ru

The hamster is a thrifty animal that stores food in its cheeks, therefore in Aesopian language it means a zealous owner, a person prone to hoarding, thrifty, and sometimes stingy.

If in a dream you see a lot of hamsters, then this dream foretells you communication with bank employees or employees of a warehouse, store, or wholesale warehouse.

Buying a hamster at the market - you will meet a person who has quite a large income, but he will not tell you the secret of easy money, although you will become quite good acquaintances.

If in a dream you find a hamster in your house, although no one brought it, it means that you will soon move to live in another house, and a stranger will take your place.

In a dream, watching a hamster eat is a favorable dream, foreshadowing prosperity and profit, although you will not be credited for this.

If a hamster runs away from you in a dream, and you cannot catch it, then this is a harbinger of unplanned expenses, you will have to fork out money, and the culprits will be your relatives, possibly children.

Interpretation of dreams from the Ancient Dream Book

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Dream Interpretation - Hamster

Acquisitiveness and hoarding are disgusting qualities, especially in an exaggerated form, but, as sad as it is to admit, these are the qualities that are inherent in you, and this significantly complicates your life.

This is confirmed by a dream in which you dreamed of a hamster, seeing a hamster stuffing its cheek pouches: your thriftiness borders on mania.

You are used to stocking up on literally everything, “just in case.”

Your apartment resembles a warehouse, but this does not make you sad, on the contrary, it makes you happy.

Many of the products that you buy in bags are only suitable for finding peace in a landfill, but this does not bother you at all, since you believe that everything will come in handy in difficult times.

Well, perhaps you are right in some ways, but your thriftiness has taken such forms that the plushkin is no match for you.

Feel sorry for yourself and waste years of your life seeing a hamster in a cage: you yourself realize your own shortcoming if the hamster ran away from you, and you are trying to put the rodent in its place: it means that in real life your feelings are out of control and you are afraid that they will start guide you, as a result of which you will make many irreparable mistakes.

If you managed to catch the animal: pretty soon you will regain control of the situation and be able to establish control over your feelings, especially those that prevent you from enjoying life.

Well, if this business was not crowned with success in a dream, then in reality your attempts will not be crowned with success.

Interpretation of dreams from

The hamster is a thrifty animal that stores food in its cheeks, therefore in Aesopian language it means a zealous owner, a person prone to hoarding, thrifty, and sometimes stingy.

If in a dream you see a lot of hamsters, then this dream foretells you communication with bank employees or employees of a warehouse, store, or wholesale warehouse.

Buying a hamster at the market - you will meet a person who has quite a large income, but he will not tell you the secret of easy money, although you will become quite good acquaintances.

If in a dream you find a hamster in your house, although no one brought it, it means that you will soon move to live in another house, and a stranger will take your place.

In a dream, watching a hamster eat is a favorable dream, foreshadowing prosperity and profit, although you will not be credited for this.

If a hamster runs away from you in a dream, and you cannot catch it, then this is a harbinger of unplanned expenses, you will have to fork out money, and the culprits will be your relatives, possibly children.

Interpretation of dreams from the Ancient Dream Book

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Seeing a Hamster in a dream

Slow but sure enrichment awaits you.

Imagine a hamster patiently carrying grains and seeds into its hole.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Simeon Prozorov

What does the dream Hamster mean?

A small hamster in a home cage or a hamster in a field means changes in your affairs for the better.

Change is facilitated by someone's intervention or just some kind of accident.

Interpretation of dreams from Rommel's Dream Book

Seeing a Hamster in a dream

Acquisitiveness and hoarding are disgusting qualities, especially in an exaggerated form, but, as sad as it is to admit, these are the qualities that are inherent in you, and this significantly complicates your life.

This is confirmed by a dream in which you dreamed of a hamster, seeing a hamster stuffing its cheek pouches: your thriftiness borders on mania.

You are used to stocking up on literally everything, “just in case.”

Your apartment resembles a warehouse, but this does not make you sad, on the contrary, it makes you happy.

Many of the products that you buy in bags are only suitable for finding peace in a landfill, but this does not bother you at all, since you believe that everything will come in handy in difficult times.

Well, perhaps you are right in some ways, but your thriftiness has taken such forms that the plushkin is no match for you.

Feel sorry for yourself and waste years of your life seeing a hamster in a cage: you yourself realize your own shortcoming if the hamster ran away from you, and you are trying to put the rodent in its place: it means that in real life your feelings are out of control and you are afraid that they will start guide you, as a result of which you will make many irreparable mistakes.

If you managed to catch the animal: pretty soon you will regain control of the situation and be able to establish control over your feelings, especially those that prevent you from enjoying life.

Well, if this business was not crowned with success in a dream, then in reality your attempts will not be crowned with success.

Interpretation of dreams from Longo's Dream Interpretation

What do Hamster dreams mean?

The main character trait of the person you approach with a request for money is greed, and it is this that will not allow him to help you.

Interpretation of dreams from

Hamsters are known to everyone as cute little rodents, constantly trying to stuff something tasty into their cheeks in reserve. What if we saw this cheeky baby while we were sleeping? Should this be regarded as a need to start stocking up or something else? We suggest looking for the answer to the question “why do you dream about a hamster” in the most complete and popular dream books of our time.

Eastern in a dream

If you dreamed that you got a hamster, then perhaps in the near future you will be overcome by attacks of greed that will not please your family and friends. A dream in which you are trying to catch a fleeing rodent predicts troubles due to the fault of unscrupulous people.

Morozova's dream book: why do you dream about a hamster

This dream book interprets a dreamed hamster in a cage or in freedom as a symbol of impending changes for the better. Moreover, changes will occur either by luck, or due to the intervention of some influential person.

Newest dream book: hamsters in a dream

This source, answering the question “why do you dream about a hamster,” claims that such a dream warns of the need to be patient in business and under no circumstances fuss, rush, or panic.

Aesop's Dream Interpretation: a hamster in a dream

This dream book considers a dreamed hamster as the personification of a person who is a zealous owner, thrifty, prone to hoarding, and sometimes stingy. Why do you dream about a hamster that you buy at the market? Such a dream predicts that you will meet and communicate with a rich man who, despite his friendly relationship with you, will never tell you the secret of success and easy enrichment. If you find that no one brought it to you, then in the foreseeable future you may have to change your place of residence. It is considered a very good dream if you watch a hamster eat. Such a dream promises you prosperity and profit, and you don’t have to try very hard to achieve them. If you are trying in vain to catch a fleeing rodent, then you will face unplanned expenses and expenses, the cause of which will most likely be your children.

Big magical dream book: why do hamsters dream?

This dream book considers a dream in which hamsters appear as the personification of such bad qualities inherent in the dreamer as hoarding and money-grubbing. If a rodent in your dream is stuffing its cheek pouches, then your thriftiness is already turning into mania, and you cannot stop dragging into the house everything that you think may be useful in the future. A hamster in a cage means that the dreamer is aware of his shortcomings, but he does not have the spirit or willpower to fight them. If the hamster runs away from you and you try to catch it, then your feelings may get out of control, which can cause irreparable mistakes. If you manage to catch a rodent and put it in a cage, then very soon you will be able to cope with your emotions and take control of the situation.


The hamster is a funny rodent that not only children, but also adults are delighted with. In reality, these animals are incredibly thrifty, so their appearance in a dream often symbolizes financial side life. To find out more specifically why such an animal is dreamed of, you need to remember all the details of the vision.

Miller's famous dream book classifies dreamed hamsters as positive signs, foreshadowing good luck and prosperity. If you dreamed of small furry animals, children will bring you many pleasant emotions.

Aesop's Dream Book states: this image in a dream indicates an acquaintance with an influential person. The dreamer will have a friendly relationship with him, but he will never reveal the secret of his success to him.

The word “hamster” translated from ancient Avestan means “an enemy who throws to the ground.” Such a strange translation is quite understandable. To get to the seeds, which are usually located at the tops of the stems, these animals bend the plants down.

The magical dream book believes that if you dreamed of a hamster, you know your shortcomings, but you cannot overcome them. Probably to get rid of negative aspects character, the dreamer will need the help of friends or relatives.

The meaning of the image in other interpreters:

  • summer - to a disease of internal organs, it is worth visiting a doctor as soon as possible;
  • autumn - there is a dishonest person nearby, you should monitor your property more closely;
  • general - a comfortable existence; if the dreamer himself has become a rodent, he will soon receive an inheritance;
  • according to Longo’s dream book, if a rodent runs away from the dreamer, in reality it cannot restrain its feelings, as a result of which it will make an irreparable mistake;
  • eastern - attacks of greed will appear, which your loved ones will not like;
  • Morozova - to joyful events and pleasant changes in life;
  • Vangi - you are a thrifty and neat person, the dream prophesies stable material well-being.

According to Hasse’s dream book, if you dreamed of a hamster with tightly stuffed cheeks, the dreamer’s greed is already becoming manic. According to the soothsayer, so that relatives and friends do not turn away from you, you should reconsider your attitude towards life.

Who dreamed of a hamster: a woman or a man

When interpreting a dream, it is important to take into account the gender of the dreamer.

The appearance of a rodent in women's dreams

Interpretation women's dreams depends on details:

  • you held an animal in your hands - to happiness and good luck;
  • if a restless rodent escapes, big expenses are coming, the culprits of the incident will be the dreamer’s children;
  • financial stability is promised by a dream in which you were given a wonderful live hamster.

An unmarried girl who sees this image in a dream creates problems for herself. Apparently, several gentlemen are courting her, and she is already for a long time can't make a choice. If this continues, the result may be disastrous - the dreamer will be left alone.

A pregnant woman dreams of hamsters indicates that she misjudged the situation and now has to go through difficulties. Fortunately, the problem will soon be resolved and everything will fall into place.

The image of a hamster in a man's dream

If you dreamed of a healthy and well-fed animal, this indicates your business acumen. Currently, any undertaking will be successful, the main thing is not to miss the moment.

Two breeds of these animals are included in the Red Book. The Syrian and Newton's hamsters are critically endangered.

A sick or skinny rodent in a dream allows you to question male strength dreamer Perhaps it's time to seek advice from specialists.

Description of the rodent

The interpretation of a dream largely depends on small parts, which some people prefer to ignore, considering them something unimportant. However, dream books assure that all the nuances must be taken into account.

Fur color

Particular attention should be paid to what color the animal was:

  • white hamster - to an improvement in your financial situation, there is a high probability that your salary will be raised or promoted; a dream may also portend meeting a person who will radically change your worldview;
  • black is a sign that stinginess will backfire on you, perhaps all your savings will depreciate in an instant;
  • redhead indicates the appearance of a greedy gentleman, but if a man saw this dream, he will be able to achieve what he wants, but must understand that he will have to work hard for this;
  • brown characterizes the dreamer as an incredibly lazy person who, because of his mistakes, spends more than he earns;
  • red promises a romantic meeting;
  • animal gray portends troubles at work, you should be less frank with colleagues;
  • creamy means that you cannot find the right solution;
  • a multi-colored rodent testifies to the dreamer’s wisdom and his ability to solve any complex issues.

Animal size

When interpreting, it is important to consider how big the hamster was:

  • a medium-sized animal is a sign that events are getting out of control, and the dreamer will face major expenses;
  • a large animal predicts stability and improvement in financial situation;
  • a newborn characterizes the dreamer as a lazy and infantile person who does not try to do anything for his own well-being.

A small hamster in a dream indicates that an outsider is trying to influence your affairs. According to interpreters, it is necessary to pay more attention to work, otherwise the created enterprise will be on the verge of collapse. Small white animals, on the contrary, indicate that the dreamer is moving in the right direction.

Quantity: many, several or one

The meaning of the number of hamsters in a dream:

  • one indicates changes in life that will occur due to outside intervention;
  • two - to meet a friend whom you have not seen for many years;
  • a lot - for acceptance important decision which will affect your financial situation; if they rushed around the dreamer’s apartment, this indicates his stinginess and hypocrisy.

If in a dream you were given a whole family of such animals, one of your friends decided to give him a nice gift.

Hamster location

The interpretation of the dream also depends on where exactly you saw the animal:

  • in hand - to financial stability, well-being in life, luck and success will contribute in any business, the main thing is not to be lazy;
  • suddenly appeared in a house or apartment - you have to change your place of residence, the move will happen in the near future;
  • in a box - you will soon have to attend an important event;
  • in your pocket - to hard but well-paid work.

Did you dream of an animal in a cage? You realize that stinginess is not your best quality, but you can’t do anything about it. If the hamster ran away from there, the dreamer cannot control his feelings and will make many mistakes because of this. A dead animal in a cage promises unjustified expenses.

Actions in a dream

The meaning of the dreamer's actions:

  • get yourself a hamster in a dream - your tight-fistedness will negatively affect your relationships with others;
  • selling an animal - soon you will need to make a decision on which your life will depend;
  • to receive as a gift - to a valuable present;
  • giving - to large expenses that will not justify themselves;
  • catching - the beginning of a crisis period;
  • ironing - the time has come when you need to take care of yourself, and not of others;
  • to kill is a very bad sign; the dreamer will destroy with his own hands what could bring him happiness.

Buying an animal at the market or in a pet store predicts meeting a person who can make money literally out of thin air. However, this meeting will not bring any material benefit to the dreamer. Buying several hamsters at once is a sign of joyful events in life.

A hamster biting your finger warns the dreamer against excessive greed

Interpretation of a hamster's actions in a dream:

  • ate - to unexpected profit;
  • ran away or hid - big expenses lie ahead;
  • attacked the dreamer - to danger;
  • attacked someone else - trouble will happen to a loved one;
  • bit your finger - the dream warns against excessive stinginess;
  • gnawed your hand and you saw blood - loved ones will cause a lot of trouble.

An animal being born before your eyes means an increase in income.

Other interpretations

A serious warning is a dream in which you saw a dead animal. Most often, this image means that you make decisions too hastily, which can harm yourself. A torn off hamster's foot is a sign that in an effort to get rich, the dreamer has forgotten about honor and morality.

Did you dream about a toy animal? You will be unfairly accused of theft. A blind rodent indicates that at present it is not recommended to start a new business, since it will bring nothing but pointless hassle. A cat eating a hamster means that close relative The dreamer is in trouble and is waiting for help.

A dream in which a hamster appears usually concerns financial sector. Therefore, the dreamer should pay more attention to this part of his life, and then everything will definitely work out well for him.