Facts about snakes. Very scary facts about snakes that are better not to know Group of facts about snakes

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People have always respected and feared snakes. Here are some interesting facts about these slender, slithering reptiles.

The African is a well-known egg lover - a very highly specialized snake. Although it is not poisonous, its color is very similar to that of poisonous viper, so the predator will think twice before attacking.

The main food of the African grass snake is bird eggs. With a head size of only 1 centimeter, this snake is capable of swallowing eggs 5-6 times larger than its head. All this is due to the structure of the lower jaw. It is not monolithic, but consists of 2 bones that can diverge to swallow large food. When an egg is swallowed, 2 specialized vertebrae are used to pierce the shell. Once the contents are squeezed out, the snake regurgitates the crumpled, inedible shell back.

Snakes and spitting cobras can feign death. In the face of a threat, when defensive tactics do not help, the snake begins to twist and falls on its back with its mouth wide open and making sounds unpleasant odors. This whole beautiful set of actions makes the snake unattractive as lunch. Often predators disdain carrion and leave.

Most land snakes, such as vipers, boas and pythons, have a temperature sensor on their head. This organ looks like a pit. These heat pits are sensitive to temperature changes of as little as 0.002 degrees Celsius, effectively helping snakes navigate and hunt in the dark.

Snakes can have more than 300 pairs of ribs.

The internal organs of snakes are located one by one in the body of the snake. An interesting fact is that snakes have a large left lung, and in some species the right lung is completely absent.

The snake's heart can slide along the snake's body from its original position. This function was bestowed by nature in order to facilitate the passage of food through the snake’s gastrointestinal tract.

Venom glands developed independently of each other in different types. Snake venoms- Very complex substances, which may consist of a dozen or more toxic components. These may include substances that are toxic to the heart, nerves, and DNA, as well as enzymes that break down tissue and natural barriers, allowing the poison to spread throughout the body.

Snakes have two rows of teeth on the upper jaw and one row on the lower jaw. All teeth, including canines, are usually replaced with new ones during life.

The flicking of a snake's tongue is not a threatening gesture. Thus, the snake sniffs the air in order to find out information about surrounding objects. By making a couple of strokes, the tongue transfers the collected information to the sensitive palate of the snake where recognition occurs.

A spitting cobra can hit a target not only with a bite, but also with spitting poison at a distance of up to 3 meters. Raising the front part of the body, the snake aims at the victim’s eyes, trying to hit the mucous membranes.

The rattlesnake's rattle consists of six to 10 layers. These rattles are formed when the snake molts, each molt adding one segment.

The blunt tail of the Calabar boa constrictor is very similar to the head. When threatened, the snake prefers to curl up into a ball, exposing its tail in front of the predator instead of its vulnerable head.

The most old snake in the world a boa constrictor named Popeye, who died in 1977 at the age of 40 years, 3 months and 14 days.

The black mamba (Dendroaspis polylepsis) is always brown, gray or olive, but never black. It's special dangerous snake whose bite kills 95 to 100 percent of victims. The black mamba can also be very fast, reaching speeds of 16 to 20 km/h. Seven of the 10 deadliest snakes live in Australia.

The biggest and long snake in the world - a python named Fluffy from a zoo in Ohio. At 18 years old, Fluffy weighs 136 kg, and his total body length is 7 meters and 31 centimeters. On at the moment This is the longest snake listed in the Guinness Book of Records. There are claims of huge pythons up to 14 meters long caught in Indonesia, but after investigation it turned out that these are just exaggerations of local residents to attract tourists. In fact, the pythons seen barely reached seven meters in length.

There are more than 3,500 species of snakes in the wild. They are all different, big and small, bright and discreet, poisonous and harmless. These amazing reptiles live on all continents of the planet except Antarctica. the site will introduce you closer to these mysterious inhabitants Earth, and will present curious and interesting facts about snakes.

The most interesting facts about snakes:

Immediate family

Snakes evolved from lizards, and the first fossil species were discovered in sediments that are 150–167 million years old.

IN modern nature their closest relatives are spindle-shaped and iguana-shaped lizards.


All snakes are predators, although some species cannot chew at all, but use sharp teeth to capture and tear apart its prey.

They have two pairs of teeth growing on the upper and lower jaws. It is noteworthy that teeth grow throughout the life of a reptile and change throughout life.

Skeletal Features

They are the undisputed record holders for the number of ribs. Some species have 250 to 300 pairs. During evolution, the girdle of the upper limbs is completely absent, but the pelvic bones are preserved, but they do not function.

Pythons are the only crawling reptiles that have vestigial remains of limbs. The unique structure of the skull bones allows all species to swallow victims much larger than themselves.

Sense organs

Almost all species have developed sense organs that allow them to hunt. They have an excellent sense of smell. Able to distinguish the slightest aromas various substances. But it is not the nostrils that catch odors.

Snakes have poorly developed vision, but they easily pick up vibrations. In addition, their forked tongue helps them catch odors. Scientists have also found that snakes are completely deaf. They simply do not have an outer or middle ear. They don't even have eardrums.


These reptiles do not blink because their eyelids are constantly closed. But their eyelids are transparent, so they do not interfere with their vision. But the vision is not the best strong point in life, and they rely more on other senses.

Internal organs

In snakes internal organs arranged sequentially. They are in a row and can move when swallowing food.

The left lung is much larger than the right. Some species have no right lung at all.

Temperature sensor

Almost all species have a small notch on the head. This is a kind of temperature sensor. This sensor helps them easily navigate in the dark.

But there are other “sensors” on the belly. They allow you to pick up any vibration on the surface of the earth.

Record holders in size

Most large snake On the planet there is a reticulated python, whose length is 10 m, and it weighs almost 100 kg. The anaconda is also a large one. Adults can grow up to 7 m in length. IN Russian Federation The largest is the viper, growing up to 2 m.

But the smallest are the narrow-mouthed Carla, whose length does not exceed 10 cm. These “babies” live on the island of Barbados, hiding under fallen leaves and stones. You can find out more about it on our website in the article about the most in the world.

In the Guinness Book of Records

The Ohio State Zoo has a snake named Fuzzy. When he turned 18, his length was 7 m 31 cm and he weighed 136 kg. These indicators allowed Fluffy to get into the pages of the world Book of Records.

The fastest

The black mamba is the fastest snake in the world. If necessary, it can reach a speed of 20 km/h. Other mambas prefer to live on tree branches, but the dangerous black one likes to move along the earth's surface.

Life expectancy record

In the wild, snakes live on average from 10 to 20 years. But it all depends on the species. But Popeye considers the boa constrictor to be an old-timer. He lived in the zoo until 1977, and his age at the time of death was 40 years.


In Asia there is a flying snake that, having straightened its ribs, can fly up to 100 m. They live among trees and easily glide from branch to branch.

Unusual name

The cat snake received its species name due to the peculiarity of the shape of the eyes. These reptiles have narrow vertical pupils that strongly resemble those of a cat.

It lives in the Middle East, Transcaucasia, the Mediterranean region and the islands Aegean Sea. In Russia it is listed in the Red Book.

King Cobra

One of the most poisonous on the planet. Its poison is enough to cause death for 23 people. Sometimes there is simply not enough time to introduce an antidote, her poison acts so quickly.

This type of cobra can easily kill an elephant, and attacks mainly only when protecting its offspring. Like all reptiles, cobras are caring mothers.


The main thing that distinguishes this species from others is a kind of “rattle” at the end of the tail. These are skin growths that grow by one segment after each shedding. With this device it scares away enemies.

It is interesting that at the moment of danger, he panics. At such moments, she bites everything, and can even bite herself. But its own venom does not pose a danger to the snake.


Albinism is quite rare among snakes. The lack of melanin does not affect their lifestyle and behavior in any way. This is an unusual sight, but it is more difficult for such white snakes to hide among the stones or desert sands.

The most beautiful

Milk snakes of the genus King snakes some of the most beautiful of all species living on earth. They got their name because they can safely drink milk directly from the udder of cows.

Despite its warlike coloring, this reptile is harmless to humans. Although he calmly eats his own kind.

Most toxic

The taipan, from the large family of adders, is the most poisonous snake on the planet. The poison is very toxic, and a small dose can kill up to 100 people.

Death after a bite, if help is not provided in time, occurs within 40–45 minutes. It is believed that taipans are very aggressive, but, like all reptiles, they do not attack first.

The list of the most poisonous also includes rattlesnakes, tiger snakes and cobras.

Tragic statistics

The World Health Organization reports shocking data that every year approximately 100 thousand people die from snake bites. In India alone, this figure reaches 40 thousand people.

Snake sniper

When traveling in the Philippines, you need to be extremely careful not to become a victim of the Philippine cobra. A venomous snake can kill by spitting venom up to 3 m away. But, like most reptiles, it will not attack first. The main thing is not to step on it.

There are also spitting cobras that not only bite, but also spit venom. This reptile aims directly at the eyes, trying to hit the mucous membrane.


Two-headed snakes are a common sight. They result from identical twins not separating during development.

Such individuals do not live long, since in a moment of danger they cannot hide from their enemies.


Most non-venomous individuals have acquired color dangerous species. Thus, they escape from natural predators. Nature did not reward them with poison, but painted them in bright, frightening colors.

So, the African grass snake is very similar to a viper. It feeds on bird eggs. Interestingly, it can swallow eggs 5 times larger than the size of its head.


Many species, when in danger, begin to eat themselves. In addition, if the scent of the victim remains on the tail, the snake immediately begins to eat it.

There are species that cannot feel full and easily die from overeating.

Only females

The only species on the planet consisting only of females is the Brahmin blind beetle.

The egg develops without fertilization. This process in biology is called parthenogenesis.


Most reptiles lay eggs, but some are viviparous. Such species are found in colder regions of the planet.

The female python lays the most eggs. One clutch can contain up to 100 eggs.

Caring for offspring

Almost all species carefully care for their offspring. Interestingly, only the king cobra builds nests for eggs. She protects the clutch all the time, and just before the babies appear, she crawls away in search of food. The female crawls away from the nest so as not to eat her own offspring.

Australia and New Zealand

The Green Continent is home to 21 species from the list of the 25 most poisonous snakes on the planet. But in neighboring New Zealand there are no snakes at all.

IN coastal waters marine reptiles live, but they are completely harmless and do not pose a threat to humans in the water. New Zealand has two such species of sea snakes.

The world of snakes is amazing and cannot help but fascinate. These animals have evolved in a way that is different from all other animals and show amazing adaptation to environmental conditions.

Snakes are able to demonstrate a lot of qualities that seem unthinkable to humans. But besides this, there is a lot in their life that, even if it is not something extraordinary.

And yet, it can attract your attention. So, twenty facts about snakes that may interest you:

1. For a viper to rush at its prey, bite it, inject poison and return to its original body position, under the right conditions, it only takes seventy milliseconds.

2. Most fast snake in the world is the terrifying Black Mamba. These creeping reptiles are capable of “accelerating” to speeds exceeding twenty kilometers per hour.

3. IN natural environment habitats began to mark the appearance of silent rattlesnakes. It is assumed that this is an adaptation method in order to hide its presence from people.

4. Since snakes often break their fangs, they have an unlimited supply of fangs.

5. In the United States, eight thousand people suffer from venomous snake bites every year. However, if you compare this figure with the number of deaths on roads or at the hands of criminals, then this figure will not seem so large at all, especially when you consider that cases with fatal quite a bit.

6. People usually think that snakes only eat rodents, but the king cobra's favorite food is other snakes.

7. Rattlesnakes and vipers often actively help with their fangs when swallowing prey.

8. Most poisonous snake Among those that live on land is the Australian continental taipan. This snake is capable of biting a person up to eight times and does not escape.

9. Cobras, being venomous snakes, at the same time have the ability not to inject venom during the bite.

10. Many rattlesnakes are extremely peaceful towards humans and will not attack humans unless there is a compelling reason to do so.

11. The African rock python, like a crocodile, is capable of staying under water for a long time, waiting for its prey. At the same time, only the nostrils remain on the surface of the water.

12. The appetites of the anaconda are well known. For example, she can eat a whole boar and strangle even a panther, but the most surprising thing is that she often swallows even large turtles along with their shell.

13. When collared cobra rises above the ground, it is capable of rising to the level of the human stomach.

14. Pythons that live in caves often prey on such nimble creatures as bats.

15. Boomslagng has even clearer vision than a chameleon.

16. When the five-meter king cobra the man threatens, she rises a third of her length and looks menacingly into the man’s eyes.

17. The reticulated python has approximately eighty teeth in its mouth, all of which are razor sharp.

Snakes- These are reptiles from the order Squamate. The appearance of snakes is very unique and radically different from the appearance of other animals. The main signs of snakes are a very elongated body shape, the absence of limbs and motionless transparent eyelids. It is because of these eyelids that the gaze of snakes seems hypnotic - after all, they never blink. The body of snakes is covered with many scales, hence the name of the order - scaly. The body length of snakes ranges from 10 cm to 9 meters. The colors can be very diverse - plain, striped, with spots, and the skin color varies from nondescript brownish brown to bright green or red.

Among snakes there are both poisonous and non-venomous species. Not poisonous species majority.


Snakes are very widespread on our planet. They live on almost all continents except Antarctica. Most snakes are found in hot climates and in humid tropics, but there are species that prefer cooler places. Snakes can live in deserts and steppes, forests and mountains. Almost all snakes live on the ground, but some species live underground, there are water snakes and those that live in trees.


All snakes are predators. They feed exclusively on animal food. Moreover, there are snakes that eat only one type of food. For example, there are those who feed only on bird eggs, or those who prefer to feast only on crayfish.

Depending on whether the snake is poisonous or not, their hunting method also differs. Non-venomous snakes usually strangle their prey, while venomous snakes infect their prey with venom by biting with poisonous teeth. Usually snakes swallow their prey whole, and the prey can be quite impressive in size. Some snakes only need to dine a few times a year, as they can go without food for several months to a year. The venom of some snakes is very strong action and dangerous to humans.


Most snakes are terrestrial animals. They usually move along the ground in wave-like movements. The speed of movement is low, it can be approximately 10 km/h.

Snakes are characterized by a molting process, which can occur several times a year in young snakes, and no more than 1-2 times a year in adults. During the molting period, the snake stops feeding and hides in some secluded place. At this time, the inner side of the skin becomes softer, then it cracks in the mouth area, and the snake crawls out of the old skin, like from a stocking.

To breed, snakes most often lay eggs, but there are also viviparous species snake.

Brief information about the snake.

Snakes are definitely extraordinary creatures - they cause genuine fear in some, and real admiration in others. The first group includes much more people and this is not surprising, because there are many varieties of these reptiles that are capable of sending a healthy person to the next world with just one bite, because they have powerful poison. There are an incredible number of varieties of snakes, where each species has its own specific characteristics and appearance. We have collected and combined into one single list all the most interesting facts about snakes.

1. The largest snakes Anacondas are considered to be. Representatives of this species can reach a length of up to 7 meters and weigh more than 100 kilograms. Fortunately, they live in the tropics and mostly in swampy areas that are difficult for humans to navigate. Found within Bolivia, Ecuador and South America.

2. The African snake, which feeds mainly on the eggs of various birds, has chosen good external camouflage. With its color it resembles a viper, and as you know, they are poisonous and can significantly harm their enemy, so serious animals are afraid of them, which is to their advantage. In addition, having a head measuring 1 centimeter, the animal easily swallows 5 centimeter eggs whole.

3. A rather bright emerald boa constrictor living in the jungles of South America chose a characteristic method of hunting. It hangs in tight coils from a tree branch, having previously caught it with its tail, and waits for prey. At the moment of its appearance, it makes a powerful leap, from which it is very difficult to escape.

4. The majority of snakes keep their eyes closed, but still see, because the eyelids of these reptiles are transparent. In some cases, this does not change the situation much, because some of these reptiles have very poor vision. It is compensated by a developed sense of smell.

5. Among the interesting facts from the life of snakes is the ability of a spitting cobra to pretend to be dead. She resorts to this skill very rarely, only in situations where there is no other option to escape in a fight with an enemy. At the same time, the cobra falls on its back and, opening its mouth, releases an unpleasant, carrion-like smell. This, as a rule, discourages its opponent from any desire to continue the battle and just be near the snake.

6. The most powerful venom is not from the cobra, as is commonly believed. He has quite aggressive look snakes - taipans. With one bite of his victim, he releases such a part of the poison that would be enough to send about a hundred people to the next world. The deadly mixture produced by his body is 40 times stronger than that of a cobra.

7. Snakes have a unique body structure. They can have more than three hundred pairs of ribs. The organs inside follow each other, while there are species with two lungs, and others with one. The heart can even roam throughout the body. This is explained by the fact that these reptiles often absorb prey many times larger than themselves, which would be extremely difficult to do if the arrangement of the organs was stable.

8. So-called Samoyed snakes have been spotted many times. They swallow their own tail and gradually die from it. This is due to the fact that when poor eyesight, these creatures rely solely on their sense of smell, and if their own tail smells like prey, this means big problems.