How to care for a ball python. How to Care for a Ball Python Benefits of a King Boa Python

6,000 - 48,000 rub.

(Python regius)

Class - reptiles
Order - scaly

Family - pseudopods

Genus - true pythons


One of the smallest pythons, reaching a length of 1.2-1.5 m.

The body is thick, powerful with a short tail. The large, wide head is well demarcated from the neck. The pattern on the body consists of alternating irregular light brown and dark brown or almost black spots and stripes, in some places separated by a light edging. The belly is white or cream in color, sometimes with scattered small dark spots.


Distributed in Western and Central Africa. The species' range covers Senegal, Mali, Guinea-Bissau, Guinea, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Cote d'Ivoire, Ghana, Benin, Niger, Nigeria, Cameroon, Chad, Central African Republic, Sudan and Uganda.

Inhabits equatorial forests and savannas.


Mainly nocturnal animal. Spends the day in shelters (burrows, hollows, fallen leaves), and at night or at dusk goes out hunting. Swims well and willingly enters the water. Can climb trees. When in danger, it curls up into a tight ball, hiding its head inside the body rings. For this characteristic feature royal python sometimes called “ball python” or “ball python”.

Diet of royal pythons wildlife consists predominantly of small mammals such as rats, striped mice, and shrews. Sometimes eats birds.


Both male and female pythons have claws (remnants of hind limbs) on either side of the cloacal opening, but males have larger claws. Females are usually somewhat larger than males. Mating occurs in June-November. Pregnancy lasts 120-140 days, after which the female lays 3 to 11 (usually 4-6) eggs measuring 75-80x55-60 mm. The female curls up around the clutch and “incubates” it for 68-90 days. When hatching, young pythons reach medium length body 43 cm and weight about 46-47 g.

The royal python is one of the most popular snakes kept in captivity. This is largely due to the small size and relatively peaceful and calm nature of the royal python. Keeping this snake in captivity is not a big problem.

To keep a royal python you need a horizontal type. Optimal size terrarium - approximately 80x50x50cm, but its dimensions can be larger (for example, length 100 cm). The terrarium must have a drinking bowl, from which the python will drink water and into which it can fit entirely during molting. You can use sawdust, sphagnum, gravel or coconut substrate, as well as regular white napkins. One or more shelters are required. must be maintained at +30-32°C during the day and +25-26°C at night. The terrarium is heated using heating element- a thermal cord (thermal stones cannot be used) and an incandescent lamp, previously isolated from the animal with a well-attached mesh. Humidity should be maintained by spraying as the substrate dries. It is necessary to place one or more shelters in the terrarium; you can also place driftwood, branches and durable artificial plants there for the python to climb.

Adult pythons are given rats, small rabbits, and chickens. Mice of the appropriate size are suitable for children. The feeding frequency for adult snakes is once every 10 days, for young snakes - once every 5 days. You can train snakes to eat pre-killed rodents.

Life expectancy in captivity is up to 20-30 years.

Royal python, photo, keeping, feeding the royal python, breeding pythons - 5.0 out of 5 based on 4 votes

Royal python

The royal python (Python regius) is the smallest representative of the genus, not exceeding one and a half meters in length, inhabits the countries of Western and Equatorial Africa- from Senegal to Nigeria and Cameroon. The head pattern consists of a large dark triangular spot on top and lateral oculotemporal stripes, between which lies a narrow yellow stripe. The coloring of the body of the royal python is very characteristic - along the body from the head there are two dorsal-lateral dark stripes connected by dark transverse bridges. Towards the middle of the body, the distance between the bars increases, they themselves expand, and the longitudinal stripes are interrupted in places, and additional spots appear on the light dorsal fields.

On the sides they go down from these stripes irregular shape protrusions covering light lateral spots, inside of which there is, in turn, a dark spot. The royal python hunts small animals and birds, which it guards by perching somewhere on a tree branch and hanging the front part of its body down. In case of danger, he curls up into a tight ball, hiding his head inside it, and one person cannot turn it around at this time. That is why in some countries it is called the “ball python”.

Pythons are kept in horizontal terrariums, since these pythons lead a predominantly terrestrial lifestyle. The size of the terrarium depends on the size of the animals. Thus, for a pair of Angolan pythons (Python anchieta), the smallest representatives of the genus, only 130 cm long, a terrarium measuring 100x60x70 cm is quite sufficient. For all pythons of this genus, it is necessary to place several strong branches in the terrarium, not only because pythons like to crawl, but also in order to more fully utilize the volume of the terrarium, especially with significant animal sizes. Sources of lighting and heating in terrariums for ethyl snakes are equipped with general principles. The temperature of keeping pythons is 28-32 C during the day and slightly less at night.

The humidity level when keeping these snakes must be high, especially when keeping this python (Python regius). For this purpose, the terrarium is sprayed, moisture-retaining types of soil are used, and large swimming pool. The latter is absolutely necessary, since all pythons spend a lot of time in water, especially before molting. The water temperature should be about 25 C. Snakes are fed rodents and birds, large snakes can eat rabbits.

Feeding the pythons

Royal pythons are carnivores; in captivity, young pythons eat small mice; adult snakes feed on mice, rats, hamsters, chickens or quails. Food must be killed and frozen. Before feeding, food is thawed. Avoid feeding live food, as it can cause serious injury to snakes, and rodents can also become infected with various diseases.

The frequency of feeding a python depends on its age, temperature, size of prey and activity of the snake. Young snakes eat 1-2 times a week, adults can eat once every 1-2 weeks. In winter, if the temperature is low, the snake eats even less or refuses to eat at all for several weeks. Pregnant females do not feed until they lay eggs. Snakes that shed do not eat at all. Royal pythons are prone to obesity. Pythons are fed in the evening or at dusk.

If your python has not eaten for more than 1-4 months, carefully monitor its weight. If the royal python has lost too much weight, you have to force feed it, or try placing the snake in a small space and putting a live mouse in there (not a baby mouse, but already a little independent, which cannot harm the snake). The mouse will run around the snake and irritate it. In most cases, reptiles eat the food offered. If the python continues to refuse food, check its mouth to see if it has stomatitis.

Breeding pythons

Pythons of the central genus mate late autumn- at the beginning of winter. 20-30 days before this, the snakes are seated and kept at more low temperatures(18-20 C) and shorter daylight hours one by one. Most pythons in captivity incubate the clutch themselves, otherwise it can be successfully incubated artificially at a temperature of 28-32 C and 100% air humidity.

7-10 days after birth, young pythons molt and begin to feed on small mice. Pythons reach sexual maturity at at different ages. Thus, it is known to produce offspring from a female dark tiger python (Python molurus bivittatus) at the age of only 18 months, although this is usually 3.5-4 years. Large pythons reach maturity later - the youngest female reticulated python that gave birth in captivity was 5.5 years old, the hieroglyphic python was 6 years old.

In case of danger, it curls up into a tight ball, hiding its head inside the rings. For this feature it received another name - Ball Python.

Terrarium: 1st and 2nd types or plastic box

Soil: mulch (shredded bark)

Lifestyle: twilight

An amazingly beautiful snake, brightly colored, not large in size, one of the calmest representatives of its species.

The royal python lives in central Africa, choosing open savannas and forests. He spends almost all his time in a hole, crawling out at dusk to hunt. He loves to swim, so he is often found near water, with which he cools down in the heat. Can also climb trees. In case of danger, it curls up into a tight ball, hiding its head inside the rings. For this feature it received another name - Ball Python.

It is very brightly colored, with black, yellow, light and dark brown stripes and spots distributed throughout the brown body. Has a powerful fat body and a large head, a fragile graceful neck. Exists large number morphs that were obtained through many years of experience by breeders.

The royal python is a favorite of terrarium keepers and is often found in zoos and exhibitions. This is explained by its ease of maintenance, small size (the length of an adult python is 1-1.2 meters), and calm disposition. This snake will appeal to beginner terrarium keepers; its maintenance is no problem.

To keep a python, you will need a plastic box measuring 60x30x30 or a terrarium 80x50x40. In the terrarium where the python will live, it is necessary to install a drinking basin; it must be of such a size that the python can fit into it. Newspaper is suitable as bedding in the box; it must be changed when it gets dirty; crushed tree bark can be poured into the terrarium. The python needs a shelter where it can rest. A humidity chamber can serve as a shelter, which will also facilitate the process of molting the animal.

Python regius feeding small mammals, terrarists, in particular, feed rodents: mice, rats. The snake is fed as it goes to the toilet, usually once every 7-10 days. You should monitor the moment the snake sheds, since during this period it is inactive and does not need food. There is no need to feed the snake during shedding, it is noticeable by its cloudy eyes, and after shedding, you can offer food after 3-4 days.

The temperature of the python is 25-27 degrees, with a night drop to 22. The python needs to be given a warm corner, the temperature in the heating zone should be 30-35 degrees. You can heat a terrarium or box using a thermal mat and a thermal cord, installing it at a third of the area’s volume.


1. terrarium type 1 and 2, plastic box

2. the presence of a thermal cord or thermal mat in the terrarium

3. humidity chamber in the terrarium

4. feeding once a week - rodents

5. pool in a terrarium

Many peoples of the world consider snakes to be a symbol of not only wisdom, but also beauty. And in general, the snake is considered an unusually beautiful exotic animal. Everyone who at least once was able to communicate with these creatures closely enough found the opportunity to appreciate their nobility, dignity and even aristocracy. In today's article we will touch on content issues pet python, we’ll tell you how to properly feed and maintain a reptile so that your pet feels cozy and comfortable.

Python at home

The most popular varieties of exotic animals that are purchased for keeping at home are.

To the touch, snakes are not at all wet and slippery, but very smooth and gentle. The secret of their hypnotic and motionless gaze is that snakes do not have eyelids, so they do not blink and sleep with their eyes open.

Pet python and the wild python belongs to the boa constrictor family. In the wild, their length can reach up to 10-12 meters. A python at home has a length of 3-6 meters, and the size of the smallest is dwarf python does not exceed 1 meter.

Keeping a pet python

At home, pythons live for about 25 years, sometimes there are individuals living for more than 30 years. The life record for the royal python in captivity is 50 years.

Most common python at home- These are tiger and reticulated pythons. IN lately These types of pythons are becoming increasingly popular for keeping in captivity due to their beautiful coloring, rather small size and rather calm nature. Pythons that are kept at home forgive their owner for mistakes made during their maintenance and are perfect for debutant hobbyists.

Regarding the habitat of pythons in the wild, they can be called universal exotic animals. These exotics can be found in both dry and wet areas.

  • housing should be spacious (terrarium measuring 1.2 by 2.4 m) and decorated with roots, branches and living climbing plants. Wood, glass or plastic are perfect for the terrarium itself;
  • ensuring strict temperature regime, humidity and ventilation;
  • provide the animal with an ideal air temperature (temperature during the day is 26-30°C, and at night 23°C), air humidity (about 90%);
  • providing the animal with fresh water for drinking and bathing;
  • python at home does not need additional lighting, but if you still decide to use additional light, you should adhere to the 12 by 12 mode (lights on for 12 hours, lights off for 12 hours).

Pet pythons do not require any daily extra-natural effort or expense.

Dinner pet python

In the wild, on open surfaces (where the snake is easy prey for predators), it is quite difficult to find it. And from the point of view of an exotic “snake”, you are precisely a predator. Therefore, after purchasing an animal and placing it in a terrarium, try not to touch it until your python begins to feed independently and regularly. Haste will make things worse stress state animal and will only prolong the period of its adaptation. And here the question arises: “ what to feed your pet python?».

IN natural conditions pythons most often feed on rodents and the laboratory mice and rats we offer are unfamiliar to animals taken from the wild. If you have problems feeding such a snake, try offering it a gerbil.

If you purchased a python born in captivity, there is the opinion of some experts that its diet may consist of killed rats, mice, hamsters, or chickens and quails, rabbits and guinea pigs and to avoid injury, it is better not to feed live animals. Other experts believe that pythons are not interested in dead food since non-living animals have no infrared radiation to which exotic animals react. The heat emitted by a living animal signals the snake about its “trophy” and it is this heat that triggers the hunting instinct in the predator.

How and how many times to feed your pet python

In the wild, if the animal is well-fed, pythons are very slow. During the hunt, they track their potential prey for a long time, and only then, with lightning speed, pounce on it, capturing the head of the prey with their teeth. Then the pythons wrap rings around the body of the “victim” animal, while squeezing the victim’s body, depriving it of the ability to resist. After making sure that the “food” is dead, the python slowly swallows the prey whole. The snake's mouth opens very wide at the moment of absorption. The python spends approximately 20 minutes from the moment of hunting to swallowing the killed animal. When full, all types of pythons curl up into a ball and remain in this state until the food is completely digested.

Under natural conditions, the intervals between meals in snakes depend on the size of the consumed prey. Having tempted a large animal, the next time the python will go hunting a month later.

Considering that domestic pythons are prone to obesity, adults should be fed once every 10 days, and young animals should be fed 2 times a week. Frequent feeding exotic animal will lead to rapid growth your pet. Based on this, make a decision on the quantity and volume of food. It is best to feed a python living at home in evening time(during twilight), it is also worth noting that the rate of digestion of food taken depends on the temperature in the terrarium.

IN winter period pythons refuse to eat for several weeks.

During molting, snakes do not eat at all. But pregnant female pythons and others refuse food until they lay eggs.

What to feed your pet python

Beginning snake keepers should not delude themselves that baby pythons feed on small mice. Newly hatched royal pythons are excellent eaters of teenage mice. Large and active game quickly arouses the python's interest in hunting.

To keep your Exotic looking good and healthy, don't forget to give him vitamin supplements.

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