What can a 10 month old girl do? Child development at ten months: what should a child be able to do? What to do if your baby doesn't sleep well at night and often wakes up for feedings

The last quarter of the year has begun - a time of intensive mental development of the child. Insatiable curiosity makes him stand up on his feet, reach for unfamiliar objects, act more actively with his hands, and “mastering” space and improving small movements of the hand expand the world of his ideas and concepts. The law of the most fruitful feedback connections “motor - psyche” operates again and again.

The tenth month is a time of intensive mental development of the baby. The growth rate is slowing down: his weight, depending on individual characteristics, is from 8.5 to 10 kilograms, his height is on average from 71 to 76 cm.

Physical development

As for motor skills, the baby continues to train his ability to crawl and sits up well from a lying position. Can sit for a long time with a straight back, without leaning to the sides. Your child not only sits independently, actively crawls and even stands with support, he is already overcoming obstacles, making persistent attempts to climb onto a bench, stool, chair, pulling himself up on his arms and pushing off the floor with his legs; he can easily climb on it, but he needs to be taught to climb off correctly (butt first, otherwise the baby may simply fall and hit his nose hard). Your task is to secure the baby and prevent the child from climbing to a significant height from which he could fall and hit his head, so be extremely careful!

Most children stand confidently, step along the support and try to take their first steps. They can take a couple of steps (although not yet very confidently) towards mom or their favorite toy, so it’s time to choose the right shoes for your baby.

The development of small hand movements is improving: the baby can hold two objects in one hand at once, has learned to unclench his fingers, and strives to use this skill at the first opportunity. Now, for many weeks, toys will fly from the child’s crib onto the floor, and pieces of food will fly from the table.

Mental development

He takes small objects with two fingers and does not give up the toy he likes. Knows about 10-20 objects (points with a finger or finds with a glance). Fulfills simple demands, requests (for example, show how you have grown - pulls your hands up, like a bear stomps its foot), gives a familiar object at the request of an adult. Knows the names of body parts, shows parts of another person's face. Imitates heard sounds, facial expressions, and the laughter of an adult. He loves animals and loves to play with other children. Children at this age wave their hands “bye-bye” or “hello”, send air kisses, love to kiss mom or dad, hum songs “la-la-la” and rock dolls “aaa-aaa-a”, dance to the music. Afraid of unfamiliar places or unfamiliar people.

At this age, one hand begins to dominate. You will be able to determine whether your baby is “right-handed” or “left-handed”. Try to have the child do everything with both hands, and not just the right one, since at this age the right hemisphere of the brain develops much more actively (for which the left hand is “responsible”). And action with both hands simultaneously leads to the formation and development of interhemispheric connections, which subsequently affect the success of mastering reading and writing.

Games and toys

Conscious small movements of the hand are improved - “fine motor skills”, the principle of feedback “motor-psyche” operates. This means that with the active development of fine motor skills, speech development and intelligence are better formed, since the brain centers responsible for finger movement and speech are located close to each other.

For the development of fine motor skills, toys such as a set of folding nesting dolls, pyramids with large rings or soft ones with Velcro, toys in which you can put one object into another, a toy music phone with large and small buttons are perfect. The baby’s play becomes more meaningful, so you can buy toys (cards) depicting birds, animals, vegetables, fruits or plastic cubes with drawings of animals.

Many kids, instead of expensive toys, are interested in “objects from the adult world”: saucepans with lids, boxes with shoes, etc. Do not deprive your baby of the pleasure of crawling, pulling out, opening and closing a box, scattering, knocking, because everything that surrounds the child can and should develop him, and besides, simple objects give him much more room for new associations and creative thinking.

Finger exercises (stroking palms in different directions, massaging each finger) and simple games such as “ladushki”, “magpie”, etc. also contribute to the development of fine motor skills.


In most cases, a ten month old baby will make quite a few different sounds. He loves it very much when people talk to him, especially when his mother repeats something every day - about eyes, nose, ears, animals in pictures, etc. He understands a lot in speech addressed to him and tries to imitate the different syllables of an adult. Begins to pronounce simple words (boom, bang), names surrounding objects and animals in separate syllables (for example, kitty - kitty, ava - dog, quack-quack - duck).

All his “conversations” will be conducted only in a good mood, in a state of peace and satisfaction. If the child is irritated or dissatisfied with something, he will not “talk and babble”, the baby will begin to cry.

Encourage your child to speak in every possible way. Create an atmosphere of comfort and peace of mind around him. Talk to your baby about the objects that are directly around him so that he can see what is being discussed and associate the object with the repeated word denoting it.


Alternate vowels with babbling syllables (a-ha, uh-huh, e-la-la). Sing vowel sounds (o, a, i, u, e) modeling your voice from low to high sounds and vice versa. This will develop the baby's phonemic awareness (that is, the ability to distinguish speech sounds to understand the meaning of what is said). When speech sound discrimination is not formed, the child remembers (repeats) not what he was told, but what he heard. Teach your child to play musical instruments himself. He can already master the bell, drum, xylophone and compare their sounds.

Other skills and abilities

The skills acquired at nine months are consolidated. The child can sit well without support, so you can continue to potty train him. If the baby does not like it, do not force him to sit on the potty under any circumstances. You can put a doll on the potty to show the child how to do it, let the baby get used to the new hygiene item.

If you haven't yet given your child the ability to express himself as an artist, now is the time to try. The first drawing lessons can begin as soon as the child learns to sit without tension (so that both arms remain free). Give your child pencils and finger paints. Finger painting provides the most powerful perception of color and new tactile sensations. You can show your child (by dipping his finger in the paint) what marks can be left on the paper.


At the tenth month of life, the child already has 4 teeth, and maybe all 6 teeth (2 on the bottom and 2 or 4 on top). If your baby does not yet have 4 teeth at this age, do not worry, wait a couple more weeks, perhaps during this time the missing teeth will erupt. However, if teething is late, it is worth consulting with a doctor to see if the child, especially in winter, suffers from a lack of vitamin D and, as a result, a disease such as rickets.

Examination of the baby in the clinic

If the child is developing according to his age and if there is no reason to worry about the child’s health, then a planned visit to the clinic can be postponed until the child is 1 year old.

Causes for concern

If by the end of the tenth month the baby:

does not throw toys off the table;
cannot shake his head in denial or agreement;
does not wave his hand “bye-bye” as a sign of farewell;
does not repeat (do not imitate) the movements that adults show him.

Swimming news

The physical and mental development of the baby is clearly manifested in his attitude towards bathing. After 3-4 months, he no longer resists when lowered into the bath. At 6-7 months he takes an active part in bathing. He holds out either a hand or a leg for washing. Loves to flounder, splash in the water, laughs loudly and babbles.

From the tenth month, the child’s activity is so great that it even interferes with calm bathing. He strives to turn bathing into a new game. He tries to catch the face or hair of a bent-over mother with his hand, grabs a sponge or floating toys, raises his hands on his head when they rub his body with a sponge or terry mitten, and screams when they intend to take him out of the bath.

Bathing rules also change with age. In the second half of the year, the baby needs to be bathed every other day. But if conditions permit, it is advisable to continue bathing daily. The child bathes while sitting. Soaping is preceded by a warm bath with waterfowl toys.

Only children who are once immersed in hotter or colder water than usual do not want to swim (this, however, happens rarely). “Thermal” memory in children is very developed, so they cannot forget this situation for a long time and are afraid of water. Sometimes a ten-month-old child refuses to sit in the bathtub. The reasons for this phenomenon are unknown. And, although this is not pedagogical, we advise you to follow the baby’s lead for a while and wash him while standing, under the rain from a watering can.

As before, your baby's bathtub should only be used for bathing. All bathing accessories must be kept clean and periodically (once a week) boiled or doused with boiling water. Foam sponges should not be used, as they cannot be boiled.

When bathing a sitting child, first wipe the face with a sponge or terry mitten without soap. Then the head is washed with baby soap. To prevent soap from getting into your eyes, you need to wash it off by tilting your head back. Then the limbs and torso are washed with a soapy sponge or mitten. At the end of the procedure, the child is doused with clean water from a jug.

Children really like the latter. Dousing is also good because, by distracting the child, it allows him to part with the cozy warmth of the bath without regret. After the bath, you can not only get your body wet, but also rub it with a soft towel. Comb your hair with a soft individual baby brush or a fine-toothed comb. Bathing usually ends daytime wakefulness and serves as a transition to nighttime rest.

Sleep and wakefulness

Now the child not only wakes differently than before, he also sleeps differently! Less, and often more restless. It’s no longer difficult for him to change positions in bed, but here’s a new problem: he constantly throws off the blanket. You can secure its edges under the mattress, although this is not very reliable - the child manages to crawl out and lie on top. Try adding a nightgown to your baby's wardrobe. It should be long, you can fasten it with buttons at the bottom to make it look like a sleeping bag. An adult wants to wrap himself up warmly to fall asleep, but children fall asleep better if the room is cool and they are not wrapped up too much.

Don't forget to ventilate the room before going to bed. Try to put the child to bed first without a blanket, and then, when he stops fidgeting and falls asleep, carefully cover him.

It is rare for a child of this age to sleep peacefully throughout the night. But one, having turned around, falls asleep again on his own, the other has to be approached, and more than once.

Sleep characteristics are a mirror of the child’s characteristics, his character, temperament, and state of the nervous system. During sleep, or in connection with sleep, subtle symptoms of neurological disorders that were previously not noticed in wakefulness sometimes appear. If anything in this regard worries you or seems unusual, take your child to a pediatric neurologist. Often the baby has difficulty falling asleep - this may be a manifestation of a nervous disease, but very often the reason is much simpler: the child is put to bed too late for his second nap, and he simply does not have time to “work up.”

The interval between the end of daytime sleep and the beginning of night sleep should be at least four hours. And two hours before bedtime, you need to stop all sorts of wild entertainment, flirting with the child, braking and tossing, which dads usually like to do when they come home from work.

Sometimes, in order for a child to fall asleep more peacefully, it is necessary to slightly change his diet and give him something denser, for example, porridge, not kefir, shortly before bedtime.

It happens, and quite often, that parents are worried that their child sleeps with his eyes half-closed. This may be an individual characteristic, and sometimes even a family trait; it turns out that one of the parents sleeps this way. But take a closer look: are the eyelids lowered symmetrically? If one is always higher, the other lower, one can think about the residual effects of some kind of inflammatory process that has also affected the facial nerve. He could have gone unnoticed. This suspicion is reinforced if, upon closer inspection, you discover that an asymmetrical grimace appears both in wakefulness and during moments of crying. You can't say anything in absentia. The child must be examined by a neurologist.

Mothers are worried when they see their baby flinch in their sleep. But when and how? If you flinch only when there is a sudden loud knock or a telephone call, this is natural; if you flinch while falling asleep and before waking up, this is also natural, because at such moments individual muscle groups relax or tense unevenly, not all at once. But if he shudders in the middle of the night, and the shudders come in series - 2-3 or even 5-6 in a row, a consultation with a neurologist is required.

Usually they pay more attention to how the child falls asleep, rather than how he wakes up. But this is also a very important point, which says a lot about the baby’s character, his well-being, and the state of the nervous system. If he wakes up with a smile, cheerful and cheerful, you can be calm about him! And if he’s always crying, screaming, dissatisfied, capricious, you need to worry about what’s wrong with him.

Sometimes this is the behavior of children who, out of necessity - or without it - literally grew up in their arms and are accustomed to the feeling of constant maternal warmth. What if I suddenly woke up and nothing was there?

Fear, anxiety, despair! There is no need to reinforce this reflex. The mother knows approximately when the child will wake up, and it is necessary to be nearby at that moment, take the baby in her arms, warm him, caress him, calm him down so that he does not have time to cry and so that his awakening is pleasant.

The cause of morning crying may be a headache. It happens to children who have increased intracranial pressure: at night, when lying for a long time, the outflow of blood from the cranial cavity worsens, and venous blood stagnates. And here, of course, therapeutic measures are required.

Parents are also frightened by another phenomenon: while awake, the child suddenly opens his eyes wide, so that a white stripe of the eyeball becomes visible above the pupil. Usually this is a reaction to a knock, a sharp bang, or an unexpectedly lit light. This happens to adults too, and this in itself is not scary. Not if, in addition, the child does not fall asleep well, sleeps restlessly, wakes up dissatisfied, if his hands tremble when crying - there is already a set of symptoms, or, as doctors say, a symptom complex, and it requires attention.

Does your baby sleep a little or a lot? The question is not easy, because there are no standards here, everyone has their own need for sleep. On average, in the tenth month, a child sleeps twice during the day for one and a half to two hours and ten hours at night. But if, after sleeping for only eight hours at night, the child wakes up vigorous, cheerful, with a good mood and appetite, then he slept just as much as he needed. The guideline is not general norms, but the comfortable state of your baby!

Gymnastics from 9 to 12 months

Be sure to do gymnastics with your child every day! The classes help him take his first steps more confidently. They promote hardening, because at this time the baby is undressed. Another invaluable advantage is mother’s touch. Physical contact with the mother, and with the father too, creates a feeling of security in the child, calms him down, and evokes a whole range of positive emotions.

1. Circular movements with your hands - perform with rings.

2. Raise straightened legs. Place the child on his back and, holding a smooth stick or a large bright toy at the height of his straightened legs, encourage him to touch it by raising his legs. The first time, help him; two or three more times - and he will probably be happy to do it himself.

3. Stomping. The baby lies in the same position - on his back. The legs are bent at the hip and knee joints, the feet rest on the table. Saying “top-top-top”, show how you can stomp on the table. It turns out something like running in place.

4. Turn from back to stomach. As a stimulus, you can use an attractive toy, placing it either on the right or on the left so that the child turns several times in both directions. He already understands or very soon will begin to understand your request: “Turn over on your tummy” and your encouraging words: “Okay, well done, very good!”

5. Rising to your feet from a prone position. Give the rings to the baby's hands and, lightly pulling on them, help him get first to his knees and then to his feet.

6. Bending and straightening the body. Place the child with his back against you, holding his knees with one hand and his stomach with the other. Place an easy-to-grip toy at his feet and ask him to take it out and straighten up. Repeat the exercise two to three times.

7. Sitting down. Laying the child on his back and lightly holding his legs below the knees with your palm, ask him to sit down two or three times.

8. Bending and extending the arms while sitting (and later standing). This exercise is also good to do with rings - you hold on to them with the child and, while stretching, alternately bend his arms 6-8 times.

9. Squat. Place the child facing you and, holding his hands with his elbows bent, ask him to sit down several times. Later, this exercise can also be performed with rings.

10. Sitting down. Try, without holding the baby, to help him sit up from a position on his back, pulling on the rings or the stick he is holding. You can finish the lesson with the “bridge” exercise. With the baby on his back and one hand clasped around his feet, slowly bend him at a right angle. Then place your other hand under the lower back and slightly lift it up and forward so that the baby bends over, leaning on his feet and the back of his head. It is enough to do the exercise twice.

What can a 10 month old baby do?

listens to the speech of an adult and imitates its sounds;
accepts jokes directed at himself;
identifies funny sound combinations by ear and laughs at them;
enjoys fun games;
inserts one object into another;
prefers small objects to large ones;
with the help of one object he takes out another;
deliberately throws away objects or toys;
rolls cars, pushes a ball, a tumbler;
sits, crawls, walks at a support;
calmly part with breasts;
chews chalk cut food;
shows an active interest in other children.

The baby is 10 months old, physical and emotional development is progressing at an accelerated pace. The child sleeps less, requires attention, and willingly communicates with loved ones.

The baby is no longer so helpless, daily care is gradually fading into the background. Hygienic measures are mandatory, but communication, acquiring skills, and physical development take more and more time. The age of 10 months is a difficult but interesting period for parents. The joy of communicating with a grown-up child makes you forget about fatigue.

What should a 10 month old baby be able to do?

The child becomes more active and explores the world around him with interest. The baby carefully watches adults, concentrates attention on certain objects, and is enthusiastically engaged with a certain object or toy.

The more attention you pay to emotional contact, speech training, and communication with your baby, the more intense the development will be. Children who do not receive enough attention at this age often lag behind their peers.

Physical development of the child

What the baby can do:

  • actively crawls, often at high speed, leaning on hands and knees;
  • sits well even without support or support from the arms;
  • stands up easily without assistance from a sitting position;
  • tries to take the first steps, learns to stand firmly, clinging to the parents’ legs and furniture;
  • sometimes the baby lets go of his arms, stands, takes one step, another without support;
  • the baby moves with the support of his arms, tries to get a toy that has fallen on the floor, clinging to his mother’s or father’s finger.

Important! Does the child sit poorly without support, sway, lie for a long time, or move sluggishly? Visit your pediatrician and tell them about your low physical activity. Often, to solve a problem and strengthen muscles, the services of an experienced massage therapist are sufficient. Targeted impact on biologically active zones will improve muscle tone. An excellent addition is special gymnastics that parents do at home.

Emotional development


  • at 10 months, parents notice that next to them is not a helpless little man snoring peacefully in his crib most of the day, but a small personality with his own character and needs;
  • The child understands simple words and short phrases. Among the babbling, one can distinguish regular syllables and pseudowords (butya - bottle, aw-aw - dog), with which the child replaces complex concepts. The more often you talk to your baby, the more actively speech develops;
  • pronounce one phrase two or three times, avoid long, difficult to pronounce words. Give up the constant “lisping” and distortion of words: the child will remember the wrong names of objects, it is difficult to relearn later;
  • the baby understands the mood of his parents and others, knows when he is praised or scolded. Sometimes attacks of jealousy appear if a mother pays attention to another child while visiting;
  • with proper development, the baby expresses affection for parents and loved ones, especially highlighting the “favorite adult”;
  • Some children are calm about the potty and understand what is wanted from them. The optimal time for training to use a useful device is 12–18 months, but if the baby does not resist, put him on the potty for a short time at 10 months. A prerequisite for training is strong back muscles: the child sits confidently without support;
  • Children are interested in toys and objects, explore the contents of drawers, and remember the location of things in the room. The baby studies the properties of each toy, not just gnawing or knocking, but trying to assemble/disassemble it. An excellent option for studying colors, shapes, and developing attention is a regular pyramid with bright rings. Build a house together from light, not too large, cubes, study the pictures in the book (large, clear images of animals, vegetables, fruits are suitable);
  • With a sufficient level of psycho-emotional development, children copy the behavior of their parents, remember actions, and reproduce them. For example, mom is talking on the phone, enthusiastically telling something. The baby will certainly be interested. Give a child's gadget with buttons and music (toy, without harmful radiation, of course). The child will “speak” on the phone in his own way, copying his mother’s movements;
  • taste preferences appear, the little man selects clothes that he wears with pleasure. Psychologists advise encouraging the desire for choice: this is how the child learns to express his opinion, his psyche develops;
  • If the daily routine is followed, the ten-month-old baby gets used to the routine, remembers that after eating there will be a walk, and after an evening swim there will be a fairy tale and sleep.

Please note the following points:

  • Correct development is evidenced by understanding simple questions and following requests and commands. For example, when asked: “Where is daddy?”, the baby looks with the eyes of one of the parents, smiles, and often asks to be held. Psychologists advise supporting requests with actions. For example, mom says: “Give mom a cup,” immediately extends her hand, then praises her for doing it correctly. Repeating the technique strengthens search and concentration skills;
  • at 10 months the baby becomes sensitive to change. A mother who left home without warning and the traditional farewell ritual, a beloved bear cub forgotten at a party, upset the children, driving some to hysterics/bitter crying.

Important! Does the child show weak emotions, is indifferent to parents, looks indifferently at other children? There may be developmental delay. Sometimes self-absorption, long studies with one subject, detachment from the world indicate childhood autism. Be sure to consult a pediatrician, neurologist, or psychologist. Early identification of the problem gives a greater chance of treatment success.

Nutrition rules

An older baby eats many types of food and is picky when choosing dishes. The difference between the complementary feeding products that a baby receives and that of an “artificial” baby is disappearing. Parents should prepare not only tasty, but also healthy food.

What to feed a 10 month old baby? Basic Rules:

  • you cannot give food from a common, “adult” table;
  • Spices, spicy, fried, sour foods, smoked meats, pickles, mushrooms, chocolate are prohibited;
  • steam, bake, boil food. Steamed dishes contain maximum vitamins;
  • Avoid large pieces, tough meat. Combine pureed dishes with harder foods;
  • exclude from the menu foods that often cause allergic reactions in children;
  • offer portions according to age, decorate dishes beautifully;
  • do not turn food into pampering, give up performances and fairy tales, just to make the baby eat another half a spoon;
  • Don't overfeed the little guy. Obesity, poor appetite, aversion to food, a plate of porridge on the floor, whims - the baby’s response to excessive attention to food intake, a frequent reaction to feeding if the baby is not hungry.

Healthy dishes and menus for a 10 month old baby:

  • vegetable puree from pumpkin, zucchini, cauliflower, carrots, potatoes. The optimal amount is 110–130 g;
  • oatmeal, corn, buckwheat porridge. Give semolina less often: a lot of carbohydrates, few vitamins;
  • butter: butter – up to 10 g, vegetable – no more than two teaspoons per day;
  • juices (60 ml), fruit puree from plums (if there is no bowel disorder), green apples, blueberries, pears – 50–60 mg;
  • fish cutlets, steamed meatballs. The volume is small: 1-2 small fish balls are enough so as not to provoke allergies;
  • stewed, boiled meat in the form of steam cutlets, meatballs. Rabbit, chicken, lean beef, veal are suitable. Lean pork – once a week, no more often;
  • cottage cheese – 50 g per day. Too large portions of cottage cheese (too much calcium) increase the load on the kidneys, especially in combination with kefir and fresh milk;
  • keep drinking regime. In addition to juices, give unsweetened compote and boiled water. For upset stools and a tendency to constipation, herbal decoctions are useful (after consultation with a pediatrician).

Helpful Tips:

  • if at 6–7 months you overprotected the baby and did not offer a spoon, make up for lost time;
  • a child often imitates adults: play on this. Buy a plastic spoon, a feeding table, show how to use cutlery;
  • Parents must hold the spoon correctly so that the baby repeats after them. Of course, not everything will work out right away; the mess will not only be on the face, the “bib”, around the table. Gradually, the baby will learn to hold the spoon tightly;
  • the main thing is to show that food is a simple process through which the body grows and develops normally. Do not allow yourself to indulge, play with food, or intentionally spill soup or juice;
  • Is your baby playing at the table? So he's full. Stop feeding, put away food. Gradually, the baby will remember how to behave at the table;
  • get ready for whims and resistance: some children play on their nerves for a long time, do not listen, deliberately tease their mother, playing around at the table;
  • Be patient and remove “extra” people from the kitchen during feeding. Theatrical action, grandmothers fussing around the crumbs are an extra irritant that interferes with a calm meal.

Height and weight


  • By the age of ten months, the body of an older child becomes more proportional;
  • weight gain and growth slow down slightly;
  • averages for girls: weight – from 8 to 10 kg, height from 69 to 75.4 cm, for boys: weight – 8.3–10.9 kg, height from 69 to 77 cm.

The difference depends on many factors: height, birth weight, quality of nutrition, individual characteristics, heredity.

What to do if your child often has headaches? We have the answer!

Effective methods for treating rhinitis in children are described on the page.

Read here about how to recognize childhood autism and how to deal with it.


Following a daily routine improves health, and the child gets used to order. When certain procedures and actions are repeated, clear biorhythms develop for each type of activity.

Healthy sleep is an essential element in your daily routine.


  • daytime sleep - twice, duration - about two hours each time. Lack of sleep negatively affects weight gain, height growth, physical development, and the health of the nervous system;
  • If a baby sleeps little during the day, he is unlikely to sleep through the optimal 12 hours for his age at night. Create good conditions for relaxation, go for a walk during the day so that the baby can sleep in the air;
  • Put your ten-month-old baby to bed no later than 22:00, get up in the morning at 6–7:00. Break the routine less often: you yourself will create problems for yourself and the baby.

Focus on the indicators of the child’s psycho-emotional development at 10 months, check whether the baby has mastered all the skills. If there is a slight delay, do not worry: all children have individual characteristics.

If a little person is severely delayed in development, do not sit idly by. Ask for help from a pediatrician, psychologist, or pediatric neurologist. Read useful information on the topic, communicate with other mothers: you will probably receive useful advice.

More useful information for parents in the following video:

A 10-month-old child strives to be like his parents and older children in the family in everything. The development of facial expressions, manual dexterity and already allows him to copy the behavior of others. Of course, the baby is not yet able to fasten buttons on his own or draw with a pencil, but he will be happy to fiddle with buttons - like his mother - or scribble on a piece of paper - like his older brother.

Teachers and psychologists advise not to lose sight of this most important stage in the development of a child - imitation. Now, in order to teach a child to do something, you don’t need to do it for him, but simply set an example. Take your baby with you to the bathroom when you brush your teeth so you don't have to force him to learn how to use a toothbrush. Similarly, show how mom washes her hands, eats with a spoon, etc. Not right away, but the child will copy all this. What is important for you now is the very fact of the onset of the stage of imitation in the baby’s behavior.

You should not expect a 10-month-old child to interpret actions that he has seen performed by adults. For example, if a baby saw his mother combing her hair with a certain comb and played with it himself, give him a different comb - and he will not be able to understand what it is and what it is for.

The child will be able to interpret the experience gained into knowledge a little later, but for now show him possible plots of role-playing games: spoon feed his favorite bear, put cubes in the back of a toy dump truck, put the doll to sleep, etc.

What should a child be able to do at 10 months?

  • Sit without support, crawl forward, stand with support
  • Chew food that has been cut into small pieces
  • Experiences weaning relatively easily
  • Take a keen interest in other children
  • Choose from those offered, deliberately throw away the toy as a sign of protest
  • Use “tools”, i.e. some objects in order to get others
  • Laugh in response to the fun and funny grimaces of adults
  • Try to make your interlocutor laugh yourself - for example, with sounds that made someone laugh earlier
  • Try different syllables and their combinations “by sound”
  • Point with a finger at the most frequently used objects, parts of your face (some)

The child now prefers small objects to large toys. Now more than ever, playing with beans or cereals will come in handy - of course, under the supervision of adults, because a nimble baby can quickly hide one of the funny grains in his nose or ear.

Another useful pastime is finger painting on a thin layer of flour, semolina or starch applied to the bottom of a flat plate. Any elastic dough that does not stick to your hands is also suitable - you can sculpt pieces from it, tear off smaller lumps from a larger piece, make furrows in it, fashion thin cakes and roll into balls. In general, the more extensive the mother’s imagination, the more varied the baby’s games will be. A 10-month-old baby cannot yet come up with stories for his own fun.

Height and weight norms for children 10 months



heads, cm













Another seemingly funny, but no less harmful than the playpen, invention is the walker. It is in them that a child, even if he is already mature enough to walk independently, is in no hurry to learn a new skill - after all, he is used to just sitting and pushing off with his legs. Such a toy can actually somewhat slow down the physical development of the baby.

Emotional development of a child at 10 months

A 10-month-old child’s favorite game is already clearly visible: someone tirelessly beats a bucket with a scoop, someone assembles a pyramid or a tower of cubes, someone selflessly presses buttons on the remote control. Try to give your child the opportunity to indulge in his favorite activity. By the way, it is believed that a child of this age can already play independently for more than 15 minutes.

And in general, 10 months is a certain psychological milestone when the baby begins to separate a little from the mother. That is why this age is considered optimal if the mother planned to do this in the first year of the baby’s life. Right now, the baby should get used to his mother’s absences - leave him with his dad, grandmother or other authoritative relatives and leave the house to do his own business. This is important not only for a psychologically tired mother on maternity leave. But also for the baby - so gradually it will be easy for him to get used to the idea that his mother can leave. If you now regularly leave for an hour or two while he is awake, in the future the baby will easily let his mother go without tears.

Changes in the physical parameters of babies under one year of age are closely monitored not only by parents, but also by pediatricians. After all, they can be used to judge how correctly and timely the overall development of the baby occurs. What is the average height and weight of a child aged 10 months? How do they change? What does this depend on?

Dynamics of height and weight

The weight of a child at 10 months, as well as height, depends on many factors, so it is impossible to unambiguously bring all children under the “common denominator”. Changes in dynamics must be taken into account. And they are largely influenced by the following factors:

  • genetic characteristics (if the parents are short and thin, the baby will most likely be the same);
  • weight, height of the baby at birth;
  • gender of the child (statistically proven that girls are on average a couple of centimeters shorter and also weigh 500–700 g less);
  • type, quality and quantity of complementary foods, diet (the child should eat 5 times a day);
  • physical activity (how productively the baby spends the energy received from food, how fully replenishes energy costs);
  • the amount of oxygen a child receives while playing outdoors (and therefore the duration of walks);
  • sleep pattern (sufficient hours of rest at night and during the day);
  • psycho-emotional state of the baby, the presence of psycho-traumatic factors;
  • frequency and severity of illnesses (frequently ill children are weakened, their weight gain is slower);
  • the presence of endocrine diseases that disrupt metabolic processes.

Therefore, when assessing changes in physical parameters, pediatricians start from the individual development and characteristics of a particular baby, from his medical history. You need to compare the child’s growth in each month, and only then, after a thorough analysis of all the factors that could influence this, draw conclusions about how the baby’s indicators correspond to the average indicators of pediatric standard tables.

Physical landmarks

The height and weight gains of a 10-month-old child become noticeably lower compared to previous months. During this month, the baby will grow by about a centimeter (or even less), gaining from 350 to 500 g.

This is due, first of all, to the ever-increasing activity of the baby. After all, he is now on the move all day, acquiring his first, but such an important research experience, studying the world around him, developing his physical skills:

  • crawls;
  • sits down;
  • rises;
  • moves at a support;
  • climbs steps holding the hands of adults;
  • climbs onto elevated surfaces (sofa, armchair, chair);
  • loves to walk with adult support;
  • loves to dance to a cheerful tune.

A lot of energy is spent on games that become more meaningful and logical (collecting nesting dolls, pyramids, turrets, inserts, sorters, puzzles, playing with balls, rolling toys). After 6–7 months of age, decreased weight gain and decreased growth rates are considered physiologically determined.

So how much should a child of this age normally weigh, what should parents be guided by? Approximate guidelines can be found in special tables. For example, in this:

In this case, it is worth paying close attention to indicators that noticeably deviate from the highest or lowest value. If you conduct a timely examination and identify the causes of deviations, you can avoid many problems with the development of the baby in the future. You may need the help of a neurologist, endocrinologist, or other specialists.

In order for the baby to develop correctly and his parameters to meet the norms, parents themselves can do a lot by providing the baby with the appropriate conditions.

  • Create a favorable psychological climate in the family. Constant stress is a common cause of underweight in children. In addition, in the future they can lead to the child developing complexes, phobias, feelings of inferiority, and even delays in psycho-speech development.
  • Provide your little one with adequate rest: at least 11 hours of sleep at night and 2 naps during the day, each lasting at least an hour. If the toddler goes to 1 nap during the day, it should be longer. Lack of sleep can lead to both lethargy and excessive excitability, which will affect the well-being and, therefore, the development of the baby.
  • If your child has already developed teeth (there can be from 2 to 6), try not to give him ground food. Let him learn to chew small pieces and bite off. This will be the next stage in the development of his gastrointestinal tract, on the correct functioning of which the child’s weight also largely depends.
  • Walk a lot in the fresh air. In summer this can be 2 walks of 2–3 hours each. It’s good if one of the walks is partially taken up by sleep. In winter and the off-season, you need to focus on weather conditions. In case of strong wind, severe frost, or heavy rain, you should not go for a walk - limit yourself to frequent ventilation of the room. On other days there should also be 2 walks, lasting at least 1–1.5 hours. When there is a lack of oxygen in the body, it is primarily the brain that suffers, as it does not receive enough nutrition. Accordingly, the operation of all systems is disrupted.
  • Create a safe environment for your little one to explore. Everything that is in his access zone must be safe (no medications, household chemicals, cutting or piercing objects, nothing that can be swallowed). It is better to put limiters on doors, closers on drawers, fix the carpet on the floor to prevent fidgeting, put protective plugs on sockets, remove wires and electrical appliances from the viewing area. Especially if it is not possible to monitor the little one every minute. After all, any injury, burn, or poisoning is a big shock for a young researcher.
  • At the same time, there is no need to forbid the child to climb somewhere or touch something: he should have the opportunity to gain experience in studying the surrounding reality, discover its patterns, and understand the consequences of certain actions. However, even if it has already been explained to him that the iron is hot and it is dangerous to touch it, at this age you cannot be sure that the baby will not do the opposite, questioning your words and finding out what the consequences of violating the prohibition will be.
  • Carry out hardening. It's good if you did this from an early age and continue now. Hardening procedures strengthen the defenses of a small organism, preventing, first of all, frequent colds, which can significantly affect the weight and general condition of the child. Rubbing, dousing, air baths, walking on the floor barefoot and other techniques, if used systematically, activate the immune system.

So, height and weight are the first indicators that doctors pay attention to when assessing the health and overall development of a child. They help to suspect not only digestive problems, but also more serious ones that require long, painstaking correction.

However, if there are no visible physiological reasons for underweight (or “overweight”), parents should reconsider the child’s regimen and provide him with conditions for full development. After all, it often happens that the baby is simply fed (especially in families where compassionate grandmothers live, for whom the hungriest and skinniest child in the world is their grandson). This can not only disrupt the metabolism of a small organism, but also inhibit the overall physical development of a toddler (it is much harder for fatties to crawl, keep their weight on their legs vertically, and bend over). Therefore, it is worth learning one main parental rule: prudence is important in everything.

At 10 months, the baby is already crawling quickly and sitting confidently. New perspectives open up before him: he must climb onto a stool, his parents’ bed, and check the chest of drawers. True, he still tends to climb upside down. At the same time, parents need to constantly monitor the toddler’s activity, remove unstable objects from his path, and guide him while he has not yet figured out his surroundings.

You can encourage your child to walk by enticing him with something tasty or a toy.

Development of a 10 month old baby

  • Questions, when a child is 10 months old: development, what should he be able to do, certainly concern young parents. At this stage, the following changes can be noted: You can already make your first guesses whether the baby is right-handed or left-handed
  • . You need to observe which hand he tries to eat, pick up toys or a pencil when he scribbles.
  • The toddler already knows how to actively work with both hands at the same time, and not only grab, but also let go of toys, which is a very useful skill. Before that, he could only pick up an object or throw it. Now he already knows how to unclench his fingers and push away an unnecessary object.
  • The baby begins to understand how to manipulate toys: push a ball, roll a car. If you show him a new action with a toy several times, he will soon be able to repeat it.
  • When actively exploring the world, a child cannot be limited by a thousand prohibitions. He can be allowed to do something in his presence, but taboos must be clearly defined that no amount of hysterics will cancel.
  • Watching the facial expressions and emotions of the parents, the baby tries to reproduce them, and also shows interest in other people.

Height and weight

The baby's physical development continues to progress. As his activity increases, he does not continue to gain weight so rapidly. 400-500 g is the norm for weight gain in the 10th month, and the baby should add 1.5-2 cm in height. The head circumference for children of both sexes should be approximately 46.5 cm.

Physical development

Almost all children at this age crawl confidently and actively strive to walk. Therefore, it is important for them to develop spatial orientation and a sense of balance. There are also children who are not yet able to pull themselves up and stand on their own feet - they now need to be encouraged to do this in every possible way. You can, for example, put a new object or favorite toy that interests your baby on a high chair or low sofa and help your baby get to the fun. At this moment, the baby will train spatial orientation. At this age, babies are good at mastering the movements of all parts of the hand (from the shoulder to the fingers), so they can easily pick up small objects with their fingers, which they then examine.
Of course, every baby is individual. Therefore, his physical development occurs at different speeds. Some go straight to walking without crawling; Some have normal growth, while others do not reach normal height. Only some children do everything consistently: first they crawl, then they learn to walk with support, and then without it.
A 10-month-old baby is able to stand on his own in a crib and then sit down. It's time to think about a new play area, because the old small rug or playpen is no longer enough. A low sofa is perfect, which any child can easily master: climb on and off and, thanks to this, develop imperceptibly. Parents should take care of insurance to prevent unpleasant falls - near the sofa you can, for example, put a soft blanket folded several times or throw soft toys.
By the age of ten months, the baby’s favorite activity is determined: some love to dance when they hear music, others build towers out of cubes, and others enthusiastically study illustrations in books.

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Mental development

At 10 months, a baby can surprise you with unexpected and long-awaited actions: he will try to repeat the antics of his older brother, or he will suddenly bite the tip of his tongue. He spends even more time clearing out the contents of cabinets and those shelves that he can reach. He will persistently touch his laptop, phone and other forbidden equipment. Since at this age the baby cannot yet walk on his own, he can move more, training his muscles and body, preparing them for upright walking. It is even better for him to crawl, despite the fact that he can already stand, holding onto a support and stamping his foot.
The 10-month-old baby is so brave that he is ready to go into the arms of strangers. He begins to show interest in his peers, but so far without playing together. He already understands the names of some things and the names of loved ones, and strives to repeat the syllables and sounds pronounced by adults. He can now confidently hold a toy in each hand.
At the same age, the toddler’s personality begins to form, which is greatly influenced by the behavior of the parents, because he tries to repeat everything after them. Parents should talk to him, read fairy tales.
At 10 months, the child is more likely to be mischievous. This should not be attributed to his character traits, it’s just his way of showing curiosity and trying to explore unknown corners of the world. Therefore, parents should not be very upset by rings from a pyramid found in the toilet or cubes that somehow ended up in a pan. Parental dissatisfaction can only upset or provoke the baby even more. If he is punished for pranks, then he will probably begin to cheat, continuing to do things his own way behind his parents’ backs. In such situations, it is better to try to redirect the toddler’s attention and invite him to explore equally interesting, but safer corners of the house.


Breastfeeding or artificial formulas are still the main ones, although they can no longer provide adequate nutrition. Breast milk no longer contains enough proteins and microelements necessary for a growing child. Therefore, the missing substances are obtained from previously introduced complementary foods.
At this age, there is no longer any difference between the diet of a formula-fed baby and a baby; they eat the same foods, which are boiled, stewed or steamed. The last method is the most suitable. Although the baby has been switched to almost adult food, he still cannot eat many foods from his parents’ diet, for example, salty foods, smoked foods, mushrooms, spicy and fatty foods. Forbidden foods can cause serious disruptions in the baby’s digestive process.
Essential foods for a 10 month old baby:

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  • Various cereals(buckwheat, rice, oatmeal, corn). It is better not to give semolina porridge to children whose weight is much higher than normal.
  • Vegetable purees, prepared from zucchini, cauliflower, beets, pumpkin, carrots, potatoes. A child needs to eat 100-130 g of vegetable dishes per day.
  • Every day the baby needs to be fed 1-2 teaspoons of vegetable oil added to vegetable puree or porridge.
  • You can also add butter to purees and porridges at the rate of 5-10 g per day. To reduce the risk of allergic reactions, it should first be melted and added to the prepared dish in liquid form.
  • The most important component of the diet is meat, which the baby should eat 70-75 g every day. It is best to use lean meats: rabbit, chicken, veal, turkey, but once a week you can offer your baby lean pork. Liver, heart and other offal can be added to the baby’s diet only from animals that are raised with natural feeding (in the private sector). They make excellent soufflés, pates, meatballs, steamed cutlets and many other dishes.

To diversify the child’s diet, he is given fish, and from the age of nine months.
But if at first it was given only in pureed form, then at 10 months you can prepare meatballs, cutlets and meatballs from it. But the proportion of fish in the diet should not be large, so as not to cause an allergic reaction in the child.
The daily consumption of cottage cheese should be increased to 50 g, but you should not overdo it, especially if the baby also eats kefir or milk.
Cottage cheese contains a lot of calcium, the excess of which makes it difficult for the kidneys to function, even leading to kidney disease.

Fruit juices and purees are becoming more varied, which can now be made from green apples, pears, plums and blueberries. The baby should consume 60 ml of juices and 40-60 g of purees per day.

Play activity
Games for 10-month-old babies become more purposeful. The baby holds the toy tightly and can perform various tasks: pick up and give away a cube, open and close a box, roll and throw a ball while sitting on the floor. Games need to be chosen exactly those that correspond to the baby’s skills. The most exciting activity for him is assembling and disassembling objects, for example, filling containers with geometric shapes, loading and unloading a machine. There are many toys of this kind on the modern market.
At this age, the pyramid is one of the best toys. The baby, with the help of his mother, learns to assemble it correctly, and is very happy when he succeeds and expects encouragement. You can place a bucket on the floor and invite the baby to throw various objects into it, including those that make a sound when hit. Let him throw toys with different hands, and the largest ones with two. You can change the distance to the bucket, either bringing it closer or moving it away. As a result, the baby will learn to manipulate objects and exercise his eye.
10-month-old children, like sponges, absorb any information, so educational games are especially useful for them.

Baby can be placed in a comfortable position (in his arms, on a high chair or on the sofa) if he is ready to communicate, after which he can be told about animals. In the house there will always be pictures, objects or toys depicting various animals, and, possibly, vegetables or fruits. They must be laid out in front of the baby and shown one by one, while depicting the sounds that this animal makes, and the baby must repeat these sounds.