In Vladivostok, a court found Viktor Cohen guilty of murder (photo; video). The witch from the “battle of psychics” changed the fate of Viktor Cohen. The suspect’s wife reports

The winner of the 16th season of the “Battle of Psychics,” Victoria Raidos, intervened in the fate of Vladivostok resident Viktor Cohen and shifted the space above him. It was after this, according to the witch herself, that his sentence was overturned, and the case materials were sent for further investigation, RIA Vostok-Media reports.

The day before, the TNT channel aired a special episode about the winner of the last season of the “Battle of Psychics,” Victoria Raidos. An entire block of the film is dedicated to Victor and Tatyana Cohen from Vladivostok. The episode, in which all participants in the battle tried to help the wife of the convict, greatly helped the wife in the fight against injustice. Then Victoria claimed that the girl whom Victor allegedly killed was alive, she just left the country and, most likely, does not even know what is happening. As it turned out, after this filming, Victoria Rydos kept in touch with Tatyana Cohen, and one day she could not stand it and decided to intervene in the course of things, taking upon herself the price for changing someone else’s fate.

“I am sure that he did not commit this crime. I still remember his eyes, everything he felt, looking from behind bars when he was doing nothing. “I really felt sorry for him,” said the winner of the show. - After the project, we wrote off and called Tatyana, she asked me to see what would happen. Then I had the idea to do one ritual in order to try to move the space above Victor.”

Victoria performed the dangerous ritual on December 7 and at 5 am the next day received an SMS from Vladivostok with words of gratitude and news about the overturning of the sentence. “I was blown away. The SMS said it was impossible, but it happened. That's the magic. Of course, this may then somehow affect me, because in order to get something, you need to give something, and since it was my initiative, I will have to give it. I don’t know what yet,” added the show participant.

Victor Cohen was published in early November, as reported by RIA Vostok-Media earlier. Then the majority of the show participants, as one, declared that he was innocent.

Victor Cohen was accused of murdering him ex-girlfriend- Galina Kolyadzinskaya, whose body has not yet been found. Galina herself disappeared back in 2011 after a quarrel with Victor. According to the case file, Cohen dismembered his girlfriend and burned the body. However, many, including her mother, are firmly convinced that the girl is alive. In August 2015, the Leninsky District Court of Vladivostok announced its decision. Victor Cohen was sentenced to real imprisonment for

Victor Cohen became known to the public after the broadcast of the “Battle of Psychics” program on the TNT channel. Above fate young man Many Russians were crying. The guy was accused of murdering his ex-girlfriend, which he allegedly did not commit. Read what they write in the latest 2017 news about Victor Cohen in our article.

Let us remember why Victor Cohen became widely known in Russia. Real name Polov men.

Victor is a resident of Vladivostok, who became widely known after he was charged with the murder of his ex-girlfriend Galina Kolyadzinskaya, who went missing in 2011. Cohen was charged with murder only in 2014.

Perhaps the story of this young man would have remained unnoticed by the media, if not for the appeal of Victor Cohen’s wife to psychics on the TNT television channel. His wife Tatyana Krapivnaya hoped that psychics would tell who really killed Galina. According to clairvoyants, she does not see ex-girlfriend Victor is dead.

In their opinion, she is alive and is somewhere abroad. When asked why Galina disappeared without telling anyone, psychics suggested that ex-lover Victora wanted to take revenge on him in this way. It was revenge for the fact that Victor treated her ugly and abandoned her.

Supporters of Cohen's innocence began collecting signatures on social networks, which were used to write a petition for a retrial. The case was re-examined on June 21, 2016. Based on its results, Victor Cohen was sentenced to guilty of murder. The man was sentenced to 9 years and 9 months in prison. It is worth noting that the girl’s body was never found.

Case materials

Galina Kolyadzinskaya was put on the wanted list in 2011 after she failed to return home. The circle of suspects also included Victor Cohen. The young man passed the G-detector test. In addition, a search was conducted in his apartment and car, during which no traces of a crime were found. Approximately 2.5 years after these events, Victor married Tatyana Krapivnaya.

In 2014, Victor was again summoned for questioning, where he confessed. Cohen confirmed that it was he who killed Galina. The young people quarreled, after which Victor killed the girl, dismembered her in the bathroom and took her to the forest.

Victor was convicted of the murder of Galina Kolyadzinskaya

Victor later said that he gave his testimony under pressure, so it was incorrect.

Divorce of Victor and Tatyana Cohen

In 2017, it became known for sure that Tatyana and Victor divorced, so official representatives The couples nevertheless confirmed this information. It's about about Victor's lawyer. The latest news about divorce dates back to 2016. The press received information that Tatyana filed for divorce and plans to divorce Victor. It later became known that Victor gave his wife a divorce. After which Tatyana disappeared from the sight of Russian journalists.

For many, the news of Tatyana and Victor’s divorce came as a real surprise. She was compared to the Decembrist’s wife, who was ready to fight for her husband to the last.

From unverified sources it is known that Victor signed the divorce agreement while in court. There are rumors that Tatyana has begun a completely different life. Someone close to the family said that the girl had new man, whose name is Sergei. Tatyana is in love with him and, perhaps, they will soon enter into an official marriage. A photo even appeared on the Internet in which ex-wife Koena is shown with another man. In the photo, the girl looks very happy and clearly does not think for her ex-husband.

The press was never able to get any comments from Tatyana herself regarding the divorce. The only thing the girl said was that her relationship with Victor was completely different from before. Perhaps in this way Tatyana decided to hint that she was tired of fighting for her husband’s innocence. The girl also said that she had been wanting a divorce for a year now. Her desire is not related to the fact that she stopped believing in the innocence of her ex-husband. Tatyana says that she still believes that Victor did not kill Galina.

Tanya chose not to talk about herself. The girl said that her personal life has nothing to do with the case of Galina’s murder, so she does not plan to devote the press to whether she is currently dating someone.

How did Victor react to the divorce?

Victor's lawyer said that the man is in stable condition. emotional state despite the divorce. Cohen's representative noted that Tatyana will no longer organize events in support of Victor and raise funds for the support of a lawyer.

After information about Victor and Tatiana’s divorce became available to the press, the girl’s page was deleted on all social networks. Hashtags in support of Victor Cohen have disappeared from Vkontakte, as the administration of the social network considered them fraudulent. We are talking about raising funds for charitable causes that were in doubt.

Latest news about Victor Cohen

At the beginning of 2017, supporters of the theory that Victor Cohen did not kill his ex-girlfriend began to hope for a review of the case. From the latest news it became known that a witness appeared who claimed that he saw Galina alive a few days after her “murder.” However, he was prosecuted for giving false testimony, since, according to the investigation, the witness could not have seen Galina. At that time she was already dead.

The witness's name is Pavel. The young man claimed that he saw Galina on November 17-18, 2011 and even talked to her.

In turn, the investigation believes that Victor Cohen killed the girl on November 14, so Pavel could not see her on the days he indicated. A criminal case was initiated against Pavel under Article No. 307 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

What else is known about this case?

At the beginning of 2017, information appeared on the Internet that Galina was seen in Thailand. Users spoke about this social networks. The court decided not to take this fact into account, since no one could officially confirm whether it was really Galina. Defenders of Victor Cohen continue to claim that the girl is alive and is abroad. Human rights activists remind that Galina has not traveled abroad, therefore she cannot be in Thailand or in any other country, provided that she is really alive.

The body of the murdered girl has not yet been found. After Tatiana and Victor's divorce, Cohen's case is not discussed in the press as often as it was previously. Ex-wife the culprit is no longer involved in organizing protests and writing petitions in support of Victor, who was found guilty.

Galina's parents still hope that the girl is alive and abroad. At the same time, they are not embarrassed by the fact that for almost 6 years their daughter has not contacted them. If Galina really wanted to take revenge on Cohen, she would hardly have done this to her parents. They, like all the other defendants in this case, are in the dark and blindly believe that their daughter is alive.

Posted on the vkontakte network, it was assembled from parts of the “Battle of Psychics”, “Wait for Me” programs, as well as Cohen’s confession in the investigator’s office. Footage of the operational shooting, which is mentioned in the third part of the Victor Cohen case, appeared on the Internet after psychics on TNT unanimously decided that Cohen was innocent.

On the recording, Victor Cohen tells in a relaxed, businesslike manner and in chilling detail how he killed Galina Kolyadzinskaya and how he disposed of the body.

Victor's wife Tatyana has already commented on this video on her pages on social networks - we present this comment with spelling and punctuation preserved.

According to the video recording: no one ever denied its presence. And it has been discussed hundreds of times about the fact that there are a lot of details. Victor was told to make sure that they believed him. If the police officers are so brave and professional... Where is the evidence? Let them go and now conduct an examination of the bathtub, clearing, apartment! They don't? but because you can’t find traces of a crime that doesn’t exist!

Victor in the video recording looks like a gopnik from the area and speaks the same way, doesn’t this suggest that he is acting?

When I brought this whole matter to the public, I was ready for something like this! I'm surprised they only posted the video now. Do you know why? There's an appeal coming up and they know they have nothing. There is only a pathetic video, cut off in the right places, that proves nothing.
Our organs do not know how to work but only wave their fists.
Now they are filming an interview with Victor in the pre-trial detention center. I hope we can publish it by evening.
And you will see that my husband is not at all like the man in the video.
And a big hello to the guys operatives! and wishes to do your job honestly and decently

Let us remind you that this case has been disturbing the city’s public for several months now. All case materials have been made publicly available. There is heated discussion and even investigation on all forums.

“Vladmommies” conducted their own investigation, which resulted in an open letter to the investigator of this case, Natalya Babakina. We present its text in full.

Open letter letter to Natalia Alexandrovna Babakina
from " Investigative Committee» portal Vladmama.

Hello Natalya Alexandrovna!
Representatives of the Internet community are contacting you, conducting a “private investigation into the V. Cohen case” on the forum pages of the VladMama portal.
We want to express our gratitude and support to you, since your name is now being widely circulated on the Internet and television talk shows in the case of the “innocently convicted” Viktor Polovov-Cohen.
We, in turn, became interested in this matter - there is too much hype around it. After all, a little blonde talking about “injustice” and “corruption of the system” touches the heartstrings. The truth is that some kind of understatement, memorized phrases, and atypical behavior of the girl do not leave.

Each of us, having decided to get acquainted with the “blatant lawlessness”, putting aside the household, children and the marital bed, rushed day and night to study 4 volumes of V. Cohen’s criminal case, incl. with materials from 2011, kindly provided by Citizen Cohen’s defense, and were horrified by the blatant lies flowing from TV screens and on social networks from the lips of his wife, fans and imaginary witnesses. Having studied the case materials, we can say with 99.9% confidence that if we were in the ranks of the jury, we would have rendered our verdict - GUILTY!

We are deeply convinced that Tatyana Cohen is lying, inventing various stories that did not take place back in 2011.
We are upset that the remains of Galina K. have not yet been found, which, unfortunately, gives her mother a reason to hope for a miracle, and, alas, to organize “dances on the bones” for fans of the Cohen couple. We are sorry that we have to acknowledge the fact of the death of the unfortunate girl Galina.
We are outraged to the core that Tatyana Cohen is fooling the public throughout the country! We understand that information on the case of the allegedly innocently convicted Viktor Cohen is provided only for the formation public opinion, people are being turned against law enforcement. Since August last year, a photo of V. Cohen has been circulated on social networks, although in theory, the search for Galina Kolyadzinskaya should not have ended in 2011, but resumed only by the end of 2015.
There is no limit to our indignation: a fundraiser has been organized on social networks “Vkontakte”, “Instagram”, “Odnoklassniki”, etc. and to whom?! - convicted under Art. UK - murder! Not only does the lady who organized what is essentially an illegal collection enrich herself in this way and does not want to provide a full report on incoming funds and expenses.
Dear Natalya Alexandrovna!
We would really like you to know that not all people are zombified by television to the point of stupor. That we are not fans of talk shows, we do not blindly believe in psychics. And we made every effort to understand “Who is Who” in this story.
We hope that many checks will be initiated into the legality of T. Cohen’s fundraising, that all facts of slander and personal insult heard from TV and recorded on social networks will be included in the proceedings, we are ready to provide many screenshots interesting moments.
We also appeal to you and your leadership to finally make public the video recordings of the confession of V. Cohen and T. Cohen, so that people can finally be convinced that they are being fooled! And in court a final point was made. And the perpetrators suffered well-deserved legal punishments.
We are also proud that people like you come to serve in our valiant bodies, who have devoted maximum effort to education and devote their strength to solving such complicated cases.
Sincerely, Vladmamy "Marple".
P.S. We hope you will be pleased with the flowers that will be presented to you from our community as a token of gratitude for your hard work and to lift your spirits!)

A witch from St. Petersburg, a priestess of the ancestor cult, the winner of the 16th season of the “Battle of Psychics” Victoria Raidos intervened in the fate of Victor Cohen from Vladivostok, convicted by the court of first instance for the murder of Galina Kolyadzinskaya. She performed a dangerous ritual to shift space, after which the sentence was overturned. This was discussed in the film about Victoria Raidos on TNT, reports the correspondent. RIA PrimaMedia.

Previously, a resident of Vladivostok, 26-year-old Viktor Cohen, was sentenced to 9 years and 10 months for the murder of his partner Galina Kolyadzinskaya in 2011. According to the court, the guy strangled the girl, dismembered her body and burned it. However, even the girl’s parents do not believe in this version, believing that she went abroad, and, in their opinion, Victor was made “extreme” so as not to conduct a search. Public opinion was divided. Many were convinced by the recently published video filmed by a hidden camera, in which Victor talks in detail about the murder he committed.

As they said in the film, after filming the “Battle of Psychics” program, Victoria Raidos kept in touch with Tatyana, the wife of Victor Cohen, and one day she could not stand it and decided to intervene in the course of things.

“After the project, she and I wrote to each other and called each other. She asked me to see what would happen next. And then I had the idea to do one ritual in order to try to move the space above Victor,” recalls Raidos.

This was a rare case when Victoria was ready to take upon herself retribution for changing someone else's fate.

“This may somehow affect me later, since in order to get something, you have to give something. And since this was my initiative, I will most likely have to give it away. I don’t know what it will be yet,” - the witch explained.

On December 7, 2015, Victoria Raidos performed a dangerous ritual. “And at 5 in the morning the next day, a very warm SMS message came from Tatyana with words of gratitude. She said that the sentence was canceled, that it was impossible, but it happened. I was blown away, I was really blown away. This is magic,” says Victoria Raidos.

According to the winner of the “Battle of Psychics,” she herself could have been in Victor Cohen’s place: “I don’t want to go into the details of the incident that happened to me. Indeed, I have a criminal record, it was expunged 6 years ago. That is, officially I am considered an unconvicted person ", Rydos concluded.

Let us recall that on December 7, the criminal appeal board of the Primorsky Regional Court overturned the sentence of Viktor Cohen, accused of murdering his cohabitant Galina Kolyadzinskaya. The case was returned to the trial court for retrial. The first court hearing to review Cohen’s criminal case took place on January 11 and became a formality. Interrogations of witnesses are due to begin on January 27.

First test - Wedding rings and their owners

They say wedding rings are the most important symbol of marriage, they are not advised not to let anyone try them on, they are afraid to put them on before the wedding, and many never take them off at all. But what can a wedding ring tell a psychic?
Since ancient times, people have attributed special properties to rings magical properties. Until now, many believe that they are able to protect, bring good luck or, on the contrary, misfortune. And the metal from which these jewelry is made stores the energy of its owner. But if this is so, will psychics be able to sense the connection between the ring and its owner. Singer Olga Orlova believes in the magic of rings and she will conduct today's test.
4 women and 4 wedding rings, but where is whose? Which woman owns each ring and will psychics be able to identify the owner of the jewelry?
What do rings tell about the personal life of their owner?

First test results - find owners wedding rings and describe their fate

Nicole Kuznetsova identified 2 of the 4 housewives, but also incorrectly said that one girl had a living husband;

Victoria Rydos correctly distributed all 4 rings and correctly described the fate of the owner of the rings;

Namtar Enzigal - found two.

Sergey Romanenko - quickly handed out the rings and guessed 1 time.
Yakov Schneerson - guessed the owner of one ring.

Marilyn Kerro - identified all the rings correctly and even found a lesbian girl who was raped as a child.

Second test - Investigation into the disappearance of Galina Kolyadzinskaya, is the girl alive and is she guilty of murdering her? ex-boyfriend Victor Cohen and Vladivostok

The story that happened in the city of Vladivostok is amazing. There was a murder without a victim, there is no body, there is no fact of murder either, the parents of the murdered woman are generally sure that she is alive, but the killer was found and is in prison. How could this happen?
This happy young couple is Victor and Tatyana Cohen. The lovers were together only for a year. Today Tatyana cannot kiss her husband or touch him. On July 23, 2014, Victor was summoned for questioning by the police. The husband is involved in the case of the disappearance of his ex-girlfriend Galina Kolyadzinskaya, with whom he lived for 5 years. But in November 2011 they broke up, Galya packed her things, left the house and disappeared. Her parents put her on the wanted list. Then Victor even passed a lie detector test; the investigators did not have any suspicions. Galina Kolyadzinskaya was never found, alive or dead, and after 2.5 years a criminal case was suddenly opened. During interrogation, Victor Cohen (born July 9, 1988, Vladivostok, 1st Morskaya St., building 6/25, block 74, and Tobolskaya St., 12, block 72) admitted that he strangled Galya, dismembered and burned the body in the forest on tires (murder in the house according to Uborevich 6 quarter 30), the body was burned in the area of ​​the Varyag plant. But two days later he retracted his testimony.
For almost a year, investigators searched for evidence, and his wife collected money for lawyers. Newspapers wrote about the scandalous case (#freedomCohen). Cohen was sentenced to 10 years, but his wife continues to fight because she is confident in her husband’s innocence.
Victor was tortured at Karbyshev 4, a kind of torture chamber in Vladivostok, like the Lubyanka in Moscow. After the interrogation, Victor became deaf in one ear.
Investigator girl Natalya Babakina. Her father Alexander Babakin is the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Vladivostok. After this case, Natalya Babakina became an investigator for particularly important cases.
We will show psychics the eyes of Victor Cohen, a still frame from the film where the verdict is announced.
Sergei Safronov will lead the test and Victor’s 25-year-old wife Tatyana, with a fox tattoo on her arms, will help him.
What can clairvoyants tell by looking at the eyes and will psychics confirm that Victor Cohen is not guilty and he did not kill Galina Kolyadzinskaya.

Results of the second test - describe the fate of a person by the eyes

Nicole Kuznetsova slightly correctly described the man by his eyes, but she could not explain where the girl Galina had disappeared. She does not consider Victor a murderer.

Marilyn Kerro - described in his eyes how the police were extracting a confession from a person. She does not consider Victor guilty, but based on the photo of the girl, she cannot give an exact answer whether she is alive or not, since Galina had brain cancer.

Namtar Enzigal began to look with his back. Namtar believes that Victor stabbed Galina with a knife and he deservedly deserves time.

Yakov Schneerson said nonsense.
Sergei Romanenko decided that it was Ziraddin Rzayev on the screen.

Victoria Raidos - believes that the guy is not guilty, and the girl Galina Kolyadzinskaya is alive. She has a different name and a different life and allegedly works as a prostitute in an elite service for rich people.

Every week, with every new series we will count points for each psychic according to new scheme: the number of advantages of successfully passed tests and the number of disadvantages of failed tests. At the end of the season, whoever has the largest difference wins.

The best psychics of the week were Victoria Rydos and Marilyn Kerro.
No one was in the black envelope, although there were two applicants and they knew about it..

In the investigation of the Victor Cohen case, psychics put forward the following versions:
1 believes that Cohen is guilty.
3 believe that he is not guilty.
1 believes that the missing Galina Kolyadzinskaya is half dead.
1 can't determine where she is.
1 thinks she is dead.
1 believes that she is alive and living a different life.
There are many versions, and all are different.

Marilyn Kerro +11 -2 ( 2 white envelopes 10/24/2015 and 11/7/2015)
Victoria Rydos +10.5 -2 ( 3 white envelopes 10/3/2015, 10/31/2015, 11/7/15)
Nicole Kuznetsova +7.5 -3.5

Namtar Enzigal +3.5 -6.5
Sergey Romanenko +1 -10.5
Yakov Shnierson +1.5 -11.5

The participants left the battle in the following order:
1. Angelina Gortueva +0 -5 (3rd episode from 3/10/15)
2. Alla Pele +0.5 -6.5 (4th issue from 10/10/15)
3. Georgy Malinovsky +1.5 -7.5 (5th issue from 10/17/15)
4. Sergey Pakhomov (grandfather Pakhom) +10.5 -1 (left the battle in issue 6 dated 10/24/15) ( 1 white envelope 10/17/2015)
5. Iolanta and Rosa Voronov +0.5 -12.5 (episode 7 from 10/31/2015) ( 2 black envelopes and the worst result of this season)

Title of the program, project, TV show - Battle of Psychics
Season 16, Episode 8 - Galina Kolyadzinskaya - Murder or Missing, Victor Cohen Vladivostok and wedding rings.
TV channel: TNT
Air date: November 7, 2015