What holy water is baptism. What happens to water on Epiphany night? When the water becomes baptismal

For us, Orthodox Christians, the holiday of Epiphany has a special, unique flavor. We love the wonderful Epiphany Eve with its special service, including many readings from Old Testament. The great blessing of water is dear to us, Epiphany holy water - agiasma, which on the feast of Epiphany you can drink as much as you want, and for the next year only on an empty stomach, because it is a great shrine.

The godfather participates in the preparation for baptism and in the rite itself: he testifies to the faith of the baptized, and when baptizing a child, he confesses with the parents the faith of the Church in which the child receives baptism. Only those who are mature enough to complete this task have already joined the Sacrament of Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist and belong to Catholic Church and lives according to the teachings of Christ.

By Baptism we are freed from sin and reborn as sons of God, becoming members of Christ and implanted into the Church and becoming partakers of his message. The sacrament of rebirth by water and the word. Baptism of saints. This is a sacrament in which, by sprinkling water and pronouncing sacramental words, a person receives forgiveness of sins and all sins before baptism and becomes a child of God and receives eternal life. For a Christian, this means accepting what Jesus commands: recognizing the needs of others for their sake, facing suffering and the weak, seeking God's will in all cases, and uniting through love with God.

On the day of the Epiphany, many people, despite the severe frost, like to plunge into the Jordan - an ice hole cut into the ice of reservoirs especially for the holiday, usually in the shape of a cross. The Great Blessing of Water also takes place on rivers and other bodies of water on this day, in the same manner as the Great Blessing of Water in the temple.
“Today nature is sanctified by waters,” is sung in one of the stichera of the holiday. Does this mean that all water: in rivers, ponds and water pipes - becomes holy on the day of Epiphany?
There is such a belief among the people. “Water becomes holy because, through the prayer of the Church, God’s grace is united with it,” answers Doctor of Theology, Professor of the Moscow Theological Academy Alexei Ilyich Osipov. - But God's grace is not a faceless element. God always looks at the strength of faith and the capabilities of believers. If people have the opportunity to attend a service, pray during the blessing of water, or at least come and take blessed water, but they do not take advantage of this opportunity, they say “let’s get it from the tap - it will be holy,” they do not receive holy water water.
It’s a different matter when it is not possible to obtain consecrated water, as, for example, was the case during the times of persecution of the Church, when many believers, not being able to obtain water consecrated in the temple, went at midnight to a river or a key spring and collected water there. Such water was truly holy; it stood for years and did not spoil.”
According to the doctor of theology priest Oleg Davydenkov, “the water on earth on the night of January 18-19 is sanctified because the Lord Himself sanctified it with His baptism. At this time, all earthly waters reveal the presence of God’s grace. However, the belief that on the night of Epiphany all water is sanctified does not equate all water with the water that is sanctified in the temple.
The blessing of water on Epiphany night is a one-time manifestation of God's grace. Epiphany water consecrated in the church does not lose its power over time. The fact that on this day all the water is sanctified does not diminish or cancel the sacrament of the consecration of water in the temple.”

From the teaching of the Bishop of Siedlce: the teaching of the Bishop of Siedlce about the sacraments of saints. Accepting baptism does not boil down to doing some paperwork and performing a certain religious rite in an understandable way, more or less magical. Baptism introduces a person into a completely new reality, a new life, a life different from the one that the world offers. In the case of small children, about the faith of their parents and godparents, which they will carry over the child. Baptism is far superior to the purification prescribed by the old law, because it brings these effects through the power of the mystery of the Passion and Resurrection of the Lord.

The very tradition of swimming in an ice hole is determined precisely by the belief in the sanctification of water nature on the day of the Epiphany. A person wants not just to be sprinkled, but to be completely immersed in the consecrated waters. “I think,” says Prof. Osipov, - if we do this with faith, we can receive considerable benefits for ourselves. What if it's just a tribute folk tradition, but there is no desire to be sanctified, then there will be no benefit. Whether we start bathing in a holy spring or simply drink holy water, it has the power of grace only for those who promise: Lord, I will try to live like a Christian, send me its grace.” (Of course, not everyone benefits from plunging into an ice hole in thirty-degree frost; you need to approach everything with reason).
Finally, the feast of Epiphany is also associated with the misconception that the water blessed on Christmas Eve is different from Epiphany water. Those who think so can be advised to compare the rite of blessing of water on Christmas Eve and on the day of Epiphany itself. We will not find a single word of difference, this is the same rank, and, therefore, the water is absolutely the same.

From Orthodox magazine"Neskuchny garden"

For those who are baptized, joined one with Christ in the likeness of His death and immersed in death with Him, will be brought back to life and raised with Him. Epiphany celebrates and celebrates the Paschal mystery in the sense that people pass from death to sin.

Providing the sacrament of Baptism to saints. In Kok's parish: the proper time for baptism is the Easter Vigil. During the year, we also give the sacrament of baptism every second Sunday of the month during Mass. Celebrated at 00 and on the first day of Easter and Christmas. Parents notify the child of baptism in the pastor's office and participate in baptisms in baptismal catechisms, which are held every Saturday in the parish room. 00.

January 19 is celebrated as one of the oldest and most revered in the Orthodox Church. Christian Church holidays - Epiphany. It was on this day that John the Baptist baptized Jesus who came from Nazareth in the Jordan, after which Christ began to enlighten people. As all four Gospels testify, on this day God comes into the world to show people the Light. Therefore, another name for this holiday is Epiphany.

To complete the formalities, the baptism must be communicated to the law firm. Required documents. Godparents: those who have received the sacrament of Confirmation and who, as the Catechism of the Catholic Church states, "deeply believe, are able and ready to serve the newly baptized Christian way of life." This is not a secular function, but a religious one. The child’s parents are guilty, therefore they are present to a person who fulfills religious and moral requirements. They are not just family members or friends.

The goddess of the father and mother used to come to confession, and at their baptism they entered into Holy Communion. The act of baptism is drawn up and signed by parents and godchildren within one week before the date of baptism during the opening hours of the parish office. The Feast of Jordan is also one of the most symbolic and picturesque holidays in the Orthodox and Orthodox churches of Greece. The symbolism of the Jordan is manifested primarily in the symbolism of water. During the ceremony, water changes its meaning - from the image of a flood, so the symbol of the elemental and death becomes the water of baptism - “the source of living water.”

It is believed that on Epiphany night the Spirit of God sanctifies the water in all reservoirs, and swimming in an ice hole on Epiphany allows one to be cleansed of all sins. These days, the Blessing of Water takes place - on the eve of January 18, on Epiphany Eve, the blessing of water in churches is carried out. January 19, after the morning Liturgy, in reservoirs.

And here I personally have questions: if the Spirit of God himself has ALREADY sanctified the water in rivers and lakes, then why do the priests do this again, during Procession of the Cross? If on this day ALL water becomes holy, then can we consider that holy water simply flows from the tap?

For believers, the feast of the Jordan is considered a symbol of re-baptism in water. The holiday is a memorial to the baptism of Christ in Jordan. At this event, when the voice of God the Father came from heaven and the Holy Spirit appeared in the form of a dove, the entire Trinity appeared on the water. We acknowledge that the acceptance of the baptismal Son and the revelation of the Holy Trinity over the Jordan led to the sanctification of water and all nature. We can say that this holiday has its own ecological aspect - it is associated with the value of nature, through which God is revealed.

We assume that on this day all the water in the world will be sacrificed. Water, which is the source of life, acquires the power to cleanse the body and even wash away sin. The celebrations begin in the evening of the previous day. Then the Liturgy of St. Basil, combined with Vespers, with the dedication of bread, wheat, wine and oil. After the liturgy, the first, main consecration of water, the so-called, takes place in the church. great water dedication in Jordan The Great Horrors are celebrated in the evening. On that day, the faithful are preserved quickly, and in the evening there is a so-called lavish evening - a gala dinner similar to the one on Christmas Eve.

This year I decided to conduct an experiment. From childhood, despite the fact that my parents were non-believers, I firmly knew that there should always be holy water at home. And that on the day of Epiphany you need to sprinkle holy water on all the corners in the house so that peace and prosperity reign in it. And that you definitely need to drink 3 sips of holy water collected that day in church. All this will protect you from illnesses and cleanse your soul for the whole year.

On the very day of the apparition of the Lord, the liturgy of St. John Chrysostom, and then the second consecration of water, in which believers take part. According to tradition, this holiday time should be dedicated to living water. Where possible, the second blessing of water takes place on the river, where believers go in a solemn procession. The largest such procession in Poland takes place in Przemysl, on San. The sacrifice occurs through the prayers of the priest, immersing in the so-called water. three special candlesticks with three candles, a hand blessing and the breath of the priest, which symbolizes the breath of the Holy Spirit and immersion in the cross.

Of course, swimming in an ice hole on Epiphany is not for me, because I have never been a walrus, but I definitely collect holy water in church. And I drink 3 sips, and sprinkle the corners, the cat, the dog.

Does holy water help or harm?

Does it help? Maybe. Because I have peace and tranquility in my house, and my indifference to my own health has not had any particularly terrible consequences so far. Well, I always have holy water at home. It lasts until next year, and sometimes several years.

Even if the ceremony takes place on the shore, most often the water is not washed out from the river, but another, previously prepared in tanks. The faithful eat the Jordanian waters on the day of the liturgy and take them home. She runs around with her rounds, fields, and relies on various needs. Jordanian water also brings the priest walking along the rudder into the house. This water is known for preserving it for a very long time.

Roman Bilas Chairman of the Board of the Union of Ukrainians in Koszalin. This washing is called enlightenment because those who receive the instruction are enlightened by God himself. This sacrament is considered by Christians as the most beautiful and wonderful gift, grace, anointing, enlightenment, clothing of indestructibility, regenerating wash, seal and everything that can be combined with the most valuable gift. The reason for this belief is primarily the awareness that it is given to those who do nothing; Grace - because it is given even to those who have sinned; Baptism - because sin is buried in water; Anointing - because it is holy and royal; Enlightenment - because it is a bright light; The robe - because it covers our shame; Wash - because it cleanses; The seal is because it protects us and is a sign of the reign of God.

Harmful? No way! Well, what are a few drops of water on the floor and walls?! Additional humidification of air dried out by heating. No, theoretically, of course, this could cause harm. For example, if you sprinkle holy water on exposed wires (SC) or pour water into a cat’s ear (otitis media).

So, let's return to our sheep, that is, to the water. Since I am Lazy, why not look for a way to make my life easier: After all, if holy water flows from the tap on this day, then why go to church for it?

Baptism is the first of the sacraments that are called the sacraments of Christian initiation. Through it, a person’s unique and unique passage into a new and final life with God. This process is accompanied by the need to make choices regarding the person's ultimate destination. With the choice of God and the beginning of the Son of God, Jesus Christ, the Kingdom of God, man joins the Church, the Body of Christ. Thus, he enters into a new quality of life. It is characterized by the received gift of life force, the source and giver of which is Christ.

Therefore, the experiment will be as follows: I will take water into 3 identical containers. One will contain tap water collected on Epiphany Day, January 19th. In the second - water from the same tap, but collected a day or two before or after, in the third - holy water from the church. And if the weather is good on this day, perhaps there will be a fourth container with water from the river, which will be blessed. I’m really interested in how long the water will last in each jar, what about you?

This sacrament can accept any person who has not yet been baptized. By baptism we are freed from sin and reborn as sons of God, we become members of Christ, and we are implanted into the Church and become participants in his message: baptism is the sacrament of regeneration through water and the word.

Peter tells the crowd stirred by his sermon: "Repent, and let each of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit." The apostles and their companions baptize anyone who believes in Jesus: Jews who fear God and the Gentiles. Baptism is always associated with faith: “Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will save yourself and your home,” St.

P.S. The experiment was carried out, see the results.

Great Blessing of Water on Solovki. Epiphany - 2006

January 19, new style Orthodox Church celebrates one of the great holidays - the Baptism of the Lord God and our Savior Jesus Christ. According to the Gospel, when Jesus was baptized, “the Holy Spirit descended on Him in bodily form like a dove, and there was a voice from heaven, saying: You are My Beloved Son; I am well pleased with You!” (Luke 3:22). Therefore, the feast of Epiphany is also called the feast of Epiphany - since on this day one God revealed Himself to the world in the three faces of His Divinity.

For us, Orthodox Christians, this holiday has a special, unique flavor. We love the wonderful Epiphany Eve with its special service, including many readings from the Old Testament. The great blessing of water is dear to us, Epiphany holy water - agiasma, which on the feast of Epiphany you can drink as much as you want, and for the next year only on an empty stomach, because it is a great shrine. On the day of the Epiphany, many people, despite the severe frost, like to plunge into the Jordan - an ice hole cut into the ice of reservoirs especially for the holiday, usually in the shape of a cross. The Great Blessing of Water also takes place on rivers and other bodies of water on this day, in the same manner as the Great Blessing of Water in the temple.
“Today nature is sanctified by waters,” is sung in one of the stichera of the holiday.

Does this mean that all water: in rivers, ponds and water pipes - becomes holy on the day of Epiphany? There is such a belief among the people. “Water becomes holy because, through the prayer of the Church, God’s grace is united with it,” answers Doctor of Theology, Professor of the Moscow Theological Academy Alexei Ilyich Osipov. - But God's grace is not a faceless element. God always looks at the strength of faith and the capabilities of believers. If people have the opportunity to attend a service, pray during the blessing of water, or at least come and take blessed water, but they do not take advantage of this opportunity, they say “let’s get it from the tap - it will be holy,” they do not receive holy water water. It’s a different matter when it is not possible to obtain consecrated water, as, for example, was the case during the times of persecution of the Church, when many believers, not being able to obtain water consecrated in the temple, went at midnight to a river or a key spring and collected water there. Such water was truly holy; it stood for years and did not spoil.”

According to the doctor of theology priest Oleg Davydenkov, “the water on earth on the night of January 18-19 is sanctified because the Lord Himself sanctified it with His baptism. At this time, all earthly waters reveal the presence of God’s grace. However, the belief that on the night of Epiphany all water is sanctified does not equate all water with the water that is sanctified in the temple. The blessing of water on Epiphany night is a one-time manifestation of God's grace. Epiphany water consecrated in the church does not lose its power over time. The fact that on this day all the water is sanctified does not diminish or cancel the sacrament of the consecration of water in the temple.”

Bathing in Epiphany night and laity, and clergy and monastics. In the photo - cleric of the Samara diocese Father Vladimir Balashov in "Jordan" (photo from website of the Holy Trinity Parish in Elkhovka)

The very tradition of swimming in an ice hole is determined precisely by the belief in the sanctification of water nature on the day of the Epiphany. A person wants not just to be sprinkled, but to be completely immersed in the consecrated waters. “I think,” says Prof. Osipov, - if we do this with faith, we can receive considerable benefits for ourselves. And if this is just a tribute to folk tradition, and there is no desire to be sanctified, then there will be no benefit. Whether we start bathing in a holy spring or simply drink holy water, it has the power of grace only for those who promise: Lord, I will try to live like a Christian, send me its grace.” (Of course, not everyone benefits from plunging into an ice hole in thirty-degree frost; you need to approach everything with reason).

Finally, the feast of Epiphany is also associated with the misconception that the water blessed on Christmas Eve is different from Epiphany water. Those who think so can be advised to compare the rite of blessing of water on Christmas Eve and on the day of Epiphany itself. We will not find a single word of difference, this is the same rank, and, therefore, the water is absolutely the same.


January 19 is a great holiday in the life of a Christian. It is dedicated to the events when Jesus Christ was baptized in the Jordan River at the age of 30. This day is called the Epiphany and Epiphany. The blessing of baptismal water has already become a tradition, since baptismal water is unique water. There are many beliefs that such water can heal and purify. Even scientists, after numerous studies, have confirmed that Epiphany water is similar in composition and properties to the waters that flow in the Jordan River, where Jesus was once baptized. Take with you pies with cherries made from yeast dough in the oven: recipe with photos.

That is why most believers go to church and consecrated ceremonies for Epiphany. open sources to fill them with water. Considering that January 18 is also a holiday, Epiphany Eve, and in the evening of this day services and lighting of water are held in churches, the question arises: when to collect Epiphany water on January 18 or 29?

Difference between Epiphany water January 18 and 19
The first illumination of Epiphany water will take place on the evening of January 18, closer to midnight. The second illumination takes place on January 19th. At this time, you can come with your own container and collect Epiphany water for storage at home. When answering the question of when to collect Epiphany water on January 18 or 19, it should be noted that the lighting of the water in the evening of January 18 and January 19 is exactly the same. The blessing of water is carried out in one order, the same prayers are used, so there is no difference between Epiphany water on January 18 and 19. Water reserves in different days have the same properties and are suitable for use for the purpose of cleansing and healing.

It has been scientifically proven that Epiphany water does not spoil. You can store it for a long time, it retains its unique properties. This applies to both the water collected on January 18 and the water collected on January 19. Water on January 18 and 19 is baptismal only after the procedure of lighting the water by a clergyman. The services that take place on the evening of January 18 are also festive, like the services that take place on January 19, so you can collect Epiphany water on both days.

There is an opinion that the most valuable Epiphany water, which has strong active properties, is the water that was collected on the night of January 18-19. However, clergy emphasize the fact that there is no difference between the waters, and that you can come and collect water both on the night of January 18-19 and throughout the next day.

It should be remembered that, first of all, the effect of holy water depends on a person’s faith. Since the water on January 18 and 19 is Epiphany, one should understand its significance in the religious world. According to the Bible, water is the personification of all life on Earth. Therefore, one should collect and consume Epiphany water only with bright thoughts, saying prayers mentally.
The blessing of water on the day of Epiphany is similar in its beneficial properties to the blessing of water on the sacrament of Baptism. Blessed water on the day of Epiphany and the water for the sacrament of Baptism even have the same name - the Great Agiasma.

Every year the water for Epiphany is blessed twice, and there is no difference between such water.

What not to do with holy water
Despite the fact that Epiphany water is universal in use, there are several strict prohibitions when such water cannot be used:
Epiphany water cannot be used for the purpose of fortune telling or performing any magical rituals.
Superstitions associated with holy water cannot be supported by actions. For example, that in order to achieve the highest grace one must accumulate Epiphany water in three different temples.
You cannot use Epiphany water for the purpose of cleansing from sins. This is only possible in confession.

When Jesus, who did not need to cleanse his soul, entered the Jordan River, he himself cleansed the entire water element, without which life is impossible. human life. Therefore, one should treat Epiphany water and the Feast of Epiphany with respect. And when to collect Epiphany water on January 18 or 19 is decided individually, depending on free time.

DOES ALL WATER BECOME HOLY AT BAPTISM, DOES ALL TAP WATER BECOME HOLY AT BAPTISM? Does all water become holy at Epiphany? On the night of January 19, the Orthodox world annually celebrates one of the main holidays - Epiphany. On this day, Christians remember the greatest event - the baptism of Jesus Christ on the Jordan River.

There are many prejudices associated with Baptism. On the eve of the holiday, Priest Georgy Vorobyov, who is the rector of the temple in honor of the Hieromartyr Andronik, told AiF-Prikamye journalists about the most common mistakes and misconceptions regarding the Baptism of the Lord.

Does all water become holy at Epiphany and does tap water become holy at Epiphany?

There is a popular belief that at Epiphany midnight, from January 18 to 19, all water becomes holy. And supposedly holy water also flows from the tap. For this reason, many believe that it is not necessary to go to church for holy water, but that you can collect it at home. Answer from Priest Georgy Vorobyov: Epiphany water is that water over which the clergyman performed a special church rite - the Rite of the Great Blessing of Water. This rite is performed on the eve of the holiday - January 18, Epiphany Eve, and on the holiday of Epiphany itself, January 19. Archimandrite Spiridon (Khodanich) answered this question earlier to the Orthodox Life publication. According to him, if you delve into the prayers and features of the rite of blessing water at Epiphany, it becomes obvious that only the water that is blessed by the clergy in a temple or on a river (reservoir) is holy.

From the answers of representatives of the Orthodox Church, we can conclude that the consecrated (holy) water in the Baptism of the Lord is the water over which the priest performed a special rite of consecration.

We have collected for you answers from experienced priests to the most interesting and pressing questions about holy water and Baptism.

On January 19, the Orthodox Church remembers the Baptism of our Lord Jesus Christ. The event of the Baptism of the Lord is also called the Epiphany, for at that moment the manifestation of the Fullness of the Divinity took place - the appearance of all the Persons of the Holy Trinity: the Father, who testified about the Son with a voice from Heaven, the Son who received Baptism, and the Holy Spirit, who descended on the Son in the form of a dove.

1. Holy water is called both Epiphany and Epiphany water - we're talking about about the same water. Some people think that Baptism and Epiphany are not the same thing, and that the water that is blessed on Christmas Eve and on the day of the holiday itself is not the same. This is superstition!
The grace of sanctification given to water is the same.
On January 18 and 19, water is blessed with the same rite, so they should not be distinguished.

In our time, performing the rite of the Great Blessing of Water twice has become a statutory tradition. IN ancient Church that's what it was for important reason: on the eve of this holiday, the baptism of the catechumens took place. For the sake of this sacrament, the first great blessing of water was performed in memory of Baptism, which the Lord received in the waters of the Jordan at the hand of St. Prophet John the Baptist. The difference between the first and second consecration is that on the Eve of Epiphany the blessing of water was performed in churches where catechumens were baptized, and on the day of the feast of Epiphany they went to the Jordan River.

2. Baptism of the Lord and Epiphany are different holidays or the same one?
The Baptism of the Lord is also called the Epiphany, because at Baptism on the Jordan God appeared in three persons, the Holy Trinity: God the Father spoke from heaven about the Son, the Son of God was baptized by John and was witnessed by God the Father, the Holy Spirit descended on the Son in the form of a dove.

3. When does the tradition of blessing water begin?
Since apostolic times, the Holy Church has been celebrating the day of Holy Epiphany, commanding in its decrees: “May you have great respect for the day on which the Lord revealed the Divinity to us.” Festive consecration Water originates from the tradition of the Jerusalem Church, where already in the first centuries of Christianity a festive exit to the Jordan River and blessing of water took place in memory of the Baptism of the Savior. Since ancient times, in the Russian Church, imitating that of Jerusalem, the solemn blessing of water is performed on the eve of the holiday and on the day of Epiphany itself.

4. Is tap water blessed at Epiphany?

A question that can be encountered very often. In the popular book of Archimandrite Tikhon (Shevkunov) “Unholy Saints” we can find a story about how the new martyrs and confessors of Russia performed Divine Services. One of them was asked: “But how, father, did you consecrate the water on the day of Epiphany? After all, prayers for Epiphany are read once a year and they are very long?” To which we received the following answer: “But we didn’t need to remember these prayers. After all, if at least in one place in the Universe in Orthodox church The rite of the great consecration of water is performed, then through the prayers of the Holy Church “the nature of all waters” is sanctified - all the water in the world becomes baptismal and holy.
On this day we took water from any source, and it was incorruptible, grace-filled, baptismal. And, like any baptismal water, it did not spoil for many years.”
But if all the water is blessed on this day, is it necessary to go to the temple? It seems to us that from this story it is impossible to conclude that those who have the opportunity to visit the temple of God can simply get water from the tap. The water is blessed by the prayer of the entire Church and for the faithful children of the Church, so everyone who has the opportunity to come to church must do so. If this is not possible, you need to ask someone to go to the temple for water, but if there is no temple nearby, then only in this case can you use the example of the new martyrs.

We will also listen to the opinion of Fr. Maxim Kozlov:
“On the feast of the Epiphany, tap water, despite popular belief, does not become a saint.
In the majority of churches not only in Moscow, but also in any city, the water for consecration on the feast of Epiphany is taken from the water supply, and is not brought from the Jordan on special flights. So the consecration of water is not a process of changing its biochemical composition, we are talking about the spiritual component. If we are talking about whether it is possible to run a bath at home from the 18th to the 19th and consider that this is the same water blessed in the church, then this is not so. Because what is perceived as sanctified in the church is what is sanctified in the church. Orthodoxy does not know miracles as tricks, and does not practice them,” the priest believes.

He urged those who want to collect holy water not to be lazy and go to the nearest temple to get it.

“By the way, it is distributed, firstly, completely free of charge, that is, for nothing, and secondly, it allows for dilution; its properties do not depend on concentration. So, it’s enough to collect a small bottle in the temple,” the priest noted.

Some Orthodox Christians actually believe that at Epiphany all water becomes holy, including that which flows from the tap.

5. Good afternoon! Please tell me, is it true that if an unbaptized person comes to church on January 19 and attends the entire service, then after that he can consider himself baptized and can wear a cross and go to church? And in general, can an unbaptized person go to church? Thank you very much, Elena

Hello, Elena!

An unbaptized person can go to Church, but he cannot participate in Church Sacraments (confession, Communion, weddings, etc.). In order to become baptized, it is necessary that the Sacrament of Baptism be performed on a person, and not be present at the service on the feast of the Epiphany. After the service, approach the priest and tell him that you want to be Baptized. This requires your faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, the desire to live according to His commandments, as well as some knowledge about the Orthodox doctrine and the Orthodox Church. The priest will be able to answer your questions and help you prepare for the Sacrament of Baptism. God help you!

On the Feast of the Epiphany, Orthodox Christians go to church and participate in the Sacraments of Confession and Communion.
If it is not possible to come to the temple, you can ask your family or friends about it.
There is no need to rush or jostle while queuing for water. It will be much more helpful to pray in reverent silence.

6. Holy water can be diluted with plain water clean water, and she will also be full of grace. Therefore, there is no need to stress yourself out taking a 30-liter canister from the temple. It is enough to take a small bottle and use it evenly throughout the year.

7. You can store holy water in both plastic and glass containers, placing it, for example, next to icons. With reverence, holy water remains fresh and pleasant to the taste. for a long time. Cases have been noted more than once when water, blessed in the same place by the same priest, spoiled for some, while for others it stood for a long time.
Epiphany water is such from the moment of its consecration and for a year, or two or more, until its reserves at home run out. Taken from the church on any day, it never loses its holiness (Archimandrite Ambrose (Ermakov)).

8. You can sprinkle your home, place of work and study, car and other things with holy water with the prayer “In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.”

9. It is customary to take holy water on an empty stomach along with prosphora after reading morning prayers. You should drink it reverently, with prayer, so that this gift of the Lord will be for the health of soul and body. In case of illness, you can drink holy water as needed (you can also drink Epiphany water in an effort to get rid of strong action any passion or sorrow).

10. Father, I have a 6-month-old daughter, and when I bathe her, I add holy water to the water. Is it possible to drain this water later or not?

When bathing your daughter, there is no need to add holy water to the bath: after all, holy water can only be poured into a special place that is not trampled underfoot. It’s better to give your daughter holy water to drink, and also regularly commune her with the Holy Mysteries of Christ.

Sincerely, priest Alexander Ilyashenko

Due to various circumstances, although very rarely, it happens that water comes into a state that does not allow consumption. In this case, it should be poured into some untrampled place - into a flowing river, for example, or in the forest under a tree, and the vessel in which it was stored should no longer be used in everyday life.
As priest Mikhail Mikhailov said, one priest I knew, in 1988, had a bottle of water that he had kept since 1953 or 1954...

11. If you have a desire to plunge into an ice hole, then, based on your state of health, ask the priest for a blessing and follow safety measures. Bathing in any water sources is not a Church Sacrament that cleanses the soul from sins, it is simply a pious tradition. We must remember that sins are forgiven only in the Sacrament of Confession.

12. The Orthodox Church has a negative attitude towards various kinds Christmas fortune telling and asks his children not to commit the grave sins of sorcery. Any kind of fortune-telling on the “Epiphany evening” is a grave sin for the soul, a desecration of the holy day.

Archpriest Alexander Avdyugin warns about other superstitions:
- You cannot pour holy water in the bathtub when bathing in order to get well.
- Cattle (thin animals) and other domestic animals cannot be given this water to drink, even taking into account the fact that some saints have such examples.
- Epiphany water does not help against the evil eye, slander, conspiracy and other eccentricities from the aura of paganism, since it is holiness, and not its own superstition.
- You can and should sprinkle your home with holy water, but drawing crosses on the doorposts is your personal choice.
- Epiphany water (Agiasma) never spoils either because silver ions from the cross fall into it, but because it is holy.
- It is an absolute superstition and the grin of the evil one that you cannot pour holy water “from yourself,” “through your hand,” or through a funnel, or place a bottle of holy water on the ground.

13. Epiphany Christmas Eve (January 18 - the day before Epiphany), according to the Church Charter, is a day of strict fasting, so it should be spent in prayer. On Christmas Eve they prepare sochivo - boiled grain with dried fruits and honey. Christmastide ends with Epiphany Christmas Eve - holidays after the Nativity of Christ.

14. Is it possible for unbaptized people to use holy water, oil blessed on the relics of saints and prosphora?

On the one hand, it is possible, because what harm could a person do if he drinks holy water, or anoints himself with oil, or eats prosphora? But you just need to think about how this could be useful to him.

If this is a certain approach of a person to the church fence, if he, not yet deciding to be baptized, say, having been a militant atheist in the past, now, through the prayers of his wife, mother, daughter or someone else close to him, no longer rejects at least these external as if signs of churchliness, then this is good and pedagogically it will lead him to what is more essential in our faith - to the worship of God in spirit and truth.

And if such actions are perceived as a kind of magic, as a kind of “church medicine,” but at the same time the person does not at all strive to become a church member in order to become Orthodox Christian, only reassures himself that I am doing something like this and it will serve as some kind of amulet, then there is no need to provoke this kind of consciousness. Based on these two possibilities, you decide, in relation to your specific situation, whether it is necessary or not to offer church shrines to any of your loved ones (Archpriest Maxim Kozlov).

15. Does it happen that holy water “doesn’t help”?

Saint Theophan the Recluse writes: “All the grace coming from God through the Holy Cross, holy icons, holy water, relics, consecrated bread (artos, antidor, prosphora), etc., including Most Holy Communion The Body and Blood of Christ has power only for those who are worthy of this grace through prayers of repentance, repentance, humility, service to people, works of mercy and the manifestation of other Christian virtues. But if they are not there, then this grace will not save, it does not act automatically, like a talisman, and is useless for the wicked and imaginary Christians (without virtues).”

Miracles of healing still occur today, and they are countless. But only those who accept it with living faith in the promises of God and the power of prayer of the Holy Church, those who have a pure and sincere desire to change their lives, repentance, and salvation, are rewarded with the miraculous effects of holy water. God does not create miracles where people want to see them only out of curiosity, without a sincere intention to use them for their salvation. “An evil and adulterous generation,” the Savior said about his unbelieving contemporaries, “seeks a sign; and no sign will be given to him.” In order for holy water to benefit us, we will take care of the purity of our souls and the high dignity of our thoughts and actions.

HOLY WATER (it is also called Epiphany and Epiphany: from the Greek “agiasma”, which means “shrine”) is water that is ordinary in composition and original origin, miraculously acquiring beneficial and healing properties after performing a special prayer service called water blessing (blessing of water). Holy water has special properties to sanctify material objects and heal spiritual and physical ailments. Christians have great reverence for her.


Lord my God, may Your holy gift and Your holy water be for the remission of my sins, for the enlightenment of my mind, for the strengthening of my mental and physical strength, for the health of my soul and body, for the subjugation of my passions and infirmities according to Your infinite mercy, through prayers Your Most Pure Mother and all Your saints. Amen.

When we come to a festive church service, we first of all go to meet God, to meet the joy that, in theory, we should share at this hour with loved ones and those around us. But does this happen in our real life? Soon it will come and we will be jostling in lines for Epiphany water (we wish we could get it as quickly as possible), plunging into all sorts of ice holes, but why? Just because we're used to it?

Everything we do must have some meaning, otherwise it is wasted work.

And, unfortunately, traditions, which initially had a beneficial meaning, in this regard take on an entertaining connotation. Let's try to figure out what's what. For answers to the most common questions about Epiphany water, we turned to priests Dimitry Baritsky and Andrey Efanov.

Epiphany and Epiphany water

People often ask:

What kind of baptismal water?

Epiphany water is water blessed on Epiphany Eve and on the Feast itself at the Great Blessing of Water. Often water that was blessed on January 19 is called Epiphany water, and water blessed the day before is called Epiphany water. In fact, the water on these two days is consecrated with the same rite, has the same properties and is called the Great Agiasma differently. "Agiasma" is translated from Greek as shrine.

Epiphany and Epiphany are the names of the same holiday. The Church remembers how Christ received Baptism from John the Baptist, and at that moment the Holy Trinity was revealed: the Son of God stood in the waters of the Jordan, the Voice of God the Father sounded from Heaven, and the Holy Spirit descended in the form of a dove.

As a great shrine, believers bring home water from the temple, blessed during the celebration of these Gospel events, and keep it all year, until the next feast of Epiphany.

Which water is stronger - Epiphany or Epiphany?

Photo by Vladimir Eshtokin

Epiphany and Epiphany water are different names the same water, blessed by the rite of the Great Blessing of Water on Epiphany Eve or on the day of Epiphany itself. The Feast of the Epiphany is also called Epiphany - hence the two names of the water. There is no difference.

Why is water blessed twice? There have been debates on this topic for a long time. Only in 1667 did the Russian Church decide to bless water twice - both on Epiphany Eve (the day before the holiday) and on the Epiphany holiday itself. The two blessings of water go back to two different church traditions. The first of them is associated with the early Christian custom of baptizing converts on the eve of Epiphany, on the Eve of the holiday. But later there were so many people who wanted to become Christians that a few days a year were not enough for this. Baptisms began to be performed on other dates. The custom of blessing water on Epiphany Eve has been preserved.

The tradition of consecrating water a second time initially concerned only the Jerusalem Church. There was a custom there to go out to the Jordan on the day of the holiday to bless water in memory of the baptism of the Savior himself. From there, the custom of the second consecration of water gradually spread throughout the Christian world.

Water on Epiphany night

What happens to water on Epiphany night?

It is generally accepted that on Epiphany night all water becomes holy. This is stated in one of the stichera of the holiday: “Today the waters are sanctified.” That is, everything is sanctified water element on Earth. But this is a one-time manifestation of God’s grace, while water collected after the Great Blessing of Water does not lose its properties over time.

There is evidence of how, during the years of persecution of the Church on Epiphany night, believers collected water wherever they could, and, despite the fact that the priest did not say prayers over it, this water was stored for years and did not spoil. This can only be explained as a miracle: seeing the deep faith of people and their impossibility of being in the temple, the Lord gave them His grace.

There is a popular tradition on Epiphany night to plunge into the Jordan - a specially designated place on the reservoir. Sometimes you can hear the opinion that in this way you can “wash away all your sins.” But the Church reminds us that it is not water that helps to cleanse ourselves of sins, but the Lord through the sacrament of repentance - Confession. And He does this, seeing a person’s sincere desire to change. It is impossible to “renew” by taking a dip, drinking or pouring holy water on yourself.

On the Feast of Epiphany, believers remember how Jesus received Baptism from John the Baptist on the Jordan River, and from here, from that very moment, His Path began, ending with the Crucifixion and Resurrection. Only the desire to follow Christ, to be with Him not just one night a year, but every day, the desire to live like a Christian and participation in the sacraments of the Church help cleanse the soul.

When to collect Epiphany water - January 18 or 19?

Epiphany water can be collected both on January 18, on Epiphany Eve, and on January 19, on the Holiday itself. Water consecrated on Vespers (eve) and on the day of Epiphany itself has the same grace.

Agiasma begins to be distributed to believers after the Liturgy and the Great Blessing of Water. Liturgies are served in the morning of January 18, in the morning of January 19 (or at night from the 18th to the 19th). Epiphany water is also distributed after the All-Night Vigil on the 18th evening.

In large temples in major cities Water can be collected throughout the day (and even around the clock) on January 18 and 19. But during services (Liturgy and All-Night Vigil on the evening of January 18), water is usually not poured. It is best to clarify in advance how the process of distributing water will be organized in the temple you are going to.

When does water become baptismal?

We begin to celebrate Epiphany on the 18th. Then the first consecration of water takes place. That is, water that is blessed in the morning is already considered baptismal. Then the water is also blessed on the 19th, directly on the feast of Epiphany itself. And she is also baptized. In general, this is the same water.

Photo by Vladimir Eshtokin

As legend says, on this day the entire water element is sanctified.

There is some symbolic moment in this related to the fact that the Spirit of God descended onto the water. It is clear that He does not descend on any individual container of water, but He descends on the entire element at once.

Epiphany water is called the Great Agiasma, that is, the great shrine, since this is the most important and final consecration of water.

Prayer for the blessing of baptismal water

Prayers for the consecration of Epiphany water are said during the Great Blessing of Water. This rite is performed only twice a year - on the eve and on the feast of Epiphany itself; during the rest of the year, the water is blessed with a small rite.

The Great Blessing of Water is more solemn than the usual one (at a prayer service for water, for example). First, troparia are sung, then Old Testament prophecies, a fragment from the Epistle of the Apostle Paul and the Gospel are read. All this reminds us of the Gospel event that the Church celebrates these days - the Baptism of the Lord.

Then with the words “Let us pray to the Lord in peace…” general prayer requests begin. Believers pray that the water will be sanctified “by the power and action and influx of the Holy Spirit,” and that holy water will help cleanse the soul and body from sins and ailments...

Finally, the priest, reading a prayer, censes the water, calling on the Lord to consecrate it. Then the priest immerses the cross in water three times. At this time the troparion of the holiday is sung:

“In the Jordan I am baptized to You, O Lord, Trinitarian adoration appeared: for the voice of your parents testified to You, naming Your beloved Son, and the Spirit in the form of a dove announced your words of affirmation. Appear, O Christ our God, and enlighten the world, glory to Thee.”

That is: “At Your baptism in the Jordan, Lord, the worship of the Trinity was revealed: for the voice of the Parent testified of You, calling You beloved Son, and the Spirit in the form of a dove confirmed His words as immutable. O Christ the God who appeared and enlightened the world, glory to Thee!”

When coming to the Great Blessing of Water, which takes place in a temple (or on a reservoir) after the service, it is not necessary to know any special prayers. It is enough to know or at least understand the troparion of the holiday, and also to listen attentively to the prayers heard during the consecration and, together with other believers, to ask the Lord through baptismal water to receive the grace of God and the healing of mental and physical infirmities.

When to go for Epiphany water?

As mentioned above, water can be collected both on Christmas Eve and on the feast of Epiphany itself. However, it is important not just to draw water, but to become, as it were, an accomplice in its consecration, an accomplice in universal prayer.

Epiphany water does not turn into something else, it does not become some kind of “magic substance” that will instantly change a person’s life and cleanse him of all sins. No, that's not true.

Andrey Krashenitza, www.flickr.com

We have important sacraments of the Church, such as repentance and Communion of the Holy Mysteries of Christ, which should not be forgotten.

It is not important when to draw baptismal water, but with what intentions, with what heart you approach the temple and perform certain actions. After all, if you don’t make any effort, even the desire to understand the meaning, then you can devalue anything in this way, even the Great Agiasma.

What is the difference between Epiphany water and holy water?

There is no device capable of distinguishing Epiphany water from holy water in degrees of holiness.

Epiphany water takes some special place in, let's say, ritual life. Simply by the fact that this water is blessed only two days a year, it is allocated in a special way, is considered separate and is not equated with holy water. But there are no parameters by which one could determine why Epiphany water is better than holy water, what are the differences. This is the same holy water, only it is dedicated to a specific holiday.

Just as there is a prosphora of the Lamb (it is from this prosphora that the priest cuts out the Lamb - a rectangular particle that will become the Body of Christ during the Liturgy), but it is not in itself the Body of Christ - it is also the same prosphora that we eat.

Photo by Vladimir Eshtokin

How to drink Epiphany water correctly?

It is considered correct to drink Epiphany water with faith, prayer, and on an empty stomach. Only two days a year - on Epiphany Eve and on the Holiday itself - believers drink water throughout the day. The rest of the time, it is customary to drink Epiphany water in the morning.

This is due to the fact that Agiasma is a shrine, and the attitude towards it is appropriate. Agiasma is blessed to drink as a consolation for people who, due to grave sins or for some other reason, are deprived of the opportunity to begin Communion.

The Divine Service Charter stipulates that those who excommunicate themselves from holy water only because they have already “tasted the food” are wrong. Thus, if there is a need to drink Epiphany water (in case of illness, some kind of mental or spiritual illness), one cannot refuse just because the person has already eaten. But Epiphany water should always be received with reverence, as a gift.

As for the frequency of drinking Epiphany water, Saint Luke Voino-Yasenetsky said: “Drink holy water as often as possible.”

Prayer for receiving Epiphany water?

The prayer for receiving Epiphany water is read the same as for receiving prosphora and any holy water:

In this prayer, believers turn to the Lord and ask him for help. But you shouldn’t rely only on miraculous power water and exclusively Divine action. While reading the prayer and receiving baptismal water, one must remember that a person himself must strive to leave sins and conquer his passions and infirmities.

What do they do with Epiphany water?

Is it possible to drink Epiphany water?

You can and should drink Epiphany water.

Two days a year - on the eve of the holiday and on Epiphany - Epiphany water can be drunk throughout the day without any restrictions, except for observing the fast established on Epiphany Christmas Eve. The rest of the time, according to established tradition, many believers take the Great Agiasma on an empty stomach (except in cases of illness, etc.). But at the same time, it is worth remembering that the Liturgical Charter says that it is wrong not to drink holy water just because of food intake.

Epiphany water has special properties, does not spoil for a year or more and can help in getting rid of physical and spiritual ailments. Saint Theophan the Recluse states: “...grace<…>does not act automatically as a talisman, and is of no use to ungodly and professed Christians.” Therefore, the Great Agiasma must be drunk not as “church medicine,” but with faith, prayer, reverence, and the desire to change oneself and go to Christ.

Is it possible to dilute Epiphany water?

You can dilute Epiphany water, and this will not cause it to lose its properties.

Therefore, it is not at all necessary to collect huge bottles and canisters on the Epiphany holiday. You can bring home a small container from the temple, and mix it with plain water or dilute Epiphany water throughout the year. This must be done with prayer. Even a few drops of Epiphany water will sanctify ordinary water.

But this does not mean at all that having collected Epiphany water once, you can dilute it for years. The main thing in the feast of Epiphany is initiation into church life. Epiphany water may not lose its properties even after two or five years. But by refusing the opportunity to come to Church on the feast of Epiphany itself, to pray with other believers, to reverently take Agiasma as a great gift, a person deprives himself of much more than just a bottle of holy water.

Is it possible to sprinkle an apartment with Epiphany water?

You can sprinkle your apartment with Epiphany water. There is even a tradition, after the blessing of water, with the singing of the troparion of the holiday, to sprinkle your home with Epiphany water.

During the Great Blessing of Water, the Church prays: “For the life of this water, the gift of sanctification, the deliverance of sins, for the healing of soul and body to those who draw and eat it, for the sanctification of houses... and for every good (strong) benefit.” That is, you can not only drink Agiasma, but you can sprinkle it on your home and even various objects that are important to a person. But we must understand that sprinkling an apartment with holy water is not the same as the rite of blessing a home performed by a priest.

What to do with last year's Epiphany water?

Not everyone knows what to do with last year's Epiphany water - continue to store it, try to finish it as soon as possible, throw it away?..

Last year's Epiphany water can continue to be consumed as it should be - on an empty stomach with prayer. There are cases where Epiphany water is stored for decades and remains fresh.

If you are concerned about its safety, then you can pour the old Epiphany water into the so-called untrodden place (i.e., clean, closed from walking on it). We must remember that Agiasma is a shrine, and it cannot simply be thrown into the sink or anywhere on the ground. You can pour last year's Epiphany water into a pond with running water or into pots with home flowers.

When can you drink Epiphany water?

There is a tradition of drinking Epiphany water in the morning on an empty stomach with prayer. Two days a year - on Epiphany Christmas Eve and on the day of Epiphany itself, you can drink it throughout the day. However, the Divine Service Charter says that excommunicating oneself from holy water only because of eating food is wrong. Thus, if there is a need to drink Epiphany water (in case of illness, some kind of mental or spiritual illness), one cannot refuse just because the person has already eaten. But Epiphany water should always be received with reverence, as a gift.

At the same time the prayer is read:

“Lord my God, may Your holy gift and Your holy water be for the remission of my sins, for the enlightenment of my mind, for the strengthening of my mental and physical strength, for the health of my soul and body, for the subjugation of my passions and infirmities, according to Your infinite mercy through Your prayers Your Most Pure Mother and all Your saints. Amen".

How to drink Epiphany water?

The first rule is with reverence and prayer. We say on an empty stomach, but we must understand that this is not an absolute rule and it does not apply to all occasions. A person can take holy water, even the Great Agiasma, without an empty stomach, if some special conditions have arisen.

But, in general, this is a tribute to pious tradition - to consume it on an empty stomach, before tasting something else. Eating something sacred is not just a mechanical action, it requires faith and hope in God.

What can you do with Epiphany water?

How to use Epiphany water at home?

In addition to drinking water, according to tradition, on the feast of Epiphany they consecrate (sprinkle) their home with it. You can also consecrate any thing while reading the prayers prescribed for a layperson.

Photo Saint-Petersburg Theological Academy, www.flickr.com

How to sanctify with baptismal water?

You need to moisten a brush or something similar in holy water and, with the prayer “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit,” sprinkle it crosswise on what you want.

In prayer evening rule we have the prayer “May God rise again...”, you can perform consecration by saying this prayer.

There is also a prayer for the sanctification of every thing:

To the Creator and Creator of the human race, the Giver of spiritual grace, the Giver of eternal salvation, Lord Himself, send Your Holy Spirit with the highest blessing on this thing, as if armed with the power of heavenly intercession, it will help those who want to use it for bodily salvation and intercession and help, oh Christ Jesus our Lord. Amen.
(And sprinkle the item with holy water three times).

However, it should be remembered that there are objects that you can ask the priest to bless in the temple - icons, pectoral crosses.

How to sanctify an apartment with Epiphany water?

There is a special prayer for the consecration (sprinkling) of a home: “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. By sprinkling this sacred water, all evil demonic action will be put to flight. Amen".

At the same time, let us remind you that there is a special rite for consecrating an apartment - it is already performed by the priest and once. During this rite, we invoke God’s blessing on the house and everyone living in it. And every believer can sprinkle his apartment or house with Epiphany water.

Is it possible to heat a bathhouse with Epiphany water?

Epiphany water is a sacred thing that should be consumed with reverence. Will it be possible to use it in a bathhouse? It’s unlikely... The fact that we take a steam bath with holy water will not make us any holier. But by flushing Epiphany water down the drain, we are doing the wrong thing.

Is it possible to swim in Epiphany water?

Photo by Vladimir Eshtokin

Of course it is possible, but it is very important with what motivation and what attitude we do it. It is clear that if we take this water and begin to somehow desecrate it, precisely by our behavior, then this will not be good, if it is used for cooking, or for a bath, or bathing, then this is wonderful. In this case, water should become a kind of symbol of internal cleansing. That is, it cleanses the body, but symbolizes the cleansing of the soul.

It is very important what attitude we put into our actions, be it bathing in baptismal water or something else.

And in order to join in this great joy of the holiday, it is not at all necessary to force yourself and your family to dive into ice holes. The main thing is to maintain faith and a good attitude in your heart. After all, why is it so necessary for us to observe everything down to the smallest detail, to be surrounded by everything material (bottles of water, for example) - because there is no faith.

Or maybe I’ll drink water or take a dip, and it (faith) will appear, suddenly I’ll see clearly. But this will not happen by itself. Where can good feelings come from if we have not made any effort for this?

Properties of Epiphany water

Why did Epiphany water spoil/turn green?

In our country, for example, Epiphany water lasts for a whole year and does not spoil. For many people, it lasts for a very long time, while other water would have spoiled long ago. And therefore, a certain pattern can be deduced here, that perhaps this is happening due to the human condition. Perhaps he should think about how he lives, in case he uses this water for other purposes. For example, people often use this water for some magical rituals. Maybe the Lord is thereby showing the person that he is doing something wrong.

But if the holy water has spoiled, then you need to take it and pour it into some clean place under a tree, into a flower, into a river. And you can continue to use the bottle.”

Does Epiphany water help you get pregnant?

Faith helps, and water acts as a kind of symbol, because we are material beings and we need some kind of created symbols. And water, earth, oil are created symbols. That is, we should approach it this way. And if a person drinks water, smears himself with this water, and so on, then why not.

I had an incident at my parish. The grandmother was the only one who really complained about herself for giving the cat baptismal water. And she gave it because the cat was sick. But as soon as she drinks, she feels better and gets better, but as soon as she stops drinking, her condition worsens.

In fact, the Lord helps animals through this holy water; in the missals there is an order for sprinkling cattle with holy water.

The same thing with Epiphany water. We can use it for pious purposes. Helping an animal is a pious goal. After all, the Lord loves and has mercy on every Creation.

Therefore, everything is possible by faith. The main thing is what mood we approach, what our motive is.

In order to meet with God, we must be ready for this meeting, we must be open to Him. Having abandoned all prejudices, finally tear your gaze away from the usual and look around you. But this is work that not everyone will do. What then do we want?

Let's first just strive for sincere joy and share it with loved ones. And we will try not to reproach others for doing something wrong, but, if possible, we will carefully guide them. We all have our own paths, we are in different circumstances, but what’s wonderful is that each of us is unique, and the ways of the Lord, as we know, are inscrutable.

Happy holiday to everyone, dear friends!