What causes avalanches. Snow avalanche

One of the most terrible avalanches in the history of mankind came down from Mount Huascaran (Peru) about half a century ago: after an earthquake, a huge mass of snow fell from its slopes and rushed down at a speed exceeding three hundred kilometers per hour. Along the way, it broke off part of the underlying glacier, and also carried sand, rubble, and blocks with it.

In the path of the snow flow there was also a lake, the water from which, after a tremendous force of impact, splashed out and, adding water to the rushing mass, formed a mudflow. The avalanche stopped only after it had covered a distance of seventeen kilometers and completely demolished the village of Ranairka and the city of Yungai, killing about twenty thousand people: only a few hundred local residents managed to escape.

An avalanche is formed by snow, ice and rocks after they begin sliding down steep mountain slopes at an ever-increasing speed (from 20 to 1000 m/s), capturing new portions of snow and ice, increasing their volume. Considering that the impact force of the elements is often calculated in tens of tons per square meter, the avalanche sweeps away everything in its path. It stops only at the bottom, having reached gentle sections of the slope or finding itself at the bottom of the valley.

Avalanches form only in those parts of the mountain where forests do not grow, the trees of which could slow down and prevent the snow from gaining the required speed.

The snow cover begins to move after the thickness of the freshly fallen snow begins to be at least thirty centimeters (or the layer of old snow exceeds seventy), and the steepness of the mountain slope ranges from fifteen to forty-five degrees. If the layer of fresh snow is about half a meter, the probability of snow melting in 10-12 hours is incredibly high.

It is impossible not to mention the role of old snow in the formation of avalanches in the mountains. It forms an underlying surface that allows freshly fallen precipitation to slide over it unhindered: old snow fills all the unevenness of the soil, bends bushes to the ground, forming a perfectly smooth surface (the larger its layer, the fewer rough obstacles that can stop the snow from falling).

The most dangerous periods when snow falls are considered to be winter and spring (about 95% of cases are recorded at this time). A snowfall is possible at any time of the day, but more often this event occurs during the day. For the occurrence of collapses and snow avalanches primarily influence:

  • Snowfall or concentration of huge amounts of snow on mountain slopes;
  • Weak adhesive force between new snow and the underlying surface;
  • Warming and rain, resulting in the formation of a slippery layer between snow precipitation and the underlying surface;
  • Earthquakes;
  • Sudden change temperature regime(sharp cooling after unexpected warming, which makes it possible for fresh snow to slide comfortably over the formed ice);
  • Acoustic, mechanical and wind effects (sometimes a scream or clap is enough to set the snow in motion).

Sweeping everything out of the way

Freshly fallen snow precipitation is held on the slope due to the friction force, the magnitude of which depends primarily on the angle of the slope and the moisture content of the snow. A collapse begins when the pressure of the snow mass begins to exceed the force of friction, resulting in the snow coming into a state of unstable equilibrium.

As soon as the avalanche begins to move, a pre-avalanche air wave is formed, which clears the path for the avalanche, destroying buildings, filling up roads and paths.

Before a snowfall occurs, a dull sound is heard high in the mountains, after which a huge cloud of snow rushes down from the top at high speed, taking with it everything that comes in its way. It rushes without stopping, gradually picking up pace, and stops no sooner than it reaches the bottom of the valley. After this, a huge layer of snow dust shoots high into the sky, forming a continuous fog. When the snow dust falls, dense piles of snow open before your eyes, in the middle of which you can see branches, remains of trees, and boulders.

How dangerous are avalanches?

According to statistics, it is the collapse of snow that causes fifty percent of accidents in the mountains, and often causes the death of climbers, snowboarders, and skiers. An avalanche coming down can simply throw a person off the slope, which is why he can break during the fall, or cover him with such a thick layer of snow and cause death from cold and lack of oxygen.

A snowfall is dangerous because of its mass, often amounting to several hundred tons, and therefore, covering a person, often leads to suffocation or death from painful shock caused by broken bones. In order to warn people about the approaching danger, a special commission developed a system for classifying the risks of avalanches, the levels of which are indicated by flags and posted at ski resorts and resorts:

  • First level (minimum) – the snow is stable, so a collapse is possible only as a result strong impact on snow masses on very steep slopes.
  • Second level (limited) - the snow on most slopes is stable, but in some places it is a little unstable, but, as in the first case, large avalanches will occur only due to a strong impact on the snow masses;
  • The third level (medium) - on steep slopes the layer of snow is weakly or moderately stable, and therefore an avalanche can form with little impact (sometimes an unexpected large snowfall is possible);
  • Fourth (high) - the snow on almost all slopes is unstable and an avalanche occurs even with a very weak impact on the snow masses, and the occurrence of large quantity medium and large unexpected avalanches.
  • Level five (very high) – the likelihood of a huge number of large landslides and avalanches, even on non-steep slopes, is extremely high.

Safety precautions

To avoid death and not to be buried under a thick layer of snow, every person going to the mountains on vacation while there is snow there must learn the basic rules of behavior when a deadly stream descends.

If an avalanche warning has been announced during your stay at the base, it is advisable to refrain from hiking in the mountains. If there was no warning, then before leaving the base and hitting the road, you need to take into account the forecast of the risk of snow melting, as well as find out as much as possible about the mountains in which the risk of avalanches is maximum and avoid dangerous slopes (this simple rule of behavior is quite capable of saving life).

If heavy snowfalls were recorded before going to the mountains, it is better to postpone the hike for two or three days and wait for the snow to fall, and if there are no avalanches, wait until it settles. It is also very important not to go to the mountains alone or together: it is advisable to stay in a group. This will always provide insurance for an avalanche, for example, if the group members are tied with avalanche tape, this will make it possible to detect a companion covered in snow.

Before going out into the mountains, it is advisable to take with you an avalanche transceiver, which will make it possible to find a person caught in an avalanche.

It is very important not to forget to take with you mobile phone(he has already saved more than one person’s life). It is also a good idea to take special avalanche backpacks, which have a system of inflatable cushions that make it possible for a person caught in an avalanche to “float up”.

In the mountains you need to move only along roads and paved paths of valleys and along mountain ridges, and it is very important to remember that you cannot drive onto steep snow-covered slopes, cross them across or move in a zigzag. It is also forbidden to step on snow cornices, which are accumulations of dense snow in the form of a canopy on the leeward side of a sharp ridge (they may well collapse suddenly and cause an avalanche).

If it is not possible to go around a steep slope, before overcoming it, you need to make sure that the snow cover is stable. If it begins to sink under your feet and begins to make a hissing sound, you need to go back and look for another road: the likelihood of an avalanche is high.

Trapped in snow

If an avalanche has fallen high and there is time to do something, it is very important to remember one of the basic rules of behavior when an avalanche is rushing towards you: you need to move out of the path of the rushing stream to a safe place, moving not down, but horizontally. You can also hide behind a ledge, preferably in a cave, or climb onto a hill, a stable rock or a strong tree.

Under no circumstances should you hide behind young trees, as snow can break them.

If it so happens that you were unable to escape from an avalanche, one of the rules of conduct states that you need to immediately free yourself from all things that will be pulled into the rushing stream and hinder your movements: a backpack, skis, poles, an ice ax. You must immediately begin to sharply make your way to the edge of the stream, doing everything possible to stay at the top, and if possible, catch on a tree, stone, or bush.

If the snow still covers your head, then you need to cover your nose and mouth with a scarf or hat to prevent snow from getting there. After which you need to group: turning in the direction of the movement of the snow flow, take a horizontal position and pull your knees to your stomach. After this, by rotating your head in a circular motion, remember to create as much free space in front of your face as possible.

As soon as the avalanche stops, you need to try to get out on your own or at least push your hand up so that rescuers notice it. Screaming while under snow cover is useless, since the sound is transmitted very weakly, so such efforts only weaken the strength (give sound signals it is necessary only when the steps of rescuers are heard).

It is important not to forget the rules of behavior in the snow: you need to remain calm and under no circumstances panic (screams and meaningless movements will deprive you of strength, warmth and oxygen). Don’t forget to move, otherwise a person trapped in the thick snow will simply freeze, for the same reason you need to do everything to avoid falling asleep. The main thing is to believe: there are cases when living people were found under snow cover even on the thirteenth day.

The moment the avalanche occurs, i.e. the removal of snow masses from a slope means that gravity overcomes the adhesion forces inside or at the lower boundary of the snow cover.

Researchers identify four main causes of avalanches.

The first is the overload of the slope with snow during prolonged snowfalls and blizzards (when there is a rapid increase in snow mass). Mass avalanches are usually caused by this very reason.

Second -- reduction in the strength of snow during recrystallization. Snow is a porous medium good warmth insulator. In conditions temperate climate the temperature in the ground layer of snow cover usually stays around 0°, while on the surface it fluctuates greatly. With significant negative temperatures on the surface of the snow cover inside the snow column, a temperature gradient arises and the migration of water vapor from the lower (warm) horizons to the upper (cold) horizons begins. The removal of part of the substance from the lower horizons leads to their loosening and the formation of a layer of deep frost, the adhesion forces in which are insignificant. Avalanches that occur mainly for this reason are relatively rare, but large in volume and destructiveness. They are sometimes called delayed-action avalanches, since the moment of their release is not related to weather conditions, as happens with avalanches that form when slopes are overloaded during snowfalls and blizzards.

The third is the temperature reduction of the snow layer. It occurs as a result of sharp fluctuations in air temperature. Snow is plastic at a temperature of about 0° and becomes brittle as the temperature decreases. If the snow cover lying on a slope is compacted, it may be in a stressed state, i.e. have compression and tension zones (it should be noted that changes external conditions the layer reacts as a whole). In this case, due to sudden cooling, cracks appear in the snow. A rupture in a snow layer can cause an avalanche if the shear pressure exceeds the adhesion forces.

The fourth is the weakening of bonds during snow melting. With the appearance of water under the surface of the snow, the bonds between firn crystals or grains and between layers of snow weaken or break. Depending on the intensity of snow melting and the depth of wetting of the snow layer, different types Avalanche When radiation melts snow, covering a thin layer, small surface avalanches are formed on the southern slopes. During thaws (especially with warm wind or rain), wet avalanches of medium power form; in this case, the upper (wet) layer of snow slides over the lower one, which is not affected by water filtration processes. During prolonged thaws and rains, when the entire thickness of the snow is soaked, powerful ground avalanches occur, moving along the ground and capturing a mass of debris.

Called a tiger in the skin of a lamb by an innocent, at first glance, white snow Matthias Zdarsky is an Austrian researcher who studied the question of what an avalanche is. Softly falling snow fascinates even those who don’t like winter - too much beautiful picture, similar to fairy tale. And the crystal stars smoothly falling to the ground create a deceptive impression of fragility and defenseless tenderness. However, excessively active snowfalls are fraught with danger, and a serious one. After all, not only snowdrifts, but also avalanches can grow from small snowflakes. So what is an avalanche? The definition of this concept is given below. And now a little history.

A brief excursion into history

In all likelihood, an avalanche is a phenomenon that exists as long as the steep slopes of mountains, and Polybius mentions the first large-scale snowfalls, causing the death of hundreds of people, in the context of the history of the campaign of the Carthaginian army through the Alps. And in general, this mountain range, beloved by tourists and climbers, has a long history of disasters behind it. It is not for nothing that in the 20th century, in some areas, masses were celebrated in memory of those killed under snow rubble, because in this case an avalanche means pain and grief for the relatives and friends of those who suffered from it. It is also noteworthy that in one of last winters During the First World War, more soldiers died from this on the Austro-Italian front than directly during the hostilities. And December 16, 1916 went down in history as “Black Thursday,” when six thousand people were missing in one day. Hemingway, who was in the Alps during the same time period and described his definition of what an avalanche means, noted that winter landslides are terrible, sudden and bring with them instant death.

Residents of Norway, Iceland, Bulgaria, the United States also suffered from the “white death”. Russian Federation, Canada, as well as Asian countries: Turkey, Nepal, Iran, Afghanistan, and in the latter, by and large, no records of the dead are kept. Tens of thousands of lives were also attributed to snow avalanches that fell from Mount Huascaran in Peru.

What is an avalanche? Etymology of the word

The ancient Romans called this phenomenon a “pile of snow.” Each nation had its own definition. What does avalanche mean? This is a beautiful, exciting and dangerous natural phenomenon. The very meaning of the word “avalanche” is also interesting, the origins of which are the Latin root lab, meaning “instability”, although it came into the Russian language through German, since in ancient German there was a definition of Lavine. Xuan Zang poetically called them “white dragons,” and in Pushkin’s time avalanches were called landslides. In the Alps and the Caucasus, the names of individual mountains, gorges and valleys are already “speaking”. For example, Lansky Forest or Zeygalan Khokh (“the mountain from which avalanches always come down”). Sometimes the ability to read onomastics, although it won’t tell you everything about snow debris, can protect you from unforeseen circumstances.

What is an avalanche

An avalanche is a type of landslide, a significant mass of snow that moves or even falls from the slopes of mountains under the influence of gravity. It simultaneously creates an air wave, which accounts for a significant part of the destruction and damage that is almost inevitable in this natural disaster.

Having started its movement, the avalanche can no longer stop, falling lower and lower and capturing accompanying stones on its way, ice blocks, branches and uprooted trees, turning from boiling white snow into a dirty mass vaguely reminiscent of a mudflow. The flow can continue its “fascinating journey” until it stops in flat areas or at the bottom of the valley.

Factors influencing the descent of snow masses from the mountains

The reasons that cause avalanches largely depend on the old snow - its height and density, the condition of the surface beneath it, as well as on the increase in new masses of precipitation. The intensity of snowfall, subsidence and compaction of the cover, and air temperature also influence. In addition, a fairly long open slope (100-500 m) is optimal for the start of an avalanche path.

It is not for nothing that the main “architect” of this natural phenomenon is called the wind, since an increase of 10-15 cm is enough for the snow to melt. Temperature is also one of the the most important factors that could trigger a disaster. Moreover, if at zero degrees the instability of the snow, although it arises quickly, passes no less actively (it either melts or an avalanche occurs). And when the low temperature is stable, the avalanche period increases.

Seismic vibrations can also activate snow melting, which is not uncommon in mountainous areas. In some cases, jet flights over dangerous zones are enough.

In general, the increasing frequency of snow avalanches is indirectly or directly related to stormy economic activity a person who is not always reasonable. For example, forests that are now cut down used to serve as natural protection against snow slides.


Depending on the frequency of occurrence, a distinction is made between intra-annual convergence (for the winter and spring periods) and average long-term convergence, which includes, respectively, the overall frequency of avalanche formation. There are also systematic avalanches (annually or every 2-3 years) and sporadic ones, which occur at most twice per century, which makes them especially unpredictable.

Movement, source of natural phenomenon

The nature of the movement of snow masses and the structure of the source determine the following classification: flume snow avalanches, special and jumping. In the case of the former, the snow moves either along a tray or along a specific channel. Special avalanches cover the entire accessible area of ​​​​the terrain while moving. But with the jumping ones it’s already more interesting - they are reborn from the flume, appearing in places where the drainage is uneven. The snow mass has to “bounce”, as it were, to overcome certain areas. The latter type is capable of developing highest speed Therefore, the danger is very significant.

Snow is treacherous and may well creep up unnoticed and silently, falling with an unexpected shock wave, destroying everything in its path. The peculiarities of the movement of these natural masses underlie another division into types. It distinguishes a layer avalanche - this is when the movement occurs tangent to the surface of the snow located below, as well as a ground avalanche - it slides directly along the ground.


Depending on the damage caused, avalanches are usually divided into especially dangerous (they are also spontaneous) - the volume of material losses amazes the imagination with their scale, and simply dangerous - they complicate the activities of various organizations and jeopardize the peaceful, measured life of populated areas.

Properties of snow

It is also important to note the classification associated with the properties of the snow itself, which is the basis of the avalanche. There are dry, wet and wet. The former are characterized high speed convergence and a powerful destructive air wave, and the masses themselves are formed with sufficient low temperatures after significant snowfalls. A wet avalanche is snow that has decided to leave the cozy slopes at temperatures above zero. The speed of movement here is lower than in the previous ones, however, the density of the cover is greater. In addition, the base can freeze, turning into a hard and dangerous layer. For wet avalanches, the raw material is viscous, wet snow, and the mass of each cubic meter is about 400-600 kg, and the movement speed is 10-20 m/sec.


Well, the simplest division is small and almost harmless, medium and dangerous to humans, as well as large ones, which on their way wipe out buildings and trees from the face of the earth, and turn vehicles into a pile of scrap metal.

Is it possible to predict the occurrence of avalanches?

It is extremely difficult to predict avalanches with a high degree of probability, since snow is an element of nature, which, by and large, is practically unpredictable. Of course, there are maps of dangerous areas and both passive and active methods preventing this phenomenon. However, the causes and consequences of avalanches can be different and very noticeable. Passive methods include special shield barriers, forest areas, and observation points for dangerous areas. Active actions consist of shelling areas of possible landslides from artillery and mortar installations in order to provoke the convergence of snow masses in small batches.

Snow avalanches sliding down the mountains in any of the options represent no matter how small or large they are. It is extremely important to take into account all the factors influencing the occurrence of snow masses and their movement along an uncertain route to unknown goals, so as not to sacrifice too expensive gifts to the elements.

All about avalanches: interesting facts

  1. The avalanche speed can reach 100-300 km/h. A powerful air wave instantly turns houses into ruins, crushes rocks, demolishes cable cars, uproots trees and destroys all life around.
  2. Avalanches can come from any mountain. The main thing is that they are covered with snow. If there have been no avalanches in a certain area for 100 years, then there is always the possibility that they may occur at any time.
  3. Approximately 40 thousand to 80 thousand people lost their lives during the First World War, they were buried under avalanches in the Alps. Data is approximate.
  4. In America (California), people surrounded Mount St. Gabriel with deep ditches. Their sizes are equal football fields. Avalanches descending from the mountain linger in these ditches and do not roll into populated areas.
  5. This destructive natural phenomenon is called differently various peoples. The Austrians use the word "schneelaanen", which means "snow flow", the Italians say "walanga", the French - "avalanche". We call this phenomenon an avalanche.

Avalanches form when there is sufficient snow accumulation and on treeless slopes with a steepness of 15 to 50°. At a slope of more than 50°, the snow simply falls off, and conditions for the formation of a snow mass do not arise. Optimal situations for avalanches occur on snow-covered slopes with a steepness of 30 to 40°. There, avalanches occur when the layer of freshly fallen snow reaches 30 cm, and old (stay) snow requires a cover of 70 cm thick. It is believed that a smooth grassy slope with a steepness of more than 20° is avalanche dangerous if the snow height on it exceeds 30 cm. With increasing slope steepness the likelihood of avalanches increases. Shrub vegetation is not an obstacle to the gathering. Best condition for the snow mass to begin to move and gain a certain speed, the length of the open slope is from 100 to 500 m. Much depends on the intensity of the snowfall. If 0.5 m of snow falls in 2-3 days, then this usually does not cause concern, but if the same amount falls in 10-12 hours, then snowfall is quite possible. In most cases, the snowfall intensity of 2-3 cm/h is close to critical.

Wind also plays a significant role. So, in a strong wind, an increase of 10 - 15 cm is enough, and an avalanche can already occur. The average critical wind speed is approximately 7-8 m/s.

One of the most important factors influencing the formation of avalanches is temperature. In winter at relatively warm weather When the temperature is close to zero, the instability of the snow cover increases greatly, but quickly passes (either avalanches occur or the snow settles). As temperatures drop, periods of avalanche danger become longer. In spring, with warming, the likelihood of wet avalanches increases. The lethality varies. An avalanche of 10 m3 already poses a danger to humans and light equipment. Large ones are capable of destroying capital engineering structures and forming difficult or insurmountable blockages on transport routes.

Speed ​​is one of the main characteristics of a moving avalanche. In some cases it can reach 100 m/s. The ejection range is important for assessing the possibility of hitting objects located in an avalanche hazardous areas. There is a distinction between the maximum emission range and the most probable, or long-term average.

The most probable ejection range is determined directly on the ground. It is assessed if it is necessary to place structures in the avalanche zone for a long period. It coincides with the boundary of the avalanche fan. The frequency of avalanches is an important temporal characteristic of avalanche activity. A distinction is made between average long-term and intra-annual recurrence rates. The first is defined as the frequency of avalanches on average over a long-term period. Intra-annual frequency is the frequency of avalanches during the winter and spring periods. In some areas, avalanches can occur 15-20 times a year.

The density of avalanche snow is one of the most important physical parameters, which determines the impact force of the snow mass, the labor costs for clearing it, or the ability to move on it. For dry snow avalanches it is 200 - 400 kg/m 3 for wet snow - 300 - 800 kg/m 3.

An important parameter, especially when organizing and conducting emergency rescue operations, is the height of the avalanche flow, most often reaching 10 - 15 m.

The potential avalanche period is the time interval between the first and last avalanches. This characteristic must be taken into account when planning the mode of human activity in a dangerous area. avalanche snow destructive natural

It is also necessary to know the number and area of ​​avalanche foci, the start and end dates of the avalanche period. These parameters are different in each region. In Russia most often such natural disasters happen on Kola Peninsula, Urals, Northern Caucasus, in the south of Western and Eastern Siberia, Far East. Avalanches on Sakhalin have their own characteristics. There they cover everything altitude zones- from sea level to mountain peaks. Descending from a height of 100 - 800 m, they cause frequent interruptions in train traffic on Yuzhno-Sakhalinskaya railway. In the vast majority of mountainous regions, avalanches occur annually, and sometimes several times a year. How are they classified?

A snow avalanche is one of the most dangerous natural phenomena, which is typical for mountainous areas. From the name itself it is clear that snow is involved in this process.

Avalanche definition. This is a type of landslide when a large volume of snow and ice slides or falls down steep mountain slopes. The speed depends on the steepness of the slope, the volume and severity of the snow. On average this is 20–30 meters per second.

Avalanche in the mountains

Along the way, the weight of the snow mass increases because it captures new volumes. And the weight of some of them can reach tens, hundreds of tons. In rare cases, not only the snow melts, but also the glacier. Then the weight of the entire mass can reach tens and hundreds of thousands of tons.


In mountainous areas, especially if these are high peaks, there is almost always snow, including in summer. In winter, the layer of snow cover becomes larger. This increases the load, as a result of which, due to the steepness of the slope, a certain mass begins to roll down, gradually increasing. A snow avalanche is a natural process.

Avalanche: photo

They have always been and will be in mountainous areas. But if people live in these areas, the avalanche becomes dangerous. In the mountains they try to build houses in safe places where avalanches do not reach. Therefore, residential buildings and other structures rarely suffer from such natural phenomena, but such cases sometimes occur.

In most cases, the victims are people who, for one reason or another, ended up in this place. These are athletes involved in alpine skiing, climbers who conquer peaks. There are also risks of avalanches on ski slopes. In these places, avalanches are provoked in advance and artificially using special equipment to ensure safety.

In most cases the cause is natural. But an avalanche can also be triggered by people if they decide to go to the mountains when rescue workers have informed in advance that it is dangerous. Any slightest mechanical impact can be the beginning of snow melting.

The most common causes of avalanches include:

  • heavy snowfalls, increasing the volume of snow mass on the slopes
  • human factor (mechanical impact, loud sound, shot, etc.)
  • an increase in air humidity, which also makes the snow heavier
  • earthquakes (mountains are usually located in seismic zones)

According to the nature of movement they are divided into:

  • Osovy — go down over the entire surface and look more like a landslide
  • Jumping - fall from ledges
  • Tray - pass in the form of furrows through rock weathering zones and natural gutters

According to movement they are divided into:

  • Streaming
  • Cloud
  • Complex

How dangerous is an avalanche?

Large snow falls can destroy entire settlements located at the foot of the mountains. Fortunately, this happens extremely rarely, because people try not to settle in dangerous areas. Mostly people suffer. There is very little chance of survival. The snow mass is very heavy and can immediately break bones, which deprives a person of the chance to get out. And then there is a high risk of remaining disabled, even if he is found and dug out from under the snow.

Even if the bones are intact, snow can clog the airways. Or simply, under a huge layer of snow, a person simply does not have a sufficient supply of oxygen, and he dies from suffocation. Some are lucky, and they manage to be saved. And it’s good if without negative consequences, because many have frostbitten limbs amputated.

Precursors of an avalanche

The main harbinger is weather conditions. Heavy snowfall, rain, wind create hazardous conditions, so it’s better not to go anywhere on this day. You can also look at the whole general condition terrain. Even small landslides of snow indicate that it is loose and the humidity is high. It's better to play it safe.

Most dangerous period An avalanche is considered to occur in winter, in the moments after precipitation falls.

If you notice an avalanche 200–300 meters away, there is a small chance of escaping from it. You need to run not down, but to the side. If this was not possible, you must perform the following steps:

  • cover your nose and mouth with gloves to prevent snow from getting in there
  • clear the snow in front of the face and also in the chest area so that you can breathe normally
  • you can’t scream, because it takes energy, and anyway, due to the high sound-absorbing properties of snow, no one will hear anything
  • you need to try to get out, trying to remove the snow on the way, compact it
  • you should not fall asleep to be alert and give a sign if rescuers are close

How to escape an avalanche

Compliance with these rules increases the chances of survival in such an extreme situation.

Avalanche equipment

Today, many manufacturers of sports and tourism goods offer special avalanche equipment. This includes the following devices and equipment:

  • Avalanche sensor- it must be turned on immediately as soon as the athlete goes to the mountains. In the event of an avalanche, other members of the group who managed to escape from it, as well as rescuers, will be able to record the signal from this sensor, quickly find and rescue the person.
  • Shovel. It is more needed by those in the group who managed to escape the avalanche in order to dig out those who fell under it.
  • Avalanche probe. This device is needed to quickly find a person. With its help, you can determine the exact depth of snow under which a person is located in order to calculate the forces and dig him out.
  • Avalung system from Black Diamond- a special device that removes exhaled air to the back. This is necessary so that the exhaled warm air does not form a snow crust in front of the face, completely blocking the access of oxygen.

We talk in more detail about avalanche equipment in our separate article.

Avalanche areas in Russia

Avalanches in Russia are not uncommon. These are the mountainous regions of our country:

  • Khibiny on the Kola Peninsula
  • Kamchatka
  • Caucasus Mountains
  • ridges and highlands of the Magadan region and Yakutia
  • Ural Mountains
  • Sayan Mountains
  • Altai Mountains
  • ridges of the Baikal region

The most destructive avalanches in history

Destructive, terrible avalanches are mentioned in many ancient chronicles. In the 19th and 20th centuries, information about avalanches was already more detailed and reliable.

The most famous snow avalanches:

  • 1951 Alps (Switzerland, Italy, Austria). This winter there was a whole series of avalanches due to heavy snowfalls and bad weather. 245 people died. Several villages were wiped off the face of the earth, and almost 50,000 people lost contact with the outside world for a long time until rescuers came to their aid.
  • 1954 Austria, village Blons. On January 11, 2 avalanches occurred at once, which claimed the lives of several hundred residents. More than 20 people are still missing.
  • 1980 France. The avalanche killed about 280 tourists at the ski resort.
  • 1910 USA, Washington state. A huge avalanche in an area where there had never been one before hit a railway station and claimed more than 10 lives.

A lot of avalanches occur in Asia: in Pakistan, Nepal, China. But there are no accurate statistics about deaths and destruction.

We also invite you to watch a video of the largest snow avalanches:

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