Sergey Lazarev and Dmitry Kuznetsov: business partners or lovers? After the news about the son of Sergei Lazarev, it became known who his soulmate is (Photo).

In the gay music community they are sure that the singer has a family and a child, whom he hides due to superstitions

IN end past year 34- summer Sergey LAZAREV dumbfounded public news, What more two With half year back at him was born son Nikita, whom He from everyone hid. Many Then singer Not believed And counted, What This another PR. "To me Seems, If would Lazarev really became father, We would found out about this straightaway, A Not through two With half year, - spoke us V interview open homosexual - musical critic Sergey NEIGHBORS ( ). - Quicker total, this history, How And novel With Leroy KUDRYAVTSEVA, He came up with, to Nothing Not talked about his sexy orientation". After this singer, apparently wanting convince everyone V reality his paternity, started periodically lay out V "Instagram" photos With son. Is it true, faces boys He Not showed. IN frame were present only legs or hands baby. A If appeared head, she was fully closed with a hat or hooded. IN result This Not only Not dispelled doubts, A vice versa, gave birth to succession new rumors And speculation.

Version 1

For example, in the show party they started talking about a secret child whom Lazarev showed in parts, you could see the whole thing and with open face on Instagram from the director of the department for working with artists of the Muz-TV channel - a 27-year-old Nicholas Popova. This young man, who came to Moscow from Vologda several years ago and quickly made a career in television, began posting pictures with a cute fair-haired baby on his page only this year. And he didn’t answer anything when the subscribers wondered who his child was - a son, a nephew or someone else. But judging by other pictures on his profile, recent years Nikolai quite often spent time in the company of Lazarev. And even more often with his close friend and business partner - 32-year-old Dmitry Kuznetsov. Moreover, he was photographed with him not only sitting decorously in drinking establishments, but also taking fancy acrobatic poses against the backdrop of palm trees. The increased attention to Kuznetsov even brought the wrath of some radical fans of Lazarev to the Muz-TV employee.

Seeing the new tattoo on LAZAREV’s neck, many decided that it was in honor of his son. Photo:

Nick, I understand everything, you like Dimka, but maybe you won’t take him away from Serenya? - wrote under one of joint photos counts Popov and Kuznetsov a certain Julia Samoilova(juliyasamoylova9292). - They're family. Don't touch a married man! Find yourself someone else! You follow him everywhere. He loves only Seryozha!!! Don't take it to heart! You are also very cool guy, but they are very dear to me!!!

Those same cars and a child's hand. Photo:

If anyone doesn’t know, Dmitry Kuznetsov is a successful businessman, co-founder and director of SkyJet, SkyPoint and Air Catering companies, which organize and provide private air travel for VIP clients. Two and a half years ago, together with Lazarev, he opened a confectionery shop for dogs and cats, Poodle-Strudel. And last fall he headed a catering company for people - the Riga Coffee company. It is curious that its founder, according to according to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities(One state register legal entities), the 46-year-old director of the Center for Political Conjuncture spoke Alexey Chesnakov, formerly deputy head of department domestic policy Administration of the President of the Russian Federation and Deputy Secretary of the General Council of the Party " United Russia" As Alexey Alexandrovich once stated in an interview with the Russian News Service, he also had a stake in the SkyJet and SkyPoint companies, but he abandoned it. In general, no one would mind having a partner with such serious connections as Kuznetsov.

Native legs are so nice. Photo:

Who says that I’m taking pictures with Lazarev’s son? - Popov, to whom we turned for clarification, was surprised. - This is incorrect information. And whose child is in the photographs with me... Who cares! As for statements about my relationship with Dmitry Kuznetsov... I’m just not very comfortable talking.

Seryozha photographed this baby the other day during a flight to Cuba. Photo:

Version 2

The child from Nikolai Popov’s Instagram was not the only candidate for the role of Lazarev’s son. Other children found on the pages of people from his close circle were also declared as such. They even found a boy, whose name, like the singer’s heir, was Nikita. True, he had very real parents - a guitarist from the Lazarev band Edward Sharonov and his wife Anastasia. But this did not bother the hunters to reveal Lazarev’s secret. And they're on blue eye They suggested that it was the guitarist’s son who was allegedly captured in the photographs with Sergei.

Dima and Kolya have a great time together. Photo:

Edik sometimes takes his wife and son on tour, assured a fan of Lazarev Nina Sovranskaya, who wrote to our editor. - Recently they went with him to Turkey. And after that, a photograph of Lazarev appeared on the beach with children’s hands on his stomach, holding a toy car. Yes, Edik’s son was born not more than two years ago, but much later. But it’s unlikely that they carry a whole crowd of little Nikitas with them.

Nikolai POPOV doesn’t want to worry about who this cute tomboy is to him. Photo:

Unfortunately, attempts to find out what Eduard Sharonov thinks about all this were unsuccessful. At first, guitarist Lazarev willingly responded to our appeal on one of the social networks. But when the essence of the issue was explained to him, he fell silent, like a partisan under interrogation. One could only guess whether his silence was a sign of agreement with the above or whether there was no answer from him for some other reason.

Eduard SHARONOV with his wife and son

Version 3

One could believe in the version with the guitarist’s son only if he and Lazarev would have made this Nikita together, that it would have been their common creation,” the PR manager stood up for the singer Ivan Irbis, ex-lover Ivana Shapovalova And Enrique Iglesias. - I don’t think that Sergei would pass off someone else’s son as his own. If he didn’t have any child, it would be impossible to hide this for a long time. This is not a relationship with Leroy Kudryavtseva invent. And Lazarev even got a tattoo on his neck in the form of the first letter of the name Nikita. I am convinced that he really has a son. Most likely, it was created with the help of a surrogate mother. This technology is usually used by men who love men and therefore do not have women. Vaughn Cristiano Ronaldo surrogate mother I have already given birth to three children. Every person wants to procreate. And Lazarev is no exception. Perhaps he doesn’t show the boy’s face because he’s superstitious. Like all artists.

Sergei Lazarev tried very hard to demonstrate his ardent feelings for Lera Kudryavtseva, but it was not always possible to do this naturally

Sergei Lazarev continues to hide
The personal life of 32-year-old singer Sergei Lazarev has always been a secret, shrouded in darkness. The exception is a 4-year demonstrative “romance” with TV presenter Lera Kudryavtseva, which lasted from 2008 to 2012. In his numerous interviews, Lazarev tirelessly talks about the female sex, that he is only interested in the strong and purposeful, and that he does not accept nurses and capricious young ladies, and talks about his dizzying novels and love triangles, but never names names, because, in his opinion, personal life should be kept secret. “Otherwise, a bunch of questions, speculations, rumors immediately begin, and then quarrels ensue. After all, when people are happy, it infuriates everyone,” says the singer. And some suspected that the truth lay in something else, namely, that Sergei Lazarev was simply not interested in not only capricious women, but any women in general. They started talking about this on the sidelines almost from the very beginning of his career, when Lazarev was still part of the Smash!! duo. Such rumors became even more significant after he began solo career- near the singer all the time there was a man named Mikhail Dvoretsky (in at the moment he is in a completely open relationship with Aeroflot airline representative Ivan Batanov), who presented himself to the public as Sergei’s concert director, but in reality they were connected by something more.

Over time, Vladimir Kuznetsov and Sergei became literally copies of each other!

It was rumored that the men met in a nightclub, and then began to live in Sergei’s apartment. They hung out together at the New Wave competition, where they even swapped wardrobe items. In parallel with this, society watched the stormy “romance” of Lazarev with Kudryavtseva, but when the sweet couple on their pages in social networks shared general photos from a vacation somewhere in the Maldives, behind the scenes there was always the third hero of these trips - Mikhail, whom Sergei called his best friend, assistant, adviser, right hand, director and part of the brain. His presence was indicated either by a shadow in the photograph or by a reflection in glasses or a shop window.

Unambiguous statements
IN great love The scandalous journalist Otar Kushanashvili, who always knew how to cut the truth straight from the shoulder, did not believe Lera and Sergei. “The aggressively created myth of “Kudryavtsev and Lazarev” would not be so funny if I had not known Lera from the moment I arrived in Moscow. Since fire and water, ice and flame will never meet, there will never be an alliance between those who belong to the same caste. Sparks cannot flare up between Lazarev and Lera, because they are interested in the same objects of desire. Therefore, I would like to say in a lapidary, concise, succinct and catchy way: both need guys!” There was no doubt that Otar was telling the truth after Lera unexpectedly married hockey player Igor Makarov in the summer of 2013 - and this was just a few months after the “breakup” with Sergei!

It happened that even Alla Pugacheva herself unequivocally hinted that Lazarev should not rush into marriage, because he needed a friend, a life partner. “Because all these sex shmex, they come and go. Well, to give birth to a child, you can try once, even two or three times. But, in principle, this is not why a person is needed in life. I know that you have a friend and assistant Misha. And I just congratulate you on the fact that he loves you very much and helps you,” the Diva said on the radio.

Gay magazine and gay clubs
There are still some details hidden in Sergei's past. For example, at the beginning of his career, he posed for the cover of the British gay magazine ZONE, but when the editors of the weekly asked Sergei to take a photo with the magazine in his hands, the singer cheated and, as if by accident, blocked the word GAY with two fingers of his left hand. Thus, “the most popular regional gay magazine” became “the most popular regional magazine.” Lazarev also performed and continues to perform in gay clubs more than once, which, naturally, he justifies with the words that gays are a large audience that cannot be deprived. “I don’t divide people by nationality or orientation. For me, as an artist, people are spectators, very different, but spectators, and it doesn’t matter to me at all who they come home with and sleep with. The main thing is that they like my music and like me." At the same time, Lazarev was always against the ban on gay propaganda, noting that homosexuals are an important part of society, which is what everyone is talking about normal people have known for a long time. “Among them there are inventors, composers, politicians.

Tchaikovsky's music was played at the opening of the Universiade in Kazan. Maybe we should ban it too? Incredible stupidity. Let's say that by the age of 16 a young man begins to realize his sexual identity. Can't I ask him about this? It turns out that he is forbidden to make a choice. I feel sorry for the people who find themselves hostages in this situation. Both boys and girls gay. Same-sex marriage is legal throughout the world. Among my friends and fans there are also gays. Glad to see them at my concerts. I have performed in gay clubs more than once, and not only in our country. This is a bright, responsive audience. But for those who have not traveled outside their village, it is difficult to understand this.”

New love
Returning to Mikhail Dvoretsky, it must be said that a couple of years ago he and Sergei brought their relationship to naught (but Mikhail is still his concert director), but now none of them while away the time alone. According to rumors, Dmitry Kuznetsov (32), general director of the aviation company Sky Jet, became Lazarev’s new support approximately 2.5 years ago, who, during his communication with the singer, became like two peas in a pod like Lazarev himself. Together, the men created the Poodle Strudel confectionery, which makes delicious and healthy desserts for dogs and cats. At the beginning of this relationship, Kuznetsov even shared photos of them together from their vacation, but even without them, nimble journalists could easily expose their time together - on their blogs they often posted photos from the same events or resorts: for example, this winter they both shared almost identical photographs taken on Miami Beach, on airplanes and at lunch. And although most of Lazarev’s fans still believe in office romances with his colleagues Ani Lorak, Polina Gagarina, Ekaterina Varnava (each of whom has her own men), there are those who urge Sergei not to be afraid of anything and to live a full life, because this will not make them love him less.

According to the confessions of Sergei Lazarev, his son Nikita is 2.5 years old, and in this regard, it is not difficult to understand with whom Lazarev shared the care of the child.

Sergei Lazarev is generally a very secretive young man. Only his affair with Lera Kudryavtseva was public, but in that situation it could not have been any other way. Sergei had to prove to his fans that he was a guy, which was necessary, and Lera, at that time, did not have a normal man to marry him and live with a normal family.

Baskov and Fedorova had a similar situation, but this is a completely different story.

As is already known, paparazzi suddenly catch Sergei Lazarev with a small child at the exit from the temple, but the most interesting thing is that later in a telephone conversation he confirms that this is his son Nikita. Lazarev said nothing about the baby’s mother. But we can assume that this “same girl from circles far from show business” about whose presence he assured everyone a year ago.

True, a year and two years ago there was no girl next to Sergei, but his good friend Dmitry Kuznetsov was always with him. For those who are not among his squealing fans, it has long been easy to figure out that the guys spend maximum time together. Their photos appear at the same time in the same place.

But they practically have no photos together, since each of them, in the light of Russian laws, prefers not to advertise their relationship. Moreover, even being “friends” on social networks, they prefer to pretend that their acquaintance is rather superficial.

For some time now they have been united not only by friendship, but also by business relations. Dmitry, who has been seriously involved in business for a long time and was listed as the General Director of the Sky Jet company, became General Director his dog confectionery “Poodle Strudel”. And Sergei never advertised this fact, saying in an interview that this project was exclusively his brainchild.

(pictured Dmitry Kuznetsov with Daisy)

So, it wasn’t difficult to figure things out with Sergei Lazarev’s significant other, but who is the child’s mother? big question. Apparently, she, like the mother of Philip’s children, is somewhere nearby, but no one has ever seen her.

Today, photos of the Old New Year celebration appeared on Lera Kudryavtseva’s Instagram. The photographs show the popular presenter... no, not with her husband, but with ex-lover Sergei Lazarev. The singer is now vacationing in Miami, where Lera also went on vacation.

Seeing that ex-couple reunited again, some of Lera Kudryavtseva’s subscribers became worried about how Igor Makarov would react to such a relationship. Knowledgeable followers hastened to reassure Lera's fans - her family happiness nothing threatens, because Lazarev’s longtime friend, Dmitry Kuznetsov, is also in the picture.

Sergei Lazarev and Dmitry Kuznetsov have long been considered a couple. Their appearance in a group photo on Lera Kudryavtseva’s Instagram immediately provoked a wave of conversations about the singer’s sexual orientation:

irina_1101 I constantly look at photos and think, isn’t Lera’s husband jealous of her frequent stays with Seryozha? :)))))) curious 😄😄😄 . In my opinion, not only the question is on my mind 😊😊

romasevich34 @irina_1101 is not jealous because Sergei is gay and his beloved is nearby, on the left in the photo is Dmitry Kuznetsov

alis37141 I have only one question, why did Lera need this “love story” with Sergei if everyone knows that he is gay..

inessik_kor @alis37141 actually he has a wife and son! You yourself are gay

alis37141 @inessik_kor His “wife” is worth right hand from him, Dmitry Kuznetsov is called “her”. And now both Elton John and Phillip Kirkorov have children..

olgalekss and your beloved are nearby, no longer embarrassed

Sergey Lazarev no longer hides his relationship with Dmitry Kuznetsov

There have been talks about the connection between Dmitry Kuznetsov and Sergei Lazarev for several years. The singer does not comment on his personal life and does not post joint photos with his friend. However, more than once Instagram users have noticed that photos appear on friends’ microblogs in the same places at the same time.

And so a calm and happy life collapses... That's all. End. The end of such a beautiful, but, alas, short story.
- Dima, I don’t understand... Why... What happened... What did I do wrong... Just answer me. Please...
Lazarev stood and watched as his beloved and still husband packed his things. End. Their unexpected ending family life, but it seemed that everything was getting better, you began to breathe deeply.
- Seryozh... - Dima tried not to look in Lazarev’s direction. - I... I don’t love you... No more... There are no more feelings... You are no one to me now...
Nobody. Echoing through the no longer family nest. Nobody. It's over now. The fairy tale has ended, which, it would seem, should end with everyone’s favorite phrase: “And they lived happily ever after.” But not this story. He left. I just collected all my things and left. The ring is on the table, the keys to the house too. He left them to his no longer beloved husband and son. What happened? How did this happen? What couldn't they keep? Which one of them didn't watch it? So many questions... Tears. Tears will not help the matter, but they are the only thing that Lazarev could squeeze out of himself now. Alone in the house, because Nikita is at work in the pool. Son. Little Nikita, who loves dads so much. Papa Dima... Now he will not appear in this house, in this family. It's over. The strength is gone... He took it away. He took away part of the soul, part of the world, which was everything for Sergei. Unable to contain the pain any longer, Lazarev screamed throughout the house and fell to the floor near the sofa. Damn sofa! It will become one of the reminders of Kuznetsov... They bought it as soon as they decided to move in together. Tears... They can no longer be stopped. The heart is crying... The soul... You have just been thrown out of your life, how unnecessary thing. Toy. They played with you, but then they got tired of you. The thoughts are driving me crazy. You are nobody in this world. A creature that no one cares about. You are nobody here and there is no way to call you. It was just a little while before madness...

- Seryozha! Seryozha! - Lazarev hears in his sleep. - Lazarev, motherfucker, wake up already.
Dima had been trying for 10 minutes to wake up his husband, who in his sleep began to ask him to stop. This is the first time this has happened, so Kuznetsov was terribly scared. Everyone has nightmares, it doesn’t depend on age, but it’s so bad.
Sergei was finally able to open his eyes and met his husband’s frightened gaze. This is how Dima looked at him when, after a huge load, his body still could not stand it and malfunctioned. A fall at a concert in St. Petersburg that everyone will remember. Dima left Moscow on the first flight that day. I didn't care about work. He'll wait. The man you love is much more important now, especially since the most important event is just around the corner.
“Dim,” was all Lazarev could say, “I’m here... It’s so good that this is just a dream.”
Kuznetsov was unable to grasp the artist’s thought, who immediately pressed himself close to his husband. These creative people are strange, with their cockroaches in their heads. First in the morning he pretends to be strong and independent, but now he’s already clinging to his chest like a little kitten.
- Seryozha, what’s wrong with you? You started talking in your sleep and... - Dima stopped when he felt that his husband’s cheeks were damp. - You cried... - for some reason my heart sank. It became scary. The tears of a loved one are always difficult to perceive, and especially when you don’t know the reason for them.
- Dima, I’m afraid... I’m scared to death of losing you, that one day you’ll walk out the door of this house and never come back. I’m afraid to hear from you that you no longer need Nikita and me, that you don’t love us, you don’t love me... I’m so afraid of this... I need you. You can’t even imagine how... You are my love, my support and support, my happiness, my joy, my and only my person. My ray of light that has illuminated my life for several years in a row. You are like the Decembrist’s wife, who is ready to follow her husband anywhere in the country, the world... You are ready to go with me even to the ends of the world to always be by my side. You became the person who could instill in me the belief that I could become good father. It was you who I entrusted this secret to first, even my mother didn’t know, but you already knew. I knew even then that everything would not end so simply... My very bad dream- your departure. I will tell you every day that you are the most wonderful person on Earth. The man I proudly call the father of my son. Dima, sometimes I’m such an idiot... Is this how you tolerate me? You should have a monument erected to you during your lifetime for your patience. I'm so harmful. Your love changed me... Your love showed me new world, which for some reason I avoided. This world consists not only of work, which was once the most important thing in my life. But now not... You and Nikita are my world, the center of my entire universe, I work for you, I sing for you, so that my dearest people can proudly say that I am a member of their family. It's childish to talk about such things... Your family will always be proud of you, but I want to be absolutely sure of this. You work tirelessly, but at the same time you always find time for Nikita, who loves you very much. Papa Dima... Who would have thought that people who, after the first meeting, called each other bad personalities, in a few years would become friendly family with the most talented child in the world... Fate is a strange thing, it gave me you, but made me go through many tests so that I could finally get the desired trophy. The reward for all my suffering, all my tears and worries is you. So beautiful, but so unattainable at first. You and I are so strange, but so happy... Happiness loves the silence that we snatched for ourselves in order to be here now, to love here and now... I will die without you... I won’t need life if I lose myself wonderful person...Nikita will have to remember his parents only as happy ones...
- Seryozh... - Kuznetsov clearly did not expect such a turn of events with his beloved. There were so many hysterics, tears, quarrels, but this is the first time. This is the first time Lazarev says this. So sensual and frank. The night revealed them to each other again. “I’ve already told you this, I’ll tell you now and I’ll continue to tell you for a very, very long time.” I will not leave you, and if I do this, I will turn out to be the stupidest person on Earth. You and I have already gone through so much over the years, and you are still afraid of losing me. Of course, I’m happy about this, but still it’s time to come to terms with the fact that I’m with you forever. If you want to get rid of me, you will have to try very hard, I’m such a sticky fish.
Dima couldn't help but smile. Lazarev as small child, he needs to show himself strong and independent, but at the same time he still needs a wing that will protect him. Although Nikita, who himself sits under the wing (often in the literal sense of these words) of dad Seryozha, is almost 4 years old, dad himself needs a patron no less. Big baby, like Dima himself. IN unusual family All children, everyone needs protection sometimes.
- I love you! - Lazarev says once again and lures his husband into a kiss.
How many times did they save each other from bad thoughts, how many times did they inspire hope, how many times did they simply say “I believe in you” and everything worked out. Can't count anymore. It turns out strange that people who are completely unsuitable for each other, with bad characters, because of which they sometimes suffer, have come together. Love is a strange thing, it gets to the very heart and breaks it to pieces. “We were so different, but that’s what brought us together,” Lazarev said one evening in his beloved Miami. But this is so, such is fate.

Your love became whole
Of two parts that are so different.

Dissimilar at first, but so close and loved now. Fate is an extraordinary thing; it throws people into our lives for a reason. And it was not just that they met one day. We met and never parted again.
“I will always love you...” Kuznetsov said, finally tearing himself away from his husband’s lips.
- After so many years? - quoted Lazarev.
- Always…
And again the kiss, which was one of millions in their happy life. With ups and downs, victories and defeats, happiness and tears, in their story, which had only a happy ending...