When do you think the world will end?

A wonderful spring holiday called International Women's Day, or, simply and briefly " March 8", celebrated in many countries of the world.

In Russia, March 8 is an official holiday, an additional day off .

In general, in our country this date has been declared a holiday since the widespread establishment Soviet power, and half a century later it also became a day off. In the USSR, the celebration largely had a political context, since historically the event in honor of which the holiday was established was an important day in the workers’ struggle for their rights. And also precisely on March 8, 1917 (old style, new - February 23, 1917) from the strike of workers of St. Petersburg factories, into which the celebration of the International women's day, the February Revolution began.

International Women's Day on March 8 is a UN observance, and the organization includes 193 states. Memorable dates, announced by the General Assembly, are designed to encourage UN members to show increased interest in these events. However, on at the moment Not all member states of the United Nations have approved the celebration of Women's Day in their territories on the specified date.

Below is a list of countries that celebrate International Women's Day. Countries are grouped into groups: in a number of states the holiday is an official non-working day (day off) for all citizens, on March 8th only women rest, and there are states where they work on March 8th.

In which countries is the holiday March 8 a day off (for everyone):

* In Russia- March 8 is one of the most favorite holidays, when men congratulate all women without exception.

* In Ukraine- International Women's Day continues to remain an additional holiday, despite regular proposals to exclude the event from the list of non-working days and replace it, for example, with Shevchenko Day, which will be celebrated on March 9.
* In Abkhazia.
* In Azerbaijan.
* In Algeria.
* In Angola.
* In Armenia.
* In Afghanistan.
* In Belarus.
* To Burkina Faso.
* In Vietnam.
* In Guinea-Bissau.
* In Georgia.
* In Zambia.
* In Kazakhstan.
* In Cambodia.
* In Kenya.
* In Kyrgyzstan.
* In Cuba.
* In Laos.
* In Latvia.
* In Madagascar.
* In Moldova.
* In Mongolia.
* In Nepal.
* In Tajikistan- since 2009, the holiday was renamed Mother's Day.
* In Turkmenistan.
* In Uganda.
* In Uzbekistan.
* In Eritrea.
* In South Ossetia.

Countries where March 8 is a women's-only day off:

There are countries where only women are exempt from work on International Women's Day. This rule approved:

* In China.
* In Madagascar.

Which countries celebrate March 8, but it is a working day:

In some countries, International Women's Day is widely celebrated, but is a working day. This:

* Austria.
* Bulgaria.
* Bosnia and Herzegovina.
* Germany- in Berlin, since 2019, March 8 is a day off, in the country as a whole it is a working day.
* Denmark.
* Italy.
* Cameroon.
* Romania.
* Croatia.
* Chile.
* Switzerland.

In which countries is March 8 NOT celebrated?

* In Brazil, the majority of whose residents have not even heard of the “international” holiday of March 8th. The main event of the end of February - beginning of March for Brazilians and Brazilian women is not Women's Day at all, but the largest in the world according to the Guinness Book of Records, the Brazilian Festival, also called the Carnival in Rio de Janeiro. In honor of the festival, Brazilians rest for several days in a row, from Friday until noon on Catholic Ash Wednesday, which marks the beginning of Lent (which for Catholics has a flexible date and begins 40 days before Catholic Easter).

* In the USA, the holiday is not an official holiday. In 1994, an attempt by activists to get the celebration approved by Congress failed.

* In the Czech Republic (Czech Republic) - most of the country's population views the holiday as a relic of the communist past and main symbol old regime.

Predictions of the end of the world constantly excite the masses. Almost every year in prophecies the world is threatened mortal danger. Nostradamus and Saint Matrona, Vanga, spoke about this. Modern clairvoyants, for example, Vera Lyon and the American preacher Paul Begley, also have such visions. They are joined by physicists, astronomers and mathematicians. Scientists believe that the most probable cause destruction of the planet will be a fall on it celestial body. Let's look at what the soothsayers say - whether the world will end in 2019 or not.

Apocalypse from nuclear war in 2019

Geopolitical tensions have existed for a long time. The world is teetering on the brink of disaster, threatening to collapse at any moment. Relations between the countries have become tense. Clashes constantly arise on the borders of states that were previously good neighbors.

According to prophecies published in the British edition of the Daily Star, the war will begin in 2019 and will last 27 years. The process will be started by acts of terror in Europe, then spread to other parts of the world.

The contradictions are embedded directly in, published back in 1555. So, it contains a stanza that the starting point will be an earthquake and volcanic eruption, presumably under the Yellowstone Nature Reserve. But before that, people will learn to understand the language of animals. It sounds implausible, but the truth, as always, is somewhere in the middle.

There is also a positive note in his visions of the supposed end of the world in 2019. New cities will grow on the ruins of old empires, people will be able to change their outlook on life. They will create a harmonious world.

Nostradamus is not the only one who predicted. Kazakh healer Vera Lyon, looking into the future, saw a large-scale conflict between the United States and Russia, which would unfold in Eastern Europe.

Will an asteroid hit Earth in 2019?

Canadian scientists are very determined in their predictions regarding the end of human existence. The asteroid “2002-NT7”, having a diameter of more than 2 km, is approaching the Earth at a speed of 28 km/s. It came into view of NASA telescopes on July 5, 2002 and caused excitement among astronomers and physicists. Through complex calculations, it was found that the orbits of the celestial body and our planet intersect. On February 13, 2019, they will be at their closest distance from each other.

The movement of the asteroid was closely monitored, its orbit was modeled, and attempts were made to predict the slightest deviations towards the Earth. All this was necessary in order to launch a preemptive strike if necessary. Scientists such as David Whitehouse, Benny Pizer, Donald Yeomans and others expressed their fears about a possible disaster.

According to astronomers, on December 13, 2019, asteroid 2002-NT7 will approach Earth at a dangerous distance.

The risk of falling under the influence of the planet's gravity is extremely high. If this happens, a huge boulder will begin to fall to Earth at a speed of almost 30 km/s. In a collision the power will be equal to nuclear bomb, 30 million times more powerful than the one dropped over Hiroshima. This will be enough to completely destroy one of the five continents, cause a shift in tectonic plates and a shift in magnetic pluses.

But it’s too early to despair. Such close attention from astronomers and mathematicians made it possible to calculate the trajectory of 2002-NT7 more accurately. According to new calculations, it will pass 61 million km from Earth, so there is no reason to panic yet.

Will the world end in 2019 - psychic predictions

Not a single prophecy about the end of the world is complete without references to famous mystics and fortune-tellers. Even in the Bible there are descriptions of the arrival of the messengers of the Apocalypse, although without reference to the exact date.

Venerable Seraphim Vyritsky

Words of the Russian Hieroschemamonk Orthodox Church, who died in 1949, come true with amazing accuracy. He predicted hard fate believers during the reign communist party, as well as the collapse of the red empire at the end of the last century.

He said that in 2019 the financial and political center will shift towards China. Eyes will be directed to Asia. Russia will stop expansion and strengthen itself from within. It will all start with spiritual enlightenment and will affect other aspects of people's lives.

Words of Matrona of Moscow

The predictions often touched upon global issues. She rarely voiced her visions or wrote them down, but she managed to save some.

According to prophecies for 2019, a collision of two opposing worlds is coming. They will fight for the soul of every person and it will all end in Heavenly Court. Those who find God within themselves will be saved.

Kazakh medium Lyon

The famous clairvoyant, who is called the “Kazakh Vanga,” predicted the beginning of cataclysms back in 2018. Her prophecies are published in a number of publications in Kazakhstan and Russia. To summarize, the vision for 2019 is the same - the countries of Central Europe will suffer from heavy snowfalls and earthquakes. Volcanic activity will resume in Italy, which will trigger a tsunami and flooding of coastal cities. The Philippines and Japan will also disappear under the ocean.

We should also expect changes in the political arena. Due to popular unrest, countries will begin to leave NATO and the European Union. This will cause a new wave of terror, unrest, and looting. People will move en masse to quieter places. Due to spontaneous movements, mutation of viruses and bacteria will begin, which will lead to the emergence of new dangerous strains.

The Catholic faith, which now has about a billion followers, will lose its position, and some time later it will completely disappear.

Evangelist Paul Begley

An American preacher, a modern clairvoyant, claims that the End of the World will come on January 22, 19. He draws on quotations from the Bible and astronomical phenomena.

During the period from January 20 to 22, an interesting weather phenomenon is expected -. This fact is noted in the Holy Scriptures as one of the harbingers of the Apocalypse: “The Sun will turn into darkness and the Moon into blood before the great and terrible day of the Lord comes.” However, Begley's predictions are very cautious. He is not categorical, but emphasizes the possibility of a disaster.

Scientists say that the blood moon appears in the sky about once every three years. This happens when the sun illuminates our natural satellite, when it is in the shadow of the planet. Therefore, you should not expect God’s punishment this time.

How to prepare for the end of everything

First of all, all the seers whose predictions concern 2019 report that people will be able to find their salvation in spiritual development. Perhaps the time has come for you to pay attention not to the material, but to the spiritual component of your life.

When will the world end? This question has troubled the minds of mankind since time immemorial. Biblical prophecies, known and destructive human activities in recent decades increase anxiety and give reason to believe that the date of the end of the world is already very close. Will the world end, when and why will it happen?

To begin with, let us remember that humanity has already calmly “experienced” several predicted ends of the world more than once. There is no need to go far - the last cause for concern is Launch of the Large Hadron Collider a, which was also associated with the end of man’s stay on earth. And how many predicted collisions of our planet with various asteroids have occurred over the past 20 years, which also threatened to wipe out humanity from the face of the earth!

However, from one “unrealized” end of the world date to another, humanity is thinking with even greater panic about when the end of the world will happen. After all, to the texts of the Bible and the predictions of magicians in lately Scientists also joined in, declaring: humanity will not last long.

According to the Mayan calendar, humanity is waiting end of the world in 2012 is the closest predicted date when the world will end. However, there are no specifics about what awaits the Earth in December 2012 - a hurricane, a collision with an asteroid or rain of fire - ancient civilization She didn’t leave it for us.

If it turns out that the Mayan calendar is wrong, humanity will not have to live in peace for long. The unrealized potential of the Swiss collider can be taken over by the launch of a similar accelerator by Russian scientists in Dubna in 2013.

This same year it is expected solar explosion as a result of a significant increase in temperature inside the solar core. This forecast is quite justified, because over the last decade the temperature of the Sun has doubled. Such growth rates solar temperature never happened before.

2014 also does not have favorable prognosis. Why will the world end this year? NASA says the planet will be engulfed by acid fog, a cloud of cosmic dust originating from a black hole that extends 10 million miles.

IN 2016 A flood is expected due to melting glaciers. A significant part of the land will disappear under water, says climatologist James Hansen.

November 13 2026, according to the calculations of the famous mathematician Heinz von Foerster, will be the day when the end of the world comes. It is on this day that the world's population will reach a level at which it will not be able to feed itself.

The next disappointing forecast for the Earth is April 2029. At this time, a collision with the huge 400-meter asteroid Apophis is expected.

IN 2035 the end of the world will happen according to one of Nostradamus' predictions. It will be the outcome of a long war of 27 years (it’s about time it started, right?)

Isaac Newton, who studied the text of the book of the Prophet Daniel, was sure that the end of the world would occur in 2060.

Optimists believe that neither they nor their children and grandchildren will experience the end of the world. Just for them - several dates of the end of the world quite distant from today.

In February 2622 years There will be another end of the world “according to Nostradamus.” 2666 seems dangerous, since it contains the number of the devil (something similar was apparently expected in 1666). IN 3000 through solar system The Tauris meteor shower will pass. A 3797 is the last date in the prophecies of Nostradamus, so if none of the ends of the world predicted by him happen before this moment, then this year there will certainly be an Apocalypse.

However, the most truthful forecast is the end of the world, predicted by many scientists. However, we ourselves are witnesses to why the end of the world will come - painful and long, it has already begun. The reason for this is not asteroids or floods, but reckless human activity. Global warming will lead to acute water shortages, famine, droughts, hurricanes, and incurable diseases. The third one will finish the job world war for resources.

Almost every year all of humanity talks about the end of the world, this has already become some kind of tradition, perhaps it is fueled by means mass media, Hollywood blockbusters and more. The most realistic date was named in 2000 at the turn of the millennium, and in 2012 the end of the human era was predicted by the Mayans. However, nothing happened; perhaps scientists mistakenly interpreted the ancient records they found. Now many skeptics are inclined to believe that the end of the world in 2017 will come after all. This is indicated by many prophecies of famous clairvoyants, as well as calculations by some specialists in the field of astronomy. Let's look at the main versions of the apocalypse, and find out the news about when the world will end in 2017, what date?

Possible Armageddon scenarios

Many who are waiting for the onset of the apocalypse are often looking for possible scenarios and signs of the end of the world in 2017. Among specialists studying various cataclysms, sample list what can destroy humanity:

  • nuclear war;
  • the fall of a huge meteorite;
  • various natural disasters(flood, earthquake, etc.);
  • use of mass chemical or bacteriological weapons;
  • superbug;
  • a global catastrophe associated with experiments on natural elements.

It is worth noting that almost the entire list of reasons is associated with the actions of man himself; the preservation of our planet will largely depend on people. After all, now the news most often reports that from human hands Many animals and plants have already died; perhaps soon a situation will arise on Earth in which all living things will perish. True, the end of the world can be canceled by the person himself, who understands what experiments on nature will lead to.

What do clairvoyants and psychics say about the end of the world?

Predictions of famous seers

One of the most famous prophets Russia - Saint Matrona - saw that it was in 2017 that humanity would disappear from the face of the Earth. Just before her death, Matrona of Moscow made a prophecy that soon all people would die without war, and this would happen in 2017.

She left a message for her descendants so that they should not stop praying, because only in prayer will a person find his salvation.

According to Matronushka, in the evening all people will fall dead, and in the morning they will get up and go underground. How to correctly interpret her vision; many do not know what the great soothsayer meant? Perhaps she received an image terrible cataclysm, approaching our planet, as a result of which the whole world will cease to exist? We will find out very soon whether her prediction will come true or not. After all, Matrona did not directly talk about the end of the world in 2017.

What are Vanga’s predictions for 2017? Will the world end in 2017 according to a Bulgarian clairvoyant? Vanga had no positive predictions about this year; the soothsayer felt that a difficult period would come for the whole world, but there would be no end of the world.

Vanga saw that new military conflicts would break out, rivers of blood would be shed, humanity would again stand on the verge of war. No, the clairvoyant did not speak about the onset of global human destruction, but she believed that the end of humanity lies elsewhere: in the degradation of society itself, the substitution of basic values.

The forecasts of modern psychics are also disappointing; many of them see global natural disasters that could lead to the death of humanity.

Some predict the fall of a meteorite, others the beginning nuclear war, and someone believes that no, nothing can happen, on the contrary, many conflicts will be resolved.

The fortuneteller cannot always clearly explain his knowledge; most often he receives chaotic images, which he interprets as he understands. Therefore, whether or not there will be an end to all humanity, we will find out in a few months, the events of 2017 will show.

Scientists' calculations

Experts in the field of astronomy have their own views on this issue. Scientists from NASA suggest that our planet should be wary of many threats from space. For example, on February 10, 2017, asteroid WF9 will come close to Earth, which can not only cause various natural disasters on the planet, but even collide with it. Although most scientists believe that the size of the asteroid is too small, only 1 kilometer in diameter, and the distance at which space objects will meet is 50 million kilometers, which is quite far even within the bounds of space.

All the hype that was made about February 10th was made up by the media. We will find out one of these days whether the world will end in 2017 as a result of a meteorite falling. The news that February is the end month for the whole world has already flooded the entire Internet.

A little eschatology

Some may not know this science, but now it is gaining momentum in popularity. The fact is that eschatology is a science that studies the phenomenon of the end of the world, why people so believe in the onset of the apocalypse, and psychics love to predict the next Armageddon.

According to eschatologists, the issue of the end of the human era has been discussed at all times. Even the ancient Egyptians believed that everything is finite, just as daylight comes to an end and night falls, so the world goes through a certain development cycle, then dies, and a newer and more perfect one appears in its place. And some peoples believed that the end of the world would come when the Gods who monitor life on Earth perished.

Man has always thought about his destiny, realizing that nothing eternal can exist in the world. After all, once upon a time our planet did not exist, because of a possible threat, life should not be canceled, everything flows and changes, no, we must live and hope for the best. And when the end of the world happens in 2017, what date, let scientists think about it, because this is their job. And we must believe that humanity will live on Earth for a long time, all military conflicts will be resolved and peace will come. It’s better to watch the news less and enjoy the current day more!

As a result of a collision with asteroid TC4. But we still survived this date, and the asteroid flew past, albeit at a dangerous distance, from the Earth which was one third of the distance to the Moon.

But what awaits us in the future? Will there be an End of the World?

Will there be any more dangerous situations, which could lead to global disasters and further end of the world?

Let's see what else scientists predicted for us and clairvoyants, psychics and saints predicted.

November 13, 2026, according to the calculations of the famous mathematician Heinz, von Foerster, will be the day when the end of the world comes. It is on this day that the world's population will reach a level at which it will not be able to feed itself.

The next disappointing forecast for the Earth is April 2029. At this time, the huge 400-meter asteroid Apophis is expected to approach.

The asteroid will approach the Earth at a close distance, as a result of which the asteroid may change its trajectory and crash into the Earth in 2036.

Although after the January passage of the asteroid past the Earth in 2013, laboratory specialists jet propulsion NASA stated that the possibility of a collision with Earth in 2029 has been ruled out, and in 2036 it is extremely unlikely.

In 2035, the end of the world will occur according to one of the predictions of Nostradamus. It will be the outcome of a long war of 27 years, which in theory should already be underway. It is not clear what kind of war Nostradamus had in mind.

Isaac Newton, who studied the text of the book of the Prophet Daniel, was sure that the end of the world would occur in 2060. What it should be like is also not clear.

Optimists believe that neither they nor their children and grandchildren will experience the end of the world. Just for them - several dates of the end of the world quite distant from today.

In February 2622 year there will be another end of the world “according to Nostradamus”. The end of the world predicted by Nostradamus was “rescheduled” to this date by Syktyvkar researcher A.V. Fotiev.

2666 seems dangerous, since it contains the number of the devil (something similar was apparently expected in 1666).

There are also opinions of some figures that in the year 3000 the Tauris meteorite shower will pass through the solar system. What could happen as a result can only be guessed at this time.

A 3797 is the last date in the prophecies of Nostradamus, so if none of the ends of the world predicted by him happen before this moment, then this year there will certainly be an Apocalypse.

However, the most truthful is the forecast of the end of the world, predicted by many scientific realists.

However, we ourselves are witnesses to why the end of the world will come - painful and long, it has already begun.

The culprit is not asteroids or floods, but reckless human activity.

Global warming will lead to acute water shortages, famine, droughts, hurricanes, and incurable diseases. Well, the third world war, for which there are already many prerequisites, can complete the matter.


When will the END OF THE WORLD happen? Upcoming Dates!

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