How old is Alena Krasnova, Nikita's girlfriend. Alena Krasnova's family teamed up with the prima donna

Yesterday the wedding of Nikita Presnyakov and Alena Krasnova took place. The couple is very happy and shares with their subscribers social networks photos of himself happy day their lives. If everything is clear with Nikita - he is the son of Kristina Orbakaite, the grandson of Alla Borisovna Pugacheva, singer and famous person, then who is Alena? Many people in Russia are now asking this question. We will tell you about the girl’s biography in the material

Alena was born in 1997. Since childhood, she lived next to Nikita, her now husband. Despite this, the couple began dating only in 2014. Then the girl was only 17 years old. This relationship was in plain sight - they never hid their feelings, and yesterday they legalized their relationship.

Krasnova said that her parents reacted differently to her marriage: her mother was completely against it, because she believed that Nikita was too old for her daughter. The father reacted normally.

As for Alena Krasnova’s parents, they are quite wealthy people. Her dad, Boris Krasnov, is a fairly famous businessman. The mother sits at home and looks after the children. Alena also has a sister who is 4 years older than herself.

Nikita Presnyakov’s wife received her education in several Moscow schools. After that, they wanted to send her to study in England, but Alena preferred her native Russian Academy national economy and civil services (RANEPA) under the President of the Russian Federation.

The newlyweds have been living together for a long time in Pugacheva’s mansion. It is located in the village of Malye Berezhki - in the place where they spent all their happy childhood!

Meanwhile, Pugacheva gave her instructions to the newlyweds, and was also indignant at the celebration without toasts.

Maxim Galkin on his page in Instagram published a video of the first wedding dance of newlyweds Nikita Presnyakov and Alena Krasnova. By the time of writing, the video had been viewed more than half a million times.

While performing the dance Nikita and Alena Krasnova rose several meters into the air, where they performed complex choreographic movements that surprised many guests. The newly-made husband and wife were repeatedly supported with thunderous applause.

“This is the most spectacular dance of the bride and groom that I have seen!” Galkin signed the post.

First dance of Nikita Presnyakov and Alena Krasnova (VIDEO)

Meanwhile, Grandma Nikita, the prima donna Russian stage Alla Pugacheva spoke at her grandson's wedding with the first toast. The corresponding video appeared on Alla Borisovna’s fan account in Instagram.

“You sit, eat, drink and, surprisingly, without toast. And you wait... You managed to wait for yourself at this wedding!” Pugacheva said indignantly.

This made the guests of the celebration laugh, which is what the Diva wanted. She also gave her instructions to the couple on how to behave during a quarrel, and also recalls moments from Alena’s childhood, because the girl was their neighbor in the country

“I saw a lovely girl riding a bicycle. If I had known, I would have looked at you even then!” said the Diva.

On July 27, 2017, 26-year-old Nikita Presnyakov and his lover, 20-year-old Alena Krasnova, legalized their relationship. The wedding of the young people took place on the territory of a country club near Moscow, and many celebrities were among the guests of the celebration. The lovers could not wait to exchange vows of fidelity, to the delight of their many fans. However, in the lives of Nikita and Alena, not everything was always smooth - they went through a number of serious trials and even almost broke up. “StarHit” remembered the love story of one of the most talked about newlyweds of this summer.


Before entering into a relationship with Alena Krasnova, Nikita Presnyakov long time met with Aida Kalieva, whom he met in New York. A resident of Kazakhstan had no idea that the handsome red-haired guy was the son of Kristina Orbakaite and Vladimir Presnyakov. By the way, the father was the first whom Nikita introduced to his chosen one. He approved of the choice of the heir, just like Alla Borisovna.

During a joint vacation in Dubai, Nikita proposed to his other half, and she happily accepted it. They decided to get married six months later. However, in March 2014, it became known that the lovers separated, while remaining friends. Presnyakov’s relatives reacted with understanding to what happened.

“Nikita and Aida built a relationship, but failed to build it. They remained friends. I think this is the main achievement in their lives,” said Alla Pugacheva.

// Photo: Personal archive of Aida Kalieva

A few months after breaking up with Kalieva Presnyakov found new love. In June of the same year, the young man posted a photo on his social network page with a pretty girl who kissed him on the cheek. Journalists found out that the musician’s companion is the charming Alena Krasnova, his old friend and neighbor in the dacha. The blonde's father turned out to be a wealthy businessman who did not want publicity. At the time of the beginning of the affair with Nikita, the girl was 17 years old, and she was going to go to 11th grade.

According to Alena, her parent did not experience great joy when she learned about her daughter’s hobby. The man did not like the fact that Krasnova’s chosen one was older than her. Nikita also had a hard time at that time - he was hounded on social networks for his infatuation with a schoolgirl, and was also reproached for quickly forgetting Aida, whom he had dated for several years. However, Kaliyeva herself made it clear that there could be no talk of any mutual grievances.

“It’s very nice to know that we were an example, but this also happens. Guys, thank you, of course, for your support! But what makes you think that I’m suffering?..” admitted Nikita’s ex-lover.


The opinions of others did not stop Nikita and Alena from having a great time enjoying each other’s company. The young people even went on vacation to Bulgaria together and posted touching pictures together on the Internet. And in September, Presnyakov introduced Krasnova to his mother to demonstrate the seriousness of his intentions.

Kristina Orbakaite approved of her son’s choice and invited the couple to the premiere of the film “The Secrets of the Four Princesses,” in which she played the role of the queen. From that moment, Krasnova and Presnyakov began to go out together, never ceasing to demonstrate to others the idyll that reigned between them. So, in November, the lovers were seen at the screening of the film “Corporate Party”. Those around him gossiped that the aspiring musician was seriously passionate. He spent the entire evening without leaving Alena’s side and constantly holding her hand. She reciprocated signs of attention from the outside young man.

On the occasion of six months romantic relationships with his chosen one, Nikita decided to prepare a surprise for her. The young man posted a video on Instagram, consisting of touching shots with his other half.

"Hooray! Six months together. “I love you autumn-autumn-autumn,” with these words a representative of a famous family addressed Krasnova.

Of course, Nikita also introduced his other half to his father. Vladimir Presnyakov spoke extremely positively about Alena. The artist called Krasnova “our man.” According to the pop star, she amazed him with her good manners and intelligence. Therefore, Vladimir did not create any obstacles for his son and his chosen one.


Everything changed at the beginning of 2015. Nikita's followers, accustomed to his statuses about love and cute photos with Alena, were very surprised when the musician announced a serious disagreement with the girl. Apparently, problems in the relationships of young people began on the eve of the holidays - New Year and they celebrated Christmas separately from each other.

During a conversation with journalists, Presnyakov said that his chosen one was the initiator of the separation. According to Nikita, Alena admitted that she did not want to torment her boyfriend because she did not have feelings for him.

A few weeks later, a representative of a famous family was credited with a passion for makeup artist Lydia. The young people spent a lot of time together - watching movies, having dinner in the capital's establishments and meeting with friends. However, Nikita’s passion turned out to be fleeting, and after a certain amount of time, Alena’s fans began to rejoice. The young people suddenly became close again, which was confirmed by joint footage on social networks. Presnyakov and Krasnova made it clear that not everything was over between them.

At Nikita's concert, held in one of the capital's clubs, he did not take his eyes off Alena and even dedicated a song to her. Presnyakov called his chosen one “his favorite blonde, albeit a stupid one.” The harmony that reigned between the young people left no doubt that they were reunited after all.


At the New Wave festival in Sochi, Nikita Presnyakov confirmed that he managed to renew his relationship with Alena Krasnova. The musician's girlfriend accompanied him backstage at the event. The young people looked very happy.

“I have already decided. We meet with Alena more than a year, and everything is fine with us,” Nikita said then.

Many journalists concluded that there is complete mutual understanding between the lovers. They also suggested that Alena and Nikita’s relationship is serious and long-lasting. As a result, some began to wait with bated breath for the couple's engagement announcement.

It is worth noting that Nikita Presnyakov’s relatives never rushed him to get married. They always had great respect for the young man’s decisions and did not put any obstacles in his way of realizing any plans. Therefore, those close to the heir of a famous family did not bother him with questions about a possible wedding ceremony, giving him a chance to decide on it himself.

Back at the end of 2014, Baba Katya, a participant in the “Battle of Psychics,” said that Nikita Presnyakov would most likely propose marriage to his soulmate. Discussions about the possible engagement of young people intensified against the background of information that the musician’s relatives, including Alla Pugacheva, knew Alena Krasnova personally. However, the girl herself was in no hurry to make plans for a future life together with her boyfriend.

“I don’t make any plans for the future. We have a lot in common. The tastes are the same. But it’s too early to guess,” she admitted.

After some time, Krasnova was suspected of interesting position. By the way, Nikita Presnyakov’s mother said on the air of the “Alone with Everyone” program that she has nothing against her grandchildren. “Will Kristina Orbakaite become a grandmother? Yes please,” said the famous singer.

As a result, information about Alena’s pregnancy appeared in one of the publications, which was allegedly declassified to journalists by one of her friends. In a conversation with StarHit, Presnyakova’s chosen one denied such speculation.

“I don’t understand what people are thinking about when they write such articles, we will look into this. What a wedding and pregnancy?! Where does this even come from? Believe me, if there is a wedding, you will learn about it from us ourselves,” Krasnova said.

Last October, Alla Borisovna told reporters that she had given her grandson a luxurious mansion located in the village of Malye Berezhki. Nikita Presnyakov and his fiancee Alena Krasnova were often seen on the territory of a luxurious dacha. Young people invited friends and arranged fun parties. “Nikita is always here. And there are a lot of cars, the parking lot is full,” one of the local residents told NTV correspondents.


Presenting the cartoon “Cracked Vacation,” in which he voiced one of the characters, Nikita dropped the phrase that he couldn’t live without his soulmate. Presnyakov’s words provoked further rumors about an imminent wedding.

Only a year later, the young man proposed to his chosen one. The musician decided to arrange an unforgettable evening that Alena would remember for the rest of her life. For this touching moment Nikita chose a special date. On Krasnova’s birthday, Presnyakov got down on one knee and presented her with a treasured box with a ring. Numerous friends of Nikita and Alena witnessed the engagement. They supported the rocker with thunderous applause and wished the lovers happiness.


The wedding of Alla Pugacheva’s grandson on July 27, 2017 has become the most discussed event over the past week. Nikita Presnyakov married Alena Krasnova. The young people dated for three years before the wedding.

As you know, on July 27, 2017, Alena Krasnova and Nikita Presnyakov got married. After registration, the newlyweds organized a magnificent wedding celebration, to which they invited 200 guests.

The guests were fed by off-site catering from one of the most expensive restaurants in Moscow - Cafe Pushkin. The young people drove in a luxurious Porshe car, the cost of which on the official website exceeds 12 million rubles. The respectable audience was entertained by artists from the Nikulin Circus, the groups “Nervy”, “Marseille” and Uma2rmah. The guests were treated to cocktails from the world champion in bartending. And the two-meter cake for the celebration was made by one of the most expensive Moscow confectioners. The cost of such a masterpiece is said to be about two million rubles.

The couple is very happy and shares photos of the happiest day of their lives with their subscribers on social networks. If everything is clear with Nikita - he is the son of Christina Orbakaite, the grandson of Alla Borisovna Pugacheva, a singer and a famous personality, then who is Alena? Who are her parents? These are the questions that many fans of the couple in Russia are now asking.

Alena was born in 1997. Since childhood, she lived next to Nikita, her now husband. Despite this, the couple began dating only in 2014. Then the girl was only 17 years old. This relationship was in plain sight - they never hid their feelings, and yesterday they legalized their relationship.

Krasnova said that her parents reacted differently to her marriage: her mother was completely against it, because she believed that Nikita was too old for her daughter. The father reacted normally.

As for Alena Krasnova’s parents, they are quite wealthy people. Her dad, Boris Krasnov, is a fairly famous businessman. The mother sits at home and looks after the children. Alena also has a sister who is 4 years older than herself.

The wedding of the son of Vladimir Presnyakov and Kristina Orbakaite, Nikita, and his girlfriend Alena Krasnova, took place at the Zhavoronki Event Hall residence near Moscow - it is already being called one of the most luxurious events of this summer. 20-year-old Alena appeared before the guests in luxurious fluffy dress with embroidery and a train, and Nikita - in a dark gray elegant suit. True, during the ceremony the newlyweds changed their outfits several times: for example, during an amazing dance in the air to the Linkin Park song, the groom appeared in dark trousers and a vest, and the bride in a white top and a short airy skirt.

Nikita's grandmother, Alla Pugacheva, arrived with her husband Maxim Galkin, Kristina Orbakaite - with her husband Mikhail Zemtsov and youngest son Denis Baysarov, and Vladimir Presnyakov with his wife Natalya Podolskaya. Also at the wedding were Vladimir Presnyakov Sr. and his wife Elena. By the way, all the women chose dresses with lace to match the bride. Philip Kirkorov and Dmitry Koldun also arrived at the ceremony - the latter gave the newlyweds a motorcycle, which Nikita rode right during the holiday.

The host of the holiday was Dmitry Kosyakov, and Christina Sy, the groups “Nerves”, “Marseille” and “Umaturman” sang for the newlyweds.

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Yesterday the wedding of Nikita Presnyakov and Alena Krasnova took place. The couple is very happy and shares photos of the happiest day of their lives with their subscribers on social networks. If everything is clear with Nikita - he is the son of Christina Orbakaite, the grandson of Alla Borisovna Pugacheva, a singer and a famous personality, then who is Alena? Many people in Russia are asking this question now.

Alena Krasnova: who is Nikita Presnyakov’s fiancee, who are her parents, father - biography

Alena was born in 1997. Since childhood, she lived next to Nikita, her now husband. Despite this, the couple began dating only in 2014. Then the girl was only 17 years old. This relationship was in plain sight - they never hid their feelings, and yesterday they legalized their relationship.

Krasnova said that her parents reacted differently to her marriage: her mother was completely against it, because she believed that Nikita was too old for her daughter. The father reacted normally.

As for Alena Krasnova’s parents, they are quite wealthy people. Her dad, Boris Krasnov, is a fairly famous businessman. The mother sits at home and looks after the children. Alena also has a sister who is 4 years older than herself.

Nikita Presnyakov’s wife received her education in several Moscow schools. After that, they wanted to send her to study in England, but Alena preferred her native Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA) under the President of the Russian Federation.

The newlyweds have been living together for a long time in Pugacheva’s mansion. It is located in the village of Malye Berezhki - in the place where they spent all their happy childhood!

Since then, the girl managed to become the artist’s wife and open a joint business with Nikita.

Not much is known about the girl’s biography. Alena Krasnova was born in 1997 in women's holiday. On social networks they say that the Muscovite belongs to the so-called “golden youth”. She is the daughter of very wealthy parents. Krasnova has two sisters. One of them is 4 years older than Alena, the second is 13 years younger.

Alena Krasnova received her secondary education in several Moscow schools and the prestigious Kovcheg-XXI Lyceum, which is located in the North-West of the capital.

After graduating from school in 2015, Nikita Presnyakov’s girlfriend became a student Russian Academy national economy and public service. Although, before admission, Alena shared on social networks that her parents were going to send her to England, planning that it was there that she would receive higher education. But Krasnova decided to stay in Russia because, in her words, “she was not mentally prepared to leave.”

It is known about Alena Krasnova’s hobbies that there are several of them. The girl studied gymnastics and dancing at one of the Todes schools. In addition, the girl has music education. And he also loves hockey.

Personal life

As stated above, the girl became widely known after her appearance in public with her son and Nikita. This happened in 2014, when Alena Krasnova was still a schoolgirl. As it became known, Nikita, shortly before meeting Alena, broke up with his beloved Aida Kalieva. The wedding that everyone had been talking about for so long never took place.

The couple met, as they say, like neighbors. The dachas of Krasnova and Presnyakov’s parents are located nearby. The first joint photographs of Alena and Nikita appeared on her page in “ Instagram"in the summer of the same 2014. Alena Krasnova’s personal life has since been discussed in the media in great detail.

Soon Nikita introduced his parents to his girlfriend. They approved of their son's choice. Vladimir Presnyakov, who recently became a father for the second time, even stated that he was already dreaming of a grandson.

Presnyakov Jr. attended prom with his young lover. Now the couple is constantly together. Journalists noticed Krasnova in St. Petersburg, where in February 2016 Nikita and his father presented the cartoon “Cracked Holidays.” Father and son voiced this project. Nikita told reporters that he was trying to be with his beloved more, because he was very sad without her. He said that Alena is not a fan of big parties and public events and tries to stay in the shadows.

Previously, Alena Krasnova was seen on the “Main Stage” show, in which a young performer participated. The girl came to support Nikita.

In March 2017, fans and the press started talking about Nikita Presnyakov proposing to the girl. The artist hinted at this in the photo in “ Instagram" On the girl’s birthday, a photo taken during the holiday appeared on Nikita Presnyakov’s account. In the photo, Nikita and Alena are hugging, and the artist is holding a ring box in his hands. The artist also included a ring emoji in the caption to the photo.

Fans warmly welcomed the news of the upcoming wedding. Since Alena and Nikita’s romance was regularly covered by the press and the lovers themselves on social networks, this news did not come as a shock to fans. In the comments, subscribers wished the lovers endless love and happiness.

Soon the official one appeared - July 27, which was confirmed by Nikita and Alena. The press immediately called the upcoming event the main wedding of the year.

A couple of days before the wedding, Alena Krasnova held a classic bachelorette party, which was also carried out with subscribers on Instagram. At the bachelorette party, Alena met with her friends, and together the girls went to a club in the capital.

July 27, 2017 Alena Krasnova and Nikita Presnyakov. After the painting, the newlyweds organized a magnificent celebration of their wedding. The newlyweds exchanged rings during the official part of the event.

The wedding of Presnyakov and Krasnova took place in an elite cottage village"Larks." The newlyweds also received an exclusive wedding cake on this day. The famous pastry chef prepared a two-meter “masterpiece cake” for Alena and Nikita. In addition to the cake, guests were also treated to a VIP menu, which included various dishes from rolls to appetizers and hot meat and fish dishes.

The event was attended by about 200 guests, including popular stars Russian show business:, with family, and many others. Nikita's mother Kristina Orbakaite acted as toastmaster at the wedding.

But the newlyweds came up with the wedding script themselves. Although the star relatives helped the young people prepare the holiday, they did not interfere and did not limit the flight of the lovers’ imagination. Alena and Nikita tried to make this day truly theirs. For example, the traditional first dance of a newlywed husband and wife was danced not to the usual march, but to heavy music.

This fairytale wedding was not without scandal. After the event, Nikita spoke unflatteringly about the press representatives who covered the event. By this, the artist aroused the anger of fans who considered the artist’s words unfair. But even this conflict did not darken the mood of the newlyweds.

After the wedding, Alena and Nikita went on their honeymoon to Cyprus. Alena Krasnova continued to delight fans photos together with my husband. The girl’s Instagram was replenished against the backdrop of the sea, sunset and other bright landscapes of the island.

Alena Krasnova now

Already in October 2017, the young wife amazed her Instagram subscribers with new ones. Alena Krasnova posted footage from professional photo shoot, in which the girl is depicted in jeans and a tiny lace top. The girl is delighted with these shots, which she also stated in the caption to the photo.

But some of the girl’s fans do not share Alena’s joy. Some subscribers were convinced that such outfits were not suitable for a married woman and told Alena that they considered the girl’s appearance too revealing. At the same time, other commentators expressed support for the girl and, together with Alena, admired the new image.

Users also condemned Alena for constantly appearing in public alone or with friends. Instead of having fun, subscribers recommended the girl to take care of everyday life and arrange a room for her unborn child. In response to this, the couple stated that they were not expecting a child yet and, in general, were not ready to have children yet.

In December, Nikita attracted scandalous attention to the couple. The man appeared in public without wedding ring, and also accompanied by an unknown girl, whom he introduced as Alena’s friend. This behavior of the young spouses provoked a wave of rumors that the marriage of Nikita and Alena was breaking up.

These rumors also reached Nikita's mother. Kristina Orbakaite reacted sharply to the criticism and stated that everything is fine in the newlyweds’ lives, and the gossip about the breakup is completely made up. The couple appears separately in public because of Nikita's busy work schedule, and not because of a quarrel.

In addition, the spouses are also united general business. Alena and Nikita opened a store fashionable clothes. The young people started with online trading, but subsequently intend to create an offline sales point - a showroom in the center of Moscow. The outfits in the couple's collection are exclusive and exist in one or two or three copies, but are sold for reasonable money, so Alena and Nikita are confident in the success of this business.

Alena Krasnova promotes the store’s new collection on her own Instagram account. These photos also receive mixed reviews. For example, fans criticized a photo of her and Nikita wearing branded items because Alena was looking away and not at her own husband.