Snakes are the strongest and most poisonous. The most dangerous snakes on our planet

A person cannot be indifferent to snakes - watching them from a safe place causes delight, and close contact often turns into horror and panic. Snakes can be found on all continents except icy Antarctica. Snakes have always been the most dangerous creatures for humans, but only about 8% of them are poisonous. However, snakes that do not use poison at all can easily kill a person (for example, an anaconda). Since humans cannot be prey for snakes due to their size, they rarely attack him. Huge number People are instinctively afraid of snakes, since their very sight causes horror and numbness. What are the TOP most poisonous snakes in the world?

1. Taipan

"Taipan", "coastal taipan" or "fierce snake" are all names of one species of Australian taipan, belonging to the family of adders. Its poisonous teeth reach 13 mm in length, and its venom is one of the most powerful in the world, many times more toxic than that of the king cobra. Taipan is the most dangerous snake in the world not only due to its incredibly strong poison, but also due to its ferocious character, large size and agility. Even towards humans, this snake behaves very aggressively - when there is danger, it raises its head and attacks the opponent several times in a row.
Reptile venom has both a neurotoxic effect and a blood clotting effect, the blood clots of which clog the lumens of blood vessels. It acts unusually quickly, leading to a sad outcome if help is not provided within 4-12 hours. This type of snake is most often found in Queensland, where half of the people bitten die from taipan bites.

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2. Viper-shaped death snake

This dangerous snake belongs to the genus of deadly snakes of the slate family. She lives on an island New Guinea and in Australia. This nocturnal predator, which prefers to hunt mammals, birds and other snakes. The viper-shaped deadly snake uses a neurotoxic venom, which it injects into the victim in an amount of 40-100 mg. The viper-like death snake has an incredibly fast lunge - in just 0.13 seconds it shoots out, bites and returns.
After its bite, paralysis of the muscles, respiratory organs and depression of the heart develops, as a result of which a person can die within 6 hours. Every second bite of this snake leads to death.

3. Black mamba

This is the most dangerous African snake from the asp family, although its venom is not record-breakingly strong, but in each specimen of the snake it is enough to kill 10 people. This is the second longest venomous snake after the cobra, growing up to more than three meters. What makes the black mamba especially dangerous is its sprinting qualities - it can accelerate to speeds of more than 11 km/h. In this case, the angry snake will attack the victim again and again (up to 12 times) and can replenish it with 400 mg of poison during this time. The snake itself can be colored differently - from olive to grayish, but in any case, the mucous membrane of its mouth is always frighteningly black, hence the name of the species. Its habitats are savannas and rocky mountains of the Eastern and South Africa. She sleeps in open low spaces, rock cracks, tree hollows, and abandoned termite mounds.
If you do not provide immediate assistance to a person (within 20 minutes) after being bitten by a black mamba, then he has practically no chance. Its poison causes uncontrollable vomiting, abdominal pain, convulsions, followed by paralysis and death. Terribly afraid Africans call this snake “the kiss of death.” But in fairness, it is worth noting that the black mamba is not aggressive and tries in every possible way to escape, and only becomes dangerous in a hopeless situation. But even with all this, about 20 thousand people die every year in Africa from the bite of a black mamba.

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4. Philippine cobra

The classic image of a cobra is known to everyone due to its expanding ribs that form a kind of hood. Compared to other venomous snakes, they are not that dangerous, but not the Philippine variety. Its venom is strong in itself (stronger than that of other cobras), and a cobra can inject up to 250 mg of it in one bite, and this is enough to send several people to heaven. Death can occur within half an hour after the bite, so often people simply do not have time to use long-established antidotes, since progressive muscle paralysis respiratory system often impossible to stop. But the Philippine cobra is especially dangerous because it is capable of not only biting, but also spitting poison into the eye from a distance of up to 3 meters.

5. Malayan Blue Krait

Living in Indonesia and Southeast Asia The Malayan blue krait's venom is 16 times stronger than that of the king cobra. Its venom contains a variety of toxins, so a universal antidote for it has never been created.
The bite of a blue krait first causes convulsions, then paralysis, and then 85% of those bitten die. We are only lucky that these snakes lead night look life, therefore they rarely intersect with a person. In addition, unlike the same taipan, the blue krait is not so aggressive and tends to dodge a fight and hide.

6. Tiger snake

The tiger snake lives in Australia, Tasmania and New Guinea. It belongs to the adder family and has wide transverse alternating yellow and gray rings - in the style of a tiger, hence the name of the species.
These snakes have very strong venom, causing muscle paralysis, suppression of pulmonary activity and death from suffocation. Bitten small animals often die right at the site of the bite, and when a person is bitten without using an antidote, up to 70% of those bitten die over the next 24 hours. The only relief that can be considered is the non-aggressiveness of tiger snakes, which try to retreat at every opportunity, and attack only in hopeless situations.

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7. Rattlesnake

This species of snake is so named because it has keratinized scaly plates on its tail, which when shaken in a moment of danger, the snake produces a rather loud, specific crackling sound. Actually, only two North American genera of pit vipers have such a device, which includes rattlesnakes, which are relatives of vipers. Pitheads live in both Americas.
A person will not have much chance of survival if an antidote is not quickly administered after being bitten by a rattlesnake. The eastern rattlesnake, which is native to North Carolina and the southern Florida Peninsula, is considered especially poisonous.

8. King Cobra

The largest of all venomous snakes is the king cobra or hamadryad. It belongs to the asp family. On average, its dimensions are 3-4 meters, but rare specimens grow up to 5.6 m. The king cobra lives in tropical forests Pakistan, India, Indonesia and the Philippines, and for a long time - over 30 years, without stopping its growth until death. The hamadryad is characterized by the ability to raise its head vertically and move in this position. They often live near human habitation because they feed on other snakes, and they, in turn, feed on numerous rodents attracted by human crops.
This snake seems noble, because, as a rule, upon meeting, the first bite does not inject poison, but to scare away the enemy, and only when biting again does it resort to it. In fact, she's just saving her weapons. By the way, the king cobra does not have a very strong poison, but large quantities. Basically, its venom has a neurotoxic effect. If you really have to bite, then the cobra does not skimp and pours in a gigantic amount of poison (up to 7 ml), which is guaranteed to kill a person in 15 minutes. In such cases, 3 out of 4 people die. But such cases are rare, so only 10% of hamadryad bites are fatal.

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9. Sandy f-hole

In Asian countries (on Arabian Peninsula, in India, Sri Lanka and South-West Asia) and Africa in sandy deserts Ephs are found in dry savannahs. They become especially active after rain. These snakes have decent speed and a special way of moving along sand dunes.
The sand epha has a somewhat unusual venom that acts very slowly: from the moment of the bite it can take 2-4 weeks before the person dies. The bite site begins to hurt first, then the bitten limb swells, blood pressure drops and tissue necrosis begins. But with timely administration of serum, a fatal outcome can be avoided. Sandy Effs have a rather aggressive and irritable character. Moreover, their habitat is often in contact with the environment human activity. Ephs are active at night. They attack with lightning speed, injecting hemotoxin, which destroys red blood cells, and also muscle tissue and organ tissue. In general, mortality from epha bites is at a very high level.

10. Belcher's sea snake

This is one of the most poisonous sea snakes, whose venom has an LD50 index of 0.1 mcg. She lives mainly in warm waters Indian Ocean. But for humans, this snake, like most other sea snakes, is not too dangerous, since it does not show much aggression and is very tight-fisted in terms of using its poison. Therefore, most sea snake bites occur without tragic consequences for humans. To irritate a sea snake and make it bite, you still need to try. The snake goes to extreme measures only when there is a real danger to itself.
A person may not feel the bite itself, but after a few minutes he begins to have convulsions and becomes paralyzed nervous system and breathing, followed by death from suffocation.

Snakes leave no one indifferent, causing either delight or panic. They inhabit the entire Earth, excluding only Antarctica, Ireland, New Zealand. These are some of the most dangerous creatures, and we must not forget that only about 8 percent of all snakes in the world are poisonous. They attack infrequently, because humans are too large prey for them.

If you want to know which snake is the most poisonous in the world, and this question is relevant and arouses undoubted curiosity, then we will try to answer it. But scientists have no consensus on how to rank these deadly beauties. Introducing the top 10 most poisonous snakes in the world.

10 Rattlesnake

The rattlesnake is often listed last on this list. The animal lives in North America. For a long time The mortality rate from the bite of this snake was very high, but much has changed since then; as a result of timely assistance, the victim will almost certainly survive.

The poison helps to change the blood formula, preventing its clotting, which causes extensive bleeding. The bitten person experiences severe malaise, nausea, drooling, and suffocation. After some time, paralysis sets in.

This snake is called a rattlesnake because of the thickening on its tail that resembles a rattle (it can be clearly seen in the photo) and the strange sounds that the scales make.

Some researchers believe that the tenth place should be taken by the spiny tail - not the most dangerous Australian snake with poison that inhibits the functioning of the lungs. Now an antidote has been developed, so people die from bites quite rarely, whereas previously every second person died.

9 Enhydrina hook-nosed sea snake

One of the most poisonous snakes living in water, the enhydrina, can be found near Madagascar, Seychelles, as well as in the Arabian Sea, off the coast of India. She is an excellent swimmer, moves very quickly, dives to considerable depths, and can not surface for five hours.

At the sight of a person, enhydrina usually rushes into the water and tries to hide. Its venom is eight times stronger than that of a cobra, but it is never ranked higher, because this creature is not at all aggressive; on the contrary, the hook-nosed snake itself suffers from the aggression of fishermen who prepare food for themselves from the meat of this snake.

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Some scientists completely exclude enhydrin from the ranking, giving ninth place to boomslang - African snake with a beautiful emerald color and the most dangerous poison(paralysis after its bite in a bird occurs within minutes); Boomslangs come in olive, brown, and black colors.

This reptile is an amazing conspirator: it has an excellent ability to mimic tree branches. And since Boomslangs prefer birds out of all game, their hunt is always successful. Another bird, gaping, may even sit on a snake, mistaking it for a branch.

But even if you are not so lucky, the boomslang has a lightning-fast throw: it can grab prey right on the fly.

8th place in the list of the most poisonous snakes - Harlequin adder

Most researchers give eighth place in the ranking of the most poisonous snakes in the world to the harlequin adder. It received its name for its unusually bright and spectacular coloring, consisting of stripes of red, black, yellow or orange.

This creature lives in Mexico and some areas of the United States and feeds on frogs, lizards, and insects. The reptile is quite small (up to a meter long), does not show much aggressiveness, prefers to flee.

If a snake has bitten, it can be very dangerous: despite its short teeth, the asp is capable of injecting poison deeply, as it clenches its jaws tightly.

So, the efa crawls strangely, somehow sideways, leaving traces that suggest cuneiform writing. When it sees a person or a large animal, the efa tries to scare it by emitting a strange crackling sound that occurs when special rings hit each other.

The epha's pupil is elongated, like a cat's. In addition, the efa is a viviparous snake: it brings from 10 to 15 small efas at a time. They live in desert places and, although very poisonous, never attack people without aggression from the latter.

7 Philippine cobra

A snake inflating its collar really amazes the imagination of anyone who has seen it, and the poison has a nerve-paralytic effect, so it is extremely dangerous. There is nothing special about the cobra's collar: the animal is trying to scare off the enemy in this way, solving the matter peacefully.

Markings on the nape spectacled snake, according to scientists, perform the same function. Cobra venom is very strong, and such a significant dose is injected that it is even wasteful: 250 mg! It's enough to kill several average-weight people.

Death can occur within half an hour after an accident, although effective antidotes have existed for quite some time. Once paralysis of the respiratory system begins, it is sometimes impossible to stop.

It is surprising that the Philippine cobra not only bites, but also spits poison with precision, hitting the enemy at a distance of up to three meters.

6 Tiger snake

The sixth position is occupied by the tiger snake. The beauty lives in Australia and tries not to catch people's eyes. If this happens, the tiger snake can behave extremely aggressively, possessing a lightning-fast strike and a very strong poison that paralyzes cardiac activity.

A two-meter-tall creature of gray or reddish color has faint stripes all over its body, hunts insects, rodents, etc. large reptiles. This reptile is also viviparous; one brood can contain up to 30 snakes.

The venom of a tiger snake is so strong that it kills a small animal in a few seconds, and it takes about an hour for an adult man, up to a maximum of a day. Even the antidote does not always work, so the mortality rate is very high.

5 Black Mamba

The black mamba rightfully belongs to the most dangerous snakes in the world, which is also one of the largest and largest of them, reaching a length of 5 meters. The giant lives in the vastness of South Africa.

It is surprising that it received its name not at all for the color of its body, which is actually gray or olive, but for the color of its mouth. It looks really scary, and is used by the mamba for precisely this purpose: to scare away large enemies.

This reptile is quite aggressive, gets angry, chases the enemy and continues to bite him, and the poison is enough for 12 times. And it moves at a very considerable speed - 20 kilometers per hour. These reptiles usually settle in places occupied by people, so attacks on a local resident are, unfortunately, not uncommon.

Every year, up to twenty thousand people die from this dangerous neurotoxin. An angry animal, having bitten several times, can inject up to 400 mg of poison, while the lethal dose for an average-weight adult man is 10 mg!

4 Malay Krait

An inhabitant of Australia and South Asia, the krait has a disgusting character plus extremely toxic poison, killing the brain. Despite the fact that there is an antidote designed to save people bitten by the Malayan krait, it does not always help.

At least half of those attacked by the evil creature die. The Krayt is a nimble and inquisitive reptile. He willingly visits places where he often encounters people: farmland, villages, and even crawls into houses, so the chance for local residents to encounter a deadly creature is very high.

Its spectacular bright coloring helps a little to protect itself from the krait: its entire body is covered with stripes alternating yellow and black, so that the reptile is clearly visible in the house or yard, and it is impossible not to notice it.

The Malayan krait hunts rodents, frogs, and other reptiles, including even snakes: it takes aim and makes a sharp lunge with half its body towards the victim, immediately sinking its teeth into it.

3 dangerous snake Mulga

In the top three, virtually all wildlife researchers include representatives of the same species, except that sometimes they swap the dangerous Mulga with Belcher’s snakes. These are truly the most dangerous creatures, armed with the most powerful deadly poison.

Mulga, often called the brown king, is a resident of the Australian continent. This is one of the largest reptiles in Australia: its length reaches three meters.

In addition, the brown king is a thick, heavy reptile. He usually feeds on the same things as others like him: small mammals, birds, amphibians. But the mulga also hunts other snakes, even poisonous ones, which does not cause it the slightest harm.

The huntress sneaks up on her prey, then makes a lightning-fast throw. If it was unsuccessful, the prey flees and the brown king does not pursue it. But if the mulga is angry, then, on the contrary, it rushes in pursuit, biting the enemy as soon as the opportunity presents itself, sometimes several times.

The brown king has a nervous, difficult character and often attacks for no apparent reason. When meeting him, it is best to freeze, as the mulga reacts to movement.

The venom of this reptile is not very strong, but the mortality rate from it is still extremely high, since the mulga injects up to 150 mg of toxin in one bite, which, of course, is the most dangerous dose for any large creature.

2 Belcher's sea snake

This is the most poisonous of the sea, and indeed of all reptiles in the world. Why is she placed only in second place in the ranking? The reason is simple: sea ​​snake very peaceful: it bites extremely rarely.

And not with every bite does the Belcher's sea snake inject venom. This creature tries to stay away from people. Most often, tragedies happen due to the fact that during a hunt, a reptile gets entangled in nets and fishermen pull it out along with the fish.

This is where the angry, frightened animal can no longer restrain itself and attacks the offenders. If the snake injects venom when biting, the victim’s minutes are numbered. The venom of the sea snake is 10 times stronger than that of the winner of the rating - the taipan. Just a few milligrams is enough to kill a thousand adult men!

The first place in the ranking, according to all experts, is occupied by the taipan, which rightfully enjoys the reputation of the most poisonous snake on the planet. The genus Taipan includes three (or, according to other sources, two) species. This is a taipan and a fierce (fierce) snake. The third species was described for the first time only a few years ago and is extremely rare.

Coastal taipan - large, up to 3 meters, reptile brown. Lives in Australia, feeds on frogs, insects, lizards. But she also loves to feast on mice and rats, which determines her desire to get closer to people’s homes. Leads a diurnal lifestyle, which increases the likelihood of its collision with people.

These reptiles often live in sugar cane thickets, they are distinguished by a quarrelsome, aggressive character, and their causeless attacks on people and large animals are not uncommon. Considering herself offended, the taipan raises the front part of its body and strikes several times.

Teeth almost one and a half centimeters in length inject 120 to 400 mg of nerve-paralytic and blood-thinning poison into the wound, as a result of which death occurs within a few hours. The victim cannot be saved, despite the efforts of doctors, the antidote at their disposal, at least in half of the cases.

And until the mid-20th century (it was then that the antidote was developed) the mortality rate was 90%. Even a horse dies within minutes after being bitten by a snake.

Fierce (cruel) - the second species of the taipan genus - is considered the most poisonous of land reptiles. Her poison stronger than poison cobra at least 180 times, so it's the most poisonous snake in the world. If a fierce snake bites a person, death will occur within the next 40 minutes. The poison injected at one time is enough to kill 100 people.

These reptiles live in desert places, lay eggs in cracks between stones, and try to stay away from local residents. This type of taipan is not at all aggressive; it rarely attacks people.

Only a few such cases have been documented, and in all of these cases it was humans who showed aggression. An interesting ability of this type of taipan is to change color depending on the time of year: in summer it darkens, and the head can become almost completely black. Watch the video and see for yourself the danger of these reptile species.

Many people sympathize with snakes and even, quite often, keep them as pets. Meanwhile, snakes are one of the most terrible and dangerous living creatures on the planet, and this is not surprising. Many species of these reptiles obtain food by biting their prey and injecting poison, which is produced by special glands. This is what it's all about main danger snake. A bite from any reptile can lead to death. However, snakes very rarely attack a person first; more often, this happens if they are provoked or disturbed.


The only snake in our ranking whose homeland is North America. It can be easily recognized by the thickening in the tail, which resembles a rattle. This snake is capable of striking at a distance of 2/3 of its body length. The species from the eastern part of the continent is considered more dangerous. Individuals who have not reached sexual maturity are more dangerous than adults due to their inability to regulate the amount of toxin administered. Most species of rattlesnakes have hemotoxic venom that damages tissue, destroys organs and causes blood to clot (coagulopathy). In some cases, after a snake bite, scars remain on the body, even with timely treatment.

General symptoms: difficulty breathing, excessive salivation, extensive hemorrhages, paralysis. Untreated rattlesnake bites, especially from larger species, almost always leave serious injuries and can result in death. Timely medical care reduces the likelihood of death to 4%

Australian Spinetail

Habitat of the spiny tail, Australia and New Guinea. These reptiles hunt their relatives, other snakes, attacking them, as a rule, from ambush. The Australian spinytail has external resemblance with a rattlesnake: the same triangular head shape and short, squat body. When bitten, the snake often injects from 40 to 100 mg of poison. Since, according to its properties, the spiny tail venom is a neurotoxin, it is considered the most dangerous because it causes paralysis respiratory organs, as a result of which death can occur within 6 hours.

The antidote used for a stingtail bite works quite effectively, reducing overall symptoms and alleviating the condition of the victim. Before the invention of the antidote, the mortality rate from its bite was 50%.

Interesting fact: the snake's throwing speed during an attack is 0.13 seconds.


Vipers are found in many parts of the planet, but perhaps the most poisonous species, sand faff, which lives mainly in the Middle East and Central Asia, in particular: India and China. These snakes hunt at night and become especially active after rain.

Symptoms of viper venom getting into the blood: swelling of the affected area, pain in the bite area, bleeding often occurs, decreased blood pressure and slowing of the heartbeat; in severe cases, blisters may appear and widespread tissue and muscle necrosis may develop. Nausea, vomiting and facial swelling occur in approximately 30% of cases. It's a dull pain, not only in the affected area, can last from 2 to 4 weeks. Within 1 to 14 days, death may occur from sepsis, cardiac or respiratory failure.

Philippine Cobra

The Philippine cobra is one of the most deadly dangerous varieties cobra It is noteworthy that this reptile is capable of “spitting” venom at a distance of up to 3 m. Just like the Australian spiny tail, the cobra has a neurotoxic venom that causes paralysis of the respiratory and cardiac systems, resulting in death within 30 minutes from the moment of the bite. Damage skin upon bite are minimal.

Common symptoms include: nausea, vomiting, headache, abdominal pain, cramps, diarrhea.

Tiger Snake

Habitat Australia. Tiger snake venom is also a neurotoxin. After it enters the bloodstream, it causes localized pain at the site of the bite, tingling, numbness, sweating, and after some time suffocation and death occur. Most often, this snake, when meeting a person, tries to hide as quickly as possible, but can become dangerous and attack if it is caught by surprise or driven into a corner. The tiger snake attacks with lightning speed and without missing a beat.

Black Mamba

The black mamba is found in many parts of the African continent. These reptiles are known to be very aggressive and strike with incredible accuracy. Interesting fact, the black mamba is the most... fast snake in the world. It is capable of reaching speeds of up to 20 km/h. The venom of these snakes is a fast-acting neurotoxin. The black mamba can bite up to 12 times in a row, and one bite is enough to kill 10 to 25 adults.

Symptoms of a black mamba bite: sharp pain at the site of the bite, less noticeable than from the bite of snakes with hemotoxic (rattlesnake) venom. The victim then experiences tingling in the mouth and extremities, double vision, confusion, trembling, possibly foaming at the mouth and nose, and severe convulsions. In the absence medical care, symptoms progress rapidly: pallor appears, severe abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting, respiratory arrest, soon followed by coma and death. In the absence of an antidote, the mortality rate from black mamba venom, almost 100%, is one of the highest. Depending on the nature of the bite, death can occur in just 15-30 minutes.


The taipan lives in Australia. This snake can be compared to the black mamba in morphology and behavior. When released into the blood, the poison promotes the formation of blood clots, thereby blocking arteries and veins. It is so strong that it can kill up to 12,000 guinea pigs. In addition, the poison also has the properties of a neurotoxin. Until the advent of antivenom, there were no known survivors of a taipan bite. Even with proper medical care and timely administration of the antidote, the victim is guaranteed to remain in the intensive care unit.

Malayan blue krait

The Malayan or blue krait is by far the deadliest of the snakes of this species. Found throughout Southeast Asia and Indonesia. Half of the cases of Malayan krait bites end fatal, even with timely medical care and administered antidote. This snake hunts and kills other snakes, including the krait family. They become more aggressive at night, because... are nocturnal. However, in most cases, when meeting a person, they try to hide. The snake's venom is 16 times stronger than that of a cobra. When bitten, convulsions occur and paralysis develops quite quickly. Before the advent of antivenom, 85% of blue krait bites were fatal. Death can occur within 6 to 12 hours.

Brown King or Mulga

The habitat of this reptile, like many other poisonous snakes, is Australia. The eastern variety of the Brown King is considered the most dangerous. 1/1400 ounce of this snake's venom is enough to kill a person. The poison, even of immature individuals, can kill a person. This snake has a difficult character and can become aggressive very quickly. There are known cases when Brown snake chased the aggressors for quite a long time, repeatedly biting them. Despite mortal danger In half of the attacks, the Brown Snake does not inject venom into the body of the victim and generally tries not to bite if possible. Since these snakes react to movement, when meeting them it is better to freeze and stand still.

Taipan or Fierce Snake

The taipan is the most poisonous snake on our planet. Its venom is the most toxic of all snakes living on land. The venom produced by this snake is enough to kill 100 people or 250,000 mice. The toxicity of its venom is 10 times higher than that of a rattlesnake and 50 times more than that of a cobra. Fortunately, the taipan is not aggressive, and moreover, it is quite rare to meet on a person’s path to wildlife. Deaths An encounter with this snake has not yet been recorded, but potentially, death in an adult from a taipan bite can occur within 45 minutes.

Belcher's sea snake

Found in the waters of Southeast Asia and Northern Australia, the Belcher's sea snake is the most venomous sea snake in the world. It has such a strong poison that literally a few milligrams is enough to kill 1000 adults. This is a very dangerous snake, but despite this, less than a quarter of its bites contain poison, and it is also quite peaceful. Most often, fishermen suffer from its bite because they have to take their nets out of the water while fishing.

Today there are more than 3,000 species of snakes in the world. However, the most frightening fact is that almost a quarter of them are poisonous. If you are going on vacation, make sure that the tropical paradise you have chosen is not the habitat of one of the heroines of our rating of the most dangerous snakes in the world.

It is quite difficult to single out the most dangerous snake - a date with any of these poisonous reptiles is unlikely to leave pleasant memories. Contrary to popular belief, snake bite easy enough to provoke. Even a person who accidentally touches a twig on the ground, which then catches this reptile, can bring danger to himself. Therefore, be extremely careful when walking in the steppes or any other unfamiliar areas.

Now we will tell you about the most dangerous snakes, which are most undesirable to meet, and whose bite is the worst thing imaginable.

Fierce Snake or Taipan

It’s not for nothing that we named this species first in the top most dangerous snakes. According to scientific data, this is the most poisonous snake in the world. It secretes such a toxic poison that 100 adults can die from its bite. The same dose can kill 250 thousand mice, for example. The length of its teeth reaches 1.3 cm. The average dose of poison released is slightly more than 40 mg, but facts up to 100 mg have been recorded. Since the power of the venom is so great, this snake is something everyone should fear. It is 180 times more poisonous than a cobra and 10 times more poisonous than a rattlesnake.

Before the introduction of the antidote, deaths from Taipan bites accounted for 90% of cases - it occurred within 45 minutes. Fortunately, today with timely help you can avoid death, but the period will still be very painful.

Reptiles of this species live in the dry plains and fields of Australia. This is mainly East Queensland and the northern neighboring states.

Malayan blue krait

This type of snake itself is very aggressive. They hunt their own kind and can even kill another snake from the krait family. These snakes are nocturnal, so it is at this time that they become the most dangerous. The toxicity of their venom is 16 times greater than that of cobras.

A krait bite causes convulsions and paralysis quickly develops. Literally 6-12 hours after this, death can occur. Before the introduction of an antidote, almost 85% of cases were fatal. Although today, even with the administration of serum and medical care, the probability of recovery is 1:2. This is a very small and frightening indicator.

Most often, this member of the top most dangerous snakes can be found in Southeast Asia. They are quite common there, so be careful in any of the countries in these regions.

Black Mamba

The description of this type of snake is simply terrifying. First of all, what is striking is that this is the most fast snake in the world (she can move at speeds of up to 20 km/h). In addition, they are unusually cruel and aggressive - in one attack the Black Mamba can inflict up to 12 bites.

These extremely dangerous snakes strike with extraordinary accuracy. Their venom is a fast-acting neurotoxin, so it quickly produces visible symptoms. Not only is there pain at the bite sites, but convulsions may also begin, confusion may occur, tingling in the mouth and even foam from it. If medical assistance is not provided in a timely manner, other less pleasant symptoms will be added (nausea, vomiting, possibly even coma). Without the administration of serum with antidote, almost 100% of cases are fatal, occurring within 20-30 minutes.

Black Mambas are common on the African continent: mainly in the regions from Ethiopia to South West Africa, as well as from Somalia to Senegal.

Mulga or Brown King

These snakes have a characteristic brown color and also have a length of up to 3 m. The most interesting thing is that these snakes are poisonous even when they are immature. Mulga became famous for her unpredictable nature, since there are cases where she stalked the victim for long hours. Although, despite its aggressiveness, this type of snake does not always spray venom. Sometimes they may just attack and not bite.

In one bite, this type of snake can release up to 150 mg of poison, which is a lethal dose for humans. The proportion of deaths is quite high, so it is imperative to seek medical help.

Mulga lives in Australia, in almost all its states. An exception may be Tasmania and Victoria. Deserts, pastures, light forests are the main areas where you can find this one of the most dangerous snakes in the world. However, it is known that it is better to freeze and not move - their reaction mainly occurs to movements.

Green rattlesnake

The “rattlers” themselves already have a bad reputation. However, this snake is the most dangerous among them. The main reasons for her terrifying image are that she is excellent at camouflage and, above all, she can climb trees. Rattlesnakes usually don't have much longer length, but the characteristic sound produced immediately scares away possible aggressors. However, the Green Rattlesnake can be more than 1 m long. Its venom is deadly to humans - its main destructive force is that it thins the blood.

These reptiles are found on the northern Pacific coast of America. In the USA it is considered the most aggressive and poisonous snake. It has also been spotted in Canada (British Columbia), as well as in the northwestern regions.

Be especially careful when going on a trip where you could potentially encounter any of the top most dangerous snakes. Read in advance the rules on how to behave when meeting a snake - this will add confidence on your trip.