As a rule, there are personal cards. Employee personal card: registration and required information

New form "Employee personal card" officially approved by the document Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation dated January 5, 2004 N 1.

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Filled out by a personnel service employee for persons hired on the basisAniya: order (instruction) on hiring (form N T-1 or N T-1a); passport or other identity document; work book or document confirming work experience; state insurance certificate pension insurance; documents military registration- for those liable for military service and persons subject to conscription for military service; document on education, qualifications or availability special knowledge- when applying for a job that requires special knowledge or special training, as well as information provided by the employee about himself. In some cases, taking into account the specifics of the work in accordance with current legislation Russian Federation It may be necessary to present additional documents.

The personal card of a state (municipal) employee (form N T-2GS(MS)) is used to record persons holding state (municipal) civil service positions.
When filling out paragraph 5 “Knowledge foreign language" Section 1 of the forms indicates the degree of knowledge of the language: "I speak fluently", "I read and can explain myself", "I read and translate with a dictionary".
Work experience (general, continuous, giving the right to a bonus for length of service, giving the right to other benefits established in the organization, etc.) is calculated on the basis of entries in the work book and (or) other documents confirming the relevant length of service.
When information about an employee changes, the corresponding data is entered into his personal card, which is certified by the signature of a personnel service employee.
The main documents on the basis of which section II “Information on military registration” is filled out are:
military ID (or temporary certificate issued instead of a military ID) - for citizens in the reserve;
certificate of a citizen subject to conscription for military service - for citizens subject to conscription for military service.
For citizens in reserve:
clause 1 “Reserve category” for reserve officers is not filled in;
clause 3 “Composition (profile)” - filled in without abbreviation (for example, “command”, “medical” or “soldiers”, “sailors”, etc.);
clause 4 “Full code designation VUS” - the full designation is written down (six digits, for example, “021101” or six digits and a letter, for example, “113194A”);
clause 5 "Category of suitability for military service" - written with the letters: A (fit for military service), B (fit for military service with minor restrictions), C (limitedly fit for military service) or D (temporarily unfit for military service). In the absence of records in the relevant military service the ticket is marked with category "A";
in paragraph 7 “Registered with the military” is filled in (in pencil):
line a) - in cases where there is a mobilization order and (or) a stamp on the issuance and withdrawal of mobilization orders;
line b) - for citizens reserved with the organization for the period of mobilization and during wartime.
For citizens subject to conscription for military service:
clauses: clause 1 “Reserve category”, clause 3 “Composition (profile)”, clause 4 “Full code designation of military personnel” and clause 7 “Registered with the military” are not filled in;
item 2 " Military rank" - the entry “subject to conscription” is made;
clause 5 “Category of fitness for military service” - written in letters: A (fit for military service), B (fit for military service with minor restrictions), C (limitedly fit for military service), D (temporarily unfit for military service ) or D (not fit for military service). Filled out based on the entry in the certificate of a citizen subject to conscription for military service;
Filling out items not specifically specified in the Instructions is carried out on the basis of information from the listed documents.
In paragraph 8 of Section II of the personal card of a citizen who has reached the age limit for being in the reserve, or a citizen declared unfit for military service for health reasons, a note is made in the free line “removed from military registration due to age” or “removed from military registration due to condition health."
In the section “Hiring, transfers to another job” with each entry made on the basis of an order (instruction) on hiring (form N T-1 or N T-1a) and an order (instruction) on transfer to another job ( form N T-5), the administration is obliged to familiarize the employee with a signature in column 6 of the form.
In the "Vacation" section, records are kept of all types of vacations provided to the employee during the period of work in the organization.
The “Additional information” section is filled out to ensure completeness of recording information about employees studying in educational institutions, recording disabled workers, etc.

Personal card T-2 is filled out for employees of all categories hired on the basis of an order (instruction) on hiring

Filling out sections of the form

The form of the personal card T-2 was approved by Decree of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated 01/05/05 No. 1 (previously by Decree dated 04/06/01 No. 26) “On approval of unified forms of primary accounting documentation for recording labor and its payment.”

The personnel service employee must keep in mind that the rules for maintaining personal cards of the T-2 form, with the exception of the Instructions for the use and completion of primary accounting forms and documentation for labor accounting and its payment, approved. Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated January 05, 2005 No. 1 does not exist, therefore the contents of this article can be considered as recommendations, and not as a tangible requirement for exact execution.

Documents required for issuing a personal card; information coding

To fill out a personal T-2 card, the HR officer needs the following employee documents:
1) passport (or other identification document);
2) work book;
3) military ID;
4) document of completion educational institution:
5) insurance certificate of state pension insurance;
6) certificate of registration with the tax authority;
7) order for employment.
All other information is entered based on the information provided by the employee.
When encoding information in a personal T-2 card, you must be guided by a number of rules for filling out, defined by the Standard for automated systems HR management:
1. If incorrect entries or information not related to this filling are made in the coding field, the T-2 form is considered damaged and must be rewritten. Therefore, it is recommended to either enter exact codes or not enter them at all until the T-2 personal card is submitted to the archive.
2. If there are no entries or negative answers (“I don’t have”, “I’m not a member”), the encoded part of this detail remains empty. 1 3. When indicating dates, the name of the month is written in full, the year is written in four digits; for example, September 14, 2004
4. Dates are encoded Arabic numerals in the following order: day/month/year; for example, 04/23/1998.
When filling out other sections of the card, you must follow the Instructions approved by the specified resolution.

Filling out sections of the form

The name of the organization is indicated in full, for example closed joint stock company"Energostroi". The abbreviated name is indicated if it is. enshrined in constituent documents. The OKPO of the organization is indicated on the side.
An employee's personnel number must contain no more than six digits. It is assigned to each new hire or employee and does not change with any movement of the employee within the organization until his dismissal.
The taxpayer identification number and the number of the insurance certificate of state pension insurance are indicated in accordance with the certificate of assignment of the TIN and the insurance certificate of state pension insurance.
In the "Alphabet" column the first letter of the employee's last name is indicated.
The nature of the work is indicated: “permanently”, “temporarily”, etc.
The type of work (main, part-time) is recorded in full.
Gender is indicated by the letter "M" or "F".
Last name, first name, patronymic are written down in full and legibly.
The date of birth is established on the basis of a passport or other identification document and is written in full in the text area, for example, “January 9, 1975.” In this case, the code is indicated as follows: 01/09/1975.
When indicating your place of birth, you need to consider the following:

Citizenship is written without abbreviations. Citizenship is recorded and encoded according to the All-Russian Classifier of Population Information. OK 018-95, approved. Resolution of the State Standard of Russia dated July 31, 1995 No. 412 (OKIN).

Filling out the "Citizenship" column

The languages ​​spoken by the employee are indicated in full without abbreviations. The degree of knowledge of the language in text form is indicated as follows.

Information about language skills

When encoding the column “Knowledge of a foreign language”, two codes are indicated, with the first indicating the language code, the second - the degree of knowledge of it.

For example: “English - read and translate with a dictionary” is written in the “Code” column as: 014 1.

Education is recorded and coded according to OKIN and the All-Russian Classifier of Specialties by Education. OK 009-93, approved. Resolution of the State Standard of Russia dated December 30, 1993 No. 296 (OKSO).

According to OKIN, education is coded as follows.

Type of education

OKSO code

Primary (general) education

Basic general education

Secondary (complete) general education

Secondary vocational education

Incomplete higher education

Higher education

Postgraduate education

Sometimes in practice problems arise with how to create a record of an employee’s education if it is not completed.

Information about incomplete education

An employee with incomplete education

Type of education according to classification.

Studying at a higher educational institution, but not graduating from it

Basic general or secondary vocational education (depending on what education you had at the time of admission to a higher educational institution)

Completed several courses at a higher educational institution, but was forced to interrupt it, or is studying in the third year

It records how many courses have been completed or what course is being studied.

Completed three years of higher education

Incomplete higher education

Studying at a secondary specialized educational institution (technical school, college), but not graduating from it

Secondary (complete) general or incomplete secondary vocational education (depending on what kind of education you had at the time of admission to a secondary specialized educational institution)

Graduated high school, school with in-depth study of any subject, lyceum, gymnasium

Secondary (complete) general education

Graduated from a vocational school or an equivalent educational institution

Primary vocational education

Abbreviations of words when writing the name of an educational institution are allowed, without distorting the meaning of the name. In the case where the name of the educational institution includes the word “name”, you should write “by them”; if behind this the word comes“professor”, “academician” or something else, then you should write “name of professor”, “name of academician”, etc. Orders are not indicated in the names of educational institutions.
All information about education (qualification, direction or specialty) is established on the basis of an education diploma.
Free lines in the education section are intended for the name and date of graduation of the second educational institution of higher or secondary vocational education. If an employee graduated from two secondary or two higher educational institutions in different specialties, both educational institutions are recorded. Diploma qualifications are indicated in the following order:

The profession (main and additional) is indicated in full on the basis and order (instruction) on hiring. It is coded in accordance with the All-Russian Classifier of Worker Occupations, Employee Positions and Tariff Grades (OKPDTR). An additional profession is considered to be one that does not coincide with the main profession, but may be of interest to the organization.
Work experience (general, continuous, giving the right to a bonus for years of service, as well as the right to other benefits established in the organization, etc.) is calculated on the basis of entries in the work book and (or) in other documents confirming the relevant length of service.
Marital status is recorded and coded according to OKIN.

Marital status information

Married status

OKIN code

Never been (was) married

Is in a registered marriage

Is in an unregistered marriage

Widower (widow)

Divorced (divorced)

Broke up (broke up)

Only family members are indicated as part of the family, indicating the degree of relationship. Closest relatives are considered to be father, mother, son, daughter, brother, sister, the person in whose care the employee was, and other immediate relatives living with the employee.
Passport data is indicated in strict accordance with the passport. The residence address is recorded according to the rules for recording the place of birth.
In the event that an employee did not receive a work book on the day of dismissal due to absence from the workplace or for another reason, the personnel service employee precisely specified addresses sends notifications by mail about the need to come to the personnel department for a work book (or agree to send it by mail) or requests about the whereabouts of the employee. Therefore, it is necessary to fill in both columns - the address of residence according to the passport and the actual address of residence, as well as the telephone number of the employee or immediate relatives.

Vacation accounting Changing employee information

In the previous part of the article, we found out what documents are required to fill out the T-2 card, and also looked at how the “Alphabet” and “Citizenship” columns are filled out, how data on education, family composition, etc. is entered.

Filling out the section on military registration

The main documents on the basis of which section is filled out. 2 “Information on military registration” of the T-2 personal card are:

Information about military registration

Citizens in reserve

Citizens subject to conscription

Not entered for reserve officers. For persons who are not officers, filled out in accordance with the provided military ID (column "Registration Category")

Not filled in

Point 2. Military rank

Marked in accordance with the entry on the military ID

Recording is made: "Subject to conscription"

Clause 3. "Composition (profile)". To be filled in without abbreviations

Marked in accordance with the entry on the military ID, for example, "command", "medical" or "soldiers", "sailors" etc.

Che is filled

Clause 4. “Full code designation of the VUS” The full designation is written down - six digits or six digits and an alphabetic sign

Marked in accordance with the entry on the military ID, for example “021101” or “113194A”

Marked in accordance with the entry in the certificate of a citizen subject to conscription for military service

Written in letters: A - fit for military service B - fit for military service with minor restrictions C - limitedly fit for military service D - temporarily unfit for military service If there are no entries in the relevant paragraphs of the military ID, category "A" is entered

Written in letters: A - fit for military service B - fit for military service with minor restrictions C - limitedly fit for military service D - temporarily unfit for military service D - unfit for military service Filled out based on the entry in the certificate of a citizen subject to conscription for military service

Clause 6. "Name of the military commissariat at the place of residence"

Placed in accordance with the last entry or last stamp on the military ID

Placed in accordance with the last entry, or the last stamp in the certificate of a citizen subject to conscription for military service

Clause 7. “Registered with the military” To be completed in pencil

Line a) - in cases where there is a mobilization order and (or) a stamp on the issuance and withdrawal of mobilization orders; Line b) - for citizens reserved with the organization for the period of mobilization and during wartime

Not filled in

: Clause 8. “Note on removal from military registration” Subject to reaching the age limit, being in the reserve, “or being declared unfit for military service for health reasons

A mark is made: or "Removed from military registration due to health reasons"

A note is made: "Removed from military registration due to age" or "Withdrawn" military registration for health reasons"

After completing the sections " General information" and "Information on military registration" the employee signs the personal card and puts down the date with his own hand to confirm consent with entered information. The HR employee puts his signature, the name of the position and a transcript of the signature, thereby confirming that the entries were made by him personally on the basis of the submitted documents.

Entering information about hiring, certification, advanced training, incentives, etc.

When entering information about hiring and transfers to another job, you must fill out all columns of the table. Information must be entered without abbreviations

Information about hiring and transfers to another job is entered on the basis of an order (instruction) on hiring (forms T-1 and T-1a) and an order (instruction) on transfer to another job (form T-5). When filling out this section, the HR specialist must familiarize the employee with the entries made against receipt.
When filling out section. 4 “Certification” of the personal card, all columns are filled in, namely:
- date of certification;
- decision of the commission, for example “transfer to a position”, “send for advanced training”, etc.;
- a link to a specific document (usually a protocol of certification results) indicating its number and date.
The “Bases” column may be blank, or it may indicate an organization’s order to send an employee for certification and/or an order to approve the certification results.
Data on advanced training are recorded on the basis of documents submitted upon hiring or received from the personnel training department. In the section "Advancement of qualifications" the following is indicated:
- start and end dates of training;
- type of advanced training;
- name of the educational institution (institute of advanced training of the ministry (department), faculty of advanced training at a higher educational institution, faculty of advanced training at a secondary vocational educational institution, institute of advanced training, advanced training courses at the ministry (department), advanced training courses at enterprises, scientific- research and design organizations, higher and secondary vocational education institutions, institutes for advanced training and their branches);
- type of document (certificate, identification);
- the “Bases” column may be blank, or it may indicate an order from the organization to send an employee for advanced training.
Similarly, information about professional retraining is entered, indicating the specialty (direction, profession) in which the retraining is taking place.

When filling out section. “Incentives and awards” it is necessary to indicate the types of incentives applied to the employee (both at the organizational level and at the level of ministries and departments), as well as list state awards.

Vacation accounting

In the "Vacation" section, records are kept of all types of vacations provided to the employee during the period of work in the organization. The basis for making entries are orders for granting leave.
When filling out the vacation table based on an order, only the start date of the vacation is entered, while the end date is entered “de facto”, after the employee has actually returned from vacation. This is due to the fact that if an employee is called back from vacation or is interrupted, the “End Date” column will indicate the employee’s return to work date, and not the planned end date of the vacation as ordered.
Leave without saving must be noted in the same table. wages. It is taken into account when calculating the length of service that gives the right to annual basic paid leave, because according to Art. 121 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and it does not include the time of granting an employee leave without pay lasting more than 7 calendar days.

Similarly, the length of service giving the right to annual basic paid leave and the time of parental leave before the child reaches the legal age are not taken into account.
In addition, according to Art. 121 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, from the length of service giving the right to annual basic paid leave, the time the employee is absent from work without good reasons, including due to his removal from work in cases provided for in Art. 76 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.
Below are possible types of documents on the basis of which the HR department employee recalculate this length of service (according to Article 76 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Types of documents serving as the basis for recalculating length of service in case of dismissal from work

Failure to undergo training and testing of knowledge and skills in the field of labor protection in accordance with the established procedure

Failure to undergo mandatory preliminary or periodic medical examination in accordance with the established procedure

Protocol and order of the inspectorate on the removal of an employee from work. Order from the manager regarding removal from work for this reason

Identification, in accordance with a medical report, of contraindications for performing work stipulated by the employment contract

Order from the manager regarding removal from work for this reason

In the “Additional Information” section, for completeness of accounting, where necessary, indicate:
- information about training in part-time (evening), correspondence, external departments of higher and secondary institutions vocational training(you should also enter the dates of receipt in educational institution and its endings):
- information about a working disabled person indicating the MSEC certificate, the disability group and the date of its establishment (change), the cause of disability;
- MSEC conclusion on the conditions and nature of work.
After an employee’s dismissal from the organization, entries are made in section. XI “Grounds for dismissal”, which indicates a breakdown of the grounds for dismissal of the employee in accordance with the exact wording given in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the date of dismissal, and the number of the dismissal order.
When closing the T-2 personal card, the HR employee puts his personal signature with its transcript and indication of the position. The employee himself signs in the same way. In this case, the employee’s signature confirms his agreement with all entries made in his personal card.

Changing employee information

When information about an employee changes, the corresponding data is entered into his personal card, which is certified by the signature of a specialist from the HR department, and if changes are made to section. “General information” and “Information on military registration”, then with the signature of the employee himself.
Changes are made according to the same scheme as in the work book. Based on the first forms and during the implementation of an automated personnel accounting system in the USSR, the OST "Standard for automated personnel management systems" was developed. It outlined the basic rules for filling out a personal card. As stated in the OST, “when a last name is changed, the old one is crossed out and a new one is written in its place in accordance with the documents submitted to the personnel department.” Further, “all subsequent changes to the employee’s data (change of place of residence, etc.) are reflected in the personal card by the HR department employee.” A complete replacement of a personal card is not advisable for the reason that in the future it will be difficult to restore the entire picture for this employee.
As for changes in passport data and marital status, the same scheme can be used - with a strikethrough.

Ph.D. econ. sciences,
Director of the "Center for Professional Development"

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Filling out the dismissal section: example of filling

To fill out section 11 of the card, use information from the termination order employment contract using the wording specified therein.

Read also: How to formalize the dismissal of employees during liquidation of an enterprise

The date of dismissal is the day on which the employee last performed his duties at the enterprise. This section is signed not only by the employee, but also by the personnel officer.

Storage of T-2 cards

The personal cards of dismissed employees are stored in the archives of the enterprise. In this case, the documents are located in special nomenclature folders, separate from orders and personal files.

Important: personal cards must be inaccessible to outsiders, since the company is obliged to ensure the security of the employee’s personal data.

Common mistakes when filling out the T-2 form

Let's look at the most common mistakes when maintaining personal cards:

  1. Special characters. The slash (/), colon (:), equal sign (=), etc. cannot be used in the T-2 form. They are especially strictly prohibited in the coding zone.
  2. Inaccurate filling. Text may extend beyond the intended margins if necessary. But he should not go into the coding zone.
  3. Dashes. Dashes are not allowed in this document. Their presence may lead to the card being invalidated.

A completed sample of an employee’s personal card in form T-2

Since the employee’s personal card is a rather voluminous document, we suggest you familiarize yourself with an example of filling out the entire document.

Sometimes only the presence of a personal card can confirm work experience with a certain employer.

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This document is compiled for the entire state without exception. How are employee cards issued for 2019 using the T-2 form?

In generally accepted document flow, a personal card is a special document filled out for all employees without exception at the place of employment.

This also applies to temporary and seasonal workers. A document is created after signing the employment agreement. How to correctly issue a personal card for an employee using the T-2 form in 2019?

Important points

The purpose of using personal personnel cards by an organization is to ensure complete accounting.

By law, any employer is required to consider creating of this document regarding any employee.

To generate the document, a unified form called T-2 is used. She was accepted.

Initial structure it has remained unchanged since 2004. A card index is created based on personal cards.

Cards are stored in a file cabinet in alphabetical order. Due to this, if necessary, you can quickly find information about a particular employee.

With a large staff, the document base can be structured by divisions. There are no special regulations regarding the preparation of a card index based on employees’ personal cards.

The only requirement stipulated by law is that anyone officially must have such a card.

What you need to know

Current legislation does not establish strict deadlines for creating a personal employee card. It is considered most appropriate to issue a T-2 at the time a person is hired.

Although a small time gap is not considered a serious violation. The main thing is the duplication of the mark on the card made during employment.

Usually, the employee’s personal card is filled out after the proper document is issued.

To issue a card, certain documents are required, which become the basis for displaying the information and confirming its accuracy.

In particular, you need:

  • order for admission to the staff;
  • passport or other document confirming personal data;
  • work book;
  • insurance certificate of state pension insurance;
  • military registration documents;
  • documents relating to education, obtaining a profession, qualifications, possession of special knowledge;
  • information declared about himself personally by the employee.

Important! The specifics of some types of activities may require the provision of additional documents.

If without any information the card information is not complete enough, the employer is obliged to request the necessary data.

For what purpose is it formed?

Often, a personal card is mistakenly compared with a questionnaire or personal sheet stored by the personnel service. But these papers are filled out directly by the employee himself and when it is accepted in the organization.

As for the personal card, it is filled out by a personnel employee, guided by the order upon acceptance to the position. In this case, the presence of the document is mandatory.

In accordance with the Resolution Federal service State Statistics No. 1 dated January 5, 2004, all organizations are required to keep personal cards of employees.

But it should be noted that this requirement does not apply to individual entrepreneurs. As already mentioned, the T-2 form is used to create a card.

This is printed on special 2A4 format forms with the OKUD code 0301002. The card is created in a single copy.

The fundamental purpose of creating personal maps is to summarize the entire necessary information in one document.

This eliminates the need to study a large amount of documentation in search of the necessary data.

Also, there is no need to demand the necessary documents from the employee every time, if necessary. All necessary data is contained in the card.

When you need to clarify some information regarding a specific employee, it is easy to find a personal file in the general file cabinet and look at the necessary records.

According to its content, the employee’s personal card is divided into sections of the following type:

  • general information;
  • military registration data;
  • information about employment and career changes;
  • certification data;
  • information about qualifications and their improvement;
  • information on professional training;
  • data on incentives, awards, etc.;
  • information about ;
  • benefits provided by law;
  • additional information;
  • information about the reason for dismissal.

Legal basis

For commercial enterprises, from January 1, 2013, it is allowed to develop their own templates for primary documentation, replacing standardized samples with them.

Moreover, in accordance with Letter of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 3-10/2012, standard forms of primary documentation established by authorized bodies in accordance with other federal regulations are recognized as immutable for use.

The letter does not mention the T-2 form. This raises the question of whether the card form can be created independently.

The situation is explained in the affirmative. But it is considered more appropriate to use a unified document.

Moreover, certain standards indicate that the T-2 employee personal card form is mandatory for use:

Consequently, it is preferable to take the standard form as a basis. If necessary, you can modify it slightly, add missing lines or eliminate unnecessary ones.

The procedure for filling out the T-2 form of the employee’s personal card

A typical map includes four pages. The entire information part is divided into eleven blocks.

The registration of the card is carried out by an employee of the personnel department, or, in the absence of one, by the head of the organization.

The T-2 has several significant nuances:

  • The first two pages are drawn up at the time of hiring a new employee. Third and fourth
  • the page is designed in the process of activity;
  • a card is created based on documents provided by employees;
  • when creating, you are allowed to use a computer;
  • The employee himself does not have the right to fill out the card.

For your information! Individual entrepreneurs are not required to create personal cards for hired personnel.

But they also usually create maps according to their wishes, which greatly facilitates management activities.

How a document is compiled

After the HR officer fills out the form, the employee must confirm that the information provided is correct. After reading the form, he signs on the second page at the end of the second section.

The basic rules for issuing a card are as follows:

The name of the organization is written without abbreviations An abbreviated form is allowed only if it is specified in the constituent documentation
The employee number on the timesheet is a maximum of six digits The number designation does not change until dismissal, regardless of internal movements
Insurance certificate number and TIN Corresponds to the originals
In the "Alphabet" column The initial letter of the employee's last name is written
Write down the nature of the work activity "temporary", "permanent"
The type of work is fully specified By, main
The letter symbol indicates gender "M", "F"
Fully prescribed Last name, first name, patronymic
According to the passport data, the date of birth is written in full in the text part For example, “January 1, 1980.” The code value is written in numerical format - “01/1/1980”. When indicating the place of birth, it must be taken into account that the size of the entry should not exceed one hundred characters
Residence code Installed according to approved OKATO
The presence of a specific citizenship is indicated in full Citizenship is coded according to OKIN. Russian citizenship– “1”, double – “2”, foreign – “3”, stateless – “4”
The language(s) is written without abbreviation What does the employee own? The code indicates the level of proficiency. Fluent – ​​“3”, intermediate conversational – “2”, with a dictionary – “1”
Recording and coding education Carried out in accordance with OKIN and OKSO
Diploma qualifications are written as follows: graduation from a university – the degree of “bachelor”, “master”, “specialist” is registered;
graduation from a secondary educational institution - “technician”, “merchandiser”, “accountant”, “manager”, etc.;
for a “bachelor’s” or “master’s” degree, the focus of knowledge is prescribed;
with the title of “specialist” - a specific specialty is designated
The profession is written in full Based on the order for employment in accordance with OKPDTR
Work experience is calculated Based on the work book and other documents certifying work experience
Marital status is recorded and coded In accordance with OKIN, from “1” to “5”
Family composition includes Only family members with the specified degree of relationship
According to the passport, passport data is indicated Both the registration address and the real residential address are recorded. Displays the employee's contact phone number and numbers of close relatives

The section “On military registration” is drawn up based on the military ID and identity card of the person subject to conscription.

In the process of subsequent employee activities, the following sections are drawn up:

  • “Hiring and transfers to another job”;
  • "Certification";
  • “Professional development”;
  • "Incentives and rewards";
  • "Vacation";
  • "Social benefits";
  • "Additional information";
  • "Grounds for dismissal."

Signed by

After the T-2 form is filled out and the employee has signed and indicated the date, the document is signed by a personnel employee.

When filling out all sections, the information is indicated with links to relevant documents, orders, instructions, federal laws and local regulations.

Video: employee personal file

When the personal card is closed, the personnel officer and the employee themselves put their signatures. This confirms that all entered data is correct.

If changes are made to the card, they are also certified by the signatures of the responsible person and the employee. A complete replacement of the card is not advisable, since it will be very difficult to restore the information.

Sample filling

Often, when applying for a T-2 card, representatives of the personnel department make mistakes. These do not pose any special consequences, and they do not harm the employee.

But when large quantities Mistakes by the HR department may be fined due to poor quality work.

TO common mistakes include:

As examples:

  • unfilled form T-2;
  • An example of filling out an employee’s personal card T-2.