Pedagogical project in the middle group: “My home is my city. Lesson outline (middle group) on the topic: Lesson outline “My Home”

Target: formation of an emotionally positive attitude towards the home of a Russian person.


- to form differentiated ideas about the purpose of the hut, the characteristics of the materials used in the construction of the dwelling;

- support the manifestation of the need to obtain information about a person’s home;

- teach ways practical application knowledge in gaming, speech, visual, communicative activities.

Equipment: didactic game “Teremok” with cut-out pictures, a bear toy, children’s drawings on the theme “My House”, a model of a tower made of corrugated cardboard, illustrations depicting the sequence of building a hut, a scythe, an audio recording of the Russian folk song “Is it in the garden, in the vegetable garden” ", audio player.

The teacher introduces a game with cut-out pictures “Teremok”.

Educator. Guys, I wanted to give the children junior group game "Teremok", but for some reason all the pictures are mixed up, please help me arrange them correctly to make a teremok.

Children collect towers.

Guys, who lived in the tower?

Children. Animals.

Educator. Why did so many animals come to live in the Teremok house?

Children. They liked him.

Educator. What kind of tower was it?

Children. Beautiful, painted, fabulous.

Educator. What was the tower built from?

Children. Made of wood.

Educator. What was the tower decorated with?

Children. Platbands, shutters, a beautiful porch with twisted pillars.

Educator. Guys, would you like to live in such a mansion?

Children. Yes.

Educator. How are the houses you live in decorated?

The teacher listens to the answers of 2 - 3 children, whose stories are accompanied by a demonstration of drawings on the topic “My Home”. There is a knock on the door.

Who's that knocking there?

Mishka appears.

Bear. Hello guys, I’m Mishka from the fairy tale “Teremok”, I came to you for help. I decided to build new teremok, but the animals don’t want to live there and don’t come to visit, but I tried so hard.

Educator. Misha, how did you build the tower? Tell us.

The bear tells the story using pictures.

Bear. Prepared trees: cut down, cut off branches, delivered logs; folded the walls; laid: floor, ceiling, roof; I cut out the windows with an axe. I ended up with this little mansion.

Mishka takes out a model of a tower made of corrugated cardboard.

But the guests don’t come, and the animals don’t want to live here. They say that my house does not look like a tower. Guys, help me turn it into a mansion.

Educator. Don't worry, Mishka. Now the guys and I will build a mansion and decorate it, and you, as the owner, will invite guests.

The Russian folk song “In the garden, in the vegetable garden” sounds.

Children and a teacher enter the Russian Izba museum. They are met by Kuzya with a scythe in his hand.

Children. Good afternoon, Kuzya!

The children bow.

Kuzya. Hello guys!

Educator. Kuzya, where are you going?

Kuzya. But the trouble is, the firewood has run out, and the women and grandfather are not in the house. I’ll go into the forest, cut some wood, and heat the stove.

Educator. Kuzya, is it possible to mow trees with a scythe?

Kuzya. I saw that my grandfather was mowing the grass in the summer. I, too, swing a scythe and cut down a lot of trees at once.

Educator. Guys, is it possible to mow trees with a scythe? What is a braid for?

Children. Mow the grass.

Kuzya. What then should you use to mow the trees?

Educator. Kuzya, the trees are not mowed. Guys, what do they do to prepare firewood?

Children. Trees are cut down, logs are sawed.

Kuzya. What do you use to cut and saw trees?

Children. They chop with an ax and saw with a saw.

Children's answers are accompanied by illustrations.

Kuzya. I remembered that my grandfather had a saw and an ax in his yard.

Educator. Guys, let's help Kuza prepare firewood! Who chops and saws wood in the forest: men or women?

Children. Men, they are strong.

Educator. Our boys are future men, they are strong and will help Kuza prepare firewood.

Physical education for boys

The boys stand in a circle.

We walk, we walk, we walk all day long, Children walk in a circle.

Show hands.

They make a turn around themselves.

Ready! They raise their right hand.

They sawed, they sawed, Imitate movements in pairs.

drank all day

And your arms and legs, are they tired? Show hands.

Are you ready to go back to work? They make a turn around themselves.

Ready! They raise their right hand.

They pricked, pricked, pricked all day long, They imitate chopping wood.

And your arms and legs, are they tired? Show hands.

Are you ready to go back to work? They make a turn around themselves.

Educator. Well done boys, you worked hard, and now you can relax.

Kuzya. Thank you guys, now our hut will be warm all winter! We will heat the stove with the wood that you helped me prepare, and the stove will warm the hut. I won't freeze in winter! And so that I wouldn’t freeze outside in winter, my grandmother knitted me new mittens.

The red puppy stole the mitten.

So that he forgets his bad habit,

I immediately decided to run after the puppy

And take away your mitten.

I ran as fast as I could

But my red puppy runs away.

And he holds the mitten in his teeth,

So that she doesn't disappear in a hurry.

We ran for a long time, we were even tired.

And the mitten was torn into pieces.

Oh, and my grandmother will be angry.

But it was the puppy who tore the mitten, not me.

Guys, what should I do, what should I do, how should I fix the mitten?

The children answer.

Educator. Guys, what material is Kuzi’s mitten made of?

Children. It is knitted from wool.

Educator. Where can you get wool? Who gives us wool?

Children. Sheep.

Children's answers are accompanied by showing illustrations of sheep.

Educator. Who will remember the poem about the little lamb?


Little lamb

We have a bag of curls

Gifted for winter.

My brother got a fur coat,

Mom's skirt came out

And socks for me.

Educator. Children, who usually knits woolen things?

Children. Mothers, grandmothers, older sisters.

Educator. It’s true, this is women’s work, it requires accuracy, patience, and care. Nowadays people buy clothes in stores, but in the past they made them themselves. To get woolen items, it was necessary to cut the wool from the animal, spin it, and knit the item.

The teacher's story is accompanied by a display of illustrations.

Our girls are future mothers, and they will take care of their family, children, and Kuz too.

Physical education for girls

The girls stand in a circle. A leader (teacher) is selected who shows the movements, and the children repeat them.

Educator. Who is with us, who is with us to spin the knot?

Children. We are with you, we are spinning the knot with you.

Educator. Who is with us, who is with us to shake balls?

Children. We are with you, we are shaking balls with you.

Educator. Who is with us, who is with us to knit mittens?

Children. We are with you, we are knitting mittens with you.

Educator. They did a great job, they turned out to be mittens.

The teacher gives Kuza new mittens.

Kuzya. Thank you, girls, for the new mittens.

Educator. And so that the work could be done well and quickly, people came up with many tools: they cut down trees with an ax, sawed logs with a saw, mowed grass with a scythe, and spun with a spinning wheel and spindle. So that you, Kuzenka, don’t forget about this, we are giving you the game “The Labor of Russian People”, and the guys will teach you how to play it.

Children with the teacher and Kuzya play a didactic game and give it to him.

Kuzya. Thanks guys! Goodbye!


Introduce children to the right to housing and its inviolability. Cultivate respect for people living nearby, teach to observe basic rules hygiene.


Inviolability, housing, order, disorder, home.


Cards with images of birds, animals and their homes, a symbol of the law being studied, flannelgraph; figures of characters and decorations for the fairy tale “The Three Little Pigs”; audio recording of songs about home; " building material"(cubes, paper houses, etc.), colored pencils, markers.

Progress of the lesson:

Guys, how do you understand the expression “My home is my castle? (Children's reasoning). Look at the flannelgraph and remember the fairy tale “The Three Little Pigs”. Why do you think the piglets punished the wolf? (Children's answers).

No one is allowed to break into someone else's house. Each of us should feel safe at home. Do you have your own house, your own apartment? Who do you live with?

The convention states that every child has the right to housing and its security. Children, how do you understand what immunity is? No one has the right to deprive you of your home and no one has the right to enter your home without your permission. (We suggest considering the symbol of the law being studied.) And in what fairy tale did the wolf outsmart the little children? Mom came, but they were not there (Wolf and seven kids).

Think about what other right has been violated here? (right to life.) Children, how do you behave when you are left at home alone? What do you do when your parents leave? What are you strictly not allowed to do? (touch electrical appliances, take matches, turn taps...) What do you do if you are alone and the doorbell rings? (we won’t open the door without adults, we’ll call our neighbors...)

Guys, what city do we live in? Let's build the neighborhood we live in. What is it called? Children build a town from ready-made paper houses or cubes.

Who lives in this house? (child says first and last name).

Tell me, do you know your home address? Well done, maybe you know your phone number too? You all live on different streets, in different houses, and each of you has your own address (each child gives his own address).

Ball game "Say your address"

Children must pass the ball to each other and name the numbers of houses, apartments and the names of the streets where they live. The teacher encourages children who know their addresses well.

Why do you think you need to know your address, phone number, first name, last name? (Children's answers).

Game “Who has the right to live in this house”

Children receive cards with pictures of animal homes, the teacher asks the children:
-Who has the right to live in this house? Why?

What rights are you already familiar with? Do you have responsibilities at home and what? (children's answers.)
Yes, children can:
- Help loved ones and relatives maintain their home in order.
- Clean up your own room, put your toys away.
- Clean up your bed, dirty dishes, etc.

Children, let each of you have a warm, bright home. You love your home and take care of it, don't you? What should we do to make sure everyone can live well in the house? After all, there are many other people living in the house besides you, you must treat them with respect and follow the rules of the culture of living in the house. What is one thing you would never do in your home that you wouldn't want others to do? (children's answers.)
- Do not throw trash on the stairs, draw or draw on the walls. But we will always wipe our feet before entering the house.

We remember that playing with friends on the stairs is impolite. What if one of the neighbors is sick, or on vacation, or maybe someone is working, and any noise disturbs these people. Therefore, it is more convenient and polite to play in the yard.

Game "Invitation to Visit"

Guys, a house is always a little like its owner. If the owner is neat, then he will have order in his house. If the owner is a slob, then his house will most likely be a mess. (Children fantasize about what kind of houses these people might have).

Afterwards, the teacher invites the children to talk about their home, their room, their favorite toys, books. Children tell each other about family holidays, traditions, rules. The task of each child is to convince as many friends as possible to visit his home.

The lesson ends with listening to songs about home.

At your next drawing lesson, invite the children to draw their “Dream House.”

About everything in the world:

In 1930, the film “The Rogue Song,” about the kidnapping of a girl in the Caucasus Mountains, was released in America. Actors Stan Laurel, Lawrence Tibbett and Oliver Hardy played local crooks in this film. Surprisingly, these actors are very similar to the characters...

Section materials

Lessons for the younger group:

Classes for the middle group.

Software tasks:

Educational area “Cognition”: Expand children’s ideas about the world around them, about home, family, loved ones who live together.

Educational area “Communication”: Develop dialogical speech, introduce concepts into the active vocabulary: “home, family, relatives and friends.”

Educational area "Health": Develop fine motor skills hands, ensure the preservation and strengthening of physical and psychological health children.

Educational area "Socialization": Educate good feeling, pride in one’s family, the desire to interact in joint play, to stimulate children’s creative activity.

Educational area « Artistic creativity» Develop the ability to design from geometric shapes.

Educational field “Music” Creating an emotionally positive background during construction.

Materials and equipment: Video presentation on the topic “Animals and their homes”, flat Dienesh blocks, audio recording of the song “The House Where You Live”

Preliminary work:

Looking at family photographs and parents’ drawings of “My Baby” on the wall carpet. Reading poems about family, role-playing games“Mothers and Daughters”, “Family Troubles”. Conversations on the topics “Me and my home”, “Dad, Mom, I - friendly family", "How I help at home."


The teacher calls the children to him.

- All the children gathered in a circle,

I am your friend and you are my friend.

Let's hold hands tightly

And let's smile at each other.

Children hold hands and smile at each other.


Now smile at our guests and say hello to them.

Children say hello.


And I'll tell you guys:

- Hello, dear children!

You are the most beautiful in the world!

I invite such good and handsome people to play. Do you want it? Then come on in.

Children pass by, sit on chairs,


Today we will play the game “Who Lives Where?”

The sparrow lives under the roof,

There is a mouse's house in a warm hole.

The frog has a house in the pond,

Butterfly house in the garden.

Look at the picture, who is it, name it.

Where does the bird live? In the nest.

- what is it made of? From branches, blades of grass, fluff.

Who built the nest? The bird itself

Where does the squirrel live? In the hollow

Who built the squirrel's nest? I found it myself in an old tree

Where does the bear live? In the den

Who built his den? I found a hole myself, dragged in branches, grass, leaves

Where does the fox live? In the hole

Who built her a hole? I dug it myself with my paws.

We settled all the animals in houses.

Why do birds, foxes, bears, and squirrels need a home? To hide from enemies, store supplies, rest, sleep, hide from the cold.

It's good that all animals have their own home.

Do you have your own home?

What is your house made of? made of stone and brick

What is your home? Big, small, tall.

I want to tell you about my house

Where mom and dad and I live together.

(examine the house: walls, roof, balconies, windows with curtains). Slide show.


- I’ll knock on the house,

whose family lives here?

Questions about the family (the teacher interviews several children):

Who is this?

What's the name?

Who do you live with?

Who does what?

What is the name of your grandmother, grandfather, sister, brother?

What do you affectionately call your grandmother, grandfather, father, mother, sister, brother?

What do grandparents call mom, dad? (Daughter, son).

What do mom and dad call grandpa and grandma? (Mom, Dad).

- These are all our dearest people in the world - family and friends. Let's all repeat these beautiful words together - family and friends.



One, two, three, four, five. Children jumping on the spot

Let's build and play.

We are building a big, tall house. Show the window, the roof with your hands - clasp your hands above your head

We are installing windows and roofing.

That's what beautiful house! They extend their arms forward with an index gesture.

We will live together in it. They squat.

- It’s so good that you have a beloved home, friendly and strong family who lives in it, where they love each other and help in everything.

Do you want to build your own house?

Game "Build your own house"

Go to the tables and assemble a house from geometric shapes (the song “Look how good the house you live in” sounds quietly).

What a beautiful street you have! And how many children I know live here!

I'll knock on the house

Whose family lives here?

What is your name?

Who do you live with?

- Now let's play with our fingers.

The teacher and the children spend together finger game"Friendly family"

This finger is grandpa

This finger is grandma

This finger is daddy

This finger is mommy

This finger is me

Together - a friendly family.

(The text of the game is played out and spoken by the children.)

The light will come on in every house,

Mom is cooking lunch for us there.

And dad gives her flowers.

You and I live in that house.

I hug everyone tightly,

Look: a friendly family lives here!

You won't find a better home

The house where you live!

Summary of GCD in the middle group on the topic: “My home”

Main educational area:"Cognition"

Integrated educational areas:“Socialization”, “Communication”, “Reading” fiction", Music"

Target: To consolidate children’s knowledge about the concept of “home”.


Educational: Cultivate love, a sense of affection for home, city.

Developmental: Develop coherent speech through complete answers to questions.

Develop imaginative thinking and memory. Develop attention, imagination, creativity.

Educational: Continue to introduce children to the history of housing and types of houses in other countries. Expand children’s knowledge about their “small homeland”, streets, residential buildings, public buildings, and their purpose. Strengthen the ability to say your address. Repeat animal homes.

Planned result: To develop children’s knowledge about the types of houses and the history of their origin; strengthen the ability to name your home address.

Methods and techniques:

Visual: showing, examining.

Verbal: explanation, questions, examination, conversation, comparison, artistic word, indication.

Practical: dramatization of an excerpt from the fairy tale “Zayushkina’s Hut”, game “Whose House”

Visual learning aids:

demonstration material “What kind of houses are there”, didactic game “Whose House”, house, fox and hare costumes.

Individual work: dramatization of the fairy tale “Zayushkina’s Hut”, memorization of the poem.

Vocabulary work: residential, public; yurt, wigwam, tent, igloo.

Preliminary work: conversations, looking at illustrations, reading fiction, memorizing proverbs and sayings, learning the song “Hello, my Motherland!”, a tour of our neighborhood, an exhibition of drawings on the theme “My Home,” making didactic game“Whose house?”


I. Dramatization of an excerpt from the fairy tale “Zayushkina’s Hut”

II. Game "Whose House"

III. Conversation “My home”

1. What is a house for, its history

2. Types of houses

3. Poem “Houses are different”

4. What is an address

Educator: Guys, look what a beautiful house. I wonder whose it is? Who lives here? I think I know! And you will guess if you guess my riddle.

What kind of forest animal is this?

Stood up like a post under a pine tree,

And stands among the grass -

Are your ears bigger than your head?

Educator: That's right, it's a hare. Let's knock and say hello to him. (Knocking) Bunny, come out quickly.

A fox comes out of the house.

Fox: Hello, Hello! There is no hare here! I live here. This is my home!

He goes back to the house.

Educator: Guys, what happened? Why does a fox live in a bunny's house? And where is the bunny himself?

The hare comes out and cries

Educator: Hello, bunny. Why are you crying?

Hare: How can I not cry? I had a bast hut, and the fox had an ice hut, she asked to spend the night, and she kicked me out! I was left without a house.

Educator: Guys, did the fox do the right thing by kicking the bunny out of his own house?

The children answer.

Educator: Certainly. After all, this is his home, and no one has the right to kick him out of his own home. What should we do? Let's call the fox.

Children knock on the house.

Fox: Now as soon as I jump out, as soon as I jump out, the scraps will go down the back streets!

Educator: Little fox, please come out. We want to talk to you.

Lisa comes out.

Educator: You did not do well. You have no right to kick a hare out of his house.

Fox: What about me? Where should I live? Has my hut melted?

Educator: The guys and I will help you. Now we will find a suitable house for you.

Game "Whose House"

One group of children is given pictures of animals, and another group is given animal dwellings; everyone finds a pair.

Educator: Here, little fox, we found your house, your hole. Are you happy?

Fox: Thanks guys.

Educator: Stay in our lesson, our guys will tell you many more interesting and instructive things.

The heroes sit down.

Educator: Guys, from what fairy tale did the fox and the hare come to us? (answer)

You know where the animals live, what their houses are called. Where do people live? (answer)

Educator: Why do people need houses? Do you know that in ancient times people lived in caves. Only with time did they learn to build houses. At first these were dugouts, then wooden huts, and stone houses. Now these are large multi-storey brick and panel houses. Houses are different in every country. What houses do you know? (answer)

Educator: Why do you think multi-storey buildings are being built in the city? (answer)

Educator: What are the names of the houses where people live? What public houses (buildings) do you know?

Poem “Houses are different”

There are different types of houses:

High and low

Green and red

Far and near.

Panel, brick…

They seem to be ordinary.

Useful, wonderful -

Houses are different.

Educator: Each house has its own number. Each house is located on a street, each street has its own name. Why do people need an address?


Educator: Guys, do you know your home address? Maybe the fox and the bunny will want to come visit you. (name)

Educator: Have you named the streets where you live? (answer)


Well done! Guys, our home is the house in which we live, this is our yard, our street, our hometown! Our home is our big Motherland, Russia!

Educator: Did you like the fox and the bunny in our lesson? What about you guys? What was interesting? (answer)

Educator: Let's say goodbye to our guests, it's time for them to return home. As they say: “Away is good, but home is better!”

Anna Fokina
Topic: “My home.” Open lesson in the middle group

Age: 4 – 5 years

Target: specify characteristic features children's homes, be able to talk about your home



1. Foster love for one’s home and a careful attitude towards personal and public property

2. Cultivate love for your family members.


1. Development of figurative memory

2. Develop the ability to construct a statement based on a ready-made plan;

3. Continue introducing children to rights: for housing.


1. Know your home address, features appearance home and yard.

2. teach children to write a story based on personal experience.

3. contribute to the formation of a detailed, coherent statement.

Equipment. Doll, set of doll furniture, photographs of houses, rooms.

Progress of the lesson.


My relatives live there,

I can't live a day without her.

I strive for it always and everywhere,

I won’t forget the way to him.

I can hardly breathe without him,

My home, dear, is warm. (House)

Today on class We will talk about the houses in which you live. But first, let’s remember the name of our city. (children's answers)

Why are there so many houses in the city? (children's answers)

What is the name of the street and what is the number of the house you live in? There are houses in the city different: 4, 5, 9 storeys; with and without shops or other establishments below; brick and panel. (Looking at the painting).

Remember how many floors are there in your house? What floor do you live on?

What color is your house?

What is it built from?

What's beautiful in your home?

What is in the yard of the house? (Game equipment, green spaces).

How do you take care of your home? Yard? Do you love your home? For what?

The game is being played:

Game "Say the opposite" (with ball)

My house is high and my house (short).

My house is bright and my house (dark).

My house is one story, and my house (multi-story).

My house is big and my house (small).

My house is old and my house (new).

My house is to the left of the road, and my house is (right) from the road.

My house is on a wide street, and my house is on (narrow) street.

A lot of people worked hard to build the house.

They tried to build a house that people would like. Cleaners and residents work to keep the house clean. You, the owners of your home and yard, must take care of their cleanliness and beauty. Every person loves his home, and gets sad if he is away from home for a long time.

Physical education minute.

Three of the painters came,

Renovated old house:

He was shabby, boring, naked -

He became smart and cheerful.


Each house has many apartments, and they are all different. How many rooms are there in your apartment?

What kind of rooms are these? (What is each of them for) Who keeps the apartment clean?

Who helps adults with this?

How do you take care of things in your apartment?

Guys, I have Natasha’s doll’s room on my table. She wants to tell you about her room: “I love the children's room. It's clean and beautiful there. On the left near the wall in this room there is a wardrobe, on the right there is a bed, in the middle of the room there is a table. Here I play, draw, look at books. “I always clean up all the toys myself.”

Everyone has their own home, where it is warm and cozy and we are always welcome. This is the kind of house we will talk about today.

Take photos of your houses and tell us about them them:


What street is your house on?

Describe your home in a way that others can imagine. People: how many floors does it have, what floor do you live on, what material is your house built from, what kind of apartment do you have?

What is located near your home? (shop, park, lake, etc.)

Why is returning home a joy for every person?

Who are you happy to see at home?

Bottom line classes.

Do you think we could live without a home?

Why does every person need their own home?

Look guys, how much we came up with! beautiful words. Let's play a game with you "My favorite house". In this game you need to come up with as many beautiful words as possible that would describe the house in which you live.

For example:

I love my house because it is five-story, panel...