Where in Pereslavl-Zalessky the white milk mushroom grows. This summer, Yaroslavl residents will enjoy an unprecedented harvest of mushrooms

Is it true . 1-2 km from railway on both sides. To the east - towards the village of Nazaryevo. To the west - towards the village of Stepankovo.

Zelenogradskaya. 2 km west of the platform in the direction of the village of Daryino

Sofrino. 3-4 km west of the platform in the direction of the village of Voronino

Ashukinskaya. 4-5 km west of the railway in the direction of the villages of Voronino and Martyankovo.

Kalistovo. 3-4 km west of the platform in the forests near the villages of Golygino and Artemovo. To the east - towards the village of Golygino and along the banks of the Vori River.

Abramtsevo. 4-5 km west of the platform near the villages of Zhuchki and Akhtyrka.

Semkhoz. On both sides of the railway. To the south - towards the villages of Vysokovo, Morozovo, to the west - towards the village of Shapilovo.

The most mushroom route

From the platform 43 km to the west there are deciduous forests. You can walk along the highway or forest paths. Then from the village of Mitropole along the banks of the Vyazi River. It will lead to the ancient village of Eldigino. Next, the route will lead to the southeast to the villages of Daryino and Matyushino. From here, a forest road after 3 km will lead to the Zelenogradskaya platform. The length of the route is about 16 km.

Gorky direction

Here mushroom routes, compared to other destinations, begin at a further distance from Moscow.

Fryazino. 3 km south of the station beyond the village of Vsevolodovo.

Platform 61 km. On both sides of the railway. To the north - 2 km from the platform towards the village of Subbotino. To the south - 5-6 km near the villages of Vlasovo and Semenovo.

Kazan direction

Grigorovo, Gzhel. 4-5 km north of the railway in the vicinity of the villages of Minino and Konyashino.

Platform 64 km. On both sides of the railway. North of the platform - 4-5 km from the village of Kolomino. To the south - 5-6 km from the platform, south of the village of Turygino.

Shevlyagino. North of the platform 2 km towards the villages of Averkovo and Shabanovo.

Platform 73 km., Antsiferovo platform, Platform 82 km. 1-2 km from the railway on the south side in the direction to the villages of Astashkovo, Sobolevo and along the right bank of the Nerskaya River.

Ryazan direction

Bronnitsy. Northeast of the station, 5-6 km from the villages of Biserovo and Plaskinino.

Platform 63 km. Northeast, 3-4 km from the railway.

Faustovo, Vinogradovo. North of the railway, 3-4 km.

Sands. Northeast, 5-6 km from the station near the villages of Berdniki and Novoselki.

Konev Bor. Eastern railway in the direction of the villages of Shelukhino, Klimovka.

Head of the State Duma Committee on natural resources, property and land relations Nikolai Nikolaev, together with a group of deputies, is developing a bill that proposes to define the features of the collection and use of wild plants - berries, mushrooms, nuts and plants. This initiative is planned to be introduced in March of this year.

“We are currently finalizing a bill that will determine the specifics of the collection and use of wild plants. This is a huge market, three-quarters of which is shadow, not because people don’t want to work “under the table”, but because the legislation in this area does not yet provide for such an opportunity. Today, citizens who pick mushrooms or berries can freely take forest products only for their own consumption. Or, if they want to be able to sell what they have collected to processors, they need, as entrepreneurs, to rent a forest plot for 10 years. There is no other way...” said Nikolai Nikolaev. “I hope that during this spring session, perhaps in March, my colleagues and I will introduce this large and capacious bill to the State Duma. We need to solve this problem. Wild plants are one of the most renewable resources we have, and the volume of demand for them: mushrooms, nuts, berries is colossal...

This information is now being actively discussed in social networks throughout Russia, Pereslavl was no exception. We posted it on our pages on the Internet to find out the opinions of townspeople and villagers. It must be said that social network users were not shy in their expressions. Here are some statements:

“After the March elections, a tax on air will also be introduced, as one of the most in-demand resources. The amount of tax will depend on the lung capacity of the potential payer.”

"People in rural areas survive. People earn those miserable pennies for the gifts of the forest, breaking their backs and legs, and trying to solve their material problems themselves, rather than begging from the state...”

“First, let people be paid interest on the sale of oil, gas and timber, and then taxes will be introduced on berries and mushrooms.”

“Deputies would be better off legitimizing their salaries in living wage, then laws would be made for people, and not how to fill your own pocket.”

“The goal is not to impose a tribute on those who go mushroom hunting, but to rent for free land plot and what may happen to him after this is unknown. The state farm land has run out, the shares have been distributed, now the forests must be divided somehow.”

Alexander Devyatkin, deputy of the Assembly of Representatives of the Pereslavl region, also expressed his opinion: “Nikolaev is the head of the working group.” United Russia» “Living Forest”, director of the ONF center for monitoring the implementation of May presidential decrees. It is clear what goals he is pursuing and why he broke away from real life ordinary citizens living outside the Moscow Ring Road. Offering people to rent a forest plot for 10 years, he cannot help but know that this is no longer possible, since almost all the best (available) territories are leased for 49 years. I assume that these tenants are the lobbyists for this bill. He will give them the right to enrich themselves at the expense of the people entering their forest, regardless of the purpose of the visit.”

If you look at the coat of arms of the city of Pereslavl-Zalessky, you will see two goldfish. This is the “royal herring” - the legendary vendace, which from time immemorial was caught in Lake Pleshcheyevo. Times change, but good fishing remains!
Lake Pleshcheyevo, on the shores of which Pereslavl-Zalessky is located, is one of the most beautiful lakes in central Russia, and also went down in history as the cradle of Russian military shipbuilding. It was here that Peter the Great built his “amusing” flotilla - the “great-grandmother” of the imperial fleet. People come here to visit the royal museum - “The Boat of Peter the Great”. However, today the reservoir attracts not only antique lovers, but also fishing fans!

What to catch?

There are 16 species of fish in the lake. Among them are perch, roach, bream, ide, ruffe, pike, burbot and vendace. Vendace is what fishermen from all over Russia go to Lake Pleshcheyevo for (in no other body of water middle zone This fish is not found in Russia). According to historians, this small (up to 35 cm) fish was supplied to the royal table - most often smoked. True, today the chances of catching vendace are very small - it has almost been exterminated by poachers. They say that Lake Pleshcheyevo is bottomless - no matter how much you fish, you won’t catch it all. So fishermen from all over come here for a rich catch.
All year round, the lake offers good fishing for roach and silver bream (a fish of the carp family, which the locals call korzokha), you can catch perch, ruffe and bream, minnows and crucian carp, ide, and less often you can catch small pike and burbot. The maximum depth of the lake is 25 meters, the water is very clean (the bottom can be seen at a depth of up to 3 meters). There are cold springs in the lake, the water is clean and transparent, which is why all the fish here are silvery and tasty.

Where and when to fish?

As a rule, in summer period fishermen “occupy” the western shore of the lake - from the Gremyach spring to the Vexa river (they usually fish from a boat). In the spring they move to Vexa, where they can catch roaches using fly rods or plug rods - this is where the flocks go to spawn. After spawning, fishing resumes only in June. In winter, Lake Pleshcheyevo becomes a center for ice fishing - it is the closest place to Moscow, where the catch pleases with its scale. The lake freezes over on average last days November, early December. The ice thickness reaches 50-85 cm depending on winter conditions. Ice melting ends in May. Perches “hide” at a depth of 16–18 meters; you can catch burbot using a spoon (it does not go deeper than 10 meters). The fishing ban is in effect from November 15 to December 24. Fishing is paid - those who wish can buy a ticket (about 1000 rubles), but for every kilogram of fish “excessive” they will have to pay extra.

Tourism on Lake Pleshcheyevo

Lake Pleshcheyevo is unusually beautiful and deep, but without dips or sudden changes. It lies like a huge mirror in a valley, surrounded by hills and forests. Since 1988, the lake (about 50 km²) and the adjacent territory received the status national park. Today on the shore you can pitch a tent or rent a rowing boat (from 150 rubles per hour), equipped places for recreation (with benches, gazebos and barbecue areas) are available for rent, the “Fisherman’s House” museum is open, and you can also buy fishing equipment. Keep in mind that driving to the water itself is prohibited - it is better to leave the car in a parking lot in the city or on the northern side of the lake (from the side of the road to Khmilniki).

Source: s-otel.ru

Photo: Natalia Goncharova/Overheard in Rybinsk

The mushrooms are gone! Residents Yaroslavl region They actively share photos on social networks: showing their boletuses and boletuses.

I decided to go exploring in the forest. And then many people say - there are no mushrooms. Enough! In an hour and a half, I slowly collected a huge package. The main thing is to look better. Good luck to everyone in the quiet hunt,” wrote a resident of Rybinsk on VKontakte.

Others don’t believe: where do you get them?

We went to the “streams” on the weekend. We barely got half a basket. The forest is very dry,” writes Irina Chipilinda-Tsvetkova.

Mushrooms like apple trees

Is it really time to take the basket and run into the forest? And if so, where exactly? We turned to the main mushroom picker of the Yaroslavl region, Olga Lazareva, with all our questions. She is a mycologist with many years of experience.

This year is not very productive. After all, the mycelium also needs to rest. U tubular mushrooms- boletus, boletus - it bears fruit, like an apple tree, once every two to three years. I guess that’s why there’s been a lull this year,” says Olga Lazareva.

Photo: Inga Blinnikova/Vk.com

If next year there are no anomalies: extreme heat or, conversely, prolonged rains, the mushrooms can be mowed with a scythe.

Now is the time for mushrooms. This will last until the end of September. From the end of July it was possible to collect white boletuses, boletuses, and boletuses. At the end of September, the so-called mushrooms will go for pickling: honey mushrooms, milk mushrooms,” says Olga.


The autumn honey fungus is easily confused with the pale grebe. Its poison is very dangerous. If you eat a frying pan of such mushrooms, you can be poisoned to death.

In our region, people are very rarely poisoned by toadstools or other poisonous mushrooms. They are poisoned, on the contrary, edible, but incorrectly prepared. It is important to remember that mushrooms should not be rolled under iron lids. In an oxygen-free environment, the causative agent of botulism develops. This disease is deadly for humans,” says Olga Lazareva.

How to distinguish good mushroom from toadstool

Sometimes they get confused porcini mushroom or boletus with the so-called false mushroom or bitterling. If in doubt, look under the hat. In bitterling, the tubular layer is pinkish, while in white or boletus it is yellowish. And also look at the leg, there false mushroom stripes, while a good one has mesh.

But even if it turns out that there is bitter bitter in your basket, you will still understand it. The mushroom is called this for a reason; it is very bitter and this taste does not disappear even after heat treatment. It’s impossible to eat it,” says Olga Lazareva.

Inexperienced mushroom pickers also confuse different types edible honey mushrooms with inedible ones. Here, too, you need to look under the cap: in edible ones it is honey, beige or cream in color, while in poisonous ones it is brown-red or gray-yellow.

Mushroom places

Last year we obtained a map of mushroom places from avid mushroom pickers. You can watch it. This year, these places were joined by new ones from mycologist Olga Lazareva.

Photo: Marina Marina/Overheard in Rybinsk

Traditionally, people go to pick mushrooms along the Danilovskaya road, to the Nekrasovsky district, and also to Krasny Profintern. Mushroom pickers say: good harvests are collected in Podolino, Tutaevsky district.

And this year, a lot of mushrooms are being brought from the Rybinsk region: Okhotino, Prosvet, Glebovo.

Mushrooms have started to grow in the Yaroslavl region. Satisfied summer residents post on social networks photos of the first boletuses and boletuses found this year. And toadstools of all kinds and nesting dolls crawl out of the grass even in city yards.

The second wave of mushroom growth began in mid-June. They are called spikelets because they grow just at the time when cereal crops begin to spike. This wave will last until the end of June,” said Yaroslavl mycologist Olga Lazareva.

If you want to be the first to eat summer mushrooms, take your baskets and go to the forest - there is still a week for this. According to experts, now mushrooms that have a spongy cap - boletus, boletus and boletus - grow especially well.

In general, mycologists identify four mushroom waves in our region associated with the onset of weather conditions, favorable for mushroom growth. The first wave occurs at the end of April - the first half of May. During this period, morels and strings begin to grow. Then comes the second wave - those same spikelets. The third wave of mushroom growth occurs at the end of July and August. At this time, the variety of mushrooms is greater than in the first two waves: lamellar ones - russula, milk mushrooms and others - are added to porcini and boletus mushrooms. And the fourth wave usually occurs in the fall - from the second half of September to mid-October. During this period, there are fewer mushrooms, mainly autumn honey mushrooms and rows. Between waves, the myceliums rest, but mushrooms are still found, although, of course, there are fewer of them than on the peaks.

IN classic scheme During periods of mushroom growth, the weather can make its own adjustments - pushing back or bringing forward the onset of the next wave of growth. And sometimes because unfavorable conditions the peak becomes indistinct.

Mushrooms like it moist and not too hot weather– up to 20 degrees Celsius,” explained Olga Lazareva. - They stop growing completely at minus 4 degrees. And if, on the contrary, it is too hot, and there is still no rain, then the mycelium dries out and also stops bearing fruit.

Therefore, whether we can expect a rich mushroom harvest this year will largely depend on the weather. I am glad that there are prerequisites for a mushroom summer. For example, the period of greatest growth in porcini mushrooms occurs once every 2-3 years. Considering that there were few mushrooms last summer, there is hope for a good harvest this year.


When is the best time to go mushroom picking?

Experts advise going to quiet hunt on the second to fourth day after the rain. It is during this period that mushrooms grow best. If you go earlier, you may not find anything yet. And later, the mushrooms may not go to you, but to the larvae of flies, beetles and mosquitoes, which love to lay eggs in good mushrooms.


In which forests to look for mushrooms?

Mycologist Olga Lazareva:

You should not count on catching mushrooms in forests where there is a lot of windfall or trees growing too often. Also, mushrooms do not like tall grass. They grow best in sparse forests and on the edges.


Mushroom places of the Yaroslavl region:

Rybinsk direction - Tikhmenevo, Markhachevo, Shestikhino, Omlyakovo, Kobostovo.

Lyubimsky direction - Ermakovo, Sloboda, Zakobyakino (almost all forests).

Rostov direction - station "Reka", Silnitsy, Petrovskoye, platform 187 km,

Nekouz direction - Dubrova, Ostrogi, Vereteya

Tutaevskoe direction - Mitinskoe, Mikhailovskoe.

Danilovsky direction - Putyatino, Mikhaltsevo, Kozlovo, Dogadtsevo.

Bolsheselsky direction - Meshkovo, Afanasovo, Mikhaltsevo, Varegovo

Gavrilov-Yamskoe direction - Strokovo, Lakhost, Kotovo

Kostroma direction - Lyutovo (from the railway to the right).