September 1st class time. What to focus on

Published 09/01/17 09:05

Class hour for September 1, 2017: the first lesson of the year should develop a sense of nationalism and culture in children.

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On September 1, 2017, Knowledge Day is celebrated throughout Russia. It is dedicated to the beginning of the new school year. Ever since Soviet Union The first school hour is devoted to the theme of peace. This lesson should develop in children a sense of nationalism, culture, and patriotism. This is the time of communication between the teacher and his students.

Such a lesson should: open up new knowledge to students; help in forming a position towards reality; teach intkbbach apply knowledge in life. The class teacher is responsible for holding such an hour.

The thematic lesson will be devoted to the most important areas of the country's development and will help young people figure out how to use their talents to the benefit of themselves and society. Lessons will be held for all students, starting from 1st grade, according to the website of the Russian Ministry of Education.

"The lesson program is based on priority areas of socio-economic development Russian Federation reflected in the draft Strategy for long-term socio-economic development until 2035, currently being developed by the Government of the Russian Federation,” the ministry said in a statement.

Initiators unusual lesson teachers became public figures, representatives of the All-Russian Popular Front.

Experts say schoolchildren need to understand their place in modern and future Russia, imagine how a career will be built, a family will be created.

Back in the 15th century, the custom of celebrating New Year with the onset of autumn, that is, from September 1, from Byzantium. At the end of the same century, the church began to celebrate the New Year, as well as the beginning of the school year.

And only in 1935, they began to celebrate a single Day of Knowledge on September 1. And before that, this day was timed to coincide with the Assumption Fast, then to its beginning, then to its end. This day received the status of an official public holiday in 1980.

For children who study in seventh and eighth grades, it is better to conduct a lesson in Thomas Creative Evening. When each of the participants can fantasize about a given topic and at the same time draw information from each other.

In 9th grade, children already evaluate the situation more seriously. You can talk to them about more serious topics. You can look into the future. By inviting representatives of different professions who can tell interesting stories from my professional life.

Let us note that the topic of the lesson is set by the Ministry of Education, but what to tell the children is decided by the teachers themselves.

As a rule, September 1 is not a school day. Today schools are holding ceremonial assemblies, and the first bell is ringing for first-graders.

Topic: "My future profession»

Goal: Developing interest in professions; identifying the level of knowledge of students about professions; Update knowledge about parents’ professions; Explain to students what factors influence the choice of profession; instill a love of work, the desire to grow useful to your state; fostering respect for working people

1. Organizational moment.

Teacher: - Guys, today we will talk about what is very important in the life of every person, and try to guess what it is from the riddles.

Who didn't learn the lesson?

Our teacher is moderately strict.

Our teacher teaches us

And leads from class to class. Who is this? (Teacher)

If someone is not well,

Doctors are called.

Wait, baby, don't cry,

The doctor prescribed the medicine! (Doctor)

Birds, cats and dogs,

And bully monkeys.

Pig, mouse, hamster

And the arrogant turkey,

Horses, sheep, cows

I am always ready to treat. (Vet)

The house we live in...

Who built this house?

Every resident in the house knows -

This house was built by...(Builder)!

The fire sparkles brightly,

Don't look - electric welding!

But I can with a protective mask

I work without fear.

I welded metal all day

And not at all tired! (Welder)

For a musician's work

Not enough talent.-

You need to practice a lot

Rehearse, try,

And without this, believe me,

You won't play at the concert. (Musician)

These people create

Amazing comfort.

They select, for example,

Suitable interior

In the house, in the office, in the garden, -

I'm going to become a designer! (Designer)

Paints, brushes, pencil, -

I'm painting a landscape now.

I’ll finish the landscape at dawn.

And then I'll do the portrait.

Three posters, two posters

I'll draw until sunset. (Artist)

I have one concern -

All computers are working.

There is no worse drama for them,

Than the lack of a program. (Programmer)

I am a faithful guardian of order.

Our city sleeps peacefully.

All the criminals are me

Here they are afraid like fire. (Policeman)

Zero - one! Fire! Trouble!

I'm always ready

Morning, evening and afternoon

I'm fighting fire with fire. (Firefighter)

We military must

Protect the peace of the country.

Infantrymen and tank crews,

Artillery, signalmen -

We serve To your homeland,

We swore an oath to her. (Military)

A fast train rushes along the rails,

The fast train is the one

He obeys me like a child. –

I run it as a joke!

I deftly pull the lever.

So it's stopping soon! (Driver)

I work as a pilot

I fly the plane.

Takeoff, rise, flight, landing

Everything went smoothly today.

It's hard work -

To be an airplane pilot. (Pilot)

Tell me who is so delicious

Prepares cabbage soup,

Smelly cutlets,

Salads, vinaigrettes? (Cook)

Who acts in films or performs on stage?( Artist)

Teacher: - what were we talking about? (About professions)

2. Communicate the topic and purpose of the class hour

We will talk about professions. The day will come when your studies at school will end and you will be faced with the question: “What should I become? What profession should I choose?” You and I need to learn as much as possible about different professions in order to realize our cherished dream, the choice of a profession, in the future.

3. Work on the topic

- What is a profession?

( Student answers: - Profession is the name of a person who does work.

Profession is who you work with.

A profession is an important job.)

Teacher: - Your answers are correct. Now I will tell you how to understand this word.

PROFESSION - main occupation, labor activity

What professions do you know? (students' answers)

You have listed many professions. Can a person immediately get a profession? (No. You have to study first.)

Where do they get their profession? (At school, colleges, technical schools, institutes, universities.)

Come here to study

Student and student.

There are many different professions here,

Choose what you don’t know right away,

In life, each will do,

It's worth learning right away.

If you want to build a bridge,

Observe movement of stars,

Drive a car in the field

Or drive the car up-

Do a good job at school

Study conscientiously.

What do you need to think about to choose a profession? (Students' answers)

First of all, what you like and your abilities. It’s great if a person likes the profession he once chose.

- What professions do your parents have?

Students' stories about their parents' professions

Physical education lesson “If you want, then do it!”

1. If you want to become a guitarist, do this...

If you want to become a pianist, do this...

2. If you want to become a painter, then do this...

If you want to be a cook, then do this...

If you like it, then teach others too,

If you like it, then do it...

3. If you want to become an athlete, do this...

If you want to be an artist, do this...

If you like it, then show it to others too,

If you like it, then do it...

Now let's play.

1. Competition "Auction of Professions" --- Tell me which profession cannot do without the following items:

    Brush, paints (artist)

    Wig, costume (actor)

    Hammer, nails, plane (carpenter)

    Vegetables, pan (cook)

    Comb, scissors (hairdresser)

    Letters, newspapers, bag (postman)

    Thermometer, syringe (doctor)

    Scissors, centimeter, fabric (seamstress)

    Brick, trowel(builder)

2. Restore the poem to make it rhyme .

The tractor is driven by -……. (tractor driver)

Electric train - ………. (driver)

Painted the walls -……. (painter)

Planed the board - ……. (carpenter)

There was light in the house - ……. (electrician)

Works in the mine - ……. (miner)

In the hot blacksmith - ……. (blacksmith)

Who knows everything...... (Well done)

Teacher: - And now guysI will read the names of professions, and you can guess what people in this profession do.

4. Summary

Which profession that we talked about today seemed the most necessary and important to you? (children answer)

You see, all professions are important and necessary in their own way. There are no bad or good professions, there are bad and good workers. To become a professional, a master of your craft, you need to think about choosing a profession while still at school and, if possible, prepare for this profession.

"Wonderful professions

There are countless numbers in the world

And every profession -

Glory and honor!

And every business

And every job

At every melon patch,

And at every factory,

Both in the field and in the sea,

And in the sky - by right

High honor

AND national glory

I hope that in the future you all choose interesting and useful work and become masters of your craft.

You can be anyone: a wonderful, knowledgeable doctor, driver, writer, loader, but if a person has an evil heart or is envious, he will not bring joy to anyone with his work. Therefore, first of all, I wish you to be kind and sympathetic people.


The ability to think and create is the most valuable gift every person receives at birth.

However, they are not distributed equally. It is difficult to meet a person who could run fast, sing beautifully, cook amazingly and solve complex problems. math problems, lift enormous weights and easily master foreign languages, find contact with any interlocutor and draw wonderful portraits, playfully repair the engine.

A rarity and one who is deprived of absolutely all talents.

Each of us has a unique, unique set of gifts. Some appear in childhood, and some a person realizes only by looking back at the past. life path. Each of us has talents. Someone has already discovered them, and someone else is still searching.

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“Class hour on September 1 in the 2015-2016 school year. "I'm talented!"

What is talent?

Two millennia ago

this word was completely understood

not what we know now.

Talent (τάλαντον, “talanton”) - translated from Greek "scales"

or "cargo".

This was the name of the measure of weight, which in ancient times was actively used in Ancient Egypt, Greece, Rome, Babylon, Persia and other countries .

During the Roman Empire, a talent was equal to the volume of one amphora filled to the brim.

In addition to measuring weight, talent was also used as

monetary unit of account in trade. Gradually she

became the largest in the ancient world.

Talent people began to be measured over time talents- and, accordingly, to name - the special qualities of a person that allow him to do something with love, ease and an amazing, unlike anything else result.

When we use the word talent

in relation to a person, we mean his extraordinary, bright, noticeable abilities in some matter .

Happens talent

to sports,



Happens talent

make discoveries in science and technology,

invent something new.


win over people

lift their spirits

inspire and improve themselves

or living conditions for them.

Maya Plisetskaya

For a person with talent

and love for work

there are no barriers.


He is a talent, we all have different talents,

You just need to open it.

And you will understand that the world is beautiful,

And you can be happy .

There is never too much happiness

If you have someone to share it with.

We are all given talent from God.

To give joy to the world!

On September 1, 2017, the topic of the class hour is set by the teacher. Despite the fact that the Ministry of Education gives recommendations every year on what to talk about in class with children. Agree that September 1, regardless of the age of the student, is an important and special event.

The first of September is only nominally the first day of school; in fact, it is a holiday when children dress beautifully, buy flowers and go to the formal assembly. It is clear that on September 1, no school conducts serious lessons, but it should be noted that academic year arrived therefore a solemn ceremony is held class hour.

IN Soviet era The first one was always the Lesson of Peace; today the topic is not strictly defined. Of course, many try to stick to the classics and conduct open lessons exactly on this topic. What to tell the children? About how important it is to live in peace with each other and try to avoid war. Because, peacetime- this is an opportunity to get an education, happy life, creating a family. Children can be shown photographs from those parts of the world where given time military operations are underway. States suffer from battles ordinary people and, of course, children.

2. It would be great if we could hold some competitions to develop children’s creative abilities. This approach is especially relevant and interesting for children aged 9-13 years.
3. As for older children, grades 7-8, you can talk with them about the rules of behavior, communication with peers and older people. Only the lesson should not look like a notation; you need to find a creative way to convey information to children, but at the same time not lose their attention.
4. In 9th grade, you can safely teach a lesson about preparedness for a friend and defense. Children are already getting older and thinking about what exactly awaits them in the future, what profession to choose. So, the teacher can safely discuss this topic; you can invite representatives of different professions to the lesson so that they talk about their work.

By the way, it is not at all necessary to conduct a class hour as a regular lesson. Plus, on September 1st the school still smells like paint. You can conduct a lesson outdoors, on a sports ground, organize a holiday or event in a cafe, in a park, or in nature. Great format for modern lesson- this is a conference or round table. You can also arrange an exhibition, a concert, or hold a local KVN game. On festive table can be done

If you woke up in the morning

And I saw it outside the window.

Everyone is dressed up and with flowers;

And the house is full of fun,

If you see along the way

A lot of schoolchildren are coming

So autumn has come,

The school year has arrived.

Who is neat and cheerful

Rushing to school early in the morning?

Who's always fine

Pens, books and notebooks?

Who's in bed all day

And who is too lazy to study?

Who, I want to know from you,

Loves to sing and dance?

An hour late?

Tell me guys

Who does exercises in the morning?

Which of you is one of the kids,

Walking around dirty from ear to ear?

What a weird one

Wooden man

On land and under water

Looking for a golden key.


New home I carry it in my hand,
The house door is locked.
The residents here are made of paper,
All terribly important.


I look like a box
You put your hands on me.
Schoolboy, do you recognize me?
Well, of course I am... (pencil case).



Feel free to write on me.

You can also draw.

What am I?... (notebook).

If you sharpen it,

Draw whatever you want

Sun, sea, mountains, beach,

What is this? ... (pencil).

If you know everything,

You'll get it at school... (five).

There is this bird at school:

If he lands on the page,

That with a bowed head

I'm returning home.

And she's called (two)....

Thirty-three siblings -

Written beauties.

They live on one page,

And they are famous everywhere.

It’s not in vain that we will read all the pages... (primer book).



Pinocchio stretched,

One - bent over, Two - bent over.

He spread his arms to the sides,

Apparently I didn't find the key.

To get us the key,

You need to stand on your toes.

Parents' oath

    We swear we will never kill children... Yes!

    To be on time both here and there... Yes!

Children's oath

We swear!

We all swear together

give strength to knowledge.

And to school every day in a crowd

It's friendly, fun to walk... (we swear)

We swear by knowledge

To serve goodness and creativity,

(we swear)

We swear many times

Treasure the honor of the school.

We swear by pride

And be its glory... (we swear)

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“scenario September 1, 2016 1st grade”

Hello, our dear children, mothers and fathers, grandparents. The long-awaited day of September 1 has arrived. I congratulate everyone present on this wonderful day.

If you woke up in the morning

And I saw it outside the window.

Everyone is dressed up and with flowers;

And the house is full of fun,

If you see along the way

A lot of schoolchildren are coming

So autumn has come,

The school year has arrived.

Guys, this day is very important: you came to study at school. School will become your second home. Here you will learn to write, read, count, solve problems, love nature, and find many new friends. Good luck to you, success! And parents have a lot of patience!

I am your teacher, my name is Olga Valerievna! I was really looking forward to meeting you, I was thinking about you! For four whole years we will be inseparable in studies, games, and hikes. Every day I will tell you: “Hello, guys!” And you will greet me in return. But not the way they did it in kindergarten. In the classroom, it is customary to respond to the teacher’s greeting by tilting your head while standing at your desk. Let's try it!

Hello guys! (children respond by tilting their heads).

Well, you already know my name. What's your name? On the count of 1,2,3, each person say their name loudly. (children say their names in chorus)

- Did the acquaintance work out? (No)

What happens? We can't hear each other. Let's try to get to know each other differently: I have prepared autumn leaves for each of you, from this tree, with names written on them. They are glued to your desk with magnets, carefully take them in your hands along with the magnet (hold the small magnet tightly). Did you read the name? Let's find the owner of each leaf. For example, if this is not your name, you look for a child with that name and give him a piece of paper, and he sticks it on our tree with a magnet. Let's try one by one.

(the teacher regulates the process)

So we got to know each other a little, I hope that you will become each other’s friends. Let's play.

I will ask you questions, and you listen carefully, and if this is about you, then everyone will say in unison: “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends.”

Game “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends!”

Who is neat and cheerful

Rushing to school early in the morning?

Who's always fine

Pens, books and notebooks?

Who's in bed all day

And who is too lazy to study?

Who, I want to know from you,

Loves to sing and dance?

Which of you will come to our class?

An hour late?

Tell me guys

Who does exercises in the morning?

Which of you is one of the kids,

Walking around dirty from ear to ear?

Today a fairy-tale hero came to our class. Guess who it is? Listen to the riddle to the end.

Who has the big hat?

Who is the slacker and bungler?

Who is a braggart, a talker, an arrogant person?

Everyone knows, baby... (UNKNOW).

Well done!

! Enter the hero Dunno

He brought riddles with him. I read the riddle, you listen to the end and say the answer loudly and clearly in chorus; if the children are at a loss, the parents will come to help.

I carry a new house in my hand,
The house door is locked.
The residents here are made of paper,
All terribly important.

Timofey hurries to class, And in his hands... (briefcase).

I look like a box
You put your hands on me.
Schoolboy, do you recognize me?
Well, of course I am... (pencil case).

Come on, draw a straight line yourself! It's complicated science! Useful here... (ruler).

Use a colored pencil to color all the drawings. To correct them later, It will be very useful... (eraser).

Sometimes I’m in a cage, sometimes I’m in a line. .

Feel free to write on me.

You can also draw.

What am I?... (notebook).

If you sharpen it,

Draw whatever you want

Sun, sea, mountains, beach,

What is this? ... (pencil).

If you know everything,

You'll get it at school... (five).

There is this bird at school:

If he lands on the page,

That with a bowed head

I'm returning home.

He will jump into the diary very quickly,

And she's called (two)....

Maybe someone noticed an extra item? (two)

Do you know everything you need to take with you to school?

! (items on the table: colored pencils, diary, album, scissors, colored paper, apple, chewing gum, seeds, doll, car, spoon, pen, ball)

Guys, let's help Dunno collect his briefcase.

Which of these items will we put in the briefcase?

! the teacher shows whether the children answer whether we take it or not)

Well done!

Dunno has a little exercise for you. Let's do it together.

! Fizminutka

Left leg, right leg

Dunno dances to the accordion.

He will sit down, then he will stand up

And he won’t get tired at all (movements through the text).

And now I turn to your parents. After all, their help will be needed throughout their studies at school.

Dear parents, I ask you to stand for a solemn oath. Answer only yes if you agree with my words:

    We will always help children with their studies... Yes!

    So that the school is proud of its children... Yes!

    We are not afraid of leapfrog tasks... Yes!

    Formulas to remember are nonsense for us... Yes!

    We swear to never hit children... Yes!

    Just scold a little sometimes... Yes!

    Let's be calm like water in a river... Yes!

    We will be as wise as the star in the sky... Yes!

    We will get up in the cold in the morning... Yes!

    To be on time both here and there... Yes!

    When school is over, we’ll go for a walk with the children then... Yes!!!

And now, guys, it’s your turn to say the first-grader’s oath:

We first-graders of the Zonalno school, in front of teachers, parents and classmates, solemnly swear: .... We swear!

We all swear together

give strength to knowledge.

And to school every day in a crowd

It's friendly, fun to walk... (we swear)

We swear by knowledge

To serve goodness and creativity,

And teachers Respect, appreciate, love!... (we swear)

We swear many times

Treasure the honor of the school.

We swear by pride

And be its glory... (we swear)

Well done! Thank you! Dunno has prepared gifts for you. What is this? Guess what's in this box?

! Dunno asks a riddle

Sat down on the page
Thirty-three sisters
They sat down next to each other - they were not silent,
They tell us riddles.

What is this? (ABC)

! The teacher distributes the alphabet.

Your first textbooks lie in front of you. Place your ear on it. What did the book whisper to you? (children's answers)

The book will not tell when it hurts, when it is offended. Let's take care of books, because thanks to them, you will become smart and kind.

Our first lesson with you has come to an end. I wish all children good mood, grow strong and healthy, be friendly and tolerant of each other. - Good luck!

P.S. Memo to parents and children