Dream interpretation white mug. Dreaming about a dirty mug▼

We all dream. They are varied. But often people want to understand why they had a particular dream, they want to see in it secret meaning. Let's consider today what it means if you dream of a cup.

Why do you dream about a cup according to Miller’s dream book?

According to Miller’s dream book, to see the image of a cup in a dream means the following: you spend or will spend a lot of time in pleasures, however, perhaps these pleasures are not at all useful to you.

Cup - Vanga's dream book

According to this dream book, a cup broken in a dream can bring good luck. Also, seeing a cup in a dream means that you will soon receive an unexpected invitation from someone. Generally in this dream book the image of a cup does not carry a negative meaning (like, for example, the image of a watch, the appearance of which in a dream is predicted for a person by some tragic events in his life).

Cup in a dream - interpretation according to Freud

According to Freud's works, the image of a cup is of great importance in a person's life, it means feminine, the very image of the round cup is similar to the appearance of the female genital organs. In addition, the cup is filled with water, and water is the feminine element. Therefore, if a man dreams of a cup, for him it is a harbinger of future sexual contact with a woman, and if a woman dreams of a cup, then, according to Freud, she herself strives to realize her feminine sexuality.

Italian dream books - why did you dream about a cup?

These dream books interpret the image of a cup in a Freudian way, according to their understanding - to see a cup in a dream is a prediction of future love relationship, perhaps completely unexpected.

Cup - Velesov's dream book

The so-called Velesov's dream book believes that if you saw a whole cup in a dream, expect guests; if you broke the cup, there will be a quarrel at home or at work.

Why do you dream about a cup - Azar’s dream book

This dream book believes that a broken cup is a harbinger of a future quarrel, and a full and intact cup seen in a dream indicates the arrival of unexpected and noisy guests.

Why else do you dream about a cup?

  • If you saw a broken cup in a dream

If you dreamed that you broke a cup in a dream, this means sad omens: your happiness may be broken by unforeseen circumstances.

  • If you saw tea cups in a dream

If you see such cups, rejoice, some significant profit awaits you soon.

  • I dreamed about you washing a cup

Such a dream means that you will soon make peace with those people whom you have knowingly or unknowingly offended.

  • Why do you dream about a cup of tea?

A dream about a cup of tea usually promises future joy to the brim.

  • Cup of coffee

A cup filled with aromatic coffee seen in a dream promises wealth in the future.

  • If you saw a cup and saucer in a dream

Dream Interpretations believe that those people who see a cup and saucer in a dream will soon meet large number guests who came to them unexpectedly.

Dream interpretation mug. All containers symbolize being filled with emotions regarding some event. Depending on the purpose of the container, you can determine what exactly the feelings relate to. A mug in a dream symbolizes the state of mind of the dream character.

If the mug is full, the dream means the fulfillment of a wish. However, what matters is what exactly it is filled with. See the drink symbols separately because they all indicate specific situations.

A broken mug means a break in the relationship. Almost always means the collapse of the union. This also means any flaws on the mug: chips, cracks. However, the special aspect is the beginning of the “end.”

Dream interpretation mug

A mug on the table is a symbol of the appearance of a person with whom a relationship can develop. This, unlike the previous symbol, indicates the beginning of a relationship.

Any liquid overflowing from a mug symbolizes the “cup of patience.”

Empty circles mean the desire and expectation of changes in your personal life. This is the case if they are initially clean and empty. If they are empty because they are devastated, the dream means that the chance is missed.

Often, dishes and their quality indicate the status of the characters, or the environment in which the dreamer or the dream characters will find themselves.

How stronger drink, the less dishes for him. Therefore a mug for soft drinks. And if in your dream there is an inappropriate drink in a mug, the dream means troubles or disappointments.

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On the project we are engaged in, dreams are deciphered professionally. Even if you couldn’t understand the dream you had 10-20 years ago! The site is a project to study altered states of consciousness.

If you open the dream book, the cup will be one of the most viewed symbols. People often dream of such images, so they need to know exactly what to expect in the near future.

There are different opinions, which in many cases turn out to be wrong. It is more useful to consider the options by figuring out how to approach the interpretation of the prediction.

Complex image

When thinking about the question of why a mug is dreamed of, a person is faced with two opinions. There are additional points to consider. So, broken dishes mean one thing, but a full vessel means something completely different.

Dream options:

  • Cup and saucer;
  • Full cup;
  • Empty cup;
  • Broken.


Not understanding why a cup is dreamed of, people turn to dream books. They immediately indicate contentment in the family, since this dish is traditionally associated with spouses. There is only a small clarification that needs to be taken into account.

To receive complete information take a closer look at the drink, for example, it’s interesting news. In a dream like this higher value has exactly the drink that was poured into the cup. At that time empty mug will have a completely different meaning.


When an empty cup appears among the images, you should prepare to receive good news. If a mug appears in a dream, such situations indicate to women an approaching pregnancy. Empty vessel in similar dreams associated with the womb, where life begins.


Traditionally, a broken mug is an impending split, but this opinion is outdated. Additional images will provide several clues that will describe the true meaning of the dream.

Images in dreams are not uniform, so several cracks should not be considered a breakup between spouses. They just need to take it more seriously own relationships, trying to find new points of contact. After which no dream can destroy their marriage.

If you have a question about why you dream about a cup, you should take the details seriously. Images are complex, so evaluating them brings useful information. Because of this, it is impossible to speak unambiguously about one interpretation or another. Author: Valery Gromov

Seeing an empty mug in a dream means you will experience disappointment in reality.

A mug full to the brim portends financial losses.

A metal mug means the loss of a friend, a porcelain one means an accident, a glass one means an illness.

Breaking a mug means that in reality you will experience severe fright.

Drinking from a mug in a dream means that an absurd incident will put you in a difficult situation.

A mug with a broken handle is good luck.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

Dream Interpretation - Buy

The dream in which you do large selection purchases, and upon calculation it turns out that you have no money with you - this is a harbinger of both large expenses and significant profits. Paying for purchases in a dream means freeing yourself from the anxiety that oppresses you about the condition of your loved ones.

If you buy goods in a company store, department store or supermarket and acquire the best and most expensive, it means that in reality your business will quickly go uphill thanks to the significant support of friends who have great experience in business and long-standing connections in the business world. If you dream that you are shopping at the market or in small shops and stores, while gaining some small amount on each item, in reality you will lose more than you save by chasing cheapness.

Buying a car in a dream is a sign that you will regain lost positions, having significantly succeeded in a new field. If you buy oranges and other fruits from hot countries, it means that difficulties and obstacles on your way will be easily overcome, and with considerable benefit for you.

If in a dream you buy yourself underwear, this promises illness from overexertion. Purchased tickets to a theater or some other performance are a sign of unscrupulous deception and extortion. Jars with any contents mean the instability of your success and severe disappointment in case of complete failure. The loaf you bought portends profit if it is fresh, and loss if it is stale.

Buying a dacha in a dream means receiving a rich inheritance; boards mean indulging in sadness and heartache; firewood means gossip about your address.

If you buy jewelry in a dream, this portends success in business.

Buying perfume yourself is a disappointment in your loved one, even if the perfume is bought by none other than him and just for you - it means that in reality they are waiting for you happy life and well-being in everything.

A dream in which you buy paintings foreshadows an unsuccessful business; carpets - to make a big profit; lace - there will be no end to admirers, so you will be faced with a difficult choice of whom to give preference to.

If in a dream you buy some medicine at a pharmacy, this portends a breakdown in business, and if it’s a laxative, you’ll be packing for a long journey.

Buying ribbons means that in reality you will incur empty expenses.

Buy a shovel - you may lose your place, a horse - you will spend your vacation in the lap of nature, having a great rest and gaining new impressions.

Buy butter - you will live in complete pleasure, milk - you will be meanly and insidiously deceived, meat - a sign of a bloody deed or a serious illness.

A dream in which you acquire a weapon means that you will arouse a negative attitude towards yourself from the person with whom you refuse to enter into intimate relationship. If the weapon is a bow and arrow or other children’s toy that is not capable of seriously hitting, then in reality you will be forced to resort to the services of a lawyer to protect your interests. Buying shoes means minor troubles and inconsistencies.

If you buy gloves in a dream, in reality you will show economy and thrift, but this will not allow you to avoid unnecessary expenses due to unforeseen circumstances. Buying a new belt in a dream means marital fidelity, and for a young girl it means chastity and maiden modesty before marriage.

If in a dream you went to buy fabric at wedding dress- therefore, you will soon please your relatives by announcing your decision to marry a worthy and well-known person, preferring him to your former admirer.

If you buy a beautiful inlaid or carved box, you will find out the secret by reading someone else’s letter. Buying a fashionable hat means changing your image, if not your entire lifestyle. Buying an antique cabinet means you will achieve prosperity through hard work; buying modern furniture means you will achieve the same without much effort.

Interpretation of dreams from

Mug- to the hike.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, December

Seeing a mug filled with water- to profit.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Aluminum mug- to boredom.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

A falling mug- profit, inheritance.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Seeing an empty mug in a dream- in reality you will experience disappointment.

Mug full to the brim- portends monetary losses.

Metal mug- to the loss of a friend, porcelain- to an accident, glass - to illness.

Break the mug- this means that in reality you will experience severe fear.

Drinking from a mug in a dream- means that an absurd incident will put you in a difficult situation.

Mug with broken handle- to good luck.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Culinary dream book

The mug is empty, into which you search in vain in a dream for something to pour.- means the most difficult situations in which you are placed by chance.

Modern universal dream book

Mug versus cup- implies a desire for more. What do you want to learn in life? large quantities? In a dream, are you or another person drinking from a mug?

What does the mug look like in your dream, and how does this relate to how you see yourself or someone else? What do you see inside the mug? This is some kind of stimulating drink, for example coffee, or, conversely, something relaxing, for example herbal tea? The dream suggests that you need to act or that you should take a break and just relax.

If you dreamed:

  • If you had a bad dream:

    Don't be upset - it's just a dream. Thanks to him for the warning.

    When you wake up, look out the window. Say out the open window: “Where night goes, sleep comes.” All the good things stay, all the bad things go.”

    Open the tap and dream about flowing running water.

    Wash your face three times with the words “Where water flows, sleep goes.”

    Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: “As this salt melts, my sleep will go away and will not bring harm.”

    Turn it inside out bed sheets inside out.

    Don't tell anyone bad dream before lunch.

    Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.