Sergey Belousov husband. Mutual responsibility

Irina Krug and Sergei Belousov have been together for 13 years. But in the first days of 2018, the singer said that she was thinking about divorce. More recently, in an interview, the actress admitted that everything had improved in their relationship, and the divorce was postponed.

The famous singer Irina Krug became famous thanks to her talent, beautiful songs, voice and music. For a long time after the death of her first husband, she was worried and did not want to have any relationship, until Sergei met on her way.

Irina Krug and Sergei Belousov met in 2006. A relationship began that grew not only into light flirting, but also into marriage. Famous singer and musician Mikhail Krug passed away in 2002. The permanent death was caused by gunshot wounds that became incompatible with life. Doctors were unable to save the singer. The wife, Irina Krug, was very upset about the death of her husband.

For many years I didn’t want to start any relationship. According to her, it was simply impossible to find someone like Mikhail, since there are simply no such people on the planet. Their relationship began in 1999, when Irina worked as a waitress in one of the restaurants. Their meeting turned out to be fatal. Mikhail had feelings for the young girl, and the flame of love burned in her heart. Irina moved with her daughter from her first relationship to Mikhail to Tver and worked as a dresser for him.

Their wedding took place in 2001. Their relationship was sincere, bright and intense. But a fairy tale cannot last forever. After the birth of his son Alexander, Mikhail, he was killed by criminals who broke into the house. Irina experienced the death of her beloved husband for a long time. Thanks to her children and hope for a better life, she lived and sang songs for the audience.

Irina Krug is divorcing her husband Sergei: meeting with Belousov

In 2006, her fate introduced her to businessman Sergei Belousov. According to Irina, she doesn’t even know what attracted her to this young guy. They have different characters and outlook on life. But in their marriage a son, Andrei, was born. Irina Krug had to endure a lot of grief and condemnation. Some accused the singer of building a career for herself thanks to her famous surname, and others accused her of having a young wife. But the woman turned out to be very strong and confident. She built a career as a singer, created new family. Not everything was going smoothly in the relationship; frequent scandals and misunderstandings made Irina think about whether it was worth living together any longer.

In January 2018, Irina Krug said that she wanted to file for divorce and continue to live on her own. Although she and Sergei have been married for 13 years, it turns out that not everything is as good as it seems at first glance. The singer's fans were shocked by this message; they could not believe that the couple would separate.

A few days ago, Irina Krug said that a divorce from Sergei was avoided. Everything got better in their family. Despite her busy touring schedule, she devotes time to her beloved husband and children. My daughter is already working, Alexander, who is now 16 years old, is interested in music, and the youngest Andrey is still going to school. Thanks to a joint vacation with her beloved man and children in Dubai, divorce was avoided. Fans hope that everything will work out in the lives of Irina and Sergei.

Irina Viktorovna Krug (maiden name Glazko, after her husband Vorobyov) is a singer, widow of the famous performer Mikhail Krug (Vorobyov).

Childhood of Irina Krug

The future singer was born into a military family. As a child, Ira Glazko studied in the theater group of the Chelyabinsk cultural center, and all the time she dreamed of becoming an actress. However, she did not immediately begin to realize her dream - to be famous and go on stage. At 21, the future star went to work as a waitress. For two years she worked in one of the city restaurants, where she got a job after the girl’s first marriage broke up. It was there that she met the famous Russian chanson singer-songwriter Mikhail Krug.

By that time, Irina was familiar with the work of Mikhail Krug firsthand. The girl’s first husband really liked the artist’s songs. However, Ira did not share her husband’s enthusiasm, but listened to Tanya Bulanova.

Meet Mikhail Krug

One day, the director of the restaurant approached the waitress Irina and announced that Mikhail Krug was giving a concert in Chelyabinsk, and then he was having dinner at their catering establishment. The employer gave Irina instructions to ensure that the famous guest ate well, and was pleased with the visit. The girl carefully ensured that garlic, onions and tomatoes, which he hates, did not get into Mikhail’s plate. She brought and took away plates. Unexpectedly for everyone and in front of everyone, Mikhail Krug made Irina a tempting offer - to work for him as a costume designer.

And then he announced his expected salary. Moreover, she was quite impressive. In response to this, the girl stated that she could not go because she had small child. The future celebrity refused to work.

However, she was shocked by this incident. The girl could not understand why the All-Russian star needed an unknown girl from Chelyabinsk, who, moreover, was 14 years younger than him. No one believed such a proposal; everyone insisted that Irina had invented this story. However, a few months later, the director of Mikhail Krug called the girl and said: “The circle has already bothered me! Will you go with him or not? The girl agreed to the repeated proposal.

By the way, Mikhail was not embarrassed by the fact that the girl he took to Tver had a daughter from her first marriage. A little later, he took responsibility for her upbringing, and the girl began calling the artist dad. In 2001, Irina and Mikhail Krug became official husband and wife.

However, before the wedding and before the start of the affair, Mikhail kept Irina at a distance for about a year. The relationship did not go beyond business. As the girl herself says, the artist seemed to be taking a closer look at her and checking her, and was in no hurry to choose a life partner. At that time, Mikhail had been alone for eight years. And a year later, after a kind of “check,” Krug simply took Irina to his home and said: “That’s it, we’ll live together.” “It’s funny, but we got married in tracksuits! Misha and I just left the house and went to the store for groceries. On the way there was a registry office. Misha tells me: “Okay, that’s it, I’ve decided! Let's go! At the registry office, naturally, they recognized him: “Oh, Mikhail Vladimirovich!” You can say right on the threshold he said: “Please, we need to sign urgently!” And then I went to get passports and champagne. By the way, for some reason the registry office put my stamp in the wrong place. And then they apologized for a long time and said: “Irina, we saw how you stood, blinked your eyes, and did not understand at all what was happening here.”

Before and after marriage, Irina and Mikhail addressed each other by first name and patronymic and by “you”. This is because they got used to it during work, and after the wedding it even began to amuse them.

A year after the wedding, in 2002, Mikhail and Irina had a son. The boy was named Alexander. But the baby didn’t even have time to remember his father. In the same year, on the night of June 30 to July 1, when the baby was not even one and a half months old, unknown persons killed Mikhail Krug in his own home.

Before the death of her husband, Irina foresaw trouble. A few months before the tragedy, she constantly begged Mikhail to hire security. The family lived too openly: someone constantly came to visit, the doors were wide open and sometimes they were not even locked at night. One day, the artist had a dream that in their house a crowd of people were mourning someone, and Irina could not find Mikhail among them. Krug ridiculed such a dream: “Irina Viktorovna, that means I will live a long time!” However…

On an ominous night, the criminals snuck into the house and hid on the third floor. The children and Mikhail Krug were in second place. On the third was Irina’s mother. The attackers first attacked her and began to choke her. The young mistress of the house went up to her mother, saw her unconscious on the floor, people in masks and began to scream. When Mikhail came running, the criminals opened fire. The singer shielded his wife from the bullets and was wounded himself. While I was driving ambulance, Krug encouraged his wife, however, he died on the way to the hospital.

Irina Krug’s career after the death of her husband

After the death of Mikhail Krug, Irina was offered to record several songs in memory of her famous husband. This idea was suggested by singer-songwriter Vladimir Bocharov. As a result, in 2004 the first album of Irina the singer was released. It was called “The First Autumn of Separation.” However, there the artist sings a duet with a close friend of her late husband, Leonid Teleshov. A year later, Irina Krug became the laureate of the Chanson of the Year award. The girl was nominated as “Discovery of the Year”. A year later, in the spring of 2006, the singer released her second album, “To You, My last love" The album with songs based on poetry and music by Mikhail Krug was produced by Vadim Tsyganov.

Irina Krug on video

It is worth noting that Mikhail did not teach Irina to sing and did not even think of her as a singer. The couple dreamed of children and a peaceful old age. “If you want to sing, I’ll buy you karaoke,” Krug told his wife. And after Mikhail’s death, the widow found recordings from the unfinished album and took up vocals.

In the same year, Irina Krug received a diploma of higher education with honors. The artist graduated from Tverskoy state university, where I studied at the Faculty of Management.

In 2006, Irina Krug married again. Her chosen one was now a man not from the creative circle, but with a more mundane profession - a businessman named Sergei.

“Many people condemned me after my next marriage. But these people had no idea how hard it was for me to lose my loved one and live alone with two children! But I managed to fall in love again.

My husband and I bought an apartment in Moscow (it became impossible to live in the house where the crime happened, everything reminded us of the tragedy), we earned a bit of money for it, however, we still had to go into debt. My children like the person who is next to us. This is very important to me. I did not betray either Misha, or, moreover, the memory of him. Mikhail is the best thing that happened in my life. I dream about him very often. And he always appears in a white suit with the words: “Irina Viktorovna, I love you.” I think he wouldn’t want me to be alone and I’m sure he’s happy for me. By the way, in difficult situation I always ask him: “Mikhail Vladimirovich, help, and I believe that before concerts Misha helps me and gives me strength,” says Irina Krug.

Irina and Mikhail Krug

In total, Irina Krug has released seven music records and actively goes on tour. It is noteworthy that her concerts are mainly attended by fans of Mikhail Krug’s work.

Irina Krug now

Last on at the moment Irina Krug's album was released in 2015. The 12-song record was called “Mother Love.”

Today we will introduce you to the biography of the famous Russian singer, widow of Mikhail Krug - Irina Krug. She performs songs in the style of pop music and chanson, and has won several awards in the “Chanson of the Year” category.

She began to gain popularity after the death of her husband, because... published her first album, which was dedicated to the deceased Mikhail. Many of the difficulties she faced life path, did not break her, but rather, on the contrary, gave Irina new strength, which allowed her to gain great popularity in Russia and some CIS countries.

Height, weight, age. How old is Irina Krug

Of course, some external indicators that this or that performer possesses are not so important to the average listener. But there are strong fans who are interested in height, weight, age.

How old is Irina Krug? The singer’s listeners often wonder. Having some data, we can say that Irina’s height is approximately 166 centimeters and her weight is about 50 kilograms. The future singer was born in 1976, which helps us determine her real age - 41 years. According to her zodiac sign, Irina is Aries.

Biography of Irina Krug

The biography of Irina Krug begins on a March day in 1976, in the working-class city of Chelyabinsk. By the way, it is worth noting that at birth, Irina had the surname Glazko, which after marriage she changed to Vorobyova.

WITH early childhood, many observed Irina’s penchant for creativity and art. Like many of her friends at that time, she wanted to be an actress and participate in theater performances. To make young Irina’s dreams come true, she was sent to study at the Chelyabinsk House of Creativity, at the theater arts club.

In addition, the singer was attracted to figure skating, and she often visited skating rinks after school and tried to learn various figures. However, further training in this direction did not work out, because... Irina was not the right age. Soon after school, Irina’s life changes dramatically, and acting career fades into the background, or even into the third place.

After graduating from school, the singer gets married and gives birth to a daughter, who was named Marina. But this marriage turned out to be short-lived and fragile, because... my husband had a huge addiction to narcotic substances. Then, Irina independently earned a living for herself and her daughter.

In 1997, she got a job in a cafe as a waitress. It was he who introduced Irina and Mikhail, but more on that later. This meeting changed the singer’s life once and for all.

Mikhail took her to his team, and a few years later they decided to get married. The singer was not embarrassed by Irina’s daughter from her first marriage, and he adopted her. Their wedding took place in 2001. Before that, they lived in civil marriage.

Summer night, the irreparable happened - Mikhail Krug was shot by unknown people. It happened on the second floor of my own house.

Having found his unreleased songs, Irina decided to release an album with them, where she performed them herself. It is worth noting that Irina never learned vocals from her husband, and he, in turn, expected a calm and carefree old age, so he did not want his wife to get involved with the stage.

Mikhail’s old friend, Vladimir Bocharov, helped record the album. So, 2004 will be marked by Irina Krug’s first album, entitled “The First Autumn of Separation.” Within a year, she managed to win the “Chanson of the Year” award. After 2 years, the singer’s next album was released, with which producer V. Tsyganov helped.

By the way, along with performing songs in the chanson style, she receives higher education, and graduated from Tver University in 2006.

A year later, he gets married to Sergei Belousov, and in 2014 their son is born. Irina often appears on various song competitions and festivals, where the salary is far from the best last places. In addition, she has eight albums to her credit, with which she travels all over the country and gathers a considerable number of listeners. It is noteworthy that sometimes she sings songs that her husband has already performed, thereby making it clear that his memory will live on for a long time.

Personal life of Irina Krug

The personal life of Irina Krug has long been a widely discussed topic. In addition, when she got married for the third time, many began to accuse her of betraying the memory of Mikhail Krug. But, Irina describes this as the ability to start a quieter and calmer life, to find the strength to love someone again.

Some time after the wedding, the family moved to Moscow, where in 2013 Irina’s third child was born. Irina often mentions that she has dreams with Mikhail Krug, where he wishes only good things, and she also often mentally asks for help from her late husband when it is difficult for her to make any choice.

Irina Krug's family

Irina Krug’s family was not in any way connected with creativity or art. Dad, Victor Glazko, was a military officer, and mother was an experienced draftsman. From a young age, her parents began to notice that Irina Glazko showed a genuine interest in everything creative.

To fulfill her daughter’s dreams of becoming an actress, she is enrolled in creative clubs, where she studies acting with good performance. But become famous actress She was prevented by her earlier marriage, which, by the way, Irina’s parents did not like at all.

Children of Irina Krug

At the moment, Irina Krug’s children number three children, including two sons and one daughter. It is also worth mentioning that when Irina and Mikhail started living together, the singer already had a son, Dima, who lived with the rest of the Circle family. At the time when her first daughter was born and she separated from her first husband, Irina had to do odd jobs to at least feed Marina.

By the way, it is worth noting that all of Irina’s children received her new husband well and almost immediately became friends with him. So they are now living big and very friendly family.

Daughter of Irina Krug - Marina

Irina Krug’s daughter, Marina, was born from her first marriage at a fairly early age. The quickly ending marriage left Irina penniless, and she had to get various jobs just to provide for her daughter Marina.

When Irina began to live with Mikhail, she, of course, took her daughter with her, which the singer himself was only happy about and, according to some reports, even adopted her.

Son of Irina Krug - Alexander

The son of Irina Krug, Alexander, was born in marriage with the famous chanson performer Mikhail Krug, in 2002. However, Sasha did not have time to remember his father, and his father did not have time to enjoy raising his son - when he was one month old, Mikhail was killed in his own home.

After his death, Alexander stayed with Irina, and when she got married again, 5 years later, they began to live large family in Moscow. Sasha quickly became friends with his stepfather, as Irina later recalls, so there were no problems with the children.

Son of Irina Krug - Andrey

Irina Krug’s son, Andrei, was born in the singer’s third marriage, with businessman Sergei Belousov. He was born in 2013, and now he is almost 4 years old. On the Internet you can find several photographs that depict a happy and big family, among whom Irina Krug’s son, Andrey, is always present.

The singer says that Sergei picked her up from the maternity hospital in a luxurious limousine and with a huge bouquet of roses. Of course, Irina was crazy with happiness. By the way, she hardly spent time on maternity leave, and towards the end of 2013 she was already performing on stage.

Unknown husband of Irina Krug

Ex-husband Irina Krug came from a very respectable family, and was a dentist by profession. However, soon after the birth of his daughter Marina, he began to get involved in drugs and alcohol. This was precisely the reason for such a short and unhappy marriage of singer Irina Krug. Also, some associate this with too early age, in which they signed.

By the way, information appeared relatively recently that this man died. He was no more than forty years old.

Irina Krug's ex-husband - Mikhail Krug

Irina Krug’s ex-husband, Mikhail Krug, was one of the most famous bards and chanson performers. Their acquaintance took place in a restaurant where Irina worked as a waiter, and Mikhail came for lunch after the tour. The future singer knew that he was very picky when it came to food, and therefore she carefully watched that certain foods were not put in his way.

After a quality lunch, Mikhail Krug invites Irina to join his team as a costume designer. Of course, she didn’t believe it right away, and until she agreed, about a month passed. In addition, even the director of the restaurant began to persuade her, because... It was through him that Mikhail invited the girl to his work. But after a while she agreed and began working for the bard.

Their marriage didn't last too long. They lived in a civil marriage for some time, and got married in 2001. As you know, Mikhail Krug was killed on July 1, 2002.

It is worth mentioning that before Irina, Mikhail was married, and he had a son from his first marriage.

Irina Krug’s husband – Sergei Belousov

A real husband Irina Krug - Sergei Belousov is a fairly well-known businessman. Their wedding took place 5 years after Mikhail Krug died.

Many, of course, began to condemn the singer for this, but she tried to present the news in a normal way, they say, the memory of Mikhail will live forever, no matter who Irina is with. Irina’s new husband quickly became friends with Irina’s children, and they began to live quietly in Moscow.

Irina Krug nude

It is worth noting such a “hot” topic on the Internet as “Irina Krug naked.” It’s worth immediately warning sophisticated fans that there are no photographs of an intimate nature on the Internet and cannot be. All that an ordinary Internet user can find is the so-called. fake photos and retouched photos, or in simple words“fakes” showing supposedly naked Irina Krug.

Moreover, the presence of modern digital technologies allows anyone to do this, it is not necessary to be an advanced user.

Instagram and Wikipedia Irina Krug

Like many modern performers, Irina Krug tries to maintain the trend and therefore started a page on the social network Instagram. It contains large number photographs showing Irina’s leisure, life on stage or personal life.

Of course, Instagram and Wikipedia Irina Krug contains a large amount of information related to stage and simply free life singers. In addition, such information will be enough for new fans to get acquainted with Irina’s life.

Singer Irina Krug admitted that she has difficulties in her relationship with her current husband, businessman Sergei Belousov.

Singer Irina Krug became the heroine of the show “The Fate of a Man,” in which she spoke about her difficult life path.

15 years ago a poet and bard were killed. The attackers broke into the man's house and attacked his relatives. Mikhail died from his gunshot wounds the next day.

“It's scary. God forbid someone experiences what I experienced. These people are always before my eyes. I will never forget their eyes - there was fear in them. At that moment I put the children to bed, wanted to go to Misha and heard knocking. Then it turned out that it was the sofa that was knocking when they strangled my mother. They covered her mouth and said: “If you make a sound, we’ll kill you.” And then I came in and saw this picture. Misha was sleeping in his bedroom, he didn’t know what was happening, he came out in response to my screams. And they were already shooting from above indiscriminately. It was just a mess... I thought that everyone was killed, Misha, the children, and my mother,” she said.

Mikhail's relatives did not think that his life could suddenly end. The wounded singer was able to move and talk. Relatives took Krug to the hospital, he underwent surgery. However, as a result of the shooting, important organs were hit, and the man died.

“We know who did it, but we can’t talk. Those who did this are no longer alive. One piece of evidence is missing to make this public. They wanted to intimidate, they didn’t think it would happen,” Irina noted.

It was extremely difficult for her to come to terms with the sudden death of her husband.

“I learned to live again. This terrible years my life, very scary. I remember him very often. After Misha, it was difficult to build relationships and start a family, because you’ll never find someone like him again. In our time, even more so,” said the performer.

Irina Krug. Man's destiny

After some time, Irina met with businessman Sergei Belousov. The future spouses met in Tver at a hairdresser. Many tried to court the spectacular woman, but only Belousov managed to achieve reciprocity from her. Sergei and Irina liked communicating with each other - they began to spend a lot of time together, and in 2006 they got married.

Irina Krug admitted that she began to experience difficulties in her relationship with her chosen one.

“Sergei and I have been together for 13 years. This is a complex story, now I can’t say that we have any good ones... Now we have a crisis in our relations. I don’t know whether this marriage will survive. But that was also the same story, he was younger than me, I didn’t dare, I was joking. We are going through a difficult period, and it’s very difficult for me,” shared Irina.

According to the artist, she has always been a family man. Their common son Andrei, who was born in September 2014, became a welcome child for her. Irina shared her assumptions about the reasons why her relationship with her husband went wrong.

“Maybe the reason is that we have been together for 13 years. Everything he can, he does for me. But his life is his, and mine is mine. We are different. Although he is very well-read person, he reads a lot. I don’t even know why we’ve been together for so many years. He made a lot of mistakes, I forgave him almost all of them... Maybe he is young. Maybe we will overcome all this now,” the singer said.

On March 29, Irina Krug celebrates her birthday. The singer turned 42 years old. Since early morning, the artist has been accepting congratulations from family and friends. They leave warm wishes for Irina and give memorable gifts. Among those who showed the woman a sign of attention was her husband Sergei Belousov. The businessman pleased his wife with a gorgeous bouquet of roses.

Irina published a photo of a luxurious gift in social networks, adding the hashtag “beloved husband.” In addition, the celebrity printed photos of fans who congratulated her on social networks. Krug's subscribers also left her wishes of love, health and happiness in the comments. “Thank you for your songs, they warm our hearts,” “Always remain the same bright and kind, wonderful woman, artist,” “Come to our city, we are looking forward to it,” wrote the star’s fans.

Apparently, Irina managed to overcome the differences that arose in her relationship with her husband. The impressive gift that her husband Sergei Belousov gave the artist leaves no doubt that harmony reigned in their relationship.

Irina Krug reported that not everything is going smoothly in her marriage in Boris Korchevnikov’s program on the Rossiya 1 TV channel. An interview with the artist was shown in October last year. Talking to the TV presenter, the artist announced a crisis in her relationship with her chosen one. Irina also did not rule out the possibility of divorce.

“Sergei and I have been together for 13 years. This is a complex story, now I can’t say that we have any good ones... Now we have a crisis in our relations. I don’t know whether this marriage will survive. But that was also the same story, he was younger than me, I didn’t dare, I was joking. We are going through a difficult period, and it’s very difficult for me,” Krug told Korchevnikov.

Irina's words alarmed her fans. They expressed the hope that family life your favorite singer will definitely get better.

Irina Krug (maiden name Glazko) ​​married businessman Sergei Belousov in 2006. In September 2013, the couple had a baby common son Andrey. He became the first for Sergei and the third for Irina. Belousov thoroughly prepared for the joyful event - the artist’s husband picked her up from the maternity hospital in a white limousine and with a bouquet of 101 roses. Upon returning home, Irina had a festive dinner with her family and friends.

Irina’s previous husband was chanson performer Mikhail Krug. They formalized their relationship in 2001. A year later, Irina’s son Alexander was born. The life of Mikhail Krug ended abruptly on the night of June 30 to July 1. The artist was killed by unknown assailants in his own home.