What is healthier: salmon or trout? Which fish is better: salmon or trout?

    Naturally, trout is better - it has more tender meat and a more subtle and delicate taste and aroma. But smga is simple and crude compared to trout.

    But there is one thing here: trout is good when it is fresh or chilled; when frozen or salted, it loses its advantage, and here salmon is perhaps preferable.

    I love the black woman more, she is so fat and at the same time the most tender! And salted, and dried, and with steak baked in the oven, and cooked over coals! In general, I love any fish, as long as it is fresh.

    In our family we eat both smog and trout, the main thing is to know how to cook the fish correctly. Moreover, neither I, nor my husband, nor my children need to pay attention to the fat content of fish and follow a diet. We especially like to make trout soup.

    For me, trout is tastier. But if there is no trout, then it will go. If there is no fish and cancer, fish is better. And in terms of taste, trout is better.

    Both salmon, trout, and salmon belong to the same salmon family of fish. They have pink flesh and a lot of fat. They are among the most useful fish and are a necessary component Mediterranean diet. Trout and salmon are migratory freshwater fish.

    You can appreciate the taste of each fish only if you prepare a dish from fresh fish, but we only sell frozen fish. It is beyond the means of most Russians and lasts a long time. The fish spoils and the fat becomes bitter. Pink salmon is popular, but it is no longer sold fresh. You can only appreciate the taste of fish where it is found and caught.

    So, most Russians tastier than capelin no fish.

    Each fish is good in its own way. The main thing is to understand how to cook which fish. Salmon is too fatty, but this quality is perfect for salting. Trout is very tender and you don’t need to be too tricky with it, the main thing is to emphasize its unique taste.

    It depends where this fish grew. If salmon lived in the sea, and trout lived in an artificial cage, then of course the salmon is healthier, although the trout is tastier and fattier. Probably any fish is healthy, because the benefits of fish oil for the body have been proven.

    I like it better when my wife cooks something from trout. Trout meat is more tender and tastes better. It is better both in the form of sandwiches and fried. And we tried making it out of fish soup, and it was also very tasty.

    I like salmon better because it has large bones and they are easy to remove from the meat.

    We often buy salmon for the holidays and use it to make delicious sandwiches.

    By the way, salmon meat is fattier than trout meat, because during life, trout fat accumulates in the abdominal cavity, while in salmon it is distributed evenly in the meat.

    definitely trout, very tasty meat, I just love it

    Salmon is fattier than trout, so for salting better than salmon take it - it will be more tender. The fats in fish are very healthy, but if anyone is counting calories...

    In any case, the fish soup made from these fish is very tasty and beautiful - with droplets of golden-colored fat, aromatic and rich.

    Second courses are best done with minimal processing time - grilling, frying, stewing in sauce, etc.

    In fatty creamy sauces It’s better to make trout, and after cooking a salmon steak on the grill, you will understand the expression food of the gods!

    Note: these fish have their own wonderful smell and taste, do not overpower with unnecessary spices. A little salt and ground black pepper is enough.

    As they say, there are no comrades in taste and color, but I prefer salmon, especially fried in steaks or cold smoked. Salmon, it seems to me, is a more delicate fish, and it also has optimal fat content; trout seems to me coarser and fattier.

Despite the fact that salmon fish is considered one of the most expensive, and not everyone can afford it, it is not worth giving it up in favor of cheaper capelin or pollock. Red fish is not only tasty, but also has a beneficial effect on the human body, which is why the question of which is healthier, salmon or trout, comes up quite often. The fact is that the popularity of trout recent years it’s simply “off the charts” - you can not only buy it in a store, albeit frozen, but also catch it with your own hands in one of the paid ponds. It is difficult, of course, to compare a representative of the family with his collective image, but we will try to do it.

What are the differences?

All fish of the salmon family are called red; trout, beloved by many, is also included in this community. It is found in freshwater bodies of various types, although there are also individuals living in Pacific Ocean and some seas. In nature there are large number its species: lake silver, American, but in any case this is not a dirty swamp, but definitely clean water. This fish cannot survive in dirty and muddy waters, and hence its main advantage and the answer to the question of what is better: salmon or trout. When buying it, you can be sure that it grew in environmentally friendly conditions, so it will not cause harm to your health.

Salmon are presented in a wide variety, and each type differs both in taste and in the presence of beneficial properties. Regarding the question of what tastes better, it is difficult to answer, since everyone has their own taste preferences, and a lot depends on the professionalism of the cook. Although there is no dispute about tastes, as is known, many people prefer trout, since it has tender, delicious meat with light pink and other “appetizing” shades. Unlike salmon, the fat in it is deposited not in the meat, but in the tummy, so it is less fatty, although it contains a lot of useful substances.

Which is healthier?

talk about taste qualities ah, this or that product can be a long time, and our subjects are no exception, but the question of which is healthier, trout or salmon, is more pressing. This is especially important given people's desire to be healthy, and suffice it to say that trout, like other salmon, is part of the Mediterranean diet, thanks to which you will not only be healthy, but also lose weight. extra pounds. All types of this large family are used in cooking, and there are not as many contraindications for consumption as in the case of meat, and the chemical composition will tell why this happens.

Any red fish, be it coho salmon, sockeye salmon or even pink salmon, is a storehouse of nutrients, but polyunsaturated fatty acids (Omega 3, Omega 6) are especially in demand. They have a beneficial effect on cardiovascular system person. Trout is no exception, so it is extremely difficult to say which is better in this case. Its vitamin composition is also rich, where B vitamins, vitamins A, D, E and many others deserve attention. Worthy of attention and mineral composition, and these are priceless calcium, zinc, chlorine, phosphorus and iodine, of course. We recommend adding salmon to second and first courses, but the aromatic grilled trout is especially popular, and you can answer the question of which is tastier yourself. The main thing is that everything should be in moderation, since excesses in this case are also harmful.

Red fish is one of the favorite delicacies in our festive tables. And no one has canceled its everyday use as food. And how useful is it? various kinds diets are not worth mentioning. You cannot find a product richer in Omega 3 fatty acids.

But when buying fish in stores, we are often faced with what kind of red fish to buy. Today we will try to figure it out and tell you what differences salmon, salmon, and trout have, what fish is best to buy and for what purposes.

First of all, it is worth clarifying the point after which part of the question will simply disappear by itself. The main confusion arises from a misunderstanding of the definition. Salmon is not a specific fish. The word salmon refers to any fish of the salmon genus. This includes salmon and trout. The same genus belongs to the salmon species, which includes many more types fish - chum salmon, pink salmon, coho salmon, sockeye salmon and others. Therefore, any red fish is inherently called salmon. But it is more correct to call only salmon and trout salmon. Therefore, it is incorrect to talk about how salmon differs from salmon. These are the same fish.

But the differences between trout and salmon are more current question, because despite the relationship, these fish are very different in both their beneficial properties, both in price, and often under the guise of one they sell us another. It’s worth understanding here so as not to make a mistake in your choice.

Differences between trout and salmon

So we have: salmon and salmon, how they differ from other fish is quite easy to find out. From industrial fish Only salmon have a distinct reddish color of flesh, which is why salmon are called red fish. We will talk about how to distinguish trout from salmon.

It's hard to go wrong when buying whole fish. Salmon is usually much larger than trout. It reaches a weight of 6-7 kg (this is the weight at which salmon is usually slaughtered), and the length of the fish can reach one and a half meters. While trout is much smaller and weighs only 3-4 kilograms.

The color of the fish is also different. Salmon is always the same silver color, without any stripes. In trout, the back may be greenish, and the sides may have a gray or white tint. They also differ in the shape of their heads. In trout it is small and round, while salmon has a pointed muzzle and a large head. Salmon has much larger scales than trout, but the size of the scales depends on the type of fish.

If you buy already cut fish, you should pay attention to the color of the meat. In salmon it is pale pink with white streaks. If you see salmon with a redder or even orange hue, then most likely the manufacturer used dye to tint the meat to make it more expressive. The color of trout meat may vary depending on the fish's habitat. Trout living in salt water sea ​​water, has a rich red color of meat, while lake trout, which lives in fresh water has a pinkish color, often almost white.

If you are not buying raw fish, but frozen fish, then determining by the color of the meat may not work. When frozen, both fish can have the same shade. The same goes for salted salmon. But here the manufacturer can resort to tricks to tint the fish, so take the fillet only when the white veins in the meat are visible.

But still, in order to protect yourself from buying something that is not what you want, it is better to choose raw fish and cook it yourself.

Important: Salmon should be included in the diet of any person. This fish is very rich in its essential amino acids. And even despite the seemingly high fat content of this fish, its inclusion in the diet helps to lose weight properly.

What is fattier: salmon, salmon, trout?

Since we are no longer considering how salmon differs from salmon, but have found out that they are the same fish, we will talk about the fat content of trout and salmon.

In fact, there is no arguing about tastes, that’s why the opinion about the tastier and healthy fish divided. Trout is considered lighter and more tender due to its lower fat content. Its calorie content is only 150 kcal, which is quite small considering that the fat content of salmon is 220 kcal. But still, salmon cannot be excluded from the diet during a diet; the high content of Omega 3 fatty acids allows the body to properly burn fat and sets it up for weight loss.

When salting, they prefer to use salmon; due to its fat content, it has a wider range of taste qualities than trout. But the latter, with the correct addition of spices, has an excellent taste. As for frying, we can’t say for sure. After all, everyone has their own taste, some prefer more tender trout meat, while others prefer fattier ones.

Chilled red fish can be stored for only 14 days. This is the period that begins to run from the moment it is packaged in warehouses in Norway. It takes about another week for it to arrive on the shelves of your store. Therefore, the seller has only 6 days to sell it. If you see that the fish carcass is weathered and has a faded color, then most likely you can no longer buy such fish, it is overexposed.

Frozen fish can be stored for up to two and a half years if deep frozen no higher than -18 degrees. It would seem long term, and you can buy such fish without fear. But on supermarket shelves, fish is not stored at this temperature, and often lies in open refrigerators, where it is simply impossible to maintain the desired climate. Therefore, when buying frozen red fish, pay attention to its color. If you see yellowness, it means the fish is already weathered and may be spoiled. Don't buy this product.

It is worth mentioning separately about salted salmon. If you see salmon with the color of meat like trout and pale salmon next to it, then you should give preference to the pale one. The very bright color of the salmon only indicates that the manufacturer has tinted it. There is no need for you to buy such fish.

When purchasing a fish carcass, smell its gills. The fish goes rotten from this place. If you feel that the gills frankly stink, then you should not buy fish under any circumstances. If there is not a very strong smell, then such fish is quite edible for a few more days if stored in the refrigerator.

And finally, let us remind you that salmon and salmon cannot be different, since they are the same fish.

Video: Fly fishing for trout, salmon

Today we will learn to distinguish salmon from trout. “Why the hell do we need this?” - you ask. And you will be wrong.

For example, can you tell the difference between the taste of cod and hake? Hardly. Not every fishmonger can tell the difference. What if in a restaurant they serve you hake under the guise of cod? Will you eat it or will you start a scandal? Considering that real cod costs many times more than hake, I usually raise a scandal (after which I receive an apology, discount cards and compensation).

Considering that white fillets are often ocean fish Supplied without leather, it can be extremely difficult to determine the type of product. And it’s stupid to rely on the seller’s honesty: there is more order in supermarkets, but even there, incidents happen. And sometimes there are such names on the trays that I just shrug my shoulders.

So. The vast majority of people cannot distinguish salmon from trout by appearance. On the one hand, there is salmon and there is salmon, but sometimes the difference in price between salmon and trout is one to one and a half dollars per kilogram (and these are raw materials at a factory in Norway), which in production finished product results in a two to three dollar difference in cost. Which, accordingly, pushes unscrupulous manufacturers to sell one thing under the guise of another.

Let's learn how to choose the right fish!

So. There are quite a few differences between salmon and trout; we will look at the basic ones.



The differences are as follows:

1. Size. As a rule, salmon is slaughtered when it reaches a weight of 6-7 kilograms. Trout - 3-4. That is, in the store (or on the tray) the salmon carcass will most likely be larger than the trout (but not necessarily).

2. Shape of the head and carcass. The salmon's head is much larger and more "pointed". The salmon is also more “elongated” and looks like a torpedo. This can be seen here:

Trout is more "pot-bellied".

3. The shape of the front fins. The fins of salmon are slightly more elongated than those of trout, this can be seen in the first two photos of salmon and trout.

4. Scale shape. The scales of salmon are larger than those of trout (below - salmon):

For comparison - trout:

5. Color. Trout has characteristic stripes on the sides of the carcass, which salmon do not have:

6. Trout meat is almost always much brighter than salmon. The differences are dramatic.



Sometimes (due to various reasons) salmon and trout lose color. Frozen fillet may look like this:

Usually this is a second-class product, which is sold by the manufacturer at a price significantly lower than the product top quality. But for the end consumer (that is, you), this product is quite suitable (especially if it is cheaper). Second-class fish behaves unpredictably when “professionally” salted or smoked, so processing companies do not often accept it. But if you are going to fry it, take it boldly. For pickling, it is better to take a product of better quality.

7. Taste. This is where it gets more difficult :)
When fried, I'm afraid you won't be able to tell the difference between salmon and trout. Theoretically, it can be distinguished by the taste as salted (trout is less fatty, but its meat is more tender than salmon). But this is if the raw materials were first-class and the salting was just as good. Sometimes the manufacturer overprocesses the fish so much that it is extremely difficult to distinguish one from the other by taste.

The shelf life of chilled fish is only 14 days from the moment it is produced in Norway at the packaging station. It takes at least a week to deliver the products to the importer’s warehouse and clear customs (sometimes more). In the most optimal case, the supermarket where you buy fish has 5-6 days left to sell it. Pay attention to appearance: if the meat is weathered, the skin is dry, the fish is clearly overcooked. If you often buy ready-made salmon steaks from the culinary department, remember that you are preparing them from fish that you were unable to sell on time. No one will tell you whether she lay there for 5 days (according to the norm) or 8.

The shelf life of frozen fish (at a temperature of -18 degrees) is two years from the date of production. So, on the one hand, it’s easier here. But fish in the supermarket lies in an open banette (much less often in a closed one) which does not hold the required temperature. You don’t know how long it’s been lying there, so again, pay attention not to its appearance. The slightest yellowness is a sign of oxidation. You can no longer eat such fish. At the same time, pale salmon or trout does not at all mean that the fish is bad.

Separately about processed (salted or smoked) salmon/trout. I emphasize: the fish may lose color, but this does not mean that it is bad. Much more should be unnecessarily alarming bright fish: Some manufacturers add dyes to fish during processing. Do you need it? So if you see salmon that looks like trout and “pale” salmon in color, it’s better to take the pale one. Don't take risks.

UPD.: We reminded you in the comments regarding chilled fish: if the fish is “on its last legs,” then the gills begin to stink first. So have a sniff :)
By the way: if the gills only smell, this again does not mean that the fish is bad, it’s just that the decomposition process begins with them. Now, if they clearly stink, that’s it, the fish is not fresh.

Several centuries ago there was so much red fish in the seas that it was not valued at all and was considered the food of the poor and peasants. Today the situation has changed dramatically. Fish of the salmon family modern world is considered a delicacy and not everyone can afford it financially during the holidays, not to mention daily food. In many homes, the most popular representatives of this group - salmon and trout - decorate holiday feasts. But some sellers, for profit, try to offer cheaper trout instead of salmon, so it is important to be able to distinguish between these types of fish.

Visual difference

The name trout includes more than one species of red fish, which are characterized by common features. This type is distinguished Not good large size compared to other salmonids. Most often, trout are about 20-30 cm long and weigh around two kilograms. It is very rare in nature to find trout that exceeds a meter in length.

It is worth noting that trout can vary slightly in color; its appearance depends on the time of year, nutrition and the reservoir itself. The belly of the fish is white or grayish, the back is slightly greenish in color, which can smoothly turn into black. There are black or reddish spots on the sides. Individuals of different sexes have their own external differences: Males are smaller in size, with a larger head. Trout has white or yellow meat that has a slightly reddish tint. But it is not as fatty as salmon. With any temperature treatment, trout meat becomes very light in color.

But salmon or another way atlantic salmon has larger sizes unlike trout. Adults can reach 1.5 meters in length, while their weight even exceeds 10 kilograms. Silver scales and small black spots scattered throughout the body add additional beauty to the salmon.

Salmon meat does not change its color when heat treatment and has a soft pink color that is simply more intense when raw. Fat in fish is distributed throughout the body, while in trout its main volume is concentrated in the abdominal region.

Fishing Features

Catching these types of red fish is not so easy. For example, trout are very shy. Experienced fishermen, knowing the peculiarity that individuals very rarely swim far from their anchorage, look for a place for a long time. You can even scare it off by noisily approaching the edge of a pond or carelessly casting a fishing rod. Fish are less careful at the very beginning of the season; during this period there is a high probability of catching fairly large individuals. In summer it is worth catching it early in the morning or late in the evening. Trout bite most actively on moving bait, for example, a red worm or grub. For fishing, it is advisable to use both a fishing rod and a spinning rod.

Salmon fishing consists of several stages:

  1. First you need to determine the location of the fish.
  2. Choose the right lure.
  3. Carefully pull out the fish after grabbing the bait.

It is most effective to use dead fish, such as herring, as bait. It is worth remembering that in fresh water fish do not feed, but simply capture potential food at the level of reflexes. After you feel a certain heaviness, you can carefully pull out the salmon. In autumn, the salmon bite is observed throughout the day, while in spring it is better to go fishing in the morning or evening.


Unlike many families of fish trout spawn in autumn time . Spawning occurs in rivers where there is enough powerful current and there are a lot of pebbles at the bottom. Thanks to their strength, individuals move up the river, overcome various obstacles on their way and even jump onto the crests of waterfalls. Most often, spawning takes place on a moonlit night. Trout have approximately a thousand larvae, which are light, slightly orange in color and about the size of a pea. A new generation hatches in about forty days, and sometimes it takes even longer.

Salmon do not have a specific spawning period. It can be either spring or autumn, or winter. Most often, for spawning, the fish returns to the river where it appeared. At the same time, the salmon changes greatly in appearance over time. First of all, the color darkens very much, and in males the jaws resemble a beak during this period bird of prey. Since salmon is large in size, the number of eggs reaches 20 thousand. In most cases, weakened fish simply die, but those individuals that survive return to the sea to fatten, and then return again to spawn.

The main differences between trout and salmon

  1. Trout is smaller in size, while salmon reaches one and a half meters in length. But it is not necessary that the carcasses will differ in the store.
  2. The head of salmon is larger and has a pointed shape, while that of trout resembles a torpedo.
  3. The front fins of salmon are more elongated.
  4. Trout have smaller scales.
  5. It is also worth paying attention to the characteristic stripes that are on the sides of the trout.
  6. Trout meat is brighter and has a more reddish hue, while salmon is closer to orange.
  7. Trout meat is less fatty, but when salted it is softer than salmon. But if first-class raw materials were taken for salting, it may not be possible to distinguish. When fried, it tastes very hard to tell the difference.
  8. When fishing, trout prefers moving live stuff, while salmon often bites on dead fish.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that despite all the differences that have been indicated, it is still difficult for the average user to distinguish between these two types of fish. Moreover, when frozen, the meat of both trout and salmon slightly changes color. It becomes even more difficult to determine. Therefore, it is best to purchase red fish from a proven, reliable seller, from whom the catch is kept to a minimum.