Emin Agalarov, biography, news, photos. Restrained relationship or hostility? A body language expert analyzes the relationship of Emin Agalarov with his ex-wife Leyla Aliyeva and his current wife Alena Gavrilova Emin and his mistress

Emin Agalarov today is the idol of many women in our country, because this man has attractive appearance, as well as in the most beautiful voice. Today, many people know the singer by the name Emin, that’s what he nicknamed himself on stage, his creative pseudonym repeats his name, so it will be extremely difficult to confuse the singer with another famous person. Not many people know that Emin is also the author of his songs, as well as a composer; this young man has already distinguished himself with talent in entrepreneurship, and is also the father of two children. Today we will tell you a little more about Emin Agalarov and his mistresses, and also describe the man’s career and personal life.

Singer Emin Agalarov: biography, wife and children

The love story of Irina and Araz can be called truly magical, because it began in childhood, the young man studied with his beloved not just in the same school, but also in the same class, after school the paths of these young people diverged slightly, although the couple were in relationship, the man chose a polytechnic university for himself, and Irina went to study to become a teacher. When the training was completed, the young people decided to get married, and in 1979 Emin was born; the future singer spent his entire childhood in the capital of Azerbaijan. After some time, the young man also had a little sister.

Although the parents of the future artist Russian stage and they did not live too richly, yet the father and mother tried to give as much as possible to their children, and this concerned not only material wealth, but also parental attitude and upbringing. Thanks to this arrangement in the family, Emin even now tries to give his children the best, and besides this, he pays his sons a lot of paternal attention. Already in 1983, Emin’s family decided to move to the capital of our country, and so the young man came to Moscow for the first time, while the family lived in an area called Chertanovo, and it could not be called quiet in those years. In the capital, the young man went to a regular school, it was there that he met friends who drew him into an unpleasant company, and in order to protect his son from problems, the father decided to send the future singer to Switzerland.

Perhaps Emin Agalarov’s personal life began precisely from the first days of independence, but upon arrival in another country, young man I had to live in a boarding school, where the teachers observed extremely strict discipline, and this is what helped the young man acquire such a persistent and strong character.

Until the age of fifteen, the young man lived on the Internet, but even in such a strict environment, the young man tried to somehow realize himself. Emin organized card tournaments to win some money for personal needs, and he was very good at earning money this way. After graduating from online school, singer Emin’s personal life began to develop more actively, as he went to live in America.

Emin in business and career

When it was the nineties, the future singer had already moved to live in the USA, and that’s where he decided to start own business, since this was of great interest to the young man, while studying at a business college, the man additionally tried to realize himself in various online stores, and often advised customers who visited electronics stores. In addition, the young man worked as a shoe salesman and for some time was involved in an online watch store. Already when Emin became a wealthy and respected man, he often said that he needed the simplest work as a valuable experience; without it, a man would not have been able to understand the value of money.

Of course, at that time, no one was interested in the biography and wife of Emin Agalarov, but as soon as the man began to receive large incomes and appeared at social parties, the girls tried to find out more about the attractive young man. While the man was engaged in his activities as a seller, his father helped him get up to speed on his own business; already in 2012, Emin returned to live in Moscow, where he began working in the company with his father. A company called Crocus Group operates even today, Emin and his father are still its leaders.

How did the singer's career begin?

Of course, today information about Emin Agalarov and his mistresses is often of interest to fans, because the man himself has very attractive appearance, but first we should learn more about how the singer gained such enormous popularity among the public. As Emin’s relatives say, the man has a pragmatic and creative character, which is why the young man decided to try himself in music.

WITH early childhood the grandmother instilled in her grandson a love of melodic romances, and in his youth Emin himself chose Elvis Presley for himself.

The singer himself says that he early age wanted to go on stage, which he did at the “Open Mic Night” project, where the young man performed at the age of eighteen. After this, the young man often performed in various bars, but Emin always did it only for his soul. But even such a simple job showed that the young man simply needs to develop his talent and go on the big stage to amaze the audience with his voice.

Initially, the singer himself said that his main job was running a business with his father, for this reason singing can act as a hobby, and despite the fact that there was quite a lot of work in the company, already in 2006 the young man released one famous album called “ Still", after which a whole series of discs with compositions by this singer were released. In 2012, the man not only received awards for his work, but was also able to perform at Eurovision as a contestant from his home country. Of course, already at that time the personal life of the singer Emin was in full view of the whole country; many fans wanted to know even minor details of the performer’s family life.

This year turned out to be very productive for the man, and at the end of it came the release of his first album, which contained songs exclusively in Russian, which only attracted the attention of the press to Emin Agalarov and his mistresses. The album was called “On the Edge” and included fourteen different compositions at once, and already in 2014 another Russian-language album of the singer was released. It is worth saying that the second album was recorded together with such celebrities as Stas Mikhailov, Ani Lorak, and Grigory Leps.

How did Agalarov’s personal life develop?

Probably today many girls want to know more about the biography, personal life and divorce of Emin Agalarov, the man himself does not hide the details of his personal life, so there is something to tell about the singer. The man has not only a large fortune, but also a very attractive appearance, for this reason Emin chose his wife according to his status. The singer’s wife was Leyla Aliyeva, who is the daughter of the President of Azerbaijan. As the man himself says, he was truly smitten by the girl’s beauty, but Emin wanted to do everything according to the strict traditions of his homeland. To begin with, the singer decided to ask Leila’s hand in marriage from her father, and only after that the young man began to court his beloved; the lovers’ wedding took place in 2006, and the courtship did not last so long. Since Emin and his wife were quite wealthy, they held two weddings at once, which took place in Baku and in the capital of our country.

It is necessary to mention that quite well-known personalities in the country came to congratulate the newlyweds, for example, even Vladimir Putin and George Bush were present at the ceremony.

A couple of years later, Emin had two sons in his family, and as the singer notes, it was at that moment that the relationship with his wife began to deteriorate greatly. After some time, the wife decided to take the children and leave for London, and Emin himself continued his career in Moscow, but spent every weekend with his family. After a few months, the man got tired of this life, and he officially admitted to breaking up with Leila.

As the spouses say now, they are trying to maintain friendly relations, Leila does not interfere with Emin’s communication with children.

The singer claims that the sons practically did not notice the expense of their parents, since the man rarely appeared at home anyway, today he constantly visits the children, the couple decided to raise children together, even without being married. Even after the couple separated, Emin continues to communicate not only with his own sons, but also with adopted daughter Leila, whose name is Amira. Already in December last year, the singer was captured in a photo with Alena Gavrilova, the girl is a model and, according to preliminary data, has been in an affair with a man for several months.

Emin Agalarov named the reasons for his divorce from Leyla Aliyeva. According to him, it was caused by the lack of freedom for everyone. The singer also believes that it is stupid to imitate personal life, so it is easier to get a divorce and maintain friendship for the sake of the children.

For the first time in several months, Emin Agalarov spoke about true reasons divorce from the daughter of the President of Azerbaijan Leyla Aliyeva. So, the singer said that they specifically reported this on their pages in social networks, because it “makes life easier.”


"It is necessary to give each other a chance for personal happiness. It can be for both of us only under the condition of absolute freedom. If two people do not have a personal relationship, stupid to imitate family life , it’s easier to get a divorce, maintain friendships, raise children,” Starhit quotes Agalarov with reference to Hello! magazine.

According to him, The divorce took place by mutual desire."None of us betrayed the other, did not offend, we did nothing at all bad friend to a friend. And now our relationship is even better than it was in marriage, very good,” Agalarov said.

He noted that nothing has changed for their children.“Our goal is to raise children together and do everything for their sake,” the singer said. He noted that he is very proud of his children, who, as the singer states, already speak three languages, and also add three- and four-digit numbers in their minds.

According to him, on at the moment he doesn't know whether he can fall in love again or not. However, he stated that he could like any woman.

When it became known about the breakup of such a wonderful couple as Emin and Leila, the question arose: why? Former spouses do not like to talk about this topic, but Emin still said a few words. He speaks very well and warmly about Leila. They lived nine happy years of marriage. The actor and businessman is grateful to Leila for her two sons, and also says that she is a wonderful mother and good wife. But, despite this, Emin said that feelings can cool down and love can pass. In addition, the singer says that they divorced by mutual desire, because in lately their family was just a formality and in order for everyone to have a chance at personal happiness, they made this decision.

According to Leila, they have not lived together for a long time (in different cities) and their feelings cooled down. After the breakup, they remained friends and treat each other with respect. In the future, Emin and Leila wish each other happiness in their personal lives.

Currently, the couple is raising their children together. They don't want their divorce to affect their children. Emin spends at least twice a week with his children. Thanks to the efforts ex-spouses, the twins hardly felt their parents' divorce.

Not long ago, Leila adopted a one-year-old girl from an orphanage, Emin wants to take part in her upbringing.

The divorce of singer Emin Agalarov and the daughter of the President of Azerbaijan Leyla Aliyeva became one of the most notable events in May this year. Not only publications specializing in the lives of stars, but also federal television channels spoke about the separation of the spouses. The couple made a short and official statement, which they did not comment on. And now, two months after the divorce, Emin decided to conduct his first interview, in which he talked about marriage and what could prevent him from being happy.

In an interview, Emin Agalarov explained why he and his wife did not make a secret of the divorce, but they themselves wrote about it on social networks. “I have a very simple position - I want to be honest - towards myself, towards people, towards media representatives. This makes life easier,” he states.

The singer says that he and his wife decided to notify the public about the divorce as soon as it happened. “We need to give each other a chance for personal happiness. It can be for both of us only under conditions of absolute freedom. If two people do not have a personal relationship, it is stupid to imitate family life; it is easier to get a divorce, maintain friendship, and raise children,” Agalarov argues.

// Photo: Instagram of Emin Agalarov

He notes that he and Leila divorced by mutual desire: they simply did not have a family in the full sense of the word. “None of us betrayed the other, did not offend, we did not do anything bad to each other at all. And now our relationship is even better than it was in marriage, very good,” admits the artist.

Agalarov also emphasized that nothing has changed for their sons Ali and Mikail: “Our goal is to raise children together and do everything for their sake.”

Despite the fact that the charismatic singer is now single, he is not thinking about whether he is ready to fall in love again or not. At the same time, he notes that he can like any woman: “In general, it’s impossible to explain. As soon as you put it into pieces - why I love you, why I want it - everything ends.” Agalarov also agreed with the statement that being happy in marriage is great job over each spouse.

// Photo: Instagram of Emin Agalarov

According to the singer, being boring can prevent him from being happy. “Not as sweet as it seems. With complaints for any reason. I remember everything, I don’t tolerate being late, I’m impatient, I need everything at once. It’s very difficult with me,” Emin confesses to Hello! .

Agalarov calls his sons his greatest achievement and pride. “Not by what they simply are, but by how they grow,” he clarifies. - Smart, well-mannered. At the age of six, they speak three languages ​​fluently – Russian, Azerbaijani and English, and add three- and four-digit numbers in their heads.”

Let us note that at the end of July it became known that there had been an addition to Leyla Aliyeva’s family. The daughter of the President of Azerbaijan took a girl named Amina from one of the orphanages. There was no information about how old she was.

This day, Emin Agalarov married for the second time - the singer and his beloved Alena Gavrilova officially legalized their relationship.

The wedding celebration took place (and is still taking place!) at the Agalarov family golf club, Agalarov Estate, near Moscow, which today has turned into a snow-white castle of flowers.

Many of the couple's celebrity friends came to celebrate the beginning of a new stage in the life of 38-year-old Emin and 30-year-old Alena: Zara, Valery Meladze, Timati and Anastasia Reshetova, Grigory Leps, Sergei Kozhevnikov and others.

As we have already found out Russian media, the host of the evening was Andrei Malakhov, and Vladimir Kuzmin, the childhood idol of Emin and Alena, performed for the newlyweds and their guests.

Let us remember that the romance between the singer and the winner of the title “Miss Mordovia 2004” became known in the spring of 2016. Then Emin and Alena appeared together for the first time on social event. Later, such exits by the couple became the norm, and in 2017 Agalarov gave it to his beloved main role in his video for the song Good Love.

For Emin, this is already the second marriage: the artist was married for almost ten years to the daughter of the President of Azerbaijan, Leyla Aliyeva, who gave him two sons. Aliyeva, it is worth noting, after breaking up with Agalarov, adopted a girl, whom Emin also helps her raise.

Alena also had them before serious relationship. Before meeting Emin, she had civil marriage with billionaire Rustam Tariko, from whom she gave birth to a son.