What to do if you feel sick on the plane. Remedies for motion sickness on an airplane for adults

People often encounter this problem when they get very motion sick on a plane. It happens that such a symptom leads to the passenger vomiting or losing consciousness. Those who have encountered this problem know that this is a terrible condition that you want to get rid of as quickly as possible. It's good that there is today large number medications that help with this problem. Let's consider which are the most effective.

Medicines for motion sickness on an airplane for adults

Today, there are a huge number of different medications for motion sickness on the shelves of pharmacies. Let's consider the most effective means from motion sickness on an airplane for adults:

  1. "Dramine" This medicine is available in tablets. You need to drink it 15-20 minutes before the flight. It works within 6 hours. Since the average flight takes so long, this drug helps to cope with air sickness. Note that the drug can be given to everyone except children under 1 year of age and nursing women, since the drug penetrates into milk.
  2. "Bonin." This product is produced in the United States of America. It prevents nausea, vomiting and dizziness. Indicated for use exclusively from 12 years of age. For children younger age the medicine is strictly prohibited. Enough to accept 1 tablet 1-1.5 hours before departure, and you will feel good throughout the flight, since the product is effective throughout the day. It is not advisable to take it during pregnancy, as well as during lactation.
  3. "Vertigohel". This is a German medicine that helps more with nausea or vomiting, but it is not a panacea for motion sickness and air sickness.
  4. "Avia-More". It can be used both to prevent motion sickness and to eliminate the consequences of this problem. It is available in two forms: granules and caramels. An hour before departure, the tablet must be dissolved. If you feel unwell during a flight, you need to take this medicine every 30 minutes. It is permissible to take 5 tablets per day.
  5. "Phenibut." This remedy is suitable for both children and adults. But only babies should be given half 30-40 minutes before departure or trip. Pregnant women should not take this medication.
  6. "Cinedril." This medicine should be taken immediately before the trip, and also every 3 hours, if you still need to be on the road. If you are on a flight that takes more than 3 hours, then the medicine should be taken after 3 hours.

In addition to these, drugs such as "Picamilon", "Ephedrine", "Sidnogluton" and many others. When choosing, it is very important to pay attention to contraindications and side effects. Those who suffer from gastrointestinal diseases should be especially careful. mental disorders, renal failure, as well as pregnant and lactating women. In all these cases, it is necessary to consult a doctor in a timely manner so that the medications do not cause harm or cause complications.

What to do if you get motion sickness on a plane?

Before you decide to take a flight, you need to find out whether you will feel sick on the plane. Some people cannot eat anything during the flight because they immediately have a reverse reflex. You should also find out if you get motion sickness on an airplane, since this nuisance often provokes various negative symptoms. In order to figure out if you have airsickness, of course, you need to go on a flight at least once. However, in most cases, those who get motion sickness in a car experience the same symptom when flying. First you need to figure out how you can prevent such a terrible condition as motion sickness.

So, first you should figure out where on the plane you get less motion sickness. Shaking is felt the least, and, therefore, motion sickness is less in the following places:

  • in front of the liner;
  • in the rows opposite the wing.

Please note that when registering, you have the right to ask for a more convenient seat so that there are no problems later. Very often, in order to prevent motion sickness, people do not eat anything before a flight. As practice shows, this does not lead to anything good. When a person is hungry, the discomfort only gets worse.

An hour before meals, be sure to eat a hearty meal so as not to fly with an empty stomach. On the road, you also need to take something to snack with you, since after a few hours of flight you will definitely get hungry. It is enough to take fruits or vegetables, waffles, cookies, sandwiches, etc. with you. It is advisable to refrain from strong coffee, tea and alcohol. The best replacement would be juices or plain water without carbon.

It is noteworthy that during the flight, many try to distract themselves by reading books or watching movies on electronic gadgets. However, it is not advisable for those who suffer from motion sickness to perform these actions, since straining the eyes may cause ailments in the head. That is why, if you feel that you are not feeling well, first of all, remove all objects, and also keep your gaze on the horizon line. As a rule, this helps to cope with unpleasant sensations. Mint candies or chewing gum also help to cope with this problem.

If you do get seasick and feel like you might vomit, ask the flight attendant for special bags that are designed for such needs. In addition, you need to completely relax, breathe deeply and preferably fan yourself with a fan or newspaper. A flow of cool air will help normalize the condition.

In general, anyone can cope with motion sickness. The main thing is not to panic or get nervous, as this will only aggravate the already serious condition. Be sure to take anti-sickness pills before the flight, and also take them with you on board, since not everyone can take one capsule for the flight. If nothing helps you, and you still feel nauseous and dizzy, then air travel is not for you. Avoid them to avoid feeling unwell and discomfort.

Air sickness is becoming increasingly common for many people. actual problem, because the frequency of flights related to leisure and business trips is constantly increasing. Rescue from motion sickness on an airplane is no less required than when traveling on a ship or in a car. Such a nuisance can happen to anyone, and attacks of nausea, vomiting and other unpleasant symptoms will not necessarily be repeated every flight. Let's try to figure out what causes air sickness and how to get rid of discomfort when flying.

Causes of air sickness

Flying is not the most natural state for a person, so many people experience fear, especially from such a word as “turbulence”. This becomes an additional stress factor for nervous system and can increase the unpleasant symptoms of air sickness. You can also feel sick on a plane for quite objective reasons. The fact is that air transport undergoes many accelerations, as it moves in an atmosphere with ascending and descending air currents, turbulence, etc. In accordance with these fluctuations, the balance organ, the vestibular apparatus, is irritated, and a large amount of information about changes in the position of the body in space enters the central nervous system. In this case, the senses indicate that the person is sitting motionless in a chair. This contradiction in the information flow, called sensory conflict , and leads to motion sickness, as a result of which a child or adult begins to feel sick and vomit on the plane.

What are the symptoms of motion sickness

Fear of flying is often the root cause of air sickness. Fear significantly affects the nervous system, which is why a child or adult gets motion sickness when flying. The most common symptoms of motion sickness are:

  • attacks of nausea and vomiting;
  • headache and dizziness;
  • feeling of falling and loss of spatial orientation;
  • drowsiness, lethargy;
  • pale skin;
  • blurred vision;
  • rapid heartbeat;
  • increased irritability, crying in young children, which is associated with changes in pressure in the vestibular apparatus.

Flying is not the most natural state for a person, so many people experience fear, especially from such a word as “turbulence”.

What to do if you get motion sickness on a plane

In order to take care of passengers before a flight, lollipops are traditionally distributed on board, which often helps distract a person from thoughts of being sick. However, this may not be enough. What to do if you get motion sickness on a plane? Currently, the symptoms of air sickness (dizziness, vomiting, anxiety, etc.) can be significantly reduced or eliminated completely if you follow useful recommendations.

  • Find a suitable seat. When checking in for your flight, ask for a seat near the center aisle in the wing area. This is the part of the cabin in which changes in the aircraft's attitude are least noticeable. If this is not possible, you can take a seat by the window.
  • Take a comfortable position. The optimal position is with your head slightly tilted back. If you feel motion sick, it is recommended to close your eyes or fix your gaze on something stationary. Deep rhythmic breathing will help you relax and suppress the main symptoms of motion sickness - nausea and vomiting.
  • Drink water. Warm still water will help replenish fluid deficiency and cope with attacks of nausea and vomiting. It should be drunk in small sips, pausing.
  • Provide access to fresh air. Individual self-directed ventilation may help with attacks of nausea on an airplane. Also, to make breathing easier, it is better to remove items of clothing that put pressure on the neck: collar, scarf, etc.
  • Limit visual activity. To avoid nausea, it is better not to read books, magazines, etc.
  • Take Dramamine®. If you're flying for the first time and don't know how your body will react, take Dramamine® with you. If you have already experienced this problem on board and are concerned that you may easily get motion sickness, take Dramamine® 30 minutes before your flight. During a long flight, it is better to always have this drug with you to prevent unpleasant symptoms. Since the effect of Dramamine® lasts 6 hours, for a long flight you will need another 1 dose. Dramamine® can be used by children from 3 years of age and adults. You can find out more about the drug.

If symptoms of air sickness appear in a child, it is necessary to take additional measures and do the following:

  • Calm the child. Vomiting on an airplane can be very stressful for children. In turn, negative experiences increase the symptoms of motion sickness. Therefore, it is important for parents to quickly console the child and not scold him.
  • Divert his attention. If your child gets seasick on an airplane, you can reduce the unpleasant symptoms by telling him interesting story or by getting him interested in his favorite toy. At the same time games on tablet It is better to postpone it so as not to provoke motion sickness syndrome due to additional load on the vestibular apparatus.

It is better to prepare for air travel in advance, while avoiding negative thoughts about possible illness. Kinetosis can be overcome: getting rid of fears, which often become the cause of motion sickness, and self-confidence will help you endure the flight calmly.

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Air sickness and nausea are common ailments that every traveler who finds himself on an airplane has to deal with at least once in his life. Fortunately, simple steps will help you forget about motion sickness and other symptoms. If you are planning to fly soon, follow our instructions. Here's what you need to do to avoid motion sickness.

Get enough sleep before your flight

“Why waste time sleeping when you can take a nap on the plane?” - think many novice balloonists and are honestly surprised when faced with nausea and other delights of soaring in the clouds. When you board an airliner tired, you are automatically approaching your encounter with motion sickness and air sickness. Preliminary seven to eight hours of sleep will not only save you from unpleasant sensations, but will also help to avoid disturbances in the circadian rhythm - eternal companions flights crossing multiple time zones.

Eat well

“We are what we eat,” which means that in order for the flight to be successful, it is necessary to have a good meal before it. The Association of Owners and Pilots of Private Aircraft recommends eating light food a few hours before takeoff, but you shouldn’t go hungry or eat huge portions - in both the first and second cases, people on board the plane get very motion sick. Possible options pre-flight snack: peanut butter sandwiches, hummus, tuna, rice, various smoothies.

Avoid salty snacks, which can cause dehydration, and fatty foods, which can cause stomach upset. But it’s better to take bread, crackers and apples with you on the plane - they will save you from nausea and motion sickness.

Choose the “right” place

Believe it or not, being on a plane has a lot to do with whether you feel nauseous. Not long ago, scientists conducted a study that showed that best way to stay healthy - sit by the window (who would doubt it). But it’s best to avoid places near the aisle if possible - during the flight you will have to come into contact with much a large number people, and at the same time with their microbes - you can get motion sickness.

Drink enough fluids

Airplane cabin air can cause dry eyes and airways, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. To avoid this, drink as much fluid as possible during the flight - this will reduce dryness and prevent dehydration.

When they see a flight attendant delivering food and drinks, passengers often fall into a stupor: what to choose? Coffee and Orange juice difficult to digest during a flight, so ask for them instead plain water or tea.

Go to the restroom as little as possible

After visiting the restroom, many people not only get motion sickness - they also run the risk of becoming the owner of any diseases. Toilets are the dirtiest place on an airplane: there is one small room for every fifty passengers. No, we don't encourage you to endure it as much as you can, but if you can go to the bathroom before your flight and refrain from using it during the entire flight, that will be ideal. If this is not possible, do not touch the faucet, toilet lid or door latch with your bare hands - do it through paper towel or a napkin.

Put down the book

It seems that reading a good book may make you feel bad, but in reality an airplane does not. best place for reading. Immersing yourself in a book while flying or traveling on any other type of transport confuses the signals entering the brain and can cause nausea - as a result, you feel sick: you get motion sickness. Instead, experts recommend looking out the window and enjoying the clouds.

Use ventilation above the seat

Even if you feel chilly during the flight, keep the ventilation above your seat on the plane. And here's why you need to do this. Viruses from colds and other upper respiratory tract infections remain in the air during flight. Ventilation above the seat will create an invisible barrier around you and protect against illness and motion sickness.

Wipe the folding table with a damp cloth

A 2015 study found that folding tables have approximately 8 times more bacteria than toilet flush buttons. Germs found in snack areas include cold viruses, norovirus (which can cause diarrhea and vomiting), and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (which causes skin infections). If you plan to use a folding table on an airplane, remember that sanitary napkins or antiseptic sprays can help get rid of bacteria.

Avoid using the seat pocket in front of you

While the pocket in the back of the seat in front seems like an attractive place to store water bottles and snacks, it's actually crawling with germs. Many passengers dump candy wrappers, half-eaten food and other items with bacteria into it. The study found that methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus germs, which can cause problems ranging from skin infections to pneumonia, lived on a tissue pocket for seven days. To avoid contact with them, do not touch the pocket or place anything in it.

About 30% of the population globe susceptible to seasickness or motion sickness. It appears most often during trips to different types transport - on buses, planes, boats or trains, and the severity of symptoms depends not only on the speed of movement, but also on the amplitude of vibrations. The main reason for the appearance of such unpleasant sensations is most often a weak vestibular apparatus, although stuffiness, fear, specific odors, and overwork also often provoke such an unpleasant attack of nausea. What to do, how can you help passengers if they are susceptible to seasickness?

In this case, there are only 2 options - either not to fly on an aircraft at all, choosing another transport, or purchasing tablets for motion sickness on the plane , reducing the manifestation of unpleasant symptoms. There are many such drugs, but they are quite diverse in their spectrum of action and their characteristics and are divided into main groups:

  • anticholinergic drugs;
  • agents for suppressing reflexes and suppressing the central nervous system;
  • antihistamines;
  • psychotropic stimulants;
  • antiemetic drugs;
  • means that accelerate the overall adaptation of the body;
  • medications that normalize microcirculation in the cells of the vestibular apparatus;
  • homeopathy and traditional medicine.

Anticholinergics - effects on the body

This subgroup received greatest distribution. The main action is aimed at suppressing the motion sickness reaction of the parasympathetic part of the human central nervous system. A noticeable disadvantage of these drugs is the fairly high possibility of side symptoms: allergic reactions to components; lethargy, decreased vigor; increased heart rate and sweating; loss of clarity of vision when focusing at a certain distance, dry mouth; weak hallucinogenic reactions.

To avoid such sensations, you should carefully study the instructions and strictly adhere to the recommended dose.

Aeron. This drug is most often chosen from this subgroup. The main active ingredients are hyoscyamine and scopolamine. It is recommended to use 50-60 minutes before boarding the plane.

What remedies help you sleep on an airplane?

Many passengers often prefer a group of medications called “Airplane Sleep Pills.”

Such means can have a pronounced calming effect, although often their use can put the passenger at risk of losing the ability to concentrate when necessary. The main components of these drugs are antipsychotics, painkillers and sleep aids that can affect the entire central and peripheral nervous system of a person.

Side effects that occur when taking these drugs are: muscle relaxation; loss of mood, so-called apathy; violation of orientation in space. The main medications that tablets contain for flying on an airplane are:

  • Relanium. An analgesic that has a significant effect on the functioning of the nervous system. Not recommended for pregnant and lactating women;
  • Medazipam. From the group of tranquilizers that can help with motion sickness. The drug is effective for 6 hours. To achieve a more lasting effect, you will have to take a repeat dose.
  • Prazepam. The product eliminates vomiting and heaviness caused by monotonous vibrations during flight.

Effect of antihistamines on an airplane

Antihistamines are often marketed as tablets for airplane travel.

These drugs have been in demand for quite a long time, because they are used not only during travel, but also for many other medical indications. Their effect is a sedative effect, as well as blocking a certain part of the central nervous system.

The main advantages of these products are determined by their high efficiency, ease of dosing and practical complete absence side negative consequences. These include Daedalon, Bonin and Dramael. The main component is dimenhydrenate. The action of these components is quite harmless and can be used for children from one year old.


Psychostimulants - pills for the fear of flying on an airplane. During a flight, if shaking or vibration occurs, medical professionals and pharmacists often suggest using the following medications:

  • Caffeine;
  • Sidnocarb;
  • Sydnogluton.

Often, practicing doctors recommend combining these drugs with antihistamine components, because in this case, not only does the effect increase, but also the risk of negative effects in the form of rapid heartbeat, arrhythmia, loss of coordination and anxiety is reduced.

What antiemetics help when flying?

Most often, when these symptoms occur, the following anti-nausea tablets are used on an airplane: Cerucal; Alo-Metoclop; Torekan. The main advantage of these drugs is their focus on preventing an uncontrolled gag reflex. In addition to its main action, Torekan can increase the adaptation of the vestibular apparatus to vibrations and relieve dizziness. Other medications can only eliminate the feeling of nausea and prevent vomiting.

What medications will help speed up the addiction to motion sickness and speed up microcirculation in the cells of the vestibular apparatus

Before traveling by plane, many doctors advise gradually strengthening your vestibular apparatus by consuming eleutherococcus and bimethyl. It is these drugs that can help you endure a flight with ease and prevent unexpected motion sickness - that is, seasickness.

To maintain the body's resistance to the stresses that arise when flying on an airliner and to ensure normal blood circulation in the vestibular apparatus, you can first take flunarizine, sermion, phenibut and other medications of similar action.

Homeopathy and folk remedies used when flying by air

Due to their convenient form and noticeable effect when used, homeopathic and folk remedies. Among them are the following drugs:

  • Veratrumalbum – normalizes blood pressure, prevents fainting and nausea;
  • Vertigohel – relieves symptoms of motion sickness;
  • Borax – recommended for relieving negative symptoms when flying in the air;
  • Mint tea with lemon - can produce a tonic effect;
  • Ginger root - crushed product taken in advance will help maintain good health during the flight;
  • Syrup made from honey and mint oil. This composition will help maintain cheerfulness and a positive mood while traveling by plane. This product Can be used not only by adults, but also by children.