What information can be obtained from a geochronological map. Geochronological scale and history of the development of living organisms

Planet Earth. To find out age rocks, use them absolute And relative age.

The absolute age of rocks is determined by the ability of some radioactive elements to self-decompose into natural conditions. Relative age is determined by the conditions of occurrence of sedimentary rocks, the characteristics of their composition, and the remains of organisms that lived in past eras. It is clear that deeper layers reflect more ancient geological events.

The study of the age of rocks made it possible to compile geochronological table(table of geological chronology).

In geological history, large time periods are distinguished - eras and periods.

In the geological past, the most ancient Archean era followed by Proterozoic, Paleozoic, Mesozoic, Kai-Nozoan. Each era is divided into periods. The earliest of them is Precambrian.

Please note that the geochronological table is built from the most ancient stages to the modern and needs to be read from bottom to top. For each era, the corresponding stage of development of climate, wildlife, the most important geological events and the most characteristic minerals are shown.

Geochronological table (geological chronology table)

Era and its duration (million years)


Major geological events

Evolution of nature and the organic world


Beginning (million years ago)

Duration (million years)

The era of warehouseness

Changes in the face of the Earth

Cenozoic (67)

(2) Quaternary (2)


General rise of territory, increase in land mass. Accumulation of snow in the mountains and repeated glaciations. Formation of modern relief

Appearance modern man. The emergence of humanoid ancestors

Construction materials (clay, sand), placer deposits of gold and diamonds

(25) Neogene (23.5)

Powerful volcanism, mountain building in the Alpine-Pacific mobile belt. On the territory of Russia - the formation of new mountain structures (Caucasus, Kamchatka). The emergence of sea basins - the Black, Caspian, Okhotsk, Japanese

The appearance of treeless landscapes - steppes, savannas, as well as gallery tropical forests. Distribution of ungulates and rodents. The emergence of new insects (grasshoppers)

Brown coals, oil, rock salt, sedimentary iron ores, building materials (granite, marble)

(67) Paleogene (42)

Destruction of the Mesozoic mountains. Advance of the seas. Accumulation of precipitation. Beginning of Alpine folding

The dominance of mammals. The appearance of saber-toothed tigers and mammoths. Distribution of birds and bony fishes

Brown coals, oil, oil shale

Mesozoic (163)

(137) Chalky (70)

Cimmerian (Mesozoic)

Formation of new mining structures. On the territory of Russia there are mountains North-Eastern Siberia(Verkhoyansky, Chersky ridges) and Far East(Sikhote-Alin). Raising platforms

At the end of the period - the death of dinosaurs on land, sea ​​lizards and Ammonites in the Ocean. All groups of modern mammals emerge. Angiosperms, flowering plants. Flora becomes similar to modern

Coal, oil, oil shale, phosphorites, chalk, tin ores, arsenic, antimony, gold, silver, copper, lead

(195) Jurassic (58)

Flooding by the seas. Accumulation of precipitation. Powerful mountain building. Platform splits. Rising of the destroyed mountains of the Baikal folding

Hot and humid climate. The appearance of mammals. Kingdom of dinosaurs. Forest vegetation becomes zonal

Coal, oil shale, phosphorites

(230) Triassic (35)

Raising sushi. The most extensive retreat of the sea. Destruction of pre-Mesozoic mountains. Formation of the sedimentary cover of platforms

Dry climate. The appearance of dinosaurs (two-legged lizards). Coniferous forests. The first animal-like predators (animal-toothed) - the predecessors of mammals

Rock salt, oil, coal


(285) Perm (55)


Completion of the Hercynian folding. Formation of new mining structures. Raising ancient platforms. Education on the territory of Russia Ural mountains, Altai. The emergence of the foundations of the West Siberian and Turanian platforms, the Scythian platform

Dry climate. Gradual disappearance of fern and horsetail forests. Reptiles become oviparous

Stone and potassium salt, gypsum, coal, oil, flammable gas

(350) Coal (75-65)

Lowering the land. Flooding of ancient platforms. New stage mountain formation. On the territory of Russia there is an intensification of tectonic movements in the Ural-Tien Shan mobile belt. Splits of the subducting Siberian platform and lava outpourings (formation of basalt covers - Siberian traps)

Increase in the area of ​​swampy lowlands. Hot and humid climate. The flourishing of fern and horsetail forests. The appearance of gymnosperms coniferous plants. The rise of amphibians. The appearance of insects (dragonflies) and reptiles (reptiles)

Abundance of coal and oil. Copper, tin-tungsten, poly-metallic ores

(410) Devonian (60)


Retreat of the seas. Uplifts, which were replaced by downturns towards the end of the period. Reducing the strength of tectonic movements. Destruction of mountains. Relief leveling

Increasing continental climate, the appearance of the first deserts. Ancient amphibians. Widespread distribution of land plants. Exit of vertebrates to land. The Great Invasion of Life on Land

Oil, flammable gas, medicinal mineral waters

(440) Silurian (30)

Mountain building between Precambrian structures. Raising ancient platforms. On the territory of Russia - the formation of the Sayans in the eastern part of Altai

Lobe-finned fish, bony fish. Cartilaginous fish. The appearance of vertebrates. The first psilophyte land plants

Iron, copper and other ores, gold, phosphorites, oil shale

(500) Ordovician (60) Material from the site

Reduction of sea area, volcanism. Beginning of the Caledonian folding

The appearance of armored fish

(570) Cambrian (70)

The attenuation of mountain building, the slow subsidence of continents and the flooding of vast areas of land. Destruction and smoothing of mountains. Sedimentary accumulation

Corals, sponges, mollusks, arthropods (crayfish and trilobites)

Bauxite, phosphorite, sedimentary ores of manganese and iron, rock salt, gypsum



Powerful volcanism, mountain building around ancient platforms. On the territory of Russia - mountain systems Transbaikalia, Baikal region, Timan and Yenisei ridges

Multicellular creatures, algae. The simplest cellular forms in the depths of the anoxic Ocean

Huge reserves iron ores, polymetallic ores, graphite, building materials


(over 3500) (over 900)

Ancient volcanism and mountain building, the formation of the cores of ancient platforms. On the territory of Russia there are the East European and Siberian platforms

First life forms

On this page there is material on the following topics:

The idea that our Earth is many millions of years old is officially taught in our schools and institutes. To support this point of view as scientific, a geochronological table is given with the long eras and periods that scientists supposedly calculated from the layers of sedimentary rocks and their fossils in them. Here's an example lesson:

"Teacher: For many years, geologists, studying rocks, tried to determine the age of the Earth. But until recently they were far from successful. At the beginning of the 17th century, the Archbishop of Armagh, James Ussher, calculated the date of creation of the world from the Bible, and determined it as 4004 BC n.

But he was more than a million times wrong. Today scientists believe that the age of the Earth is 4600 million years. The science that studies the age of the Earth based on the arrangement of rocks is called geology."

(Geochronological table photo No. 1)

(geochronological table photo No. 2)

Students take this data on faith, trusting the teacher’s word and not checking how true this information is and whether it corresponds to reality. In fact, many have long been known scientific evidence, which show the geochronological table to be invalid. There are scientists who have a different point of view on periods of the history of our Earth. For example, Walker's Geological Model modified by Klevberg:

(Geochronological table photo No. 3)

I think that every person, whether he is a student or a teacher, should thoroughly double-check the official data that he receives and form his own beliefs, based not on preconceived guesses, but on scientific research. To figure out which scientists' hypotheses are closer to the truth and which are not, read articles with a different point of view on the geochronological table than the official point of view taught in educational institutions.

1) What structure does the lithosphere have?

The lithosphere consists of separate large blocks - lithospheric plates.

2) What phenomena occur at the boundaries of its plates?

The boundaries of lithospheric plates may diverge; can collide, then geosynclinal belts are formed.

3) How are seismic belts located on Earth?

There are two largest seismic belts. These include one latitudinal, that is, located along the equator, and the second is meridian, respectively, perpendicular to the previous one. The first is called the Mediterranean-Trans-Asian and it originates approximately in the Persian Gulf, and extreme point reaches the middle Atlantic Ocean. The second is called the Pacific meridional, and it passes in full accordance with its name.

Questions in a paragraph

*Compare the geological and tectonic maps and determine which tectonic structures the outcrops of ancient rocks are associated with.

Shield areas on the Russian and Siberian platforms.

*Compare the tectonic and physiographic maps and determine which relief forms are characteristic of the shields.

Low mountains and plateaus.

Questions at the end of the paragraph

1. What sciences study the history of the development of the Earth?

Geology, geotectonics, paleontology, mineralogy, petrography.

2. What information can be obtained from a geochronological table?

Information about the change of eras and periods in the history of the development of the Earth and their duration, the most important geological events, stages of the development of life, the most typical minerals for the period.

3. What is shown on the tectonic map?

Location and age of tectonic structures.

4. Using a geochronological table, write a story about the formation of the main relief forms of our country?

The largest flat landforms are confined to ancient platforms, the formation of which has long been completed (Russian Platform, Siberian Platform, West Siberian Plate). Mountain areas formed during different eras of folding. During the earliest Baikal folding, the Yenisei Ridge, the Eastern Sayan, the Baikal region and Transbaikalia were formed. In the Paleozoic, the Western Sayan and Eastern Altai were formed during the Caledonian folding. The Urals and Western Altai are formed in the Hercynian fold. Verkhoyansk ridge and Chersky ridge, Sikhote-Alin - Mesozoic folding. Modern Cenozoic folding includes the Caucasus, the Kamchatka mountains and the Kuril Islands.

5. Using the geochronological table, determine what era and period we live in, what geological events are currently taking place, what minerals are being formed.

We live in Cenozoic era, Quaternary period. Now there is mountain building in the Alpine-Himalayan fold belt, a general rise of the territory, and changes in sea levels. Angiosperms and mammals flourish. Mineral resources are formed - peat, placer deposits of gold and diamonds, building materials.