What kind of Arab men are they? Life with an Arab man: anonymous interview 

April 26th, 2013

The man in the following pictures is one of three UAE nationals who were recently deported from Saudi Arabia because they were “too beautiful.”

The incident occurred during a cultural festival Jenadrivah Heritage and Cultural Festival, which took place in the country's capital, Riyadh.

Three men were expelled from the country because the authorities believed that women would lose their heads at the sight of them and “fall in love” with them. There are also versions that the men were asked to leave the festival due to the unexpected appearance of an unaccredited artist.

Swift action was taken to deport the three men back to Abu Dhabi, the capital of the UAE.

Photo of the most handsome man

Omar Borkan Al Gala(Omar Borkan Al Gala) - actor, photographer and poet from Dubai, was one of three irresistible males who was expelled from the country by the police for his beauty. He already has an army of fans on Facebook.

Saudi Arabia is a deeply religious and conservative society in which women are prohibited from communicating with strangers. This is the only country in the world where women are prohibited from driving.

The most beautiful men in the world 2012

People magazine, which annually ranks the most sexy men, released the 2012 list.

1. Channing Tatum(Channing Tatum) - American actor and model

2. Blake Shelton(Blake Shelton) - American country singer

3. Chris Hemsworth(Chris Hemsworth) - Australian actor

4. Max Greenfield(Max Greenfield) - American television series actor

5. Ben Affleck(Ben Affleck) - American actor, film director, producer

6. Richard Gere(Richard Gere) - American actor

7. Matt Bomer(Matthew Bomer) - American theater and film actor

8. Oscar Pistorius(Oscar Pistorius) - runner from South Africa, champion of the Summer Paralympic Games

9. Denzel Washington(Denzel Washington) - American actor

10. Damian Lewis(Damian Lewis) - British actor

11. Paul Rudd(Paul Rudd) - American actor

12. Bradley Cooper(Bradley Cooper) - American actor

“Generators of unusual ideas”, “masters of the family nest” and “desperate friends” - this is all about them, the Arabs. They are also spoiled, boastful and unpredictable. Personal experience girls, but not wives.

Oksana L. has been dating a resident of Jordan for four years, who came to Kyiv to study and earn money, and tells how she and her friend manage to combine such different views of the East and West.

About friendship and personal boundaries
We always have guests at our house. At any moment, a friend or just an acquaintance can call and come to our home in the middle of the night. Naturally, as a woman, I need to set the table and make sure everyone is fed and happy. Sometimes the house resembles some kind of Arab camp, and not a family nest.

If a friend needs help, you need to rush to him in the middle of the night. Arabs are always ready to help out a friend, come where they need to, pick them up, lend money.

They are not jealous of friends. My friend is very jealous, but this only applies to our Slavic guys and men, although I don’t give a reason. He trusts his own people. In any case, his friends, understanding who we are to each other, never allowed themselves even harmless flirting.

About work
They prefer conversations to business - long conversations over hookahs. These are real philosophers who are ready to reason and plan for hours. Although this time could be spent on constructive actions rather than chatter, most of which will be forgotten the next day. Eastern men have this problem: their conversations often diverge from their actions. They promise a lot, and they themselves sincerely believe in what they say. Plans can change dramatically, or mood, or something else, and promises will remain just words.

Arab men need to be encouraged - this is how they become inspired and are ready to move mountains for the sake of their family. This applies, in particular, to work. It is important for them to feel that a woman believes in their strengths and capabilities.

Generators of unusual ideas. In the four years that I’ve known my man, he’s started all sorts of businesses. Cafe, transportation of dogs and birds from Ukraine, which are in demand in his homeland in Jordan, processing semi-precious stones etc. But he didn’t bring any ideas to completion. I didn’t initially calculate the risks, I acted based on momentary desires, passion and emotions.

Many people do not value their parents' money. Young people live and have fun at the expense of their parents and do not know the value of money earned not by their own labor.

Attitude towards women
Most Arabs are spoiled by their mother's attention, love care and are often selfish. They like to surround themselves with everything beautiful and are avid fashionistas. They love to dress up: beautiful clothes, shoes, lots of rings and bracelets. Favorite clients of barbershops: stylish beard, gelled hair, expensive perfumes.

They love to educate, and if they fail, they can use force. They put pressure on me morally. Very hot-tempered. Any little thing can piss them off. At the same time, their woman should admire them.

They love to brag about their woman to their friends - they tell them what a housewife she is, caring and a jack of all trades. It is important for them that others admire their woman, and therefore automatically admire them.

It is difficult to offer our men to live together - they are afraid for their freedom. Arab men, on the contrary, want the girl they like to be constantly in their sight. At home, nearby, close by. They are ready to protect and care for her, although they demand a lot in return.

Very generous. If possible, they give the woman gifts, they like broad gestures, and are not at all stingy.

They value independence in our women, the fact that a woman can take care of herself, earn money and not depend on a man as much as possible. In his homeland, women mostly stay at home and do housework.

There is a minus. Monogamy is not for Eastern men. How many times have we had to watch family Arab men woo our girls? When my wife calls, they hang up or don’t pick up. And when they call back, they sing like a nightingale, as they love, and exquisitely lie about why they couldn’t answer. Treason is not considered as such for them. This is the norm in the life of an Eastern man.

About everyday life
My friend definitely won’t eat borscht for three days in a row, although he really loves my borscht. Arab men are very demanding and capricious in everyday life, like children, and are often dependent. If we talk about my man, he can clean and cook even better than me. But it is important for him to see that they care about him and do something for him.

I’m used to Russian cuisine, but my love for hummus and flatbreads remains unchanged.

Loves cleanliness, but not to the point of fanaticism. He understands that we both work a lot and come home very late, so we don’t always have the physical strength to clean and cook at night.

About children and family
My man is ready to coddle with every child, but I’m not sure that he will get up in the middle of the night for his own. This is the wife's responsibility. And the man pampers his child and pays attention to him during short games. All other delights of education fall on the shoulders of the woman.

When married to a Christian, there is no choice in what religion they choose. joint child- he is a priori born a Muslim. Especially if we're talking about about the boy.

My man’s parents are wealthy and ready to support him, but he, having matured, when the youthful frenzy had passed and partying with friends was no longer a priority, wanted to prove to his family that he could get on his own feet.

About religion
I refused to convert to Islam, realizing that I would not be able to wear closed clothes, honor Muslim traditions and be in a “golden cage” at home. He didn’t swear, he accepted my choice. But it is very important for him that his woman shares her religion with him and his legal wife, in any case, must convert to Islam or be a Muslim initially.

Arabs know the Koran from an early age. They read it like mantras. But my man openly admits that, living among Russians and Ukrainians, he leads an anti-Muslim lifestyle.

His mother, when she came to visit us, brought a hijab as a gift with the hint that I should accept their religion since I live with her son.

A negative attitude towards alcohol remains, despite the love for discos (already in the past) and hookah smoking (this is part of traditions). He doesn't respect it when a woman drinks, even in company.

About the future
After life with Arab man It’s strange to watch how our women treat their Russian husbands. It’s crazy to see the disrespectful attitude and desire to be in charge at times. My views on what a woman should be like in a relationship with any man have changed.

I don’t know where this relationship will lead - Russian girls are more freedom-loving, ambitious and active. I wouldn’t like to be completely dependent on my husband.

But Arab men are like sweet nectar. You can’t get drunk, but even when you drink, it becomes too cloying that you want plain water. But after nectar it seems tasteless. I’m like a tightrope walker halfway: I can’t go back, but the unknown lies ahead...

It's not just friendliness that distinguishes Arab men. In many of their actions they behave carelessly, do not worry about the future and are almost always in good mood. They are extremely inventive in their actions, find non-standard and interesting solutions, and their entrepreneurial spirit plays to their advantage in most situations. In Arab society, brave and enterprising people are welcomed, and therefore Arabs are quite rare to be modest.

Distinctive feature The Arab nation is a love of work and the ability to do one’s business for a long time. All people, whether a simple worker or high-ranking official or a businessman, work every day for their own benefit, although they rarely receive pleasure from their activities. The thing is that many generations of Arabs worked hard to get out of poverty and improve their lives, so work for them became the responsibility of every person. The ability and need to work made the Arabs a hardy and unpretentious nation. The understanding of the need to work hard, while being patient, self-confident and persistent, has been ingrained in the minds of Arabs.

Arabs like to spend their time outside of work beautifully. They demonstrate their love of life and love for beauty when communicating with loved ones and friends. In general, Arabs are considered peace-loving; they do not often provoke scandals and quarrels, usually seeking to exchange positive emotions and communication. They have a good sense of humor, for the most part they are optimists and know how to make witty jokes.

When communicating with other people, Arab men special meaning give the conversation style of the interlocutor. They look at how the interlocutor selects words, constructs sentences, and decorates his speech. beautiful sayings and after that they draw conclusions about the person. Reason in particular Arabic: it is very rich and involves the use of metaphors, hyperbolic statements, and verbiage. If the task is to convince an Arab man of something or you want to please him and be remembered, then you should monitor the correctness of your speech and its brightness. Arabs turn it off logical thinking when he hears beautiful words.

The vast majority of Arabs are dominated by emotionality. They react very violently to actions and words, trying to show their own emotions. They can be harsh and impulsive, which makes this nation very temperamental. It is difficult for them to restrain their emotions, and therefore the impulse of feelings often takes precedence over calm. The life of a real Arab is planned by the laws of the holy scripture of Muslims - the Koran. Religion plays a big role in the life of Arabs. The ideal behavior of an Arab is submissive with repentance for his sins.

Worship and unquestioning obedience to God are highly encouraged. From the very first days of life, children learn from their parents that it is important to be an obedient believer and show obedience, humility, and accept with honor all the difficulties that arise. Arabs have patience and endurance in their blood. They know how to adapt, they are very moral strong people. What's interesting is that they distinctive feature is superstition. They believe in predictions and various prejudices, and are very attentive to signs. This belief in omens and predictions is passed down from generation to generation and stimulates the Arabs to develop uncertainty about the future, suspicion and wariness.

In relationships between people great value has social status. People with power and wealth can afford to be arrogant towards those around them and even sometimes rude. Displays of aggression and physical strength are common among people with high incomes. People at low levels of society behave submissively and calmly accept the blows of fate, as this is ordered in the Koran. It is customary to approach influential and wealthy people with respect and honor.

As children, we all watched or read the fairy tale "1001 Nights". Luxurious palaces appeared before their eyes, all kinds of sweets attracted children's souls, and the desire to feel like an oriental princess sometimes interrupted the desire to become a teacher or doctor. Over the years, priorities have changed, instead of oriental sweets, girls begin to be attracted by oriental men who conquer the soul with their compliments, passionate looks, beautiful courtship and promises to get from the sky any star that only we like. The words are so beautiful, and the tone is so insinuating and trustworthy that it is simply impossible to suspect this beautiful Arab youth of deception or malicious intent. Months pass, and one day he falls on his knee in front of you and proposes marriage. The offer itself is presented and executed so beautifully that you simply cannot refuse. And a couple of days later you delight your family and friends with the news that you are marrying an Arab and leaving for his homeland.

We won’t write about how much you will have to go through until your parents give their consent to the marriage, until you collect everything necessary documents. It’s better to say right away what needs to be done when entering into a marriage with an Arab, even if it is done out of great and mutual love. Conclude a marriage contract. Moreover, consult with an experienced lawyer to ensure that absolutely everything is covered. And, of course, do not forget to include clauses stipulating your rights to future children, otherwise in the event of a divorce you simply will never be able to see them again. Let it seem to you at first that concluding a marriage contract is a lack of trust in the groom, which may offend him. If he really loves you, he will understand and support you. And if he flatly refuses, then this is a reason to think about what awaits you in the future. Anyway, marriage contract will help you avoid many problems.

In his homeland

Finally, all the hardships seem to be behind us. You survived the battle with your relatives, you got married, received a visa and left with your beloved husband to his homeland. If you think that now you are a free woman, over whom parents and relatives no longer hang, then you are very mistaken. But let's not get ahead of ourselves.

To begin with, it’s worth learning once and for all. Your lifestyle changes dramatically when you move. From an Orthodox country you moved to a Muslim country with its customs and traditions, one of which is unquestioning obedience to your husband and elders in the family. Get rid of all self-righteous thoughts from your head, such as the idea that your husband will be under your thumb and fulfill all your whims. It is customary among the Arabs that main man There is a man in the house and his word is law. It's good if your husband really loves you and is a person with strong character who will not follow the lead of his family or friends, and will not change his attitude towards you and behavior in general after you move to live with him.

It is also worth knowing that Islam strictly stipulates what is possible and what is not. If many Muslim countries do not honor traditions so strictly, then the Arabs are among those who observe customs. One of the most big problems What you will have to face is that if your husband's family are truly true believers, then they may begin to force you into accepting Islam. You can agree if you feel ready for it, or you can refuse. The main thing is not to insult religion, but simply explain to them that you do not want to be a defector of the faith.

The second thing you need to know is that family is very important for Muslims, but for Arabs family is sacred. Try to establish good relations with his family, then you will not have to be afraid of the family, but on the contrary, you will be under its protection. In Arab families, it is even customary that if your husband has offended you in some way, you can complain to the family about him, and the mother and father will talk to the son, defending you. The truth is, you shouldn’t shout and throw reproaches, accusing your husband of all mortal sins. Remember that a woman and wife must be submissive to her husband. And if you take something out of the family for public viewing, then you need to do it calmly, and explain what the problem is. By the way, if your relationship with your family is not going well, but your husband still supports you, don’t even think about slandering his family, saying that they are bad or don’t deserve good attitude. It is unlikely that your husband, being a true Arab and good son can bear it. And yet, the Koran allows Muslims to have a second, third and even fifth wife if the husband is able to provide for them. Whether another woman appears in your house largely depends on you. Happy marriages An Orthodox girl and an Arab do not meet so often, but if everything goes well, then the husband, as a rule, does not bring other women into the house.

Customs and traditions

It is worth mentioning the dress code. As in most Muslim countries, in United Arab Emirates women are forbidden to expose their bodies, much less to appear in this form to strangers. Therefore, no skirts, by the way, you can also forget about trousers. The woman who appeared on the street with open face, body, flirting or even just communicating with by a stranger declared an unfaithful wife. And the fate of such wives is very deplorable. Previously, they were simply stoned to death in the square. Today, although the customs have softened a little, it is useless to count on forgiveness. Traditional clothing is the hijab, which is worn both at the wedding and for the rest of your life, covering your body with an opaque veil, leaving only your eyes open.

Now a few words about work. Basically, most women do not work. So if all your life you have dreamed of not working, leading a quiet life at home, raising children, and you have a calm and pliable character, then the Arab will be for you ideal husband. Because ideal wife for an Arab there will be a submissive woman who devotes all her time to her family, home and raising children. At the same time, her husband provides for her completely, without reproaching her for not earning money. If a woman goes to work, then, as a rule, it is either a family business or a place where only women go, for example, an atelier, a school, etc. However, it’s up to you to decide whether to go to work or not. No one will force you to do this; on the contrary, most likely, they will dissuade you.

And finally, I’ll tell you a little about how not to behave. If you smoke, try to wean yourself from this habit. A woman in Islam is already placed lower than a man, you will already encounter many difficulties, so you should not turn others against you even more. Islam prohibits buying and drinking. If men sometimes compromise these rules, then you are unlikely to be allowed to do this. In addition, Arabs are not supporters of a hectic lifestyle. It is not customary to go to clubs or discos there. They may not even let you go to the market alone, because there are too many men there who can harm you. In some Muslim countries, even cinemas are divided into two zones, one of which is family-friendly, and only women or children under 16 are allowed into it.

Therefore, if you are not afraid of such dramatic changes that will happen in your life and you are ready to accept all this, accept it, and not try to adjust it to yourself, then your marriage with an Arab has every chance of being happy.

“Generators of unusual ideas”, “masters of the family nest” and “desperate friends” - this is all about them, the Arabs. They are also spoiled, boastful and unpredictable. Personal experience of a girl, but not a wife.

Oksana L. has been dating a resident of Jordan for four years, who came to Kyiv to study and earn money, and tells how she and her friend manage to combine such different views of the East and West.

About friendship and personal boundaries

We always have guests at our house. At any moment, a friend or just an acquaintance can call and come to our home in the middle of the night.

Naturally, as a woman, I need to set the table and make sure everyone is full and happy. Sometimes the house resembles some kind of Arab camp, and not a family nest.

If a friend needs help, they are ready to rush to him in the middle of the night.

They are always ready to help out a friend, come where they need to, pick them up, lend money.

They are not jealous of friends. My friend is very jealous, but this only applies to our Slavic guys and men, although I don’t give a reason. He trusts his own people. In any case, his friends, understanding who we are to each other, never allowed themselves even harmless flirting.

About work

They prefer conversations to business - long conversations over hookahs. These are real philosophers who are ready to reason and plan for hours. Although this time could be spent on constructive actions rather than chatter, most of which will be forgotten the next day. Eastern men have this problem: their conversations often diverge from their actions. They promise a lot, and they themselves sincerely believe in what they say. Plans can change dramatically, or mood, or something else, and promises will remain just words.

Arab men need to be encouraged - this is how they become inspired and are ready to move mountains for the sake of their family. This applies in particular to work. It is important for them to feel that a woman believes in their strengths and capabilities.

Generators of unusual ideas. In the four years I've known my man, he's started all sorts of businesses. Cafe, transportation of dogs and birds from Ukraine, which are in demand in his homeland in Jordan, processing of semi-precious stones, etc. But he didn’t bring any ideas to completion. I didn’t initially calculate the risks, I acted based on momentary desires, passion and emotions.

Many people do not value their parents' money. Young people live and have fun at the expense of their parents, and do not know the value of money earned not by their own labor.

Attitude towards women


Most Arabs are spoiled by their mother's attention, love care and are often selfish. They like to surround themselves with everything beautiful and are avid fashionistas. They love to dress up: stylish clothes, shoes, lots of rings and bracelets. Favorite clients of barbershops: stylish beard, gelled hair, expensive perfumes.

They love to educate, and if they fail, they can use force. They put pressure on me morally. Very hot-tempered. Any little thing can piss them off. At the same time, their woman should admire them.

They love to brag about their woman to their friends - they tell them what a housewife she is, caring and a jack of all trades. It is important for them that others admire their woman, and therefore automatically admire them.

It is difficult to offer our men to live together - they are afraid for their freedom. Arab men, on the contrary, want the girl they like to be constantly in their sight. At home, nearby, close by. They are ready to protect and care for her, although they demand a lot in return.

Very generous. If possible, they give a woman gifts, they like broad gestures, and are absolutely not stingy.

They value independence in our women, the fact that a woman can take care of herself, earn money and does not depend on a man as much as possible. In his homeland, women mostly stay at home and do housework.

There is a minus. Monogamy is not for Eastern men. How many times have we had to watch family Arab men woo our girls? When my wife calls, they hang up or don’t pick up. And when they call back, they sing like a nightingale, as they love, and lie exquisitely about why they couldn’t answer. Treason is not considered as such for them. This is the norm in the life of an Eastern man.

About everyday life

My friend definitely won’t eat borscht for three days in a row, although he really loves my borscht. Arab men are very demanding and capricious in everyday life, like children and often dependent. If we talk about my man, he can clean and cook even better than me. But it is important for him to see that they care about him and do something for him.

I’m used to Russian cuisine, but my love for hummus and flatbreads remains unchanged.

Loves cleanliness, but not to the point of fanaticism. He understands that we both work a lot and come home very late, so we don’t always have the physical strength to clean and cook at night.

About children and family

My man is ready to coddle with every child, but I’m not sure he’ll get up in the middle of the night for his own. This is the wife's responsibility. And the man pampers his child and pays attention to him during short games. All other delights of education fall on the shoulders of the woman.

In a marriage with a Christian, there is no choice what religion their joint child will choose - he is a priori born a Muslim. Especially if we are talking about a boy.

My man’s parents are wealthy and ready to support him, but he, having matured, when the youthful frenzy had passed and partying with friends was no longer a priority, wanted to prove to his family that he could get on his own feet.

A negative attitude towards alcohol remains - despite the love for discos (already in the past) and hookah smoking (this is part of traditions). He doesn't respect it when a woman drinks, even in company.

About the future

After living with an Arab man, it’s strange to see how our women treat their Russian husbands. It’s crazy to see the disrespectful attitude and desire to be in charge at times. My views on what a woman should be like in a relationship with any man have changed.

I don’t know where this relationship will lead - Russian girls are more freedom-loving, ambitious and active. I wouldn’t want to be completely dependent on my husband...

But Arab men are like sweet nectar. You can’t get drunk, but even when you drink it becomes too cloying that you want plain water. But after nectar it seems tasteless. I’m like a tightrope walker halfway: I can’t go back, but the unknown lies ahead...