When will the 20th century begin? In the middle of the 21st century, either a breakthrough or failure awaits us.

Q What will happen to Russia in the 21st century? Futurists' forecasts

It's always interesting what will happen in the future. In 20, 50, 100 years. There is a special science called futurology, which deals with predicting the future. The forecasts of futurologists do not always come true, but, nevertheless, their opinion always arouses interest. This post contains several popular futurological cases from Western and domestic futurologists. To be honest, many of the predictions on at the moment They look too fantastic. But who knows, who knows...

2035 Russia will lose Siberia

Unfortunately, this forecast occurs quite often. And it is by no means connected with Chinese aggression. No, the scenario is quite peaceful, it's all about simple mathematics. The vast territories of Siberia and the Far East are occupied by only about 25 million Russians. Demographic problems are obvious and continue to grow. At the same time, the migration of Chinese (legal and illegal) occurs at a consistently high level. It is likely that the time will come when the number of ethnic Chinese in Siberia and Far East will exceed a critical figure. Of course, they will defend their political rights, be elected to local governments, and so on. As a result, this territory will be more dependent on China than on Russia. I would really like to avoid this scenario, but this requires drastic measures for the socio-economic development of Siberia and the Far East.

2040. Russia will become an agricultural superpower

There is also an interesting forecast. Due to the fact that the world's population is growing at an extremely fast pace, and there is not enough food, it will become especially valuable agriculture. In Russia, Canada, and the Scandinavian countries, agriculture is not in such decline as in most other countries. This means that in the future the role of Russia, with its vast territory and agricultural capabilities, will only grow. In addition, water is likely to become humanity's most valuable resource by 2040. And Russia is the second country in the world in terms of water reserves.

2050 Russia vs Türkiye

The huge number of wars between Russia and Turkey, as futurologists predict, will find a new response in the 21st century. By 2050, the populations of these countries should be equal, and Turkey's revanchist sentiments may come to the surface. In principle, there has already been a conflict between our countries in the 21st century. But futurologists predict more serious clashes. And not only futurologists, but also, for example, elders. Here is one of the prophecies of the Athonite elder Venerable Paisius the Holy Mountain: “It will fall apart, and the states playing a decisive role in world politics will give Constantinople to us. They will do this not because they love us, but because God will arrange everything so that they It will be beneficial for Constantinople to be Greek. The spiritual laws will take effect. The Turks will have to pay for what they have done, they will perish, because they occupied this land without God’s blessing. Their end is near.”

2055 Russia in space travel

In one of my previous posts, I wrote about Russia’s very dismal prospects in space. However, professional futurologists believe that our country will be able to become one of the leaders in space tourism by the middle of the century. Russia today, although it does not claim leadership in space, is actively involved in the development of tourism space programs in partnership with Japan, France and Germany.

2060 Tornadoes

Quite an important and unusual forecast. According to scientists, seasonal tornadoes in Russia in 50 years will become commonplace, and their number can be counted in the hundreds. Global warming is to blame.

2070 Robot conscripts

By this year, Russia must completely renew its army. Almost all types of troops will be robotized. The biggest change can be expected in the Air Force: military aircraft will become fully autonomous from the moment they take off until the moment they land. Aircraft (as well as ground equipment) will be controlled by artificial intelligence.

2090 Total atheism

According to futurologists, by the end of the century the number of atheists in Russia will be 80%. Moreover, this will affect not only the Orthodox population, but people representing the Islamic tradition. The reason for such a sharp loss of faith, according to scientists, will be progress in the field of biotechnology and medicine, which will make it possible to defeat many diseases and prolong life.

What do you think about these forecasts?

Dialogue: Leonid Morozov Lim - Dmitry Talkovsky. What awaits planet Earth at the end of the 21st century?

Leonid Morozov Lim 01/03/2014 01:40.
Dmitry, I have been asking for a long time, but no one gives an intelligible answer, why is there a crisis in America, and the price of the dollar in relation to the Russian ruble has grown exponentially during this time? I remember that in the "stagnant" Soviet times I personally exchanged the dollar for 62 Soviet kopecks. So, while gold will be replaced by pieces of paper, for which real oil is pumped in a real pipe in countless quantities, and prices will be set by the fifth leg of who knows who, like volitional decisions, including presidents, our descendants will not forgive us... With a bow, Leonid Morozov Lim.

Add a note: Dmitry Talkovsky. Thank you for your opinion, thank you for the positive review.

As for the concern expressed in the review about where OUR wealth, which is irreplaceable in its essence, is flowing? I consider this question to be the main question of preserving NOT JUST HUMAN CIVILIZATION ONE, but also the main question of PRESERVING THE LIFE OF THE EARTH, as an integral and INDIVISIBLE PART OF THE SOLAR SYSTEM.

However, judge for yourself: Gas, oil, firewood will one day run out - how will you heat the stove then, gentlemen?! This is what we need to work on, and not throw headlong into the furnace of smelting the weapon for killing humanity, the last reserves of energy resources of the planet with the fabulous name Earth. Dmitry Talkovsky.


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What can we - humanity - expect in the future? This question cannot but worry us. We are on the threshold of great changes that will happen very soon - in the first half of the 21st century. But are we ready for these changes?..
What great changes await us?.. Let's start from afar. The Earth is a very complex “organism” (one can even consider the Earth “intelligent”), subject to influence from the outside (the Sun, the influence of planets solar system, the position of planet Earth in the Milky Way Galaxy).
The development of the Earth occurs cyclically and according to a spiral law. The following time cycles can be distinguished: day, year (cycles of the Earth’s rotation), 12 years, 36, 2160, 4320 years (cycles associated with cosmogonic factors)…
There are also longer cycles, for example, in Chinese culture the Yuan cycle is described (129,600 years), and in Hindu mythology, the designation of world periods is transmitted through the four eras of the South, which amount to 12,000 “divine years” or 4,320,000 earthly years. Here it is also worth mentioning the “Long Count Calendar” of the Mayan civilization...

Change of the Earth's magnetic poles. Illustration: nasa.gov
We will be interested in one of the defining cycles in the development of our planet, associated with the change of the Earth’s magnetic poles.
Change of Earth's magnetic poles
“... then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in heaven;
and then all the families of the earth will mourn
and they will see the Son of Man,
coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory..."
Matthew 24:30, Gospel of Matthew, New Testament.
The Earth's magnetic poles are part of our planet's magnetic (geomagnetic) field, which is generated by flows of molten iron and nickel surrounding the Earth's inner core (in other words, turbulent convection in the Earth's outer core generates the geomagnetic field). The behavior of the Earth's magnetic field is explained by flow liquid metals at the boundary of the earth's core and mantle.
The change of the Earth's magnetic poles (magnetic field inversion, English geomagnetic reversal) occurs every 11.5-12.5 thousand years. Other figures are also cited - 13,000 years and even 500 thousand years or more, and the last inversion occurred 780,000 years ago. Apparently, the reversal of the Earth's Magnetic Field is a non-periodic phenomenon. Throughout the geological history of our planet, the Earth's magnetic field has changed its polarity more than 100 times.
The cycle of changing the Earth's poles (associated with planet Earth itself) can be classified as a global cycle (along with, for example, the cycle of fluctuation of the precession axis), which influences everything that happens on Earth...
A legitimate question arises: when to expect a change in the Earth’s magnetic poles (inversion of the planet’s magnetic field), or a shift of the poles to a “critical” angle (according to some theories to the equator)?..
The process of shifting magnetic poles has been recorded for more than a century. The North and South Magnetic Poles (NSM and SMP) are constantly “migrating”, moving away from the geographic poles of the Earth (the “error” angle is now about 8 degrees in latitude for the NMP and 27 degrees for the SMP). By the way, it was found that Geographic poles The earths also move: the planet’s axis deviates at a speed of about 10 cm per year.
In recent years, the speed of movement of the magnetic poles has increased sharply: the North Magnetic Pole has “traveled” more than 200 km over the past 20 years, now it is moving in a north and northwest direction at a speed of about 40 km per year!
The rapid reversal of the poles is indicated by the weakening of the Earth's magnetic field near the poles, which was established in 2002 by the French professor of geophysics Gauthier Hulot. By the way, the Earth's magnetic field has weakened by almost 10% since it was first measured in the 30s of the 19th century. Fact: In 1989, residents of Quebec, Canada, experienced solar winds breaking through a weak magnetic shield and causing severe damage to their electrical networks, were left for 9 hours without electricity.
Scientists (as well as world leaders...) know about the upcoming change of poles of planet Earth. The process of pole reversal on our planet (active phase) began in 2000 and will last until December 2012. By the way, this date is indicated in the ancient Mayan calendar as the “end of the world” - Apocalypse?!. Here we must also add that on August 11, 1999, solar eclipse and the Parade of Planets, a new era has arrived on Earth - the Age of Aquarius (the Age of Pisces is over), which will last 2160 years and which is associated with Russia...
In 2013, planet Earth will finally enter the constellation Aquarius and... the Earth’s magnetic poles will change, which will take only a few weeks (hard option). Some scientists predict the onset of the apocalypse before 2030, and still others say that the movement of the poles will take about a thousand years ( soft version)… There are also versions that the polarity reversal will lead to a shift of the North and South Poles to the equator.
Forecasts (as well as predictions of prophets, clairvoyants, contactees... - look for them on the Internet) regarding the development of events on Earth after the pole change are different. They differ in the timing of the restructuring of the planet for a new life (the advent of the New Time), as well as the scale of the planetary catastrophe. And a lot will depend on the person himself - more on that below...
What awaits humanity in the future?..
Reversal of the Earth's Magnetic Field in the Past
“... In one terrible day, all your military strength
was swallowed up by the opening earth;
In the same way, Atlantis disappeared, plunging into the abyss...”
Plato, dialogue “Timaeus”.
Let's turn to history - take a look into the past of the Earth. On our planet before humans there lived other civilizations (Atlantis, Lemuria), traces of which, by the way, can be traced in our culture. The Sphinx in Egypt (according to some studies, it is 5.5 million years old), the Pyramids at Giza (it is assumed that their construction was led by Atlanteans who survived a planetary catastrophe), huge statues of Buddha as a reflection of those who lived on Earth before man - a typical image of an Atlantean ...
Atlantis, it is assumed, just perished as a result of the change in the Earth’s magnetic poles, which occurred about 12.5 thousand years ago, and went under water. And then the Ice Age came, and abruptly: the temperature dropped to minus 100 degrees Celsius and below, evidence of this was found in mammoths with green grass in their stomachs; some mammoths seemed to be torn apart from the inside: the death of these animals from the cold occurred instantly!..
...Have you seen the film “Day After Tomorrow, The”, 2004? It is not based on facts made up from your head. The Great Flood and the New Ice Age - this is possible scenario imminent change of the Earth's magnetic poles. By the way, Flood, described in the Bible, is apparently the result of the end of the last Ice Age (Ryan-Pitman Theory).

Flood scene, Gustave Dore. Illustration for the Bible
It turns out that a new Flood is inevitable?.. This is one of the possible (and probable...) scenarios in which Great Britain, part of North America, Japan, many other coastal countries. The safest place on Earth as a result of a global catastrophe will be the European territory of Russia, Western Siberia... Now think about why NATO is persistently approaching the borders of Russia?.. By the way, the territory of the Republic of Kosovo is located quite high above the level of the World Ocean, and in the event of a Flood it will not be flooded...
The future of humanity
“...Increasing spirituality gradually fails the enlightened
to the next great body transformation,
which leads to higher worlds..."
Daniil Leonidovich Andreev, “Rose of the World”.
As a result of a probable change of magnetic poles, a temporary disappearance of the Earth's magnetic field (magnetosphere) is possible. As a result, a flood will fall on the planet cosmic rays, which can pose a real danger to all living things. True, when the magnetic poles of the Sun changed in March 2001 (the full cycle of change in the total magnetic field of the Sun is 22 years, Hale’s law), no disappearance of the magnetic field was recorded. By the way, the disappearance of the magnetic field on Mars in the past led to the evaporation of the atmosphere on the “red planet”.
As a result of the possible temporary disappearance of the Earth's Magnetic Field and the Flood, we can expect huge human casualties and terrible man-made disasters (hard option). Only those who are physically and, most importantly, spiritually (!!!) ready for the coming of the New Time will survive. Planet Earth of the Age of Aquarius (after its “Reset”, that is, the inversion of the magnetic field) will make different demands for humans, as it itself will move to the next stage of its development...
Here it is also worth noting the fact of “cleansing” the Earth of “extra burden”, “information dirt”. IN lately The planet is experiencing a wave of violence, racial and religious intolerance, cruelty, and also... suicides. It feels like many people have lost their conscience. Using the example of our country: for many, swearing is the main way of communication, without alcohol (especially beer) and life is not life, a cigarette is a cure for stress... The degradation of society is obvious... It’s sad...
The moral decline of human society, inextricably linked with the Earth ( global processes on the planet) is one of the harbingers of an impending catastrophe: the exacerbation of the listed manifestations in society is a consequence of the processes of the Earth’s transition to new level development... Think about why this is so and why...
The scenario of the planetary catastrophe that threatens us will depend on how capable humanity is to meet the advent of the New Time (new Epoch). The lower society falls, the harsher the Earth's reaction will be. It is possible that everything will go “smoothly”, but it is possible that only the most “chosen” will remain on Earth...
Why do we, humanity, need all these tests?.. This is a Transition, and a transition to more high level development - the Great Transition - is not for everyone, but these are the laws of evolution... It must be constant Movement Forward!
It must be said that on December 21, 2012 (?!. according to other versions on December 23, 2012) another event will occur (which is noted in esoteric literature), which is connected with the inversion of the Earth’s magnetic field - the “Quantum Transition” (Quantum Transition of the Solar Logos and the Earth) - a powerful energy impact that... will change the geometry of Space and transfer the Material World, including people, to a higher level of vibration - to the next level evolutionary development.
“...The farther the poles of the magnetic field
from the axis of rotation of the planet,
the more highly developed life forms are..."
It is likely that after a change (or displacement) of the poles and a quantum transition (and, by the way, this has never happened before in the history of mankind), if they do happen, two paths will open up for humanity:
over the next 12.5-13 thousand years, go through evolution again, but at the same time start all over from scratch; Academician E.N. Vselensky believes that as a result of the change of poles, living beings (unprepared for the New) experience a loss of Consciousness (erasing of memory). By the way, the peculiar epidemic of amnesia that has been observed in society lately is not a sign of the Earth (?);
move to the next evolutionary stage (God-man), at which the opportunity to become immortal will open before man. A person will feed on the energy of the Cosmos (energobiosis), be able to materialize objects, etc. …By the way, aren’t sun-eaters people of the New Time (?)…
It is likely that two types of people will live on Earth after the Great Transition: the man of the past (already the past) and the man of the future - the God-man.
Whether there will be a change of poles or not, Kryon, by the way, gave information that there will be no change of poles, in any case, Changes will occur on Earth in the near future... they are already happening!.. And everyone will experience them... The end result is change consciousness on planet Earth!
Geomagnetism hypothesis. Explanation of the mechanism of magnetic pole reversal
Hypothesis of geomagnetism by Dmitry Aleksandrovich Dyudkin (Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine in the field of science and technology), explaining the mechanism of changing the Earth’s magnetic poles. The hypothesis is based on geoelectricity. I will give the fundamental theses of the hypothesis.
Availability electric charges, their accumulation, the formation of high electric fields in the interior of the Earth and its surface layer. An intraplanetary current system with a quasi-equatorial strategic direction creates, according to the laws of electrodynamics, a magnetic field in the form of a magnetic dipole, which we observe.
The Earth's rotation is supported by the electric field of the ionosphere, which determines fluctuations in the planet's rotation speed.
Solar activity is constantly changing (a cyclical process).
In case of growth solar activity(as a result of the impact of enhanced corpuscular and short-wave radiation on the Earth’s atmosphere, the ionization of the latter increases) tension increases electric field ionosphere of the planet. The Earth receives additional acceleration, the strength of the currents excited in the surface layers of the planet will increase, this will lead to an increase in the geotectonic activity of the Earth (increased seismic activity, activation of volcanoes, etc.).
If solar activity decreases, the Earth's rotation speed slows down, the intensity of intraplanetary induction currents decreases, and the geomagnetic field strength drops.
With the synchronous rotation of the Earth and the ionosphere (currently the Earth rotates faster than the ionosphere, which leads to the excitation of powerful electric currents in the surface layers of the Earth), a powerful electric current will cease to exist, and, consequently, the dipole part of the Earth's magnetic field.
The polarity of the planet's magnetic poles is determined by the direction of the induction current. Therefore, further lag of the Earth from the ionosphere will lead to the excitation of a current in the opposite direction - the polarity of the magnetic poles will change by 180 degrees (inversion of the Earth's magnetic poles).
In the Earth's past, the inversion of the planet's magnetic field was accompanied by a global decrease in temperature - the Ice Age.
Thus, the change of the Earth's magnetic poles depends on solar activity!..
Kryon: “ The most ancient tribes on the planet they are well aware of what is happening, for it was predicted in their calendars. However, the changes will not be what they expected. This will not be the end of the world, but the era of “final exams”. Completion of one period of Earth's history and entry into new spaces of the Galaxy (previously hidden from you). The transition of humanity into a new consciousness and new ways of living (also previously hidden from you).
The planet and man are not just interconnected, but also interact and are considered as a single entity. When universal entities speak of “Earth,” they mean the physical rocks of the planet, the people living on it, and other entities that support the existence of the whole. All this is understood as a single system, and the assessment of the vibrations of the planet includes the vibrations of all these kingdoms. You cannot raise the vibrations of people without raising the vibrations of the Earth!
As the planet changes, so will you. Earthquakes, sudden changes in weather and volcanic eruptions can directly affect personal changes in each of you.”
And here's another words of Kryon: “... Do you really think that humanity, having reached the end of this cycle of the highest enlightenment of consciousness after a whole period earthly history, about to be washed away by waves and stones? would be nice prom, A? No. The tilt that was foreseen is my job.
This is magnetic tilt, and this is the realignment of the Earth's magnetic grid system to accommodate your final period. Essentially, you will be given the magnetically correct cover for the existence and life of balanced enlightened people.
Your magnetic north will no longer correspond to the geographic north pole. In fact, he never corresponded, as you know, but now this deviation will become significant. So why is this important? The importance is that those who are not ready will not be able to live up to it. Some will remain, and those who cannot will reincarnate and reappear with the right attunement.
As the grids adjust over the coming years, more enlightenment will be given to you...
…You have earned the right to stay and be in complete control of your own destiny in the first century of the new millennium. You have achieved this yourself by raising the vibration of the planet through thought consciousness over the past 60 years (at the very last moment, one might say).”

So - our future is in our hands!.. And not only...
For a better understanding of the processes taking place on Earth, I advise you to read the report of Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, laureate of the Prize named after. Vernadsky, Academician of the International Academy of Sciences of Nature and Society Evgeniy Nikolaevich Vselensky “Pole change and the great universal experiment” (21.1 KB, .zip), Moscow, 2000. From the report you will learn what the sixth race, transmutation, is, what abilities the person of the future will have...
I also advise you to pay attention to Pavel Sviridov’s book “The Myth of the Age of Aquarius” (it can be found on the Internet). There is an analysis of the past and future of Russia based on cosmogonic cycles.
I would like you to think about the following questions:
What is the “crop circle” phenomenon? When did the “circles” begin to appear, and what does our Earth want to tell us by their appearance and pattern?..
Is Bigfoot descendant of the Atlanteans? Who are dolphins?..
Why are children born on Earth now? unusual abilities(indigo children and crystal children)?.. Will they not guide humanity in the Great Transition and shape the society of the future?..
Try to answer your questions...

Addition on the topic “Earth and Man” - numbers, facts, theories:
The Earth's magnetic field began to weaken about 2,000 years ago. A sharp drop in its tension has been noted in the last 50 years, and since 1994 its powerful fluctuations began.
There is a so-called “Shumann Frequency”, or Schumann resonance, - this is a wave emanating from the planet (“heartbeat” - the rhythm of the Earth), occurring at a specific frequency of 7.83 Hz (hertz). She was so stable for a long time that the military adjusted their instruments using it. However, Schumann's frequency began to increase: in 1994 - 8.6 Hz, in 1999 - 11.2 Hz, and at the end of 2000 - about 12 Hz. It is assumed that when the Schumann frequency reaches 13 Hz, a pole reversal will occur.
A group of geophysicists from the University of Calabria (Italy), led by Professor Vincenco Carbone, found that the earth’s core “remembers” the history of magnetic switchings, and the mathematical formula for accounting for this “memory” is well known: it is used by spectroscopists when describing noble gases.
Alexander Leonidovich Chizhevsky brilliantly proved the influence of periodic changes in solar activity on the life activity of organisms on the planet, laying the foundation for space biology.
“The average cycles, falling during the downward period of the large cycle, are characterized by the duration and depth of depressions, the brevity and weakness of upturns; average cycles falling on the upward period of a large cycle are characterized by reverse features”... Theory of Large Cycles N.D. Kondratieva.
In the noospheric teachings of Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadsky, man appears rooted in Nature, and the “artificial” is considered as an organic part and one of the factors (increasing over time) in the evolution of the “natural”... Vernadsky concludes that humanity, in the course of its development, is turning into a new powerful a geological force, transforming the face of the planet with its thought and labor.
And also:
Unity and diversity of the modern world;
Global warming and ideas to save the Earth;
2012 The end of the world?.. What awaits us in 2012?..
Books on the topic “Secrets of the Earth and Man”:
Centuries, Michel Nostredame (Michel de Nostredame) - a book of prophecies predicting events that should occur from 1555 to 3797;
The Death of Atlantis, Frank Joseph - a book about indisputable evidence of the fall and death of the legendary civilization;
1000 unexplained mysteries, I.A. Damascene - the book describes the strangest phenomena: UFOs, dinosaurs, the Bermuda Triangle, ghosts and much more;
2012. Formula for survival, Anton Medvedev - other worlds... There are people who explore these worlds, and there are those who are trying to get their hands on them.

Expecting the end of the world in 2012
capable of uniting humanity -
- and prevent the “worst case”...
... But do the events of 2012 pose a threat to us?..
Why do so many people talk about the threat?..
This article was written based on materials from the sites “For those seeking the Light of Truth”... Let’s reflect together on the topic “2012 - the year of the Great Transition“...
First, let's define what the “End of the World” is? The end of times?.. Or... The end of the world is the end of the “old time” and the transition to the “New Time”?.. How can this be expressed? In the emergence of “new Energies” on Earth: that is, the “end of the World” correlates with the terms “Development” and “Evolution”.
“New Time” is new discoveries, a new understanding by man of his “I”, his place on Earth, in the Universe. “New Time” means new opportunities - for the Earth and man!.. Is it so?..

There has never been and never will be a shortage of predictions for the future, although if you look closely, from century to century they are all similar to each other, differing only in details. This is not surprising, since everything is based on human experience, and it is approximately the same everywhere at all times. This is why the boldest and darkest predictions of the great science fiction writers come true. Another portion of predictions, of course, not too funny, was prepared by the Naked Science website, and there is no doubt that they will all come true sooner or later.

Some are tops, others are roots

Professor of history at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem Yuval Noah Harari, author of the book “Sapiens. Brief history of humanity” believes that by the end of this century humanity will split into biological castes. In his opinion, throughout human history, inequality between people has only increased. But all this time, the achievements of human thought - humanism, liberalism, socialism - corrected the unfair distribution of goods in society as best they could. Since the people have at all times been the main productive force, the elite was forced to at least somehow take care of their education, health and well-being.

However, machines and robots are slowly but surely pushing people out of the productive sphere, depriving them of a permanent income, while the rich are only getting richer. If things continue like this, then in the next century inequality in society will reach a historical maximum, Harari believes.

Economic inequality will give rise to biological inequality. Some people will be able to improve physically and mentally with the help of new biotechnologies, while this will not be available to others.

Without work and without ideal

Fears of mass unemployment due to the development of technology have never been justified, since some professions have always been replaced by others - new ones. But this is unlikely to always be the case.

At some point, the majority will not be able to retrain, understand the updated requirements, and new vacancies will no longer be available to them. As an example, Harari cites the profession of a virtual world designer. Will, say, a 40-year-old taxi driver or an insurance agent be able to apply for it, since young people usually master new professions. The process when older people work until retirement in their previous jobs, and young people take new ones, will only accelerate over time and many workers will find themselves unclaimed almost instantly.

Harari believes that mid XXI century, the so-called “useless class” will be formed: not just the unemployed, but people who are in principle unable to fill the few available vacancies that will appear in new industries.

True, this will not make them poor, as they will be able to live off an unconditional basic income. But the problem, according to the historian, will be that without action and specific goals, people will begin to go crazy. A person needs to experience emotions, a sense of satisfaction, and achieve some goals.

Harari suggests that people who have not found a use for themselves in the economy - in real world, will find their life goals in virtual worlds. It’s not for nothing that he talks about the profession of a virtual world designer as one of the popular professions of the future. This compensates the useless class for emotions that its representatives will not receive in the real world. Video games will become the meaning of life for the “useless class.”

Computer justice

So, the introduction of robots and automatic machines leads to technological unemployment. However, whether people will keep their jobs or not will be decided not by engineers or the robot itself, but by economists, guided by the principles economic efficiency. If using human labor is more profitable than the labor of robots, then humans will be preferred. Union Square Ventures Managing Partner Albert Wegner believes people will save competitive advantage before robots, but only due to the fact that they will cost the employer less than machines.

Wegner cites the London taxi as an example. To drive the famous black cab on the streets of the British capital, you need to study for four years and remember the location of all 25,000 streets in London. The exam required me to plot a route from memory and name all the streets on it. This is why seven out of ten taxi driver students quit their studies. Now there is no such need: the final destination of the route is entered by the user himself, and everything else is up to the program. The driver's qualifications fall, more applicants appear for this position, and therefore the level of wages falls.

If a machine takes over part of a person's work, Wenger believes, the worker will be paid less, and this can be much more effective than completely abandoning human labor.

Robots are already trading on the stock exchange. IBM Watson suggests diagnoses and the most optimal courses of treatment; the doctor can only agree with the computer or not. The world's largest hedge fund, Bridgewater Associates, is coming under the control of artificial intelligence, and in about five years, three out of four management decisions The company will host a supercomputer.

As a result, control of the world may be given to super-powerful artificial intelligence, and people will only serve the machines and carry out the commands of the artificial intelligence. We can only hope that the supercomputer will be fair to humans...

Nothing of your own!

Research suggests that more and more US citizens under the age of 35 are refusing to purchase real estate and their own car, instead they are renting apartments and using taxis. They have already been nicknamed the “tenant generation.” An entire IT industry has already been created, the most famous companies in which are Uber and Airbnb services. This is called the “sharing economy.”

The Guardian journalist Ben Tarnoff is confident that in the near future people will do without their own things at all. It's about not about houses and cars, but about, for example, a winter coat that is returned to the landlord in the summer, about a bed that you exchange for a larger one if you do not sleep alone, and about other things that you only own when you need them.

This situation was described back in 1969 by the great science fiction writer Philip K. Dick in his novel Ubik. In his book, a person pays for literally everything: to make coffee or open the refrigerator door... Dick's ideas are being implemented today

For example, the Toyota company has developed the following service: those who buy its car on credit and do not make the next payment on time will not be able to use it - it will not start. Penalties are imposed instantly, remotely and without the mediation of government services...

This means that soon it will become expensive to own property and you will be forced to share it. It’s better to have nothing at all and rent everything if you have the money. Seems convenient? Yes, but on the other hand, this means that almost 100% of the world's wealth will end up in the hands of a few mega-billionaires...

I'll sell my soul. Inexpensive

Already today, technology makes it possible to track our every step, collect any information about us and analyze it so that on the Internet we are already offered to buy something that only interested us a minute ago. On the one hand, it's convenient, but on the other...

Author of the book “Everything is under control. Who is watching you and how” Simson Garfinkel believes that in the future we should fear not Orwell’s “Big Brother”, but hundreds of “little” companies spying on us from everywhere, collecting information about our every step, every event in our lives: purchases , illnesses and injuries, social circle, problems with the law and so on.

Personal information has become a commodity, and a hot commodity at that. Garfinkel leads interesting example. Information about the financial condition of one American family was sold to 187 credit bureaus. But due to an error by the tax authorities, this information was unreliable and for seven whole years the banks refused loans to the spouses!

Microsoft's The Consumer Data Value Exchange study found that 99.6% of Internet users are willing to sell personal information about themselves for a fee, and San Diego-based Luth Research is willing to buy that data to resell to its customers. This means that in the future, selling personal information could become a source of income...

Remember what happened thirty years ago? Everything seemed to be the same: people lived with families, went to work, traveled, studied... But it was still completely different. Life was much slower, and my interests and dreams were somehow simpler. What about sixty years ago? Oh, it wasn’t like that at all, you say. What about a hundred years ago?

Every year, technology develops faster and faster, and people get used to it in a matter of days. We can no longer imagine our lives without the Internet, mobile phones, tomographs, high-speed trains, live broadcasts. And all this and much more appeared in just thirty years.

Let's discuss the changes that may occur at 21 century and will change our perception of reality.

1. Information oversaturation. Every year, computers have more and more memory, and processor speeds are growing rapidly. Today you can find information about most of the Earth’s inhabitants on the Internet: social media, smartphones, video cameras, and bank transactions leave marks on people’s activities. And with the advent of “smart watches”, “smart glasses”, “smart clothes” and other gadgets, information about users is becoming more and more.

In the near future, scientists predict either the collapse of the Internet or the transition to quantum computers, which have phenomenal speed and will be able to absorb existing volumes of information.

2. Growing chimeras and gene therapy. Research is already being conducted in the field of “repair” of aging cells. Scientists also grow organs with the human gene in animals (mainly pigs). There are currently restrictions on the creation of such bodies. But what if they are removed?

People will have an endless supply of cheap organs for transplantation, which will reduce mortality. In the future, it will be possible to monitor potential diseases in infants and transplant organs into them from birth. This will lead to the emergence of a generation whose representatives will live more than a hundred years.

3. 3D printers. This technology appeared not so long ago, but has already gained popularity and widespread use. Just a couple of years ago, Internet users were shocked by a working Kalashnikov assault rifle, printed on 3 d -printer, and today houses are already being built in China using this technology.

Not long ago, scientists were able to print on biological 3 d human skin printer. In the future it will be possible to print any organs. This could lead to people having access to endless transplants and body modifications and being able to live much longer.

4. Robots. Very soon, robots will appear everywhere and replace people in many professions. However, the creation of artificial intelligence has faced insurmountable difficulties. Therefore, most likely, robots will be used to automate actions and processes, as well as to merge with humans (artificial body parts to improve physical performance).

5. Transition of Internet reality into live reality. The development of computer technology leads to a reduction in the size of components and an increase in their power. It has already become possible to insert processors into all surrounding objects, which makes them “smart”.

Today, augmented reality glasses are being created, where a watch, phone, navigator, and messages are displayed on the lens. In the near future, wearing such glasses will make it possible to correspond, see information about people around you, and change the colors of objects and their shape.

6. Controlling the power of thought. Yes, yes, even today tomographs monitor brain activity and understand the direction of a person’s thoughts. In the future, it will be possible to create objects that can be controlled using thoughts: a person will be able to remotely give commands to make coffee, move furniture, turn on the TV, etc.

7. Space travel. Much to the regret of science fiction writers and dreamers, humanity still has not conquered the stars. It turned out that space flights are very expensive, and their practical application doesn't pay off. Today, the destiny of astronautics is commercial launches and conducting experiments on the ISS. But by 2030, NATO and Roscosmos promise to launch a man to Mars.

Who knows, maybe at the end of the century families will be choosing between a weekend in Hawaii or on the moon, and ships will defy Earth's gravity using a space elevator (a giant elevator that will deliver cargo directly into geostationary orbit).