In the middle of the 21st century, either a breakthrough or failure awaits us.

Dialogue: Leonid Morozov Lim - Dmitry Talkovsky. What awaits planet Earth at the end of the 21st century?

Leonid Morozov Lim 01/03/2014 01:40.
Dmitry, I have been asking for a long time, but no one gives an intelligible answer, why is there a crisis in America, and the price of the dollar in relation to the Russian ruble has grown exponentially during this time? I remember that in the “stagnant” Soviet times I myself personally exchanged the dollar for 62 Soviet kopecks. So, while gold will be replaced by pieces of paper, for which real oil is pumped in a real pipe in countless quantities, and prices will be set by the fifth leg of who knows who, like volitional decisions, including presidents, our descendants will not forgive us... With a bow, Leonid Morozov Lim.

Add a note: Dmitry Talkovsky. Thank you for your opinion, thank you for the positive review.

As for the concern expressed in the review about where OUR wealth, which is irreplaceable in its essence, is flowing? I consider this question to be the main question of preserving NOT JUST HUMAN CIVILIZATION ONE, but also the main question of PRESERVING THE LIFE OF THE EARTH, as an integral and INDIVISIBLE PART OF THE SOLAR SYSTEM.

However, judge for yourself: Gas, oil, firewood will one day run out - how will you heat the stove then, gentlemen?! This is what we need to work on, and not throw headlong into the furnace of smelting the weapon for killing humanity, the last reserves of energy resources of the planet with the fabulous name Earth. Dmitry Talkovsky.


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Remember what happened thirty years ago? Everything seemed to be the same: people lived with families, went to work, traveled, studied... But it was still completely different. Life was much slower, and my interests and dreams were somehow simpler. And sixty years ago? Oh, it wasn’t like that at all, you say. What about a hundred years ago?

Every year, technology develops faster and faster, and people get used to it in a matter of days. We can no longer imagine our lives without the Internet, mobile phones, tomographs, high-speed trains, and live broadcasts. And all this and much more appeared in just thirty years.

Let's discuss the changes that may occur at 21 century and will change our perception of reality.

1. Information oversaturation. Every year, computers have more and more memory, and processor speeds are growing rapidly. Today you can find information about most of the Earth’s inhabitants on the Internet: social media, smartphones, video cameras, and bank transactions leave marks on people’s activities. And with the advent of “smart watches”, “smart glasses”, “smart clothes” and other gadgets, information about users is becoming more and more available.

In the near future, scientists predict either the collapse of the Internet or the transition to quantum computers, which have phenomenal speed and will be able to absorb existing volumes of information.

2. Growing chimeras and gene therapy. Research is already being conducted in the field of “repair” of aging cells. Scientists also grow organs with the human gene in animals (mainly pigs). There are currently restrictions on the creation of such bodies. But what if they are removed?

People will have an endless supply of cheap organs for transplantation, which will reduce mortality. In the future, it will be possible to monitor potential diseases in infants and transplant organs into them from birth. This will lead to the emergence of a generation whose representatives will live more than a hundred years.

3. 3D printers. This technology appeared not so long ago, but has already gained popularity and widespread use. Just a couple of years ago, Internet users were shocked by a working Kalashnikov assault rifle, printed on 3 d -printer, and today houses are already being built in China using this technology.

Not long ago, scientists were able to print on biological 3 d human skin printer. In the future it will be possible to print any organs. This could lead to people having access to endless transplants and body modifications and being able to live much longer.

4. Robots. Very soon, robots will appear everywhere and replace people in many professions. However, the creation of artificial intelligence has faced insurmountable difficulties. Therefore, most likely, robots will be used to automate actions and processes, as well as to merge with humans (artificial body parts to improve physical performance).

5. Transition of Internet reality into live reality. The development of computer technology leads to a reduction in the size of components and an increase in their power. It has already become possible to insert processors into all surrounding objects, which makes them “smart”.

Today, augmented reality glasses are being created, where a watch, phone, navigator, and messages are displayed on the lens. In the near future, wearing such glasses will make it possible to correspond, see information about people around you, and change the colors of objects and their shape.

6. Controlling the power of thought. Yes, yes, even today tomographs monitor brain activity and understand the direction of a person’s thoughts. In the future, it will be possible to create objects that can be controlled using thoughts: a person will be able to remotely give commands to make coffee, move furniture, turn on the TV, etc.

7. Space travel. Much to the regret of science fiction writers and dreamers, humanity still has not conquered the stars. It turned out that space flights are very expensive, and their practical use does not pay off. Today, the destiny of astronautics is commercial launches and conducting experiments on the ISS. But by 2030, NATO and Roscosmos promise to launch a man to Mars.

Who knows, maybe at the end of the century families will be choosing between a weekend in Hawaii or on the moon, and ships will defy Earth's gravity using a space elevator (a giant elevator that will deliver cargo directly into geostationary orbit).

The 21st century is likely to be a time of fundamental change for Russians. It is quite difficult to make accurate forecasts for such a long period of time, however, many experts are trying to predict what events can be expected from the 21st century.

Growing risk of global warming

The American group NOAA Climate Attribution studied the causes of the heat wave that covered the entire European part of Russia in 2010. In their research, the Americans also “looked into the future.” The climate models used have shown that if the concentration of greenhouse gases increases steadily, then by end of XXI century, the risk of extreme heat in the Russian Federation will increase tenfold.

With further increase average annual temperature In Russia, the tundra may completely disappear. Russians will be more likely to suffer from malaria, intestinal infections, asthma and respiratory diseases, which will lead to certain changes in the healthcare system.

Due to thawing permafrost large areas may simply be unsuitable for life. But this process also has favorable sides: winters will become less severe, and the number of fertile lands will increase.

Universal translators everywhere

As a result of the race between DARDA and Google, mini-computers will be created that will “understand” human speech and “speak” various languages. There have long been projects to develop internet-connected contact lenses that would display subtitles, translating unfamiliar text from websites, movies and any virtual environment.

These technologies will significantly speed up bureaucratic procedures in business and government, make travel easier for ordinary Russians, allowing them to easily communicate in an unfamiliar country and make new friends.

Alternative energy sources

With the current consumption of fossil resources, leading countries such as the USA, Russia and China will feel the energy problem by the end of the 21st century. This crisis has long been obvious to scientists, so the emergence of developments related to the transition to alternative energy resources will not be long in coming.

According to Vagit Alekperov, head of LUKoil, Russia has powerful wind potential. With proper incentives from the government, 10% of all energy can be freely sourced from wind. New technologies for industrial enterprises will be developed at the Alternative Energy Center, which is scheduled to launch in 2017.

The implementation of these projects will significantly reduce energy prices and improve the environment. The problems of residents of remote areas and villages, whose connection to central gas networks or electric highways is currently impossible, will also be solved.

Perhaps a new round of colonization?

According to scientist Joel Cohen, by 2050 the number of people living in cities will grow to 6.3 billion. First of all, this will affect developed countries with vast territories. Since there are practically no unoccupied land areas left, there may be a need for further colonization: first towards the World Ocean, and then into space.

There are still enough territories in Russia for internal development, and due to global warming, their number may also increase (due to the areas near Bely and Kara seas, as well as parts of Siberia).

Nevertheless, by 2040 the Russian government plans to deploy the first inhabited base on the Moon with the possibility of mining. The project will include three stages: from banal exploration to the construction of an astronomical observatory on the Moon and objects for monitoring the Earth. If this event is successful, new lunar projects will be implemented every 3-4 years.

Increase in crime

Due to the high rate of urbanization, the city will “inflate” like a balloon, although the Columbia Center for International Resolution is already saying that modern megacities are too “chaotic.”

Traditional mechanisms for resolving internal conflicts will lose their effectiveness. Vivid example– many African cities where the government either still somehow controls the situation, or has completely lost control over it.

The rise in crime will force Russia to tighten criminal legislation, increase the number of prisons and radically change the structure of law enforcement agencies. Life imprisonment will be the main punishment. If these measures are ineffective, the death penalty may be reintroduced.

Technological boom

The development of technology will affect literally all industries. American consulting Global company Business Network has compiled a detailed report that states that robotization will absorb most manual work by the end of the 21st century.

Total automation will greatly change the labor market in the Russian Federation. Experts predict that 60% of Russians will move into the field of information technology and services, while only 10% will remain to work in industry and agriculture.

Less global changes will affect genetic engineering, textiles and the computer industry. Russians will no longer be surprised by huge tomatoes, hybrid animal species or self-cleaning clothes. By the end of the century, widespread space travel, since their cost will be equal to a ticket for trip around the world. This project is already being developed with the joint participation of NASA and the European ESA.

New requirements for medicine

In 2017, Russia plans to legalize biomedical cell products. Thanks to this technology, scientists will be able to restore burnt skin, treat complex cancer diseases and insert artificial cartilage. At the end of the 21st century, doctors plan to completely abandon donor organs, replacing them with cloned analogues.

The development of nanomedicine will lead to the discovery of drugs for AIDS, cancer and cardiovascular diseases. More specialists will be needed to treat obesity and depression, since most professions of the future will be associated with intellectual work with a minimum of physical activity.

Due to environmental deterioration, many experts predict the emergence of new diseases and viruses. They will need to be dealt with quickly to eliminate the risk of a pandemic exceeding the number of victims of the Black Death or the Spanish Flu.

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Predicting the future is a thankless task. If the forecast does not come true, the unlucky oracle will become an object of ridicule. If the prophecy comes true, the seer will disappear into the crowd of experts proclaiming that they foresaw and warned everything. In this regard, long-term prophecy has an advantage over short-term forecasting. It is no coincidence that they say: in order to be considered a clairvoyant, predict the future a hundred years in advance, and in order to be considered a fool, predict it for tomorrow. But in all other respects, forecasts for the near future look more attractive than predictions for an entire century. Everyone wants to know what will happen to them tomorrow, many want to know what will happen in a month or a year, some want to know what will happen in 10-15 years (see), and few people are interested in what will happen when there is no one left alive today. earth. Therefore, for those who at the beginning of the century want to foresee it to the very end, it is difficult to find another justification for their intention than the childishly naive explanation from one of B. Okudzhava’s songs: “ After all, at least someone should look forward all the time".

Before proceeding to present his version of what awaits us in the 21st century, the author must make a sincere confession. He declares with full responsibility that his predictions are not based on the most advanced scientific methods, known to him alone, nor the magical combinations of numbers that make it possible to calculate the algorithms of history, nor the luminous visions in which he saw the holistic image of the coming century. The picture of the future, which will be presented in this article, was formed under the influence of a subjective understanding of the logic of the historical process and that intuitive comprehension that allows us to extrapolate the traditions of the past to the present, and the trends of the present to the future. Therefore, accepting or not accepting the author’s conclusions is a matter of personal trust in the arguments he offers. Nor should this article be expected to predict such exotic events as contact with aliens, the invention of a time machine, or the onset of the apocalypse. Such prophecies go beyond forecasts not because the events seem impossible, but because their likelihood is difficult to determine. After all, in the end they depend on the inquisitiveness of the intellect and the instinct of self-preservation of humanity, and, as our history shows, these are very uncertain quantities. P>

Beginning of the Great Colonization

Each past century of human civilization, in addition to its serial number, is somewhat different from other centuries. Of course, not all of them had such a bright individuality as the century of the Reformation (XVI century) or the Enlightenment (XVIII century). Much more often, centuries were remembered by humanity because they belonged to large and integral periods - the Hellenistic era, the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, or belonged to the so-called gaps in time - the “dark ages”. How will the present century remain in the memory of our distant descendants? In order to answer this question, we need to get rid of the inertia of thinking, which imposes on us a schematic idea that the 21st century, being a continuation of the 20th century, will be associated only with solving the problems it generated. If humanity is destined to survive this century and the one that comes after it, a correct understanding of its essence and meaning is possible only by correlating it not only with the past, but also with the future century. And if, perhaps, it would be overly arrogant at the beginning of the century to try to “invent” a completely unique character for it, then we can imagine it in the context of a new era, which is more consistent with the specifics of the third rather than the second millennium AD.

At the turn of these millennia, it became obvious that humanity was faced with the limited resources of the earth's nature necessary for its full existence and development. One can, of course, largely blame the imperfection of the socio-economic organization modern society and injustice in the distribution of these resources among the peoples of the Earth, but there are hardly any optimists left who believe that if these shortcomings are eliminated, the ever-growing humanity will be able to live like the “golden billion” of the chosen ones. Skepticism in this regard only intensifies when the unexpected and harmful consequences of the turbulent economic activity advanced countries during the 19th-20th centuries. (exhaustion natural resources, ozone holes, " greenhouse effect", a likely rise in global sea levels). Therefore, the following dilemma is becoming more and more real: or humanity will be forced to artificially limit its growth (including with the “help” of wars, epidemics and mass famine), or it will respond to this threat by colonizing new spaces , i.e. in exactly the same way as small communities in similar situations have done since time immemorial.

There are practically no new spaces left on the earth's land rich in vital resources. Therefore, future colonization can develop in two directions: into the world's oceans or into outer space. In the first case, underwater spaces will be subject to settlement, in the second - habitable planets. Thus, The strategic choice of earthlings is to become Atlanteans or Uranites, or it is reasonable to combine both of these strategies . The first very timid attempts to begin exploring a new habitat for mankind were made in the last century. However, things did not come to the point of resettlement - partly due to the insufficiently high level of development of technical capabilities, partly due to the not so acute nature of the need itself. Therefore, after the first flights to the Moon, not a single attempt was made to industrially colonize it, and projects to create underwater stations - prototypes of future cities in the ocean - remained only on paper. It is quite possible that humanity can afford to live another half century without sending reconnaissance troops and detachments of colonists into the cosmic and world oceans. But every missed decade brings us closer to the state when the realization comes with stern clarity that delay is like death.

Apparently, the beginning of the era of colonization - first the ocean, then space - will occur in the second half of this century, unless some world cataclysms force the survivors to begin hasty exploration of new spaces. I had a chance to read scientific literature, which argued that human biological capabilities allow him to adapt to life at a depth of 800 meters under water (the problem is how to return him to land from there). It is quite possible that if living conditions on earth worsen, this problem will lose its relevance. As for space colonization, it can begin no earlier than astronauts find planets suitable for human life. At present, this is apparently out of the question, since the planets of the solar system do not have the necessary properties, and reaching other planets is impossible due to the low speeds of terrestrial spaceships. But the discovery of knowledge and technologies of the future will make such flights possible, and thousands will go in search of new “Earths” spaceships. In the end, humanity must have one or more “reserve” planets, where people could not only go in search of a better life, but also evacuate in the event of a real threat to life on Earth associated with a catastrophe of a planetary scale, regardless of whether it has a cosmic, natural or social character. Thus, if my forecast is correct, the 21st century will go down in history as the time of the beginning of the Great Colonization.

Under the banner of new knowledge and faith

Since the 17th century. each coming century, compared to the previous one, was distinguished by the increasing dynamics of the development of science. In this regard, the 20th century broke all records, in the second half of which for any decade the amount scientific knowledge doubled. At the beginning of the 21st century. there is every reason to conclude that this trend will continue in the current century. Will the very nature of scientific progress change if we evaluate it not only by quantitative, but also by qualitative parameters? Scientists tend to focus on those areas of science where the greatest breakthroughs have been achieved and where practical results look most promising. Thus, they can claim that if in the 19th century. achievements in electromagnetism and chemistry were decisive, and in the 20th century. – the discovery of atomic energy, laser and transistor, then the appearance of the 21st century. will determine the development of nanotechnology. However, if you look at this process not only from the point of view of significance scientific discoveries, but also through the prism of socio-economic changes in society, we can see that the scientific progress of the last two and a half centuries has accumulated evolutionary changes, which can give it a new quality in the coming century.

The fact is that from the second half of the 18th century, when the industrial revolution began in England, the development of science and technology was objectively more and more aimed at satisfying massive needs of people, to create standard products and goods that take them into account to a lesser extent than before individual requests. This process reached its apogee in the first half of the last century due to the massive spread of conveyor production introduced by G. Ford. The production of standard goods and services, of relatively high quality in developed countries, contributed to a noticeable increase in the material well-being and living comfort of people, but did not deprive them of their inclination towards products created or assembled to order. Scientific and technological revolution in the second half of the 20th century. First, it increased the level of satisfaction of mass needs, and then created the prerequisites for the widespread satisfaction of individual requests. Apparently, the discovery and implementation of technologies in the field of nanomaterials, biological matter and information will make it possible to rebuild production on the basis of previously unimaginable consideration of the individual needs and characteristics of people. This process will cause a profound change in character modern man and society and the connections between them. If the era of mass production and consumption produces a “mass society” and a “mass individual,” then the era of individual production and consumption creates an “individualized society” and “personal individuality.” Of course, we are still only at the beginning of this process, but if its direction is predicted correctly, then in its consequences it may be comparable to what in the philosophy of K. Jaspers was called " axial time ".

As for the scientific discoveries that will most likely be made in the 21st century, among the most significant in terms of practical impact on humanity are the following. Today, almost no one doubts that in 10-15 years the transition to alternative energy sources to petroleum products will begin, which will change the balance of forces and lead to a change in roles in the energy market. This will largely be due to the production of a new type of energy, to which transport will switch due to its greater efficiency and low cost compared to gasoline and kerosene. The introduction of nanomaterials and biotechnologies into medicine will probably make it possible in the foreseeable future to find a cure for cancer and AIDS and greatly improve the treatment of cardiovascular diseases. However, the general deterioration of the environmental situation in the world contributes to the emergence of previously unknown viruses and infections that can cause a pandemic, surpassing the number of victims of the plague of the 14th century or the Spanish flu of the 20th century. It can be assumed that a discovery will be made with the help of which people will greatly increase the amount of information entering their brains, regardless of the senses, which, on the one hand, will lead to a revolution in education, and, on the other hand, will make them more controlled by external forces . Finally, it is very likely that in this century a unified formula for matter, energy and field will be found, making it possible to carry out their transformations, which will significantly increase the speed of our spaceships plowing the expanses of the Universe. But at the same time, as history teaches us, we should keep in mind that all these discoveries will most likely have a “dual purpose” and will serve not only creation, but also destruction, leading to the emergence of new types of weapons of mass destruction.

If the search for knowledge is the lot of a relatively narrow layer of intellectuals, then the acquisition of faith captures the widest masses of people. Among futurologists it is generally accepted that in the 21st century. religion will begin to play an increasingly important role in the spiritual life of people, determining their consciousness and activity. I believe that this conclusion needs serious clarification. The truly important role in this century, in my opinion, will be played not so much by one of the world or national religions, or all of them together, as searching for a new faith , corresponding to the realities and spirit of the new era. If we turn to modern times, we will see that of all the existing religions, only Islam is on the rise. But the expansion of Islamic ideology, more often than not in its radical form, is due to the fact that today it is the Muslim world that is the vanguard in the struggle of the “Third World” with the “Golden Billion” (in the words of A. Solzhenitsyn). The religion of Islam is the main factor in the civilizational identity of this otherwise variegated world, and therefore it cannot express its general view in any other form. However, the strengthening of contradictions between Sunnis and Shiites is already noticeable, which indicates that the unity of the Muslim faith is very relative.

Other world and national religions either maintain their conquered positions (Buddhism, Hinduism, Judaism), or gradually decline, most noticeable in their historical centers (Catholicism, Protestantism). Regarding Orthodox faith, then the collapse of the ideology of communism freed her " holy place"in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus, but the growth of churches and clergy in itself does not lead to a religious revival. During the post-Soviet period, the number of people calling themselves Orthodox has increased significantly, but only time will tell whether they will come to a churched life in harmony with God and people or will return to the sinful world in search of new strong sensations, but judging by the statements and actions of the hierarchs of the Russian Orthodox Church, it is not easy to get rid of the impression that their plans for the foreseeable future include not so much the acquisition of the Third Rome or Holy Rus', but the protection of their territory from them. the intrigues of the Vatican and the establishment of Orthodoxy as the state ideology of Russia.

It is symbolic for assessing the religious life of modern humanity that recently little has been heard about the ecumenism movement. Indeed Who And with whom today can unite if Catholics take away churches from Orthodox Christians in Western Ukraine, Jews fight Muslims, Muslims fight Hindus, and Sunnis and Shiites blow each other up in Iraq? The latest confirmation of this was the words of Pope Benedict XVI addressed to Islam, when he condemned the concept of the holy war of jihad and cited a quote from the 15th century Byzantine emperor Palaiologos, who accused Muslims of being " spread their faith with the sword". For this statement, the Pope was accused by the National Assembly of Pakistan of insulting Islam, and in very harsh terms: " With his derogatory remarks, the Pope insulted Islam and the Prophet Muhammad and deeply hurt the feelings of the entire Muslim world... Anyone who makes offensive remarks about the religion of Islam provokes violence"It has already come to the point of a direct threat to kill the Holy Father, sounded from the lips of the leader of the British Islamists. After the exchange of such verbal blows, the words of those religious leaders who assure humanity what the Church can offer to the world look beautiful." experience in building a single civilizational space based on cultural and religious diversity"and help" building a multi-structured world in which various civilizational models would enter into harmonious and peaceful interaction".

Perhaps the fact is that all the leading religions of the world, which arose many centuries ago in local communities, despite attempts to universalize them, cannot meet the requirements of the global world. Being a product of completely different times, with different social relations, cultural traditions and moral and legal norms, they are unable to adequately solve modern problems that do not fit into their archaic paradigm. Thirteen centuries after the “Old Testament” man Moses with his Ten Commandments, the “New Testament” God-man Christ came with the Sermon on the Mount. Two millennia have passed since then, but we seem to pretend that the world has not changed enough to feel the need for religious understanding of new social relations and moral rules. I do not claim that the 21st century. will bring with it a new religion that will unite millions of people who have voluntarily bound themselves to faith in new truths and shrines. But I believe that the coming century will prepare people for a new spiritual era, which some Christian philosophers and theologians have already called era of the Holy Spirit .

Towards global peace through conflicts of civilizations

The action of the above socio-economic and intellectual-spiritual factors will affect the balance of geopolitical forces in the 21st century, but they themselves will be under a strong opposite influence. After the publication of S. Huntington’s fundamental work “The Clash of Civilizations,” the opinion among experts has noticeably strengthened that in the new century the fate of the world will be determined not by the confrontation between two superpowers, but by conflicts between civilizations, and the most important groupings of states will not be the three blocs of the Cold War. wars", but seven or eight major civilizations. While accepting Huntington's general approach and many of his conclusions, I still cannot help but make one significant observation. Being a supporter of the theory of local civilizations, this scientist, like his predecessors (Danilevsky, Spengler, Toynbee, McNeil, Braudel, etc.), allows a certain arbitrariness in the division of civilizations and in their very names. Based on the idea that civilizations are cultural, rather than geographical or political, unities, Huntington tends to identify at least the major civilizations with the “great religions of the world.” Therefore, of the nine civilizations that he identifies in our time, four (Islamic, Hindu, Orthodox and Buddhist) are defined by religion or denomination, and another four (Western, Latin American, Shin and Japanese) arose on the basis of one religion or another.

If such a characterization is true for a group of heterogeneous societies united by the religion of Islam, and, partly, for the Hindu civilization, in which, however, Muslims and representatives of tribal cults live along with Hindus, then it explains little in the relations between countries Orthodox world(Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Georgia, Bulgaria, Serbia, Romania, Greece). If the clear majority of the inhabitants of these countries understood themselves primarily as Orthodox, then they would gravitate toward Russia as the “pivot,” as Huntington puts it, the state of Orthodox civilization. Let’s say the current “flight” of Ukraine, Georgia, Bulgaria, Romania and Serbia to Europe, i.e. into Western civilization, caused by the weakness of modern Russia. But even during the existence of the USSR as a superpower, Serbia, as part of Yugoslavia, pursued an independent policy, Romania was a very unreliable ally, and Greece was a member of NATO. Of course, we can say that Soviet Union was then the core state of the communist bloc, and not of the Orthodox civilization. However, even in the 19th century. the situation was similar: these countries perceived Orthodox Russia as a liberator from the domination of Muslim or, less commonly, Catholic peoples, but not as its metropolis or the spiritual center of the Orthodox world.

An adequate understanding of Western civilization, if approached within the framework of this approach, also encounters serious difficulties. It is clear that modern Western identity is based on the trinity of rationalism, individualism and liberalism, which dates back to the ideas of the Age of Enlightenment. This trinity, although it could only arise on the basis of the values ​​of Western Christianity, carries with it the destruction of these values, since it leads to the secularization of culture, in which the place of religious sacraments and dogmas is taken by political and moral principles. Therefore, the main cultural indicator of the civilization of the West in our days is not belonging to Western Christianity, but to the ideology of liberalism, private property, democracy and constitutionalism (see). But today it has become clear that this sign of cultural integrity is under threat. The fact is that “belonging to Europe” today is determined by membership in the European Union and NATO. And the course towards creating a united Europe, i.e. to consolidate the European center of Western civilization, is carried out simultaneously with the course towards the expansion of Europe to the east, during which it includes or may include countries whose European identity is in doubt (Bulgaria, Romania, Ukraine, Georgia and, finally, Turkey). And if the results of the referendum on the European constitution in France were called “a vote against the Polish plumber,” it is not difficult to guess what feelings the appearance of a Ukrainian builder or Georgian winemaker will cause in “old Europe.”

The Western world creates all these problems for itself, largely because it pursues not a civilizational, but a bloc policy, which it inherited from the Cold War. But what was justified and effective during the struggle between the two superpowers and the blocs they created turns out to be untenable during the conflict of civilizations. This can be illustrated by the example of the first conflict of this kind in the 21st century - the clash between Western and Muslim civilizations. It is clear that it is caused by much more important reasons than the terrorist attack of September 11, 2001. And only full-time propagandists or naive ordinary people can claim that terrorism will be the main threat in the 21st century. In the same way, at the beginning of the 19th century. saw the Jacobins as their main enemies, and at the beginning of the 20th century. were preparing to fight the anarchists. “International terrorism” is a good reason to strengthen one’s “vertical of power” in foreign and domestic policy, which is used in the USA, Russia, China and other countries of the world (see). In reality, terrorists, especially those from among Islamic radicals, can be compared to a detachment of saboteurs operating behind enemy lines with the expectation of the support of a certain part of the local population. And so, under the pretext of the need for adequate retribution, the civilization of the West begins a new crusade against the Muslim East.

This is precisely the character that is increasingly becoming fighting NATO in Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as the recent Israeli offensive - the modern Order of the Temple of Western Civilization - on Lebanon. In the event of a US-Israeli attack on Iran, this comparison will move from the realm of historical associations to the realm harsh reality. I am not at all inclined to justify the words and deeds of Islamic fanatics and radicals, but still we should not forget that not a single Muslim state is waging war in Europe (except for the Albanians ousting the Serbs from Kosovo, which the West does not care about). Therefore, the current actions of the United States and NATO countries in the Middle East serve as a clear illustration of Huntington’s words that “ Western interference in the affairs of other civilizations is probably the single most dangerous source of instability and potential global conflict in a multi-civilizational world"But the clash between the Western and Islamic worlds is only the first conflict of civilizations in the 21st century. An even greater threat to the world is posed by the struggle for hegemony between the United States and China, which could turn into a military clash between the West and the East. Meanwhile, establishing itself in As a superpower far from home, the United States may miss the time when the pressure on it from Latin American civilization becomes insurmountable and when the majority of North Americans speak. Spanish, and the majority of the population of “old Europe” speaks Arabic, the complete “decline of the West” that Spengler wrote about will begin. Apparently, this will happen outside the chronological framework of the 21st century, but by the end of the century Western world It will be difficult to maintain cultural integrity and unity, the loss of which begins the collapse of civilizations.

Will the onset of global peace ultimately await us, or will our globe remain divided between major civilizations periodically clashing in the struggle for living space, material resources and the souls of people? In answering this question, much depends on what we understand by the term “global world.” If we are talking about the fact that all national states and civilizations are connected by an extensive and growing system of economic, political and information interdependencies, then the supporting structures of such a world have already been created, and by the end of the 21st century. it will be almost completed. But it is extremely doubtful that such a world will have a single cultural integrity, like the one that underlies civilizations. None of the existing religions, political philosophies and moral systems, despite the fact that they all claim the highest and final truth, seems so comprehensive and promising as to capture the minds and hearts of future humanity. Today, the more likely alternative to the possible " cold war of civilizations“There seems to be an exchange of knowledge, ideas and values, the study of each other’s history and culture, mutual complementation and spiritual enrichment. And if such an atmosphere is created in the 21st century, then this alone will be enough to say that it did not come in vain.

The quest for meritocracy

Forecast for the 21st century. will be incomplete if we do not pay attention to the problem, which is usually referred to as the relationship between the ruling elite and the masses. This problem finds clear expression in the form of government that is established in a society (nation state) or in a super-society (civilization). One only has to look at the last three centuries of Western civilization to see how views and realities have changed in the search for the “best form of government.” Thus, for most of the 18th century, which proclaimed the ideal of an “enlightened monarchy,” there was competition between absolute and constitutional monarchies. In the 19th century The republican ideal is gradually gaining victory over the monarchical principle, and at the end of the century there is controversy over the question of what kind of republic should replace the monarchy. Most of the 20th century took place in a struggle between different types of leader dictatorship and a democratic republic, which ended in the victory of the ideal of liberal democracy. However, it does not yet seem that this ideal will acquire the universal character that ardent supporters of Western civilization are counting on, ready to spread it throughout the world. Many agree with W. Churchill that “democracy is the worst form of government, apart from all the others.” However, recognizing this does not in the least prevent us from looking for a form of government better than democracy.

For example, “post-democracy” can lay claim to the role of a more perfect organization of power (see). There are undoubtedly other projects political systems, on which it is hoped that they will allow us to more effectively respond to the challenges of our time than all forms of government known today. But in any case, the question is how to ensure that the most honored, competent, talented people. Such an organization of power, in which the most worthy rule, is usually called “meritocracy.” Nowadays, the concept of meritocracy is considered mainly in the context of the doctrine of post-industrial society, with its conclusion that in the future “knowledge society” universities will become the main institutions of power, which will transfer government to the hands of authoritative scientists and qualified managers. However, the question of how to ensure such an order of power formation, in which the best should rule, goes beyond the scope of political design. The best can rule only under the indispensable condition that they are among the elite of society, and they find themselves there not as an exception, but as a result of the general rule.

What kind of ruling elite should be worthy of this title? It seems that for this she must have the following three qualities: professionalism, i.e. the ability to effectively govern the country and respond to the challenges of the time, patriotism, i.e. responsibility for the present and future of their country, and morality, i.e. consciousness of his service to society. The first of these qualities is absolutely necessary, the second and third are highly desirable. If the presence of all these characteristics in the ruling stratum is quite rare, then the real elite is distinguished from random temporary workers by the combination of professionalism with patriotism or professionalism and morality. However, if the professionalism of a person in power largely depends on his personal abilities, then his patriotism and morality are determined by the relationship between him and those he governs. And it rarely happened that the rulers loved their homeland and cared about the welfare of the people, if neither the homeland nor the people demanded from them the manifestation of these feelings not in words, but in deeds.

This problem is not solved by introducing universal suffrage, which makes a broad expression of the people's will possible, or, on the contrary, by various qualifications, giving this expression of will a more rational and responsible character. In the selection of the ruling elite, not only the quantity of those participating in the selection is important, but also their quality. As Aristotle rightly wrote, of all types government structure "The best, of course, is the one in which control is concentrated in the hands of the best. This will take place in the case when either one of the general mass, or an entire race, or the entire mass of the people will have superiority in virtue, when, moreover, some will be able to command, others to obey for the sake of the most desirable existence"Therefore, no monarchy, oligarchy or democracy can be better than that the people she rules. Further optimization of society management will obviously proceed as follows: lines ensuring greater control of government by citizens , and by lines making it more effective . It can be assumed that the conflict between these lines and the attempt to resolve the contradiction between them will be a subject of debate for thinkers and citizens of the 21st century, looking for a solution to the same problem that Aristotle pondered. Therefore, the form of government that will be established in this century will largely depend on the solution of the question what is more important: quality management decisions, or their transparency and understandability for us .

Not everything that can happen in the coming century can even be predicted probabilistically. I have to admit that I am at a loss as to what heights art will reach in the new century, what sports will win the largest audience of fans and how relations between the sexes or “fathers” and “children” will develop in this world. Thus, it cannot be ruled out that humanity will come to reject monogamous marriage and replace it with a voluntary union, easily dissolved if the interests of both parties are respected. But making such forecasts is almost the same as predicting what will be fashionable to wear in the world in 2017, or what the weather will be like in the summer of 2053 in Russia. We can only confidently repeat the ancient wisdom: “This too shall pass.” To paraphrase Stanislaw Jerzy Lec, few people in the twenty-first century expected the twenty-second to arrive. Nevertheless, we have good grounds for such a forecast, and this cannot but rejoice.

Of course, the 21st century does not promise us the advent of an era of mercy or an era of reason; it is difficult to believe that it will go down in history as the Golden Age. In this century, there will be destructive wars in the world, and civilizational and regional conflicts with the use of nuclear weapons. We cannot exclude the occurrence of pandemics caused by unknown viruses, an increase in the number of natural disasters due to increasing climate change and increased tectonic activity and man-made disasters with a large number of victims. But, as in all centuries, the main hope and the main threat for a person will be another person, striving to remake him in his own image and likeness. And everyone who survives this century will probably be able to rightfully repeat the words of the English classic. Here they are: " It was the most wonderful time, it was the most unfortunate time - the age of wisdom, the age of madness, the days of faith, the days of unbelief, the time of light, the time of darkness, the spring of hope, the cold of despair, we had everything ahead, we had nothing ahead, we first they soared in the heavens, then suddenly fell into the underworld - in a word, this time was very similar to the present...".

What can we - humanity - expect in the future? This question cannot but worry us. We are on the threshold of great changes that will happen very soon - in the first half of the 21st century. But are we ready for these changes?..
What great changes await us?.. Let's start from afar. The Earth is a very complex “organism” (one can even consider the Earth “intelligent”), subject to influence from the outside (the Sun, the influence of planets solar system, the position of planet Earth in the Milky Way Galaxy).
The development of the Earth occurs cyclically and according to a spiral law. The following time cycles can be distinguished: day, year (cycles of the Earth’s rotation), 12 years, 36, 2160, 4320 years (cycles associated with cosmogonic factors)…
There are also longer cycles, for example, in Chinese culture the Yuan cycle is described (129,600 years), and in Hindu mythology, the designation of world periods is transmitted through the four eras of the South, which amount to 12,000 “divine years” or 4,320,000 earthly years. Here it is also worth mentioning the “Long Count Calendar” of the Mayan civilization...

Change magnetic poles Earth. Illustration:
We will be interested in one of the defining cycles in the development of our planet, associated with the change of the Earth's magnetic poles.
Change of Earth's magnetic poles
“... then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in heaven;
and then all the families of the earth will mourn
and they will see the Son of Man,
coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory..."
Matthew 24:30, Gospel of Matthew, New Testament.
The Earth's magnetic poles are part of our planet's magnetic (geomagnetic) field, which is generated by flows of molten iron and nickel surrounding the Earth's inner core (in other words, turbulent convection in the Earth's outer core generates the geomagnetic field). The behavior of the Earth's magnetic field is explained by the flow of liquid metals at the boundary of the earth's core and the mantle.
The change of the Earth's magnetic poles (magnetic field inversion, English geomagnetic reversal) occurs every 11.5-12.5 thousand years. Other figures are also mentioned - 13,000 years and even 500 thousand years or more, and the last inversion occurred 780,000 years ago. Apparently, the reversal of the Earth's Magnetic Field is a non-periodic phenomenon. Throughout the geological history of our planet, the Earth's magnetic field has changed its polarity more than 100 times.
The cycle of changing the Earth's poles (associated with planet Earth itself) can be classified as a global cycle (along with, for example, the cycle of fluctuation of the precession axis), which influences everything that happens on Earth...
A legitimate question arises: when to expect a change in the Earth’s magnetic poles (inversion of the planet’s magnetic field), or a shift of the poles to a “critical” angle (according to some theories to the equator)?..
The process of shifting magnetic poles has been recorded for more than a century. The North and South Magnetic Poles (NSM and SMP) are constantly “migrating”, moving away from the geographic poles of the Earth (the “error” angle is now about 8 degrees in latitude for the NMP and 27 degrees for the SMP). By the way, it was found that the Earth's geographic poles also move: the planet's axis deviates at a speed of about 10 cm per year.
IN recent years the speed of movement of the magnetic poles has increased sharply: the North Magnetic Pole has “traveled” more than 200 km over the past 20 years, now it is moving in the north and northwest direction at a speed of about 40 km per year!
The rapid reversal of the poles is indicated by the weakening of the Earth's magnetic field near the poles, which was established in 2002 by the French professor of geophysics Gauthier Hulot. By the way, the Earth's magnetic field has weakened by almost 10% since it was first measured in the 30s of the 19th century. Fact: In 1989, residents of Quebec, Canada, experienced solar winds breaking through a weak magnetic shield and causing severe damage to their electrical networks, were left for 9 hours without electricity.
Scientists (as well as world leaders...) know about the upcoming change of poles of planet Earth. The process of pole reversal on our planet (active phase) began in 2000 and will last until December 2012. By the way, this date is indicated in the ancient Mayan calendar as “the end of the world” - Apocalypse?!. Here we must also add that on August 11, 1999, a solar eclipse and a Parade of Planets occurred, a new era began on Earth - the Age of Aquarius (the Age of Pisces is over), which will last 2160 years and which is associated with Russia...
In 2013, planet Earth will finally enter the constellation Aquarius and... the Earth’s magnetic poles will change, which will take only a few weeks (hard option). Some scientists predict the onset of the apocalypse before 2030, and still others say that the movement of the poles will take about a thousand years (soft version)... There are also versions that the polar reversal will lead to a shift of the North and South Poles to the equator.
Forecasts (as well as predictions of prophets, clairvoyants, contactees... - look for them on the Internet) regarding the development of events on Earth after the pole change are different. They differ in the timing of the restructuring of the planet by new life(the advent of the New Time), as well as the scale of the planetary catastrophe. And a lot will depend on the person himself - more on that below...
What awaits humanity in the future?..
Reversal of the Earth's Magnetic Field in the Past
“... In one terrible day, all your military strength
was swallowed up by the opening earth;
In the same way, Atlantis disappeared, plunging into the abyss...”
Plato, dialogue “Timaeus”.
Let's turn to history - take a look into the past of the Earth. On our planet before humans there lived other civilizations (Atlantis, Lemuria), traces of which, by the way, can be traced in our culture. The Sphinx in Egypt (according to some studies, it is 5.5 million years old), the Pyramids at Giza (it is assumed that their construction was led by Atlanteans who survived a planetary catastrophe), huge statues of Buddha as a reflection of those who lived on Earth before man - a typical image of an Atlantean ...
Atlantis, it is assumed, just perished as a result of the change in the Earth’s magnetic poles, which occurred about 12.5 thousand years ago, and went under water. And then the Ice Age came, and abruptly: the temperature dropped to minus 100 degrees Celsius and below, evidence of this was found in mammoths with green grass in their stomachs; some mammoths seemed to be torn apart from the inside: the death of these animals from the cold occurred instantly!..
...Have you seen the film “Day After Tomorrow, The”, 2004? It is not based on facts made up from your head. The Great Flood and the New Ice Age - this is possible scenario imminent change of the Earth's magnetic poles. By the way, Flood, described in the Bible, is apparently the result of the end of the last Ice Age (Ryan-Pitman Theory).

Flood scene, Gustave Dore. Illustration for the Bible
It turns out that a new Flood is inevitable?.. This is one of the possible (and probable...) scenarios in which Great Britain, part of North America, Japan, and many other coastal countries will be the first to go under water. The safest place on Earth as a result of a global catastrophe will be the European territory of Russia, Western Siberia... Now think about why NATO is stubbornly approaching the borders of Russia?.. By the way, the territory of the Republic of Kosovo is located quite high above the level of the World Ocean, and in the event of a Flood it will not be flooded will…
The future of humanity
“...Increasing spirituality gradually fails the enlightened
to the next great body transformation,
which leads to higher worlds..."
Daniil Leonidovich Andreev, “Rose of the World”.
As a result of a probable change of magnetic poles, a temporary disappearance of the Earth's magnetic field (magnetosphere) is possible. As a result, a stream of cosmic rays will hit the planet, which can pose a real danger to all living things. True, when the magnetic poles of the Sun changed in March 2001 (the full cycle of changes in the total magnetic field of the Sun is 22 years, Hale’s law), no disappearances of the magnetic field were recorded. By the way, the disappearance of the magnetic field on Mars in the past led to the evaporation of the atmosphere on the “red planet”.
As a result of the possible temporary disappearance of the Earth's Magnetic Field and the Flood, we can expect huge human casualties and terrible man-made disasters (hard option). Only those who are physically and, most importantly, spiritually (!!!) ready for the coming of the New Time will survive. Planet Earth of the Age of Aquarius (after its “Reset”, that is, the inversion of the magnetic field) will make different demands for humans, as it itself will move to the next stage of its development...
Here it is also worth noting the fact of “cleansing” the Earth of “extra burden”, “information dirt”. Recently, the planet has seen a wave of violence, racial and religious intolerance, cruelty, and also... suicides. It feels like many people have lost their conscience. Using the example of our country: for many, swearing is the main way of communication, without alcohol (especially beer) and life is not life, a cigarette is a cure for stress... The degradation of society is obvious... It’s sad...
The moral decline of human society, inextricably linked with the Earth (global processes on the planet), is one of the harbingers of an impending catastrophe: the aggravation of the listed manifestations in society is a consequence of the processes of the Earth’s transition to new level development... Think about why this is so and why...
The scenario of the planetary catastrophe that threatens us will depend on how capable humanity is to meet the advent of the New Time (new Epoch). The lower society falls, the harsher the Earth's reaction will be. It is possible that everything will go “smoothly”, but it is possible that only the most “chosen” will remain on Earth...
Why do we, humanity, need all these tests?.. This is a Transition, and a transition to more high level development - the Great Transition - is not for everyone, but these are the laws of evolution... There must be a constant Movement Forward!
It must be said that on December 21, 2012 (?!. according to other versions on December 23, 2012) another event will occur (which is noted in esoteric literature), which is connected with the inversion of the Earth’s magnetic field - the “Quantum Transition” (Quantum Transition of the Solar Logos and the Earth) - a powerful energetic impact that... will change the geometry of Space and transfer the Material World, including people, to a higher level of vibration - to the next stage of evolutionary development.
“...The farther the poles of the magnetic field
from the axis of rotation of the planet,
the more highly developed life forms are..."
It is likely that after a change (or displacement) of the poles and a quantum transition (and, by the way, this has never happened before in the history of mankind), if they do happen, two paths will open up for humanity:
over the next 12.5-13 thousand years, go through evolution again, but at the same time start all over from scratch; Academician E.N. Vselensky believes that as a result of the change of poles, living beings (unprepared for the New) experience a loss of Consciousness (erasing of memory). By the way, the peculiar epidemic of amnesia that has been observed in society lately is not a sign of the Earth (?);
move to the next evolutionary stage (God-man), at which the opportunity to become immortal will open before man. A person will feed on the energy of the Cosmos (energobiosis), be able to materialize objects, etc. …By the way, aren’t sun-eaters people of the New Time (?)…
It is likely that two types of people will live on Earth after the Great Transition: the man of the past (already the past) and the man of the future - the God-man.
Whether there will be a change of poles or not, Kryon, by the way, gave information that there will be no change of poles, in any case, Changes will occur on Earth in the near future... they are already happening!.. And everyone will experience them... The end result is change consciousness on planet Earth!
Geomagnetism hypothesis. Explanation of the mechanism of magnetic pole reversal
Hypothesis of geomagnetism by Dmitry Aleksandrovich Dyudkin (Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine in the field of science and technology), explaining the mechanism of changing the Earth’s magnetic poles. The hypothesis is based on geoelectricity. I will give the fundamental theses of the hypothesis.
Availability electric charges, their accumulation, the formation of high electric fields in the interior of the Earth and its surface layer. An intraplanetary current system with a quasi-equatorial strategic direction creates, according to the laws of electrodynamics, a magnetic field in the form of a magnetic dipole, which we observe.
The Earth's rotation is supported by the electric field of the ionosphere, which determines fluctuations in the planet's rotation speed.
Solar activity is constantly changing (a cyclical process).
In case of growth solar activity(as a result of the influence of enhanced corpuscular and short-wave radiation on the Earth’s atmosphere, the ionization of the latter increases) the electric field strength of the planet’s ionosphere increases. The Earth receives additional acceleration, the strength of the currents excited in the surface layers of the planet will increase, this will lead to an increase in the geotectonic activity of the Earth (increased seismic activity, activation of volcanoes, etc.).
If solar activity decreases, the Earth's rotation speed slows down, the intensity of intraplanetary induction currents decreases, and the geomagnetic field strength drops.
With synchronous rotation of the Earth and the ionosphere (currently the Earth rotates faster than the ionosphere, which leads to the excitation of powerful electric currents in the surface layers of the Earth), the powerful electric current will cease to exist, and, consequently, the dipole part of the Earth’s Magnetic field will cease to exist.
The polarity of the planet's magnetic poles is determined by the direction of the induction current. Therefore, further lag of the Earth from the ionosphere will lead to the excitation of a current in the opposite direction - the polarity of the magnetic poles will change by 180 degrees (inversion of the Earth's magnetic poles).
In the Earth's past, the inversion of the planet's magnetic field was accompanied by a global decrease in temperature - the Ice Age.
Thus, the change of the Earth's magnetic poles depends on solar activity!..
Kryon: “The most ancient tribes on the planet are well aware of what is happening, for it was predicted in their calendars. However, the changes will not be what they expected. This will not be the end of the world, but the era of “final exams”. Completion of one period of Earth's history and entry into new spaces of the Galaxy (previously hidden from you). The transition of humanity into a new consciousness and new ways of living (also previously hidden from you).
The planet and man are not just interconnected, but also interact and are considered as a single entity. When universal entities speak of “Earth,” they mean the physical rocks of the planet, the people living on it, and other entities that support the existence of the whole. All this is understood as unified system, and the assessment of the vibrations of the planet includes the vibrations of all these kingdoms. You cannot raise the vibrations of people without raising the vibrations of the Earth!
As the planet changes, so will you. Earthquakes, sudden changes in weather and volcanic eruptions can directly affect personal changes in each of you.”
And here's another words of Kryon: “... Do you really think that humanity, having reached the end of this cycle of higher enlightenment of consciousness through an entire period of earthly history, will have to be washed away by waves and stones? would be nice prom, A? No. The tilt that was foreseen is my job.
This is magnetic tilt, and this is the realignment of the Earth's magnetic grid system to accommodate your final period. Essentially, you will be given the magnetically correct cover for the existence and life of balanced enlightened people.
Your magnetic north will no longer correspond to your geographic north north pole. In fact, he never corresponded, as you know, but now this deviation will become significant. So why is this important? The importance is that those who are not ready will not be able to live up to it. Some will remain, and those who cannot will reincarnate and reappear with the right attunement.
As the grids adjust over the coming years, more enlightenment will be given to you...
…You have earned the right to stay and be in complete control of your own destiny in the first century of the new millennium. You have achieved this yourself by raising the vibration of the planet through thought consciousness over the past 60 years (at the very last moment, one might say).”

So - our future is in our hands!.. And not only...
For a better understanding of the processes taking place on Earth, I advise you to read the report of Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, laureate of the Prize named after. Vernadsky, Academician of the International Academy of Sciences of Nature and Society Evgeniy Nikolaevich Vselensky “Pole change and the great universal experiment” (21.1 KB, .zip), Moscow, 2000. From the report you will learn what the sixth race, transmutation, is, what abilities the person of the future will have...
I also advise you to pay attention to Pavel Sviridov’s book “The Myth of the Age of Aquarius” (it can be found on the Internet). There is an analysis of the past and future of Russia based on cosmogonic cycles.
I would like you to think about the following questions:
What is the “crop circle” phenomenon? When did the “circles” begin to appear, and what does our Earth want to tell us by their appearance and pattern?..
Is Bigfoot a descendant of the Atlanteans? Who are dolphins?..
Why are children with unusual abilities being born on Earth now (indigo children and crystal children)?.. Will they not guide humanity in the Great Transition and shape the society of the future?..
Try to answer your questions...

Addition on the topic “Earth and Man” - numbers, facts, theories:
The Earth's magnetic field began to weaken about 2,000 years ago. A sharp drop in its tension has been noted in the last 50 years, and since 1994 its powerful fluctuations began.
There is a so-called “Shumann Frequency”, or Schumann resonance, - this is a wave emanating from the planet (“heartbeat” - the rhythm of the Earth), occurring at a specific frequency of 7.83 Hz (hertz). It was so stable for a long time that the military adjusted their instruments according to it. However, Schumann's frequency began to increase: in 1994 - 8.6 Hz, in 1999 - 11.2 Hz, and at the end of 2000 - about 12 Hz. It is assumed that when the Schumann frequency reaches 13 Hz, a pole reversal will occur.
A group of geophysicists from the University of Calabria (Italy), led by Professor Vincenco Carbone, found that the earth’s core “remembers” the history of magnetic switchings, and the mathematical formula for accounting for this “memory” is well known: it is used by spectroscopists when describing noble gases.
Alexander Leonidovich Chizhevsky brilliantly proved the influence of periodic changes in solar activity on the life activity of organisms on the planet, laying the foundation for space biology.
“The average cycles, falling during the downward period of the large cycle, are characterized by the duration and depth of depressions, the brevity and weakness of upturns; average cycles falling on the upward period of a large cycle are characterized by reverse features”... Theory of Large Cycles N.D. Kondratieva.
In the noospheric teachings of Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadsky, man appears rooted in Nature, and the “artificial” is considered as an organic part and one of the factors (increasing over time) in the evolution of the “natural”... Vernadsky concludes that humanity, in the course of its development, is turning into a new powerful a geological force, transforming the face of the planet with its thought and labor.
And also:
Unity and diversity of the modern world;
Global warming and ideas to save the Earth;
2012 The end of the world?.. What awaits us in 2012?..
Books on the topic “Secrets of the Earth and Man”:
Centuries, Michel Nostredame (Michel de Nostredame) - a book of prophecies predicting events that should occur from 1555 to 3797;
The Death of Atlantis, Frank Joseph - a book about indisputable evidence of the fall and death of the legendary civilization;
1000 unexplained mysteries, I.A. Damascene - the book describes the strangest phenomena: UFOs, dinosaurs, the Bermuda Triangle, ghosts and much more;
2012. Formula for survival, Anton Medvedev - other worlds... There are people who explore these worlds, and there are those who are trying to get their hands on them.

Expecting the end of the world in 2012
capable of uniting humanity -
- and prevent “ worst option”…
... But do the events of 2012 pose a threat to us?..
Why do so many people talk about the threat?..
This article was written based on materials from the sites “For those seeking the Light of Truth”... Let’s reflect together on the topic “2012 - the year of the Great Transition“...
First, let's define what the “End of the World” is? The end of times?.. Or... The end of the world is the end of the “old time” and the transition to the “New Time”?.. How can this be expressed? In the emergence of “new Energies” on Earth: that is, the “end of the World” correlates with the terms “Development” and “Evolution”.
“New Time” is new discoveries, a new understanding by man of his “I”, his place on Earth, in the Universe. “New Time” means new opportunities - for the Earth and man!.. Is it so?..