Interesting facts about celebrities that you might not know. Amazing facts from the life of world stars

I propose to talk about those whose lives are always visible - about celebrities. This collection is dedicated to interesting facts about celebrities.

  • Jackie Chan was injured 3,000 times throughout his life and nearly died in a 15-meter fall while filming Armor of God.
  • Arnold Schwarzenegger made his first million at the age of 22 by investing in real estate.
  • Winston Churchill could have realized himself as a novelist. He wrote the only novel, which was published in 1900 in an edition of 1,500 copies.
  • After the death of her husband, Queen Victoria spent 40 years in mourning without taking off her black dress.
  • The Russian Empress Elizabeth had 15 thousand outfits in her wardrobe. She changed her dress several times in one evening and never wore the same one.
  • Interesting fact about celebrities - many famous personalities– Napoleon Bonaparte, Hitler, Julius Caesar, Mussolini suffered from ailurophobia - they were deathly afraid of cats.
  • Actor Taylor Lautner has a medal and black belt as a world junior karate champion.
  • Maxim Gorky's reading speed was four thousand words per minute.
  • In his youth, Julio Iglesias was a goalkeeper for Real Madrid, but after being involved in a car accident at the age of 20, he was paralyzed - only his arms could move. During the 3 years he spent in the hospital, he learned to play the guitar.
  • Hollywood producer and director Alfred Hitchcock suffered from ovophobia - he was afraid of eggs in any form. He had never eaten a single egg in his entire life.
  • Napoleon's reading speed was 2000 words per minute.
  • An interesting fact about celebrities - the founder of the school of psychoanalysis, neurologist Sigmund Freud was terribly afraid of all types of weapons.
  • The most highly paid actor In 1916 there was Charlie Chaplin, who earned $10,000 a week.
  • Stalin spoke many languages ​​- Russian, Georgian, ancient Greek, Church Slavonic, English, German. He understood Hungarian, French, Armenian, Ossetian.
  • Marilyn Monroe (Norma Jean Baker) grew up in orphanage. During this time, she was adopted 11 times and returned back the same number of times.
  • Hitler did not like sports, and his favorite hobby was the circus.
  • Jack Nicholson began his acting career by answering letters from fans of the cartoon Tom and Jerry.
  • Tchaikovsky had a legal education, and received a diploma from the Conservatory 5 years after his final exams.
  • Stefani Joan Angelina Germanotta (pseudonym of Lady Gaga) studied for some time at the Convent School of the Sacred Heart in Manhattan, but after a year she left it, wanting to make a career as a singer.
  • Amy Winehouse is listed by Guinness as the first British woman to win 5 Grammy Awards.

1. Brad Pitt is banned from entering China due to his role in the film “Seven Years in Tibet.”

2. Jim Carrey’s idol is Vladislav Tretyak. When he was in Russia he even bought a T-shirt with his image. Jim's mother, Kay, was considered strange by those around her because of her pathological tendency to look for symptoms of various diseases in herself. When he was a child, his family was so poor they lived in a trailer. Due to poverty, the actor was also unable to finish school. When Jim Carrey first visited Moscow in 2001, the capital was shown to him by... Anastasia Volochkova (by the way, after this Volochkova spoke about the alleged affair)

3. Actress Shirley Henderson played 13 in Harry Potter
summer schoolgirl Moaning Myrtle. She was almost 40 years old at the time of filming.

4. Arnold Schwarzenegger's IQ is 135

5. Julia Roberts- the first film actress in history to receive $20 million for her role in a film

6. Keanu Reeves never had his own computer. If he still has to communicate with the computer, he plays chess. Keanu has repeatedly stated that he is more interested in the relationship between man and computer than the computer itself. Keanu is afraid to have children because this world often scares him. However, he believes that he is capable of falling in love to the point where he no longer cares what lies ahead. Rejecting advantageous offer to star in the sequel to “Speed” (according to rumors, he was offered 11 million

7. Rihanna never graduated from high school (and neither did Penelope Cruz)

8. Bob Dylan's real name is Robert Zimmerman

9. Chanel perfume No. 5 got its name not because the number 5 had any specific meaning for Coco. She just liked the fifth version of the perfume

10. Quentin Tarantino paid Robert Rodriguez $1 for the music for the film Kill Bill.

11. Founder of the Max Factor company Maximilian Faktorovich - American businessman of Jewish origin, from Russian Empire. He opened his first store, which sold various cosmetic products, in Ryazan

13. To create the image of Chewbacca from “ Star Wars"George Lucas was inspired by his dog sitting in the front seat of his car. And the name Chewbacca itself was invented based on the Russian word for “dog”

14. Fidel Castro entered the Guineas Book of Records for surviving 638 assassination attempts in different ways, incl. poison in cigars and bomb in baseball

15. It is reliably known that Mozart experienced creative inspiration while listening to his favorite tame starling. When the starling reproduced one of the fragments of the newly composed piano concerto No. 21 for Mozart, replacing the sharps with flats, Mozart admitted that this piece sounded better in the starling's interpretation, and included it in the final version of the work

16. Charlie Chaplin, performing incognito at the Charlie Chaplin look-alike competition in Monte Carlo, took third place!

17. Leonardo DiCaprio's grandmother's name was Elena Smirnova

18. Michael Jordan received from Nike more money than all the workers in the factories of this company in Malaysia.

Mother Rachel Bilson- sex therapist.

“My mother is a consultant specializing in this field. I must admit that she has excellent intuition and on the day when I lost my virginity, she found out about it without any explanation on my part. She has an amazing sense of people and me in particular.”

Parents are actors Benedict Cumberbatch, Timothy Carlton and Wanda Ventham, continue their careers despite their advanced age. Recently, Benedict’s father appeared in the “Christmas Special” episode of the popular British series “Downton Abbey,” playing a judge, and the actor’s mother appeared in the same series, but already in the image of Cassandra’s mother in the episode “Only Fools And Horses.”

In 2008 Ryan Gosling and him close friend Zach Shields created their own music group"Dead Man's Bones" The musicians have one album and one video clip, but very soon this number will increase, because the guys are planning to record a second album.

Especially for his role in the film "Winter's Bone" Jennifer Lawrence I learned how to skin squirrels, chop wood and fight. The actress’s efforts were recognized with nominations for an Oscar and a Golden Globe for “Best Actress,” but Natalie Portman and her “Black Swan” received awards at both awards.

In my youth Angelina Jolie studied at high school Beverly Hills, which became the basis for the acclaimed TV series Beverly Hills 90210

Now Max Irons young and successful, but success was difficult for him. At school, the actor struggled with dyslexia, which severely limited his abilities. Ten years ago, Max couldn’t write his name correctly.

Molly King might not have been the lead singer of “The Saturdays” if the coach had been able to persuade the skier to remain in the British team.

Actress Ashley Benson was born two months earlier and weighed only 1.2 kilograms. After a month in intensive care and two months in hospital, the girl, born on Christmas Day, recovered and was discharged.

After a year spent in South Africa Rebel Wilson got seriously ill. A girl who fell ill from malaria was tormented by hallucinations, but after recovery and the successful project “Bachelorette Party in Vegas” (Oscar nomination for “Best original script") she decided to continue her career as an actress, although initially, due to health problems, she thought of giving up this difficult craft.

Beloved Marion Cotillard, actor Guillaume Canet, is ex-husband Diane Kruger.

Emma Stone with the computer on first name basis. As a child, she helped her businessman father create presentations.

I think this fact will not surprise anyone, because Natalia Vodianova known throughout the world as “Cinderella”. Before becoming a model, Natalya and her mother sold fruit at the market.

Shailene Woodley suffers from scoliosis of the spine, which she found out about quite by accident while going to the beach in the company of best friend. A friend noticed that the actress’s spine was somewhat strange.

Lady Gaga believes that she is perfect for the role of Marisa Tomei. True, it’s not worth playing that role yet (the actress is only 48 and has no intention of leaving for another world), but in the future Lady Gaga is ready to do anything to get this role.

“When I get angry, I become Marisa Tomei. All my friends notice this and call me Marisa. This is not so strange, given our peculiar New York accent.”

11 year old Daniel Radcliffe calmly reacted to the fact that he received the role of Harry Potter.

“I found out about it when I was in the bathroom. I stayed there for another half hour and watched Fawlty Towers Hotel."

Gwyneth Paltrow played a cameo role in the 1991 film “Captain Hook.” At that time, the actress was 19.

The first half of my life Jack Nicholson didn't even realize that his sister was his mother and his grandparents weren't actually his parents. The fact is that Jack’s mother gave the child to be raised by his mother and father in order to continue his career, but in order not to traumatize the child’s psyche, Nicholson’s grandparents pretended to be his parents.

“Indeed, I did not know until I was thirty-seven that my sister was actually my mother. But I realized a long time ago that there are a lot of things in the world that I don’t know about. If I give too much great value What I don’t know, nothing good will come of it. Focus on the positive - that's my opinion. It's a trick, but a useful one."

Ginnifer Goodwin actually Jennifer Goodwin. The actress decided to change her name to stand out among the many Jennifers.

Nicole Kidman afraid of butterflies.

“I can do a lot: jump out of a plane, eat a cockroach... But I just can’t overcome my fear of butterflies. I just hate them!

Lady Gaga I wrote the song “Born This Way” in 10 minutes.

“This is an absolutely magical song. After it, it was like a gate opened for me and now I can write songs much faster and much better than before.”

Mother Christian Bale was a circus performer, so the actor’s statement that his first kiss happened with an acrobat did not come as a surprise to the public.

Three year old Elle Fanning played the three-year-old version of her sister Dakota in the TV series "Taken."

The husband of Naomi Watts, Liev Schreiber, it was a difficult childhood. After his parents' divorce, Liv stayed with his mother, who forbade him to watch color films and forced him to read for several hours at a time. After the father found out about this, he kidnapped his son, which later turned out to be not such a senseless act. A few years later, Schreiber's mother ended up in a psychiatric hospital.

Before his role in the film "The Mask" Cameron Diaz I had no acting experience.

Adele, Leona Lewis and Jessie J attended the same school. Also a graduate of the London School of Performing Arts and Technology was Amy Winehouse.

Actor for most of his childhood Joaquin Phoenix spent traveling around South America together with supporters of the religious cult “Children of God”. This continued until Joaquin's parents became disillusioned with their beliefs and moved to Los Angeles.

IN adolescence Hilary Swank lived in a trailer. At that time, Hilary's mother did not have enough money to rent an apartment for herself and her daughter.

We are all with early childhood We imitate some actors or models. But it is worth remembering that they are also ordinary people, and some things happen to them too interesting stories that happened to each of us. In this article we propose to get acquainted with some interesting facts about celebrities that you might not know.

Interesting facts about celebrities #1. Karateka Taylor Lautner

Interesting facts about celebrities #2. Ashton Kutcher - biochemist

The idol of millions of girls, the role model of many guys, is not just a hero of soap operas. Before becoming a famous and sought-after actor, Ashton studied a very unusual subject at university - biochemical engineering. Who would have thought that such a handsome man has not only an attractive appearance, but also such knowledge?

Interesting facts about celebrities #3. Johnny Depp and the clowns

The brave and incredibly charming “Jack Sparrow” admitted in a recent interview that clowns and mimes scare him. And one can understand him; they really do look terrifying.

Interesting facts about celebrities #4. Nicole Kidman and mottephobia

Famous Australian actress Nicole Kidman shocked the public with her unusual statement. She admitted that she has suffered from mottephobia (in other words, fear of butterflies) since early childhood. As a child, returning from school, at the gate of the house she noticed big butterfly. Usually girls react differently to these insects, but Nicole didn’t like the butterfly and had to climb over the fence. From that moment on, she tried hard to fight this phobia, but to no avail. According to the actress, she is not afraid of cockroaches, beetles, or even spiders. But she considers the touch of butterflies unpleasant and disgusting.

Interesting facts about celebrities #5. George Clooney and bullying

Charming and attractive Doug Ross from the series " Ambulance"was the most beloved character in the series. This role made George Clooney the highest paid and sought-after actor in Hollywood. But things weren't always good for him. When George was a teenager, he experienced childhood cruelty. He had peripheral facial palsy. The guy endured cruel ridicule from his classmates for a whole year. But this disease disappeared as quickly as it appeared.

Interesting facts about celebrities #6. Halle Berry and the department store

Halle Berry's parents apparently loved the local Halle's store very much, since they named their beloved daughter that name. Parents famous actress They explain this choice of name by saying that it is a kind of tribute to the store. Maybe Halle Berry was once shy about her name, but now everyone knows it, and the actress’s famous Oscar speech will forever remain in our memory.

Interesting facts about celebrities #7. Demi Moore and headband

One of the most beautiful and desirable women in the world, Demi Moore can give odds to any other young woman modern girl. But she wasn't always so beautiful. Unfortunately, Demi suffered from strabismus since childhood. The girl had a lot of complexes, which is why she wore an eye patch. But fortunately, with the help of two operations, the defect was corrected.

Interesting facts about celebrities #8. Matthew McConaughey - kind heart

One day, Matthew McConaughey, who is also included in the collection “interesting facts about celebrities,” during strong hurricane“Katrina” was not afraid and began to help all the animals that suffered from the flood. A year later, he saw a terrible picture: two young men were mocking a kitten. McConaughey immediately took the kitten that was set on fire. I am glad that he was not afraid and did not pass by such a picture. Well done!

Interesting facts about celebrities #9. Naomi Watts and elevators

Each person has their own special phobias. Some are afraid of spiders, and others are afraid of elevators. Naomi Watts has had claustrophobia since childhood. The actress says that in order to get into the elevator, she needs to carefully prepare herself for this.

Interesting facts about celebrities #10. Jessica Alba and a strange phobia

Looking at Jessica Alba, you see a well-groomed girl. Regardless of whether she is at home or at social event, her image is carefully chosen. And this can be seen not only in her appearance, but also in her house. Jessica Alba's house is always tidy, everything is always in its place. If suddenly there is chaos in her home, something is out of place, then the girl begins to become hysterical.

Our article about interesting facts about celebrities has come to an end, where we got acquainted with incredible facts from the lives of famous American stars. Even famous actors Those who have everything they want are not perfect, each of them has the same problems as we do. But their main difference from us is that they moved forward towards their dreams and did not imitate someone else. All of them became famous due to their uniqueness. If this article is read by someone who considers himself unlucky or simply has a complex because of some nonsense (or nonsense) - just don’t pay attention to it, but move forward and everything will be fine.

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