Cara Delevingne - biography, information, personal life. Cara Delevingne: hot photos and the latest news about gay models Cara Delevingne where

Cara Delevingne - bright and unusual American model and an actress who often comes under the radar of big money mass media, and does not always show itself with the best side. She is who she is, with all her quirks and outbursts, and is not ashamed of her unusualness. The ubiquitous paparazzi caught Kara, for example, in a situation where she hastily picked up a bag of white powder that had fallen from her purse. And it is very unlikely that this powder is washing powder. Or salt (in case something needs salting). Or powder (powder your nose).

This powder is most likely used in conjunction with the nose, but is not recommended by the US Department of Health. It was after the publication of the photo with the ill-fated powder that Cara Delevingne began to experience problems with her employers. But the greatest interest in Kara arose when it became known that Kara was bisexual. Fans of the actress began to look for photos of Cara Delevingne and her girlfriend, and this article contains all the pictures that we could find on the Internet.

Photo of Cara Delevingne and her girlfriend: which one are you interested in?

Before showing a photo of Cara Delevingne and her girlfriend, it is necessary to clarify that the actress has not one girl in her “archive,” but several. And of these, only three are known to the general public - it is not a fact that there were no others. Therefore, the article needs to be divided into several sections, each of which will be devoted to one of Cara Delevingne’s passions.

Photo of Cara Delevingne and Michelle Rodriguez

Cara Delevingne's first girlfriend was Michelle Rodriguez, familiar to viewers from the films "Avatar", "Fast and Furious", "Machete" and many others. Until now, Rodriguez had not hidden her bisexual orientation, but this was the first time we saw Cara Delevingne with a girl as an obvious partner, and not just a friend. There is no doubt that Kara and Michelle are connected at all friendly relations, did not arise. The photo shows Cara Delevingne and Michelle Rodriguez kissing, so there's no need to speculate.

By the way, Kara’s relatives accepted the actress’s dual orientation; for example, Kara’s sister invited Michelle Rodriguez to her wedding and bachelorette party. Naturally, in the role of “+1” his sister Kara. There are photos of Cara Delevingne and Michelle Rodriguez on the beach (top photographs) online, in which Cara is not covering herself with her hands, but we cannot add them to our material. After a year (according to some sources) of the relationship, Cara and Michelle broke up, and there was silence, occasionally interrupted by unconfirmed rumors.

The second girl with whom Cara Delevingne appeared was Annie Clark, an American singer and songwriter. You won’t be able to see Cara Delevingne kissing a girl in the photos offered in this section, but in some photos this will happen “just about.”

The Cara Delevingne - Annie Clark couple lasted almost 9 months, then the girls broke up. And show business fans began to wait for Cara Delevingne to present her new girl. We didn't have to wait long.

Photo of Cara Delevingne and Paris Jackson

Since March 2018, Cara Delevingne has been in a relationship with another girl - Paris Jackson. Paris is the daughter of Michael Jackson, the King of Pop, and Debbie Rowe, who has nothing to do with show business. We offer a photo of Cara Delevingne and her girlfriend, who can be considered the last one as of the summer of 2018.

Photo: DR

Cara, 24, Poppy, 30, and Chloe Delevingne, 32, gave birth to their first birthday joint interview, which came out in the new issue Porter magazine- with Natalia Vodianova on the cover. In a conversation with a journalist from the publication, they talked about their mother, 57-year-old Pandora, who suffered from heroin addiction for many years.

“I was twelve when it started,” says my middle sister, Poppy. “At that age you really need a mother. You're starting your period, you need to know what sex is... Kara is six years younger. She slept in my bed for several years."

Earlier, the girls’ mother, who formerly worked as a personal shopper at Selfridges, one of the largest retail chains in Britain, herself spoke about the “heroin period” of her life. She released a book of memoirs called Shadows on My Wall.

She said that she is still struggling with depression, which at times comes with renewed vigor. In particular, such an episode occurred in 2015. “I was lying in a room on a mattress, a light bulb was swinging above me, and I just wanted to die.” She believed that she was too ill to be a mother to her daughters, and during periods of exacerbation, death seemed to her the best choice.

The girls' father, Charles Delevingne, a British property developer, took care of their health during their childhood.

Chloe and Poppy already have families of their own. Chloe has two children, Poppy does not yet. “The best thing about my marriage is that my husband and I are independent of each other,” says Poppy. “We’ve been together for nine years. But we savor every moment we spend together.” However, bitter life experiences have brought the sisters together as strongly as possible, and they cannot imagine life without each other. Kara says this:

“I don’t know what I would do without them. It would be terrible. Let's just say that if one of them killed someone, I would help hide the body."

“My mom is amazing strong woman with a big heart, I adore her,” she continues. “But it doesn’t heal.” I know there are people who have stopped [using drugs] and feel good, but this is not our case. She is still suffering." She also spoke about her own suffering during her teenage years. “Suddenly I was overcome with depression and anxiety. I felt so bad that I wanted to bang my head against a tree. I never cut myself, but I scratched everything until it bled. I just wanted to dematerialize.”

She admitted that it seemed to her that she had inherited the “addiction gene,” but in her case the addiction developed not in relation to drugs, but ... in relation to work. “If I hadn’t started working like crazy, I probably would have started taking more drugs.”

Poppy Delevingne spoke about childhood and her mother’s heroin addiction: “I wanted to protect my sisters”

In the new issue of Porter magazine, the Delevingne sisters - Poppy, Cara and Chloe - gave a joint interview for the first time, in which they talked about their childhood, personal life and upbringing. According to Poppy Delevingne, despite the wealth and good training, he and the girls really went through difficult times, which came when their mother Pandora began using drugs.

I was 12 years old when this happened, Kara was six. She was so afraid of her mother’s nervous attacks that she slept in the same bed with me,” Poppy admitted.

Poppy, Cara and Chloe with their parents - Charles and Pandora Delevingne

According to Kara herself, difficult childhood was the reason that adolescence She herself began to use drugs and also cut herself on her body. The girl felt so bad that she wanted to commit suicide, and only the support of her sisters saved her.

Chloe and Cara at Poppy Delevingne's wedding, 2014

Cara, Poppy and Chloe's mother Pandora Delevingne is the daughter of the late newspaper magnate Sir Jocelyn Stevens and Jane Sheffield, who was Princess Margaret's maid of honor. Now Pandora is a personal shopper for the British chain of Selfridges stores. By the way, a year and a half ago, she decided to publish her memoirs, in which she frankly spoke about the fact that she practically did not raise children, preferring parties, alcohol and heroin. Bouts of depression plague Pandora throughout her life.

Poppy, Cara and Chloe Delevingne

Just a year ago I was lying on the bed and looking at the swinging light bulb above me. At that moment I wanted only one thing: to die. “I understand that this condition is associated with various neurological problems, and I am working on it,” Pandora Delevingne said in 2015.

Pandora Delevingne

Difficult life circumstances brought the sisters closer together and made them true friends.

I am incredibly grateful to them for everything. What would I do for them? Let's put it this way: if one of them committed murder, I would be the one who helped bury the body,” Kara said.

British professional model, actress, sister of Poppy Delevingne, who was the face of the Louis Vuitton brand.

The American women's magazine Vogue proclaimed Cara Delevingne one of the most stylish people in the fashion industry under the age of 45. In the ranking of the “50 Supermodels of the World” by the portal, she ranks 17th, and in the British Evening Standard ranking of the “1000 Most Influential Persons of 2011” she is in the “Most Invited” category. Cara is called the new queen of the fashion industry and is often compared to top model Kate Moss.

Kara's image and style is more reminiscent of a courtyard: unlike most spoiled itgirls Cara Delevingne prefers skinny jeans, jackets, bombers and various caps and hats. In a dress or elegant suits, Kara can be seen mainly only at social events and fashion shows.

Cara Delevingne's childhood

Cara Delevingne born in London, in London's prestigious Belgravia area. Her grandfather is the former head of the English Heritage Commission, Sir Jocelyn Stevens. Mother - Pandora, head of personal shopping at Selfridges department store. Father - housing designer. Kara grew up in a secular society.

Cara Delevingne and her sisters Chloe and Poppy are distant relatives of the Princess of Wales herself. Kara's grandmother was a maid of honor to Princess Margaret of England, sister of Queen Elizabeth II.

Godparents Kara- actress Joan Collins and Nicholas Coleridge, writer and managing director of the publishing house Condé Nast. And the top model's best friends are singers Rita Ora and Azealia Banks.

From 13 years old Cara Delevingne writes music and plays musical instruments. Her favorite instruments are drums, which is a little unusual for a girl. In addition, Kara sings well.

Model career Cara Delevingne / Cara Delevingne

Cara Delevingne started out as a model in the British online store ASOS. Already at the age of ten Kara appeared in the Italian edition of the prestigious Vogue magazine, and also starred in an advertisement for children's chocolate. In 2010, her first serious show took place - Clements Ribeiro in London. Then Burberry representatives noticed the girl, and she became the official face of the Burberry brand. After which offers started pouring in from all the presenters. fashion brands, and Kara managed to appear at the shows of collections of such brands as: H&M, Authentic collection (2011) and Dominic Jones Jewelery (2012), Blumarine and Zara.

After participating in the shows of Burberry, Shiatzy Chen, Jason Wu, Oscar de la Renta, Dolce & Gabbana, Fendi, Stella McCartney and Chanel, British Vogue named Delevingne“star face” of the fall/winter 2012-2013 season.

In November 2012, Cara Delevingne received the prestigious title of “Model of the Year” at the British Fashion Awards.

In December 2012 Kara signed a contract with DKNY, after which she became the official brand ambassador for the spring/summer 2012 season.”

During the summer 2014 shoot for the DKNY brand Cara Delevingne gave an interview for a TV channel E!Online, in which she talked about her own capsule collection, which she created for this brand, and also exclusively showed several details of her creation: a versatile crop top, a bomber jacket and Cara’s favorite little beanies.

Collection sales start from Cara Delevingne- November 2014, it will include 15 things. The clothing line is called Cara Delevingne for DKNY.

On British Google, Cara Delevingne became the most searched name for fashion industry queries.

In 2014, rumors appeared that Cara was working on several secret projects, including a debut album, in the recording of which Rita Ora was helping her.

Career of actress Cara Delevingne / Cara Delevingne

In 2012, the acclaimed film Anna Karenina was released starring Keira Knightley, in which Cara Delevingne appeared in a small role of Princess Sorokina.

Kara admitted that she dreams of playing Catwoman in “ Batman"or Martha in the drama" Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf».

Kara is always ready to experiment with her appearance for a new role.

When asked if she would agree to shave her head or dial overweight for a movie role, Cara Delevingne replied: “Yes. I would shave off all my hair, even my eyebrows, I would gain excess weight, dive deep underwater, jump off buildings, do stunts. I want to be able to do everything. I want to learn this!”

Personal life of Cara Delevingne / Cara Delevingne

Cara Delevingne dated actress Michelle Rodriguez. The couple did not hide their feelings, kissing on the street, attending various public events together.

The paparazzi followed Cara and Michelle's every move, and one day Delevingne could not stand it, leaving an angry note on Twitter: “In my opinion, it’s simply disgusting that the only place where the paparazzi are prohibited from following you is Paris. For some it even cost their lives! Princess Diana was an amazing woman, but at one point everything changed. But nothing has changed in London yet. It's horrible! How many more people have to get hurt or die before everyone realizes this is wrong? It just scares me because they act like terrorists with their telescopic lenses, hiding in the bushes or some other place. In fact, I feel sorry for them. How boring it is to follow other people all the time. But, however, some people enjoy it.”

In May 2014, it became known that the model and actress broke up: relationships couldn't stand it tests by distance, because most of the time Kara spends time in London and Michelle - in Los Angeles.

Cara Jocelyn Delevingne (b. 1992) is a British actress and singer. One of the most popular models in the world, according to the American women's fashion magazine “Vogue” she is included in the list of “the most stylish people in the fashion industry under the age of 45”, and ranks 5th in the ranking of “50 supermodels of the world”. She is an Instagram superstar, thanks to Kara, selfies and thick eyebrows became popular, she brought back the fashion for tracksuits and stretched sweaters. Delevingne proved to the whole world that tomboys are the new sex symbols.


The family was wealthy and lived in a mansion located in the prestigious area of ​​the British capital Belgravia. Her grandfather, Sir Jocelyn Stephens, chaired the English Heritage Commission on Historic Buildings and Monuments.

Father, Charles Delevingne, was a residential designer and worked entrepreneurial activity for the construction of private houses. According to Kara, it was her father who had a huge influence on her own style, because he was a sophisticated dandy who loved wearing clothes in bright and bold colors.

Mom, Pandora, - socialite, a friend of Princess Margaret of Monaco, worked as a personal shopper at the British retail chain Selfridges. The girl's godparents were the famous artist Jaon Collins and the managing director of the Conde Nast publishing house, Nicholas Collins.

In the Delevingne family, Cara was the third child, the eldest were also girls - Poppy and Chloe. All three sisters were very similar to each other in childhood - with blond hair, eyelashes and eyebrows. They had family connection with Princess Diana, the Delevingne girls are her second cousins. Therefore, from childhood, the little ones often attended high-society closed London parties.

Kara already wanted to become famous throughout the world at the age of five. But the girl grew up unlike others; she was going to achieve fame not through famous relationships and family trees, but through her own merits. The little girl dreamed of being an actress.


Cara Delevingne studied at the Bedales private school.

It seemed that the girl was already born fearless. She remembers that as a child she was afraid of absolutely nothing. IN school years was the first to like playing pranks on her classmates. With their girlfriends in the dining room, they changed the contents of sugar bowls and salt shakers. She was never caught, since little Kara knew how to cover her tracks.

Young Delevingne was caught only once, at a summer camp. She took a pen with henna with her and painted her sleeping friends with it. Here the prankster was quickly identified, because her own forehead remained clean all the time.

In high school, Kara had a lot of girlfriends, but they didn't spend their time shopping or getting their nails painted. pink. The girls spent whole days at the music school, filmed videos and then edited funny videos on the computer. They were mostly comedies. Kara generally compares herself to school age with the clown, in the class she constantly turned everyone on and made them laugh.

But, despite the constant fun and mischief, young Kara attracted the attention of her classmate’s mother, Sarah Doukas. The woman was able to see all the data for Delevingne successful career models. Sarah Doukas founded the modeling agency Storm Model Management, where the famous Kate Moss took her first steps in the fashion world. Sarah first collaborated with middle sister Poppy, and then spent a long time persuading Kara to audition for modeling business.

Model career

And yet, the youngest of the Delevingne sisters dreamed of becoming an actress, so for a long time did not agree to be persuaded to try out in the fashion industry. But in 2009, after graduating from school, she agreed to work. Debut in her modeling career became the show “Clements Ribeiro”. The British magazine Love published Kara's first photo shoot.

The girl attracted the attention of the Burberry house designer, who offered her photography for a brand campaign. Famous photograph wearing a beige trench coat marked the beginning of Cara Delevingne's meteoric rise.

In 2012, she became the face of the cosmetics brand Burberry Beauty along with models Jourdan Dunn and Edie Campbell. In the same year, the famous British photographer Mario Testino did a photo shoot with Cara Delevingne and British actor Eddie Redmayne during advertising company"Spring/Summer 2012 Burberry". And already in the Autumn/Winter 2012-2013 season, Kara was recognized as a “star face” according to Vogue magazine.

The girl took part in such large and famous fashion shows as:

  • Louis Vuitton;
  • Zara;
  • "DKNY"
  • "Dolce & Gabbana";
  • "Blumarine";
  • "Yves Saint Laurent";
  • "Fendi"
  • "Tom Ford"
  • "Oscar de la Renta";
  • "H&M Authentic Collection";
  • "Stella McCartney";
  • "Reserved";
  • Dominic Jones Jewellery;
  • "Victoria's Secret";
  • Topshop.

In four years, Kara has made a name for herself in the fashion world. Her fragile body and expressive eyebrows, which are business card Delevingne, made the girl one of the most sought-after supermodels in the world. She enjoys great success among famous fashion designers. Kara takes pride of place among the most beloved models of the famous Karl Lagerfeld; he invites the British woman to his shows every year and calls her “young Coco.”

She is wonderful and strange, even a little crazy, but the fashion world loves just like that. Kara has her own style and it is a huge part of her personality. She can be seen on the red carpet in a chic evening dress, from under which her tattoos peek out with truly British chic. IN everyday life She always wears a hipster jacket, T-shirt and shorts, and always a hat - this is her thing.


Having become a world-famous model, Kara did not give up her acting dream.
At the age of sixteen, the girl received a very serious mental trauma. She did not audition for Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland. Delevingne was sure that she was born for this role. Then for a long time she could not overcome herself and watch the film. When I finally saw the movie, because of my resentment, I hated the actress Mia Wasikowska, who played Alice. Kara does not know how to lose with dignity, but is gradually trying to learn.

Her film debut was Princess Sorokina in the British feature film"Anna Karenina" directed by Joe Wright. The role was very small, but Kara met Keira Knightley and Jude Law on the set.

In 2014, in the psychological thriller “The Face of an Angel” directed by Michael Winterbottom, Kara played student Melanie, working as a waitress in a bar. For this work, Delevingne received rave reviews from critics and was nominated for the annual British Independent Film Awards in the Most Promising Debut category.

Another director, Matthew Cullen, invited Kara to play the role of Cat Talent in his thriller London Fields.

After this, Hollywood producers and directors drew attention to Delevingne’s talent. In 2015, she starred in the American film “Paper Towns” by Jake Schreyer, based on the story of the same name by John Green, played Margot Roth Spiegelman, and her partner in the film was actor Nat Wolff. This was the first main role for Delevingne. The girl conscientiously went to all the auditions and did not even hope that she would be approved. And when they called her at the hotel and informed her that she had been approved for the role, Kara squealed with joy so much that the administrator came to find out if everything was all right with her.

Everyone firmly associates Delevingne with Britain, but in the film “Paper Towns” she had to play an American. She began to rebuild herself with a conversational accent, and then during the filming period she even tried to think in an American way. Kara began to speak with an American accent and outside film set. According to her, the girl even had American dreams. It was worth it, the actress played flawlessly in the film.

Kara is getting more and more invitations to act in films, in three recent years Five new characters were added to the list of her roles:

  • 2015 – Mermaid in the film “Pan: Journey to Neverland”;
  • 2016 – Viola in “Children in Love” and Enchantress in “Suicide Squad”;
  • 2017 – Henrietta in “Tulip Fever” and Laureline in Luc Besson’s film “Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets.”

Kara became successful in two areas (modeling and cinema), where it is very difficult to break into. But it was in the world of fashion that she was remembered because she had absolutely no regard for money and vanity. Some thought she was crazy, yet they invited her to shows again and again. The “by contradiction” method worked. There were thousands of girls around, aspiring to become fashion models, but preference was given to Kara. She admits that in the modeling business you can be called to shows, and then abruptly forgotten forever.

In cinema everything is completely different, much more stable. If the audience likes you and remembers you, then it will last for a long time. Acting is hers real passion. She would like to work in cinema all her life, sparing no blood, sweat and tears.

In the modeling business, her idol is Kate Moss. In films, she adores and respects Helen Mirren, Judi Dench, Meryl Streep, the girl wants to learn how to act as well as them. Among the directors, she likes the stylish Tarantino, Wes Anderson, Tim Burton, she would be happy to work with them.

But among films or music, Kara cannot give a clear preference to anything. Today she will watch one movie, and tomorrow a completely different one, also with musical compositions: it all depends on the mood, activities, time and state of mind.

Kara has several dream roles. The actress would really like to star in some film about the future, to play the first woman - the President of the United States or the first woman - a Formula 1 racing champion. She would also like to try herself on the theater stage and as a director.

Personal life

As for her personal life, Kara does not let herself or the journalists get bored.
For some time she dated the son of British musician Ronnie Wood, Tyrone Woods. But the man was much older than Kara, and for this reason they quickly broke up. Delevingne then had a short relationship with Harry Styles (member of the British pop group One Direction).

In 2014, Kara confirmed rumors about her bisexuality and began dating American actress Michelle Rodriguez. But she soon cheated on her, and Delevingne came to the premiere of the film “Paper Towns” in 2015 in New York with her new love, 32-year-old singer Annie Clark. After this, the girls very often appeared at social events and spent their holidays together. In an interview, Kara said that she loves Annie and is not afraid of the judgment of others.

But in 2016 they broke up. The reason was the large distance between the lovers; they were unable to live in two countries and maintain romantic relationship.

Kara didn't grieve for too long, now she's new love– Model Adooa Aboah.
Also, the attention of the press is constantly focused on Kara's friends - Karlie Kloss and Taylor Swift. The three of them very often and with pleasure appear in public - at film premieres, concerts, fashion shows. Friendship is very important for Kara, she will not keep casual acquaintances around her, only very close friends can be near her. Ever since school, the concepts of loyalty and trust have been very important to Kara. According to her, for the sake of her friends she is ready to throw herself under the bus.

Her other talents and hobbies

Kara's main hobby besides cinema is music. At home she has a collection of ten exclusive electric guitars.

The girl knows how to perform magic tricks well. Kara even jokes that if her career as a model and actress fails, she can always join a traveling circus.

Delevingne is also good at baking. She loves flour, but, like everyone else, she gets better from it. To film Suicide Squad, she had to go on a low-carb diet because she had to look fit and athletic on camera. Sitting on just proteins and vegetables is very boring, but Kara is ready to do a lot for the sake of good roles(unless he never plucks his unique eyebrows).

If she needs to relax, she does yoga or reads.

She has a very interesting image of a rocker girl with a model look. But no one came up with this image for her. It’s just that Kara graduated from music school and plays different instruments. She loves biker jackets and leather clothes. That's all the components of the image. Well, and Delevingne is an undoubted savage, Cara cannot be put in a cage, no matter how beautiful and golden she may be...