Which bird flies the fastest? Records among birds. The highest flying birds

Even with the enormous advances in aviation over the past 60 years, the heights that birds reach during flight are still impressive, if only because the birds stay at them for many hours or even days solely by the work of their muscles. Previous observations from the ground have already shown that birds can successfully fly at altitudes where the air contains significantly less oxygen than in the lower layers of the atmosphere that are familiar to us. Rooks, for example, were observed at an altitude of 3300 meters, where the oxygen content in the air is only 66% of its concentration at sea level, and ducks and plovers were observed at an altitude of 2200-2400 meters, and they flew at their usual speed. Some waders, such as curlews, as well as cranes, have been spotted by climbers near Chomolungma at an altitude of more than 6,000 meters. Geese were seen during their flight over the Himalayas at an altitude of 8850 meters. The air here contains only 30% of the amount of oxygen found at sea level.

When observing nocturnal migrants through a telescope, it is impossible to determine their flight altitude with sufficient accuracy. At the same time, some radar systems determine with exceptional accuracy the height that bird flocks reach. A comprehensive analysis of radio echoes from birds photographed from the PPI screen of a powerful radar installation on the Cape Cod Peninsula also included an analysis of radio altimeter records. In this specialized version, the indicator beam moves up and down in the vertical plane, and the perceived echo is automatically recorded on the screen in the form of a spot of light, the distance of which from the horizontal line corresponds, on a certain scale, to the height of the target. Targeting in the horizontal plane can be carried out at the operator's request. One of the disadvantages of this system is that the reflection of pulses from the surface of the earth or water greatly distorts the recording of signals at low altitudes, so that only relatively high-flying birds are reliably recorded by radar systems of this type. The most careful analysis of modern data obtained from continuous radar operation for 45 nights during the period of mass passage showed that the most common flight altitude over the ocean for almost all bird species is from 450 to 750 meters. Only in 10% of cases, the echo of birds comes from an altitude of more than 1500 meters and less than 1% - from an altitude of more than 3000 meters, and the difference between the average flight altitudes over the sea and the mainland is completely insignificant. Other radar observations, as well as occasional sightings of migrating birds by aircraft, are entirely consistent with data obtained on the Cape Cod Peninsula. According to observations made in England using a slightly different type of radar installation, the flight altitude for most bird species is 1500 meters, and for some, especially on clear nights, up to 3900 meters. Although only a relatively small number of migratory birds fly so high, they are nevertheless of considerable interest, since they successfully solve the serious physiological problem of maintaining muscle performance in the rarefied air of high altitudes. Observations on the Cape Cod Peninsula have shown that some reflected signals sometimes come from altitudes of 6,000 meters or more. By the shape of some of them, as well as by the speed of their movement, it can be established that they are reflected from flocks of small songbirds. But still, the majority of true high-altitude flyers are represented by waders, especially sandpipers and plovers.

In mountainous areas it has not yet been possible to obtain similar information using radar. However, direct observation, such as the one mentioned above, shows that mass migrations also occur over the tops of the highest mountain ranges. The greatest impression is made by the birds that fly over the Himalayas twice a year from the central regions of the European part of the USSR to India and back. Sometimes the flight goes through gorges, but in the Himalayas even these passes are at an altitude of about 3000 meters. Moreover, in good weather one can see how many migratory flocks neglect the valleys and climb to such a height that they could fly over the highest peaks.

At an altitude of about 5,400 meters, the air contains only half the amount of oxygen that is found at sea level. Climbers, depending on the degree of acclimatization and physical endurance, begin to experience difficulties at altitudes between 3000 and 6000 meters. As everyone knows, climbing the highest peaks in the world, especially Qomolungma, is accessible only to first-class climbers equipped with sophisticated expedition equipment, including oxygen tanks, which have to be used at short intervals. It's enough to count detailed descriptions that painful and agonizing effort it takes just to crawl out of your sleeping bag and put on your boots to fully appreciate, for example, the journey of geese on their own wings over the Himalayas at an altitude of about 8850 meters. There are only a few reports of geese flying over the peak of Chomolungma, but many Himalayan expeditions have reported migratory and local birds flying at altitudes without visible effort. where even a well-trained climber must rest every few hundred steps. No one knows what the metabolic rate of geese is during their flight across the Himalayas, but it is clear that such a flight requires enormous stress. Climbers must gradually acclimatize over several weeks before they can climb above 6,000 meters (with great difficulty). Those migrating probably within one day, taking off from Siberian plains, gain maximum height and descend onto the rivers and lakes of India.

This biological phenomenon has not yet been studied enough to explain how birds manage to avoid altitude sickness and retain enough muscle energy to fly in air containing only 1/4 the amount of oxygen found at sea level. An explanation for this amazing perfection awaits its researcher, who will offer special methods for studying the energy of bird flight at high altitudes.

Daily in different corners On our planet, hundreds of thousands, or even millions, of birds rise into the sky. The wings of these creatures allow them not only to cover vast distances, but also to rise to great heights. Their unique abilities in navigation still amaze many scientists, and sometimes remain the same mystery for them.

We are already accustomed to watching birds soaring high in the sky. But how high can they rise into the sky, and which birds rise higher than other birds? In most cases, they fly at an altitude of about 150 meters, but during annual migrations, some representatives are able to rise to a height of up to 3 thousand meters. But as it turned out, this is not the limit...

White stork

White stork (lat. Ciconia ciconia) is one of the most beautiful and graceful birds on the planet. This long-necked and long-legged representative of the feathered world, during long-distance flights to wintering grounds, covers enormous distances at an altitude of 2 to 3 thousand meters. I would like to immediately note that the wingspan white stork is 150-200 cm.

Andean condor

(lat. Vultur gryphus) is one of the largest flying birds of prey in the Western Hemisphere. In addition, the Andean condor is national symbol Latin American countries such as Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru, playing a vital role in the culture of all these countries. This unique bird, living in more than harsh places of the Andes, makes flights of several kilometers every day in search of food, rising to a height of about 3-5 thousand meters.

Black swift

Black swifts (lat. Apus apus) - this small bird is also called the “mad swift” and this is not surprising, since the black swift is considered the record holder among birds for the duration of stay in the air and the second fastest in flight (more than 120 km/h). In addition, the black swift is one of the highest flying birds. It rises to a height of 3000 meters.

Golden eagle

Golden eagle (lat. Aquila chrysaetos) - another large and most famous bird of prey, with the ability to rise to great heights. The wingspan of a golden eagle can reach two meters. This predator has excellent eyesight, so it is not difficult for him to rise to a height of 4500 meters above the ground and from there look out for his prey.


Plovers (lat. Pluvialis) is a small but cute bird from the plover family (lat. Charadriidae). It can fly both at a completely low distance (almost touching the surface of the water) and at an altitude of more than 6 thousand meters. Representatives of this family are well known on the Wadden Coast (Wadden Sea).


Mallard (lat. Anas platyrhynchos) - a bird belonging to the duck family (lat. Anatidae) and the most recognizable and widespread wild duck. However, few people know that this waterfowl is also an excellent flyer. During annual flights to their wintering grounds, these birds rise to heights of up to 6900 meters. There have been cases when ducks at such a height collided with a flying plane.

Gray geese

Gray geese (lat. Anser anser) - a representative of waterfowl. These geese settle along the shores of lakes, bolts, ponds and other bodies of water. These are very smart, strong and cautious birds. They can easily fight back even a predator, especially if it threatens their offspring. During migrations greylag geese, gathered in flocks, they fly in a wedge, scattered or in a line. During such a flight, birds rise to a height of up to 8 thousand meters.

Whooper swan

Whooper swan (lat. Cygnus cygnus) is a large (from 7 to 10 kg) waterfowl. In December 1967, a small flock of swans was seen flying at an altitude of 8,230 meters over Ireland. The birds' flight altitude was recorded by radar. It is worth noting that this was not the only recorded flight of screaming swans, and their ability to fly at an altitude of more than 8 thousand meters has been confirmed more than once.

mountain goose

Mountain goose (lat. Eulabeia indica) - a waterfowl nesting in the mountains Central Asia(at altitudes from 1000 to 5000 m). According to scientists, this bird is capable of flying over the Himalayas in just 8 hours, rising to a height of 10,175 (!) meters. At the same time, they are not able to travel very long distances.

Rüppell's vulture, or African vulture

Rüppel's vulture, or African vulture (lat. Gyps rueppelii) are the highest flying birds on the planet. According to scientists, it is Rüppell's vultures that most often collide with flying aircraft. The highest recorded flight altitudes of this vulture are 11,277 meters and 12,150 meters. The African vulture lives in the northern and eastern parts of the African continent.

Such flights are truly a delight. But how do birds flying at such altitudes manage to cope with thin air? solar radiation And low temperatures unknown yet.

Today, the top of the podium among feathered pilots is occupied by Rüppel's vulture (Gyps rueppellii) - the highest bird. It is these birds, according to ornithologists, that most often cause collisions with flying aircraft. The world record for the height of a vulture's flight is 12,150 meters and has not yet been broken.

Vultures are the same as eagles, only with an unfeathered head and neck. They live in pairs, avoiding communication with their relatives, and get together only to share a meal. Rüppel's vulture lives in the east and north of the African continent, for which he received the African vulture.

The flights of these birds are delightful, but how birds flying at such altitudes cope with low temperatures, solar radiation and rarefied air is not known for certain to science.

mountain goose

It is impossible to believe that the fat and clumsy mountain goose (Eulabeia indica) can rise to a height of 10,175 m! However, it is true. This bird, which builds nests at altitudes of up to 5000m in the mountains of Central Asia, is capable of flying over the peaks of the Himalayas in just 8 hours. Although they are not capable of covering very long distances without a rest break.

The bar-headed goose, like all other species, belongs to the fauna northern latitudes. IN warm regions they migrate only by gathering in large flocks and lining up in a wedge. Unlike the duck family, geese of different sexes have the same plumage.

Whooper swan

In the north of Europe there lives another high-flying representative of waterfowl - the whooper (Cygnus cygnus) - a large bird up to 10 kg. In the winter of 1967, in the skies of Ireland, radars detected a small flock of swans flying at an altitude of 8230 meters. It is worth noting that the ability of these birds at an altitude of more than 8 thousand meters has been confirmed more than once. The whooper swan differs from its relatives with a black tip beak and a powerful, not devoid of harmony voice.


The most recognizable bird from the duck family is Anas platyrhynchos, or simply called a wild duck. But only a few people know that this waterfowl is also a first-class flyer. When the season of annual migration to wintering grounds arrives, mallards rise to altitudes of 6900 m, which has sometimes led to collisions with aircraft.

I really love watching birds. They float in the air so mesmerizingly. But not all birds can be seen in the sky with the naked eye. There are birds that are capable of gaining incredible heights. I’ll tell you about them now.

Which bird rises the highest into the sky?

A person can rise very high into the sky. This is why airplanes were invented. An ordinary passenger plane, as a rule, flies at an altitude of 9000–12500 m. It would seem that at such a distance from the ground it is definitely impossible to see any birds, but this is not so.

So, the five birds that are capable of conquering the sky at great heights include:

  1. Rüppell's white-headed vulture.
  2. Gray crane.
  3. Mountain goose.
  4. Whooper swan.
  5. Alpine jackdaw.

Rüppel's vulture becomes the leader among all birds. It can be found at an altitude of over 11,000 m. The Gray Crane confidently takes second place.

The difference in maximum height is approximately 1 km. The crane flies over the Himalayas, rising to 10,050 m. Everyone knows the famous Mount Everest, but the Bar-headed Goose can easily rise to great heights. It makes its flights at a distance of 8,850 m from the ground.

The flight altitude of the whooper swan is 8300 m. This is his maximum height, these birds mainly fly, rising to 2500 m. The Alpine jackdaw closes the top five. This bird is capable of rising into the air to a height of 7500 m. And just 1 km lower, the jackdaw usually builds its nests in the mountains.

Rüppel's Vulture is a unique bird

Due to the fact that Rüppel's vulture is capable of rising to enormous heights, this bird is often encountered on the path of airplanes. Such situations can cause a real disaster. But this bird lives only in certain parts light, so air routes can be built around.

The bird is very beautiful appearance. Her plumage is dark with light spots. From the outside it looks like scales are painted on the wings. They can fly at such a height thanks to the special hemoglobin in their blood. The wingspan is about 2.5 m long.

By logging into Google and entering “Novosibirsk”, you can see one of the suggested options for the query “Novosibirsk from a bird’s eye view”. But what does this mean? Let's try to figure out what birds we are talking about.

Tits, sparrows and other small city dwellers

These are frequently encountered city dwellers; they regularly hover under our feet in search of food, visit our feeders with pleasure, and eat lilacs, rowan trees and other shrubs within urban plantings. The city has already become a home for them; it is not only a source of food, but also a source of nesting. The attics of houses are regularly inhabited by pigeons; they feel warm and happy there. Nests are often built not from natural materials, but from small debris, threads, polyethylene, construction waste, insulated with cotton wool and glass wool sticking out of insulated windows or broken house siding. These birds, as well as other guests (wagtails, bullfinches, waxwings, nuthatches, etc.), which can be found in the urban environment, do not live at low altitudes - rising up to 10-16 floors (up to 50 meters). There is simply no point for them to fly higher, there is no food or nests there.

Tits at the feeder

Pigeons, crows, swallows and kites

Also frequent inhabitants of cities. If we always see pigeons under our feet, then crows are already mostly in the trees, and kites are only in the skies. Larger birds are able to fly longer distances, and to make it easier for them to fly, they soar higher. Here already we're talking about about a height of 70-100 meters and above. For comparison, the tallest building in Novosibirsk - Kommunisticheskaya 50 (Batman) has a height of 87.9 meters.

Kite soaring in the sky

The highest flying birds

There are birds that fly even higher! In everyday life, they rise to heights of 1000-1500 meters, and even higher for long flights. They look completely different - they are large, they have a large wingspan, all this allows them to accumulate a lot of energy, fly far, high and for a long time.

  • The white stork rises to a height of 2-3 thousand meters.
  • Black swifts are record holders among birds for the longest stay in the air (young swifts, having taken off, land only after 2-3 years), the second fastest flight (more than 120 km/h) and one of the highest flying birds in the world (they can circle even in sleep at an altitude of about 3 thousand meters above the ground).
  • The golden eagle is a bird of prey that, circling at an altitude of 4500 meters, can spot prey with its keen vision and catch it.
  • Mallards are ducks known to many and encountered even within the city. During flights they fly very high. There is a known case when a mallard collided with a plane at an altitude of 6900 meters.
  • Gray geese fly to a height of 8000 meters.
  • The most record holders are vultures, the maximum height at which they were recorded was 12,150 meters, colliding with an airplane.

Civil aircraft fly at an altitude of 9-11 thousand km. During the flight, everyone who flew looked or at least looked out the window, it was very difficult to see anything below. The city is seen beautiful only during takeoff and landing, when the plane gradually gains altitude or decreases it.
So what birds do people think of when they search Google? What height are they talking about? :)