Piranha fish: description and photo. Piranhas are exotic predators

Perhaps only one shark can rival them in the number of legends and stories in which these fish are mentioned. Therefore, many aquarists, when such an opportunity arose, immediately got excited about the idea of ​​keeping such formidable and famous creatures. How true are all these creepy stories about their cruel nature, and is it so difficult to keep aquarium fish ok piranhas?

Types of aquarium piranhas

Let's name the types that are most common among amateurs:

Aquarium piranhas - content

Outwardly, it does not look very much like a terrible and formidable predator, but its sharp teeth can bite painfully at an unwary aquarist. In captivity they live from four to fifteen years. It is better to buy individuals of the same species and size for one aquarium. It’s good if it’s a flock of ten individuals. Formidable predators may be frightened by tapping, splashing water or bright light. The water temperature should be kept around 26 degrees. Too large fluctuations in temperature have a detrimental effect on them. On average, up to eight liters are needed per 2.5 cm of an adult’s body. Piranhas feel comfortable in aquariums with dense vegetation and equipped with various decorative shelters.

What to feed aquarium piranhas?

For these predatory creatures, tadpoles, small fish, frogs, defrosted food can be excellent food. fish fillet, shrimps. It is better not to give meat to piranhas, they say that this may cause their color to fade. Sometimes, for variety, you can offer them chopped green vegetables (spinach, raw potatoes, zucchini). Not all aquarium piranhas are so bloodthirsty; there is also a herbivorous species - pacu. He is similar to the others, but these creatures lack terrible teeth and pose no danger. They are omnivores and not very picky about their food. Aquarium piranhas They look beautiful in their glass house and are not particularly difficult to maintain. By performing simple daily procedures, you can enjoy playing them in a soft chair, imagining yourself on the banks of the Amazon.

Many people think that piranhas are bloodthirsty predators that are completely unsuitable for keeping at home. These are all misconceptions.
And in lately It has become quite fashionable to have freshwater predators in your aquarium.
Piranhas are very beautiful fish With sharp teeth and powerful jaws. Piranhas reach a weight of up to 1 kg. and length 80 cm.

The best food for piranhas is frozen or live sea fish. river fish It's better not to give it. Piranhas should be fed once a day for no more than 2 minutes. Some piranhas like to eat tubifex worms and bloodworms. It is better to feed piranhas with worms for up to 3 months, and after that, you can transfer the fish to an adult diet, add meat and fish. You can also make minced fish and add spinach or carrots to it, since piranhas need the nutritional elements contained in these products. It is not recommended to feed piranhas with the meat of warm-blooded animals, as it is fatty and can lead to metabolic disorders and loss of color.
These fish are particularly voracious, but they will never eat more than they need. It is worth remembering that piranhas are completely indifferent to the remains of food that have fallen to the bottom, so you will have to remove the leftovers after feeding. By the way, piranha will happily hunt live shrimp. Also, predators will not touch food that is too small. The food should match the size of the fish's jaws.
When choosing food, make sure what kind of piranhas you have, carnivores or not, since there are piranhas that are vegetarians. They feed on food plant origin. Piranhas, predators, eat food equal to its own weight per day.
Arrange for your pets fasting days so that they do not become obese from the abundance of meat.
Carefully monitor the behavior of piranhas during feeding. If fish hunt sluggishly, it means they are not feeling well. The cause may be cold or contaminated water, as well as lack of water aeration.

Piranhas are social fish, so it’s worth getting 5-6 fish at once. If there are fewer fish, they will be sad and may refuse to eat.
It is worth noting that piranhas can make very interesting sounds. For example, when one piranha swims too close to another, they may make a croaking sound. When fighting for food, they make low sounds, and when removed from the water they can make barking sounds.

Breeding piranhas at home is quite difficult. Common species are: dwarf piranha, slender piranha, common piranha, Flag Piranha, Lunar Metinnis, Red Pacu, Red-finned Miley and Common Metinnis. The red pacu is a herbivorous piranha.
In order for piranhas to reproduce, they must be well fed. You can give sea fish, squid, beef heart and lean beef. To breed piranhas, you need an aquarium of at least 300 liters.

In order for piranhas to feel comfortable, it is necessary to provide them with optimal temperature regime. The best temperature is 25 degrees; fluctuations from 24 to 28 degrees are also allowed. The aquarium must have a thermometer and a water heater. Fish should not be allowed to remain in the cold water, as it may cause illness in fish. The water must be oxygenated and clean. Install a filter in the aquarium to filter the water and a compressor to saturate the water with oxygen. 1 - 2 times a week it is necessary to replace part of the water in the aquarium.
The minimum volume of an aquarium for piranhas should be 95 - 100 liters. Due to lack of space, fish can attack each other. If it happens that one fish is injured, it is necessary to place it in another container until the wounds are completely healed. Place a lot of vegetation, driftwood, caves, houses and other shelters in the aquarium, as piranhas love to hide.

Squad, family: characins.

Comfortable water temperature: 24-26°C.

Ph: 6,0-7,0.

Aggressiveness: 100% aggressive.

Compatibility: It is advisable to keep it separately.

Helpful Tips: Fish - legend, fish terrifying, causing instinctive fear in people. In natural natural conditions Piranha is really dangerous, but its aquarium relatives are adaptively calm and less aggressive. But for some reason people’s fear does not disappear because of this. Once I started a Piranha Paku - the excitement and furor among friends and guests was deafening!!! But no matter how much I convinced, no one dared to put their hand into the aquarium: winked:


They live in rivers and ponds South America. Size 30 cm or more.

Piranha predators are literally armed to the teeth. The teeth are plate-like and razor-sharp. Piranhas have powerful jaws; an adult can bite through a wooden stick as thick as a human finger.

It is worth noting that aquarium piranhas lose their aggressiveness, but retain their formidable appearance. You can put your hand into an aquarium with piranhas without fear.

In an aquarium, piranhas can get along with other representatives of the characin family. Piranhas are a schooling aquarium fish, so it is best to keep them in a school of 5-8 fish of the same size and age.

The volume of the aquarium must be at least 150 liters.

Comfortable water parameters for keeping: hardness 12-16, pH 6-7, water temperature 24-26 °C. Aeration and filtration will be useful.

The aquarium is equipped with soil and shelters of driftwood, large grottoes and large bushes of plants.

In an aquarium, piranhas live quite a long time, about 10-12 years.

Piranhas are fed: meat, squid fillet or sea ​​fish. I recommend feeding beef heart (not fatty, dietary, not expensive) - they eat it with a bang!!!

Particularly “cold-blooded owners” feed piranhas with inexpensive aquarium fish: guppies, swordtails, goldfish, etc.

Bright coloring

The body of critters is very strong, compressed from the sides. They are distinguished by a powerful tail and massive lower jaw.

In nature they grow to 30-40 cm or more in length. Some grow up to 80 cm. In captivity they reach a maximum of 15-20 cm, less often 30.

The color of the scales is rich and catchy. The body is steel and gray in color, with a silver or golden tint. There are bluish or purple. They look very beautiful and impressive.

Difficult character

It is still not recommended for beginners to have cougars. In a number of situations (for example, when transferred), it can injure its owners. If there is a need to transport it, you need to use a special net made of soft wire or thick twine.

When the fish is full, you can go into its habitat. But only if there are no unhealed cuts or at least a drop of blood on them. Otherwise, the beauty will show that it’s not for nothing that many are afraid of her.

Therefore, allowing small children and curious cats close is also dangerous.

In general, their disposition is contradictory - both aggressive (although not in the same way as in their native element) and timid. From loud sounds and sudden movements, the piranha even briefly loses consciousness.

Piranha house

In captivity, it hides in corners and caves, among algae, pebbles and shells. Therefore, they arrange many shelters for her so that she feels comfortable.

You need roomy housing, with a volume of about 100 liters, because the less space, the angrier those who inhabit it.

We must not forget about lighting. It is worth providing your pets with more light (preferably white).

Living water

The owner must monitor the condition and quality of the liquid in which the pet swims. She shouldn't long time be cold or even warm. Ideally 26 degrees Celsius with a hardness of 6.5.

To maintain this mode, install a water heater and a thermometer. You also cannot do without a large filter that operates around the clock.

To saturate the aquarium with oxygen you will need aerators. The water is renewed weekly by 10-15%. Depending on the contamination, the procedure is carried out 2 times in 7 days.

Since the toothfish does not pick up leftover food, they are removed to keep it clean. All of these factors are important for maintaining a pet's immune system.


Fans buy not one, but several piranhas at once. The flock is selected to be approximately the same age and size. You can also add some other waterfowl to overseas guests.

They get along well with neons, minors, guppies and swordtails. But, for example, goldfish will become not a neighbor, but prey.

If Amazon guests are kept with other species, the aquarium should be as large as possible.

Distinctive Features

Piranha fish belong to the Characionidae family, from the order Carp-toothed. The natural habitat is freshwater bodies of water on the South American continent, but the most common place famous river Amazon. IN natural nature There are a huge number of varieties of piranhas, but only a small subspecies is best kept at home. The most common are: red-bellied aquarium piranha, moon piranha, dwarf and slender piranha or red pacu.

These predatory individuals have a dense body, compressed on the sides with a length of 5 to 15 cm. but in natural conditions these fish reach 30cm. Characteristic feature, unique to this type of fish, is a massive lower jaw with sharp teeth, which can easily cause serious injuries and eat your prey in a matter of seconds.

The color of the young individual is light silver, and the whole body is covered with black spots. But over time, the color of the scales changes and more closely resembles antique silver, ranging from dark gray to shiny. However, with proper maintenance and constant balanced nutrition, the color acquires a beautiful, rich color. Some varieties may have a golden tint on the sides and dark stripes at the tip of the tail.

Basic care requirements

Aquarium piranhas are schooling fish, which is why it is better to keep them in flocks, about 10 individuals, but if volumes allow, more can be done. In the case when they cannot create their own flock, they become timid, and as a result they develop poorly and their life span is significantly reduced. Adults can live peacefully alone and feel quite confident. In addition, even alone they can easily attack not only others large fish living in an aquarium, but also individuals of their own species.

In an aquarium, the water must always be clean, which is why filtration and aeration are the most important requirements for keeping this type of fish. A weekly water change of approximately 10-15% is also an important condition for the good development of fish. It is also necessary to set the optimal temperature in the aquarium, approximately 26.5 ° C. If the water in the aquarium is constantly cold or, on the contrary, warm, this can cause a weakening of the fish’s immunity and the occurrence of diseases.

Particular attention should also be paid to decorating the space in which these individuals live. Because fish feel comfortable and confident in aquariums with dense vegetation. That is why more than 50% of the water space should be equipped with special shelters in the form of caves, houses, snags and planted with artificial plants. Of course, natural greens will not interfere with piranhas, but they will quickly deal with such a delicacy, because this type eats everything you can eat.

Price issue

You can buy one piranha, on average, for a thousand rubles. And some cost twice as much. They are sold both by breeders and by owners for whom they are not suitable for some reason. Corresponding offers are posted on the Internet.

Since it is impossible to deliver such cargo by mail, you should look for advertisements in your city or nearby settlements.

More piranhas

Aquarists are interested not only in keeping, but also in breeding predators. For this process to be successful, they are given high-quality food with maximum number animal feed.

To prepare for spawning, the pair is placed in a separate 300-liter container. For greater comfort, future parents will need a cleaning filter pump. It gives a flow effect, and reproduction occurs as if in a natural environment.

Soil approximately 5 cm thick is poured onto the bottom. In it, the male will dig a hole where the female will begin to spawn.

The water temperature should be plus 28-30 degrees. About a quarter of the total volume is changed daily.


First of all, the aquarium should be in a quiet place where no one will disturb the fish. Further, the fish must be compatible (a long-established school, with a developed hierarchy). For successful spawning you need very clean water- a minimum of ammonia and nitrates, ph 6.5-7.5, temperature 28 C, and a large aquarium in which the couple can allocate their own territory.

A pair ready for spawning chooses a spawning site, which it aggressively guards. The piranhas' coloration darkens and they begin to build a nest on the bottom, uprooting plants and moving rocks. Here the female will mark the eggs, which the male will quickly fertilize. After spawning, the male will guard the eggs and attack anyone who approaches it.

The eggs are orange in color and will hatch in 2-3 days. For another couple of days the larva will feed on yolk sac, after which it will float. From this moment the fry is placed in a nursery aquarium. Be careful, the male can even attack an object while protecting the fry.

Already as a fry, piranhas are very greedy for food. You need to feed them with Artemia naupilia for the first days, and then add flakes, bloodworms, daphnia, etc. The fry should be fed frequently, two to three times a day. The juveniles grow very quickly, reaching a centimeter within a month.

Caring for the fry

After the birth of their offspring, adult fish are removed so that they do not eat their own babies. The fry are fed nauplii and daphnia, gradually adding tubifex and bloodworms.

3 weeks after the babies appear, they are sorted. This way, the stronger ones will not start eating the weaker ones.

After 3-4 months they are transferred to standard food.

The owners unanimously say that piranhas are amazing and interesting. You can watch them hide and hunt for hours. The guest from the Amazon ceases to be a curiosity and becomes familiar. One of the main advantages of its maintenance is its unpretentiousness and ease of care.


Common predatory piranha or Natterer's piranha ( Pygocentrus nattereri previously, Serrasalmus nattereri and Rooseveltiella nattereri) was first described in 1858 by Kner. There is a huge amount of controversy over the scientific name of piranha, and it is possible that it will still change, but in at the moment We settled on P. nattereri.
Piranha is found throughout South America: Venezuela, Brazil, Peru, Bolivia, Paraguay, Argentina, Colombia, Ecuador and Uruguay. Lives in the Amazon, Orinoco, Parana and countless other small rivers.

Lives in rivers, tributaries, small rivulets. Also in large lakes, ponds, flooded forests and plains. They hunt in packs of 20 to 30 individuals. They feed on everything they can eat: fish, snails, plants, invertebrates, amphibians.


It is extremely difficult to distinguish females from males in piranhas. Visually, this can only be done through long-term observations of behavior, especially before spawning. At this time, males are painted in the brightest colors, and the female’s abdomen becomes rounder from the eggs.

Aquarium piranhas are popular due to the numerous rumors and myths that float around them. They became famous as bloodthirsty and cruel predators. Introduced in the middle of the last century from the Amazon and Orinoco. There are many less popular species, including herbivores.

In nature, pygocentrus nattereri grows up to 35 cm, in an aquarium up to 25 cm, and lives in large lakes, rivers, small ponds and flooded forests. It lives in flocks of 20–30 individuals; in nature, this tactic simplifies hunting. A group of piranhas can tear their prey to pieces. They attack more often in case of danger. There are species whose average size does not exceed 15 cm.


The body is long, laterally flattened. The jaw is convex, there are sharp large teeth. The tail is powerful. The body color is predominantly silver-gray with shimmering dots, the abdomen is red. Juveniles are different from adults.

Difficult character

Piranha is dangerous to many other tankmates. Can severely bite an inattentive owner. When kept alone or in pairs in an aquarium, piranhas are timid and react to sudden movements and loud sounds. They feel more confident in a flock of 10 individuals. The group develops a hierarchy, with the dominant individual getting the best pieces of food. There are cases of cannibalism, when a weak and sick individual is eaten.


At home, piranhas live 10–15 years. A record number of 28 years was recorded for the red pacu.


The most popular species are the common piranha and the red-bellied piranha. The piranha family has 16 genera and almost 100 species.

Redfin mile

The color of myloplus rubripinnis is silver, the anal fin is bright red, and the tail is translucent. There are varieties with a reddish belly and red-gold spots on the body. In an aquarium it grows up to 15 cm, in nature - up to 25 cm.

Brown pacu

The average size of a pacu is 70 cm, the body is colored in dark, gray and brown tones. The teeth are square, reminiscent of human teeth. Schooling in this species is less pronounced. Suitable for single living.

Red pacu

This is a herbivorous species, also known as the red-bellied and red-breasted pacu, the two-toothed colossoma, and the vegetarian piranha. In the aquarium the average size is 60 cm. Peaceful and shy fish. It is possible to keep them with many species of comparable size or alone.


The silvery body is laterally compressed, with a greenish tint on the back. The gill covers have a red spot, the first rays of the fins are elongated and transparent. The tail is forked. The lower jaw is massive. Predatory view.


The body of the fish is elongated. The color of the scales is silver with a black border on the tail and red on the sides.

Natterer's piranha is named after the Australian scientist, known as "saikanga", and the Latin name is Pygocentrus nattereri, a synonym is Serrasalmus nattereri. The body is disc-shaped, reaches 35 cm in length. The color is bright, bluish, the abdomen and fins are bright red, and there is a wide blue stripe on the dark tail.

Lunar Metinnis

These piranhas tall body and light silver color, with a red spot on the gill covers. Herbivorous species. Grows up to 25 cm.

Metinnis silver

The piranha is known as the silver dollar because of its resemblance to a coin. Latin name metynnis argenteus ahl. The size of the silver metinnis is small - 10–15 cm. Males have a veil anal fin, females have a straight one.

Metinnis vulgaris

The abdomen of Metinnis is silvery-white with blue and greenish tints, the fins are transparent. The body is round, strongly flattened laterally. Grows up to 15 cm. Known as mirror fish.

Piranha is an expensive fish; most species require high-quality live food, expensive equipment and a huge aquarium. Not recommended for beginners.


Each individual accounts for at least 120 liters. Place a small group of 4 individuals in a 500-liter aquarium. A school of fish will require an aquarium gigantic size volume of thousands of liters.

Water parameters

Must be supported comfortable temperature in the aquarium and monitor the cleanliness of the water. The liquid should not be cold or too warm. The feeding method of predators implies rapid water pollution. Some aquarists change 30–50% of the liquid weekly, others change 10–15% of the total water volume.


Under natural conditions, the piranha biotope is full of dense vegetation. Fish in an aquarium can damage plants. Place greens that don't require a lot of light:

  1. Java moss;
  2. ferns;
  3. Anubias;
  4. blue.


Provide plenty of hiding places to make timid predators feel comfortable. Leave room for free swimming. Piranhas love shelter in the form of:

  1. plants;
  2. caves;
  3. grottos;
  4. driftwood


Place sand or fine gravel at the bottom.

Siphon the soil at least once a week, thoroughly cleaning the entire bottom.


Equip your aquarium:

  1. Filter. Large capacity will require multiple devices. Give preference to an external filter.
  2. Compressor. The device will provide oxygen saturation of the water.
  3. Thermometer and heater. Monitor the temperature in the aquarium and maintain it at a level that is comfortable for your pets. In hot weather, a cooler or ice containers placed in water will help cool the water.


Choose moderate lighting that suits plants and fish. Too bright light causes stress for piranhas. To prevent the appearance of algae, select light in the blue and red spectrum, excluding yellow. Don't let it hit sunlight on the walls of the aquarium. Place the tank at least 1.5 meters from the window. Make sure that the lamp does not overheat the liquid.

What to feed

Feed the animals once a day. A portion of food should be eaten within a couple of minutes, then the piranha will not overeat, and the water will not be contaminated with uneaten food. Serve food that is proportionate to the jaws of the fish; the piranha ignores food that is too small. Piranhas differ greatly in the type of food they eat. However, occasionally predators need plant nutrition, just as vegetarians sometimes need variety in the form of live food.


Feed carnivorous piranha species:

  1. small aquarium fish;
  2. squid;
  3. shrimp;
  4. beef heart;
  5. baby frogs;
  6. little mice.

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Once a week, give predators a fasting day. Make sure that all the inhabitants of the aquarium are well-fed, because in case of malnutrition, mutual oppression or eating of other species will begin. Serve mammalian meat as a supplement to the diet, do not abuse it.


Unlike predatory species, herbivores take dry food. The basis of the diet are:

  1. zucchini;
  2. lettuce leaves;
  3. aquarium plants;
  4. spinach;
  5. nettle;
  6. cucumbers

Feed with tubifex and bloodworms. Animal feed should not exceed 20% of the diet.


Keep the big ones predatory piranhas in a species aquarium. Despite the aggressive nature, it is possible to live with large catfish such as plecostomus and pterygoplichthys. Small fish will become prey for piranhas. Mix herbivorous peaceful piranhas with comparable species, for example, representatives of the characin family, giant gouramis or shark barbs. Make sure that the water parameters are suitable for different fish.


Piranhas can be bred in an aquarium, but creating necessary conditions difficult. The volume of the spawning aquarium starts from 200 liters. During the spawning period, it is necessary to monitor the purity of the water and the stability of parameters. Feed the future parents a high protein animal feed to prepare for spawning.

Sex differences

Sexual maturity occurs at 1.5 years. It is difficult to determine the sex of the fish. Closer to spawning, the males acquire an intense color, and the female’s abdomen becomes rounded from the eggs.


Piranhas take care of their young. The fish choose a place to lay eggs and carefully guard the eggs. Depending on the type and individual characteristics Females have 500–15,000 eggs in their clutch. Incubation period lasts 2–15 days. At this time, the male piranha may attack the female, so remove the female.


Hatched fry grow unevenly, sort the young by size and place larger and smaller piranhas. Starter food - Artemia nauplii, later feed:


Piranhas are hardy and rarely get sick. In poor conditions they are susceptible to:

  1. poisoning;
  2. oodiniumosis;
  3. ichthyophthyriasis;
  4. “cotton wool disease”;
  5. tuberculosis.

Against most diseases effective drugs can be purchased at a pet store. Before treating fish, read the instructions and determine the causes of the disease. Adjust the conditions of detention: check the water for nitrates and others dangerous compounds, provide piranhas balanced diet and make sure that the water parameters are in home aquarium suitable for fish.


  1. Don't put your hand into an aquarium with hungry fish. Try to interfere less in the lives of your pets.
  2. Do not place the aquarium too low if there are children in the house.
  3. Do not chase the fish or provoke them into aggression. Remember that aggression peaks during the breeding season.


When purchasing fish, make sure the predators are healthy. Pisces must be active, without injuries or impaired coordination of movements. Give preference to specialized stores and trusted breeders. Purchase and check all equipment in advance, start the aquarium before settling the piranhas. For the first hours after relocation, do not feed the fish, do not turn on the lights or equipment, and allow the pets to get used to their new home.

Many hobbyists want to decorate their aquarium with such exotic fish as piranhas. Piranhas (Serrasalminae) are predatory freshwater river fish from the order Cyprinidae that live in the Amazon River basin and freshwater bodies of South America. Only in the early 80s did they begin to appear in aquariums.

Most common aquarium species: common piranha (Rooseveltiella nattereri), red pacu (Colossoma bidens), lunar metynnis (Metynnis luna), common metynnis (Metynnis hypsauchen).

Distinctive Features

The body shape of all varieties of this fish is approximately the same: a high disc-shaped body, flattened on both sides, low-set eyes and an inflated forehead. The teeth are sharp, lamellar, triangular in shape, arranged in such an order that when compressed there is no gap left between the teeth. Adult fish can reach sizes of up to 30 cm. Aquarium piranhas live, depending on the species, from 4 to 15 years.


This type of aquarium fish is characterized by calmer behavior than in natural habitats, but do not forget that these are schooling predators. Therefore, it is advisable that a school of piranhas consisting of at least 8-10 individuals live in your aquarium. Lonely individuals feel uncomfortable, fearful, withdrawn and develop poorly. Aquarium piranhas also react to loud noises, new large objects in the aquarium, bright harsh light, sometimes these factors cause the fish to panic and even bite.

Keeping fish has its own subtleties and nuances. To make the fish comfortable, the temperature regime must be observed. The temperature should be approximately 25 degrees, but temperature fluctuations within the range of 24.5 - 28.5 degrees are allowed. To maintain the temperature in the aquarium, there must be a water heater and a thermometer. Fish can tolerate short-term sharp drops in temperature in necessary cases, for example, during transportation. But keeping the fish in too cold or too cold conditions for a long time warm water This can lead to illness, decreased immunity, and nerve or heart damage.
Water for your pets must be clean and oxygenated - this is one of the most important conditions for keeping them. In order to filter water in an aquarium, you need to install a filter, maybe even several for better cleaning, and a compressor to saturate the water with oxygen. It is also necessary to periodically replace some of the water, preferably 1-2 times a week.
To create optimally comfortable conditions, fish need: 8 liters of water per 2.5 cm of the body of an adult fish. Therefore, the minimum volume of water in the aquarium should be 95-100 liters. Lack of space can affect the behavior of the fish, they can injure each other. The wounded pet should be moved to another container until all wounds are healed, because a weak fish will not be able to fend for itself when attacked by healthy individuals. Piranhas love to hide, so it is advisable that there is a lot of vegetation in the aquarium, perhaps artificial, driftwood, houses, caves or other shelters.


Aquarium fish Piranhas are unpretentious in food. They eat all types of animal feed with great pleasure. The basic rule is not to overfeed and remove leftover food immediately in order to keep the water clean. It is advisable to feed piranhas once a day; some experts advise limiting feeding time to 2 minutes, this is enough. If feeding time is prolonged, the water quickly becomes contaminated and can lead to disease.
Proper nutrition strengthens the immune system and contributes to the life expectancy of your pets. The diet includes shrimp, tadpoles, frozen fish fillets, and beef cut into small pieces. It is not recommended to feed fish with meat alone, because the color of the fish will fade. It is also not recommended to feed your pets meat. freshwater fish, it can cause various diseases and parasites. Small piranhas eat bloodworms and tubifex worms well. Then meat and fish should be gradually introduced into the diet. After three months, the fish is transferred to an adult diet.
It is very difficult to get offspring at home. In order for fish to spawn, a very soft and acidic environment, similar to natural conditions, is needed. Piranha fry grow quite quickly and with proper nutrition by the end of the month they will reach 2-2.5 cm. In order to raise the offspring of one pair of fish, you need a spacious aquarium with a capacity of 3-4 thousand liters.