Calculate the molecular mass of the substance mr. Molar mass, calculation using the formula of a substance

You may need to reduce your leather shoes by a size or half a size for various reasons. When shoes are worn in, which causes uncomfortable dangling on the foot. When purchasing the wrong size, incorrectly selected, given as a gift, and so on. There are options for correcting sizing issues in men's leather shoes.

When shoes have been worn out, additional insoles help; they also use special silicone pads, which can be purchased at shoe stores. The linings have various shapes and are used for different places on the leg, they reduce the size well when used on the back.

In the old fashioned way, they stuff cotton wool or soft paper like a napkin into the toe of the shoe, and the feeling of comfort will immediately make itself felt.

Home method: wet leather shoes with water and spray with shoe stretching agent. Place the paper inside so that it does not stretch the shoes, that is, without excess, and does not allow the shoes to lose their shape. As the skin dries, it will shrink and tighten. For the best effect, shoes are dipped in a warm soapy solution, after which the same instructions are followed with paper until completely dry. Shoes should dry normally room temperature, heating devices, batteries and direct sun rays will harm her. It is better not to take risks with new shoes; deformation of the leather surface may occur and the good appearance will be lost. This option is prohibited for patent leather.

If you don’t have the time and desire to shrink leather shoes at home, you can turn to shoe specialists. In the workshops, they will sew a flap on the heel to reduce the length of the shoes and insert an additional insole under the main one, which will adjust the width.

Don’t rush to give up shoes that are too big, use the most suitable option to make your shoes smaller and wear your shoes with pleasure.

What's wrong with shoes that don't fit?

It is better not to wear large or narrow shoes; this is fraught with unpleasant consequences for the feet and joints. Various foot diseases can occur, which can only be corrected and cured with the help of special orthopedic shoes. And in order not to miss the size, take a foot measurement and when purchasing, ask about the length of the insole, while being guided by your own measurements. After all, manufacturers often vary in size.

Miniature feet should be a pride for a girl, but in practice they cause a lot of problems. In addition to external grace, small foot size also means constant problems with finding suitable shoes. Especially if we're talking about about really minimal numbers, such as 36 or even 35. Shoes of this size can only be seen in assortment in children's stores, and most fashionable models for adult women are presented, as a rule, in the range starting from 37 and more. And small sizes, even if they are provided by the manufacturer, are taken apart very quickly.

There are also unforeseen situations associated with virtual shopping, which is popular today. When buying shoes online, you need to not only carefully look at their photographs, but also be sure to study the size chart. Because your ideas about size 36.5 may not correspond to the manufacturer’s opinion on this matter. And in this case, you will receive a box in the mail with long-awaited, but unsuitable shoes. To avoid such troubles, we advise you from now on to look not only at the number, but also to check the size by the length of the sole. And this time you can try to reduce the size of your shoes so as not to return them to the store.

Downsizing your shoe size
Shoes made from natural materials tend to gradually stretch during wear. Therefore, if a couple of years ago you bought leather or suede sandals that fit perfectly, then it is possible that in the new season they will begin to ungodly dangle and slip off your feet. Unfortunately this normal property, but it would be a pity to part with high-quality shoes just because they have become too big. And if you can easily put on warm socks in loose shoes and forget about the problem, then this trick will not work with open shoes. We'll have to look for another way to reduce shoes by a size, or even by one and a half or two. For example, you can use one of these:

  1. The easiest way to reduce the size of your shoe is to fill it with an additional insole or even several from the inside. Depending on the type of shoes, they can be wool, synthetic or foam. In sneakers, this will also provide a useful shock-absorbing effect, and in ballet shoes, it will protect the soles from rubbing.
  2. Almost every shoe store sells small silicone shoe inserts. They come in different sizes and shapes because they are designed to be placed in different places on the foot to prevent the shoes from slipping and rubbing the skin. But in our case, you can use them not entirely for their intended purpose, filling empty spaces and thus reducing the size of the shoes.
  3. If the problem lies not in excess volume, but in the length of the shoes, then you can remember your childhood and stuff cotton wool or soft fabric into the socks of your shoes. Paper is also suitable, but only soft enough so that it does not rub your fingers: a napkin, newspaper or even a piece of toilet paper. Unfortunately, this technique is only suitable for closed-front shoes and is completely inapplicable to sandals and fashionable shoes with cutouts above the toe.
  4. Sometimes paradoxical methods come to the rescue, which, in general, are forbidden to apply to shoes that you want to keep intact. But in this case, you can try to follow the principle of “bad advice” and, having thoroughly wetted the shoes from the inside with water from a spray bottle, put them to dry near a radiator or heater. Almost any shoe will shrink and become smaller from such disrespectful treatment and sudden temperature changes. But there is big risk, that this will damage its beautiful surface, so use this technique only as a last resort and be prepared for unexpected results.
  5. Most radical way, similar to the previous one, but more risky, is to put on loose shoes and lower your feet with them into a basin of water. It is not necessary to hold it for a long time, but then you need to immediately place the shoes on the radiator or dry them with a hairdryer. After such manipulations it will decrease by at least half a size, but you will see what will happen to its surface only after it has completely dried.
  6. The supermodel way that doesn't literally reduce shoe sizes, but at least makes it possible to walk in them. The secret lies in a strip of double-sided tape glued to the inside of the sole. It sticks to the bare foot and holds the shoe in place. This trick allows girls to walk down the catwalk without losing their shoes, which do not always fit them in size. Most often, designers provide shoes for shows with an extra size so that all the models can fit into them. The fact that such shoes often turn out to be too big is already a problem for the models. And we just told you how they solve them.
  7. To reduce the size of clogs, flip-flops, sandals and other open summer shoes, there is a suitable method that you should not use on your own. Contact a professional shoe repair shop, where the sandal straps will be carefully separated from the sole and shortened or simply resewed closer to the middle. This will make the shoe narrower and fit more snugly on your feet. Despite the apparent simplicity and logic of this technique, do not try to implement it at home. Firstly, thick soles can only be stitched using a special machine that the shoemaker has. Secondly, you may accidentally cut the strap incorrectly and permanently damage the shoe. As a last resort, you can try not sewing, but gluing the top to the sole, but the glue will not be able to guarantee the necessary strength and durability.
Whatever method you choose, don’t give up trying, because wearing shoes that don’t fit properly is detrimental to the health of your feet and your entire body. This is less noticeable when the shoes are not too small, but rather large, but in both cases, ill-fitting boots or shoes affect your gait, posture and foot placement. Over time, cartilage and bones become deformed, and restoring them will be much more difficult and expensive than adjusting your shoe size. Therefore, do not be lazy and do not skimp. And remember that sometimes it’s better to give an unsuitable pair to a friend or mother than to suffer through it or keep it in a box. Such a generous act will bring three positive results at once: it will please the person close to you, improve your mood and make room for new shoes, which you choose is suitable in size.

There is often a problem Leather shoes are stretched - what to do?. Stretched shoes while walking injure your feet and harm your health in general, since there are many points on the foot that are connected to all systems of the human body. Uncomfortable shoes can contribute to serious illnesses internal organs. The most effective way out of this situation is to buy a new pair of shoes. In addition, you can contact a specialist at a shoe repair shop, who will accurately determine whether it is possible to get rid of the problem by installing and correcting the shoes to fit your feet.

What can you do if your leather shoes are stretched?

There are special inserts and latex insoles available for sale that are designed to reduce the free space between the foot and the shoe. You can use silicone, transparent or gel insoles, which are perfect for any summer shoes, as they stick to the foot and are almost invisible. However, to avoid hypothermia of the feet, they should not be used for winter shoes. In winter, it is better to use sheepskin insoles. It’s easier, more comfortable and warmer to put on a second warm sock.

If the shoe size is a little large, then an additional leather insole (half-insole) will help greatly, slightly reducing the volume and length. There are special heel inserts that reduce shoes by half a size.

To narrow your shoes yourself, you can cut strips of thin foam rubber or suede and carefully stick them on the stretched areas. But reducing a shoe size in width is quite difficult, and sometimes even impossible.

Sequence of actions for stretched leather shoes

At home, what to do when leather shoes stretch? To make your shoes a little smaller, you need, as in the case, to wet your leather shoes in warm water and leave it to dry at room temperature. Do not expose wet shoes to the scorching sun or electrical heating appliances. This can be applied irreparable harm shoes: they will shrink and the leather will crack. Remember that after drying the shoes must be lubricated with cream. The leather shoes will shrink for a while, but this procedure will have to be repeated again as the leather will stretch again over time.

If the shoes are high heels, then certain steps must be taken. An individually selected half-insole to the required size is placed in the half-foot sock, and a convex insert is inserted into the heel. Velcro is needed to ensure that the shoe fits as tightly as possible to the heel so that the shoes do not fall off when walking. At the same time, the foot is raised a few millimeters and the shoe feels smaller.

The popularity of shopping in online stores is increasing every day. But if, when purchasing clothes, you are unlikely to get the size right, then when buying shoes or boots, you can get into trouble. If you find yourself in such a situation, do not rush to get upset ahead of time. Even if you can't return the pair you bought, you can always try downsizing your shoe size.

Ways to change boots

There are several effective techniques, by resorting to which you can quickly achieve the required size.

  • Additional insoles. This method is considered the simplest, so it is very popular. You need to insert an insole into each boot, which will reduce the size. If one is not enough for you, you can try using two. Depending on what season the purchased shoes belong to, you can use additional products made of foam rubber, wool, or synthetic materials.

Often this size change option is used by athletes for boots or sneakers. In this case, thanks to additional insoles, a shock-absorbing effect is also achieved. And if you have delicate and sensitive skin on your feet, then the soft material of the products will protect your feet from the formation of corns, calluses and chafing.

  • Silicone tabs. Another common option. It consists in the fact that a special silicone gasket is inserted into each shoe. It can be bought at any shoe store. In addition to reducing the size, these tabs have a huge advantage. This cute accessory is designed to prevent foot rubbing and reduce slipping of the foot inside the shoe.

However, there is a significant drawback to using silicone gaskets. They are not suitable for those who like high heels. If you prefer heels higher than seven centimeters, then you cannot use these products to reduce your size.

  • The secret weapon of supermodels. Fashion models all over the world use this option if their shoes fly off their charming feet. If you choose this method, you will need thick double-sided tape. It will need to be glued to the inside of the sole.

Please note that this size adjustment option is only appropriate if you decide to wear the shoes on bare feet. Then, thanks to the tape, the shoes will stick to your feet and will not fly off when you go for a walk or to work. But try to use this method only as a last resort and for a short period of time, since such effects of tape and glue are not very beneficial for your skin.

  • Old version. Perhaps this is the most primitive and ancient way reducing boots at home. For it you will need cotton wool, socks or a piece of fabric. They need to be pushed into shoes that are too big. Please note that these liners may chafe your toes and are not suitable for sandals, clogs or flip-flops.
  • Change temperature regime. You will need to wet the inside of the boots using a sponge or spray bottle. Then place the treated shoes closer to any heat source, radiator or heater. Almost any couple will shrink from sudden temperature changes. But you must take into account the fact that such manipulations can lead to deformation of the item. Therefore, if you are sure that your actions will not affect the quality of the shoes, or you are ready for the most unexpected results, you can resort to this method.
  • Water procedures. This option is even more risky than the previous one, so it is best to use it only if you want to adjust the size of worn boots. To do this, you need to put on your shoes and put your feet in a basin of water for a few minutes. Then place the shoes on the radiator or dry them with a hairdryer.
  • Professional help. If you don't want to use folk remedies, then you can use the services of shoemakers. Using special glue and tools, professionals in any workshop will shorten the sole or simply resew the straps on the sandals closer to the middle. However, such manipulations can be easily done only with summer products.

Knowing how you can easily and quickly achieve the right size, you won’t have to worry about the ankle boots you purchased not fitting your feet perfectly. Using our simple tips, you can show off in your favorite shoes without fear of losing them while walking.

Considering the fact that not many people have the opportunity to frequently update their wardrobe, the question is: is it possible to reduce shoe size is becoming quite relevant.

Since the foot is large number nerve endings that are directly connected to all systems of the human body, then inconvenient products that injure the leg when moving cause significant harm to the entire body. In addition, calluses and various foot deformities that occur due to shoes that are too wide can cause serious illness. Comfortable and comfortable shoes are the key to long life and good health.

Possible ways to reduce shoe size

Sometimes, having bought new clothes in the evening, you discover in the morning at home that the shoes are too big and cause some inconvenience while walking. And during use, even expensive leather products stretch, despite the fact that at the initial stage they fit quite tightly. It won't help here.
To qualitatively reduce the size of the product, you should contact a shoe repair shop. An experienced specialist, using special tools and devices, will quickly and professionally relieve you of this problem. After the repair, your feet will feel comfortable, and those around you will not even notice any changes.

To reduce the size of a leather product, you need to hold it in a container with a fairly hot soapy solution for several minutes and dry it. Then the dried product needs to be processed special means, intended for softening and breaking in shoes. As a result, your shoe size may decrease by an entire size.
Knowing whether it is possible to reduce the size of shoes, you will, without hesitation, purchase such products.

Can silicone insoles reduce shoe size?

Modern manufacturers produce special silicone (gel) insoles for shoes that help reduce their size. Such transparent inserts with a silver surface are perfect for open-type summer products or shoes whose size is expensive or difficult to reduce (suede, husky, etc.). They are absolutely invisible and do not stick to the leg. To avoid hypothermia of the feet, such insoles are not used for winter shoes.

For shoes closed type latex insoles are available, which help reduce the product by about half a size. The insoles prevent rubbing of the feet, soften the load on the pads and toes, and also provide comfort when using the shoes, since the foot is securely fixed inside the product. The use of such inserts - modern way solving the problem of worn-out products. Thanks to such devices, your gait will become graceful and painless.