Savvina's missing son overcomes a serious illness. "So great and unfortunate"

Many people consider these babies to be children of God. They are completely dependent and defenseless against it cruel world. Raising them is a lot of work that requires enormous strength. Our selection includes families who have overcome prejudices and are raising their children as ordinary people, only with a slightly different set of chromosomes or just slightly different from the rest.

Semyon, son of Evelina Bledans and Alexander Semin

On April 1, 2012, Evelina Bledans gave birth to her second son, Semyon. After giving birth, the actress admitted that she knew about the illness of her unborn baby, but despite this, she and her husband, director and producer Alexander Semin, wished for the baby to be born.

The doctors asked to think about it, hinting at an abortion, but Alexander confidently stated that he did not want to hear about it: “We will give birth in any case. Even if you now say that the child has begun to grow wings, nails, a beak and that he is generally a dragon, that means there will be a dragon. Leave us alone. We will give birth."

Evelina and Alexander not only accepted their son as God sent him to them, but also constantly prove to people that such children are also happiness. Evelina even started a page for Semochka on social networks.

“Our story is special, because the child is special, with Down syndrome,” Evelina Bledans. - If we had Syoma like everyone else, we definitely wouldn’t waste time on this, since filling out the page is a social network takes a lot of time. First of all, the page was created for parents who have given birth to such children or who have been diagnosed with a defective child, as well as for those who are obviously afraid of finding themselves in such a situation. Initially, I wanted to convey to people that there is no need to be afraid of people with this syndrome, but, on the contrary, to be loyal. Using Semyon as an example, we show how such a child develops, give various recommendations, and give a positive attitude. Many are now not afraid to raise such children themselves. Many now understand that such children are not a blow, but a gift of fate.”

In the end, family life did not work out for Evelina and Alexander - the couple broke up. And in August of this year, the 49-year-old TV presenter amazed the audience by undergoing IVF in the program “Andrey Malakhov. Live broadcast." And again, in his studio, some time later, after taking a pregnancy test, I found out that she was expecting a baby.

Eva, daughter of Lolita Milyavskaya

Lolita Milyavskaya did not give up on her daughter Eva when doctors told the singer that her child was born defective. According to the artist, doctors first said that the girl had Down syndrome, but later changed the diagnosis to autism - an innate psychological isolation. Lolita does not miss an opportunity to praise her daughter in every interview. But at the same time, he does not hide the fact that the child has health problems. Until the age of four, Eva could not speak, and she also had poor eyesight.

In many interviews, Lolita said that her daughter was born at six months old; the singer was then 35 years old. The baby weighed less than one and a half kilograms, and she was nursed for a long time in a pressure chamber. Eva grew up in Kyiv with her grandmother, Lolita’s mother.

This year Eva will turn 20 years old, she practically does not lag behind her healthy peers. And her famous mom always supports other mothers raising children with genetic differences.

Olga Ushakova's daughter Dasha

“I gave birth to Dasha at the age of 24,” said the presenter of the program “ Good morning“ on Channel One in an interview with the magazine “Antenna-Telesem”. - Just three months after her birth, I became pregnant with Ksyusha. Two children in a row were not planned, but this is the happiest accident that could have happened to me. I am grateful to God that this happened, because after my eldest daughter developed neurological problems, I would not have decided to give birth to a second child, probably for a long time, and would never have known what a blessing it is to be the mother of two girls the same age.” .

When Dasha turned one year old, the girl stopped talking, although she had already said the cherished “mom” before. There were other words that were age appropriate. They waited another year for speech to return and everything to be okay. But nothing has changed.

“We underwent a thorough examination and she was diagnosed differential diagnosis, suggesting a range of diseases from not the most pleasant, but not terrible, to truly serious and dangerous. The daughter underwent a second examination abroad, the doctors reassured her, but did not give an answer to the question “What’s wrong?” They said: “Wait, everything will work out.” I intuitively felt that nothing would get better on its own. Unfortunately, in our country, early diagnosis of autism spectrum disorders in children is at an extremely low level,” said Olga.

Now, at nine years old, she is a completely independent girl with character, plans for life, interests and hobbies. Despite all the difficulties, Dasha dances, sings, and plays the piano. Thanks to my efforts, like all children, I went to school on time!

“Problems, of course, happen. Not every teacher is ready to study methods of working with special children in order to help just one child in the class. What do I recommend to other parents? Do not hide children, do not close houses, unite and together at various levels defend their rights. In all countries where comfortable living conditions have been created for people with autism, the parent lobby has played and continues to play a huge role. For the most part, children’s problems arise not from people’s anger, but from a lack of information,” Olga Ushakova is sure.

Svetlana Zeynalova's daughter Sasha

"Sasha was emotional child, and when she was about a year and a half old, a doctor came to her and asked: “Have you seen a neurologist? The girl doesn’t look her in the eyes,” the TV presenter recalled in an interview with Antenna-Telesem magazine. - Me: “What, maybe she just didn’t like you?” After that, I noticed that she could immediately withdraw into herself. From that moment on there was no turning back. We started going to doctors, but in our country a child is not diagnosed with autism until he is 5 years old. They said: “Surround with love, maybe everything will improve.”

Svetlana admits: at first there was denial, an attempt to escape from reality.

“I regret that I wasted time. And then active rehabilitation began. Doctors analyzed the behavior, identified negativity in the child, and then built a scheme to deal with it. Trainers came to us six times a week, speech therapists, and they did therapeutic horse riding at Skhodnya... I was given bills that were more than two of my salaries, so I agreed to any part-time job. There were doctors who said: “She will never speak to you, she will not read and will not hear you either.” Every time we left the doctors, my daughter cried because she understood what the doctor was saying and she was offended.”

“We stopped going to many children's parties; only those friends remained who accepted our situation. Sasha is my daughter, she is endlessly loved. Now my daughter is studying in an inclusive school, it has special education for special children, and a program is being developed for them. She studies with ordinary children, she just needs more lessons in some subjects, say, to learn the multiplication table. Our teacher prepared the children and parents for Sasha’s arrival, saying that there would be a special girl in the class who must be helped. And they really treat Sasha very carefully. Her classmates give her their toys and help her with everything. Alexandra draws well, has excellent hearing, she sings, and is learning to play the piano...”

Varya, daughter of Fyodor and Svetlana Bondarchuk

Little Varya with her dad Fyodor Bondarchuk, cousin Konstantin Kryukov and brother Sergei Bondarchuk

In 2001, Fyodor Bondarchuk’s wife gave birth to a girl. The baby was born prematurely, and doctors fought for her life for a long time, after which the girl began to have developmental problems. Varya – “ sunny child", this is usually the name given to children born with Down syndrome. They live in their special world and smile much more often than their healthy peers. In the Bondarchuk family, the word “illness” was not uttered - the couple simply called Varya special.

Varya mostly lives abroad, where she can get the treatment she needs and a decent education. Svetlana notes that Russia, unfortunately, is not suitable for children like her daughter.

“Fantastic, funny and much loved child! She instantly wins over all people. It is simply impossible not to love her. She is very bright. Varya, unfortunately, spends a lot of time outside of Russia; It’s easier for her to study there and easier for her to undergo rehabilitation. Why did I talk about this at the time of the adoption of the “Dima Yakovlev Law”? Because I know about this problem firsthand. Fortunately, we have the opportunity to send her to study and treatment,” Bondarchuk said in an interview.

Two years ago, Fedor and Svetlana divorced, publishing a joint statement in Hello magazine: “With love and gratitude to each other for the years we have lived together, still remaining close people, maintaining mutual respect and love for our families, we, Fedor and Svetlana Bondarchuk , we inform you: we have decided to get a divorce... We have ceased to be a couple, but we remain friends.”

Daughter of Irina Khakamada Maria

Irina Khakamada, talented business coach, designer, former politician and the head of the interregional social solidarity fund “Our Choice”, which she created in 2006 for disabled people of all ages, having become imbued with this topic after the birth of her daughter Maria, who was diagnosed with Down syndrome.

Irina decided to give birth when she was already 42 years old. And Down syndrome is not the only thing she had to cope with. In 2004, doctors diagnosed Mashenka with leukemia. The girl underwent chemotherapy. Fortunately, she overcame this illness. A few years later, Irina decided to show her daughter to people and came with her to the premiere of the blockbuster “The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian.” This appearance in the world was not easy even for the strong-willed Khakamada.

In an interview, Irina says that Masha loves to dance. She has an artistic mind, but exact sciences It’s difficult for a girl. And everything that concerns the figurative vision of the world, drawing, dancing, singing, she succeeds.

This spring, Khakamada’s daughter became a guest of Elena Malysheva’s program “Live Healthy!” on Channel One. This is not the first appearance on television for Maria; she behaved very confidently. Now she is in college, doing ceramics, learning English and thinking about a career.

“I got up very early today to come here and perform. I want to become famous like my mother. I want to build a career and become famous in this country,” Maria shared.

Valery, son of Konstantin Meladze

Konstantin Meladze with ex-wife Yana

Producer Konstantin Meladze divorced his wife Yana in 2013 after 19 years of marriage, the couple had three children together - Alisa, Leah and Valery. Konstantin did not immediately learn that his son suffered from a rare disease - autism. It’s not easy to get used to this diagnosis, because it’s impossible to fight it. For a long time this information was hidden from the press. However, the mother of the boy Valera spoke about her son’s illness in the first interview after her divorce from Meladze.

“Doctors diagnosed Valera with autism. Treatment of this disease in all countries of the world is very expensive. No, this is not a sentence, this is an execution, after which you were left to live. This is a serious disease that has no cure yet. It is being adjusted. I'm talking about severe autism. Such children can be taught. I think that parents who are faced with a similar problem are familiar with the feeling of fear, helplessness in the face of grief, and shame. Our society does not accept or recognize “others.” But when the child has his first successes, hope and faith awaken - and then the new point counting down genuine victories and bright pride for your child. And parents don’t need to be ashamed or blame themselves. Don't think that you might have done something wrong. When you understand what responsible mission you are performing in your child’s life, you will realize the value or even pricelessness of your role. And most importantly: autistic disorder must be diagnosed in the first year of a child’s life! The fatal mistake of doctors and parents is to wait up to three years. Children who start with correct correction up to a year, show amazing results. And in the end, they are not much different from their peers.”

Valera - absolutely normal child externally. His parents realized he was sick when he was three years old. He looks great, but lives in his own world. He hardly communicates with people, he has no need for it. The child looks like an enchanted boy who looks exactly the same as us.

Thiago, son of Anna Netrebko

In 2008, the famous Russian opera diva Anna Netrebko gave birth to her first child, whom she named Thiago. When the boy was three years old, he was diagnosed with autism. This news was like a bolt from the blue for his famous mother.

“I used to explain his silence by the fact that in our house they speak four languages, and it is difficult for the baby to adapt to this. He spoke only when he needed something. We raised the alarm only after noticing that the son did not react when spoken to. Then everything became clear,” she said.

According to the celebrity, in all other respects the child seemed absolutely normal. “Thiago is very neat and self-sufficient,” says the singer. Despite everything, the star does not lose heart and believes that the boy will overcome this terrible disease!

“He is, of course, a computer genius. I don’t have a computer, and I don’t know how to use it. And he already knows how to count and recognize numbers up to 1000 at the age of three. He really loves the zoo, watching penguins swim underwater,” the star mother said proudly.

Now her 10-year-old son is studying at an integrated school in New York. This educational institution Visited not only by sick, but also by completely healthy children. Doctors reassured the opera diva - her child has only a mild form of autism, and if the boy is treated in a special way, deviations in his development will be almost invisible, which means that he will be able to study and communicate normally with other children.

“I'm not afraid to say that my son is autistic. “Alas, many mothers face this problem, and I want them to see from Thiago’s example that this illness is not a death sentence.”

Zhenya, son of Sergei Belogolovtsev

Gleb, grandson of Boris Yeltsin

A child suffering from Down syndrome is growing up in the family of the first president Russian Federation Boris Yeltsin. The boy was born in 1995 in the second marriage of his daughter Tatyana Yumasheva. The family hid the boy's illness for a long time. Even in family photographs it was impossible to see his face.

However, the day came when Tatyana broke the silence and told the whole truth on her microblog. The woman informed the press that Gleb was studying at a specialized school. Tutors come to his home. The boy loves swimming and chess.

“He remembers hundreds of classical pieces of music from memory - Bach, Mozart, Beethoven... The chess coach is amazed at how extraordinary he thinks. Glebushka also swims amazingly in all styles, writes Tatyana. - It is believed that Down syndrome is a disease. But, in my opinion, children with Down syndrome are simply different. They are concerned about what we easily pass by without noticing.”

Tatyana Yumasheva, general director of the Boris Yeltsin Foundation, financed the creation of some educational methods for children with diabetes. And he is proud of his son, who is said to be a lot like Harry Potter.

Sergei, son of actress Iya Savvina

Iya Savvina’s only heir, son Sergei, was once awarded a personal exhibition. And this was an incredible achievement for him. After all, the boy was born with a diagnosis of Down syndrome, which in our country sounds like a death sentence.

Nevertheless, his unusual, talented paintings destroyed the stereotypes of perception of people suffering from Down syndrome. Despite his serious illness, Sergei received a good education at home: he studied English language, plays the piano excellently, knows poetry and painting well. And he picked up a brush and paints as an adult.

About the diagnosis long-awaited son I recognized Savvina back in the maternity hospital. She was offered to place the sick child in a special boarding school. But she categorically refused. Savvina accepted her boy, who was unlike others, as he was given to her from above. I studied with him, developed his abilities in every possible way, and hired teachers. What takes other children months to master, he took years to master. But the results later surprised prominent doctors. And those of them who once assured her of the uselessness of such activities admitted their mistake.

Iya managed to care for her son and act in films and theater, creating unforgettable images of selfless women.

Today Sergei Shestakov is 59. Although he, in fact, remains a big child, he nevertheless amazes everyone with his numerous talents. Plays the piano and recites poetry. Well, he draws, of course. But he still can’t understand that his beloved mother will never look at him with pride and love: actress Iya Savvina passed away on August 27, 2011...

Sergio, son of Sylvester Stallone

Sylvester Stallone and Sasha Zack with their sons: Sergio (left) and Sage (right)

Sergio's youngest son Sylvester Stallone was diagnosed with autism at the age of three. For the actor, this news was a real blow.

Little Sergio had difficulty adapting to the world around him: he could not establish contact even with his loved ones, not to mention others. The bitter irony is that as a child, Stallone himself was almost classified as autistic, but he turned out to be healthy. Sergio did not cause serious concern - and turned out to be ill. In the first moments, he and his wife Sasha were depressed, devastated and confused. But then the understanding returned that action is always better than inaction, and the parents - in the best traditions of Rocky - decided to fight.

“I understood that Sly would not be able to pay enough attention to this because of his work. And then I told him: provide me with the funds, and I will take care of everything,” says Sasha Zak.

And so it happened: Stallone worked with such dedication as never before, and his wife devoted herself to fighting for her son. With Stallone's money, Sasha achieved the creation and opening of a research fund on autism.

Sergio Stallone is currently 38 years old. He is not a public person, does not maintain contact with journalists, does not visit social events, but lives calmly and quietly. His father helps him with medical care and visits him regularly. After Sylvester’s eldest son, Sage, died of a heart attack in 2012, the actor treats Sergio even more reverently.

“Yes, the son is always in his own world,” says Stallone, “and never leaves it. I have enough money, but for so many years now I have not been able to help him with anything. Nevertheless, the thought of abandoning my son never even occurred to me, even in my youth, when I was so busy with my career.”

Evan, son of Jenny McCarthy

In September 1999, Jenny married actor and director John Asher. In May 2002, she gave birth to her son, Evan. Everything seemed to be going great in her life. And suddenly, in August 2005, McCarthy and Usher divorced. It turned out that their child suffers from autism. John did not have the patience and strength to raise a sick baby. Doctors said it doesn't exist effective methods treatments for autism, but Jenny refused to believe them.

The cheerful, bright blonde never hid her son Evan's diagnosis. Jenny did not panic or give in to despair. Having learned about her son’s diagnosis, the star, gathering all her will into a fist, began to fight her child’s illness. McCarthy gave all her energy and time to Evan. And mother's love won! The boy's condition began to improve.

“Evan couldn't speak, wasn't able to make eye contact, was antisocial. And now he's making friends! It was amazing to see how certain types of therapy worked well for some children but failed completely for others,” says Jenny.

McCarthy works with Evan a lot, and as a result he attends his regular secondary school. To help other parents of children diagnosed with autism, she founded charitable organization Generation Rescue. In addition, the actress published the book Louder Than Words, in which she talked about how she managed to cure her son.

After death famous actress Two of the men dearest to her were immediately orphaned: her husband, actor Anatoly Vasiliev, and her son Sergei, who had long been an adult, but who remained a small and naive child for the rest of his life.

On August 27, 2011, Iya Savvina passed away. Fate rewarded the actress, adored by millions of viewers, with an amazing, almost angelic appearance and prepared for her a difficult test: the only and beloved son of the star of the films “The Lady with the Dog”, “The Story of Asya Klyachina, who loved, but did not marry”, “Two Comrades Served”, and other famous paintings born with Down syndrome.

Strong women don't cry

Iya Savvina in her youth. Source:

Iya Savvina did not initially plan to become an actress. She graduated from the journalism department of Moscow State University and played in the student theater. It was there that Alexey Batalov saw young Savvina in the incredibly popular play “Such Love” in the late 50s and told director Joseph Kheifitz that he had found him a real Chekhovian heroine. In 1960, “The Lady with the Dog” was released, starring Batalov and Savvina, and in the same year the 24-year-old actress was invited to the Mossovet Theater. Later, Iya Sergeevna served in the Moscow Art Theater, after its split she moved to the Chekhov Moscow Art Theater.

Among the most famous films with her participation are “The Lady with the Dog”, “The Story of Asya Klyachina, who loved, but did not marry”, “Two Comrades Served”, “Garage”, “ Privacy", the actress’s voice was familiar to all children: Piglet spoke to them in the cartoons about Winnie the Pooh.

The kids laughed merrily while watching the cartoon, their parents watched the films with her participation, applauded Iya Savvina in the theater, her incredible energy was felt by the entire hall to the last rows. But few people knew what a spiritual wound in the heart of the actress beloved by millions. And those who were aware of her personal drama believed that when she had to cry on stage or in the movies, Iya Sergeevna simply gave free rein to her emotions, exposed her pain.

So great and unfortunate

Iya met her first husband, geologist Vsevolod Shestakov, at the Moscow State University Student Theater. In 1957, their son Sergei was born. At the maternity hospital, 21-year-old Ye was told that her baby had Down syndrome and offered to give up the newborn. But she did not leave the child. They said that after this, Savvina’s relationship with her family, which had previously been difficult, became even more strained, they say, her relatives could not understand why she, so young, needed a “sick” child. But the mother-in-law supported the girl’s decision.

Savvina acted a lot, played in the theater, Seryozha often remained in the care of her mother-in-law Yanina Adolfovna and nannies. The actress tried to raise him like an ordinary child. Teachers of English and music came to Seryozha to study; his grandmother, a teacher of Russian and literature by profession, gave her grandson an excellent education at home. Both Iya and Yanina Adolfovna were very proud of his success, the “special” son of the actress remembered the poems he read well, and remembered by heart many works of Russian classical poets. Subsequently, Sergei was able to obtain higher education. At the age of 30, he discovered his talent as an artist, he began to paint pictures, his relatives were surprised: fine arts no one taught him seriously. At the same time, he remained absolutely helpless in everyday life. “An adult man with the psychology of a child,” family friends said about Iya Savvina’s grown son.

more on the topic

How do the “special” children of celebrities live?Developmental features are not a death sentence, as these “star” children prove. Khakamada’s daughter is getting married, Meladze’s son has a friend, and the heir Bledans can even be called a media person. How the “special” children of celebrities live and develop, the site recalls

The actress lived with Vsevolod Shestakov for 16 years. They said that by the time of their divorce, the marriage had long since outlived its usefulness, but Savvina did not want to break up with her husband for a long time because of her son and mother-in-law. Soon after the divorce, the actress met her second husband, film director and actor of the Taganka Theater Anatoly Vasiliev.

They lived together for more than 30 years, soul to soul, despite the fact that Iya Sergeevna’s character was very difficult. Unlike the refined heroines she often had to play in films and theater, the actress did not mince words and could even swear. Savvina, unlike her famous heroine from Garage, was very emotional, the actress often “exploded” and lost her temper. “Savvinsky candles” - that’s what her famous angry tirades were called in the theater and at home. At the same time, she was the kindest and most sympathetic person; if one of her colleagues needed help, she immediately rushed to help.

After the actress’s death, Vasiliev said that his wife was a person of “monstrous inner strength”, she never complained herself and could not stand it when others whined. Sometimes emotions still broke through. As Anatoly Isaakovich later recalled, one day during a gathering in the kitchen with friends, Iya Savvina burst out: “Lord, why am I so great and so unhappy!” The star of Soviet cinema, People's Artist of the USSR and the RSFSR, Honored Artist of the RSFSR, who had many awards, including a special prize at the Cannes Film Festival for her role in “The Lady with a Dog,” said these words without the slightest strain, with philosophical calm.

Iya Savvina with Oleg Tabakov, 2009

The actress was able to forgive the betrayal of her secret lover - director Pyotr Stein

For the last three years, the villainous fate seemed to be testing her strength. It all started when doctors discovered melanoma, a malignant mole, on the actress’s back, which was soon removed. No one dared to make predictions about how the insidious disease would behave further. Last spring, Iya SAVVINA suffered a stroke. The doctors performed an operation, but the surgical intervention apparently provoked a new outbreak of cancer, and metastases began. Then Iya Sergeevna received a chest injury after getting into a car accident with her husband and son. And one after another, her former lovers began to pass away, with whom Savvina did not lose touch until the very end. And then she herself was gone.

After Iya had her cancerous mole cut out, the doctors insisted on a course of chemotherapy, the actress cries. Natalia Tenyakova. “But she flatly refused, although we were all literally lying at her feet.” Doctors and a nurse who was needed in recent months, paid for the theater (the actress worked at the Chekhov Moscow Art Theater. - G.W.). Iechka did not need anything. Artistic director Oleg Tabakov did everything flawlessly.

According to relatives, despite the habit of telling people to their faces everything she thinks about them, Savvina knew how to truly make friends. She often gathered guests, fed them amazing dishes, and was ready to help at any moment. Iya Sergeevna chuckled good-naturedly at the epigram he composed Valentin Gaft: “The eyes are light blue. Each one is good, together they are evil.”

Medicines for the artist's widow

In her youth, Savvina’s heavenly eyes drove more than one man crazy. At the journalism department of Moscow State University, Iya spent her soul in the student theater, which she directed Rolan Bykov.

At first Iechka did not go on stage, but was a costume designer, but she managed to please Bykov with her soulfulness, and he offered her a couple with Alla Demidova leading roles in the production “Such Love,” says Savvina’s friend, director and actor Yuri Gorin. - Having seen the production, Tovstonogov appointed Roland as director of the Leningrad Theater of the Lenin Komsomol. And thanks to our theater, Iya got into cinema for the first time - she starred in “The Lady with a Dog,” where she was recommended Alexey Batalov.

At rehearsals at Moscow State University, Savvina met her first husband - Vsevolod Shestakov, a future hydrogeologist. Unlike Savvina, he was born into an elite family. Father, high-ranking official, did not forbid his son to bring numerous friends to a spacious apartment on Frunzenskaya Embankment.

Shestakova’s mother, a Polish woman, always greeted us hospitably,” says Yuri Petrovich. “We crowded into Seva’s room, played cards and drank. This is where the romance between Iya and Vsevolod began. After the wedding, the couple settled here.

At first, Shestakov spared no expense on Savvina. If she liked something in the store, she immediately reached into her pocket for the bills.

But over the years this has passed, continues Gorin. - Iya complained that Vsevolod was trying to save money on everything. Even with cheap electricity, he constantly followed his wife around the apartment and turned off the light that she had just turned on. Such everyday little things killed their marriage.

It’s no secret that in 1957, from Shestakov, Savvina gave birth to a son, Seryozha, who suffered from Down syndrome.

“I was never ashamed of my son’s illness. She is the first and perhaps the only celebrity of ours who openly spoke about this, her friends unanimously repeat. - When guests came, I always invited Seryozha: “Son, say hello, play something on the piano.” He draws and teaches beautifully english words, studies with the best teachers.

Almost all such children in the Soviet country were kept in boarding schools, but Savvina did not even allow the thought of getting rid of her own blood in this way.

At one time, Iya became friends with the widow of the famous French artist Fernand Léger. She got her scarce medicines in Paris,” says Gorin. - I am sure that thanks to this, and most importantly - constant tender care, Seryozha is still alive - he is 54 years old. After all, people with this disease rarely even celebrate their 30th birthday!

After her divorce from Shestakov, Savvina began a whirlwind romance with a young theater director Peter Stein(later he also directed television series, for example “33 square meters" and "Zone"). The actress carefully hid this page of her biography. Perhaps she was embarrassed that she turned out to be 11 years older than her dear Petechka.

With him, she blossomed again,” Gorin is sure. - It was so unusual to watch how Iya and Peter laughed behind the scenes, and when Savvina had to go on stage, she instantly transformed and flew out to the viewer with eyes full of tears. A unique actress, a person of paradoxical manifestations and instant reactions.

It seemed to those around that things were heading towards a wedding, but unexpectedly the love paths of the director and his muse diverged. Knowledgeable people assume that this is Stein's fault. He was too keen on the female sex. They say that Peter left Savvina for an actress at the Taganka Theater Tatiana Galushevskaya. Stein died in February 2007. This greatly undermined Iya Sergeevna, but over time she was able to forgive him for his betrayal.

Peter was friends with Savvina until the last,” said the director’s third wife, Marina. - I wasn’t jealous of his past. After all, their love affair ended almost 40 years ago, but their creative relationship continued.

Made fishing

Iya also had affairs,” recalls Gorin. - There were various rumors about her relationship with Vladimir Vysotsky(the actors starred together in the film “Two Comrades Served.” - G.W.) And Andron Konchalovsky(Savvina worked in the film “The Story of Asya Klyachina...”, which was directed by the director).

And with his last husband, Anatoly Vasiliev, Savvina met on Solovki in 1979.

“It happened before my eyes,” the actor recalled Dmitry Brusnikin. - Oleg Efremov sent us students on vacation. The established actors also went. Including Savvina and Taganka Theater artist Anatoly Vasiliev. It turned out that the future spouses have one common passion - fishing.

Later, Savvina and Vasiliev found more similar hobbies. Both were attracted by country life. We bought a house in the village of Dorofeevo, where we went for the whole summer. Yes, and Iya Sergeevna’s son should spend time on fresh air I really liked it too.

Now Anatoly will bear all the worries about Seryozha, because his father, Vsevolod Shestakov, died last spring,” Tenyakova said. - There is no question that Seryozha would be sent to a boarding school. He is used to home care. Iya and I spoke three days before her death. She understood that she was leaving, but did not shift her suffering and thoughts onto others. And she was worried about what would happen to her boy.

Maybe that’s why just two weeks ago Savvina officially married Anatoly Vasilyev - they lived for more than 30 years without signing. During this time, anything happened. Sometimes, after arguing, they separated for a while, but quickly realized that they could not live without each other.

Vasiliev has always been a support and foundation for Iya Sergeevna,” Gorin is sure. - Of course, their recent marriage was financially and property-related. After all, the day before Iya participated in court with Shestakov’s second wife. I witnessed this ugly story. At one time, Savvina found a nurse for the mother of Vsevolod Mikhailovich - an elderly Georgian woman who turned out to have a lively daughter named Zaira. This Zaira, possessing a certain outlook, took possession of Shestakov’s soul, heart and body. She married him, and then filled the apartment with Georgian relatives. It turned out that it was not so easy to evict them all; it took two years.

Ivan Urgant’s grandmother (in the photo he is at the Church of the Resurrection of the Word, where Iya Sergeevna’s funeral service was held) was friends with SAVVINA and introduced her grandson to her. In 1965, the darling of millions wrote about Nina URGANT in an essay: “The face is indescribably Slavic - were icons painted from her, or was she copied from icons?”

Photo by Boris KUDRYAVOV and from the personal archive of Iya SAVVINA

Photo: Gella Slabko

The annual training camp in Dorofeev is a special state of the body: soul and body. This condition lasts for about a month. Something is bought, packed, compacted, things that can break are rearranged with old newspapers, things that can spill are sealed, and so on... The understandable fatigue from these works, however, is absolutely compensated by the singing state of mind.

The anticipation of a quick trip to paradise excites the imagination; at night I dream of the forests there and beautiful mushrooms in them, and sound hallucinations occur: the singing of a nightingale, the piercing cries of a kite, a distant cuckoo. A pleasant anxiety grows: “Hurry, hurry, go. Hurry up in the car and go!”

It was like this for twenty-five years. This time everything was different. No, the body performed its duties quite conscientiously and sensibly: it carried, loaded, laid down, but there was NO soul! In its place there was a hole, a cavity, which there was nothing to patch up. There was a draft whistling there.

The successfully operated (so it seemed) melanoma, which had been silent for three years (!), woke up, which was facilitated (I am absolutely convinced of this) by the preceding tragic events who created this black drama: the death of Seva and then the micro-stroke. Iya determined her future fate herself, categorically refusing chemotherapy. She didn’t explain why. The decision was final.

Iya's state of health caused hopeless anxiety. We both understood that this was her last trip to Dorofeevo, and this determined the obligatory visit to the “house”. On the other hand, we did quite natural look(tried to do) that everything is fine, everything is in order, and we got this look, thank God!

Photo from personal archive

We leave, as always, early - around four in the morning. Empty Moscow, no cars in our alleys, sunny, quiet morning. We drive slowly along Gagarinsky, and I see a couple of pigeons running across the lane a little ahead. We are getting closer and closer, but they are not going to take off, damn them! I make the only possible maneuver - I pass them between the wheels and at the same moment I hear the disgusting, sickening sound of a ball bursting. I look in the rearview mirror and see a column of bird feathers soaring above the asphalt. I am absolutely not subject to mysticism and any superstitions; moreover, I always stopped my friends when they tried to initiate me into their visions and foresights. But this incident did something to me that caused a feeling of terrible melancholy. There was a nasty feeling in the pit of my stomach, a coldness settled inside, and a nervous insistent desire arose - not to go! Nevertheless, I calmed myself down with “effective” words and decided not to initiate Iya into my otherworldly passions.

The radio was playing, sandwiches were being made for Seryozha's son, coffee was being drank from a thermos - everything was as usual. But, damn it, I couldn't help but expect something unexpected. And - it happened!

So once Annushka spilled oil. The workers repairing something by the road decided to send their boyfriend for beer. He jumped into a GAZelle standing on the side of the road, as if he had deliberately waited for us to arrive, and, without looking, without warning, he pulled into a U-turn, that is, into us. It was like a dream. The huge muzzle of the GAZelle flew into the right side of our car, throwing it to the opposite side of the road with a terrible roar. In a three-second pause, hanging in a broken, buried broken glass car, Iya said in a calm voice: “We’ll buy another one.”

Then I ran along the road, shouted at the culprit of the accident, called the police, an ambulance and a tow truck on 112. We were taken to Suzdal on medical examination. And finally, we were taken by tow truck (three hundred kilometers!) to Dorofeevo, where we ended up late at night.

Sketch for the film “Lady with a Dog”

Household chores are a beneficial and highly distracting dark thoughts class. Set up water supply, electricity, gas, mow the area, little things like that. So a week passed. Iya, as a rule, spent time in her room, occasionally going out to the terrace, which was becoming increasingly difficult for her. Moreover, for some reason, it was precisely this summer that a countless number of all sorts of flying creatures appeared, which pretty much pestered us, especially the sedentary Iya. And yet she found the opportunity to joke about this and quote Pushkin with pleasure: “Oh, red summer! I would love you if it weren’t for the heat, the dust, the mosquitoes, and the flies.”

We had to visit Kineshma, buy synthetic mesh and cover half the house with it, including the terrace and gazebo, which we solemnly called “bungalow”. Iya loved to sit there with her morning coffee and the obligatory crossword puzzle. Old books and magazines were brought to Dorofeevo from Moscow, which over the years formed a kind of secondary library, which Iya now began to re-read. This process was careful and leisurely. Often I found her with an open book lying on her knees and her gaze directed into herself. She reviewed something, changed her mind about something. What?

The pace of her life slowed down greatly, and in general our existence, subordinate to other feelings of well-being, slowed down naturally, without requiring special efforts and efforts: from breakfast to lunch, from injection to injection, from measuring pressure to measuring temperature. Hidden in this regularity was a nagging, melancholy anxiety: it was as if we were waiting for something and it was precisely by slowness that we seemed to be delaying this “something.” And “it” completely unexpectedly manifested itself as an unforeseen, mysterious, frightening incident. Early in the morning, leaving the house, I almost stepped on a snow-white dove that came from out of nowhere! Without even trying to take off, she calmly took a few steps to the side and began to look for and find something in the grass. There was a green mark on her head, indicating that she was from someone’s dovecote. From whose? Here in the whole district they have never heard of pigeon coops, they simply are not here and never have been! The only place from where she could fly was Zavolzhsk, but it was twenty-five kilometers away. Mysticism, which I don’t believe in, was being introduced into our lives in a material way.

When I told Iya about this, she was silent for a while, as if pondering what she had heard, then she leaned back on the pillow and quietly said: “It’s my death that has arrived.”

Once upon a time, excerpts from the play “Petersburg Dreams” were shown on television, where Iya played Sonya Marmeladova. Then she, looking at herself on the screen, told me: “Look how white the eyes are.” And indeed, there were moments when, depending on her mood, her eyes acquired extraordinary transparency, in which their color and pupils disappeared. And now, looking at me with these eyes, she, slightly stretching out the main word, just as quietly said: “I am CENSORSHED.”

I began to utter some useless nonsense in routine words, trying to change my mood. She waited for a pause in my chatter and repeated: “I am CENSORED.” She knew and understood everything about herself and her situation.

Masha, a woman from a neighboring village who helped Iya with the housework, told me that Iya, leaving Dorofeev forever, ordered a wake to be held for her, and then to celebrate nine days and forties, and asked that everyone she knew. And Vovka Korovkin, a neighbor who often visited us, said goodbye: “You will be bored without me,” which is now confirmed: Vovka (a man over forty) misses Iya to the point of tears.

...If this is the dove of the Lord
Came to say: You are ready! –
Why is he so different?
With the pigeons of our gardens?

N. Gumilev

This volume by N. Gumilyov still contains the bookmarks made by Iya. There are three of them. One noted this poem - “Bird”!

The other is the famous “Giraffe”.

...Are you crying? Listen... far away, on Lake Chad
An exquisite giraffe wanders.

The third lurked near a poem that was once unnoticed and missed by me - “I Dreamed”:

I dreamed: we both died,
We lie with a calm look.
Two white, white coffins
Placed next to each other...

The bookmarks indicate (it’s easy to guess) that Iya re-read these poems from time to time. Meanwhile, the dove wandered around the yard without the slightest fear, even like a master. While I was doing things, I forgot about the bird, and when my gaze suddenly came across it, causing me to flinch in real fear, a terrible vision burst out from the subcortex - a column of pigeon feathers over the asphalt. I begged for a chance for her to fly away. But she did not fly away, on the contrary, it seemed that with her leisurely movements she was taking up more and more space. And one day I found her almost in the hut, sitting on the window sash. It seemed like I could try to drive her away, but something stopped me. I imagined some kind of possible revenge from her. She flew away and disappeared the day before we left. As she commanded: “It’s time!”

I don’t remember why we decided to leave Dorofeev together, leaving (for now!) Seryozhka and Masha in the village. This July and the coming August, such decisions (and many others) were made not based on the logic of everyday events, but according to the vague dictates of the state of mind - mine and Ia. We walked this path together with her and therefore carefully and carefully listened to the signals coming to us from the outside. We did not discuss what to do with Seryozha at this time. Everything worked out somehow by itself. Anticipating a possible difficult conversation with him in the near future, before leaving, I asked him: “Seryozha, why don’t you ask where dad is?” - “Where is dad?” - “He died.” - “Yes? - there is no excitement either in the voice or in the eyes. “Well, I’ll light a candle.” He has a tradition: every Saturday he attends church and lights many candles for all his relatives and friends. They perceive this action as little holiday, beautiful performance. Then they explained to me that “they” do not have the concept of “death.” Perhaps this ignorance is saving, probably so. But it soon became clear to me that “they” have their own understanding of this, which is not clear to us—it’s different.

Photo from personal archive

In Moscow, an “Iya corner” was gradually built. Corner of memory. Its basis is an old gramophone with a huge brass metal pipe, with a huge bell and a small porcelain medallion on the body, indicating the author of this beauty: “Robert Kents”. Somehow, not thoroughly and not really thought out (yet, for a while), a large color photograph of Iya stood up on the disk and leaned against the bell. Next to it is a small icon and a lamp, which I occasionally light. So it exists to this day, for six years now. Sergei, passing nearby, sometimes stops, crosses himself finely and, very specifically addressing Iya, says: “Sleep well, dear mommy.”

...When Sergei and I were leaving Dorofeevsky summer (or already autumn) six years ago, he suddenly leaned over the back of the seat and quietly asked almost in my ear: “Where is she?” - "Who?" - "Mommy". - “On Novodevichy.” - “Shall we go to her?” - “Let's go.” No, “they” know something about “death”.

On the day Iya and I left Dorofeev, the village residents (the same “dacha residents”) decided as a team to take on the task of repairing the road, which had been washed away by regular rains. When we approached them, as if on command, they stuck their shovels into the ground and watched the car slowly crawling up the hill with sad eyes for an endlessly long time. Masha was crying. Iya waved goodbye to them through the window glass. In response, there was an indistinct gesture from the Dorofeevites. The heaviness of the moment crushed and froze emotions: everyone knew that Iya was leaving FOREVER.

Marina Neelova and Iya Savina

"They are so different. Marina Neelova and Iya Savvina..."

They are so different. Marina Neelova and Iya Savvina. Different types, different roles. But their destinies have something in common. Everyone has one in their life big secret related to their children. And also one person who different times called himself the husband of both actresses.


Marina Neelova's main secret is her daughter. More precisely, the name of the girl's father. Once upon a time, all of bohemian Moscow looked with surprise and some delight at the passionate romance between the famous actress and the chess player Garry Kasparof, who was just gaining popularity. They met in 1984 while visiting the famous figure skater Tatyana Tarasova (whom current generation knows only by ice show Channel One) and her husband, world-famous pianist Vladimir Krainev. Kasparov is 21 years old. Neelova - 16 more. They were little interested in such a trifle as the age difference. Those around, of course, sighed, groaned, aahed, condemned, blessed, but, without even understanding, they accepted. At a minimum - to their companies. This is how Garry Kasparov began to enter the best houses of the capital.

Only one person, as popular rumor goes, was strongly against this relationship. Mother young chess player, the imperious and unshakable Klara Shagenovna, whose weighty word was law for Harry. All two years of this novel, she only watched its development. But when it became known about " interesting position Neelova finally intervened. And it seems that after this intervention, Kasparov, obeying the will of his mother, resigned his beloved.

The capital's elite then behaved surprisingly unanimously. After such an act by Kasparov, everyone unanimously came to Neelova’s defense. And Valentin Gaft publicly announced that from now on the chess player is denied access to decent houses in the capital.

In 1987, Marina Neelova gave birth to a daughter, Nika. The question of her paternity was often raised in theatrical circles, but the actress herself always nipped it in the bud. Garry Kasparov also did not give any comments on this matter. Only once, when he was asked bluntly, straight to the point, about possible paternity, he answered vaguely: “Definitely this question (at least for me) is not resolved.” And go and understand what was meant...

Marina Neyolova herself, after several years of seclusion, unexpectedly married diplomat Kirill Gevorgyan, left the country and thus escaped from unnecessary gossip. After all, the child's parents are the ones who raised him. And Neelova’s daughter Nika grew up in full family, where everyone loved and adored her.

Today Nika adequately represents her mother’s surname. Although she does not appear on stage, she also chose a creative profession. Nika is an artist whose original works are now talked about throughout Europe. And this is not an exaggeration. At the end of 2010, the girl became the winner of the prestigious European competition “New Sensations”; not long ago her personal exhibition was held in London; many of Nika’s works are in private collections around the world. And no one will say that Neyolova Sr. was involved in the success of Neelova Jr.


Iya Savvina’s only heir, son Sergei, was also awarded a personal exhibition at one time. And this was an incredible achievement for him. After all, the boy was born with a terrible diagnosis - Down syndrome, which in our country sounds like a death sentence.

...She was offered to give up her son more than once or twice. First at the maternity hospital, then at the local clinic. Further - everywhere. The doctors, foaming at the mouth, argued that sending him to an orphanage would be the most the right decision. Iya looked at the doctors with horror and understood: never in her life would she dare to take such a step. “Well,” they nevertheless convinced her, “after all, you famous actress, and children with such a diagnosis are usually born to all sorts of declassed individuals - alcoholics or drug addicts. What will your fans think? “Don’t even think that he will ever be able to even recognize you,” the medical luminaries continued to insist. “You’ll still have a hard time with it, because children with Down syndrome sometimes can’t even learn to sit.” “And remember that people with this diagnosis live up to sixteen years,” the same doctors frightened her.

And she, without listening to anyone or anything, threw all her strength into raising her son. Even about her own career, she, an actress with capital letters, I didn’t think at all then (which didn’t stop her, however, from continuing to shine on movie screens and theater stages). Yes and on family life- her first husband and father of the child was the famous geologist Vsevolod Shestakov - she had to give up. Days and nights she taught little Seryozha the most simple things. What takes other children months to master, he took years to master. But the results later surprised prominent doctors. And those of them who once assured her of the uselessness of such activities admitted their mistake. But what was more surprising was the dedication of the actress, who (with the help of her mother-in-law, a teacher by training, and the famous pediatrician Georgy Speransky) was able to achieve the impossible. Her son Sergei Shestakov not only mastered the alphabet and Russian speech, he even learned English. Orders began to appear - he worked from home as a translator. And already quite mature age Sergei became interested in painting. At the opening of his personal exhibition, the famous actress cried without hiding her tears. It was a real victory. Her son and herself! Today Sergei Shestakov is 56. Although he, in fact, remains a big child, he nevertheless amazes everyone with his numerous talents. Plays the piano and recites poetry. Well, he draws, of course. But he still can’t understand that his beloved mother will never look at him with pride and love: actress Iya Savvina passed away on August 27, 2011...


Marina Neelova and Iya Savvina are also connected by the fact that both had the same person as their husband at different times. This is the director, actor of the Taganka Theater Anatoly Vasiliev.

He was married to Marina Neyolova when the young actress was just beginning her journey into the profession. Actually, it is he who can be thanked for revealing her talent to the world by filming “Color” in his graduation film white snow", and then persuaded me to move from St. Petersburg to Moscow. As soon as Neelova changed her place of registration, her career took off sharply. First, the actress joined the troupe of the Mossovet Theater - with an obligatory, but such flattering formulation: “The young Ranevskaya came to us.” Then she was invited to Sovremennik, where for Marina herself (after working with Oleg Dahl in “The Old, Old Tale”) seemed an unattainable task...

...It often happens like this: the higher in goes uphill career, the more difficult family relationships become. And if this is a family of two creative people, one of whom suddenly jumps ahead, then the diagnosis is clear: such a union is practically doomed.

It is not surprising that the more often Neelova appeared in films, the gloomier the situation at home became. Nevertheless, she lived with her first husband for eight years. The marriage with Vasiliev quietly came to a close, and the couple, without publicly clarifying the relationship, decided to divorce. Then they agreed: if they do not hide this union of theirs from the idle public, then at least not particularly advertise it. And so it turned out that for a long time no one knew that Neelova and Vasilyev were once connected by marital ties.

Anatoly Vasiliev met actress Iya Savvina when they were both already established adults - at the time of their acquaintance they were over forty. This happened in 1979. Then Oleg Efremov invited Savvina to relax on Solovki. And it was there that Anatoly Vasiliev gained strength for future creative achievements.

They arrived in Moscow already as a couple. They settled in the same apartment, and then, realizing that the noise and bustle of the capital irritated them both, they fled to the village of Dorofeevo, where they bought a house. There the movie star and theater prima spent everything free time- about five months a year. Together with her husband, she often sat for hours with a fishing rod in her hands and was immensely satisfied with such a life.

Yes, they also had disagreements. Still, both people are of a delicate spiritual structure; if you just throw them out of balance, not a trace remains of the idyll. Even those who were not familiar with her knew about Savvina’s explosive temper. Well, friends - as a joke, in which there is a lot of truth - called it a cross between a rattlesnake and a forest bell. Valentin Gaft even dedicated an epigram to her, very short and precise. Not in the eyebrow, but in the eyes, as they say:

Light blue eyes:
Each one is good, together they are evil.

So, of course, we quarreled. And they dispersed - each to his own corner. However, after a while they understood: they are two halves of one whole. And they reunited again.

Iya Savvina and Anatoly Vasiliev lived together for thirty long years. True, almost all this time - in civil marriage. And only two weeks before her death, when the actress began to take stock of her life, she herself invited Vasiliev to get married. So she went to another world with a calm soul. After all, she knew for sure: her only son would not be left unattended...


What's amazing is this. For some reason, Neelova was once called “young Faina Ranevskaya.” So - Iya Savvina, externally and internally so different from Neelova, was also constantly compared to Faina Georgievna. Moreover, the actress herself actively supported the opinion that there was something in common between them.

Savvina, like Neelova, once served in the Mossovet Theater. She was lucky to find Faina Georgievna. And although Ranevskaya took care of Savvina in every possible way, a huge scandal once broke out between them, owners of not the easiest disposition. Once Ranevskaya barked at Savvina: “How dare you stand with your back to me when I’m on stage!” Another would have remained silent in response, but that was not the case. “If you don’t stop your lordly hooliganism, I will leave, tumble around here as you wish,” she answered proudly. “Then we both cried for four hours. She blamed herself, and I blamed myself,” Savvina would later tell about that story.